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/m/ - Mecha

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Displaying 372 expired threads from the past 7 days

No. Name Excerpt Replies
13304457AnonymousKamen Rider Ghost – 01: http://over-ti.me/releases/kamen-rider-ghost-01/389[View]
13295239Anonymouswhat went wrong /m/? OTHER than the devs hating the word Mecha48[View]
13305014AnonymousWill he become A CHAR?37[View]
13299750AnonymousHow does /m/ feel about the G-Fighter? Is the Core Booster better or should Tomino not have removed ...12[View]
13301672AnonymousWhy didn't Full Frontal have any briefcases filled with gold bars? He was supposed to be the ul...1[View]
13303506Anonymous>a single season with 6 /m/ shows Woah.53[View]
13304279AnonymousBarbatos Booster: >Dendobrium like rape incoming11[View]
13302021Sailor Otaku !WeEaBOONrQSpecial Rescue Police Winspector 20: http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=741216 Bikel ...5[View]
13304289AnonymousArmored Core: Just started a new game of 4 Answer. Let's talk about Armored Core here be...2[View]
13292937AnonymousBarbatos Slim23[View]
13303539AnonymousDoes /m/ like Star Driver? I did.20[View]
13301284Anonymous>tfw you realize your waifu and her mech are hax as fuck Kallen is eas...150[View]
13300462AnonymousArpeggio of Blue Steel: Cadenza: We movie spoilers now11[View]
13282250AnonymousWhat do you think of the new Gundam, Gundam Gusion?140[View]
13306031AnonymousFlags Rock: Can we all agree that, regardless on your thoughts about the first episode of IBO...3[View]
13304685Anonymous>Kamen Rider didn't make a series with this type of gimmick for s...12[View]
13297776AnonymousMuv-Luv General: Sorry I didn't post a new thread right away, I was at a hockey game. ...373[View]
13299281Anon/krsh/ - Kamen Rider Storm Heroes General #11 - Ghost Town Edition: Old Thread: >>13221...11[View]
13296697AnonymousIs the Big Zam fam? Mobile armors thread, the bigger, more armed, the better. Would it have helped t...32[View]
13302669AnonymousI know it doesn't affect 99% of the people on /m/ but is anyone else glad to see Gundam on stre...1[View]
13305183AnonymousAre you hyped, /m/?8[View]
13283614IbisAltarion !6/9SPbrE7sEXVS General: >Dustloop wiki http://www.dustloop.com/wiki/index...316[View]
13281899AnonymousPanzer World Galient: What does /m/ think of this anime? I've only seen the first episod...70[View]
13298692AnonymousWhy do people side with Mr. Wong here? >Kamille is late which holds back the ...28[View]
13284446AnonymousTime for another OP/ED thread Let's go ahead and start with the indisputably best OP and work o...46[View]
13297973AnonymousI've been out of the loop. Just watched episode 1. Please tell me this means it changes colors ...11[View]
13300619Anonymous/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #731: Previous Thread: >>13294301 Help us hit 200 will ...378[View]
13300962AnonymousSo I love the Gouf custom/Gouf flight mode that they used in 08th MS team. But I have to say the shi...15[View]
13298831AnonymousFafner Exodus Aquarion Logos Comet Lucifer Iron Blooded Orphans Which will be MECHA OF THE SEASON?32[View]
13295647AnonymousCould the Zeta put up a good fight against the Nu? I remember hearing somewhere that Amuro originall...41[View]
13300259AnonymousWhat was his password, /m/?35[View]
13299036AnonymousLets be honest, can a mecha anime work without selling toys, figurines or models?31[View]
13289250AnonymousWhat did /m/ think of Igloo?20[View]
13301008Anonymous/ibog/ - Iron Blooded General: Episode #01: Iron and Blood Daisuki: http://www.daisuki.net/an...352[View]
13302372AnonymousHello, can you help me out? I'm looking for information about the mechs in Gasaraki, and I...3[View]
13290841AnonymousHow about this Gundam show set during the OYW in the Balkans.27[View]
13300735AnonymousCyber Formula: A few months ago someone posted subs for the blurays of this show/ova, anyone ...1[View]
13296482AnonymousGunpla/Plamo General: We have a group build! Details here : http://goo{period}gl/LFHbUF ***RE...413[View]
13289863AnonymousVictory Gundam: This was actually kind of shitty. Yeah there were some good MS designs here a...94[View]
13297836AnonymousThoughts about Iron Blooded Orphans Episode 1: Thought it was pretty ok for the most part. Th...320[View]
13301790AnonymousI thought I got myself a gundam What I found out is I got a vanilla gm with a gundam head5[View]
13301643AnonymousSymphogear-GX: There is always time for Hibiki in the OP There may be not that great deal of ...531[View]
