完全に話題先行ですね。先週ピックしましたがWall Street Journalの一面で技術開発に苦戦し、FDAから1種類の検査を除き、この極細針の使用中止を勧告されたとのこと。少量の血液で検査するために血を水で希釈するので、正確性に問題があったと元社員に指摘されている。100種類以上の検査法をFDAに申請しているものの、認可されたのは一つだけ。薬局でいくつかやっている検査センターも実際には普通の針で採血してシーメンス製の機械で検査しています。1滴の血液で30種類の検査ができるというのは目標であって、現時点では出来ません。
Institute for Strategic Leadership (ISL) Director & Special Advisor to President
教育について突き詰めていくと、ドンドン低年齢の方にシフトしていく。その中で、やはり脳が急速に発達する1-6歳レベルの教育が極めて大きなウェイトを占めていると思う。 そうだとすれば、最も重要なのは家庭環境ということになる。単純に親が高学歴だとかそういったことではなく、親のアスピレーション(「生き方」というニュアンス)が子供に与える影響が極めて大きいように思う。 エリザベス・ホルムズの経歴をWikipediaで調べてみたところ、下記のような子供時代であった。 教育の原点がここにあると思う。 "Her father, Christian Holmes IV, worked in the United States, Africa, and China as part of government agencies such as USAID. She is related to actress Katherine MacDonald who was married to Christian Rasmus Holmes II (1898-1944). As a child, she read the biography of her great-great-grandfather Christian R. Holmes, who was a surgeon, engineer, inventor, and a decorated World War Iveteran. He was born in Denmark in 1857 and was the dean of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, where a hospital is named after him. The career of her ancestor inspired Elizabeth to take up medicine. When she was 9, her family moved to Houston, where her father had taken up a job with Tenneco and where she attended St. John's School."
"Her father, Christian Holmes IV, worked in the United States, Africa, and China as part of government agencies such as USAID. She is related to actress Katherine MacDonald who was married to Christian Rasmus Holmes II (1898-1944).
As a child, she read the biography of her great-great-grandfather Christian R. Holmes, who was a surgeon, engineer, inventor, and a decorated World War Iveteran. He was born in Denmark in 1857 and was the dean of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, where a hospital is named after him. The career of her ancestor inspired Elizabeth to take up medicine. When she was 9, her family moved to Houston, where her father had taken up a job with Tenneco and where she attended St. John's School."