Life Is Strange is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment, and published by Square Enix. The game's plot focuses on Maxine Caulfield, a photography student who discovers that she has the ability to rewind time at any moment, leading her every choice to enact the butterfly effect.
Press to watch the trailers.
Episode 5 - Polarized 20 October 2015
Dontnod's first game. An action-adventure sci-fi set in Neo-Paris.
Dontnod's third game coming sometime in 2017. An action RPG set in 1918's London.
Sailing on high winds.
Life Is Strange role play set at Blackwell Academy.
Discussion about "interactive cinema" games like Life Is Strange.
Read the full rules with explanations: HERE.
§1 Remember to follow reddiquette.
§2 All posts should be directly relevant to the video game Life Is Strange.
§3 All submissions that are NSFW must be marked as such.
§4 Stay at the same level of NSFW as the game itself.
§5 All spoilers must be clearly tagged as shown below.
§6 Spoilers from unreleased episodes must include an official source.
§7 Do not spoil anything in the title itself.
§8 Posting or linking to leaked information is not allowed.
Low Effort Posts
§9 General meme/image macro posts are not allowed.
If your submission contains spoilers:
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Example title:
"[EP2 SPOILERS] The game mechanic that makes LIS different"
If your comment contains spoilers past the spoiler scope of that post:
Use the following format/markup:
"[EP_ SPOILERS](#s "Life Is Strange features time travel")"
For example, in a hypothetical post titled "[EP1 SPOILERS] Something about Life is Strange":
I really love that EP2 SPOILERS
In a post with, for example, [EP2 SPOILERS] in the title, you do not have to tag spoilers from Episode 1 or Episode 2.
If you mis-tag spoilers in a submission title, your submission will be removed and you will be asked to resubmit.
If you mis-tag spoilers in a comment, your comment will be removed and re-approved once you have edited it to correctly follow these rules.
Life Is Strange
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Dontnod Entertainment
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Square Enix
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