全 33 件のコメント

[–]georgeguy007High Chartist Chancellor (was elected tho, like Hitler) 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Colts lost :((((

But it wasn't that bad so yaaaaaa

That play was hilarious. That wide out playing center went full mlg mode and failed. That is why you pay attention in practice kids.

And I hate a lot of /r/nfl pats fans. /r/patriots guys are alright, but man, sore winners everywhere in /r/nfl and even our colts thread. They are the Ohio state of the nfl, which is my worst insult.

[–]jaguarlyra 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

I drove by myself again. I feel like I'm finally getting better. I'm a bit worried about the weekend though, I am going to hang out with my grandmother and she can't know I'm Muslim so I'm having to figure out how to cover while not looking Muslim.

[–]DirishNicias gambled with Sicilians when Death was on the line. 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Congrats again! Next year, do a victory lap on the Nurnburgring :).

Would an Audrey Hepburn style headscarf be sufficient? They're a bit uncommon with younger people, but she might just think you're a hipster. :)

[–]jaguarlyra 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It would not cover enough, I think I night just walk around with a knit cap on my head even though it looks really strange.

[–]Mictlantecuhtli 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Why are Afrocentrics so resistant to information and facts that disprove their claims of pre-Columbian contact?

[–]DirishNicias gambled with Sicilians when Death was on the line. 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Everyone wants to get themselves a piece of that cool European "we went and discovered the whole world" explorer vibe. Makes your culture look properly advanced and stuff.

Sarcasm implied, but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a kernel of truth in it.

[–]Felinomancy 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

I bought my first physical Vita game! I only play it during the day though.

I hope I live long enough to see video game history discussed in /r/AskHistorians. It would be interesting to see when the inevitable GG questions are asked.

[–]Asylant_von_r_europe 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Wait, you really bought digital Vita games? Even tough the cost of the Vita Memory Cards are so high?

[–]Felinomancy 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

I see it as a one-off investment. Plus, I only bought the 8GB one, and when the time comes I'll just shuffle the played games into my hard drive.

[–]Asylant_von_r_europe 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

So it's possible to move the games to my HDD?

[–]Felinomancy 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Of course. Use the Content Manager to move things to and from your Vita.

[–]jumpingdown 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It will be entertaining to see the questions about how Steve Jobs really died before his company could enter the video game console market.

[–]De_VonHistory Channel shill: do not approach, alert the mods 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

Heyo, haven't posted in ages, in Europe looking at old stuff, studying Polish history, eating pretzels. Just gonna drop off this little guy, which looks like it has the potential to go off the rails real hard. Some guys from denmark trying to make an educational/ realistic Civil War fps. And it's called War of Rights.


Edit: Also it's Canadian election day! Hopefully we can elect someone that will fix the long form census. Also, our voting system.

[–]Goatf00t 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

So, it's like the Civil War mods for Mount and Blade, but with better graphics?

[–]De_VonHistory Channel shill: do not approach, alert the mods 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

But like, trying to be educational.

[–]AThrowawayAssholeKristallnacht was just subsidies for glaziers 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Began my 'involuntary vacation' today. So I'm stuck at home where I'm supposed to be repairing my Volkswagen, but I'm going to research my bad history submission instead.

[–]DirishNicias gambled with Sicilians when Death was on the line. 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I hate to encourage procrastination, because it's the bane of my life, but I'm looking forward to your post.

[–]davidAOPI'm that Pirate History guy over at AskHistorians 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I kind of bust bad history in my new article for my website, the article is entitled "The Firsts of Blackbeard: Exploring Edward Thatch's Early Days as a Pirate" (click here).
I say kind of because I present the accurate history, but don't name specific historians (except Nathaniel Mist from 300 years ago) who have been pushing bad history. Blackbeard has a ton of it. Trying to cover the bad history of his whole career would take quite a bit of time and effort.

[–]Goatf00t 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Please tell me that at least they actually tied his head to the bowsprit. :'(

[–]TempleOwl17 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

I know a lot of people have been focusing on the economic aspects of the presidential race here in America. But for me I can't really bring myself to care about an aspect of the presidency the president has no control over tbh.

