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[–]whoyoustupid 13ポイント14ポイント  (10子コメント)

I've slowly, over the years, been dating "down".

It started simply enough. I was going out with all these girls my age. Oh my God are they absolutely horrible. I've been insulted, to my face, by these train wrecks. Had one actually say to me, "I thought you'd be bigger"!


I stood her up! Deborah! She texted me a bunch of times. "Nobody has ever stood me up before!" Go cry alone in your room bitch. I've been stood up many times. Get used to it you post wall busted single mother. You're worthless.

Fast forward two years? Just fucked with a 29 year old tatted up ballet instructor. And, hey, sure I'm a dirt bag. Been running my degenerate game on 19 and 20 year olds. A nineteen year old girl gave me her queen size bed, since I lost everything, 100%, in my harsh divorce rape. Amber. Fucked her while her Asian boyfriend played league of legends in the other room. I'm about to go to sleep on the bed where this tiny loser took her virginity.

I was posting on the okcupid sub at the time. They introduced me to the red pill. I was posting my real experiences and they kept calling me a red piller. I didn't even know what that meant. What does that even mean?

Red piller? Dating outside of the n-7/range?

But hey now. Just today? I'm 35 and just today had a 16 year old girl tell me she loves me. Yes you heard that right. I'm running my game on a 29 year old ballet instructor who sent me this, verbatim:

"I don't know what's going on with me. I said I had sexual feelings for you, but it's way beyond that. It's way beyond "horny" or "turned on" or fantasizing about a stranger. I'm in a constant state of arousal that hasn't quit since whenever this started - has it been a week? More? I don't know.

I've had to start wearing panty liners just because I'm constantly wet. I haven't been able to sleep, hardly at all. I'm weak and exhausted, barely functioning. It takes me hours to get to sleep at night. Then a few hours later I wake up, and stay awake. I wait for a reasonable time to get up, do some chores, write you an email, then distract myself for the rest of the day until it's time to repeat the process. I can't concentrate. I can't write well. I can't work. I think I'm getting sick because I've had so little sleep. My head hurts and feels foggy, my throat is sore. I feel nauseous constantly. At first, just here and there. Now constantly. I'm so tired right now my chest hurts. My hands are shaking."

I told this slut I was going to turn her into my FWB. She said to me, "nobody can turn me into a FWB".

I could. But she's a busted slut and why bother? This bitch is 29! And she was a fucking prostitute, straight told me, so what value does she have?

I've just gone down and down in age. Put your artificial constraints on age. All these girls want to fuck me. I fucked a girl off of reddit, from okc sub, Nicole running your sex blog? You recognize me bitch?

Why the fuck would I ever marry you? But thanks for inviting me to your latest sex party so you can try to get some more of this dick. Busted slut. Enjoy your cats while you die alone with your $500k a year businesses and sex trips to Thailand. You can tell me more about the male hookers with their dick implants. Little boys....

We live in a degenerate world.

Right now?


I'm 35 and running my game on a sixteen year old virgin, who will turn seventeen next month, and who " loves me". Sick. Sick.

This is all sick.

If I can I'll marry her and put some white babies in her.

If not? Well that slut Erin, ballet instructor, covered in tats, and so fucking desperate, is sending me messages about how she is so horny she's going mad for me.

And my options never end. Even though I'm so alone, so lonely, that I'm going mad.

It's a sick sick fucking world. KYE.

[–]INomYou 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

The dark enlightenment sub is leaking. Been there done that. Realized I needed to step back because that shit is corrosive. You've seen behind the curtain...and got an eye full of nasty shit. Why keep looking at a car crash?

Pursue other things that you don't want to put your dick into. Hang out with guy friends other than for pickup. Do something constructive. Get into something you love. Buy a motorcycle or walk the Appalachian Trail or learn how to build a boat.... just do something without a lot of women involved. Something that will totally engross you...so youll save money to buy equipment or training, will occupy your spare thought cycles and challenge you. To bring out your inherent male sense of competition and betterment. Its in there...genetics dont lie. In short *have a fucking mission bigger than your currently reality.