13301898Anonymous/krg/ Kamen Rider General - Oogity Boogity edition: Previous Thread: >>13297804 ...826[View]
13298530joany spacvoeytboosmobile heat panic: ful lmetla colateral: It was cloud day at the airport. back at the la airp...8[View]
13290972AnonymousBreak Blade: Anyone remember Break Blade? Chapters 76-80 released recently.28[View]
13300328Anonymous>cel animation will use a gradient for high-detail stills, which looks very n...7[View]
13295852AnonymousWhy the fuck does its eyes stop blinking to the drum tune in the very last bit of the op?! also auti...24[View]
13284502AnonymousThere is no way in HELL six measilly flash bags beat a WHOLE ARMY of superior Mechcanical based craf...14[View]
13300104AnonymousGuys Have you received your HGUC Barzam in the mail yet?15[View]
13302038AnonymousIs there any better lineart out of this thing? All I could find was the low-quality manga scan...1[View]
13296717AnonymousWorst Gundam villain ever?: He was so badly written that he could be a character from Aldnoah...27[View]
13278652KasperlMega Man: For what purpose did they make Mega Man look like a demented gnome on the old Ameri...22[View]
13283339Anonymousso if you had to create an original gundam setting where the only thing you had to keep was the main...75[View]
13291129AnonymousSuper Hero Time / Sunday Morning Block: Ghastly Premiere Edition 7:30 AM JST / 6:30 PM EST: S...233[View]
13289509AnonymousGundam F91: I got drunk and watched this. I still have no fucking clue what was going on, so ...45[View]
13254906AnonymousFull Metal Panic: If Full Metal Panic season was announced would you be excited or is the lov...92[View]
13296989Anonymous>no kiddie AGE shit >no gunpla shit ...63[View]
13299852AnonymousHas Haro been overthrown as the Gundam mascot?2[View]
13245873AnonymousWhat's his name /m/ ?178[View]
13300146AnonymousIT'S HAPPENEING: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-014238&pa...1[View]
13294662G-Reco FanITT: shit that fucking sucks. I'll start.205[View]
13297431AnonymousFafner: >Real Hero, Real Neo-Human Bean edition Old one is gonn...1[View]
13299950AnonymousAnyone one of you /m/ bros wanna place a bet on whether or not this show will end like the rest of t...15[View]
13292413AnonymousHope you're ready for another decade of GeeWunners bitching and Michael Bay shit! http://comicb...24[View]
13298269AnonymousHow many Zeeks does it take to screw in a light bulb? MUH IDEALS7[View]
13299719Mattman324 !C9UNU3S59AOYW Timeline?: Is there a composite OYW timeline somewhere out there on the internet? One wit...10[View]
13296886AnonymousB R A V O S U N R I S E41[View]
13296039AnonymousReminder that DYRL is Macross canon and the 'it's an in-universe movie that doesn't reflec...7[View]
13299627Anonymousis Judau muslim? no wonder he had so many waifus.5[View]
13294301Anonymous/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #730: Previous Thread: >>13288900 Help us hit 200 will ...438[View]
13295208AnonymousKabuto is the best Kamen Rider series because Tendou is not some loser who tries to act morally righ...32[View]
13293295Anonymous>his mobile suit doesn't have extendable arms9[View]
13297804Anonymous/nnkrgs/ - Neo New Kamen Rider General Shin #28 - Ghostly Runes Editon: Previous Thread: >...617[View]
13297642Anonymous3D printer: Would it be possible to make mecha in real life if we used a giant 3D printer (li...7[View]
13289019AnonymousWill mecha get as perfect male protagonist ever again? Only Tomonaga Yuuta can top him.43[View]
13297577Anonymoushave a super fumina. straight from the bdmv.3[View]
13296122AnonymousIs it gay for a straight male to feel extremely aroused while watching Gundam 00?10[View]
13295043AnonymousWhy does /m/ even watch gundam if all you people do is endlessly bitch about it?35[View]
13296529AnonymousSo...out of all the super weapons in Gundam...the buster rifle, the satellite cannon, the Turn A rif...66[View]
13297130Anonymousmfw the next sentai series is based on desserts. Red- Strawberry parfait Blue- Blueberry muffin Gre...5[View]
13281478AnonymousThis show is really damn good so far, being D-Boy is suffering Tekkaman Blade Thread44[View]
13292397AnonymousHeroman Thread: I'll begin with the art of Heroman I made24[View]
13295815Kaixe Rho !AvsKisZ6rwArgento Soma Episodes 14-17: Hello >Episode 14: http://www.nyaa.se/?pa...5[View]
13293577AnonymousSymphogear-GX: BANG! The season may be over but the strange topics just keep coming. Meanwhil...561[View]
13293099AnonymousWhat mecha would she pilot?37[View]
13296120AnonymousWhat is /m/'s final consensus, worse or better than Aldnoah Zero?6[View]
