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[–]moose_war 52ポイント53ポイント  (11子コメント)

For my part, 10 years ago I was the dopey kid who genuinely wanted to be romantic to a girl and find a long term girlfriend. I kept being the nice, non-aggressive, non-competitive guy. A lot of it was fear but I also felt massive amounts of guilty any time I tried to entertain the idea of being sexual with girls I "liked". This lead to high pedestals, fear of social repercussions, and a lot of fence sitting. At some point in my childhood, I was taught to be the beta, taught that being the beta was OK, and that actually, just being friends with the girl that makes your dick hard and your heart genuinely thump is "good" somehow, that cutting them off is a jerk move, and that women totally aren't purposely dangling the chance of fucking them over your head to suck you dry emotionally (except when they later admit that is what they were actually doing to you).

10 years later, I'm not really what I'd consider my ideal self. I'm more like a Mad Max character. If I can fuck a girl that gets my dick hard, cool. If she gives me a hard time or plays games or shit tests me harshly, I just get annoyed and go find someone else or jerk off and get back to working on something important. I'm not the role model for "alpha" guys. I don't look beta anymore, I have broad shoulders and muscles and facial hair. But I'm not trying to be a svengali here.

I really admire guys who can be alpha and also still genuinely want to have a family with a worthy woman. I like the idea of repairing our broken, soulless society. I'm just not that guy though, it's way too much energy to find an actual, non lying, non-crazy woman who would make a good life mate. I fucked up a lot of my youth "depressed" about this reality, wasted literal years thinking about a girl that I "loved" because I was crazy. I realized that the "nice" girls will literally suck a random guy's cock in a taxi cab when they are drunk. The "sweet" ones who aren't the most physically attractive, but hey, she's cool, you have common interests and she seems so loyal and sweet! But oops, she was also a party whore, lol woops. I lost track of my life's goals and to me, not getting back on track, not traveling and not working on myself scare me way more than "ending up alone".

I don't debate feminists in real life anymore. I don't try to "win" girls or dread them really harshly. I really don't care if I ever become top dawg PUA center of the club guy. I just want sex from them, and I want to have fun during that time of sex/date and if they aren't interested I just move onto the next girl until I can get easy sex from a girl I find cute. I don't want to have sympathy or anger or anything towards women, I don't want to get involved in their lives and vice versa. All I want to be is a the "hot guy" that overcomes them with lust and we fuck and that's it. This makes me very sad deep inside but also happy to realize that I won't get caught up in some goofy "romance" where I just become beta boy or something. And before any BP lurker would pin this down as just plain bitterness or something, my best friend is extremely handsome, a complete natural and has probably fucked close to 100 women at this point with ease (many of them 8s and above). And guess what? He has the same view. This guy gets pussy like water, and he's just burnt out. He has "rejection" words for Tinder girls. Like if he sees "sassy" or "career" he just nexts them without even thinking about it. He was going to get married to a foreign girl who was very traditional until he realized even that wasn't worth the risk.

Like I said, it's Mad Max out there for most guys.

[–]One_friendship_plz 24ポイント25ポイント  (6子コメント)

Even if you get a loyal chick, they're just mediocre all around in terms of personality & intelligence.

I don't know why I don't see enough comments on this, but aren't women pretty damn boring to be around? They suck the life out of you, and make you miserable in their company.
Even if you find a loyal chick, you'd just not want to be within her presence because you can't do SHIT without her bitching.

How do you guys put up with this? How do you get through a conversation without getting mad at a woman? Don't you hate when she tries to speak political, and talk as if she has something intelligent to say.. don't you hate when everything she says is flawed but no matter what you tell her she just won't understand?

How could you imagine yourself with these women?

[–]moose_war 14ポイント15ポイント  (2子コメント)

I really don't know or care anymore. I like novelty and cute girls. For my penis. That's it. Those are my criteria. Once I cum I really have zero desire to speak or be around them anymore.

I don't even think about having real discussions with women anymore. I can't even remember the last actual real discussion about politics or whatever that I had with a girl. I think the last time I tried talking about music with a girl it didn't even go that well because she had no specific tastes, she just liked "Whatever". I don't want to become a big part of their lives, I don't want prove anything to women. I just want to be their sexy secret lover for a night, a week, a month. The quicker they forget me, the better.

[–]surfjihad 12ポイント13ポイント  (1子コメント)

"Once I cum I really have zero desire to speak or be around them anymore."

The Japanese have a word for this."kenjatimu"=the clarity that comes to a man after orgasm

[–]watch_ping 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

How do you guys put up with this? How do you get through a conversation without getting mad at a woman? Don't you hate when she tries to speak political, and talk as if she has something intelligent to say.. don't you hate when everything she says is flawed but no matter what you tell her she just won't understand?

You're expecting way to much. You have to enjoy them for what they are, not what they aren't. You have male friends for those discussions.

[–]moosevice_dot_com 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

They suck the life out of you, and make you miserable in their company.

Amen brother. My female roommate is lifeless. She has no hobbies or passions. When she sees me working on my hobby she says "must be nice to have a hobby". What a lazy fuck. I pity the fool that marries her.

[–]BlazerMan420 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Quit your bitching" works for me, then do what you want and they tag along like a little doggie

[–]HoundDogs 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women who don't live in big cities and were not raised in one often are a bit more down to earth, I find. I think large cities are far more conducive to this detrimental behavior and attitude we see in women.

[–]ShounenEgo 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think your post just made me hit the anger phase.

and that women totally aren't purposely dangling the chance of fucking them over your head to suck you dry emotionally (except when they later admit that is what they were actually doing to you).

That's IF you were lucky and she was honest. For the most part, she would go full entitlement, "you are supposed to be good towards me otherwise you're betraying our friendship" all the while she does fuck all. If she was genuinely a male friend you'd have her forgotten in the darkest pits of your past from the blatant one-sidedness of the whole thing.

I know that fucking feel.

[–]neverendingplush 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

This post is so fuckin gold cause I can relate to it. I was the epitome of the beta bitch. I was raised with good values, but a lot of them don't translate well to getting pussy. Basically I was fucking clueless. Joined the army, got out of my parents hair and got a serious case of oneitis. Got rejected, then said fuck it. Started lifting weights , watched what I ate, got tatted, and stopped being a bitch. Literally had a French chick walk up to me in a bar, and bought me a drink and took me out to dinner the next day. Racked up a 50 dollar tab, and she payed no hesitation. In fact I cant remember the last time I haven't been with a female who hasn't offered to pay for me, or some sort of favor. This comes with a caveat though. I still crave an actual relationship with a woman, but I find most unbearably boring, and on top of this women view me not much more then a quick fuck or they are weary of my intentions. And at the same time, im a bit bitter that I had to improve myself so much just to get female attention while they don't do jack shit. but fuck it.