webpage capture | からアーカイブ | 2015年10月16日 23:19:08 UTC | |
原本 | 2015年10月12日 06:36:19 UTC | ||
すべてのスクリーンショット, | ドメインから ドメインから | ||
ウェブページスクリーンショット | |||
short link long link html code wiki code |
// ==UserScript== | |
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// @namespace net.buhoho.kusa5 | |
// @include* | |
// @version 1 | |
// @grant none | |
// @description ニコ動html5表示 | |
// ==/UserScript== | |
//localStorage.kusa5buffer : trueにするとバッファリングするようになる | |
//localStorage.kusa5disableAutoplay : trueにすると自動再生しない | |
//開発ツールのコンソールにて | |
//localStorage.kusa5buffer = true; | |
//みたいに打ち込んで設定する | |
'use strict'; | |
$('.playerContainer').hide(); | |
//$('#playlist').hide(); //お好み | |
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$('#playerContainerWrapper').insertBefore('.videoHeaderOuter'); // お好み | |
$(".notify_update_flash_player").hide(); //Flash未インストール警告 | |
const OPT = { | |
buffer: localStorage.kusa5buffer, // たぶんfirefoxじゃないと正常に動かない | |
debug: false | |
}; | |
const ASKURL = ''; | |
const THUMB = ''; | |
const WATCH = ''; | |
const apidata = JSON.parse($('#watchAPIDataContainer').text()); | |
const launchID = apidata.videoDetail.v; | |
const isIframe = window != parent; | |
const ICON = ""; | |
addGlobalStyle(` | |
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background-color: #CCCEC3; | |
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background-image: url('${ THUMB + launchID }'); | |
filter: contrast(0.25) opacity(.25); | |
-webkit-filter: contrast(0.25) opacity(.25); | |
*/ | |
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padding: 60px 0; | |
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/* | |
コントロールパネル関係 | |
******************************************************************************/ | |
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z-index: 10; /* コメントより手前 */ | |
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); | |
text-shadow: 2px 1px #000; | |
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bottom: 0; | |
width: 100%; | |
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height: 50px; | |
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transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); | |
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input+label { | |
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); | |
font-size: 18px; | |
border: none; | |
background-color: transparent; | |
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.controle-panel .progressBar { | |
cursor: pointer; | |
position: relative; | |
height: 14px; | |
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.24); | |
width: 100%; | |
} | |
.controle-panel .progressBar span { | |
position: absolute;; | |
top: 0; | |
left: 0; | |
width: 0; | |
height: 100%; | |
} | |
.controle-panel .mainbar { | |
background-color: #8CD6E7; | |
} | |
.controle-panel .bufferbar { | |
background-color: rgba(168, 191, 210, 0.37); | |
} | |
.controle-panel .progressBar.buf { height: 2px;} | |
.controle-panel .progressBar.buf .bar { background-color: #D736A2} | |
button.btn.ico { | |
color: #000; | |
position: relative; | |
background-repeat: no-repeat; | |
background-size: contain; | |
filter: invert(1) opacity(0.8); | |
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width: 25px; | |
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margin: 4px 5px; | |
cursor: pointer; | |
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button.btn.ico:hover { | |
filter: invert(1) opacity(1); | |
-webkit-filter: invert(1) opacity(1); | |
} | | { | |
background-image: url("${ICON}fi-play.svg"); | |
} | |
#kusa5.playing { | |
/* 再生中 */ | |
background-image: url("${ICON}fi-pause.svg"); | |
