The Malevolent Mentee
Prudie advises a letter writer being blackmailed by a former intern.
By Emily Yoffe
Photo by Teresa Castracane.
Emily Yoffe, aka Dear Prudence, is online weekly to chat live with readers. An edited transcript of the chat is below. (Sign up here
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Emily Yoffe:
Good afternoon. I look forward to your questions.
Q. Emotional Affair and Blackmail:
I’m in the middle of an intense emotional affair at work. I am separated, his marriage is on the rocks, but nothing has happened beyond hand-holding. We get an incredible amount of support from each other and thought no one at work noticed. The issue is my summer intern: She did notice and is now threatening me that I have to write her a letter of recommendation better than the one I did or else she will “tell.” She did an OK job but was not the best or brightest, so I wrote a B-plus recommendation. She confronted me and mentioned she knew everything. So should I write an even more enthusiastic letter or stand my ground? I really feel like I’ve done anything wrong with my colleague but don’t want to deal with any awkward questions.
First of all, let me assure you that your intern doesn’t have special powers to see into the human heart, but everyone at work has noticed. So now you and your pal have been put on notice that you have to seriously cool it. He is married. While you two are entitled to be friends, holding hands around the periphery of the office, having intense conversations in the hallway, etc., is unprofessional and, as you’ve seen, bound to catch up with you. But the good news is that there’s really nothing to tell. Your intern was an OK employee, but she’s definitely an unskilled blackmailer. In response to her crude threat you should do a couple of things. One, create a time-stamped file and document everything this little extortionist has done. Next, go to HR and report that you are being threatened by a former intern. Say her proposal is to get a better recommendation out of you in exchange for keeping quiet about your private life. Explain, however, that she has misconstrued a friendship with a colleague and there is nothing for her to reveal. Ask that HR, or your company’s attorney, let the intern know about the consequences of blackmail. Let’s hope this possible little sociopath realizes she’s heading down the wrong path. But be prepared she may really be off her rocker and could escalate things by making false allegations. Your own documentary evidence of her treachery will make a powerful case against her.
Q. Ex-Husband Abandoning One of Our Three Kids!:
My ex-husband “Greg” and I share custody of our three children. Recently Greg told me he no longer wants to see our eldest daughter, “Jaime,” who is 11. Although Jaime isn’t biologically Greg’s—I had her before we met—he’s raised her from infancy and adopted her, and is the only dad she’s ever known. (Greg’s family’s horrified by his decision; she remains their granddaughter/niece/cousin.) Greg only wants to take “his” kids on the weekends. He says his decision isn’t about child support or watching three active kids on his own. He just “has no interest” in continuing to raise Jaime. I’m lost as to what I should do, and part of me wants to fight for sole custody. I know that’s not fair to my younger kids, though. Greg refuses family counseling, so what do I do now?
This is one of those things that makes you hope maybe Greg has a tumor and once it’s removed he will stop being a monster. Jaime is his child, so his sudden rejection of her is grotesque. Since you know his family is horrified, perhaps you can have a powwow with them to try to address this. Maybe there’s someone who Greg respects who can explain to him that by spurning Jaime he is putting at risk his relationship with all his children. If this fails, then talk to your lawyer about Greg’s fitness. You’re right, you don’t want to strip him from the lives of his children, but the ugliness of his expressing that their big sister is no longer his has to be dealt with. You also should speak to a family therapist because you will need help negotiating these psychological shoals.
Q. Strangers’ Comments to Smoking Pregnant Women:
My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year and have discussed a future together, including marriage. I was horrified to learn, however, that he thinks it’s appropriate to approach a smoking pregnant woman to remind her of how much harm she’s doing to her fetus. He’s only done it once, but philosophically he believes it’s the right thing to do. I believe that pregnancy does not make it acceptable for strangers to comment on a woman’s body or behaviors, and that this is a topic that should be between a woman and her doctor. He’s surprised I don’t agree with him, considering my strong anti-smoking stance. His opinion is deeply offensive to me and we got into a huge fight about this. Although we both consider ourselves feminists, he doesn’t think this is a feminist issue. Things got so heated that it’s threatening our relationship, which maybe says more about how we argue. I’m just really having trouble getting past this. Help!
The thing about these public health announcements is that the person who smokes or drinks while pregnant is either so ignorant that the warnings of a stranger won’t do any good, or she knows it’s harmful and is doing it anyway. I understand where each of you are coming from. I assume you don’t take such an absolutist stand that you wouldn’t consider intervening if you saw a mother abusing a child. I’ve gotten many letters about people who have observed strangers in subways or on the street hurting their children and wondered what to do. (I’ve suggested that they weigh whether what they’re witnessing requires the intervention the police, and if so, making that call.) What your boyfriend did likely had no effect on the mother, was intrusive, and was embarrassing to you. But since you say this has occurred only once, it doesn’t sound as if he considers himself the moral police of pregnant women. I think you actually zeroed in on the real situation, which is that you two can’t agree to disagree—even strenuously—about a subject. So now your entire relationship is now tottering. So let’s say you break up and someone asks you, “You seemed so good together. What happened?” And you answer, “He went up to a pregnant woman who was smoking and told her she was harming her fetus.” Consider whether that makes you feel righteous or silly and proceed accordingly.
Q. Re: Ex-Husband Abandoning One of Our Three Kids!:
My husband (now late 50s) was adopted by his mother’s second husband when he was 5. Their three biological kids grew up with him, and he called this man his father. His mom and adoptive father went through a horrific divorce when he was 17. His adoptive father very clearly favored “his” kids, inviting them on world adventures to which my husband was excluded (among other things). Then at some point his adoptive father decided he didn’t want to see my husband any more. Gave him no explanation, and in fact put his siblings in the middle by instructing them to not let my husband know when he was visiting. Even as an adult this was extraordinarily painful and also caused a rift between him and his siblings. This is deeply painful stuff, and that this type of rejection by someone who you think of and called a parent (regardless of biology) never goes away. My husband has been helped through therapy, and he says that he thinks of his adoptive father as dead.