13286016AnonymousHeavy Object: What are your thoughts on the first episode?142[View]
13279291AnonymousIn honor of me jizzing myself over this custom hi nu build, everyone post your favorite Gundam desig...39[View]
13284419AnonymousBest short yet. http://animatorexpo.com/robotontheroad/34[View]
13296025AnonymousWhat are some series where mecha are more like walking tanks and less like armored suits? I guess th...6[View]
13294034Anonymousis anyone else skipping on the new gundam? looks like shit.45[View]
13295800AnonymousOfficial Iron Blooded Orphans Appreciation Thread: Who else enjoyed the first episode of the ...476[View]
13285662AnonymousPost autis/m/ faces27[View]
13278506AnonymousIs Yamato/Starblazers /m/? I just finished Yamato2199 and I was really impressed by it (the double d...30[View]
13282556AnonymousSo I just finished reading what there is of the Getter Robo manga: WTF, Getter Rays aren...72[View]
13296230Anonymousno love for concrete revolutio on /m/ ?2[View]
13294258AnonymousWhat are the best Real Robot franchises? I am a complete newbie to this genre. I've seen Patla...15[View]
13295262AnonymousG-Tekketsu: >Dendobrium Barbatos6[View]
13289496VF-kun !!hMpyEgtTibKCommissions thread: I've seen this done on other boards, thought it'd be interestin...15[View]
13293988AnonymousDunbine thread? Dunbine thread.: In celebration of the reprint of most of the Dunbine model k...13[View]
13285537AnonymousWhy doesn't SEED have newtype hax?43[View]
13288886AnonymousOkay, so why does everyone get so mad at Nina for the infamous move she pulled? She works for Anahe...43[View]
13293711Anonymous/nnkrgs/ - Neo New Kamen Rider General Shin #27 - Ganma Schenanigans Edition: Previous Thread...650[View]
13295560Anonymous>[HorribleSubs] Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans - 01 [720p].mkv...1[View]
13290089AnonymousGetting back into AC2 again. Can't decide whether to use blades or shields. Armored Core thread...17[View]
13293857Anonymous>Dwight Camry >some guy in Victory ...9[View]
13280839AnonymousCan we talk about Evangelion for a minute. Not the 2deep4u messages or waifus, but the underrated me...52[View]
13294071Anonymousgundam tekketsu youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsuzL6GYk3c Shit's out sub...609[View]
13245890AnonymousKnights of Sidonia Final Super Slow Translation Thread: Status: Majority - still mad and/or i...172[View]
13285424AnonymousIt's ok: just back home from Episode 1 pre-streaming event - Mikazuki and Orga giving K...166[View]
13293973Anonymous>You will never see another Getter Robo anime in your lifetime5[View]
13280006Anonymousis dead space /m/ enough to be here? some armors are pretty cool63[View]
13283665AnonymousG Reco and Iron Blooded Orphans streaming news.: http://en.gundam.info/topics/white/4934...58[View]
13293280AnonymousTekketsu no Orphans / Iron-Blooded Orphans - Episode 1: Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans / Iron-Blo...486[View]
13293819Anonymous1/144 HG Gundam Barbatos PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n_fT55mY7s Akin to the CG PV for ...1[View]
13281621AnonymousAnd some of you were saying Gundam can't into romance19[View]
13285062AnonymousG-Tekketsu: -Silhouette for the Tekkadan battleship(pic) -A Barbatos upgrade in the form of a...92[View]
13281719AnonymousAll Purpose GiTS Thread: Post all things Ghost in The Shell related. S.A.C, Oshii Movies, Man...87[View]
13292606Anonymousi'm lately really getting into toku was wondering if /m/ could point me in the direction of hea...25[View]
13275821AnonymousForbidden Gattai Otogerion: Aquarion Smartphone game https://fever-aqevol.jp/game/15[View]
13293286Legilis Gundam (formerly known as Kamen Rider OOZ)Iron-Blooded Orphans appreciation thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35YT5GOHSdY Info : ht...0[View]
13284037AnonymousWhat went wrong?54[View]
13290807AnonymousWHOA WHOA WHOA BACK UP HERE I thought Sunrise copywrited the term 'Mobile Suit?'20[View]
13287409AnonymousWorst. Final Boss. Ever.: >Must be defeated before Turn 10. ...42[View]
13221210Anonymous/krsh/ - Kamen Rider Storm Heroes General #10 - EEEE Edition: Old Thread: >>13068905 ...140[View]
12895916DashmanSuper Robot Wars GC Translation Thread #23: The search for Oppai(s): Last time on SRW GC Tran...301[View]
13292632AnonymousRobot hair: Yay or nay?13[View]
13288900Anonymous/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #729: Previous Thread: >>13282505 Help us hit 200 will ...335[View]
