Chapter 3. N-grams

Table of Contents

3.1. Introduction
3.2. Bigrams
3.3. A few words on Pattern Matching
3.4. Collocations
3.5. From bigrams to n-grams
3.6. Lazy and strict evaluation
3.7. Suffix arrays
3.8. Markov models

3.1. Introduction

In the previous chapter, we have looked at words, and the combination of words into a higher level of meaning representation: a sentence. As you might recall being told by your high school grammar teacher, not every random combination of words forms an grammatically acceptable sentence:

  • Colorless green ideas sleep furiously

  • Furiously sleep ideas green colorless

  • Ideas furiously colorless sleep green

The sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously (made famous by the linguist Noam Chomsky), for instance, is grammatically perfectly acceptable, but of course entirely nonsensical (unless you ate wrong/weird mushrooms, that is). If you compare this sentence to the other two sentences, this grammaticality becomes evident. The sentence Furiously sleep ideas green colorless is grammatically unacceptable, and so is Ideas furiously colorless sleep green: these sentences do not play by the rules of the English language. In other words, the fact that languages have rules constraints the way in which words can be combined into an acceptable sentences.

Hey! That sounds good for us NLP programmers (we can almost hear you think), language plays by rules, computers work with rules, well, we’re done, aren’t we? We’ll infer a set of rules, and there! we have ourselves language model. A model that describes how a language, say English, works and behaves. Well, not so fast buster! Although we will certainly discuss our share of such rule-based language models later on (in the chapter about parsing), the fact is that nature is simply not so simple. The rules by which a language plays are very complex, and no full set of rules to describe a language has ever been proposed. Bummer, isn’t it? Lucky for us, there are simpler ways to obtain a language model, namely by exploiting the observation that words do not combine in a random order. That is, we can learn a lot from a word and its neighbors. Language models that exploit the ordering of words, are called n-gram language models, in which the n represents any integer greater than zero.

N-gram models can be imagined as placing a small window over a sentence or a text, in which only n words are visible at the same time. The simplest n-gram model is therefore a so-called unigram model. This is a model in which we only look at one word at a time. The sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously, for instance, contains five unigrams: “colorless”, “green”, “ideas”, “sleep”, and “furiously”. Of course, this is not very informative, as these are just the words that form the sentence. In fact, N-grams start to become interesting when n is two (a bigram) or greater. Let us start with bigrams.

3.2. Bigrams

An unigram can be thought of as a window placed over a text, such that we only look at one word at a time. In similar fashion, a bigram can be thought of as a window that shows two words at a time. The sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously contains four bigrams:

  • Colorless, green

  • green, ideas

  • ideas, sleep

  • sleep, furiously

To stick to our ‘window’ analogy, we could say that all bigrams of a sentence can be found by placing a window on its first two words, and by moving this window to the right one word at a time in a stepwise manner. We then repeat this procedure, until the window covers the last two words of a sentence. In fact, the same holds for unigrams and N-grams with n greater than two. So, say we have a body of text represented as a list of words or tokens (whatever you prefer). For the sake of legacy, we will stick to a list of tokens representing the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously:

Prelude> ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]

Hey! That looks like… indeed, that looks like a list of unigrams! Well, that was convenient. Unfortunately, things do not remain so simple if we move from unigrams to bigrams or some-very-large-n-grams. Bigrams and n-grams require us to construct 'windows' that cover more than one word at a time. In case of bigrams, for instance, this means that we would like to obtain a list of lists of two words (bigrams). Represented in such a way, the list of bigrams in the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously would look like this:


To arrive at such a list, we could start out with a list of words (yes indeed, the unigrams), and complete the following sequence of steps:

  1. Place a window on the first bigram, and add it to our bigram list

  2. Move the window one word to the right

  3. Repeat from the first step, until the last bigram is stored

Provided these steps, we first need a way to place a window on the first bigram, that is, we need to isolate the first two items of the list of words. In its prelude, Haskell defines a function named take that seems to suit our needs:

Prelude> :type take 
take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

This function takes an Integer denoting n number of elements, and a list of some type a. Given these arguments, it returns the first n elements of a list of as. Thus, passing it the number two and a list of words should give us... our first bigram:

Prelude> take 2 ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]

Great! That worked out nice! Now from here on, the idea is to add this bigram to a list, and to move the window one word to the right, so that we obtain the second bigram. Let us first turn to the latter (as we will get the list part for free later on). How do we move the window one word to the right? That is, how do we extract the second and third word in the list, instead of the first and second? A possible would be to use Haskell's !! operator:

Prelude> :t (!!)
(!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a

This operator takes a list of as, and returns the nth element;

Prelude> ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"] !! 1 
Prelude> ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"] !! 2 

Great, this gives us the two words that make up the second bigram. Now all we have to do is stuff them together in a list:

Prelude> ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"] !! 1 : 
["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"] !! 2 : [] 

Well, this does the trick. However, it is not very convenient to wrap this up in a function, and moreover, this approach is not very Haskellish. In fact, there is a better and more elegant solution, namely to move the list instead of the window. Wait! What? Yes, move the list instead of the window. But how? Well, we could just look at the first and second word in the list again, after getting rid of the (previous) first word. In other words, we could look at the first two words of the tail of the list of words:

Prelude> take 2 (tail ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"])

Now that looks Haskellish! What about the next bigram? and the one after that? Well, we could apply the same trick over and over again. We can look at the first two words of the tail of the tails of the list of words:

Prelude> take 2 (tail (tail ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]))

... and the tail of the tail of the tail of the list of words:

Prelude> take 2 (tail (tail (tail ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"])))

In fact, that last step already gives us the last bigrams in the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The last step would be to throw all these two word lists in a larger list, and we have ourselves a list of bigrams. However, whereas this is manageable by hand for this particular example, think about obtaining all the bigrams in the Brown corpus in this manner (gives you nightmares, doesn't it?). Indeed, we would rather like to wrap this approach up in a function that does all the hard word for us. Provided a list, this function should take its first two arguments, and then repetitively do this for the tail of this, and the tail of the tail of this list, and so forth. In other words, it should simply constantly take the first bigram of a list, and do the same for its tail:

bigram :: [a] -> [[a]]
bigram xs = take 2 xs : bigram (tail xs)

