Office of the Governor Scott Walker
Office of the Governor, Scott Walker - Press Release

Governor Scott Walker Approves Agency Rule Relating to Entitlement Reform

Allows DCF to move forward with implementation of drug testing requirement

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 - Press Release

Madison – Governor Scott Walker approved a rule submitted by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF), which is another step forward in implementing drug testing of able-bodied adults seeking certain welfare benefits.

“Our 2015-17 State Budget implements common-sense reforms that put in place drug screening, testing, and treatment mechanisms, so we can continue strengthening Wisconsin’s workforce,” said Governor Walker.  “Employers across the state frequently tell me they have good-paying jobs available in high-demand fields, but need their workers to be drug-free.  These important entitlement reforms will help more people find family-supporting jobs, moving them from government dependence to true independence.”

DCF’s newly-approved rule is the next step in the process as they develop and implement their drug screening and testing for certain able-bodied adults seeking benefits and/or training through Transform Milwaukee, Transitional Jobs, and noncustodial parents in the W-2 program.  Under the plan, individuals who test positive for a controlled substance without a prescription would be eligible for a drug treatment plan. 

This rule will go into effect on November 9, 2015.

