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[–]2Haaaaaaaaaaanz [スコア非表示]  (53子コメント)

This is why I dont get this sub. We just witnessed an album so powerful, its most popular song is being used in marches. But still, so many redditors feel the need to point out the apparent "circlejerk", when in reality this is the one album that deserves the hype. Im also surprised by how many people are leaving it out of their top 5 for the year, when its one of the most important/great albums of our generation.

Seriously tho, we just witnessed probably the first instant classic in a very long time and no one really considers that. Its got the critical acclaim, sales, and obviously the impact. Top ten album ever for me

[–]eyeamjigsaw[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I feel the same way you do about the album, but I understand why it isn't some people's cup of tea. I think it sucks that they can't listen to it and feel the same way I do, but different strokes.

Something I have been thinking about for a while, though, is how quickly albums are forgotten nowadays compared to a decade ago. There's still amazing quality work being put out today, but remember when Get Rich or Die Tryin was THE album of the year in 2003? I feel like the digital era really killed off the possibility for us to be able to enjoy an album and hail it as a classic because we're moving on to another album by another one of our favorite rappers in three days.

I think it's amazing that we'll remember 2015 as a year that a fuckton of good ass music came out, but I miss those years that could be defined as THE year of ________. I believe that TPAB is the best album of the year and an instant classic. I couldn't care less about how soon it is. No other album I've ever listened to has impressed me this much. I connect to it emotionally and can appreciate it artistically.

If any album deserves the hype, it's this one imo. Not to take away from all the amazing projects dropped this year, but I wish this album could've been on the level of GRODT (for example) in the sense that it's all people talked about for that entire year and I'm sure it will still be talked about a decade from now. I know the difference between GRODT and TPAB is completely different type of rap (eg. one has bangers, the other doesn't), but that's the first album I wanted to compare its impact to. I hope all of this makes sense, it does in my head.

[–]SaucyMustard [スコア非表示]  (23子コメント)

I get what you are saying, and it was a very deep incredible album, but some people won't have it in their top 5 albums of the year because it doesn't have enough "bangers" or songs that keep them coming back.

We can't change their taste.

[–]RicochetRuby [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Lol why do people assume that if someone doesn't like a certain album, its because there's no bangers?

It's the equivalent of telling someone they must only play COD if they don't like The Witcher 3 or The Last Of Us.

[–]CarmineCerise [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Clearly if they don't like /u/SaucyMustard's taste it's because they don't appreciate good songs!

[–]braintardGG [スコア非表示]  (15子コメント)

As a whiteboy/asian. I found it hard to relate to TPAB as much as with GKMC. I still think it's a solid album probably even better than GKMC. But it's just hard to relate to as a whiteboy/asian who lives in Europe.

EDIT: Let me just clarify. I enjoyed the album but not in the way with GKMC. I also appreciate it for what it does and that's trying to better the world. It was just harder to enjoy or understand I dont know how to say than that I did with GKMC.

[–]CarmineCerise [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Why do you need to relate to enjoy and appreciate an album? What a ridiculous thing to say

[–]braintardGG [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I didn't say I didn't enjoy the album or appreciate it. I appreciate the album and which way it tries to move to improving the world to some degree. But as a listener I think engagement/having a connection with your audience is just as important. I simply do not understand how harsh racism is in America. I don't see black people in my country getting killed for no reason. It's like rich people not understanding or having a clue about how people live in the lower classes. I simply have no idea in what it's like.

[–]mattdom96 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You don't need to relate to appreciate. But some people just don't like the music which is fine too.

[–]EzPzJandro [スコア非表示]  (11子コメント)

How the fuck could u even relate to GKMC? What you got drunk once and spit some poetic justice but then the bitch killed ur vibe? just tryin to make sense how you related to GKMC

[–]warpedaeroplane [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

GKMC is about growing up in Compton. The shit he saw. The possibility exists that this guy grew up in a bad place in Europe, and can relate. TPAB is about racism in America, race culture, Kendrick's view of the whole animal. It's harder to relate to a race you're not in a country you're not than growing up in a rough area.