Wow! That almost looks like black magic, doesn't it? The type signature reveals that the function bigram takes a list of as, and returns a list of list of as. The latter could be a list of bigrams, so this looks promising. The function takes the first two elements of the list of as, and places them in front of the result of applying the same function to the tail of the list of as. Eehh.. what? Congratulations! You have just seen your first share of recursion magic (or madness). A recursive function is a function that calls itself, and whereas it might look dazzling on first sight, this function actually does nothing more than what we have done by hand in the above. It collects the first two elements of a list, and then does the same for the tail of this list. Moreover, it stuffs the two word lists in a larger list on the fly (we told you the list stuff would come in for free, didn't we?). But wait, will this work? Well, let us put it to a test:

Prelude> bigram ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]
["furiously"],[],*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list

And the answer is... almost! The function gives us the four bigrams, but it seems to be too greedy: it does not stop looking for bigrams after collecting the last bigram in the list of words. But did we tell it when to stop then? Nope, we didn't. In fact, we have only specified a so-called recursive step of our recursive function. What we miss is what is called a stop condition (also known as a base case). In a recursive definition, a stop condition defines when a function should stop calling itself, that is, when our recursive problem is solved. In absence of a stop condition, a recursive function will keep calling itself for eternity. In fact, this explains above the error, we didn't specify a stop condition so the function will keep looking for bigrams for eternity. However, as the list of words is finite, the function will run into trouble when trying to look for bigrams in the tail of an empty list, and this is exactly what the exception tells us. So, how to fix it? Well, add a stop condition that specifies that we should stop looking for bigrams when the tail of a list contains only one item (as it is difficult to construct a bigram out of only one word). We could do this using an if..then..else structure:

bigram :: [a] -> [[a]]
bigram xs = if length(xs) >= 2
	then take 2 xs : bigram (tail xs)
	else []

This should solve our problems:

Prelude> bigram ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]

And, indeed it does. When there is only one word left in our list of words, the bigram function returns an empty list, and moreover, it will stop calling itself therewith ending the recursion. So, lets see how this works with an artificial example. First we will recursively apply the bigram function until it is applied to a list that has less than two elements:

Prelude> bigram [1,2,3,4]
bigram [1,2,3,4] = [1,2] : bigram (tail [1,2,3,4])
bigram [2,3,4] = [2,3] : bigram (tail [2,3,4])
bigram [3,4] = [3,4] : bigram (tail [3,4])
bigram [4] = []

Application of the bigram function to a list with less than two elements results in an empty list. Moreover, the bigram function will not be applied recursively again as we have reached our stop condition. Now, the only thing that remains is to unwind the recursion. That is, we have called the bigram function from within itself for three times, and as we have just found the result to its third and last self call, we can now reversely construct the result of the outermost function call:

bigram [3,4] = [3,4] : []
bigram [2,3,4] = [2,3] : [3,4] : []
bigram [1,2,3,4] = [1,2] : [2,3] : [3,4] : []

Great! Are you still with us? As L. Peter Deutsch put it: "to iterate is human, to recurse divine." Whereas recursive definitions may seem difficult on first sight, you will find they are very powerful once you get the hang of them. In fact, they are very common in Haskell, and this will certainly be the first of many to come in the course of this book. Lets stick to the bigram function a little longer, because whereas the above works, it is aesthetically unpleasing. That is, we used an if..then..else structure to define our stop condition, but Haskell provides a more elegant way to do this through so-called pattern matching. Pattern matching can be thought of as defining multiple definition of the same functions, each tailored and honed for a specific argument pattern. Provided an argument, Haskell will then pick the first matching definition of a function, and return the result its application. Hence, we can define patterns for the stop condition and recursive step as follows:

bigram :: [a] -> [[a]]
bigram [x] = []
bigram xs  = take 2 xs : bigram (tail xs)

The second line represents the stop condition, and the third the familiar recursive step. Provided the list of words in the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously, Haskell will match this to the recursive step, and apply this definition of the function to the list. When the recursive step calls the bigram function with a list that contains only one word (indeed, the tail of the list containing the last bigram), Haskell will match this call with the stop condition. The result of this call will simply an empty list. Lets first proof that this indeed works:

Prelude> bigram ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]

It did! To make the working of the use of pattern matching more insightful we can again write out an artificial example in steps:

Prelude> bigram [1,2,3,4]
bigram [1,2,3,4] = [1,2] : bigram (tail [1,2,3,4])
bigram [2,3,4] = [2,3] : bigram (tail [2,3,4])
bigram [3,4] = [3,4] : bigram (tail [3,4])
bigram [4] = []
bigram [3,4] = [3,4] : []
bigram [2,3,4] = [2,3] : [3,4] : []
bigram [1,2,3,4] = [1,2] : [2,3] : [3,4] : []

Check? We are almost there now. There two things left that we should look at before we mark our function as production ready. The first is a tiny aesthetically unpleasing detail. In the pattern of our step condition we use the variable x, whereas we do not use this variable in the body of the function. It is therefore not necessary to bind the list element to this variable. Fortunately, Haskell provides a pattern that matches anything, without doing binding. This pattern is represented by an underscore. Using this underscore, we can patch up the aesthetics of our function:

bigram :: [a] -> [[a]]
bigram [_] = []
bigram xs  = take 2 xs : bigram (tail xs)

Secondly, our function fails if we apply it to an empty list:

Prelude> bigram []
[[]*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list

But hey! That error message looks familiar, doesn't it? Our function fails, again because we attempted to extract a bigram from the tail of an empty list. Indeed, an empty list does not match with the pattern of our stop condition, and therefore the recursive step is applied to it. We can solve this by adding a pattern for an empty list:

bigram :: [a] -> [[a]]
bigram []  = []
bigram [_] = []
bigram xs  = take 2 xs : bigram (tail xs)

This new pattern basically states that the list of a bigrams of an empty word list is in turn an empty list. This assures that our function will not fail when applied to an empty list:

Prelude> bigram []

If you want to get really fancy, you could also use pattern matching to extract a bigram, rather than using take:

bigram' :: [a] -> [[a]]
bigram' (x:y:xs) = [x,y] : bigram' (y:xs)
bigram' _        = []

Now, we only need to account for two patterns: the first pattern matches when the list has at least two elements. The second pattern matches the empty list and the list containing just one element.

Good, we are all set! We have our bigram function now... time for some applications of a bigram language model!

