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The UK has become the first country in the world to be placed under investigation by the United Nations for violating the human rights of people with disabilities amid fears that thousands may have died as a consequence of controversial welfare reforms and austerity-driven cuts to benefits and care budgets…Disability rights activists joined large crowds of anti-austerity demonstrators on the streets of Manchester last week as British Prime Minister David Cameron’s governing Conservative Party staged its annual conference in the city against a backdrop of angry popular protests. Some pushed skeletons in wheelchairs holding signs reading: “Declared fit for work” - a reference to the government’s widely criticised “work capability assessment” scheme, under which hundreds of thousands of people who previously received disability welfare have seen their payments stopped and been told to find jobs…Figures released by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in August showed that 2,380 people died between 2011 and 2014 shortly after having their benefits stopped. A further 7,200 people also died after having their benefits reduced and being put in groups to help them prepare for a return to work.
The UK is under investigation for potentially violating the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
disability news disability rights UK human rights violations human rights ableism workers' rights unemployment poverty