} | |
button.btn.ico:active { | |
transform: scale(0.9); | |
} | |
button.btn.ico.volumedown { | |
background-image: url("${ICON}fi-volume-none.svg"); | |
} | |
button.btn.ico.volumeup { | |
background-image: url("${ICON}fi-volume.svg"); | |
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button.btn.volume > span.volume-num { | |
font-size: 10px; | |
position: absolute; | |
top: 0; | |
right: -8px; | |
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background-image: url("${ICON}fi-arrows-expand.svg"); | |
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background-image: url("${ICON}fi-arrows-compress.svg"); | |
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#kusa5:-webkit-full-screen button.btn.ico.full { | |
background-image: url("${ICON}fi-arrows-compress.svg"); | |
} | |
.controle-panel .playtime { | |
line-height: 32px; | |
} | |
button.btn.ico.comment-hidden { | |
background-image: url(; | |
} | |
/* 非表示状態 */ | |
#kusa5.comment-hidden .msg { opacity: 0;} | |
button.comment-hidden { | |
opacity: 1; | |
} | |
#kusa5.comment-hidden button.comment-hidden { | |
opacity: 0.5; | |
} | |
input.btn { | |
display: none; | |
} | |
input.btn+label { | |
color: #999; | |
display: inline-block; | |
background-color: hsla(0. 0%, 0%, 0.3); | |
text-align: center; | |
} | |
input.btn+label:hover, | |
input.btn:checked+label { | |
color: #fff; | |
text-decoration-line: underline; | |
} | |
input.btn+label span{ | |
font-size:0.5em; | |
} | |
div.ratepanel { | |
display: inline-block; | |
text-align: center; | |
} | |
/* | |
コメント要素関連 | |
******************************************************************************/ | |
#kusa5 .msg { | |
z-index: 5; | |
display: inline-block; | |
word-break: keep-all; | |
font-size: 1.8em; | |
color: white; | |
padding: 0 .5em; | |
position: absolute; | |
transition-duration: 6s; | |
transition-timing-function: linear; | |
transition-property: transform; | |
transform: translate3d(105% ,0,0); /* 画面外に配置するので */ | |
text-shadow: | |
0px 0.05em 1px #222, | |
0.05em 0px 1px #222, | |
0px -0.05em 1px #222, | |
-0.05em 0px 1px #444; | |
top: 0; | |
} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l1 { top: calc(1.4em * 0);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l2 { top: calc(1.4em * 1);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l3 { top: calc(1.4em * 2);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l4 { top: calc(1.4em * 3);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l5 { top: calc(1.4em * 4);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l6 { top: calc(1.4em * 5);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l7 { top: calc(1.4em * 6);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l8 { top: calc(1.4em * 7);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l9 { top: calc(1.4em * 8);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l10 { top: calc(1.4em * 9);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l11 { top: calc(1.4em * 10);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l12 { top: calc(1.4em * 11);} | |
#kusa5 .msg.l13 { top: calc(1.4em * 12);} | |
/* | |
フルスクリーン関連 | |
******************************************************************************/ | |
/* 何故か一つづつfont-size指定しないと効かない */ | |
#kusa5:-moz-full-screen .msg {font-size: 3.5em; } | |
#kusa5:-webkit-full-screen .msg {font-size: 3.5em; } | |
#kusa5:-webkit-full-screen { | |
width: 100%; | |
height: 100%; | |
} | |
/* | |
左上に縮小表示中 | |
******************************************************************************/ | |
body.size_small.no_setting_panel.videoExplorer #kusa5 { | |
height: 100%; | |
width: 100%; | |
margin: 0; | |