3.2.1. Exercises

  1. A skip-bigram is any pair of words in sentence order. Write a function skipBigrams that extracts skip-bigrams from a sentence as a list of binary tuples, using explicit recursion. Running your function on ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"] should give the following output:

    Prelude> skipBigrams ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]

3.3. A few words on Pattern Matching


3.4. Collocations

A straightforward application of bigrams is the identification of so-called collocations. Recall that bigram language models exploit the observations that words do not simply combine in any random order, that is, word order is constraint by grammatical structure. However, some combinations of words are subject to an additional law of constraint. This law enforces a combination of two words to occur relatively more often together than in absence of each other. Such combinations are commonly known as collocations. Depending on the corpus, examples of collocations are:

  • United States

  • vice president

  • chief executive

Corpus linguists study such collocations to answer interesting questions about the combinatory properties of words. An example of such a question concerns the combination of verbs and prepositions: does the verb to govern occur more often in combination with the preposition by than with the preposition with?.

In the present section, we will investigate collocations in the Brown corpus. But before we do so, we first turn to the question of how to identify collocations. A simple but effective approach to collocation identification is to compare the observed chance of observing a combination of two words to the expected chance. How does this work? Well, say we have a 1000 word corpus in which the word vice occurs 50 times, and the word president 100 times. In other words, the chance that a randomly picked word is the word vice is p(vice) = 50/1000 = 0.05. In similar fashion, the chance that randomly picked word is the word president is p(president) = 100/1000 = 0.1. Now what would be the chance of observing the combination vice president if the word vice and president were "unrelated"? Well, this would simply be the chance of observing the word vice multiplied by the chance of observing the word president. Thus, p(vice president) = 0.05 x 0.01 = 0.005. From our thousand word corpus, we can extract 1000 - 1 = 999 bigrams. Assume that the bigram vice president occurs 40 times, meaning that the chance of observing this combination in our corpus is p(vice president) = 40 / 999 = 0.04. This reveals the observed chance of observing the combination vice president is larger than the expected chance. In fact we can quantify this difference in observed and expected chance for any two words W1 and W2:

Equation 3.1. Difference between observed and expected chance

p(W1W2) p(W1)p(W2) = p(vice president) p(vice)p(president) = 0.04 0.005 = 8

The observed chance of observing the combination vice president is eight times larger than the expected chance of observing this combination. The difference between the observed and expected chance will be large for words that occur together a lot of times, whereas it will be small for words that also occur relatively often independent of each other.

Provided this measure of difference between the observed and expected chance, we can identify the strongest collocations in a corpus by means of three steps:

  1. Extract all the bigrams from the corpus

  2. Compute the difference between the observed and expected chance for each bigram

  3. Rank the bigrams based on these differences

The bigrams with the highest difference between observed and expected chance reflect the strongest collocations. However, the difference between observed and expected chances might easily become very large. To condense these difference values, we can represent them in logarithmic space. By doing so, we have stumbled upon a very frequent used measure of association: the so-called Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI). The PMI value for the combination of the vice president is:

Equation 3.2. Pointwise mutual information

PMI(W1W2) = log p(W1W2) p(W1)p(W2) = log p(vice president) p(vice)p(president) = log 0.04 0.005 = 2.08

Provided this association measure, we can replace step two in three steps above with: compute the PMI between the obseved and expected chance for each bigram.

Now that we know how to identify collocations, we can apply our knowledge to the Brown corpus. First we have to read in the contents of this corpus like we learned in the previous chapter:

*Main> h <- IO.openFile "brown.txt" IO.ReadMode
*Main> c <- IO.hGetContents h

Good! From here on, let us first obtain a list of bigrams for this corpus:

*Main> let bgs = bigrams (words c)
*Main> head bgs

As a sanity check, we could verify whether we indeed obtained all the bigrams in the corpus. For a corpus of n words, we expect n-1 bigrams:

*Main> length (words c)
*Main> length bgs

That looks great! Next we need to determine the relative frequency of each of these bigrams in the corpus. That is, for each bigram we need to determine the observed chance of observing it. We could start by determining the frequency of each bigram. We can reuse the freqList function defined in the previous chapter to so:

*Main> Data.Map.lookup ["United","States"] (freqList bgs)
Just 392

Todo: finish this section

3.5. From bigrams to n-grams

While extracting collocations from the Brown corpus, we have seen how useful bigrams actually are. But at this point you may be clamoring for the extraction of collocations of three or more words. For this and many other tasks, it is useful to extract so-called n-grams for an arbitrary n. We can easily modify our definition of bigrams to extract n-grams a specified length. Rather than always takeing two elements, we make the number of items to take an argument to the function:

ngrams :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
ngrams 0 _  = []
ngrams _ [] = []
ngrams n xs
  | length ngram == n = ngram : ngrams n (tail xs)
  | otherwise         = []
    ngram = take n xs

We also cannot use pattern matching to exclude the tail when it is shorter than n. Instead, we add a guard that ends the recursion if we cannot get the proper number of elements from the list. This function works as you would expect:

Prelude> ngrams 3 [1..10]
Prelude> ngrams 8 [1..10]

Since this is barely worth a section, we will take this opportunity to show two other implementations of the ngrams function. The first will be more declarative than the definition above, the second will make use of a monad that we have not used yet: the list monad.

3.5.1. A declarative definition of ngrams

Some patterns emerge in the recursive definition of ngrams that correspond to functions in the Data.List module:

  1. Every recursive call uses the tail of the list. In other words, we enumerate every tail of the list, including the complete list. The Data.List.tails function provides exactly this functionality.

  2. We extract the first n elements from every tail. This is a mapping over the data that could be performed with the map function.

  3. The guards in the recursive case amount to filtering lists that do not have length n. Such filtering can also be performed by the filter function.

Let's go through each of these patterns to compose a declarative definition of ngrams. First, we extract the tails from the list, using the tails function:

Prelude> import Data.List
Prelude Data.List> let sent = ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]
Prelude Data.List> tails sent

This gives us a list of tails, including the complete sentence. Now, we map take over each tail to extract an n-gram. Since take requires two arguments, we use currying to bind the first argument. For now. we will use take 2 to extract bigrams:

Prelude Data.List> map (take 2) $ tails sent

This comes close to a list of bigrams, except that we have an empty list and a list with just one member dangling at the end. These anomalies are perfect candidates to be filtered out, so we use the filter function in conjunction with the length function to exclude any element that is not of the given length. To accomplish this, we apply some currying awesomeness. Remember that we can convert infix operators to prefix operators by adding parentheses:

Prelude Data.List> (==) 2 2
Prelude Data.List> (==) 2 3

This shows that == is just an ordinary function, that just happens to use the infix notation for convenience. Since this is an ordinary function, we can also apply currying:

Prelude Data.List> let isTwo = (==) 2
Prelude Data.List> isTwo 2
Prelude Data.List> isTwo 3

