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[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -3ポイント-2ポイント  (62子コメント)

If you want to know why people interested in men's rights hate feminists take a look in a fucking mirror. You're using the actions of a mentally ill man with no links to the MRM whatsoever as a smear against us. Feminist assholes just like you were manufacturing links while the bodies were still warm. If you want to see what Elliot Rodgers subscribed to on YouTube his page is still up. He didn't subscribe to any self-described Men's Rights channels at all, it's full of pickup artistry and cars. The only way to class him as having links to the MRM is if you count dating advice channels as relating to Men's Rights, which is patently ridiculous. His subscriptions also included left-wing media like The Young Turks, but somehow I doubt you'll be blaming them for the shooting.

As long feminists like yourself attempt to smear every single attempt at creating services for men you will be hated. I hope one day karma catches up with you, and I hope it hurts.

[–]brlitoParkdale 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

How lonely are you that you need to lash out like that?

[–]Ciderbat 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

Poor little MRA is so misunderstood and feminisim is the reason that women don't like you, not at all the fact you are a whiny entitled shitwaffle.

"Oh, us men are victims! It's not fair!" Fuck off. I hate when people say this, as it's sexist as fuck, but I'll make an exception in this case: man up. And shut up. Suck it up, shitweasel; you are not a victim. You are a child, crying over your mother not buying you the Kinder egg you wanted at the checkout aisle.

As long as you blame females and feminists for your shitty problems, I only have this to say to you: suck my dick. I get along quite well with all my female and feminist friends, and again: suck my dick you little whiny fuck. Does that upset you? Piss you off? Little whiny MRA twat.

[–]valentinelovecraft 3ポイント4ポイント  (50子コメント)

I'm not against mens groups, mens shelters or mens counselling. These can be legitimate resources: CAFE isn't. Women-blaming and anti-feminism isn't a resource. Here's a proper support group another member posted.

Men can have healthy resolves to their divorces, resolves which don't involve joining groups that act as a front for shadowy organizations that promote attitudes and sentiments prefacing gender-based violence.

Also I never identified as a feminist. You might be lumping anybody with a sense of decency in that category.

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy 0ポイント1ポイント  (49子コメント)

CAFE isn't woman-blaming, it's just unashamedly male-positive and you can't tell the difference. The guy you linked talks about making men better husbands, not making them happier people. No surprise his "radical feminist" wife loves it. Better not let the guys talk about things that aren't "within the man's control" though, then they might get the anti-feminist idea that the system is stacked against them.

You might be lumping anybody with a sense of decency in that category.

You cannot attempt to tie Elliott Rodgers to the MRM and expect to be taken seriously when you claim to have a sense of decency. That's the lowest form of smear possible.

I called you a feminist because you're behaving like one and (be honest) I wasn't wrong, was I? Besides, by linking to a single feminist comment and agreeing with them you've done more to associate yourself with feminism than Elliott Rodger ever did re the MRM.

[–]I_Hate_Disco 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Former MRA/CAFE fan here.

protestors always protest CAFE and their ally AVFM and scum like Paul Elam.

CAFE is ruining the discussion on Mens Issues. As a former member I witnessed first-hand how they are just merely an anti-feminist group, not really interested in mens issues unless it gains them points in the media or points against a feminist.

There is a very good reason why every event CAFE has hosted has been protested. These protestors are protesting CAFE, and not mens issues.

Anti-feminist Justin Trottier and CAFE tried really hard to coverup connections between Trottier and CAFE. Only through CAFE's application for charity status did the world discover Trottier is CAFE's chair/founder . The same application fabricated connections between CAFE and reputable human rights groups.

Trottier has since been named director for CAFE's men's center.

CAFE basically defrauded another group in order to sneak into the event. Instead of promoting gay rights, they used the platform to promote themselves with CAFE merchandise.

CAFE Adam McPhee promotes men’s rights by harassing Jessica Valenti on Twitter.

CAFE has links to Attila Vinczer (AVFM Activism Director) who was trying to dox David Futrelle last year.

CAFE also supports A Voice for Men, including Dan Perrins- Remember this qoute from the GQ article on last years men's rights confrence?

the day he ended up in jail, after he says he lodged a complaint against his ex, the beginning of a legal battle that led him to a hunger strike. “I should have killed the bitch five years ago,” he tells me. “I’d be out by now.”

