Reading Reimagined

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Click to try Spritz now. Discover how effortlessly you can improve your reading.

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A Powerful Education Tool

With Spritz, students can cover their coursework more efficiently and with better focus.

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Reading Reimagined

Click to try Spritz now. Discover
how effortlessly you can improve your reading.


Who's using spritz ?

Short answer:  Over 5M people worldwide have used Spritz in one of the 20+ languages that we support.



Are you interested in introducing Spritz into your classroom?  Drop us a line at to learn more.

Spritz powered textbooks
K-8 and 9-12

People like you

Soon, you'll be able to create custom awesome social media posts with Spritzit.

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Soon, you'll be able to create custom awesome social media posts with SpritzIt.


Spritz is compact, fast and perfect for life on the go.  With Spritz, publishers like the Wall Street Journal can deliver their content anywhere their readers are.


Tell a big story in a small space with Spritz. A brand or product promoted using Spritz sees higher engagement and more conversion.


Tell a big story in a small space with Spritz. A brand or product promoted using Spritz sees higher engagement and more conversion.

Spritz empowers readers to learn more, faster and with more engagement.  Learn more?

          THE SCIENCE