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/k/ - Weapons

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Displaying 1,465 expired threads from the past 7 days

No. Name Excerpt Replies
27485593Anonymous/k/, I have a problem, I have this nice side mount on my VZ, but nothing to put on it. I was checkin...5[View]
27482969AnonymousHospitalization and concealed carry: Hi guys! Four years ago, I was mentally hospitalized (fo...31[View]
27487626AnonymousSo, /k/. What's the most unreliable weapon or firearm in the US armed forces arsenal? Anybody w...6[View]
27482527AnonymousFit to fight: The body is a weapon. How are you keeping in shape to better operate? What kinda of s...57[View]
27486469TiedK webm thread?15[View]
27487063AnonymousBuying a new gun: Hi /k/, i need your help, i have since 6 months a Cz 455 and a SKS and now ...7[View]
27486978AnonymousPoorfag pistol: Hey /k/, I'm a poorfag currently living at home about to finish a bachel...6[View]
27468522AnonymousREFUSES TO RETIRE!: >FACT SHEET: >Highli...109[View]
27468050AnonymousSo the MSF hospital bombing. What the fuck happened?176[View]
27487231AnonymousNowadays, theres a great many variations of manufacturing even just one type of firearm that there a...3[View]
27486606AnonymousI managed to get a ruger 10 22, sks, and mossberg 500 for $500 CAD. Did I get a good deal? Pic relat...4[View]
27483097AnonymousArchery?: i am a competitive and certified archer hunter for the past 7 years. am i /k/ommand...8[View]
27486347AnonymousD-did I do good?: I scored a 91 on my Asvab with a GT of 130. I still enlisted as infantry r...22[View]
27484919AnonymousInnawoods builds: ok /k/ommandos, lets start a innawoods thread, create your builds, simple o...22[View]
27486323Anonymous1911 Grip Issues: Alright guys, this is more of a preference question, but I figured I'd...8[View]
27479875AnonymousFun control: http://www.mining.com/fifty-killed-in-a-knife-attack-at-a-chinese-coll...34[View]
27486651AnonymousHey /k/, apologies if this doesn't justify it's own thread but the qtddtoa thread is dying...1[View]
27481701Anonymous7.62x54r ammo?: Wheres the cheapest place to get mosin ammo at /k/ommandos. Someone said sout...43[View]
27482979AnonymousLets have a nice vintage close air support thread. I think there'd be some badass pictures for ...22[View]
27486358Anonymous/hunt/ general: Basics for beginner hunters http://modern-hunters.com/learn-to-hunt/ Hu...0[View]
27486147AnonymousWhat are some guns that were developed a long time (50+ years) ago but are still in continuous produ...11[View]
27485777AnonymousSo I've had my .22 for a while now and I'm looking to get my next gun. I'm not really...4[View]
27486061AnonymousI ate mexican food for dinner and its habbenin So in honor of that Gas Mask thread Post what you got...1[View]
27482214Varnes !tKDVOZQjIo/k/ Navy part 2: Boatmans with guns in a rusty Norwegian bucket edition Thread theme.https://...322[View]
27485587Anonymous1000-1200$ Sniper rifle: Must be able to easily and repeatably hit a man sized target at 1000...6[View]
27483286AnonymousAdvice for Prior Service: Army or Air National Guard?: My background: Prior service Navy ET2 ...3[View]
27485990Anonymouswatchu carrying: Had to go fill in for a last minute call out then my partner had to bail on ...0[View]
27483705AnonymousInnawoods camping/shooting: Are there any places in PA i can legally go camping/shooting, gen...25[View]
27484315Anonymous/k/ I'm looking to get a big bore rifle, no reason other then to have it. what would be a good ...13[View]
27487655Anonymousmod deletes relevant threads & keeps off topic garbage like luk this gun i drew huhuhuh: ...163[View]
27480285AnonymousInfamous=bad: Is this true, is the m249 shit?14[View]
27482500AnonymousWar is Hell: >Pics that say it all345[View]
27485644AnonymousGasmask-NBC thread >muh M-102[View]
27476842AnonymousI think this is a cool fucking thing. But the reload aspect sounds real crippling.27[View]
