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KotakuInAction is the main hub for GamerGate discussion on Reddit.
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What is GamerGate?

Our Mission

KotakuInAction is a platform for open discussion of the issues where gaming, nerd culture, the Internet, and media collide.
We believe that the current standards of ethics in the media has alienated the artists, developers, and creators who perpetuate the things we love, enjoy, and enthusiastically build communities around. We have taken notice of various incidents involving conflicts of interest and agenda-pushing within media which we feel are damaging to the credibility of the medium and harm the community at large. We believe the current media is complicit in the proliferation of an ideology that squashes individuality, divides along political lines, and is stifling to the freedom of creativity that is the foundation of human expression.
KotakuInAction is a community that condemns willful censorship, exclusion, harassment, or abuse. It is a community that organizes to hold the media accountable to the concept of artistic freedom by standing up for the artist, the developer, the writer, the filmmaker, and all who enjoy the freedom to create, explore, and expand. It is a community that allows the exchange of information, supports the ongoing discussion of media ethics, and protects the right of the individual to embrace their personal interests in entertainment and fandom.


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[–]Piemonkey/r/games mod. Calls GG "incredible asshats" -96 points-95 points-94 points  (9 children)
I often hear about /r/games causing Gamergate to exist by banning/censoring it entirely but we didn't do that until after Gamergate formed. In fact, one of the big reasons for us finally doing that was when there was a pro-Gamergate article and a bunch of GG people came in and then refused to discuss the article, opting to instead just complain about being censored. All that despite freely being able to comment in a pro-GG thread on our sub.
Also, yes, I was actively being a shit back then because it was endlessly frustrating to deal with entire swaths of people who have absolutely no interest in speaking with you, and are merely just there to throw insults at you. I've calmed down about it now since GG has largely left us/me alone now that those more animalistic individuals have moved on. There's still a few around, unfortunately, but they stick to /r/Drama now.
[–]scorcher24 22 points23 points24 points  (8 children)
Yeah, that is why you actively shadowban gamergaters like me with AutoModerator, because you want discussion. You guys don't even have the balls to send me a ban message.
That is why mods of games call us rabid animals that need to be put down, because you want discussion.
Keep dreaming asshole.
[–]Piemonkey/r/games mod. Calls GG "incredible asshats" -27 points-26 points-25 points  (7 children)
No, we actively showban users who consistently communicate with phrases like:
Keep dreaming asshole.
Perhaps you should have learned from the smarter GG members who are not shadowbanned because they communicate politely and effectively.
[–]scorcher24 26 points27 points28 points  (6 children)
When someone calls you an animal that needs to be put down, being nice is kind of out of the window dude. You get the responses you ask for. SJW always excuse GamerGaters of sending "death threats", the only thing that could be taken as one that I have gotten so far was from a mod of /r/games. So much for that.
edit: Oh and at least have the decency to ban someone for good so you know you can stop posting and don't resort to bullshit like down voting every comment/thread that is made with AutoModerator and then not publishing it. That is just low and passive aggressive. Makes you kind of appreciate /r/offmychest.
[–]Piemonkey/r/games mod. Calls GG "incredible asshats" -23 points-22 points-21 points  (5 children)
That was perhaps the last actively bad thing I said to GG people, after months of back and forth. Also, I don't believe I ever said "needs to be put down".
Also, no death threats were ever sent from us. There was one guy who purposefully mistook something to be one and then lied about it, though. I remember that because it was actually pretty funny how hard he had to stretch to take it that way.
[–]scorcher24 20 points21 points22 points  (4 children)
So you are allowed to say abusive shit because you are a mod, but when you get some upset answers, it's coming from shitheads that deserve a ban?
You should step down as a moderator, you are not moderator material. If you dish out against your user-base, you need to able to take the backlash and not resort to petty bullshit like this.
[–]Piemonkey/r/games mod. Calls GG "incredible asshats" -19 points-18 points-17 points  (3 children)
No, upset answers are cool. Harassing PM's are not cool, username mentions for no reason are not cool, blatant insults for no reason are not cool.
And all those things happened before I lashed out.
If you dish out against your user-base
I didn't.
[–]scorcher24 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
No, upset answers are cool. Harassing PM's are not cool, username mentions for no reason are not cool, blatant insults for no reason are not cool.
I am pretty sure not by me.
[–]throwaway566678 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
username mentions for no reason are not cool
[–]sunnyta 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
it's convenient that people in influential positions like yourself get to redefine harassment and what is banworthy whenever you want
and equally convenient is how it always happens to target people who disagree with you ideologically
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