Ok, so we want to check whether a list has two elements, so we could just apply isTwo to the result of the length function:

Prelude Data.List> isTwo (length ["Colorless","green"])
Prelude Data.List> isTwo (length [])

Or, written as a function definition:

hasLengthTwo l = isTwo (length l)

Since this function follows the canonical form f (g x), we can use function composition:

Prelude Data.List> let hasLengthTwo = isTwo . length
Prelude Data.List> hasLengthTwo ["Colorless","green"]

Our filtering expression, (==) 2 . length, turns out to be quite compact. Time to test this with our not-yet-correct list of bigrams:

Prelude Data.List> filter ((==) 2 . length) $ map (take 2) $ tails sent

And this corresponds to the output we expected. So, we can now wrap this expression in a function, replacing 2 by n:

ngrams' :: Int -> [b] -> [[b]]
ngrams' n = filter ((==) n . length) . map (take n) . tails

This function is equivalent to ngrams for all given lists.

You may wonder why this exercise is worthwhile. The reason is that the declarativeness of ngrams' makes the function much easier to read. We can almost immediately see what this function does by reading its body right-to-left, while the recursive definition requires a closer look. You will notice that, as you get more familiar with Haskell, it will become easier to spot such patterns in functions.

3.5.2. A monadic definition of ngrams

As discussed in the previous chapter, each type that belongs to the Monad typeclass provides the (>>=) function to combine expressions resulting in that type. The list type also belongs to the monad type class. In GHCi, you can use the :info command to list the type classes to which a type belongs:

Prelude> :i []
data [] a = [] | a : [a] 	-- Defined in GHC.Types
instance Eq a => Eq [a] -- Defined in GHC.Classes
instance Monad [] -- Defined in GHC.Base
instance Functor [] -- Defined in GHC.Base
instance Ord a => Ord [a] -- Defined in GHC.Classes
instance Read a => Read [a] -- Defined in GHC.Read
instance Show a => Show [a] -- Defined in GHC.Show

The third line of the output shows that lists belong to the Monad type class. But how does the (>>=) function combine expressions resulting in a list? A quick peek at its definition for the list type reveals this:

instance Monad [] where
  m >>= k = foldr ((++) . k) [] m

So, the join operation takes a list m, applies a function k to each element and concatenates the results. Of course, this concatenation implies that k itself should evaluate to a list, making the type signature of k as follows: k :: a -> [a]

We will illustrate this with an example. Suppose that we would want to calculate the immediate predecessor and successor of every number in the list [0..9]. In this case, we could use the function \x -> [x-1,x+1] in the list monad:

Prelude> :{
  l  <- [0..9]
  ps <- (\x -> [x-1,x+2]) l
  return ps

First, the list is bound to l, then our predecessor/successor function is applied to l. Since we are using this function in the context of the list monad, the function is be applied to every member of l. The results of these applications is concatenated.


Experimenting with list monads may give you results that may be surprising at first sight. For instance:

Prelude> :{
  l <- [0..9]
  m <- [42,11]
  return m

Since [42,11] in m <- [42,11] does not use an argument, its corresponding function is \_ -> [42,11]. Since foldr still traverses the list bound to l, the monadic computation is equal to:

Prelude> foldr ((++) . (\_ -> [42,11])) [] [0..9]

We can also extract bigrams using the list monad. Given a list of tails, we could extract the first two words of each tail using take:

Prelude> import Data.List
Prelude Data.List> let sent = ["Colorless", "green", "ideas", "sleep", "furiously"]
Prelude Data.List> :{
  t <- tails sent
  l <- take 2 t
  return l

That's close. However, since the list monad concatenates the results of every take 2 t expression, we cannot directly identify the n-grams anymore. This is easily remedied by wrapping the result of take in a list:

Prelude Data.List> :{
  t <- tails sent
  l <- [take 2 t]
  return l

Now we get the n-grams nicely as a list. However, as in previous definitions of ngrams we have to exclude lists that do not have the requested number of elements. We could, as we did previously, filter out these members using filter:

Prelude Data.List> :{
filter ((==) 2 . length) $ do
  t <- tails sent
  l <- [take 2 t]
  return l

But that would not be a very monadic way to perform this task. It would be nice if we could just choose elements to our liking. Such a (monadic) choice function exists, namely Control.Monad.guard:

Prelude Data.List> import Control.Monad
Prelude Data.List Control.Monad> :type guard
guard :: MonadPlus m => Bool -> m ()

guard is a function that takes a boolean, and returns something that is a MonadPlus. Whoa! For now, accept that the list type belongs to the MonadPlus type class (after importing Control.Monad). Instead of going into the working of MonadPlus now, we will perform a behavioral study of guard:

Prelude Data.List Control.Monad> :{
  l <- [0..9]
  guard (even l)
  return l

Funky huh? We used guard to enumerate just those numbers from [0..9] that are even. Of course, we could as well use guard in our bigram extraction to filter lists that are not of a certain length:

Prelude Data.List Control.Monad> :{
  t <- tails sent
  l <- [take 2 t]
  guard (length l == 2)
  return l

Ain't that beautiful? We applied a guard to pick just those elements that are of length 2, or as you might as well say, we put a constraint on the list requiring elements to be of length 2. We can easily transform this expression to a function, by making the n-gram length and the list arguments of that function:

ngrams'' :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
ngrams'' n l = do
  t <- tails l
  l <- [take n t]
  guard (length l == n)
  return l 

As you can conclude from the previous sections, there is often more than one way to implement a function. In practice you will want to pick a declaration that is readable and performant. In this case, we think that the declarative definition of ngrams is the most preferable.

3.5.3. Exercises

  1. Rewrite the skipBigram function discussed in Section 3.2.1, “Exercises” without explicit recursion, either by defining it more declaratively or using the list monad. Hint: make use of the function.

3.6. Lazy and strict evaluation

You may have noticed that something curious goes on in Haskell. For instance, consider the following GHCi session:

Prelude> take 10 $ [0..]

The expression [0.. is the list of numbers from zero to infinity. Obviously, it is impossible to store an infinite list in finite memory. Haskell does not apply some simple trick, since it also works in less trivial cases. For instance:

Prelude> take 10 $ filter even [0..]

