Saturday, September 20, 2014

Does it bother you that...
- the British treat people from the USA so badly?
- they try to take credit for stuff from the USA, like rock and roll music and inventing the internet.
- they say many things on the web, like there is no future for the USA, we are fat, stupid, etc.

It is easy to understand the main reason the British are so bittier towards the USA is the year 1776, the start of the British getting their ass kicked out of America. This was such a huge defeat and the beginning of the end to British power and a huge psychological problem for the British people, that they still live with.

Just think if after 1776 America did not get it's independence and was now ruled by the British, what a horrible place the world would be. The British government would still be trying to destroy less powerful countries for profit.

But the British still believe they are superior to any other country. But what great contributions have the British made to the world?

When someone looks at the USA's mistakes they should also look at the many ways the USA has helped the world. When the British were the superpower in the world they only were interested in helping themselves.

The British government hangs on to who it has been for hundreds of years.

Take a look at the British Parliament and House Of Commons. You see only white faces, no one else. Talk about a racist country. Makes me think of the British (BBC) ban on Rock and Roll. That’s almost as bad as putting Gandhi in prison.

It is true that the USA has made some big mistakes in the past, but we are learning from our mistakes and we are changing.

The British’s influence on the world as a superpower goes back hundreds of years, and the USA's influence has only been around for a short time. So the British really are responsible for many of the worlds problems.

Who are the terrorists in this picture, the funny Irish kids
or the British military that invaded their country?

Scotland's independence was taken by the British, during England's reign of abuse on less powerful countries. In a few months the Scottish people will vote to get their independence and freedom back from the British.

Think about people from countries like Scotland, Ireland and Australia, they have had a tough history mostly due to the British, but bitter does not come to mind at all. Why are the British such unhappy, bitter people?

If you ask a British person about the USA's future, they will often explain how British prosperity is over. And it's same for the USA, and we will never come out of our political and economic problems. But think about all of the great USA companies, and new innovation and ground breaking businesses that come out of the USA every year. 

The British would so much love to see the USA fail, so the world can then become China's bitch. And give terrorists freedom to kill anyone that does not follow their ideology or god.

The British say a British guy invented the internet in 1992. What a joke! It was hundreds of people at the US Department of Defense, in the Silicon Valley, Universities in the USA, etc. And one British guy making one contribution, is not the same as he invented the internet.

The truth is, the USA invented the internet decades before the British Tim Berners-Lee wrote html to display web pages. And a number of other online systems like CompuServe, Hyper-G, and Gopher did similar things as the web, before html. So Tim Berners-Lee did "NOT" invent the internet.

Richard Branson's spaceship for super rich people to go to outer space. This is such an insane, goofball idea that only a crazy billionaire would believe in. But for certain, in the future the British will say a British guy invented the spaceship.

This spaceship is just another British ripoff of a bunch of technology that the USA let slip away from us.

The British successfully ripped off our great music from the USA, to create an over produced supergroup thing. Where blues music, rock and roll music and punk rock lost it’s heart and integrity.

Robert Johnson (USA) and Eric Claption (from England)
Robert Johnson's song Crossroads about selling his soul to the devil is more than just music. That song makes my heart melt when I hear it.

And for Eric Clapton to ripoff Crossroads just for more fame and money really sucks.

Most Americans would probably feel that a song like Crossroads is kind of sacred, and you shouldn't make a cheap imitation of it. British rock stars like Keith Richards and Jimmy Page said they were playing blues inspired music and they didn't ripoff American rock and roll. - That is what I dislike the most about the British. Much of American music has been sidetracked and ruined by the British.

The Grateful Dead (USA), Elvis Presley and The Beatles
The hippie movement and punk rock started in the USA, both much like the true rebellion rock and roll that started in the USA in 1950s. 

Some British played great sounding music, and achieved fame and fortune. But they could never understand what rock and roll music really is, and how it's meaning is lost when it over produced by greedy people.

Richard Hell (USA) and
John Lydon (England's Sex Pistols punk band)

British Malcolm McLaren saw early punk rock when he was in New York and quickly brought it to England, and it became a overproduced commercial thing, that it was never meant to be. Hipster punks in London would go to Kings Road and purchase their punk fashion.

Long before the British copied it, spiky hair, torn clothes, safety pins, started in the USA as anti-fashion, by people like Richard Hell.

Three jive-ass British turds, left to right...
Simon Cowell "dickhead" American Idol
Jason Statham "lame tough guy" actor
Richard Quest "know it all" on CNN

The British chameleons on the TV and as news anchors in the USA and in Hollywood movies make me sick.

It is not that the British are a better choice for our news anchors or lead roles in our Hollywood movies. It is for additional box office sales in England and other anti-USA countries.

Wherever British people go you have to also see the British flag everywhere, like they are still desperately trying to convince people around the world of their greatness. 

I really love this... British boxing champion, loudmouth Ricky Hatton getting knocked out by USA's Floyd Mayweather jr. In this fight Hatton was just throwing lots of punches but not connecting, while a bunch of his British fans are cheering him on, thinking he is winning the fight. Typical British.

Mayweather knocked him out with what he called the "clocker". You can find this on YouTube.


I have always hated how people anonymously say bad things about other people on the web. But it is something many British love to do. I am the same as most people from the USA, I never saw a reason to dislike the British until I spent some time in England and first learned how bitter they are. Then I visited Thailand and it is infested with bitter British, walking around with looks on their faces, like they have ice cubes shoved up their ass's.

People in the USA have no idea about who the British are until they travel outside of the USA and meet some British people in person. And the British have no idea who Americans really are, because we are so many different people from so many different cultures. The British mainly just come from one inbred culture, where they also treat each other with the same bitterness. What a bummer it must be to be British.

I know you are supposed to live and let live. But it is not that simple, because bitterness and people being rude to each other is contagious. But a world where everyone is bitter and rude to each other would be a great thing for the British, because they are the best at it. An interesting thing is, if you meet a British person by them self, they usually have a different personality than when they are with a group of British.

Don't be fooled by the British FAKE over-the-top happiness.
Please share this with other people that care about the USA. 

- also see the YouTube video for this blog...