13285913AnonymousFafner Exodus thread >Soukyuu no Fafner Dead Aggressor - Exodus S2 - 14 [720p...335[View]
13231605AnonymousVolume 11 of Gundam the Origin comes out tomorrow. One volume to go!82[View]
13286128FolkaOk guys, I bought it. Suggest the best software for easily ripping high quality mp3. For the tags I...6[View]
13289436AnonymousWhat's your opinion on rebuild in general36[View]
13282522AnonymousYou can have Huckebein in PSO227[View]
13287013AnonymousGunpla/Plamo General: We have a group build! Details here : http://goo{period}gl/LFHbUF ***RE...400[View]
13287501Anonymoussuper fatso kart33[View]
13289719AnonymousWhat the plot/premise of a frame arms anime be?29[View]
13290514AnonymousNew Survival Guide is out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix87NDXnM_w Combat and classes this ...1[View]
13292112AnonymousAny toku experts out there? I'm not even that big of a Star Wars fan but this Tusken raider chi...0[View]
13288687AnonymousSo was Gaeon originally supposed to be pilotted by Dellensen and Kia originally supposed to pilot th...14[View]
13288168AnonymousSo, uh, Nagano is actually a musician now? Is there anything this guy can't do himself? ...13[View]
13272130AnonymousBattletech: Their kikestarter launched.345[View]
13287506AnonymousMuv-Luv General: Mobile Edition: We mobile now432[View]
13280190AnonymousPrototype Gouf [Tactical Demonstrator]: Does anyone of you know where I can find a (if it has...37[View]
13290495Anonymous/nnkrgs/ - Neo New Kamen Rider General Shin #26 - We Think, Therefore We Are Edition: Previou...677[View]
13281486AnonymousWhat do you guys think of RahXephon do you prefer the animation or manga as they differ quite a lot.26[View]
13272309AnonymousElite Dangerous: I was wondering what the /m/ opinion of Elite Dangerous is. Is there a group...20[View]
13286094AnonymousIs anyone translating Mobile Suit Gundam 0094: Across the Sky? Seems a lot more interesting that Uni...12[View]
13280657AnonymousFemech thread? Most gundam designs and such I see appear to be based on a male anatomy. What do girl...24[View]
13291126AnonymousHello; I had a couple of questions I hoped you guys could answer. I'm a fa/tg/uy looking to cre...5[View]
13279565AnonymousYou wanted hair? Here's your damn hair volume. Look how much goddamn hair she has. You now have...86[View]
13277704Anonymous>[ClawSubs] Brave Command Dagwon 04.mkv Claw's got Dagwon 04 up a...21[View]
13290953AFEnergon Hub GAME SPECIAL: The Energon Hub will be reshowing two classic OVA series/movies bas...0[View]
13290915TRIP(≧∇≦)/ !FFAAAGJzJIAny Belgian /m/anchilds seen this?0[View]
13288602AnonymousSymphogear-GX: W-We are seeing the Dolls again in S4 right? RIGHT?! As expected from the post...571[View]
13290771AnonymousWhere can I fiend Shin Getter Robo Armageddon's OST, /m/?6[View]
13288031AnonymousMech Suit Name: Trying to think of a cool name for a mech, like the (chosen name) B1 idk soun...13[View]
13282514AnonymousTry and name a cooler mech stance than this one, you can't.46[View]
13288810AnonymousOk /m/, question time! Aliens are invading, and your mad scientist relative has created a giant robo...19[View]
13288395AnonymousAU where Jerrid never says Kamille is a girls name How does this change Zeta69[View]
13286420AnonymousWhy aren't any good localized Gundam games anymore? Also general mech game thread.14[View]
13191455AnonymousLBX/Danball Senki Thread- best girls Edition: The game is out in both in NA and EU last threa...295[View]
13288280AnonymousSo was this a big shock in 85 when the show came out? I mean EVERYONE knows Quattro was Char now, bu...22[View]
13286560AnonymousWhat was gained by not making this the final episode of the series?21[View]
13286606AnonymousKidō Senshi Gundam: Senshitachi no Kiseki: Anyone have a compete save for this? I lost mine.12[View]
13261997AnonymousToku Trivia Time: Hey /m/, Does anyone have any interesting trivia to share?221[View]
13289684AnonymousDoes anyone have a download link for Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries, with the latest mektek patch, but so...5[View]
13289665Anonymous3 time Ragnabowl loser Nu-13 is pretty cute.0[View]
13280572AnonymousRobot Girls Z: Things are slow for RGZ After Empress Burai, Gilgilgan-ko joined RGZ Online la...18[View]
13289025AnonymousSHIROWMECH POWER RANKINGS: TOP TIER: M-66 Bonaparte MID TIER: Landm8 Yamata imperial troopers Hammer...3[View]
13287386AnonymousBest Biomech?: Post your favourite 50%<biomechs. Are there that many to begin with? Guy ve...3[View]
13282707AnonymousWow, I finally understand why Kamille and Judau were all 'fuck adults'. These fucking old guys are a...22[View]