This also works for your own predicates:

Prelude> let infinite n = n : infinite (n + 1)
Prelude> take 3 $ infinite 0

In most other programming languages, this computation will never terminate, since it will go into an infinite recursion. Haskell, however, won't. The reason is that Haskell uses lazy evaluation - an expression is only evaluated when necessary. For instance, taking three elements from infinite results in the following evaluations:

infinite 0
0 : infinite 1
0 : (1 : infinite 2)
0 : (1 : (2 : infinite 3))
0 : (1 : (2 : (3 : infinite 4)))

Once take has consumed enough elements from infinite, the tail of the list is the expression infinite 4. Since take does not need more elements, the tail is never evaluated. Lazy evaluation allows you to do clever tricks, such as defining infinite lists. The downside is that it is often hard to predict when an expression is evaluated, and what effect that has on performance of a program.

Todo: lazy evaluation and folds.

3.7. Suffix arrays

In this chapter, we have seen how you could extract an n-gram of a given n from a list of words, characters, groceries, or whatever you desire. You can also store n-gram frequencies in a Map, to build applications that quickly need the frequency (or probability) of an n-gram in a corpus. What if you would encounter an application where you need access to n-grams of any length? Any! From unigrams to 'almost the length of your corpus'-grams. Obviously, if your corpus contains m elements, storing frequencies of all 1..m-grams would make your program a memory hog.

Fortunately, it turns out that there is a simple and smart trick to do this, using a data structure called suffix arrays. First, we start with the corpus, and a parallel list or array where each element contains an index that can be seen as a pointer into the corpus. The left side of figure Figure 3.1, “Constructing a suffix array” shows the initial state for the phrase "to be or not to be". We then sort the array of indices by comparing the elements they point to. For instance, we could compare the element with index 2 ("or") and the element with index 3 ("not"). Since "not" is lexicographically ordered before "or", the list of indices should be sorted such that the element holding index 3 comes before 2. When two indices point to equal elements, e.g. 0 and 4 ("to"), we move on to the element that succeed both instances of "to", respectively "be" and "be". And we continue such comparisons recursively, until we find out that one n-gram is lexicographically sorted before the other (in this case, 4 should come before 0, since "to be" is lexicographically sorted before "to be or". The right side of figure Figure 3.1, “Constructing a suffix array” shows how the indices will be sorted after applying this sorting methodology.

Figure 3.1. Constructing a suffix array

Constructing a suffix array

Unsorted indices

Constructing a suffix array

Sorted indices

After sorting the list of indices in this manner, the index list represents an ordered list of n-grams within the corpus. The length of the n-gram does not matter, since elements and their suffixes were compared until one element could be sorted lexicographically before the other. This ordering also implies that we can use a binary search to check whether an n-gram occurred in the corpus, and if so, how often. But more on that later...

Of course, as a working programmer you can't wait to fire up your text editor to implement suffix arrays. It turns out to be simpler than you might expect. But, we need to introduce another data type first, the vector. It is a data type that is comparable to arrays in other programming languages. Vectors allow for random access to array elements. So, if you want to access the n-th element of a vector, it can be accessed directly, rather than first traversing the n-1 preceding elements as in a list. Vectors are provided in Haskell as a part of the vector package that can be installed using cabal. We can construct a Vector from a list and convert a Vector to a list:

Prelude> Data.Vector.fromList ["to","or","not","to","be"]
fromList ["to","or","not","to","be"] :: Data.Vector.Vector
Prelude> Data.Vector.toList $ Data.Vector.fromList ["to","or","not","to","be"]

The (!) function is used to access an element:

Prelude> (Data.Vector.fromList ["to","or","not","to","be"]) Data.Vector.! 3

There's also a safe access function, (!?), that wraps the element in a Maybe. Nothing is returned when you use an index that is 'outside' the vector:

Prelude> (Data.Vector.fromList ["to","or","not","to","be"]) Data.Vector.! 20
"*** Exception: ./Data/Vector/Generic.hs:222 ((!)): index out of bounds (20,5)
Prelude> (Data.Vector.fromList ["to","or","not","to","be"]) Data.Vector.!? 20
Prelude> (Data.Vector.fromList ["to","or","not","to","be"]) Data.Vector.!? 3
Just "to"

That enough for now. The primary reason why Vector is a useful type here, is because we want random access to the corpus during the construction of the suffix array. After construction, it is also useful for most tasks to be able to access the indices randomly. Alright, first we create a data type for the suffix array:

import qualified Data.Vector as V

data SuffixArray a = SuffixArray (V.Vector a) (V.Vector Int)
                     deriving Show

It says exactly what we saw in the figure above: a suffix array consists of a data vector (in our case a corpus) and a vector of indices, respectively V.Vector a and V.Vector Int. Ideally, we would like to construct a suffix array from a list. However, to do this, we need a sorting function. The Data.List module contains the sortBy function that sorts a list according to some ordering function:

*Main> :type Data.List.sortBy
Data.List.sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]

So, it takes a comparison function that should compare two elements, and that returns Ordering. Ordering is a data type that specifies... order. There are three constructors: LT, EQ, andGT, these constructors indicate respectively that the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second argument.

We will use sortBy to sort the list of indices. Since the ordering of the indices is determined by elements of the data array, to which the indices refer, the comparison function that we provide for sorting the index array requires access to the data array. So, our function will compare (sub)vectors, indicated by their indices. This will work, since the Data.Vector data type is of the Ord type class, meaning that the operators necessary for comparisons are provided. Our comparison function can be written like this:

saCompare :: Ord a => (V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> Ordering) ->
             V.Vector a -> Int -> Int -> Ordering
saCompare cmp d a b = cmp (V.drop a d) (V.drop b d)

To allow a user of our function to impose their own sorting order (maybe the want to make a reversibly offered suffix array), we saCompare requires a comparison function as its first argument. The second argument is the data vector, and the final two arguments are the indices to be compared. We can get the subvectors represented by the two indices by using the Data.Vector.drop function. Suppose, if we want the element at index two, we can just drop the first two arguments, since we start counting at zero. We then use the provided comparison function to compare the two subvectors.