That was Dan Perrins (Ontario News Correspondent for A Voice for Men news.).

One of the speakers at that conference was Canadian senator Anne Cools. She voted against same sex marriage and is a firm believer that marriage is only for heterosexuals.

A comment by "Genna Ross" (who is allegedly head of CAFE's "LGBT Committee") led me to her commenting history. Check her out admitting that CAFE is a men's rights group which opposes feminists (something that CAFE strenuously denied),

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path -1ポイント0ポイント  (18子コメント)

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -3ポイント-2ポイント  (15子コメント)

I wonder how low that guy's self-confidence had to be to use himself as an example of what an ugly MRA looks like.

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 4ポイント5ポイント  (14子コメント)

You tell us, real-life MRA!

On a scale from "all of yours" to "all of everybody's," how many problems are feminism's fault?

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -2ポイント-1ポイント  (13子コメント)

On a scale of "almost every mass shooting ever" to "every mass shooting ever", how many mass shootings are the MRM's fault?

[–]ButtholeSmurfer 2ポイント3ポイント  (11子コメント)

Oregon, Isla Vista, Polytechnique, George Hennard, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook... you want more?

[–]3happy5u -2ポイント-1ポイント  (7子コメント)

Aside from crybaby womanchild feminists, nobody actually believes in that.

Literally you

[–]TheArgsenal 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

So what your saying is that these shootings never happened? Just like how it wasn't actually a plane that flew into the Pentagon?

I think you're onto something, but I want to hear your thoughts about how Tower 7 fits in.

[–]ButtholeSmurfer 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Whoa, sorry, have you been jerking off this whole time thinking I was a woman?

Uhm, yeah, that's it.

(it's better he not know)

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

u/ButtholeSmurfer is a guy, and so am I.

Now quit spamming Toronto's subreddit and sulk back to r/PussyPassDenied, weirdo.


[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

At least one.

Likely unknown to you, since you don't live in Canada.

Where, again, are you failing to brigade r/toronto from?

[–]valentinelovecraft 0ポイント1ポイント  (28子コメント)

Unashamedly male-positive in the sense of traditional gender roles, perhaps, which is why CAFE provide no semblance of care to gay or trans males issues, or issues of male-on-male rape. Am I perhaps female-positive and you can't tell the difference between that and feminism? Or is it that I'm not a fedora-wearing woman-hating sadist?

I'm just going to shoot the shit here and I'm probably gonna be speaking to myself, but it's nice to flesh out these ideas, even if it is stream of consciousness or all over the place.

One thing I've witnessed anecdotally that's been reinforced by my cursory studies of feminism which sheds light on the disconnect of traditional gender roles in modern society at its starkest, and I'll bring it up now as it's relevant to my experience, is breakups: men and women often have far different reactions or outcomes.

I feel as though women have a far easier time of getting over it; not for any biological reason, but social: they have other women they can seek counsel with, they have no problems being emotional to their friends about their experiences or even crying. Gender roles don't exclude them from being emotional, it encourages it.

Speaking from experience, men on the other hand, also dictated by the traditional gender roles, and reinforced by film and media of male heroes, are less likely to be emotional with their male friends; instead, feelings become bottled up and advice from other males often amounts to "fuck that bitch." We're taught from a young age the men don't cry, emotions are a sign of weakness, etc. We're scared to be perceived as weak, when growing up with Superman as our childhood hero. Gender roles don't include them to being emotional with their peers, and when they are, often their peers can not be as receptive (or offer the most helpful of counsel).

So how do we get to a point where men are more economically and politically advantageous (to the extent of owning most industry, the capitalist class, lawmakers/politcians being mostly male, more professional working class male disproportionately employed in high-salary STEM fields), where all women have only recently been given voting rights, yet males still feel threatened and persecuted by female independence, feminism and a legal system which recognizes their disadvantage and provides accordingly (especially in cases of burdened with child-rearing)?

Part of it is from development, absorbing a cultural hegemony that reinforces the traditional gender roles, but reality being far more inclusive to the independence of women from men (eg, no longer having the traditionalist relationship style of a working father, and a housewife economically dependent on him and catering to his whim; courts recognizing the economic disadvantage of women particularly burdened by children).

