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/out/ - Outdoors

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Displaying 122 expired threads from the past 7 days

No. Name Excerpt Replies
606573MomPeople in bc: I'm looking to chat with people in BC canada6[View]
604242AnonymousI'm planning on going on a camping trip that'll be for a few days, I'm trying to take...9[View]
603578AnonymousWhat's /out/'s opinion on the Revenant? Will it be good? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Loe...9[View]
603934AnonymousWould regret wearing insulated hiling boots in the summer? I know my feet will sweat more and was wo...15[View]
603844AnonymousObligatory First Aid Gear ?: < i got this i use a lot of sharp tools and sometimes chainsa...12[View]
603854AnonymousI'm interested in mining for geodes and ore, im not sure where to start though. I've been ...4[View]
604110Ranger RickSocial Media: Where does /out/ go in social media for their fix? Like Facebook pages, Twitter...4[View]
601522AnonymousSearch and rescue: Hi all, I am based in the uk, does anyone know how I'd go about getti...8[View]
602722AnonymousWinter Ball / Harvest Festival: Hi /out/! /mu/ here. Wanna go to the winter ball with us? We ...401[View]
593907AnonymousThe call of the wild: Man takes his part-wolf best friend, Loki, on incredible outdoor adventures. h...264[View]
574682AnonymousWith me knowing jack shit about steel, could /out/ suggest me a good dive knife? I'm not lookin...54[View]
602701AnonymousSpray fags BTFO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU5cMZymSr0&feature=youtu.be My cap...14[View]
603482Anonymouscan anyone identify this plant? It's from a cottage garden mix4[View]
603976AnonymousTIFU lost my guide while boarding in the back country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNG...1[View]
601078AnonymousHomestead/Bunker in abandoned oilfield facility: Alright, so there's an abandoned oilfie...61[View]
599401AnonymousBIG BEND: have any of you been there? Brother and I have a three day trip planned in December...38[View]
603949AnonymousAuckland On Water Boat Show.: Auckland On Water Boat Show. Part II ... 17 PHOTOS0[View]
603906AnonymousSites for finding fellow trekkers: Does anyone know any good websites for meeting fellow trek...0[View]
603666Anonymous/o/ here http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hm8t5WWYctI Anyone ever do this or is interested in doin...6[View]
602408Anonymoushey /out/: Im going innawoods in a few days. only for one day and im gonna sleep out there to...92[View]
602083AnonymousSacred Sites in the Southeast?: Sup, /out/? I've taken a real interest in Native cultur...17[View]
601943AnonymousPacific Northwest Backpacking: Thread for Backpackers and hikers in the PNW area and for pict...2[View]
603508AnonymousSpooks/Outdoors: Pretty interesting, not sure if it belongs here, but it is interesting consi...10[View]
600804Anonymous'But the truth is the stars are falling, ma. And the wolves are out calling, ma' ITT /out/ poems and...49[View]
596628AnonymousSemi-permanent dwelings: Hey there, scouts! So I bought a plot of land in the countryside and...47[View]
603697AnonymousBoots: I'm just getting into hiking this summer. So far I always just wore tennis shoes ...3[View]
603512Anonymoushey /out/, not sure if this is quite the right place, but its related to urban exploration there...5[View]
603183AnonymousAnyone here ever do any ocean sailing? It's been a dream of mine for a while now and I'd l...7[View]
588280AnonymousGone bush.: >buy 100 acres of untouched forestry in Aus ($80k) ...147[View]
602310AnonymousFrostbiting: About to start my first season of frostbiting, anyone here sail /sail in winter?...14[View]
598272AnonymousHow long could one reasonably live out of a haversack and bedroll? I want to try some more rustic ca...34[View]
602652AnonymousRate /out/ as it has been for the last months. How can we improve the quality of the board? In the l...18[View]
599738AnonymousTrain Hopping General: Haven't seen one of these threads in a while. Let's change t...69[View]
601262AnonymousDid he ever post again /out/?5[View]
600267AnonymousIs denim a shit /out/ wear? I bought myself a denim jacket to wear it /out/side in autumn, and even ...45[View]
598951AnonymousSo when are you doing it, /out/?43[View]
602029AnonymousDo I need an underquilt if my sleeping bag does not lose heat from compression of the material5[View]
