HAPPENINGSHoney Badger Brigade Legal Suit Update (self.KotakuInAction)
typhonblueHoney Badger が 投稿 - stickied post
Eron Gjoni: "GamerGate is More Liberal Than the Average American. By a Lot." (medium.com)
Meowsticgoesnya0018-1877-0794 3DS Friend code, remember to give me yours が 投稿
HUMOR(SATIRE) 'Take Back The Tech' Twitter hashtag nets scientific calculator and original XBOX in record-breaking haul (modefive.blogspot.co.uk)
backwards7venGamergate Bomb Disposal Unit - It's not all glamour が 投稿
8 Bit Philosophy shows "cultural critics" how to do REAL game analysis: "To say that GTA V can be reduced to a game about shooting and stealing cars is missing the point" (youtube.com)
MSMPlanThe first 46k Knight - Order of the GET が 投稿
DISCUSSION[Showerthoughts] "(Cyber) Violence Against Women" is the new "Think Of The Children", which no one takes seriously. It's an attempt at infantlizing women, who experience the internet & videogames the same way the average man does. The implication seems to be women are weak or men somehow deserve it. (self.KotakuInAction)
SpiritualSuccessorsActually it's about ethics in moderation tools. (◕‿◕✿) が 投稿
INDUSTRY[Industry]"Reports: Twitter planning company-wide layoffs next week, ditching HQ expansion" Looks like siding with hatemongers & pedophiles and shunning meritocracy is paying off. *cough* (breitbart.com)
BrimshaeSun Tzu VII:35\Survived GGinDC 2015\Dined GGinNC 2015\GGinRVA が 投稿
Sunday Night Pow Wow 2 (self.KotakuInAction)
Limon_Lime37k + 48k Knight Commander - Order of the GET が 投稿