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Pyjion - A JIT for Python based upon CoreCLR
C++ C Python Batchfile
Latest commit 876ef96 @DinoV DinoV Merge pull request #69 from DinoV/master
Fix unary float operations

Pyjion - A JIT for Python based upon CoreCLR

Pre-Reqs (all of which need to be reachable on your PATH)

Getting Started

Download dependencies

Run GetDeps.bat to use git to download CoreCLR and Python. It will also patch Python to have JIT support and CoreCLR to disable COM support.

Build Dependencies

Run BuildDeps.cmd to build CoreCLR and Python (which includes downloading Python's dependencies).


  • From Visual Studio
    1. Open the pyjion.sln file
    2. Build the solution
  • Run CopyFiles.bat to copy files to key locations


  • From Visual Studio
    1. Set the Test solution as the StartUp project
    2. Run the solution (i.e., press F5)
  • From Powershell
    1. Run x64\Debug\Test.exe

If the output window closes and return an exit code of 0 then the tests passed.


  1. Copy x64\Debug\pyjit.dll to Python\PCbuild\amd64\ (initially done by CopyFiles.bat, so only do as necessary after rebuilding Pyjion)
  2. Go into the Python directory and launch python.bat

Known Issues

You'll need to run git clean -d -f -x in CoreCLR when switching between release and debug builds.

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