602603Anonymoussmallest amount of water needed for 'hydro' electricity?6[View]
598648AnonymousKelty TN2 tent setup: what do you think of this type setup? tent plus tarp is easy enough for...18[View]
582118AnonymousUK Shroom Season: Just been out shroom hunting and found a couple babies. It's still a l...191[View]
599355AnonymousHow do I find clay deposits?: I've read a lot about the detoxifying effects of external ...17[View]
602911AnonymousFound a Geo Cache and I wasn't looking for it: I was out hiking and had to piss. I walke...2[View]
602638AnonymousI have one of these sitting in my closet. What would I need to do with it so it would be better inna...2[View]
602575AnonymousNewfag here: So, I'm looking to get into Hiking, but never really been the athletic type...0[View]
599085AnonymousHey outdoorsman, for the first time ever I'm thinking about skinning a possum (opossum for you ...9[View]
601284AnonymousStargazing multiday backpacking trips near Ohio: My friend and I are trying to plan a trip fo...3[View]
601524AnonymousHey /out/, how are the Platypus flexible bottles (or any other similar bottle) for hiking? I could g...10[View]
600010AnonymousWaterbed: So, is using water as a mattress the next thing?29[View]
601530AnonymousFishing general post gear pics and tips13[View]
600907Anonymousdid you made some friend /out/?13[View]
602334Anonymousme in teh forest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiRvpv9OIN81[View]
602238Anonymousin the grand scheme of things, how important are birds?4[View]
600709AnonymousGood Binoculars and Monoculars with reticles?: can you guys help me /out/? I was gonna ask /k...6[View]
599682AnonymousHardtack: Going on a trip soon and since meals cost too much, I'm considering making har...38[View]
590615Ranger/Out/ Maine Homestead General: Get 'ye to the North Woods edition Our goal is completion...243[View]
602118AnonymousKnives general: Jesus Christ /out/ I think we have too many threads about knives. LETS MAKE ...7[View]
601753AnonymousBurner fuel: >Sufficient viscosity to require no sealing cap ...13[View]
598763AnonymousHow does /out/ stand on Swiss utility knives? Are they knives, are they simple multitools or simply ...40[View]
602143AnonymousHey, this is my first time posting here. Hoping to get some help. My kalanchoe is losing leaves, and...0[View]
568883AnonymousMulti Tools: Which Leatherman should I get. I was looking at the Charge TTI, because it has t...132[View]
594820AnonymousThrunite Archer 2A V2 - LED: CREE XP-L V6 LED with a lifespan of 20+ years of run time. - Modes ...23[View]
601517AnonymousLook who's all grown up.40[View]
601008AnonymousHiking Backpack: Sup guys. I love camping and hiking and would like to get a backpack with a ...9[View]
595056AnonymousHow long would it take for somebody with zero experience to build their own DIY camper van?63[View]
601037AnonymousCamping Essentials: Hey /out/ so I've been lurking this board for quite some time now an...11[View]
601672AnonymousAny mycophiles out there can help me identify this? I'm an amateur mushroom hunter and I recent...3[View]
598878AnonymousGeocaching: Someone know how to convert this to coordinates7[View]
599339AnonymousCan /out/ suggest any /out/ related movies/documentaries or shows48[View]
601213AnonymousHow do I become a sherpa? Where do I get license?10[View]
600658AnonymousI'm a complete beginner to outdoor-sy stuff, I got really fucking interested in camping, backpa...5[View]
599404Anonymous>ITT /out/ desktop wallpapers82[View]
599824AnonymousANY WA PPL HERE just did this lovely hike up to ingalls lake today6[View]
601511MikePeanutbutter powder: I am trying to see if anyone has any experience with Peanutbutter powder...1[View]
594768AnonymousWilderness Survival Kit: 'Sup /out/. I recently updated my wilderness survival kit. Swap...67[View]
598859AnonymousYou will never be this comfy. Has you ever been this comfy?40[View]
598129AnonymousHow to survive in the wild in paraplegic condition12[View]
601449AnonymousDam Building.: Hi /int/ I live next to a large bushveld in a semi rural area in africa. It i...16[View]
601035AnonymousAny good place to visit near Santiago of Chile?1[View]
598042Anonymousways of moving: pleb tier: car, bus, train normie: walking, motorcycle patrician: bicycle, he...18[View]
597707it was made in cavecave general: https://demonspawnblackcauldron.bandcamp.com/album/hell-cave beware the ca...11[View]
598082AnonymousI'm moving my family from the city to a small town in the NC Appalachian mountains. Me, the wif...43[View]