Now we can create the function that actually creates a suffix array:

import qualified Data.List as L

suffixArrayBy :: Ord a => (V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> Ordering) ->
                 V.Vector a -> SuffixArray a
suffixArrayBy cmp d = SuffixArray d (V.fromList srtIndex)
    where uppBound = V.length d - 1
          usrtIndex = [0..uppBound]
          srtIndex = L.sortBy (saCompare cmp d) usrtIndex

This function is fairly simple, first we create the unsorted list of indices and bind it to usrtIndex. We construct this list by using a range. A range contains the indicated lower bound and upper bound, and all integers in between;

*Main> [0..9]

We retrieve the upper bound using the Data.Vector.length function by subtracting one, since we are counting from zero. We then obtain the sorted index (srtIndex) by using the Data.List.sortBy function. This function takes a comparison function as its first argument and a list as its second argument:

*Main> :type Data.List.sortBy
Data.List.sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]

We can just plug in our saCompare function, which we pass a comparison function, and the data vector. Finally, we use the SuffixArray constructor to construct a SuffixArray, converting the list of indices to a vector. For convenience, we can also add a function that uses Haskell's compare function that uses the default sorting order that is imposed by the Ord typeclass:

suffixArray :: Ord a => V.Vector a -> SuffixArray a
suffixArray = suffixArrayBy compare

Neat! But as you have noticed by now, every serious data type has fromList and toList functions, so ours should have those as well. fromList is really simple; we can already construct a suffix array from a Vector using the suffixArray function. So, we just need to convert a list to a Vector, and pass it to suffixArray:

fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> SuffixArray a
fromList = suffixArray . V.fromList

Easy huh? The toList is a bit more involved. First we have to decide what it should actually return. Providing the data vector as a list is not very useful, it's probably what someone started with. Returning a list of indices is more useful, but then we shift the burden off retrieving the n-grams that every index represents to the user of our suffix array. The most useful thing would be to return a list of all n-grams (of any length). So, for the phrase "to be or not to be", we want to return the following elements:

  • ["be"]

  • ["be","or","not","to","be"]

  • ["not","to","be"]

  • ["or","not","to","be"]

  • ["to","be"]

  • ["to","be","or","not","to","be"]

To achieve this, we need to extract the subvector for each index, in the order that the sorted vector of indices indicates. We can then convert each subvector to a list. We can use Data.Vector.foldr function to traverse the vector, constructing a list for each index. We will accumulate these lists in (yet another) list. Please welcome toList:

toList :: SuffixArray a -> [[a]]
toList (SuffixArray d i) = V.foldr vecAt [] i
    where vecAt idx l = V.toList (V.drop idx d) : l

The vecAt function extracts a subvector starting at index idx, converts it to a list. We form a new list, with the accumulator as the tail, and the newly constructed 'subvector list' as the head. We use foldr to ensure that the list that is being constructed is in the correct order - since the accumulator becomes the tail, a foldl would make the first subarray the last in the list. Time to play with our new data type a bit:

*Main> toList $ fromList ["to","be","or","not","to","be"]

Excellent, just as we want it: we get an ordered list of all n-grams in the corpus, for the maximum possible n. We can use this function to extract all bigrams:

*Main> filter ((== 2) . length) $ map (take 2) $ toList $ \
  fromList ["to","be","or","not","to","be"]

We extract the first two elements of each n-gram. This also gives us one unigram (the last token of the corpus), so we also have to filter the list for lists that contain two elements.

After some celebrations and a cup of tea, it is time to use suffix arrays to find the frequency of a word. To do this, we use a binary search. For quick accessibility, we create a function comparable to the toList method, but returning a Vector of Vector, rather than a list of list:

elems :: SuffixArray a -> V.Vector (V.Vector a)
elems (SuffixArray d i) = vecAt i
    where vecAt idx = V.drop idx d

Note that we can use in this case, since it maps a function over all elements of vector, returning a vector:

*Main> :type :: (a -> b) -> V.Vector a -> V.Vector b

Note: if you have a computer science background, you might want to skip the next paragraphs.

To be able to count the number of occurrences of an n-gram in the suffix array, we need to locate the n-gram in the suffix array first. We could just traverse the array from beginning to the end, comparing each element to the n-gram that we are looking for. However, this is not very inefficient. During every search step, we exclude just one element. For instance, if we have the numbers 0 to 9 and have to find the location of the number 7, the first search step would just exclude the number 0, leaving eight potential candidates (Figure 3.2, “Linear search step”).

Figure 3.2. Linear search step

Linear search step

However, if we know that the vector of numbers is sorted, we can devise a more intelligent strategy. As a child, you probably played number guessing games. In one variant of the game, you would guess a number, and the person knowing the correct number would shout "smaller", "larger" or "correct". Being a smart kid, you would probably not start guessing at 1 if you had to guess a number between 1 and 100. Usually, you'd start somewhere halfway the range (say 50), and continue halfway the 1..50 or 51..100 range if the number was smaller or greater than 50.

The same trick can be applied when searching a sorted vector. If you compare a value to the element in the middle, you remove cut half of the search space (if initial guess was not correct). This procedure is called a binary search. For instance, Figure 3.3, “Binary search step” shows the first search step when applying a binary search to the example in Figure 3.2, “Linear search step”.

Figure 3.3. Binary search step

Binary search step

The performance of binary search compared to linear search should not be underestimated: the time of a linear search grows linearly with the number of elements (yes, we like pointing out the obvious), while time of a binary search grows logarithmically. Suppose that we have a sorted vector of 1048576 elements, a linear search would at most take 1048576 steps, while a binary search takes at most 20 steps. Pretty impressive right?

On to our binary search function. binarySearchByBounded finds the index of an element in a Vector, wrapped in Maybe. If the element has multiple occurrences in the Vector, just one index is returned. If the element is not in the Vector, Nothing is returned.

binarySearchByBounded :: (Ord a) => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a ->
                         a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
binarySearchByBounded cmp v e lower upper
    | V.null v      = Nothing
    | upper < lower = Nothing
    | otherwise     = case cmp e (v V.! middle) of
                        LT -> binarySearchByBounded cmp v e lower (middle - 1)
                        EQ -> Just middle
                        GT -> binarySearchByBounded cmp v e (middle + 1) upper
    where middle    = (lower + upper) `div` 2

binarySearchByBounded takes a host of arguments: a comparison function, the (sorted) vector (v, the element to search for (e), and lower (lower) and upper bound (upper) indices of the search space. The function works just like we described above. First we have to find the middle of the current search space, we do this by averaging the upper and lower bounds and binding it to middle. We then compare the element at index middle in the vector to e . If both are equal (EQ), then we are done searching, and return Just middle as the index. If e is smaller than (LT) the current element, we search in the lower half of the search space (lower..middle-1). If e is greater than (GT) the current element, we search in the upper half of the search space (middle+1..upper). If e does not occur in the search space, upper will become smaller than lower when we have exhausted the search space.

