Introduction: The Emotional Pedestal isn't new nor is it necessarily about obtaining sex; men are wired to feel protective over women and women are wired to manipulate this feeling to achieve her own end. There was a time when this meant the difference between life and death; now, in our comfortable modern world of safety and convenience, it's more about exploitation and greed. Understanding this dynamic is essential to being Red Pill; men love women/women manipulate men. Lets take a look at the dynamic when it isn't sexualized to help further understand it.
A girl I dated a few years ago had a mother who was extraordinary ugly. She was short, and fat, with a face full of warts, and a little boy crew cut. She was disgusting and annoying. On some level I feel it necessary to mention that the girl I dated was adopted; this horrifying woman did not bear her own children. When I would join the girls and their mother (the father had skipped town) at holiday events hosted by family friends, this woman would often break down in tears at the table and would need to be consoled. This happened with such regularity that I knew it was coming in the minutes before it started, like the crisp air that precedes a rain storm. Her breakdown happened in the interim between dinner and dessert, while the coffee was brewing.
This woman was a drain on everyone around her, but she still garnered tremendous attention and constant favors. This was because she understood her place as the ugly woman. The ugly woman is able to play on the sympathetic tendencies of the people around her, and exploit them for gain. Any woman beyond hope of being viewed as average should have an inherit understanding of how to exploit the sympathies of those around her, even if they aren’t conscious of this methodology- like how a child learns to manipulate their parents.
In The Satanic Witch (1970), Anton LaVey describes the dynamics of the above scenario, which I term Ugly Girl Game:
The truly ugly girl has others at a disadvantage, because rather than hurt her feelings, they will do things for her out of guilt. If you are homely and light-hearted and call others’ attention to it, they will think you are a swell sport, talk about what a shame it is behind your back and try to avoid appearing patronizing in your presence…
If you are strange looking and act like you don’t really think so, trying to look as much like others as possible, they will still talk behind your back but a little more cruelly. When you are in their presence their guilt at having done so… will cause them to be extremely patronizing. Neither of these patterns really gains you respect, only sympathy.
While I don’t entirely agree with LaVey, reading this as a teenager served as my introduction to Ugly Girl Game and sympathetic manipulation. The mistake LaVey makes is in assuming that women need respect. Respect is a man’s game; it is useless to a woman. Women only need an avenue to manipulate; if a woman is on the desirable end of the attraction spectrum, she will ooze value and be able to manipulate men and woman by her mere existence. Women in the middle will develop manipulative tactics that play on her aesthetic strengths and ability to garner sympathy. The ugly girl will only have sympathy to exploit, and will come to rely on it.
Respect is a man’s game. Respect is necessary for a man. A man who others are unable to respect will only inspire disgust. A disgusting man will not garner sympathy like a disgusting woman would; he only inspires revulsion and social exclusion. This is why we say that a man’s worth is based on value and a woman’s worth is inherent, because women always have a safety net of sympathy to exploit.
FULL BLOG: The Emotional Pedestal and Sympathetic Manipulation
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