13289208Anonymouswhy didnt doctor hell just tell them his plan instead of trying to do it by force? why didnt he call...6[View]
13277617AnonymousIt was really progressive of Tomino to make a lesbian protagonist in a mecha show.46[View]
13280820A /m/odest /m/an !!6eZxLffEXCF[AuraRoad] Ruins Legend Acrobunch 01: So I'm doing fansubs now, I guess. If Clawshrimpy...19[View]
13288271AnonymousFor me at least, the premise put forward by the intro was better than the actual show.2[View]
13284397AnonymousTechnical Drawings: Is there anywhere I can find in-depth technical drawings of mechs? I...6[View]
13265686Anonymous00 S2: Why did you tell me this was shit? Yeah, it's more 'gundamy' than the first half,...193[View]
13287050Anonymous/nnkrgs/ Neo New Kamen Rider General Shin #25 Team Ups That Will Never Happen: Previous Threa...634[View]
13288614Anonymouswhere can i get subtitles for the 2nd season of sukeban deka?1[View]
13274431Anonymousdoes anyone else wish there was a hardass, old school mecha anime, with no magical girls, POWER OF F...61[View]
13283088AnonymousCan anyone tell me if Gundam Breaker 2 is still active? I ordered the game off Ebay and I want to kn...5[View]
13284114AnonymousWhy didn't they get married?8[View]
13282632AnonymousWould going to my school's Anime club be a good idea if I want to find other people who are int...59[View]
13286520AnonymousWild Tiger 1 Minute: So did his powers stabilize at 1 minute, or is it still getting weaker? ...3[View]
13288181AnonymousI think its kinda interesting that all these Axis scientists end up being being bad guys, except for...1[View]
13287964Anonymouswhy isnt there any toaster threads /m/? I thought you guys loved toasters? Dont tell me you like ...2[View]
13278063AnonymousSayla Mass Ass74[View]
13282164OP !!jmwA0l5fvSHIt occurred to me last day, after reading stuff on Anno career and reading interviews of people who ...36[View]
13283518AnonymousCGI killed mecha. Prove me wrong.104[View]
13287606Anonymousshin mazinger armaggedon when1[View]
13282286AnonymousWhat are the patrician mecha anime? What are the patrician toku?20[View]
13284858AnonymousWhat is the Bravest Transformer?7[View]
13283780AnonymousHey /m/, I just finished Gaiking: LODM and thought it was awesome, but something's confusing me...13[View]
13269616Anonymous/ssg/ - Super Sentai General #359: Previous Thread >>13248090 Links for beginners Torre...317[View]
13282505Anonymous/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #728: Previous Thread: >>13277556 If you need help with...359[View]
13267923AnonymousIf kawamori is smart, he should follow the market trend.: Here is what Kawamori should do: If...92[View]
13281737AnonymousWhat were they to each other?40[View]
13253320AnonymousBubblegum Crisis Thread: Just got done watching this original OVA, why did the last episode h...103[View]
13274155AnonymousGetting ready to start Fafner. Expecting a shit show but will I be pleasantly surprised instead? /m/...48[View]
13285153AnonymousITT: Characters who didn't deserve what they got13[View]
13283669AnonymousAll of Gundam Seed Destiny is over 10 years old now. Can we finally let go of the hate?27[View]
13283982AnonymousSymphogear-GX: Training in GX. [H&D] is is still at work but that's OK. Meanwhile th...695[View]
13285120RX782 !6lD87ltadQRightStuf: Wasn't this supposed to come in November?7[View]
13284903AnonymousITT: best OPs/EDs in Mecha.4[View]
13269659AnonymousSo why didn't Asemu save Zeheart? I mean he straight up murdered the guy you'd think Asemu...54[View]
13284663AnonymousLego Thread5[View]
13283236Anonymous3 HEAT SOURCES DETECTED9[View]
13282681Anonymous/nnkrgs/ Neo New Kamen Rider General Shin #24 - Birthday Kiss Edition: Previous Thread: >...636[View]
13277420Anonymous1/144 Barbatos info: Early Barbatos manual info. We've got fairy particles, enhanced hum...313[View]
13278169AnonymousITT: Discontinued Gundam technology: What happened to the Dragon fang technology? Why did the...57[View]
13282426AnonymousDifferent designer Different taste Buy all (if available)42[View]
13283510AnonymousWas it just me, or did every time Wing had Treize as the focus of the shot, he looked like he was po...24[View]
13282732Anonymous>listening to a bit of the English dub of War in the Pocket ...6[View]
13280345AnonymousWhy didn't they fuck?52[View]
13239778AnonymousLess then two weeks left before the new season begins! Place your bets and while I hope Hiroyoki mig...348[View]
13277742AnonymousFafner Exodus S2: Will you answer tomorrow?13[View]