599346AnonymousDoes anyone have an ATV or side-by-side? Opinions? What do you do with yours? I'd love to get a...14[View]
601306AnonymousTruck/Vehicle Camping: Let me see your set up! Also general truck camper thread19[View]
600152AnonymousGar Lure: Does anyone know of any big box sporting good stores that sells hookless gar lures?...20[View]
601388téneré !!YNBvbqzK5tkUseful Plant thread: So after talking to someone about Marama bean I decided to make a thread...1[View]
598305AnonymousSwagger: Can anyone recommend a good quality bed roll, something light weight and small witho...10[View]
598998AnonymousWhat animal is most /out/ ? I think its the wolverine.58[View]
599050AnonymousHow often do you thing of going /out/ but never coming back? I think about it all day every day...56[View]
598342AnonymousSurvival Book: If you could only bring one survival book in your backpack or SHTF kit, what w...40[View]
600319AnonymousDoes anybody here have experience with portable wind turbines? I have been looking at the WindPax Br...15[View]
601141AnonymousHey /out/, so I know that there is two out career that's up buy I need help. So I haven't ...3[View]
597999Anonymouscalifag campin trip: Who wants to go camping with /o/?22[View]
601089Drone FagI'm trying to build myself a drone and I'm sure which motor to consider, what would /out/ ...1[View]
587639AnonymousIllnesses. Hnadicaps and general inconviniences: let it out. what plagues you brothers?172[View]
600238Anonymous/urban/: I was surprised to find next to nothing when I looked up urban srvvl. do you have an...22[View]
596959AnonymousBest off road f350?42[View]
600966AnonymousCamp meals with limited ingredients? I am making a list of recipes that I can make with just a few s...6[View]
596430AnonymousPsilocybin cyanescens? Wavy cap: Not sure if these are good to eat or no?12[View]
600692AnonymousI don't really /out/ but I'm pretty sure you guys are gonna get the idea. So I got a Camel...9[View]
585071AnonymousUL: Ultralighters, check in.146[View]
599928AnonymousPelican Survival Kit: Hey guys. I made a thread last week about making one of these and fitti...25[View]
600154AnonymousGuys! What kind og leaves are these? Does anybody know? I need it for a school assignement.5[View]
598832AnonymousWho is going /out/ to watch the 'super blood moon'? I will be spending the day canoeing a wilderness...47[View]
600794AnonymousBlood moon, a lunar eclipse simulator.: A virtual cloudburster to generate weather effects fo...0[View]
600331AnonymousWrite your name in your mora! very cheap and easy! but.. dangerous high voltage!22[View]
600555AnonymousSo I need some ideas. The waist buckle on my pack keeps opening itself. The plastic slowly has taken...14[View]
600548AnonymousLet's see those bloodmoon eclipse shots3[View]
597852AnonymousPermaculture General: My long term goal is to eventually go largely off-grid while being able...14[View]
599885AnonymousGrowing Mushrooms: I wanna start growing mushrooms indoors, any guides or materials someone c...5[View]
600150AnonymousCold weather work boots and gloves?: I figured i'd ask you guys before I made the wrong ...13[View]
600171AnonymousWhere's the best place to go camping in NC or any states near/around it?5[View]
599584AnonymousBest rain jackets? Water proof tent?: I need a long lasting rain jacket. You wouldn't th...19[View]
600343Anonymousgoing into conservation: I want to completely change my career plans and go into ecosystem re...4[View]
597417Anonymous/bfg/ - Bowfishing General: Can we get a bowfishing thread going? I haven't seen one in ...15[View]
596747ski bumHeading to Taos for ski season and planning on building a sneaky shack in the mountains instead of p...12[View]
599022AnonymousIs there a way to practice archery legally in NJ? It says I'm not allowed to use a range unles...21[View]
598732AnonymousSleeping in the cold: How do you cope with sleeping in the cold. This winter I want to try sl...16[View]
597748AnonymousWhat are /out/s favorite TV shows?13[View]
596884AnonymousI was just out a bit in the woods for a cigarette and heard a lot of strange noises how do you cope ...80[View]
595885AnonymousFreediving the Salish Sea: Just thought I'd post some pics from my recent trip. I went o...18[View]
599850AnonymousAnyone here ever seen/used markings for communicating to others? Not necessarily hobo symbols but ma...14[View]

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