} | |
body.size_small.no_setting_panel.videoExplorer #kusa5 .msg{ | |
font-size: 12px; | |
} | |
@media (max-width: 1399px) and (min-width: 1140px) { | |
#kusa5 { width: 854px; height: 480px; } | |
#kusa5 .msg{ font-size: 2.0em; } | |
} | |
/** 大画面向け */ | |
@media (min-width: 1400px) { | |
#kusa5 { width: 1280px; height: 770px; } | |
#kusa5 .msg{ font-size: 2.8em; } | |
} | |
`); | |
const $video = $(`<video type="video/mp4"' | |
codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2" | |
autoplay />`) | |
.on('ended', buffShift) | |
.on('pause', ev => { | |
$("#kusa5").removeClass("playing"); | |
localStorage.nicoRate =; | |
}) | |
.on('play', ev => { | |
$("#kusa5").addClass("playing"); | |
// レート情報の記憶 | |
$('input[value="'+ localStorage.nicoRate +'"]').click(); | | = localStorage.nicoRate; | | = localStorage.nicoVolume * 0.2; | |
if (!isIframe) | |
return; | |
// バッファー再生用のプレーヤーは処理を重くしないためにrata1 | | = 1; | |
$('muted', true); | |
}); | |
if (localStorage.kusa5disableAutoplay === "true") | |
$video.removeAttr('autoplay'); | |
$video.videoToggle = function() { | |
var v = $video[0]; | |
v.paused ? : v.pause(); | |
}; | |
$$video.videoToggle); | |
function addGlobalStyle(css) { | |
var styleSeet = $('<style type="text/css">'); | |
styleSeet.text(css); | |
$('head').append(styleSeet); | |
} | |
/* 現在のページのDOMから次動画のIDを取得する。 | |
* なので次の次の動画のIDを取るなら事前にヘッダーを書き換えておく必要がある。 | |
*/ | |
function getNextId() { | |
const currentID = $('#kusa5 video').data('smid'); | |
const id = /\W?(s[mo]\d{3,10})\W?/.source; // 現状見受けられる動画は8桁 | |
const next = "(?:" + ["次","next","つづ","続","最","終"] | |
.map(s => s + ".{0,4}") | |
.join("|") + ")"; | |
//const prev = ["前","prev","まえ","ぜん","一","初"]; | |
// スペースに使われそうな文字(出現しないかもしれない) | |
const s = /[\s_|::]?/.source; | |
const arrows = [ | |
" - ", | |
"←", | |
"→","⇒", | |
":", ":", | |
"<","<<","<<","≪","«", | |
">",">>",">>","≫","»", | |
"[<<≪«][-ー==]", // 二文字組み合わせやじるし | |
"[-ー==][>>≫»]"]; | |
const _A_ = s + "(?:" + arrows.join("|") + ")" + s; | |
const next_id = next + _A_ + id ; | |
const id_next = id + _A_ + next; | |
//const prev_id = s + prev + _A_ + id + s; | |
//const id_prev = s + id + _A_ + prev + s; | |
const 主米 = $('.description').text(); | |
var m = _.reduce([next_id, id_next], (c,re) => { | |
return c || 主米.match(new RegExp(re, 'i')); | |
},false); | |
OPT.debug && alert(!!m && !!m[0] ? | |
'次ID切り出し' + m[0]: | |
'次パート無し'); | |
return m && m[1] || ''; | |
} | |
/** | |
* ページの遷移処理。実際にはコンテンツを入れ替えるだけで | |
* フロントのページは遷移させない | |
*/ | |
function buffShift() { | |
$('.progressBar.buf .bar').css('width', '0%'); | |
var $nextPage = $('#buf-video').contents().find('body'); | |
// ビデオソース書き換え | |
var $buf = $nextPage.find('#kusa5 video'); | |
if (!OPT.buffer || $buf.size() == 0) { | |
FullScreen.cancel(); | |
return; | |
} | |
// 上部のコメントとかタイトル書き換え | |
$('.videoHeaderTitle').text($nextPage.find('.videoHeaderTitle').text()); | |
$('#topVideoInfo').remove(); | |
$('#videoDetailInformation').append($nextPage.find('#topVideoInfo')); | |
const nextid = $buf[0].dataset.smid; | |
const nobuffer = nextid <= $'smid'); | |
$video.attr('src', $buf.attr('src')); | |
$video.get(0).dataset.smid = nextid; | |
loadApiInfo(nextid).then(loadMsg); // メッセージ取得 && 整形登録 | |
history.pushState(null,null, WATCH + nextid); // url書き換え | |
if (nobuffer) { | |
$('#buf-video').remove(); | |
FullScreen.cancel(); | |
} else { | |
setTimeout(()=>createBuf(getNextId()), 10000); | |
} | |
} | |
function createBuf(id) { | |
$('#buf-video').remove(); | |
if (!id) | |
return; | |
$('#kusa5').append(`<iframe id="buf-video" src="${WATCH + id}" | |
width="10px" height="10px" />`); | |
// 次ページの動画読み込み進捗を取得 | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