13270401AnonymousDr. Flanagan: Was he jewish? Look at him, it's almost a happy merchant caricature.30[View]
13256254Anonymous>changes partners like changing clothes Why does /m/ like her again?138[View]
13255264AnonymousThe Earth Federation vs The Principality of Zeon: Alright /m/en, the time has come. This wil...337[View]
13283348AnonymousWhat show is this? Mobile suit?9[View]
13283068AnonymousSo whatever happened to this?2[View]
13280405Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy7GOO7Y96Y This is disgusting. When will we drop an asteroid o...80[View]
13283306RX782 !6lD87ltadQThis is a not a /g/ thread: Several months ago, a kind /m/an wrote a small bash script for me...1[View]
13261960AnonymousEXVS General: >Beginner help http://www.dustloop.com/wiki/index...366[View]
13276276AnonymousGunpla/Plamo General: We have a group build! Details here : http://goo{period}gl/LFHbUF ***RE...434[View]
13280293AnonymousShuhei Morita's robot short #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWSl-Wr0Bj8&fea...1[View]
13276628AnonymousWhy does everyone in SEED look really fucking stupid?50[View]
13280454Anonymous10 Years Ago Today69[View]
13279453Anonymous>TTGL was 8 years ago16[View]
13275638AnonymousWhat are your favorite mecha crotches, /m/? Crotch thread.26[View]
13274393AnonymousMegazone 23 BD-Box 11/27 26800 yen + tax There seems to be an anthology coming out later as well.16[View]
13275819AnonymousIs Reccoa a realistic character?44[View]
13280029AnonymousWhat happened Zabine?12[View]
13263755AnonymousThere's nothing objectivly wrong with AZ. prove me wrong without using dumb contrarianism. Prop...105[View]
13278433AnonymousMuv-Luv General: $5k to Android and Vita ports592[View]
13281244AnonymousI was really not expecting this show to go full mecha in the second season.9[View]
13278636AnonymousThis is Ruri11[View]
13281717AnonymousI want to spray my seed all over her3[View]
13281238AnonymousThe only ones having shit taste are you, /m/. How does it feel like to be a little westerner shit in...5[View]
13270396AnonymousShuriken Sentai Ninninger – 31: http://over-ti.me/releases/shuriken-sentai-ninninger-31/68[View]
13266560AnonymousITT: the /m/anliest characters.29[View]
13269696Anonymousseason two when?56[View]
13281275Anonymous>not being /fa/ spacenoids go home OH WAIT2[View]
13277556Anonymous/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #727: Previous Thread: >>13271068 If you need help with...349[View]
13279043AnonymousChart updates: Did anybody ever update this chart with some newer shows or shows from the mid...12[View]
13279070AnonymousSymphogear-GX: Suddenly it's Happy Birthday for some reson. And thats because [Commie] i...695[View]
13258333Anonymous[HorribleSubs] Aquarion Logos - 13 [720p].mkv: So how about that mid-season climax?65[View]
13278692Anonymous/nnkrgs/ Neo New Kamen Rider General Shin #23 - I got nothing Edition: Previous Thread: >...572[View]
13276357AnonymousWhich faction had the worst uniforms and why was it the Zanscare Empire?30[View]
13261112AnonymousG-Tekketsu: >2 2-cour split confirmed, 50 ep series170[View]
13277949Anonymousso like what if they farted in their spacesuits13[View]
13275629Anonymoussecret mecha base: Describe to me your perfect secret mecha base. Tell me about all the hidde...18[View]
13279681AnonymousIron Giant: Signature Edition: Did anyone go see it? If you didn't you have another chan...9[View]
13280445AnonymousSo, a friend of mine did this: http://youtu.be/NMMBGj0ejTU0[View]
13279363AnonymousMagipoka: Reminder that Aiko is the best princess.8[View]
13214216AnonymousLensman Discussion: Not sure if you guys heard already but it seems /m/subs is finally gettin...68[View]
13275584Anonymous>wants to avenge his mother and protect his sister ...31[View]
13213857AnonymousCrab appreciation thread: >Impossibly easy to maintain ...151[View]
13278891AnonymousI knew she was slutty, I mean I got this far into the series. But just what the fuck man ...19[View]
13279911AnonymousSo who's ready for G Tekketsu?3[View]
13279807AnonymousDo you agree with him?13[View]
13279956Anonymoushttp://animatorexpo.com/ragnarok/ I'll just leave this here Pic semi-related1[View]
13260048AnonymousAre there any Amuro clones?47[View]
13236258Fllay Allster !!ositCSO9D5hCE Tech Thread: We discuss tech beyond CE 73 and how pic related can become a reality. we can...207[View]
13266933AnonymousANON! YES, YOU ANON! You have 30 SECONDS to save ONE Shirow gal from the imminent threat of HUG...82[View]
13277218AnonymousWhy is it 'mobile suit' Gundam if it's 'Kidou Senshi' Gundam? Shouldn't it be 'Mobile Sold...24[View]
