全 9 件のコメント

[–]Endorsed ContributorScholarInRed 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is seriously high quality. You have a comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter and have refined that into a post with pretty much zero fluff or fat. Your future on here is bright if you keep this up.

I honestly think this is sidebar-worthy.

[–]WilsonSelf 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Very good. The notch count is an important topic to discuss on TRP. Epigenetics directing female behaviour following a long period of getting pumped & dumped is scary. When a female gets pumped & dumped her biology will remind her in every possible way that she's in a stressfull enviroment and that there's no time for or value in child investment. She will then adopt masculine, bitter, gray qualities to make up for the future lack of paternal involvement for her child, she will have to fend of predators on her on. This is where the state comes in handy to pick up the pieces and "man-up" via welfare funded childcare.

Enter feminism: Bitter, lonely, "sexually liberated" old women telling young women to not waste time on monogamy & motherhood because... it's a stressfull enviroment. No time for child-raising, no value in feminine qualities and a constant victim mentality paired with the meme of the "Strong Independent Woman". All is fair in love & war.

[–]SmellinBenj 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks for this high quality post.

[–]insickness 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

What I hear a lot here is this false dichotomy: Sluts bad. Virgins good. In reality, most women you date will not be virgins, particularly as you get older. So what you see is a range of sluttiness. Some women are more slutty than others.

Finding out exactly how slutty a woman is before you date her can be a daunting task. There are signs to follow but in the end you will be making a judgement call. If you want a more serious, long-term relationship, then you need to decide whether your perceived level of her sluttiness is a deal-breaker. Notice I didn't say that her sluttiness is a deal-breaker. That's because with the average woman, you likely don't know exactly how slutty she is.

So based on the information you take in, you make a decision about her. But why exactly are we trying to deduce if she is slutty? What are the risks to dating a slut? Let's see:

  1. She could cheat on you.

  2. She could leave you.

  3. She might not respect you or love you enough, etc.

But all of these are risks in a relationship with a woman whether or not she is a slut. Even if she is not a slut, she can still cheat on you. She can still leave you. She can still pine for a higher quality guy.

When you start to date a woman, her partner count is simply one factor in a lot of factors in deciding what kind of person she is. It's possible she loves sex but is still monogamous. It's possible she is bossy or lies or is an attention whore or has low self-esteem or any other number of down sides a woman could have.

What I'm saying is that this TRP meme, sluts-bad-virgins-good, gives the average person very little information on whom to get into a relationship with and who to avoid. We're all looking for the highest quality mate we can find and her level of sluttiness is simply one among many aspects to consider when choosing a partner.

[–]2wantonton[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can't disagree with your reply, but that's in large part because it's so unspecific. Some women are bad partners some aren't it's up to each guy to do his best to figure it out. That's true, but not helpful.

My post is an attempt to help men understand the driving dynamics at work. With an understanding of the process they can better interpret what they see which helps them determine what to do.

I never said marry only virgins, I said understand what her past says about her; and what your own impulses are guiding you to do.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's also just gross when women sleep around. When feminists say shit to men like "You can be weak too!!!" they take something that women do all the time, like be weak, and ask for that right on the pretense that no decent man is actually gonna take up her offer. That means she gets the privilege of being weak without taking the burden of caring for weak people. The way I see it, if men find sluts to be disgusting then women can decide to just go ahead and sleep with low count men. If they choose not to take me up on my offer then so be it.

[–]systemshock869 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

When feminists say shit to men like "You can be weak too!!!" they take something that women do all the time, like be weak, and ask for that right on the pretense that no decent man is actually gonna take up her offer. That means she gets the privilege of being weak without taking the burden of caring for weak people.

Very insightful quote right here. This is why keep finding myself back on this sub after I wander through the shit in more populated places.

[–]JihadDerp 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

So basically, we (men and women) are going to try to fuck the hottest person available, and we'll fantasize about them when we're fucking someone not as hot.

[–]2wantonton[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If that were the issue, it wouldn't be an issue.

No, what it means is that unless properly vetted any LTR partner has the potential to be using you as a safety net and base of operations from which to continue the search for ever better genes, through cheating and cucking and/or branch swinging. If you are unaware of this, because you didn't properly vet, or because you believed the Disney narrative, you can't protect yourself.