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[–]Retro93 22ポイント23ポイント  (1子コメント)

Jesus tity-fucking Christ. I knew it was bad out there in blue pill land, but holy fuck. Do these people actually think about anything before they open their stupid fucking mouths? Of fucking course not.

It's all about feeeeeeeeelings in blue pill land. It's so obvious that these people feeeeeeeeel bad for little Ms. Single Mother, to the point that she is owed something from society (but especially men). Even the OP has been indoctrinated to believe this shit. Why else would he waste his time posting a thread and asking others for opinions if he wasn't? He felt uncomfortable on the date, but he's also uncomfortable about rejecting this delicate, little, special snowflake who just deserves to be treated with respect and compassion!

Fuck that. Fuck a single mother. They're human fucking trash. Especially this one, fucking around while she's goddamn four months deep into pregnancy. Her fucking baby is going to come out with an indention in its forehead because of all the dick mommy's been taking leading up to its birth. And really guys, how fucking hard is it to keep us around? All a guy needs is fucking sex from time to time with a decent looking girl who doesn't act like a goddamn piece of retarded shit. But then you realize that most single mothers are single by their own choice. Because they aren't haaaaaaaappy!

They're the lowest of the low. Don't even put your dick in them. They'll do everything in their power to rope you in and bring you into their fucked up situation. Stay away from trash. You don't owe anyone on this fucking planet anything, especially the ones who are too ungrateful and unhappy to appreciate it. Law 10, always keep it in mind.

[–]Dustin_Bromain 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk Blue Pill land. Fuck that so much. Needs to get nuked.