13276507AnonymousWill we ever get a Gundam series with an adult protag (20 or older)? This doesn't mean that sai...63[View]
13275048AnonymousWhat kind of autism will he have?62[View]
13278973AnonymousSo I got a copy of MS Saga a new dawn for my birthday last week. Buddy grabbed it for me cuz he knew...6[View]
13276538AnonymousThat's some pretty fuckin' rad power armor.4[View]
13279287Anonymous>he keeps it in his earphones wat0[View]
13279049AnonymousOkay /m/, I need your help deciding something. This year my goal was to get through the bulk of my a...10[View]
13263433AnonymousBest Transformer65[View]
13271013AnonymousLohengramm in the new LOGH manga is cute as fuck. I hope, scanlators will pick it up.15[View]
13272340AnonymousThis is without any doubt the WORST Gundam series ever made, the problem is not the series in genera...142[View]
13212620AnonymousAye or nay /m/?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urusei_Yatsura241[View]
13270094AnonymousHello /m/ How do I into Cutey Honey?34[View]
13278470AnonymousIt just occurred to me that if we can find a way to rip models from recent games like Battle Operati...7[View]
13278659AnonymousThis hand of mine...6[View]
13265521AnonymousTo: /m/ Love: /arcv/187[View]
13276022AnonymousITT: Great designs marred by a horrendous choice of colors. The reverse is applicable too; poor desi...17[View]
13276842AnonymousWhat was his name /m/ ?26[View]
13249089AnonymousJust finished this. I liked it a lot. Even though the art wasn't anything special there were a ...73[View]
13274530AnonymousPhone wallpaper thread: Most pics I found on google was shit. So, /m/ wallpaper thread?15[View]
13278166AnonymousWhat's the point in watching Macross TV when DYRL is better in every way? This isn't like ...15[View]
13275914AnonymousSome company is releasing the Devilman OVA OST on vinyl. What the hell? http://bloody-disgusting.com...7[View]
13274095Anonymous>space neo nazis >not allied with space asians ...51[View]
13264291AnonymousKabuto Kouji appears out of nowhere and slaps you're waifu's ass RIGHT in front of you. Wh...66[View]
13273503AnonymousRicardo Cruz MV staring Hiroshi Watari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMMBGj0ejTU what do you ...4[View]
13269743AnonymousArmored Core thread: Anime when?36[View]
13276337AnonymousWhat are /m/'s opinions on Gundam X final episode?23[View]
13272246AnonymousWhat would his mecha be?19[View]
13273212AnonymousIs it just coincidence, or is the Y01-TELLUS' head an intentional reference to Layzner's?5[View]
13274542AnonymousThere are so many RX-78-2 figures out there, but I don't know which one is the best. So what is...12[View]
13277029AnonymousVeritech: Veritech15[View]
13266147AnonymousExcuse me, have you seen this man?45[View]
13215220AnonymousSDGO=DEAD - Nostalgia: Late to the funeral but I just noticed SD Gundam Online is no longer a...319[View]
13275726Anonymous>Turn A is too out-there to be considered the best in the series35[View]
13269238AnonymousWhat went wrong?34[View]
13272255AnonymousAre Zeon soldiers aware they're tools for backstabbing politicians?34[View]
13270746AnonymousMy favourite Newtype.26[View]
13275709AnonymousWhere can I get the subtitle pack for Tytania?: I'm downloading the blu-ray raws, so I w...16[View]
13275682Anonymous/nnkrgs/ Neo New Kamen Rider General Shin #22 Ghost Dubs Edition: Previous Thread: >>13...578[View]
13269479AnonymousHow strong is Nano? Who could she beat?80[View]
13277007AnonymousTat: I'm thinking about getting a tatoo of a mech. Not huge probably about 4''...3[View]
13242208AnonymousIndonesian anons, are you there? A comic artist called Ockto Baringbing is coming to my city (Hambur...112[View]
13276786Anonymoushola my a/m/igos! me and my friends are having a spoopy scary get together to celebrate October tomo...0[View]
13272231AnonymousIs this an accurate comparison?63[View]
13259346AnonymousWhat do you think of this Gundam flowchart I made? Also post any other /m/ flowcharts if you have th...96[View]
13271068Anonymous/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #726: Previous Thread: >>13263302 If you need help with...378[View]
13263513AnonymousWhy is everyone freaking about Mari Okada writing this series? What's so bad about her?320[View]
13275943AnonymousWill this or Votoms ever get a BD release? I can't think of any other 80s mecha show more deser...8[View]
13273492AnonymousWe've seen threads about the bad midseason upgrades, but what are your favorite GOOD midseason ...40[View]