const v = $('#buf-video').contents().find('#kusa5 video')[0]; | |
const p = $('.progressBar.buf .bar'); | |
$(v).off('timeupdate').on('timeupdate', _.throttle(ev => { | |
var w = 100 * v.currentTime / v.duration; | |
p.css('width', w+'%'); | |
}, 10000)); | |
}, 20000); | |
} | |
function ngfilter(ch) { | |
if (ch.t < 100) // 1秒以内。いわゆる0秒コメ | |
return false; | |
// NGワード | |
return _.reduce([ | |
/[韓荒\[\]]/, | |
/(くない|くせえ|アンチ|びみょ|チョン)/, | |
/(イライラ|いらいら)/, | |
/(キモ|きも|パク|ぱく|エミュ|ウザ|うざ)/, | |
/(うぜ|ウゼ)[えぇエェ]/, | |
/(推奨|注意|NG|NG|自演)/, | |
/(朝鮮|創価|在日)/, | |
/(イラ|いら)[イいつ]?/, | |
/(嫌|いや|イヤ)なら/, | |
/(ゆとり|信者|名人様|視聴者様|赤字|水色|餓鬼)/, | |
/(萎え|挙手)/, | |
/(つま|ツマ)[ラら]?[なねんナネン]/, | |
/(eco|eco|エコノミ|画質|時報|3DS|倍速)/, | |
/^[ノノ]$/, | |
/^[\//@@※←↑↓]/, | |
], (cary, re) => cary && !ch.c.match(re), true); | |
} | |
function xml2chats(xml) { | |
console.log("xmlは %s ", xml); | |
return _.chain($(xml).find('chat')) | |
.map(ch => | |
({ t: $(ch).attr('vpos') -0, //cast | |
c: $(ch).text()})) | |
// .filter(ngfilter) | |
.sortBy(c => c.t); | |
} | |
function loadMsg(info) { | |
var getThreadKey; | |
debugger; | |
if(info.needs_key==1){ | |
getThreadKey=$.ajax({ | |
type:'GET', | |
url:`${info.thread_id}&language_id=0`, | |
contentType: "text/plain", | |
dataType: 'text', | |
crossDomain: true, | |
cache: false, | |
xhrFields: {'withCredentials': true} | |
}).then(result =>{ | |
info.threadkey=result.match(/threadkey=(.+?)&/)[1]; | |
info.requestXml=`<packet><thread thread="${info.thread_id}" version="20090904" user_id="${info.user_id}" threadkey="${info.threadkey}" force_184="1" scores="1" nicoru="1" with_global="1"/><thread_leaves thread="${info.thread_id}" user_id="${info.user_id}" threadkey="${info.threadkey}" force_184="1" scores="1" nicoru="1">0-${Math.ceil(info.l/60)}:100,1000</thread_leaves></packet>`; | |
return info; | |
},data => console.log('メッセージロード失敗', data)); | |
}else{ | |
getThreadKey=new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { | |
info.requestXml=`<packet><thread thread="${info.thread_id}" version="20090904" user_id="${info.user_id}" scores="1" nicoru="1" with_global="1"/> | |
<thread_leaves thread="${info.thread_id}" user_id="${info.user_id}" scores="1" nicoru="1">0-${Math.ceil(info.l/60)}:1000,1000</thread_leaves> | |
<thread thread="${info.thread_id}" version="20061206" res_from="-5000" fork="1" click_revision="-1" scores="1"/></packet>`; | |
resolve(info); | |
}); | |
} | |
return getThreadKey.then(info=>{return $.ajax({ | |
type: 'POST', | |
url:, | |
// サーバーによってCORSで弾かれたりバッドリクエスト判定されたり | |
// するので application/xmlでもなくtext/xmlでもなく | |
// この値に落ち着いた | |
contentType: "text/plain", | |
dataType: 'xml', | |
data: info.requestXml, | |
crossDomain: true, | |
cache: false, | |
});}).then( | |
xml2chats, | |
data =>{console.log('メッセージロード失敗', data);} | |
).then(chats => { | |
// 時間イベントの発火で、対象メッセージがあれば流す | |
var lastT = 0; | |
// 次の動画への繊維などで複数回登録させるのでoff() | |
$'timeupdate').on('timeupdate', _.throttle(ev => { | |
// chat.vpos is 1/100 sec. | |
var v =; | |
var t = Math.round(v.currentTime * 100); | |
chats.filter(ch => lastT < ch.t && ch.t < t) | |
.forEach(_.throttle(marqueeMsg, 50)); | |
lastT = t;//更新 | |
// ついでに動画の進捗バーを更新 | |
var w = 100 * v.currentTime / v.duration; //in % | |
$(' .mainbar').css('width', w+'%'); | |
$('.controle-panel .current') | |
.text(UTIL.sec2HHMMSS(v.currentTime)); | |
$('.controle-panel .duration') | |
.text(UTIL.sec2HHMMSS(v.duration)); | |
}, 1000)); | |
$'progress').on('progress', _.throttle(ev => { | |
var v =; | |
if (v.buffered.length == 0) | |
return; | |
var bufTime = v.buffered.end(v.buffered.length-1); | |
var bw = 100 * bufTime / v.duration; | |