And FFS...accept chicks for what they are. Do you resent fish for swimming? They are what they are. You have been granted insight few men are ever allowed. Dont let your disappointment in seeing the Matrix tarnish to true joy and fulfillment of masculine achievement and camaraderie.

PS - based on how you write, you are obviously a bright and articulate dude. Couple that with hyper self-awareness and genuine attempts to internalize a Frankenstein mash of philosophical and theological belief systems to find meaning in life. Then throw in some external stresses and resentment for being sold...and dutifully buying... and wanting...the BP dream. Then Possibly some subclinical manic/depressive tendencies...that's how I found TRP.

I hate it sometimes but I'm finally turning the corner on my angry phase. Im thankful because I know the rules of engagement now. I see the meta-game and can shape it to my will instead of splashing along. I still have to fight getting sucked into bouts of resentment and regret. But you cant change the past. You have to choose to be happy...or not. I know I'm happier being happy...but I have to work for it. Like anything else.

[–]whoyoustupid 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

Oh I've got so many pictures now guys.

So many pictures. Of girls with my dick in their mouths. I'm so tempted to just start posting them...

These busted sluts?

Fuck. Fuck me.

They are so easy.

You think you can't do this?


I can do this. You really think I'm better then you? You think that I'm better then you?

Well then go kill yourselves. And leave me alone.

[–]whoyoustupid 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Ok. I posted this once before but somehow it disappeared.

Gonna just copy and paste it. Here's the 29 year old tatted up slut, sucking on my cock.

Hey Erin? You want to see your face with my cock in your mouth? LOL. Busted slut.


That 16 year old girl? Well I'm gonna try to marry her.

I am not willing to post the game I'm running on T-girl right now. I will do so, later, after all this degenerate shit goes down. If that virgin (non) bitch will marry me. Or if not? Well?

I need to post how I pull girls from online. I've fucked so many girls form forums. From even reddit. Nicole? You sick of your sex parties in NYC yet? Still thirsty? Busted bitch?

My online game is tight. I just don't want to give you all these tips yet. I'm still farming from these girls.

Plus? I am still dreaming the blue pill dreams. No matter how many times whisper tells me it's not true. I want to believe it. I want the dream. Even if I have to manipulate her and control her, just to make her happy.

I meet girls everywhere. My facebook is filled with me with girls.

Hell that busted slut Erin told me, "you've been with so many pretty girls".

Pre-selection. I can't give you this. Start with fat girls. I started with a fat girl, two years ago, Bette Lu. Chinese. Fat fucking disgusting slut. They're all sluts. All of them. Every single one.

And moved back up. To hotter and hotter girls. The more success you have the more successful you are.

I want to marry this sixteen year old girl. Course not state marriage, that's a broken set of thievery. But pull her into the Christian church I belong to (yes I'm a christian guy, at church today, to take sacrament), and maybe she will be my wife. Virgin and 20 years my junior.

I'm working on it.

What else can I do?

Fuck these busted sluts?

I don't even enjoy it anymore. Fuck. Fuck. I just fake orgasm so I can lay in bed against their backs, with my eyes closed, and just pretend, in silence, in the dark, pretend that I can love them.

We're all busted.

Fuck modernity.

[–]silver_nuke13 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Tbf deborah was kinda right

[–]Reddthrown 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dude, glad you're happy, but please go vent to a therapist or something. These are only women, don't let them define you.

[–]Venicedreaming 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

AWALT but you need to broaden your game to better breeds. Tatted up post wall shouldn't even be on your radar. 16 is too young btw.

[–]Schrodingersdawg 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yo while what you say resonates with me, you sound like a white nationalist. Race isn't the issue with modern society. It's women.