27485010AnonymousHas anyone had experience with Radical Firearms? Stumbled upon this and didn't know what to thi...17[View]
27484164AnonHey /k Give me your best 'nam books and shit. Also if i were going to buy some boots, specifica...14[View]
27449215Anonymous/ak/ - new Upotte raws edition: Starting here: >>131641867 While no longer in deep slav...315[View]
27484728AnonymousHey /k/, going inna woods this weekend have a good basic idea of what I know but I plan on having sq...6[View]
27482660AnonymousHey /k/, I read the sticky but would like recommendations on a good handgun for CC that is cheap. I...47[View]
27467134AnonymousQTDDTOT: I have come to seek answers from the /k/ube, but don't need a whole thread dedi...127[View]
27482552SergeiMosin: Hey k, I'm selling my nugget in a couple days and I need to clean up the bolt, bu...15[View]
27480555Varnes !tKDVOZQjIoThe /k/navy pronounced Knavie: Fuck this is silly BUT i may be able to buy a Small seaworthy ...319[View]
27480398Calico !Jack/eKIQcAR Thread / AR General /arg/: Cheap Shit Edition Old thread >>27473759318[View]
27481220AnonymousIs there an uglier weapon that is still in service than the SA80?55[View]
27481903AnonymousSo somebody got salty and I ended up getting a Taurus Curve for unreasonbly small amounts of money, ...43[View]
27483832AnonymousWhat type of AK variant should I get? I'm thinking of picking up a WASR3[View]
27482085AnonymousSIG panders to tacticool virgins and Romaboos looking for a place to belong: http://www.thefi...83[View]
27484177Anonymous/k/'s ammo store of choice: Where's a good place to get gun food in bulk online? I...3[View]
27484123AnonymousThis is a weird question, but what kind of gear did the Czech army have back in the cold war? Were a...3[View]
27483535AnonymousCzechnology: I bought a CZ. I have never turned back. Let see some of your guys CZ's. Th...6[View]
27471692Anonymouswheels of steel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsyOSvZIF6E http://www.gunbroker.com/Au...59[View]
27483770AnonymousG29: I do a fair bit of backpacking, and I'd like a gun that I can use for that, and for...2[View]
27472176AnonymousMy 'NSFW' package from Ivan: So I selected some NSFW box art from Kommandostore. I expected a...31[View]
27465223AnonymousPost your kits: Lets go people, post your innawoods/airsoft/real steel/survival kits132[View]
27484187AnonymousGatling Guns Improved.: The cranking motion must impart motion onto the barrels of the weapon...1[View]
27482729AnonymousI just bought 500 rounds of this 9mm mak. Tell me how bad I fucked up.17[View]
27466949Anonymouswe post things we're ashamed about >I cant carry anything stainless or s...212[View]
27481666AnonymousWhat do you guys think of my knife? Cost me $10, did I get a good deal? pic related22[View]
27484084AnonymousPairing down the collection: So /k/, kinda at a transitional point in my life. Have been livi...0[View]
27475127AnonymousWith the new Inland M1 carbine coming out, does this mean 30 carbine ammo will be produced again due...47[View]
27482902AnonymousThinking of trying to go as an XOF soldier for Halloween. Was wondering what type of helmet I could ...6[View]
27483909AnonymousSTALKER challenges: Does anyone have the newest Stalker challenge pic? Also, where could I go...3[View]
27481745AnonymousCivilian Body Armor: Hey there, /k/ I was looking into buying some soft armor to go under my ...12[View]
27469477AnonymousSo do Maglites actually make decent batons in a pinch? Live in a no-fun country, no laws against car...83[View]
27483815AnonymousDCS Thread: Daily reminder 1.5 is out Post webms and pics. When does the F/A-18 come out!0[View]
27483713AnonymousWho is the best Silencer Company, and why is it SilencerCo? >one of the few ...0[View]
27479969AnonymousWhat guns in video games or other media have you actually seen portrayed well? What video games port...62[View]
27483355AnonymousWhere are all my gun store bros at? 01/03 here. Everyone else starting to pick up quite a bit? Bee...7[View]