$(' .bufferbar').css('width', bw+'%'); | |
}, 1000)); | |
}); | |
} | |
/** 動画URLなどの情報を取得してPromiseを返す。 | |
* キャリーされる値はクエリストリングをオブジェクトにした奴 | |
*/ | |
function loadApiInfo(id) { | |
return $.ajax({ | |
'type': 'GET', | |
'url': ASKURL + id, | |
'crossDomain': true, | |
'cache': false, | |
'xhrFields': {'withCredentials': true} // Cookie認証が必要 | |
}).then(qs => _.reduce(qs.split('&'), (o, k_v)=>{ | |
var a ='='), decodeURIComponent); | |
o[a[0]] = a[1]; | |
return o; // クエリストリングをオブジェクトにした奴 | |
},{})); | |
} | |
function marqueeMsg(ch) { | |
const baseW = $('#kusa5').width() + 10; | |
const hasMsg = $('#kusa5 .msg').size() > 0; | |
const $m = $('<span class="msg"/>').text(ch.c); | |
$m.css('transform', `translate3d(${baseW}px, 0, 0)`); | |
$video.after($m); | |
function hasRightSpace(l) { | |
// 一番右端にあるmsgの右端の位置 | |
var bigwidth = _.max($('#kusa5').find(l), | |
// offsetLeftだと0が返る | |
l => $(l).position().left + l.scrollWidth)); | |
var rigthSpace = baseW - bigwidth; | |
// 比率係数は適当。文字が重なるようなら要調整 | |
// transition速度(つまりアニメーション再生時間)と関係 | |
return rigthSpace > $m.width() * 0.45; | |
} | |
const line = !hasMsg || hasRightSpace('.l1') ? 'l1' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l2') ? 'l2' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l3') ? 'l3' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l4') ? 'l4' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l5') ? 'l5' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l6') ? 'l6' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l7') ? 'l7' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l8') ? 'l8' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l9') ? 'l9' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l10') ? 'l10' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l11') ? 'l11' : | |
hasRightSpace('.l12') ? 'l12' : | |
'l13'; | |
$m.addClass(line); | |
//オーバーシュート | |
$m.css('transform', `translate3d(-${$m.width() + 10}px, 0, 0)`); | |
//アニメ停止で自動削除 | |
$m.on('transitionend', ev => $(; | |
} | |
var UTIL = {}; | |
UTIL.sec2HHMMSS = function (sec) { | |
var sec_num = parseInt(sec, 10); // don't forget the second param | |
var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600); | |
var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60); | |
var seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); | |
if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+hours;} | |
if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} | |
if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} | |
return (hours > 0? hours+':' :'') + minutes+':'+seconds; | |
}; | |
const FullScreen = {}; | |
FullScreen.isOpen = () => | |
document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || | |
(document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null); | |
FullScreen.req = (e) => | |
!!e.mozRequestFullScreen && e.mozRequestFullScreen() || | |
!!e.requestFullScreen && e.requestFullScreen() || | |
!!e.webkitRequestFullScreen && e.webkitRequestFullScreen(); | |
FullScreen.cancel = () => | |
!!document.mozCancelFullScreen && document.mozCancelFullScreen() || | |
!!document.cancelFullScreen && document.cancelFullScreen() || | |
!!document.webkitCancelFullScreen && document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); | |
FullScreen.toggle = () => | |
FullScreen.isOpen() ? | |
FullScreen.cancel() : | |
FullScreen.req($('#kusa5')[0]); | |
function rateForm() { | |
//var rd = [1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.2, 2.5, 3] | |
var rd = [0.5,1, 1.3463246851125779, 1.6678900230322302, | |
1.9680012082762555, 2.249342814692259, 2.514125064795459, | |
2.764189394992108, 3.001086195676507,3.5,4.0 ] | |
.map(v=> | |