This comes back to attitudes on male emotionlessness, Elliot Rodgers and breakups/rejection. Feeling so disenfranchised by the latter, which then becomes perpetuated by the former, both as a result of (or not made anymore helpful by) traditional gender roles (eg of entitlement by even the most mediocre of men [Rodgers]), you have mentally troubled males with no healthy outlet for counsel, themselves feeling persecuted, turning to like-minded MRAs or those burned by their own sense of entitlement [Rodgers' PUAHate], resulting in a compounding of this confusion and rhetorically violent attitudes toward women, which can preface physical targeted violence.

This is the manner in which MRAs and Elliot Rodgers are connected: reinforcement of traditional gender roles, of male entitlement, of a perceived male emotionlessness, of perceived female fragility, etc.

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -1ポイント0ポイント  (25子コメント)

Unashamedly male-positive in the sense of traditional gender roles

Yes, recognizing that men can be vulnerable to female violence is a super traditional point of view. There's no bigger symbol of patriarchy than a man being beaten by a woman, which is why feminists take such pleasure in calling victimized men crybabies and manchildren. Thanks, I'd never seen it that way before!

Other traditional viewpoints fully endorsed by CAFE include equal parenting and that boys who have sex with older women should be seen as victims regardless of if they "wanted it". Thank God there's feminist women like your personal hero Adele Mercier who fight these toxic ideas in the face of CAFE's misogyny.

which is why CAFE provide no semblance of care to gay or trans males

A quick skim of the group you endorse did not reveal any mention of sexual minority issues either. Are you going to withdraw support for them now, or are they just one of hundreds of feminist groups for whom sexuality and transgenderism isn't a particular focus?

[–]valentinelovecraft 1ポイント2ポイント  (19子コメント)

Yes, recognizing that men can be vulnerable to female violence is a super traditional point of view. There's no bigger symbol of patriarchy than a man being beaten by a woman, which is why feminists take such pleasure in calling victimized men crybabies and manchildren. Thanks, I'd never seen it that way before!

Feminists are leading the fight for this, not MRAs, sorry to burst your bubble. Feminists fought to change the federal definition of rape to include male victims, they fought for the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, and they continue to fight to end sexual violence in the military.

In 1994, NOW was a leader in the fight to pass the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Though the law includes women in its title, VAWA protects male victims of domestic violence.

NOW fought to expand the definition of hate crimes to include all identities. That includes men of color, LGBT men, Jewish men, Muslim men, etc.

A quick skim of the group you endorse did not reveal any mention of sexual minority issues either. Are you going to withdraw support for them now, or are they just one of hundreds of feminist groups for whom sexuality and transgenderism isn't a particular focus?

I don't endorse a group. If you're taking about feminism, unlike the homogenous unifying antifeminist rallying cry of MRAs, feminism is a very diverse ideology, with diverse proponents, diverse goals and diverse methods. You have TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), and pretty much the rest of feminism who aren't trans-exclusionary.

By your lack of insight it's clear you've never read feminist literature, I'd recommend you start here.

[–]ButtholeSmurfer 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

Why are you bothering to tell this guy about progress made in our country? He's a brigader from the UK and couldn't in actuality give the slightest shit about Canada.

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Why are you bothering to tell this guy about progress made in our country? He's a brigader from the UK and couldn't in actuality give the slightest shit about Canada.

The meat of that post is about the U.S. (VAWA, FBI rape definitions, PREA) and you didn't even notice. Is that embarrassing for you? I bet it is.

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Canada isn't part of the United States (yet), dummy.

[–]ButtholeSmurfer 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm almost as embarrassed as you must be whenever you leave your mother's flat, guv'nor!

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy 1ポイント2ポイント  (14子コメント)

Feminists are leading the fight for this

Funny joke. Feminists have lied and manipulated statistics for decades, using every resource available to them from their protected positions in academia and the media to downplay violence against men. Indeed the only dedicated domestic violence refuge for Canadian men was run by an MRA until his suicide in 2013. "Leading the fight". God.

Feminists fought to change the federal definition of rape to include male victims

I assume you're talking about the U.S. now? Feminists fought for the definition of rape to include non-vaginal penetration, having discovered that women who were raped orally or anally were not being counted as rape victims. Men were something of an afterthought, sorry to burst your bubble.

they fought for the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003

"Fought"? That bill was universally supported, with supporters including Focus on the Family, who are about as traditionally conservative as it gets, and various religious groups. It passed with unanimous approval.

