I know Wikipedia is probably low-hanging fruit, but I was looking for the easiest way to explain the ideas surrounding the social construction of gender to a friend who was completely against the idea of gender. (To the point where he genuinely believed that it means you can wake up and select gender identity at random in a vacuum). I hadn't expected to find anything on Wikipedia to convince him, but just enough to at least give some ground to work off.
What I found there was ridiculous. It has already been flagged by the Wiki Admins, but it's just so shockingly bad I thought I'd share it.
Evolutionary Psychology gets a pass without referencing by the editor, but any mention of sociology or such is met with "Clarification needed", or my personal favourite "weasel words". The research methods section is particularly bad.
Hope this isn't too Low-Effort for you lovely mods,it is Friday after all.