Ben Swann's Biggest Project Yet - "Global Activist"!
By Zak Carter on
Ben Swann and his team are creating a new series unlike anything streaming or on TV.
Ben will travel the globe on a quest to uncover personal stories of struggle and success from people who are working to advance the betterment of the human condition
This is Global Activist—a series about people who aren't waiting for the world to change.'s TV by activists, for activists!
We will reveal activist movements that are just beginning, others that have succeeded and still others that have failed. We delve into the background of these movements, the people who are organizing them and the protesters who are calling for change, as we explore what that change looks like.
Want to become a part of it and help make it happen? Your help is needed @
For Liberty!
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USA 2012 replied on Permalink
15% Reached in 3 days
Goal: $50k
Thanks, Everyone! :)
USA 2012 replied on Permalink
Please help keep this bumped
...and give your input/feedback.
Thanks :)
USA 2012 replied on Permalink
$1 Challenge
Can anyone else spare a buck or more for Ben?
Crabacado replied on Permalink
This is awesome! tks Zac!
Thanks to all of us for this!
Each small candle
us is
USA 2012 replied on Permalink
More Info Please
How does Ben plan on being away filming plus keep his job at cbs46?
would like him to activate and engage the people in the U.S. before he goes elsewhere. we need help at home.
Just saw this documentary that explains what's happening to the U.S. We need a movement to get our jobs, manufacturing, and trade back.
Hope you get some rewards soon, Zzzzzz.
Kelldor replied on Permalink
I'm going to wait in anticipation.
I think he's going to end up giving a lot of air time to communists and black block anarchists, but I don't care. Anything Ben Swan does is going to be awesome, so I'm going to wait in anticipation. I think this will be very educational.
Tio Rio replied on Permalink
I would imagine
Ben would make them think about things in new ways
ABBA replied on Permalink
Nice to see.
Nice to see.
Any time people provide for themselves fairly is always good. On-the-will interaction by each party in it can only produce goodness. That interaction is natural to everyone and everything. It's part of nature.
What could aid this story is a video on the subject legalization versus de-criminalization. If not aid the story, it could be a stand alone video on TIM implicitly guiding comprehension of each video viewed and story read. (It could subtly let people know what TIM is about: freedom.) Why I said "aid this story" is because what each of these people would be doing is acting not in legalization but in de-criminalization.
Here are my definitions and short descriptions of those terms:
Legalization: The infrastructure politicians and privateers, meaning private businessmen, have constructed for the individual to do his essence: to trade and to buy and sell.
Legalization is the state achieved from legislation that constructs an economy infrastructure to begin and maintain an economy, a trade-buy-sell scheme that consolidates materials and products then streamlines them, inevitably. The consolidation scheme is why you see more and more of the same products in stores despite that years ago sameness among stores was very small, which proceeded no stores of overlap and particularly proceeded chain stores. The more consolidation, the more stores whose products are the same. And you know what happens when more products are the same than different: buy-outs, mergers and acquisitions and their fruit -- firings and layoffs.
Legalization is inside the System more than illegalization is. Said a bit differently, legalization is the insides, the constitution, of the System. Because legalization is the collectivization of individuals economically and (interaction concerning) exchange is how a society forms, legalization does what natural exchange does: expresses wants and desires and through repetition molds individuals psychologically therefore behaviorally which in turn spurns more of the same wants and desires, a cyclical relationship. Expression and molding are fine, but when legalized they become perverted, here meaning false because they were set up, becoming products of interference. As is the case that willful behavior influences for more of its behavior, behavior from interference influences for more of its behavior and by extension to who interfered, a move of will from the first person standpoint to the will of the third person standpoint.
Unlike natural exchange whose molding agrees to its units, its individuals, this agreement being the evidence of spontaneity which makes resolution soon and quick possible, molding from legalization -- indirect forced exchange -- agrees to those who crafted the legislation which after transforming into legalization carries monitoring backed up by threats of violence and violence for the individuals comprising the populace. As well, the spontaneity in legalization is curbed and resolution's timing and speed are equal to the degree that middle men are in (or absent in) the relationship between the individuals exchanging with each other. Lots of middle men, timing is late and speed is slow and the result probably is unsatisfactory.
De-criminalization: The removal of the status crime and the cessation and prevention of government permissions that impede the individual trading, buying and selling.
License, permits and other government permissions are how the government positions itself and privateers offensively to the individual. This positioning is ownership. Who owns are government and the privateers and who is owned is the individual. Therefore, cessation of government offense, or attack, is the removal of the barriers for the individual to provide for himself -- which, Zak, I think is the condition the people filmed in this project will be in. Those people will be exchanging without third parties in providing for themselves fairly. Those people will be living naturally.
My guess is lots of your film will be in rural settings. I'm hopeful the lands those people will be on will be fertile and rich in nature. If they aren't, look to governments and corporations stripping their lands of their materials and resources forcing people to migrate.
A government without the ability to issue permission for the individual to engage in self providence, to do what is natural for himself -- to trade and to buy and sell -- is a government with few or no prisons and their forerunner: legislation, particularly and especially the kind designed for an economy infrastructure, the paths and doors the individual must use to live, a life unnatural.
Trade is the realm used to enslave. As such, trade is the realm used to free.
It's time to be natural.
It's time to be free.
USA 2012 replied on Permalink
Looks Good!
And nice to see his wife, Jasmine. Maybe their children can join them and help. Sure to be great learning experience while seeing the world as a perk.
They're doing great! $5327 in 7 hrs. Altho' that donor may be a team member. ;)
I'll see what I can do. :) (How much would security cost?)
Zak Carter replied on Permalink
Thanks USA 2012!
We're rockin' it! Our videos are currently being viewed on average over 3.5 million times a month, (everyone from Bill Maher to NORML has shared them - ) we have a new video partnership with AOL and Huffington Post that should significantly boost that number - and I'm the security! :)
reedr3v replied on Permalink
Great idea!
Tiny suggestion for video solicitations: consider Ben's clothing; ok but a tad conventional for the alternative stance suggested in this project. IMO rumpled liberal (not Liberal) academic or tasteful Creative might fit better.