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UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir

UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir
Exactly a month ago to the day, our fragile world was rocked when a Facebook user from the Gujranwala District in Pakistan announced that he was severing ties with his then-former best friend Mudasir in favor of new best friend Salman. Today, however, people from all corners of the globe can breathe easy—Asif and Mudasir are friends once more.
After the original post announcing the split (seen below) picked up steam on the internet, Asif appears to have coped with his sudden internet fame by creating his own celebrity Facebook page, Prince Asif Raza Rana (Official).
UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir
The original friendship-disbanding post.
UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir
Asif’s latest announcement on the renewed friendship from his official Facebook page.
Though as Asif must surely know, fame and fans are poor substitutes to the life-affirming warmth and fulfillment that only a true, lasting friendship can provide. And according to today’s announcement, not only has he reconciled with the previously denounced Mudasir, but the two reunited friends have even formed something of a best friend triumvirate with Mudasir’s temporary replacement, Salman.
Salman, for his part, is taking the sudden position reversal in stride.
UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir
Mudasir commented on the announcement post, confirming what might have once seemed too good to be true to fans of the original duo.
UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir
He even took to his own Facebook page to confirm the renewed friendship independently, though with significantly less word art.
UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir
As for the previous accusations against Mudasir (and presumably the sole reason for the original split), which saw Asif claiming that “he became very selfish, Proudy, and those who shows me Attitude, I keep them under my Foot…… Huuhhh…….Now SAlman AHmad Naqash is my best friend……Its for information to all,” Mudasir had this to say:
UPDATE: Facebook User, Asif, Regains Friendship With Scorned Ex-Best Friend, Mudasir
We’ve reached out to both Mudasir and Asif for comment on their renewed friendship, and will update when and if we hear back.

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Oh the Things You Could Buy with This $150 Prize 

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