27480446AnonymousFlorida is on its way to an OC state http://www.wtsp.com/story/news/local/florida/2015/10/06/ho...20[View]
27480723AnonymousWhat should I put in the hidden compartment on my Tavor's pistol grip? Bear in mind its too sma...39[View]
27480778AnonymousAre there any (preferably international) resellers for Cargo helicopters? Realistically speaking, w...44[View]
27475526AnonymousITT: /k/ reveals their power level: What is /k/'s favorite non-gun shootery hobbies and ...332[View]
27483468AnonymousGander mountain. Does any here one work at one? I have a job interview at a new gander mtn, as the ...3[View]
27481674AnonymousMagazines: Hey /k/ Do you know anywhere I can get cheap steel AK mags that are not rusted to ...4[View]
27481021AnonymousGetting gear: What gear ordering service do you use? I don't waste time shopping at army...3[View]
27483409good gun forum theads worth reading?All I can think of is Dave McCraken's shotgun treatises and the legendary mall ninja thread.0[View]
27467013TrenchgunfagMilsurp/Camo/Militaria thread: New thread edition.325[View]
27482713AnonymousI want to build a dedicated 9mm AR because of reasons. Should I go with a Glock or Colt magazine low...3[View]
27480101Anonymous>Admiral Eric T. 'The Basedest' Olson >Olson gr...15[View]
27481862AnonymousBattlestations Thread: Post where you shitpost and/or work on your guns. I get carried away w...16[View]
27474914Anonymous/k/ cleans up a city: I've been hearing that in Detroit, the rate of solved crimes is on...134[View]
27482224WantingATankWhat about forming a /k/ armored corps? Ex Army Vehicles and Mortar Investments offer well priced So...4[View]
27481635AnonymousPlates in a cuck country: Does anyone know of any companies willing to ship AR500 Plates to a...26[View]
27482934AnonymousWhat's in the box, /k/?8[View]
27480535AnonymousOkay, /k/omrades. The apocalypse has come and gone, awesome. You have a single-shot 12 gauge shotgun...8[View]
27482922AnonymousCold Weather Warfare Gear: What is the ultimate cold weather garment, and why is it the N-3B ...0[View]
27473811AnonymousI find myself extremely frustrated /k/ >be me >...66[View]
27450870Anonymous/hunt/ general: Basics for beginner hunters http://modern-hunters.com/learn-to-hunt/ Hu...242[View]
27478092AnonymousShow me your meelee /k/: I like almost every bladed weapons, and I own a few of my own. Mind ...22[View]
27482154AnonymousJUST GOT MY FIRST GUN: Just bought an xd40 YAY. what things should i also buy?23[View]
27480818Anonymousk, I want to get a revolver for IPSC, I'm thinking one of these Tarus S&W clones because th...20[View]
27482592AnonymousSpetsnaz deployed in Syria: Spetsnaz units sent to 'wipe out' rebels . http://www.dailymail.c...2[View]
27463711AnonymousBubba thread, and stupid illegal SBR jobs while you're at it.157[View]
27472762AnonymousWhich WWII theatre was worse, Pacific or Europe?51[View]
27481742AnonymousHey /k/ I'm moving to the great free city of Chicago soon and would like to get a FOID so I can...7[View]
27471059AnonymousBecause I am sick of cooking or eating takeout, I am looking into buying a year's supply of MRE...197[View]
27478072AnonymousConsidering how much politicians hate explaining dead soldiers to the public, and how much public ha...118[View]
27481602Anonymous/k/! Good news! I don't have to be a no gunz faggot anymore, my 21st birthday is at the end of ...20[View]
27481406AnonymousKung Fu IRL: Soup /k/ Never really seen this asked before (just retarded bullshit about katan...6[View]
27478958AnonymousScope: >Where I naturally put my check well my POA looks like picture ...9[View]
27478967AnonymousInnawoods thread: Innawoods thread: special doggo edition. Will post pics from my last time ...10[View]
27481120AnonymousHey /k/ I'm in a bit of a rush so I'll keep this short. Moving to Buenos Aires for busines...7[View]
27478229AnonymousWhat is /k/'s opinion on the TALOS?11[View]
27471587AnonymousI live in NJ, I own a mossberg 500, convince me what to buy as a second gun. Preferably a long gun. ...30[View]