VAWA protects male victims of domestic violence.

With its mandatory arrest policies VAWA provided another avenue for men to be abused. Ironically, while VAWA does appear to have reduced the number of men killed by their partners the prevailing opinion seems to be that this is a result of hyper violent men no longer being in a position to drive women to desperation, rather than protecting non-violent or reciprocally-violent men.

NOW have also been fighting shared parenting legislation for decades.

I don't endorse a group.

I'm referring to the one you called a "proper support group" and a "legitimate resource", namely MDI. The only mention of LGBT on their site is that they are welcome, which is also true of CAFE (which has openly gay members). Why could it possibly be that this LGBT-litmus test is only being applied to CAFE? Hmm....

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 1ポイント2ポイント  (13子コメント)


Men's rights activists do have an important thing in common with gay men:

Both groups have the exact same amount of sex with women.

[–]3happy5u -3ポイント-2ポイント  (12子コメント)

Hey, just because no man will ever have sex with you, it doesn't mean that you can just project your sexual frustration into others. :)

But again, feminists are basically man repelers, you people whine about being single, but that's because when men look at you, they start running towards the other direction.

Literally you

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

Nah, you're a crybaby and a manchild because that's how you're acting, in this laughable one-man brigade campaign you've suddenly taken up against r/Toronto tonight.

It has nothing to do with whether a girl beat you up (since you haven't let us know).

Anyway, please fuck back off to the UK subreddits you probably annoy even worse than you're annoying us nice Canadians.

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

you're a crybaby and a manchild because that's how you're acting

You've thrown an amazing internet tantrum because I'm ruining the ideological purity of your internet forum. I've objected to a support group being wrongly associated with a mass murderer. I am comfortable with how this conversation reflects on me.

one-man brigade campaign you've suddenly taken up against r/Toronto tonight.

I've posted in one in one corner of one thread, so I think you might be slightly overstating the situation, nevertheless...

you're annoying us nice Canadians.

Thanks, I was worried this was all going to be for nothing.

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

internet tantrum

Dude... Your entire Reddit history is whining about how everything bad is girls' fault.

And now here you are in r/Toronto, all the way from the UK where I think it's now past 6am.

You've been blubbering at us all night, in screeching, essay-length diatribes about the mean old feminists whose fault your shitty life is, instead of sleeping, and/or losing your virginity.

No person who might agree with your delusions is going to see your comments in this dormant thread. Just us popcorn-eaters who are mocking you and having a nice laugh.

Now, please, for the love of whichever chesty video game character you jank it to most frequently, quit farting your sad bullshit into r/toronto.

We can smell your Lucozade breath through the Internet.

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Single purpose account mate, you feminists get super creepy when you see an argument you don't like.

But hey, since we're doing the arse-sniffing routine I might as well return the favour. You've made approximately 70 comments in the past 24 hours, mostly about feminism, evil MRAs, and rape. I have to go back 5 pages just to reach your first post in this fucking submission. I don't think I've ever kept up that comment rate on any subject ever, so well done I guess.

essay-length diatribes

What the hell did you study that 150 words constituted an essay?

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lack of virginity denial noted

And yes, I'm a famously unstoppable fountain of hilarious zingers, thank you.

Much like your seemingly eternal river of tears.

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey, CAFE are very male-positive!

I mean, except for when they set a bad example, telling obvious lies and getting caught right away.

Which is really, really often.

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 1ポイント2ポイント  (7子コメント)

What subreddit are you attempting to brigade this thread from?

You've never commented in r/toronto before now, and your Reddit history shows that you don't live in Toronto either.

Kindly keep your shrill whining to r/MensRights, etc.

[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -4ポイント-3ポイント  (6子コメント)

What's the matter, can't handle someone calling you out on your shit? Poor little feminist, so sad :'(

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

You can't play the "poor you, so sad" card when you've already devoted several paragraphs to whining like a beta.

As for my shit, my shit is unstoppable. Don't end up like Biff Tannen's car.


[–]Munchausen-By-Proxy -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

It's always amused me how goony beardmen have to resort to parodies and cartoons for this sort of shitposting.

[–]ur_a_idietThe Bridle Path 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're a parody of yourself at this point. Cartoons are all that you deserve.

Here's another:


[–]ButtholeSmurfer 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Say, what part of Toronto are you from, again?