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11 year old boy murders 8 year old girl during an argument about a puppy.

He shot her with his father’s shotgun.

This bothers me, only because a little girl isn’t a woman, these are children. He didn’t hurt her just because she’s a woman. He’s a broken soul who’s parents didn’t teach him right from wrong and didn’t lock their gun up. This wouldn’t have happened if he had a proper father

Really? Was it his father who pulled the trigger?

True, he’s a child. However, by age 11 you certainly have the cognitive development to understand that pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger will kill them.

This is a male murdering a female in an argument. If anything, rather than call him a “broken soul who just needed a strong male figure”, let’s call this what it is:

An example of how prevalent and pervasive violence against females–women and girls alike–is in our society, and how early that violence can start.

This is a symptom of a much deeper problem, and calling him a “broken little soul” disregards the fact that he killed a younger girl because he was angry at her.

This is a poe right?

Who, me?
Nope. Just pointing out the obvious–male violence against females starts early and is often deadly.

This is notable because it shows how early on in childhood males are taught that violence solves problems.
Not coincidentally, females are disproportionately targets of male violence, so maybe–you know, just brainstorming here–that’s something we should be prioritizing.

So obviously giving a gun to a pissed of eleven year old is a brilliant idea
Nothing would have ever happened if he had a brother instead of a sister
He probably though
“Oh she’s just a girl ,it wouldn’t mind that much if I killed her” when he was pulling the trigger
Obviously of the person in from of him had a pen*s he’d have thought twice
He’s an extremely mature eleven year old for gods sake

When you have a culture that by turns dismisses (“boys will be boys”), ignores (“this isn’t violence against women it’s a gun control issue!”) or eroticizes (50Shades, ads, etc) violence against females, it’s not in any way a surprise that someone would start modelling those behaviours early.

Even abusive men, according to expert psychologist Lundy Bancroft, say “I didn’t know what I was doing!”–and then, when asked why they didn’t kill the woman they battered, say “well, I didn’t want to do that/I’d never go that far!” That means they DID know, and simply didn’t see their behaviour as a problem.

So please, spare me the Pearl-clutching. Violence against females–against women–starts early and ends never.

You have the luxury of being dismissive, but many of us are not so fortunate, and many women die as a result of it.
Don’t be so damn cavalier. It’s October but you don’t actually have to be a ghoul.


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    But you realise this has nothing to do with the gender right?? Everyone’s appaled that an eleven year old can use a gun...
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    By the time a boy is eleven he knows that he is expected to punish girls who say no to him. He sees it and he...
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    Dont excuse violence from children, it teaches them its ok, i dont think this little boy would have never slapped...
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    When you have a culture that by turns dismisses (“boys will be boys”), ignores (“this isn’t violence against women it’s...
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