[–]EzPzJandro [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

There is racism all over the world. So how can one not relate to that but can relate to growin up in compton n gang life? As a white asian in Europe?

[–]QuadrupleEntendre [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

are you being serious? He could be from the UK and be poor even though hes white and surrounded in life by white people. he wouldnt notice racism because hes only around white people and he is white. idk why this is so hard to understand, gain some perspective on the world there are areas that there are people who get discriminated against, have shit living conditions, and deal with violence in their neighborhoods all around the world, not just in compton.

However, most people probably dont relate to racism because lets use the UK as the example, 90+% of the people are white, so racism probably isnt a part of their daily life or thought processes unlike the US where its brought up every 10 seconds

[–]EzPzJandro [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Just so you aware because you talking to me like i dnt know much. Mexico where everyone is mexican, is racist as fuck towards Other Mexicans. Racism isnt just about color. Racism can also be about your place in society, and thats how it is in mexico. The mexicans from the Mexico city area hate chiapas area mexicans and so on and so forth. Also uk has muslim racism goin on right now? Wtf you goin on about?

And the whole point my friend TPAB is a whole universale concept of race while GKMC is gang life in compton. Should be easier to relate to TPAB then GKMC.

[–]QuadrupleEntendre [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

just explaining how racism may not be as identifiable to some people around the world compared to violence. its a pretty easy concept-each person has a different experience lmao. not disparaging your experience, just stating that there are definitely people who would relate better to gkmc than tpab

uk has muslim racism going on yes, it probably doesnt affect the daily life of poor chavs in britain. they probably dont even notice as its mostly a political movement.

[–]braintardGG [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

There's a difference in seeing racism around you and experiencing it yourself. I try to put myself in someone elses shoes all the time but even then it's hard to understand how it's like.

[–]TheRoyalGodfrey [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

The whole idea of doing something dumb for pussy, drinking, and peer pressure are pretty common themes for teenagers.

[–]AlphaWolf101 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Lol I don't get how people are struggling to understand that

[–]TheRoyalGodfrey [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's like a coming of age film, sure you may not be directly able to relate to the material but the themes are there.

[–]braintardGG [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

To me GKMC is overcoming day-to-day struggles and growing up. I might not live in a place like Compton. But I've lost friends, depression and having a hard time understanding the place around me.

[–]sinergyist [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Right? GKMC is incredibly relatable to me for the same reasons. Stuff like peer pressure, losing friends, and attempting to change the situation you're in is universal to everyone regardless of whether you grew up in the hood or not.

[–]ClydeFrawg [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Honestly I still haven't listened to the album because I'm just not a big fan of Kendrick.

[–]cinman273 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Not gonna judge you, but I highly recommend you listen to it. It's truly a work of art.

[–]AlphaWolf101 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Or people don't like the album for reasons other than "bangers"

I do like the album but you act like everyone is obligated to love it

[–]golfwang1539 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I hate when people use that argument. So by that criteria is Sremmlife, am album full of bangers, the best of all time? Fuck outta here

[–]AQuestionMarc [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This is all that needs to be said I believe. Well said.

Edit: and for the record TPAB is so beautiful to me.

[–]thatniggajigga [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Im also surprised by how many people are leaving it out of their top 5 for the year

I've barely seen anyone with it outside of their top 3.

we just witnessed probably the first instant classic in a very long time

I mean the way you define "classic" is up to you but to me an album needs quality and influence, TPAB has the quality but outside of two instances of people singing Alright in public there is no possible way to measure its influence

Top ten album ever for me

Holy fuck dude it came out six months ago

[–]KHDTX13 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Holy fuck dude it came out six months ago

Eh, 6 months is decent amount of time and there is always one album a person listens to that they automatically know will be in there top 10. For me, it was Supreme Clinetle.