27482116Vasili NikoliovCan we get an 'Ivan' thread going?1[View]
27447737AnonymousDumbest Planes Ever Built: See title. Post aircraft whose designers were fucking high or lost...252[View]
27479822Anonymous/k/ spoken word: Anyone got any /k/-related spoken word videos or poetry?2[View]
27481962Anonymous/k/ plays bfbc2: Anybody want play this game with fellow /k/unts on the PC like the good old ...1[View]
27481783AnonymousWeapon systems and warriors in crazy odds: Just starting a post before sleep, battleporn wher...1[View]
27468138AnonymousHey /k/, post pictures of weird or unusual tank152[View]
27473703Anonymous>Weather in Syria is perfect for airstrikes Says Russian weatherwoman ...192[View]
27475164AnonymousHi /k/omrades. Feeling a little bit down tonight. Can you recommend me a war movie with scenes of ab...20[View]
27479265AnonymousLook what I bought at my LGS today, /k/. >tfw there are at least five more of...33[View]
27461347AnonymousWhat is the best survival strategy in a mass shooting, say, in a school? The policy everywhere is to...216[View]
27480839AnonymousIs there anything illegal about gatling guns? Like could a reproduction of one be sold as a non-NFA ...8[View]
27480823AnonymousSolvent traps good or just plain traps: I ran across this product a few days ago and see that...7[View]
27481572AnonymousBeretta semi-autos: Hello /k/ I'm in the market for a semi-auto, and was wondering if an...0[View]
27475693AnonymousAlright /k/, do you think they attack plane is a dying breed to the attack helicopter? UAVs such as ...98[View]
27479167AnonymousScenario Bread: >you're innajohn answering natures phone call at ...30[View]
27480401AnonymousWhat's in the box?: What's in the box?29[View]
27477389AnonymousMiddle East Thread: Because I missed the last one completely, and would like to talk about cu...8[View]
27476184AnonymousLooking for a nice deer rifle and a decent scope. ~150 yd shot is about all my area will allow (wit...38[View]
27481001AnonymousLooking to build a .308 dpms on a low budget to be my new deer rifle any ideas1[View]
27478345AnonymousWWI Weaponry: I have homework on Weapons used in WWI and i thought why not ask 4chan so here ...79[View]
27480115AnonymousHold my wallet, /k/: I just found about the Osprey Military books. I bought one of them books, from ...12[View]
27479282AnonymousSpears: So, I'm thinking about maybe getting a spear or some other type of polearm. Most...14[View]
27472897AnonymousWhich would be a better hunting/survival rifle? I'm thinking shtf scenario.121[View]
27470322AnonymousMods are asleep. Post real laser weapons.67[View]
27480821Sanic x Shrek fanfic4chan sav3s cats 4 the m3m3s3[View]
27480387AnonymousFind a flaw.12[View]
27471909Anonymousrealistically, given the rampant pace of chinese naval construction, how long would it take to catch...259[View]
27477701AnonymousKnives or swords to use?: Im not a big fan of guns so what kind of knives or swords would be ...11[View]
27468301AnonymousLast one 404'd last week, obscure military thread137[View]
27477929AnonymousGood friends i need some info on this gun en how do i keep it clean, its a black powder25[View]
27480724Hunger games threadare there any more stories like pic related? i only have two from a spoopy innawoods bread from yest...2[View]
27470540Anonymous10/22 thread!: General thread for 10/22 love. Post your baby, talk about your last shootan ex...58[View]
27480203AnonymousDaily dose of rage Political hack arguing for gun confiscation. Im not going to post the link but ...28[View]
27473481AnonymousIs it retarded to think that a lot of situations you can get yourself into could be resolved a lot f...71[View]
27476366AnonymousBuying a submarine: What would it take for /k/ to buy, outfit, and crew a submarine? Do we ha...36[View]
27476615AnonymousPutting all the bias aside, will Russia and China ever be able to catch up with the West? Russian eq...25[View]
27457458Anonymous/meg/ - Military Enlistment General: Don't be a lazy fuck and run edition ...346[View]
