Terminal CaseJust banned from r/redditgetsdrawn; I've compiled an anthology of mod abuse throughout the years to help people evacuate. (reddit.com)
rantonels が 投稿 - stickied post
SRS Openly brigades subreddits with no consequences (np.reddit.com)
Eat_The_Muffin が 投稿 - stickied post
SRD mod/raging white knight male feminist /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK starts drama by crying that notorious Bridezilla/crazy feminist account is a troll. Bridezilla is a crazed SJW/feminist so TITRCJ melts down trying to defend her because she makes feminists like him look bad. TITRCJ is why SRD sucks. (np.reddit.com)
intwatusisafag が 投稿
Another "banned from" post/r/TwoXChromosomes/ bans even when no rules are being broken. (self.subredditcancer)
Knight-of-Black が 投稿
General me_irl nonsenseAdmin reply to /r/me_irl "general white people nonsense" option (self.subredditcancer)
Ubersaucey が 投稿
"Free speech" subreddit /r/european has begun preemptive bans on users who might at some point maybe post something pertaining to the subreddit but not racist. The replies are suggesting ideas exactly like what this subreddit considers cancer such as mass tagger bans. If /r/europe did this... (np.reddit.com)
75000_TokkulMeta Cancer が 投稿
Introducing a petition against quarantine policy. By subscribing to /r/PetitionQuarantine, you will be voting for full reversal of quarantine changes made this year by the admins. Quarantine is bad because it's designed to kill subreddits in a way so admins can claim they don't ban offensive speech. (reddit.com)
DylannStormRoof が 投稿
SRS mod of /r/science that removes posts denying white privilege goes to /r/Drama and tries to explain themselves. Watch them dig themselves into a deeper hole! /r/Drama isn't your safe space you jackass! Try /r/SubredditDrama instead! SRD emits more cancerous radiation than Chernobyl! (np.reddit.com)
intwatusisafag が 投稿
Not Quite a Leak See CommentsThe first wave of Reddit´s new celebrity promotion strategy (r/defaultmods leak) (i.imgur.com)
aboutillegals が 投稿
UnsubstantiatedNotorious cancer mod /u/redtaboo officially hired as an admin (reddit.com)
CuilRunnings が 投稿
/r/ImGoingToHellForThis banned me for using a slur against Muslims despite advertising itself as the following: "Tasteless politically incorrect dark, offensive, & twisted humor of all types is welcome here. Absolutely NOTHING & NOBODY is sacred, taboo, or beyond being joked about." (self.subredditcancer)
DylannStormRoof が 投稿