13274972AnonymousSymphogear-GX: Well, these color covers do have some style... [Commie] is catching up as well...628[View]
13275505RievenGunpla/plamo general: Shit posters will be shot. Survivors will be shot again: Board ▼ Settin...9[View]
13269590Anonymous>[ClawSubs] Brave Command Dagwon 03.mkv More Dags care of shrimpy. Up ...20[View]
13260316AnonymousCyborg 009 vs Devilman: Who the fuck are half of these characters? Can anyone bask me in thei...51[View]
13261182AnonymousGundam 00 Appreciation Thread: Just finished up this series and the movie recently. Can we ge...50[View]
13272937AnonymousDo you have a better or worse opinion of Misato after seeing Rebuild?17[View]
13266313AnonymousFirst footage of Comet Lucifer. 15 seconds long so don't expect much. Also might be the OP play...44[View]
13270414AnonymousI never understood how the moonlight butterfly actually worked. I don't see any emitters for th...22[View]
13272122AnonymousITT: We post big suits12[View]
13271566AnonymousA weapon to surpass Metal Gear: ITT post a weapon to surpass Metal Gear Pic related, it...24[View]
13258771AnonymousLet's suppose that the Zudah was chosen instead of the Zaku as Zeon's main mass production...21[View]
13275349Anonymouswww: ,ィ ‐ - 、 _ / ヽ / / / _ / / ,// ./ ミ .ミ / (´,) ./ __ ミ ミ__ / //´ ./ /´_.._-ヽ....2[View]
13266316AnonymousLive Action Testujin 28: I just found out this finally got a DVD release this year (in Japan)...13[View]
13225972GingaMSGO: Shamblo the man down edition: >Basic Info MSGO is a F2P t...354[View]
13254741AnonymousGundam build fighters is to be continued....128[View]
13272455AnonymousWhat is the appeal of Gundam? I read some manga and watched some anime and I still dont know what ma...26[View]
13255914Anonymous> tfw Aries has better thighs than most girls105[View]
13264295AnonymousAfter all these years. I finally understand what it means to have a waifu. i finally understand what...54[View]
13271792AnonymousMecha that Grew on you: As the title says post mecha that you initially didn't like or w...27[View]
13242575AnonymousITT: 'Fuck you, I liked it.' designs199[View]
13270599AnonymousI would love to see God Mazinger subbed one day. Looks pretty short and neat, and it tickles my fant...1[View]
13273995AnonymousAnyone knows where do this video come from?: I've been watching UC series for a while an...2[View]
13272963Anonymoussup /m/, /tg/ here and I have some questions. I plan to buy a Metal Gear REX model to convert up int...24[View]
13251916That guy subbing Medarot aka the Square Folder Icon AnonMedarot subs: Ep 5 is up, go get it! http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=737551 Also,...20[View]
13269802AnonymousMuv-Luv General: Time for stretch goals411[View]
13258446AnonymousThis months FT: >Relena has recovered her memories and is now in Relena Darli...94[View]
13273463AnonymousWhy are you all calling me princess Marina? If I'm ruling, shouldn't it be queen Marina?8[View]
13273211AnonymousI WANNA HAVE A PURU TIME14[View]
13271922Anonymous/krg/ - Kamen Rider General #1021 - Twenty-First Century Edition: Old Thread >>13268937...632[View]
13267202AnonymousDoes anyone have scans of interviews by Obari / Terada when SRW OG Inspectors came out? Now that my ...10[View]
13260985AnonymousDAT ASS53[View]
13270033AnonymousKuntalas always Kuntalaout when something doesn't go their way. Kuntalas contribute nothing to ...14[View]
13269908AnonymousDo not have sex with our robots Japanese firm warns users.: >http://ww...80[View]
13265962AnonymousPost good shows that nobody has watched, even by /m/'s standards. OVAs don't count since t...26[View]
13269098AnonymousDoes /m/ like Orguss: Personally, I loved the setting, the story and the characters, but it...5[View]
13271118AnonymousThey were doomed from the start, weren't they?12[View]
13270880AnonymousYou know now that I think of it. Why CAN'T robots self-terminate? What were their creators afra...21[View]
13267352AnonymousGunpla / Plamo General: Post Your First Kit Edition: We have a dead group build! Details here...414[View]
13270755AnonymousSymphogear-GX: It's in the Music. Looks like we are nowhere near close to finish the dis...534[View]
13226652AnonymousWhat are your favourite mecha sound effects?102[View]
13265103Anonymoushow would you revive the zoids franchise now that kids don't play with toys38[View]
13264941AnonymousBest Metal Gears on the saga 1-Sahelantropus 2-Excelsus 3-REX 4-ZEKE 5-Ray104[View]
13251339AnonymousYou know what's cool on giant robots? Arm mounted guns.25[View]

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