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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Displaying 20 expired threads from the past 7 days

No. Name Excerpt Replies
529612Anonymousmodular origami diagram links??: I just got a new pack of paper. Looking for something to do!...1[View]
529495AnonymousCombination lock4[View]
529357Shin Origami RandoHello po I'm looking for these books, anyone know any link or have these to share, I'm try...3[View]
527465Anonymousdo anyone have template of greek hoplite helmet?17[View]
529518AnonymousCutting papercraft models with a plotter: hi /po, I'm planning a papercraft workshop for...0[View]
529267AnonymousLittle Bird by Satoshi Kamiya: Hi /po/, this is my first attempt at folding something more di...8[View]
528465AnonymousOdin needs some help from /po/eple. He desperately wants to smite something, but can't seem to ...3[View]
528202AnonymousDoes anyone have a pdf of this? Or any other things this person has? Tempted to buy it, only a few ...9[View]
527561AnonymousYou guys have a really slow board. Incredibly tiny origami thread?26[View]
528746AnonymousPost-It/Sticky Notes: Any good origami models made from sticky notes? Pic related.9[View]
529275AnonymousPCOC Play: Hi /po/, Anybody have PCOC Play please?0[View]
528106GonchiTexture HELP: Hello Po! This is my first model made by 0, i dont have any experience on doing...3[View]
529135AnonymousFound this, making one for work. Can we start a useful box, container thread?4[View]
529178AnonymousWhy is there so little anime about origami and why isn't there a thread for best girl?6[View]
529137Anonymousi need help with ancient dragon )=: so i spend a view hours trying to make the ancient dragon...5[View]
527704AnonymousThis look familiar? 1. Collect massive amounts of paper crafts. 2. ???? 3. PROFIT!!! I found the mis...25[View]
529011AnonymousPaperrobot1999 Optimus Prime: Hey does anyone have any old paperrobot1999.com stuff? I'm...5[View]
529088AnonymousHey /po/, you see, some time ago I figured I'd like to try to make a cosplay of the warrior of ...13[View]
527957AnonymousI want to make myself a Star Wars costume for the premier.: Should I use papercraft? What are...5[View]
527871AnonymousDoes anyone have any kind of 'basic things to know about papercraft' thing that I could look over be...4[View]

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