GHQ censored publications in Japan. That is called “ THIS IS PRESS CODE FOR JAPAN .”
Japanese could not write about any crime articles like murder, rap, robber committed by UN solders in the world. Some Japanese writers used " a big guy" for describing Caucasians to through the censor.
1.News must adhere strictly to the truth.
2.Nothing should be printed which might, directly or by indirectly,disturb the public tranquility.
3.There shall be no false or destructive criticism of the Allied Powers.
4.There shall be no destructive criticism of the Allied Forces of Occupation and nothing which might invite mistrust or resentment of those troops.
5.There shall be no mention or discussion of Allied troops movements unless such movements have been officially released.
6.News stories must be factually written and completely devoid of editorial opinion.
7.News stories shall not be colored to conform with any propaganda line.
8.Minor details of a news story must not be over-emphasized to stress or develop any propaganda line.
9.No news story shall be distorted by the omission of pertinent facts or details.
10.In the make-up of the newspaper no news story shall be given undue prominence for the purpose of establishing or devoloping any propaganda line.
Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa has gone several steps further than any other Japanese politician in discussing Japan's ''war responsibility'' for the Greater East Asia War.
The completely misguided concept of war responsibility was lifted wholesale from the War Guilt Information Program the U.S. military authorities drew up in September 1945. Many scholars of modern history, including myself, have repeatedly pointed out that this notion is simply a vestige of the Occupation period (1945-1952), a time when U.S. censorship controlled what Japanese read and were taught.
It's astonishing that in 1993 the Hosokawa cabinet is still parroting this line. They perpetuate a greater fallacy than the nonsense about war guilt when they say that the Greater East Asian War was ''aggression.''
The Japan New Party's program includes a promise ''to reflect deeply on [Japan's] past wars.'' The party's founder, Mr. Hosokawa, has said, ''We must immediately declare to Asia and the world that the Pacific War was a terrible mistake, a war of aggression.''
He says ''Japan and Germany, both nations defeated in World War II,'' as if their situations were similar. He is utterly incapable of recognizing that Germany waged a war of aggression while Japan fought to defend itself. He doesn't fathom the contrast between the two countries in the postwar era. Politicians are busy, I know, but this man is unprepared for high office.
Tsutomu Hata, the foreign minister, wants to do more than express regret for Japan's actions and make a formal apology. Born in 1935, Mr. Hata must have finished high school before the leftist ideology espoused by the Japan Teachers Union pervaded the classrooms. How in the world did he get to be so ignorant?
Such deluded people running the government can do tremendous damage to our national interests and honor in a very short time. Their incredible regurgitation of U.S. occupation propaganda has made them laughingstocks to well-informed people everywhere. From the standpoint of practical politics, too, their views show they are totally unqualified to lead Japan, now or in the future.
The international community, especially the developing countries of Asia, aren't interested in Japan's mea culpa about events of long ago. They want Tokyo to contribute to the maintenance of international order and to help raise their standards of living. For Japanese themselves to point out blunders in our foreign policy a half-century ago sounds like a devious pretext for avoiding a commitment to regional security. Unfortunately, some Asians want to extort money from us, and apologies just encourage them.
Messrs. Hosokawa and Hata talk about making amends for aggression because they haven't got the slightest understanding of Asian nationalism. The region was liberated from Western colonialism by the Imperial Army and Navy. These LTC men have insulted the more than 2.1 million heroic Japanese soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in the Greater East Asian War. It's intolerable that politicians like Prime Minister Hosokawa and Foreign Minister Hata are speaking for the nation.
Keiichiro Kobori, is a professor of comparative literature at the University of Tokyo. His article from the Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun was translated by The Asia Foundation.
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Japan's War Guilt
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[ デニス・ハルピン研究員 ]
[ トーマス・シーファー元駐日大使 ]
<<< 朝鮮併合は合法(J.クロフォード教授) >>>
「当時の国際社会では、国際法は文明国相互の間に適用される。この国際法を適用するまでの文明の成熟度を有さない国家には適用されない。 言い換えるなら、文明国と非文明国の関係は、文明国相互においてと同様に国際法において規定されない。それゆえ、前者(文明国と非文明国の関係)においては後者(文明国相互の関係)で必要とされる手続きは必ずしも必要でない。極論すれば、文明国と非文明国との関係の一類型として登場する、植民地化する国と植民地化される国の最終段階では、必ず条約の形式を必要とするとさえ言えな い。
自分で生きていけない国について周辺の国が国際秩序の観点からその国を取り込むということは当時よくあったことであって、日韓併合条約は国際法上は無法ではなかった。 また、『強制されたから不法』という議論は、第一次大戦(1914〜18年)以降のものなので、当時としては問題になるものではない」 (産経新聞 2001年11月27日)
<<< ククリックド・プラモード元タイ国首相 >>>
( 十二月八日、現地の新聞「サイアム・ラット紙」)
Former Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj in 1973, stated:
“It was thanks to Japan that all nations of Asia gained independence. For Mother Japan, it was a difficult birth which resulted in much suffering, yet her children are growing up quickly to be healthy and strong.
Who was it that enabled the citizens of the nations of Southeast Asia to gain equal status alongside the United States and Britain today? It is because Japan, who acted like a mother to us all, carried out acts of benevolence towards us and performed feats of self-sacrifice. December 8th is the day when Mother Japan – who taught us this important lesson – laid her life on the line for us, after making a momentous decision and risking her own well-being for our sake.
Furthermore, August 15th is the day when our beloved and revered mother was frail and ailing. Neither of these two days should ever be forgotten”.
<<< ブレイクニー弁護士 東京裁判より >>>
If the killing of Admiral Kidd by the bombing of Pearl Harbor is murder, we know the name of the very man who[se] hands loosed the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, we know the chief of staff who planned the act, we know the chief of the responsible state.
Is murder on their consciences? We may well doubt it. We may well doubt it, and not because the event of armed conflict has declared their cause just and their enemies unjust, but because the act is not murder.
Show us the charge, produce the proof of the killing contrary to the laws and customs of war, name the man whose hand dealt the blow, produce the responsible superior who planned, ordered, permitted or acquiesced in this act, and you have brought a criminal to the bar of justice.
キッド提督の死が真珠湾攻撃による殺人罪になるならば、我々は、広島に原爆を投下した者の名を挙げることができる。投下を計画した参謀長の名も承知している。 その国の元首の名前も承知している。
原爆を投下した者がいる。この投下を計画し、そ の実行を命じ、これを黙認したものがいる。その者達が裁いているのだ。彼らも殺人者ではないか。