Let's define two convenience functions to make binary searches a bit simpler:

binarySearchBounded :: (Ord a) => V.Vector a -> a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
binarySearchBounded = binarySearchByBounded compare

binarySearchBy :: (Ord a) => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a -> a ->
                  Maybe Int
binarySearchBy cmp v n = binarySearchByBounded cmp v n 0 (V.length v - 1)

binarySearch :: (Ord a) => V.Vector a -> a -> Maybe Int
binarySearch v e = binarySearchBounded v e 0 (V.length v - 1)

binarySearchBounded calls binarySearchByBounded, using Haskell's standard compare function. binarySearchBy calls binarySearchByBounded, binding the upper and lower bounds to the lowest index of the array (0) and the highest (the size of the Vector minus one). Finally, binarySearch combines the functionality of binarySearchBounded and binarySearchBy, Let's give the binary search functionality a try:

*Main> binarySearch (V.fromList [1,2,3,5,7,9]) 9
Just 1
*Main> binarySearch (V.fromList [1,2,3,5,7,9]) 10
Just 5
*Main> binarySearch (V.fromList [1,2,3,5,7,9]) 10

Great! Let's make a step in between, returning to suffix arrays. Say that you would want to write a contains function that returns True if an n-gram is in the suffix array, or False otherwise. Easy right? Your first attempt may be something like:

*Main> let corpus = ["to","be","or","not","to","be"]
*Main> binarySearch (elems $ fromList corpus) $ Data.Vector.fromList ["or","not", "to", "be"]
Just 3

Nice, right? But try this example:

*Main> binarySearch (elems $ fromList corpus) $ Data.Vector.fromList ["or","not"]

You can almost hear the commentator of Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers in the background, right? Right! Of course, the element that we are looking for contains the n-gram of the maximum length ("or not to be"). That is why the first example worked, while the second did not. So, we have to apply the binary search to something that only contains bigrams in this case:

*Main> :{
*Main| binarySearch
*Main|   ( (Data.Vector.take 2) $ elems $ fromList corpus) $
*Main|   Data.Vector.fromList ["or","not"]
*Main| :}
Just 3

That did the trick. Writing the contains function is now simple:

contains :: Ord a => SuffixArray a -> V.Vector a -> Bool
contains s e = case binarySearch (restrict eLen s) e of
                 Just _  -> True
                 Nothing -> False
    where eLen = V.length e
          restrict len = (V.take len) . elems

To find the frequency of an element in a Vector, we have to do a bit more than locating one instance of that element. One first intuition could be to find the element, and scan upwards and downwards to find how many instances of the element there are in the Vector. However, there could be millions of such elements. Doing a linear search is, again, not very efficient. So, we should apply a binary search, but not just to find one instance of the element, but specifically the first and the last.

Such search functions are very comparable to the binarySearchByBounds function that we wrote earlier. Let's start with finding the first index in the Vector where a specified element occurs. Suppose that we do a binary search again: if the element in the middle of our search space is greater than the element, we want to continue searching in the lower half of the search space. If the element in the middle is smaller than the element, we want to continue searching in the upper half of the search space. If the middle is however equal to the element, we do not stop searching, but continue searching the lower half. We still keep the element that was equal in the search space, since it may have been the only instance of that element. This gives us the following lowerBoundByBounds function and corresponding helpers:

lowerBoundByBounds :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a -> a ->
                      Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
lowerBoundByBounds cmp v e lower upper
    | V.null v = Nothing
    | upper == lower = case cmp e (v V.! lower) of
                         EQ -> Just lower
                         _  -> Nothing
    | otherwise = case cmp e (v V.! middle) of
                    GT -> lowerBoundByBounds cmp v e (middle + 1) upper
                    _  -> lowerBoundByBounds cmp v e lower middle
    where middle = (lower + upper) `div` 2

lowerBoundBounds :: Ord a => V.Vector a -> a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
lowerBoundBounds = lowerBoundByBounds compare

lowerBoundBy :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a -> a -> Maybe Int
lowerBoundBy cmp v e = lowerBoundByBounds cmp v e 0 (V.length v - 1)

lowerBound :: Ord a => V.Vector a -> a -> Maybe Int
lowerBound = lowerBoundBy compare

Searching the last index in the Vector where the element occurs, follows a comparable procedure. We search as normal, however if the element is equal to the middle we search the upper half of the search space including the element that we found to be equal. Give the floor to upperBoundByBounds and helpers:

upperBoundByBounds :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a -> a ->
                      Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
upperBoundByBounds cmp v e lower upper
    | V.null v       = Nothing
    | upper <= lower = case cmp e (v V.! lower) of
                         EQ -> Just lower
                         _  -> Nothing
    | otherwise      = case cmp e (v V.! middle) of
                         LT -> upperBoundByBounds cmp v e lower (middle - 1)
                         _  -> upperBoundByBounds cmp v e middle upper
    where middle     = ((lower + upper) `div` 2) + 1

upperBoundBounds :: Ord a => V.Vector a -> a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
upperBoundBounds = upperBoundByBounds compare

upperBoundBy :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a -> a -> Maybe Int
upperBoundBy cmp v e = upperBoundByBounds cmp v e 0 (V.length v - 1)

upperBound :: Ord a => V.Vector a -> a -> Maybe Int
upperBound = upperBoundBy compare

Note that we add one to the middle in this case. This is to avoid landing in an infinite recursion when middle is lower plus one, and the element is larger than or equal to the element at middle. Under those circumstances, lower and upper would be unchanged in the next recursion.

Great. I guess you will now be able to write that function in terms of lowerBoundByBounds and upperBoundByBounds:

frequencyByBounds :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a -> a ->
                     Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
frequencyByBounds cmp v e lower upper = do
  lower <- lowerBoundByBounds cmp v e lower upper
  upper <- upperBoundByBounds cmp v e lower upper
  return $ upper - lower + 1

frequencyBy :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> V.Vector a -> a ->
               Maybe Int
frequencyBy cmp v e = frequencyByBounds cmp v e 0 (V.length v - 1)

frequencyBounds :: Ord a => V.Vector a -> a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
frequencyBounds = frequencyByBounds compare

frequency :: Ord a => V.Vector a -> a -> Maybe Int
frequency = frequencyBy compare

This function works as expected:

*Main> frequency (V.fromList [1,3,3,4,7,7,7,10]) 7
Just 3
*Main> frequency (V.fromList [1,3,3,4,7,7,7,10]) 5

We can use this with our suffix array now:

*Main> let corpus = ["to","be","or","not","to","be"]
*Main> let sa = fromList corpus
*Main> containsWithFreq sa $ Data.Vector.fromList ["not"]
Just 2
*Main> containsWithFreq sa $ Data.Vector.fromList ["not"]
Just 1
*Main> containsWithFreq sa $ Data.Vector.fromList ["jazz","is","not","dead"]
*Main> containsWithFreq sa $ Data.Vector.fromList ["it","just","smells","funny"]

3.7.1. Exercises

  1. Write a function mostFrequentNgram with the following type signature:

    mostFrequentNgram :: Ord a => SuffixArray a -> Int -> Maybe (V.Vector a, Int)

    This function extracts the most frequent n-gram from a suffix array, where the suffix array and n are given as arguments. The function should continue a pair of the n-gram and the frequency as a typle wrapped in Maybe. If no n-gram could be extracted (for instance, because the suffix array contains to few elements), return Nothing.