[–]HVIL [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

you really need >6 months to tell if an album is in one of your favorites? Does it take you like 12 years before you put one in your top 10?
Fuck off

[–]AlphaWolf101 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

He didn't say favorites, he said "top ten album ever"

Learn to read

[–]2Haaaaaaaaaaanz [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Look at this fucking idiot again. Lma-fucking-o.

Top ten album ever for me

[–]2Haaaaaaaaaaanz [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I've barely seen anyone with it outside of their top 3.

I cant find it now, but that comment was mainly out of seeing a daily discussion a week ago where maybe 1/3 of the people had TPAB in their top 5. Cant find it now but if anyone does, hmu.

As for

Holy fuck dude it came out six months ago

I probably have a 150 plays on the album. It stacks up against my favorites. Big deal. To me it goes blow for blow with my other top 9: Death Certificate, Ridin Dirty, Ready To Die, The Diary, Liquid Swords, Madvillainy, Enter the Wu Tang, HHNF, and Illmatic

[–]HW_Plainview [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Meh. I'm no Kendrick diehard or anything but I could tell both his recent efforts were classics the second I finished them.

[–]Swamp85 [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Not an instant classic. Also you can't change personal taste.

I love the album but I also don't see how it's one of the most important albums of the generation either

[–]AlphaWolf101 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Because people sang the songs at a protest!!!!

this is the cringiest thing I have seen on this sub in a long time

[–]2Haaaaaaaaaaanz [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Lol at J Dilla stans again proving they know nothing about rap

[–]AlphaWolf101 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

hahaha oh my god you just wrote a post about how you think Kendrick is the rap messiah and you're calling me out?

[–]EzPzJandro [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Almost everyone you ask on this sub will have it in there top 3 of the yr. and if you dnt believe me, durin today DD, ask whats yalls top 5 albums of the yr?. You will see most of your answes contain TPAB.

Idk how the album is an instant classic? Does it have quality? Yes but i dnt see it influence the rap game in anyway which generally for me defines a classic album ie The Chronic.

You shouldnt say "we" when you are talkin about your own opinion.

[–]Gingerslayr7 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

"My top 3 of 2015 gotta be...

MBDTF>808s>College Dropout"

[–]TheManLouWaitedFor [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

A few chants doesn't mean it's had any impact.

Besides, that was bound to happen since Kendrick intentionally released the album during a movement like this, and constantly (and heavy-handedly) referred to himself as a "leader" and things like that. It's really one of the most self-important albums I've ever heard because you know none of that is said (rapped?) in jest.

Musically, I loved it at first, but I don't want to hear the same outro that literally only gets longer as the album goes on, and I sure as hell don't want to listen to Mortal Man every time I want to listen to the album.

There are many instant classics in the past, like, 10 years. In Rainbows, Illinois, Merriweather Post Pavilion, and MBDTF are just a few out of many.

[–]AlphaWolf101 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You're complaining about the circlejerk but posts like this are the fucking definition.

Because some protesters chanted his song it is automatically a top ten hip-hop album that everyone is obligated to love?

Don't get me wrong, I do love this album. It's great. But this album has been out for 6 months and you're throwing it in Illmatic tier? Album is out for 6 months and it's "one of the most important albums of our generation"? Please stop.

Let's take an example from a different generation. Nevermind by Nirvana was called the most important album of Gen X. Why is that? Because it changed the whole sound of rock, made grunge and alt rock mainstream, and started an era.

To Pimp a Butterfly did none of that. It did sound different than any other rap album this year but nobody is emulating that sound. He didn't even create that sound, FlyLo and Thundercat have been doing it for years.

You don't have to preach to HHH about how good this album is. This sub already jerks it to it enough, we get it. But because a song got used in a protest march, it's automatically greatest all time and you're an idiot if you don't love it?

This whole post is making this all so black and white. An album can be great and not an "instant classic". And album can be used in a protest and not an "instant classic". Just because you like the music doesn't mean it's the greatest

[–]rappereater [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

but its the most hyped album of the year on this sub and 85% of people put this album in the 1-2 range of the best album of this year when asked. and people on here were already calling a classic after a month it was released which is way too fast