Over at /r/badeconomics they seem to have a massive distrust or rather skepticism of Sanders cause of his economic radicalism, which to be completely fair, is one hundred percent justified, but they act as though his economic populism actually in any way matters.

For me, I guess I am just as got up in things that the president can't control as well I suppose. As I'm voting for a socially liberal candidate. A lot of people at BE want Kanisch or Rubio and I don't care of they economically are sound I can't really vote for someone who is socially conservative.

I want a president who'll do something about police brutality, is pro immigration, for transgender rights, gun control and can actually fix education. The money can be handled by the Fed the guys who do the real work economically anyway.

With that sad watching the debate and hearing Sanders' stance on immigration, yuck, and that shitty answer about gun control saddened me, now he was the strongest on BLM and that's great but Hilary looked way better on every other domestic issue than Sanders to me. So was O'Malley but I live in VA at least when I'm not at school and travel to Maryland and Baltimore regularly and it is obvious they hate him. So I am probably gonna stay away from him then.

Anyway, I am probably gonna vote for Hilary at this point.

[–]sunnymentoaddictStalin, Joseph: History Channel Consultant 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Honestly, I respect Kaisich for saying something along the lines during the first Republican debate, "When I'm at heaven, I wont be asked how I made government smaller, but how I helped the poor." His view of conservatism, is one that my dad subscribed to: keep government small(less regulations) but help the poor- while letting the states take charge since they should know what is best for their community.

As for me, possibly cause of my upbringing, I lean more towards O'Malley's stance on guns, however there needs to be a national data base , and I believe we should adopt the Swiss model also. Require every gun owner to take a comprehensive exam on gun safety and a psychological exam in order to own one.

I love O'Malley's stance on the enviroment, and how we need to be on clean energy by 2050- hate how he brought it up in the debates, felt inorganic. Not sure where he stands on immigration- can't recall him mentioning it during the debates.

Honestly, I love Bernie when it comes to labour, and Wall Street reform, but outside of those two issues he felt weak. Think of his answer when asked about Putin and Russia, signaling his weakness.

[–]TempleOwl17 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah that's the thing. I really love O'Malley's stances but in his past experience he never seems to convert good ideas into working policy and that seems like a large red flag to me if I'm being honest. I'd definitely consider voting for him if he addressed how he'd do things differently on a national scale after how he failed on a local scale or how his local moves weren't failures and why his critics were wrong.

At this point I'd just rather see O'Malley as someone's VP. Like Hilary's or Sanders' that'd be better.

And I don't want it to seem that Kaisich (sorry for fucking up that spelling the first time) is terrible or one hundred percent wring because I'm not that biased, but I do lean very social policy oriented and I'm about 100 percent liberal on social policy. So Kaisich isn't really a candidate I'd support.

[–]deedubs87 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Unfortunately, most of the topics you mentioned are outside of the control of the president as well. The X Amendment sets aside numerous aspects of the government to the states. Specifically, policing and education. Now the federal government can influence these things, usually through congresses spending power. For example, you want police body cams? Any law passed at the federal level mandating them would likely be unconstitutional. However, Congress could say, he local PD's, here access to a $10,000,000 federal grant, but conditioned on you mandating body cams. This is true of education reform as well.

Similarly, Congress controls immigration, almost exclusively. Obama's action on immigration is dubious as they are executive orders relying on his prosecutorial discretion. As chief executive, he controls all alphabet soups; FBI, DEA, DHS, ICE, etc... So he can use his power to tell them what laws to not enforce, like take it easy on illegal immigrants who aren't traffickers. This also why the DEA has not shut down legal pot in the states.

Any gun control legislation will also have to pass through congress.

The point is, the one area where the president has tremendous influence in foreign policy. That's why I was so disappointed in the democratic debate. Whoever is elected will inherit a world of problems; a turbulent Middle East, strong cyber hacking China, an aggressive Putin, international climate change etc... To me, this election will turn on those issues.

