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[–]always-be-closing 32ポイント33ポイント  (3子コメント)

Civilization is a result of countless generations of 'stay at home moms' whose devotion to strong husbands resulted in strong sons and daughters, to become good men and women themselves.

Woman is the soil of the human forest, the male its seed; when she is nurturing and soft, he and his branches will grow tall and strong and unyielding. When she is cold and barren, he withers and dies.

[–]fixinmeself [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Sometimes I wonder why rich in a rich country is the standard discussion starting point in these subs. I mean my mom, mother in law, wife do work, but it is not some kind of an empowering career bullshit but basically toiling for money the family needs. Especially in the American discourse everybody below upper middle class is not noticed. When Americans talk about working women, they talk about the (probably white) woman sitting in an office writing e-mails, not the (probably Hispanic) woman cleaning that office. The second works for necessity, not empowerment. And usually able to have kids and live RP while working...

[–]CisWhiteMaelstromTRP ENDORSED MAN [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

During her youth when a woman's most fertile and fit to birth children, she also tends to get the most sympathy, favors, support, car, and all of that. It's frankly impossible to mind that if she's making an early decision to make a drastic lifestyle change accompanied by lots of sacrifice and labor that benefits her child and her society.

Under feminism, women spend that time doing nothing useful. Rather than starting families, setting up a kid's life, or any of that she's just going to go out partying and spending her youthfulness selfishly and unproductively. She won't have kids until it's unhealthy to do so, her career will be underwhelming because she wants time off to party and she quite frankly doesn't need prestige to get social status.

RPW careers are fundamentally different than the feminist's because the RPW still has those ideals of family and motherhood in mind. Working is a response to a changing economy and not to the things which motivate a feminist.