Right-leaning Moderate with Libertarian values. Feminist and Egalitarian. Pro-Life.

Credit for my icon belongs to Romanonotpizza and romanonicons.


Feminism: Is a women’s rights movement that focuses mainly on women’s issues.

Antifeminists: “Why do you only focus on women’s issues? Feminism is a hate group!”

Men’s Rights Activism: Is a men’s rights movement that focuses mainly on men’s issues.

Antifeminists: *silence*

I’m not saying that either movement is a hate group. Both have bad apples. But anti-feminists: If men can have their own movement (and they should be able to if they want to), why can’t women?

  1. shadow-skill reblogged this from feminismisahatemovement
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  4. offcialandrewjackson reblogged this from feminismisahatemovement and added:
    Why is it weird that a group that is specifically formed and named to disprove a movement uses most of it’s time...
  5. theultimatejimmyrustler reblogged this from feminismisahatemovement
  6. pattytheanti-nest reblogged this from justarightleaningmoderate and added:
    Feminists claim to be about equality. But instead they focus on being oppressed from air conditioning and a guy...
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  11. iamretrograde reblogged this from justarightleaningmoderate and added:
    8/10 troll.
  12. washthatbrain reblogged this from feminismisahatemovement
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  17. feminismisahatemovement reblogged this from eliminativism
  18. hopewhofellintoatv reblogged this from lornagonigall
  19. lornagonigall reblogged this from ace-pervert and added:
    Duluth model.
  20. reperspectivity reblogged this from justarightleaningmoderate and added:
    The problem isn’t feminism exclusively dealing with women’s issues, the problem is that it pretends to be taking care of...
  21. eliminativism reblogged this from justarightleaningmoderate and added:
    You are overlooking an incredibly obvious fact: Feminism claims to be concerned with all issues regarding the sexes....
  22. ace-pervert reblogged this from abcside and added:
    Yup , also the patriachy theory , making mens issues about women , and their inability to decide if it fights for women...