`<input name="nicorate" type="radio" id="rd${v}" | |
class="btn" value="${v}"> | |
<label for="rd${v}">${v.toFixed(1)}<span>x</span></label>`); | |
return `<div class="ratepanel">${rd.join('')}</div>`; | |
} | |
const COMMENT = ` | |
<div class="comment"> | |
<input type="text" class="l" /><button class="btn l">投稿</button> | |
</div>`; | |
const CONTROLE_PANEL = ` | |
<div class="controle-panel"> | |
<div class="progressBar seek"> | |
<span class="bufferbar"/> | |
<span class="mainbar"/> | |
</div> | |
<div class="progressBar buf"><span class="bar"/></div> | |
<button class="btn toggle ico play"></button> | |
${rateForm()} | |
<button class="btn full ico r"></button> | |
<button class="btn volume volumeup ico r"><span class="volume-num"></span></button> | |
<button class="btn volume volumedown ico r"></button> | |
<button class="btn comment-hidden ico r"></button> | |
<div class="playtime r"> | |
<span class="current"></span> | |
/ | |
<span class="duration"></span> | |
</div> | |
</div>`; | |
function ctrPanel() { | |
var $panel = $(CONTROLE_PANEL); | |
$panel.find('.btn.full').click(FullScreen.toggle); | |
$panel.find('.btn.toggle').click($video.videoToggle); | |
return $panel; | |
} | |
//update Progress Bar control | |
var updatebar = function(e) { | |
var bar = $(''); | |
var offset = e.pageX - bar.offset().left; //Click pos | |
var ratio = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, offset / bar.width())); | |
//Update bar and video currenttime | |
$(' .mainbar').css('width', (ratio * 100)+'%'); | |
$video[0].currentTime = $video[0].duration * ratio; | |
return true; | |
} | |
/** main というかエントリーポイント */ | |
;(function () { | |
const kusa5 = $('#kusa5') | |
.append($video) | |
.append(ctrPanel()); | |
$('input[name=nicorate]').change(ev => { | |
localStorage.nicoRate = | |
$video.get(0).playbackRate = parseFloat($(; | |
}); | |
$('input[value="'+ localStorage.nicoRate +'"]').click(); | |
$('#kusa5 button.volumeup').click(ev => { | |
localStorage.nicoVolume = localStorage.nicoVolume++ % 5 + 1; | |
$('#kusa5 span.volume-num').text(localStorage.nicoVolume); | |
$video[0].volume = localStorage.nicoVolume * 0.2; | |
}); | |
$('#kusa5 button.volumedown').click(ev => { | |
localStorage.nicoVolume = localStorage.nicoVolume++ % 5 - 1; | |
$('#kusa5 span.volume-num').text(localStorage.nicoVolume); | |
$video[0].volume = localStorage.nicoVolume * 0.2; | |
}); | |
// デフォルトボリュームの表示 | |
localStorage.nicoVolume = localStorage.nicoVolume || 5; | |
$('#kusa5 span.volume-num').text(localStorage.nicoVolume); | |
$('#kusa5 button.comment-hidden') | |
.click(ev => kusa5.toggleClass('comment-hidden')); | |
var promise = loadApiInfo(launchID).then(info => { | |
$video.attr('src', info.url); | |
$video.get(0).dataset.smid = launchID; | |
return info; | |
}); | |
if (isIframe) | |
return; // 以降はフォワードページのみの処理 | |
/* シークバーのドラッグ処理*/ | |
var timeDrag = false; /* Drag status */ | |
$('').mousedown(function(e) { | |
timeDrag = true; | |
updatebar(e); | |
}); | |
$(document).mouseup(function(e) { | |
if(!timeDrag) | |
return; | |
timeDrag = false; | |
updatebar(e.pageX); | |
}).mousemove(e=> timeDrag && updatebar(e)); | |
// ボタン押された時の動作登録 | |
var keyTbl = []; | |
keyTbl[32] = $video.videoToggle; //スペースキー | |
kusa5.keyup(e => { | |
if (!keyTbl[e.keyCode]) | |
return; | |
keyTbl[e.keyCode](); | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
}); | |
kusa5.keydown(e => { | |
//ボタンの処理が登録されてたらブラウザの動作をうちけす | |
if (keyTbl[e.keyCode]) | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
}); | |
//メッセージ取得、文字流しとかのループイベント登録 | |
promise.then(loadMsg); | |
if (OPT.buffer) // バッファ用のiFrameを作成する | |
setTimeout(() => createBuf(getNextId()), 10000); | |
})(); |