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[–]Vaxinam[S] -6ポイント-5ポイント  (20子コメント)

Don't you see? You're trying to bypass the question because it would entail other things that are idiotic. But I didn't start off with that. There is a line that needs to be drawn, and I don't think it needs to go to a point of not moving. But when it comes down to actively killing complex organisms solely for your consumption, might I add that they aren't NECESSARY for your diet, shouldn't we drag our line over such behaviors?

[–]CurmudgeonYah-luna-tic 4ポイント5ポイント  (9子コメント)

You're trying to bypass the question

The question is ridiculous.

There is a line that needs to be drawn

Says who? Why?

But when it comes down to actively killing complex organisms solely for your consumption

Plants are also complex organisms.

[–]Secular HumanistCerebralBypass 0ポイント1ポイント  (9子コメント)

I'm not bypassing the question, I'm pointing out how utterly idiotic it is. Yes: we kill to live. But that's not a moral issue, it's just reality. Any line you draw is entirely arbitrary.

[–]Vaxinam[S] -4ポイント-3ポイント  (7子コメント)

We kill to live when we HAVE to But why do so when we don't

[–]Secular HumanistCerebralBypass 4ポイント5ポイント  (4子コメント)

No, we have to kill to live. Case in point: your immune system.

There is a case to be made for vegetarianism, but this is not it.

[–]yourlycantbsrs -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

What's the case to be made? Do you agree with it? Are you vegetarian?

[–]Secular HumanistCerebralBypass 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well, I think OP is getting closer to it with concerns over inflicting pain. There's also the ecological argument to be made.

I agree to a point. I recognize the problematic nature of being a modern carnivore, but I also eat meat. Basically I've decided that the negative impacts of my actions do not outweigh the positives that these actions allow. For example, I'd love to only eat humanely raised and slaughtered meat (and do so when possible), however doing so all the time would be costly to the point where I would be unable to contribute to other (IMHO more important) causes. Same for eating a purely vegetarian/vegan diet (which I am close to most days/weeks).

[–]yourlycantbsrs 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, I think OP is getting closer to it with concerns over inflicting pain. There's also the ecological argument to be made.

I agree to a point. I recognize the problematic nature of being a modern carnivore, but I also eat meat. Basically I've decided that the negative impacts of my actions do not outweigh the positives that these actions allow. For example, I'd love to only eat humanely raised and slaughtered meat (and do so when possible), however doing so all the time would be costly to the point where I would be unable to contribute to other (IMHO more important) causes. Same for eating a purely vegetarian/vegan diet (which I am close to most days/weeks).

Could you elaborate on this? I'd really appreciate if you could list the pros and cons of your current actions.

[–]Vaxinam[S] -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes so obviously I'm not telling you to give up your life for a being that is lower on the food chain. Rather, I'm imploring that we look into ethically produced meat so we can stop hurting our evolutionarily relatives. If I'm not of enough ethos then perhaps look what Richard Dawkins has to say about this

[–]taterbizkit 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Because it's FOOD. There is no moral dimension here.

[–]yourlycantbsrs -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Declaring that there's no moral dimension doesn't make it true.

You're woefully anti intellectual.