Of course, reasonable minds can differ on Americas response. Either go toe to toe with these problems and maintain an aggressive foreign policy or go the other way. Personally, I'm for the former, and Clinton and Webb speak to that. Sanders doesn't speak much about foreign policy, but I don't think he is the man for the job.

A couple other notes, Kanisch is a pastry, Kasich is the governor of Ohio and presidential candidate (if the GOP has its stuff together they would run him, and he might just win, but they don't).

The DOJ, is taking tremendous steps to address police brutality and police are listening. The media is just not reporting. For example, new community-police review board established in Hammond, IN does not grab page clicks.

So yeah, I guess the moral of the story is congressional elections are as important, if not more so, than presidential elections as in most popular areas of concern that is the body designed to change laws.

[–]TempleOwl17 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh yes, I know that social policy is just as moot a topic as economic in terms of presidency which is why I don't really blame them and maybe voting based on foreign policy is smarter or at least the most sensible.

But I do agree voting for Congress is very important but most people usually don't care as much because two at most in a sea of 600 seems pointless. :/

[–]Asylant_von_r_europe 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

but Hilary looked way better on every other domestic issue than Sanders to me

Don't tell that to a Sanders-bot or he will crucify you

[–]TempleOwl17 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah post debate reddit has been a hellhole.

[–]pittfan46 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey all!

A new week. Lol.

What're you all up too? I had a good weekend. My high school football team won, my college team won, pitt--now ranked 25th in the nation in football, and the steelers won against one of the better teams in the league.

Some very interest developments in /r/historicalworldpowers. We would still love claimants in south america, north America, africa and Asia--either in Mongolia or an internal claim in china.

Howre you all doing?

[–]suhviuz 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

A few days a go you may have noticed my mediocre post on how an pro-atheist organization believes most of human progress was caused by the non-religious and that religion is a handicap to people and progress. That is pretty bad history. I think people on here can do it justice better than me. Here is the link to the website: http://ffrf.org/about

"Here's the raw text for all of you to enjoy: The history of Western civilization shows us that most social and moral progress has been brought about by persons free from religion. In modern times the first to speak out for prison reform, for humane treatment of the mentally ill, for abolition of capital punishment, for women's right to vote, for death with dignity for the terminally ill, and for the right to choose contraception, sterilization and abortion have been freethinkers, just as they were the first to call for an end to slavery. The Foundation works as an umbrella for those who are free from religion and are committed to the cherished principle of separation of state and church."

[–]Handsomejack94My anaconda don't want none unless you have unsecured ports, hun 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well of course. What would the abolitionist movement have been without the radical atheist John Brown?

[–]whatismooElders of Zion 2, Jewgalectric JewgaJew: Part I, The Jewening 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So, today was Raisin day. For those of you who don't go to St. Andrews, here's some info. Basically sunday I was drunk by 10:30am and went from there, and today got covered in shaving foam. It was rather fun!

I kept wanting to tell a small child, "one day, if you study hard, get good grades, and stay in school, you too could be drunk all day on a sunday getting up to hijinks around town"

[–]_sekhmet_Lady of Slaughter and She Who Reviews Chairs 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

So, I started my research project on medieval father, and I have found a total of one scholar on the subject, but my professor went to grad school with him and thinks he's an excellent scholar, so at least I know my professor will approve of my one source. I'll have to start digging into primary sources, but I'm having trouble getting ahold of any. I need to talk to my professor about it.

also, this weekend we sell my childhood home, and I'm really crushed about it. My family has lived there for four generations, but it's too big for us to afford to keep anymore, and my aunts and uncles want to sell it anyway. So this weekend I have to go to my hometown and help my mom pack up and move. I'm pretty sure I'll be crying the whole time. I'm not looking forward to it.

[–]A_Crazy_CanadianEU4 is a Academic Source 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

What do you means by Medieval Father? Are your referring to parenting in the middle ages or something else?

[–]_sekhmet_Lady of Slaughter and She Who Reviews Chairs 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes, fatherhood and male parenting in the Middle Ages.