27479223AnonymousPlease list ak brandy quality. Looking at buying right f'ing now, norinco, century, Pap... All ...13[View]
27479036AnonymousCareers: Hey guys, I've been thinking about it got quite some time. Can any of you think...13[View]
27473759Calico !Jack/eKIQcAR Thread / AR General /arg/: Accessories Edition Old thread >>27463449323[View]
27478980Anonymoustfw Pistol ARs are only non-NFA items because the buffer tube is really a microphone designed to all...34[View]
27480040AnonymousIdentify the rifle!: From memory it should be an Ak 4 but the stock looks different to me?18[View]
27480087AnonymousBlowout soon...: How do I prepare for a radioactive hood /k/? http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/201...0[View]
27461749AnonymousPost pictures of Operators operatan operationally.287[View]
27478435Anonymousin this thread we post super carriers go23[View]
27479428AnonymousConcealable Suicide Device: >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-jTk...9[View]
27476176AnonymousHello /k/. Im a eurofag with no funs, thinking of buying a handgun through dark net. Tips? Any vendo...60[View]
27468783AnonymousThe Tu-95 will never penetrate American airspace. The B-52 will never penetrate Russian airspace. Bo...130[View]
27477843AnonymousCost of producing: hey /k/. How much money would it cost me to make my own guns? I want to bu...3[View]
27476186AnonymousReloading: OK, guys, I got into shooting, and noticed how much ammo I blow through. It's...3[View]
27476516AnonymousHey /k/ what's the best way to beat a ballistic match? Pin id is easily beaten by picking up c...13[View]
27479327AnonymousWith the exception of sniper nuggets, why do they have straight bolts when everyone else with bolt a...10[View]
27473051Anonymousthinly veiled /k/ related books thread: Well hey there neighbor Read any good books recently?...47[View]
27475408AccesoriesGlock 23: Got my first glock. What should I put on it?24[View]
27479061Anonymouscan anyone identify what kind of shell this is? some dude on /pol/ said its chemical here is the vi...15[View]
27478994AnonymousSup /k/, my name is Kagami-chan I'm a 22 year old Canadian. I draw, smoke weed,watch animu and ...9[View]
27458330Duo Blackrose !!yvm0QrHZZJQITT Stupid Shit that makes you smile: Title Picked this up at the gun show today, thing makes...98[View]
27479102AnonymousKnife sharpeners: So I have spent a lot of money on knives over the years and I am finally re...7[View]
27479464AnonymousWho ship 5 here (SEPS)? Division Alpha (A-2) master race here. Fuck Bravo0[View]
27478476AnonymousHow did I do /k/? (I started this thread earlier and had to delete it because I left my email addres...5[View]
27478619AnonymousWhat would be the best barrel length for each caliber? I know 5.56x45 works best out of 20 inches. I...5[View]
27476129AnonymousI have a question for P210 owners. Just bought a P49 and while I wait for it to be delivered I'...66[View]
27475285Zasta !!IptOL8yzFD2>Not being Prestige level 50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMfw...34[View]
27476997AnonymousYou're looking at the future service pistol of the United States military.48[View]
27478516AnonymousGeneral Revolver Thread but also this: So /k/, I'm looking into purchasing the stealth h...15[View]
27477276AnonymousSign this gnarly petition to keep the A10 in service: Sign this gnarly petition to keep the A...1[View]
27478749AnonymousHello, is it me you operating for? Now we solved this mystery! whats next gang?1[View]
27477817AnonymousCan someone tell me if I should get one of these SIG 510 for 300 m shooting in Switzerland? I went t...16[View]
27477342AnonymousSup faggots: My mom just mailed in my Legion application. Can't wait to get my challenge...3[View]
27475279AnonymousWhat if Germany had the T-34/KV-1 in 1941: Germany begins its blitz into mother Russia. Leadi...8[View]
27472934AnonymousHave any of you guys ever made any of your own bows? I was thinking of making a bow outta bamboo jus...17[View]
