There is no Illuminati, no Free Masons, or Aliens pulling the strings. Those who Really are pulling the Strings are Jews, mostly known as Zionists.
These Zionists control more than 80% of all U.S media, including the 6 Mass Media Stations including: CNN, CNBC, CBS, FOX, ABC etc. All run by very Pro-Zion Jews. Jews also monopolize Hollywood, and the entertainment industry. Other huge Zionist controlled media outlets include: Facebook, Reddit, and other huge social media outlets. Jews also dominate most College Systems in the United States as well. Currently most Ivey League Schools are seeing record number of Jewish Students. Harvard alone has increase it's Jewish population by 25% since the 1970s. Asians and Whites have seen a record low in these school areas today. It seems that all these institutions are put in place so that every Zionist ideal is brainwashed into the American psyche on a daily basis. (
Zionist Jews are also responsible for the creation of the Federal Reserve. The "Fed" is the private corporation that prints the U.S dollar. The Federal Reserve then charges Interest to the American Government. This creates perpetual debt to the American People, and since 1971 the Dollar is no longer backed by Gold. So now the Fed can print unlimited amounts of money that are essentially worthless. Enslaving the population of America.
Of course the Federal Reserve is only one small brach that makes up the Jewish Rothschild Banking Cartels. Currently these Banking cartels of "Central Banks", are present in all but 3 countries in the world. Those three countries include: North Korea, Syria, and Iran. Ever wonder why the U.S keeps pushing for a war with Iran? Well they have to topple the Iran Government install a puppet and create a Central Banking System in Iran itself.
Rothschild itself is a Jewish Family which originated in Germany. Roth-Child meaning "Red Sign" in German was originally a small banking firm in Germany in the 18th century which than spread to mostly European countries. The first central bank was established in Great Britain during the end of the War with France. Due to fast couriers, the Rothschilds convinced the English to sell their stocks and bonds claiming that Britain lost the war when in reality they won it. After the English did so the Rothschild bought the market at record low rates, enslaving the English Parliament to debt. Also creating the first Rothschild Bank.
Another thing to Note was that the "Star of David" seen on the Israeli Flag was original the symbol of the Rothschild's "Red Sign." The Star of David was simply turned blue on the Israeli flag and added to blue borders, symbolizing the Nile and the Euphrates rivers. These borders create the larger nation of "Greater Israel" which Zionists have been routinely pushing through their "Holy Texts."
Also speaking of Israel which was created in 1948 after the events of WW2 is now the centralized homeland of Jewish kind alike. With their Rothschild Flag they claim this is their "Ancestral Homeland" which effectively creating huge "Concentration Camps" around Gaza and the West Bank, as they slowly kill of the real natives of Israel, the Palestinians.
Not to mention the U.S Government is forced to give Israel 10 million dollars per day. Averaging 3 billion per year. This means Israel gets more U.S aid per year than the ENTIRE Continent of Africa gets in a year in U.S aid. The Zionists accomplish this as many Israeli Politicians have huge backing in the U.S Government today. Dual-Citizens from Israel now run most of the United States own population.
Mossad (the Israeli Government) has been holding the United States and the World Hostage with Nuclear Weapons which they routinely refuse to let U.N inspectors into. The Mossad has a term in place called the "Samson Option" which means, they would take down any foreign government down with them if they threaten Israel. Even if that means Nuclear War.
The Israeli Government has been under fire repeatedly for human right violations that threaten U.N sanctions. Israel also has huge incarceration efforts and sterilization programs, to those they deem as minorities or as they refer to them as"Goy."
Israeli violations are rarely seen by the public due to the Zionist Monopolization of the Media, as well as the JIDF. The Jewish Internet Defense Force routinely pushes Pro-Israeli Propaganda on a daily basis on websites such as: Facebook, Reddit, and any other large media site.
Criticism as Israeli or Zionist interests could be met with Legal issues as the(ADL) Anti-Defamation League along with the Zionist controlled media will quickly point out anyone who speaks out as a "Racist" or "Anti-Semti" Which is Ironic as the Jewish Talmud is in itself one of the most racist pieces of Religious text ever created.
The Talmud which is made up of 38 volumes all written by various Rabbis over the course of centuries pin-points the main Ideals of Jewelry. In the text itself which is written in Hebrew with few translations to English Jews are taught there are only two types of people in this world. Jews (Semites) and Non-Jews (Gentiles) also known as "Goy" and their nations "Goyium:" The Talmud tells Jews that it is their holy right that they are superior to the Goys, so they may Lie, Cheat, and even Kill a Non-Goy and it would be perfectly acceptable in the eyes of God. One text even refers to all those who are not Jews are seen as Animals.
It is no wonder historically that Jews have been thrown out of 109 different countries. The teachings of the Talmud are so racist in nature it literally makes Jews hate their host nation. The Talmud literally turns these human beings into parasites in non-jewish countries. In fact there wasn't even a Jewish Homeland since 1948, because of this very reason.
Israel was created so that Jews would have a "safe place" after the events of WW2 and the Holocaust. Currently the Holocaust is widely regarded as the sole reason why Israel was created. The events of the Holocaust were also largely exaggerated to fit a narrative. "6 million Jews" Even before the events of WW1 Jews were claiming that 6 million Jews would perish. Currently there is no physical proof that the Camps in the Holocaust were actually Death Camps. They are were rather forced Labor camps, such as the Japanese Camps used in America and Canada. It wasn't until years after the Holocaust that the notion of "Nazi Gas Chambers" were even used to "Exterminate" Jews.
These Zionist are now pushing huge reform efforts into the Wester Nations, such as Mass Immigration. They have a purpose for making Europeans minorities in their Home Countries. While at the same time having extremely little non-jewish immigration into Israel. Zionist also promote the ideals of interracial relationships while actively telling Jewish Youths to only marry a Jewish spouse. These hypocrisies are nicknamed "Changes for Thee, not for Me."
[–]Vapourtrails89 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]jacks1000 4ポイント5ポイント6ポイント (0子コメント)
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[–]jacks1000 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (5子コメント)
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[–]jacks1000 [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
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