全 33 件のコメント

[–]TheGamingdude25 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

The max vet level is currently v16

I wouldn't say it's required to do so to gain vet levels, but if you want to have an easier time levelling up and getting access to new zones I would reccomend it.

I don't know AvA is, sorry :/

[–]triffixrexKhajiit[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

... aliance vs aliance ... ala R v R, realm vs realm from DAoC. It was the major selling point at release. But seems like it's still what it was. Thank you for your time.

[–]TheGamingdude25 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Ok, I always called it alliance war. Anyways, low levelled people are given higher stats to be able to compete with higher levels people, while higher leveled people don't get as much of a boost.

[–]triffixrexKhajiit[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Um... ok so like if you are under lvl 50 you get boosted in hpts etc. however above lvl 50 you have base stats that make a r5 be able to take on 10 lvl 50s.

[–]SleepyTroll69Encial 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

No, you get battle level to vet14 I believe or 15

[–]SezetcikEP NB // DC Templar 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ah that's what doubles my hp :)

[–]Gabby-Abeille 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Hey there! If you have bought the game after beta, there isn't a mandatory subscription anymore so you can hop in and try it for yourself if you wish.

Anyway, the max VR is VR16 right now but that may change. ZOS stated several times that they intend to remove the Veteran Ranks eventually, but before they do that they may raise the cap again.

You were never really required to do other factions to gain Veteran Ranks, as you could level up in Cyrodiil instead. A DLC scheduled to be released next month will add an area accessible by characters of any level and that will scale you while you are there, so I assume it will be a nice place to level up too. There is Craglorn too, but that zone was tailored for group play and can be really challenging for someone playing solo and on their early VR levels.

You get battle leveled when entering Cyrodiil, but a fully equipped VR16 will still be much stronger than someone that just jumped in. There are also Champion Points now to consider, which are a different line of progression. You start getting them when you get to VR1, and you can apply them to all the characters in your account. Here is an explanation on the new system. Anyway, I find non-VR PvP much more interesting and fun TBH and I almost exclusively PvP with my low level alts in the non-veteran campaign, Blackwater Blade, instead of with my vets.

And that's not a lot of questions actually. Feel free to ask anything.

[–]triffixrexKhajiit[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'll have to try it out. What I had been avoiding since release was the massive handicap given to max vr ranked characters. AvA was fun in beta and in the begining, but once vr10 could solo a group of people...

I stopped a while back, vr1 and unable to progress cause i couldn't kill diablo. vr Ranks used to force you to play other factions, it was the only way for any speedy progression.

I'll have to check out champion points. AvA is the only interest I have. I didnt mind the subscription as long as I could just AvA but the handicap given to PvE players in AvA was a bit obnoxious.

Thanks for the insight. I'm interested in logging in and checking it out.