27478070AnonymousWeekend: 'sup /k/? What did you do with your weekend? Pic related, we operated innadeser...4[View]
27476357Anonymousass: jesper fuck off also what is your opinion on the ak /k/?6[View]
27477868 !!D0LsLR7tCkmBarely Legal thread: for our friends in occupied territory post barely NY/NJ/CA legal.15[View]
27478340AnonymousSome guy's trying to convince me that this is a dead human bean in Ukraine. I'm having my ...8[View]
27477330AnonymousIs a Sneaky Pete holster a good idea for fatguy CC?6[View]
27477921AnonymousFirst green text story. Dunno if it should go in here, cause it isn't military related and only...11[View]
27463515AnonymousWhat would a submachinegun designed by JMB look like? say Val Browning brought an MP-18 home and Joh...24[View]
27473442AnonymousDesert Tech MDR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VigTBJSByjo https://www.youtube.com/wat...70[View]
27473494Anonymous.303 SHTF: Is .303 Common enough in the U.S specifically the midwest to be a good choice in S...30[View]
27478004AnonymousKebab remuv kit: death to kebab0[View]
27466815AnonymousNeed to buy a shotgun: My college has a skeet shooting club, and I'll eventually need to...46[View]
27475757AnonymousS.Sudan skinnies or Nigerian skinnies?: Which country would you rather be in charge for the s...2[View]
27473086AnonymousButterfly knife flipping?: Anyone else into this hobby? I just started and I actually am havi...30[View]
27474314AnonymousSo /k/, if I was looking to import a VSS/AS Val kit into the States from Ukraine or similar, how wou...50[View]
27474859Anonymous/k/ confesses thread: >I love bolt action carbines,m38 nugget (I dont ...18[View]
27473380FiggerNaggotBrother Deployed Soon: Hello. I don't know what a /k/ is but I know my brother lurks her...14[View]
27475614AnonymousPalmetto state AKs: I just bought a PSAK47 barreled reciever, how fucked am I?15[View]
27457112AnonymousMost Wanted Fun: Post models you'd do astoundingly terrible shit to obtain.207[View]
27460383AnonymousNew Fun Mcx: So /k/ I just got my mcx anything you guys want to see?189[View]
27474367Anonymousknives general: Is /k/ familiar with the 'Sicilian Toothpick' or 'tiger' (the Chinese crafter...5[View]
27476670AnonymousDoes Russia have Delta/DEVGRU tier operators?24[View]
27464918AnonymousWebM Thread: Dindun see one in the index. Gitgud with WebMs >>>/wsg/543914324[View]
27476391AnonymousLazar BVT: Thoughts on new Serbshit MRAP?3[View]
27477491AnonymousPOGS at war: any of you other war fag POGs worry about how your kids/ grand kids will view yo...0[View]
27469853AnonymousSo /k are Rangers real Special Forces? I hear a lot of trash talked about them from different source...68[View]
27477155Anonymousare italian firearms the most over rated ? they are literally liquid anal shit13[View]
27477400AnonymousGear Identification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=68&v=z3YPaT-0Hxs Can anyone Ide...0[View]
27461290AnonymousWhat does /k/ think of Australia's new patrol vehicle?96[View]
27472754Anonymous>yfw the army could have had xm8's for everybody,m81 and 3CD ACU's,...15[View]
27475122Anonymoushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_the_AK-47_and_M16 >The AK-47...8[View]
27476528AnonymousRussian armored car Typhoon13[View]
27476774AnonymousAny of these bad boys still knocking about?: Specifically this variant8[View]
27476913AnonymousHK G3 mags sale: Reddit user u/juniorloaf is selling 130 hk G3 mags for anywhere from $3-6 pl...0[View]
27470658OneSlowGTP !!Ju67JuF6jBeSo what's the deal with the 527? I want a bolt gun in a cheap pew-pew caliber like 7.62x39, so ...62[View]
27475986AnonymousLooking for a cheap and reliable bolt action rifle. Literally something that'll never fail. Su...14[View]
27453718AnonymousWhy not just use a diesel engine like a normal person?198[View]
27476343Anonymousjust saw this. If /k/ was in Kate's shoes, would you bitch out like her due to moral compass or...2[View]
27476603AnonymousCan someone explain to me how a bunch of literal Arab cameljockeys could BTFO the Byzantines so hard...2[View]
