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[–]FluffyBallofHate -1ポイント0ポイント  (5子コメント)

They will. They honestly believe this sunday-morning cartoon bullshit, because they're 19-21, and have no fucking clue how the real world works.

This is the problem with gamers: their simplistic understanding of morality has programmed them to play to lose in the real world, where there is no narrator holding down the scales on the side of the good guys.

In the real world, you play to win, or you lose. There is no reward for good sportsmanship. If you refuse to use a tactic that your enemy will use, you end up dead, your wives end up raped and your children end up sold into slavery.

[–]Asraised_Bymom 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You assume their tactics are ideal, but if they are shooting themselves in the foot, so are you.

[–]theguruofreason 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

When 'playing' the ethics 'game', you lose the instant you act against your ideals.

You are just like the aGGs who want to make this about destroying certain people rather than winning a war of ideas. You've become them.

[–]uxyo 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Integrity is not the same thing as naivety, it is pointless to be against someone for doxing if you are doing it yourself. In fact that would be called hypocrisy.

[–]YurilicaPurple, White, and Green 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

So, what's your diagnosis? Why so mad at gamers and so insanely overdramatic in your last paragraph?

You really have no idea how old the people you're talking about are and you have no qualms about slandering gamers in a place that is pretty much a hot spot for gamers against authoritarian assholes in general.

So what's your problem?

[–]LunarArchivist 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

What /u/Yurilica said.

I'm a member of Generation X, meaning that I'm older than many of the idiots we're fighting and old enough to remember very well what happened the last time politicians and the mainstream media came after video games.


The difference is that, back then, the gaming press had our backs. A reporter who went Full Jack Thompson was given the dubious honor of being designated the crazy person of the month in Electronic Gaming Monthly and Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine wrote an editorial condemning the witch hunting politicians, which was accompanied by a "photoshopped" image of Sub-Zero holding up Senator Joseph Lieberman's severed head.

There are lines we don't cross, and for good reason.