  2. Use mostFrequentNgram to find the most frequent bigram and trigram in the Brown corpus.

  3. frequencyByBounds is not as efficient as it could be: it performs a search of the full Vector twice. A more efficient solution would be to narrow down the search space until the first match is found, and then using lowerBoundByBounds and upperBoundByBounds to search the lower and upper half of the search space. Modify frequencyByBounds to use this methodology.

3.8. Markov models

At the beginning of this chapter we mentioned that n-grams can be exploited to model language. While they may not be so apt as computational grammars, n-grams do encode some syntax albeit local. For instance, consider the following to phrases:

  • the plan was

  • * plan the was

The first phrase is clearly grammatical, while the second is not. We could neatly encode this using a syntax rule, but we could also count how often both combinations of words occur in a large text corpus. The first phrase is likely to occur a few times, while the second phrase is not likely to occur. Or more formally, the probability that we encounter this plan was occurs in a random text is higher than the probability that plan this was occurs:

Equation 3.3. 

p(the plan was) > p(plan the was)

Of course, we could also try to find the most grammatical of two sentences by comparing the probabilities of the sentences. So, if we have a sentence consisting of the words w0..n and a sentence consisting of the words v0..m that both aim to express the same meaning and the following is true:

Equation 3.4. 

p ( w 0 .. n ) > p ( v 0 .. m )

We could conclude that the use of w0..n is preferred over v0..m, since w0..n is either more grammatical or more fluent. So, how do we estimate the probability of such a sentence? Good question, at first sight it seems pretty easy. We simply count how often a sentence occurs in a text corpus, and divide it by the total number of sentences in a corpus:

Equation 3.5. Estimating the probability of a sentence

p( w 0 .. n ) = C( w 0 .. n ) N

Here C is a counter function, and N is the total number of sentences in a corpus. While this is a theoretically sound method for estimating the probability, it does not work in practice. As ingenious as human language is, we can construct an infinite number of grammatical sentences. So, to be able to estimate the probability we would need an infinite text corpus, since not every grammatical sentence will occur in a finite corpus. Given that we only have a finite text corpus, we would simply give a probability of zero to many perfectly grammatical sentences. We encounter so-called data sparseness. This is nasty, because it interferes with our goal to compare the quality of sentences.

Fortunately for us, some smart people have thought about this problem, and came up with a pretty elegant solution (or `workaround' as we programmers like call it). To get to the solution, we have to make an intermediate step. This intermediate step does not immediately solve our problem, but sets the stage for the solution. We can decompose the probability of a sentence p(w0..n) into a series of conditional probabilities:

Equation 3.6. The probability of a sentence as a Markov chain

p ( w 0 n ) = p ( w 0 ) p ( w 1 | w 0 ) p ( w 0 n | w 0 n - 1 )

Before this gets too confusing, let's write down how you would estimate the probability of the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously in this manner: p(Colorless) p(green|Colorless) p(ideas|Colorless green) p(sleep|Colorless green ideas) p(furiously|Colorless green ideas sleep).

Simple huh? Now, how do we estimate such a conditional probability? Formally, this is estimated in the following manner:

Equation 3.7. 

p ( w n | w 0 n - 1 ) = C ( w 0 n ) C ( w 0 n - 1 )

That is all nice and dandy, but as you may already see, this does not solve our problem with data sparseness. For if we want to estimate p(furiously|Colorless green ideas sleep), we need counts of Colorless green ideas sleep and Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Even if we decompose the probability of a sentence into conditional probabilities, we need counts for the complete sentence.

However, if we look at the conditional probability of a word, the following often holds:

Equation 3.8. Approximation using the Markov assumption

p ( w n | w 0 n - 1 ) p ( w n | w n - 1 )

More formally, this is a process with the Markov property: prediction of the next state (word) is only dependent on the current state. Of course, we can easily calculate our revised conditional probability:

Equation 3.9. The conditional probability of a word using the Markov assumption

p ( w n | w n - 1 ) = C ( w n - 1 , n ) C ( w n - 1 )

That spell worked! We only need counts of... unigrams (1-grams) and bigrams to estimate the conditional probability of each word. This is a bigram language model, which we can use to estimate to probability of a sentence:

Equation 3.10. The probability of a sentence using a bigram model

p( w 0 .. n ) = i = 0 n p ( w n | w n - 1 )

In practice it turns out that knowledge of previous states can help a bit in estimating the conditional probability of a word. However, if we increase the context too much, we run into the same data sparseness problems that we solved by drastically cutting the context. The consensus is that for most applications a trigram language model provides a good trade-off between data availability and estimator quality.

3.8.1. Implementation

The implementation of a bigram Markov model in Haskell should now be trivial. If we have a frequency map of unigrams and bigrams of the type (Ord a, Integral n) => Map [a] n, we could write a function that calculates p ( w n | w n - 1 ) , or more generally p ( state n | state n - 1 ) :

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

pTransition :: (Ord a, Integral n, Fractional f) =>
  M.Map [a] n -> a -> a -> f
pTransition ngramFreqs state nextState = fromMaybe 0.0 $ do
  stateFreq <- M.lookup [state] ngramFreqs
  transFreq <- M.lookup [state, nextState] ngramFreqs
  return $ (fromIntegral transFreq) / (fromIntegral stateFreq)

Now we write a function that extracts all bigrams, calculates the transition probabilities and takes the product of the transition probabilities:

pMarkov :: (Ord a, Integral n, Fractional f) =>
  M.Map [a] n -> [a] -> f
pMarkov ngramFreqs =
  product . map (\[s1,s2] -> pTransition ngramFreqs s1 s2) . ngrams 2

This function is straightforward, except perhaps the product function. product calculates the product of a list:

Prelude> :type product
product :: Num a => [a] -> a
Prelude> product [1,2,3]