27459891AnonymousWhat are differeces between the popular WW1/2 bolt-actions? I want to get one that's not a Nugg...37[View]
27463964AnonymousCan we get a high quality UN Peacekeepers photos thread pls?122[View]
27476057AnonymousAlternate hitory time questions. Its jan 1st 1942. Instead of attacking Russia, Germany has enhanced...18[View]
27475920AnonymousAs an air force cadet when will i get redpilled on: >chemtrail ...8[View]
27476225AnonymousI live in a bad neighborhood. But im not too far away from being innawoods to hunt. Though its unlik...10[View]
27472642Anonymous/k/! I need guns. Not just any guns though, I need guns that would fit in the bad streets of the fut...30[View]
27471654AnonymousIntratec: Is it basically impossible to get these because of their wide usage in mass shootin...13[View]
27476253AnonymousCC Alien Gear w/ 1911: Does anyone else out there do this? CC a 5' 1911 with an Alien Gear ho...1[View]
27475965AnonymousWhat will you do when they come for you, /k/?: Run like a coward or stand your ground?4[View]
27475591AnonymousQuick question. I have a Yugo and I have been getting the failure to feed issue so many people do. I...16[View]
27470057AnonymousLet's see those battle stations!85[View]
27476024AnonymousHey /k/ i live in a country with very strict gun laws. Basically we need to get a license for anythi...1[View]
27475724AnonymousSup /k/, Does /k/ recommend a C or D-size solvent trap kit for AR-15's? I know you can't g...5[View]
27471628AnonymousSemi Auto Rifles thst isnt AR-15: What /k/ recommend for a newguns who wants a semi auto rifl...19[View]
27474965AnonymousIs this correct? If sloped (or curved) armor is more effective, then why are most modern tanks full ...6[View]
27474918Anonymousbaby's first AR: Hi /k/ I live in commiefornia and I'm looking to buy my first AR. ...45[View]
27459506MURDERSTRELKI 90'EDC Thread: Atleast You Tried Edition: >be me ...118[View]
27474480AnonymousAnyone here made their own knife and have any tips for someone who wants to get into knife making5[View]
27469758Anonymouslow boots: Where can I find some good quality german low boots for reenactments? ww2 sale is ...21[View]
27475017AnonymousSoCal Shooters: Hey guys, I'm a Los Angeles native and I've been shooting here on a...22[View]
27473329AnonymousHolsters: Can I get some advice on CC holsters? Getting my CPL soon and want to have all the ...19[View]
27473020AnonymousPolice qualification question: Does anyone know what's involved when a police officer ha...59[View]
27474917AnonymousCanadafag here Where do I go to get a possession and aquisition test to get the license? And after t...7[View]
27473736AnonymousBought this M&P9c today for my new CCW now I can say the 'Smith, Wesson, and me' line from Sudde...3[View]
27466606AnonymousWhat's the best self defense weapon you can carry with you when you can't own a gun (muh c...37[View]
27474968AnonymousWhat's the recoil and muzzle rise like on this gun vs. an AR?6[View]
27474765Anonymousis there a way to fix stripper clips that don't work well? I have about 150-200 surplus strippe...3[View]
27474187Anonymouswhats the best gun? i think its the ak47 because: -it never jams -you dont clean it -it does more da...15[View]
27471830Anonymouswhat is the most high capacity gun you can legally buy37[View]
27474256Anonymousina woods niggas: Between 1941 and 1944, in the war on the Eastern Front, Soviet partisans fo...1[View]
27474584AnonymousHappy -late- 12th Birthday, 4chan! I gave /k/ the biggest gun!2[View]
27474200AnonymousHow do you guys like my new budget build? Any tips/suggestions on what to add? Under $20 preferably.34[View]
27474694AnonymousHey fellas, I just bought a used Vortex Strikefire Gen I with the 2x magnifier. I'd rather have...1[View]
27466229AnonymousWhat was /k/'s first gun?62[View]
27473810AnonymousHey /k/ Out of curiosity theoretically if something were to happen, and the gubmint started 'takin u...10[View]
27474104GreenCarpets !!+BVBklcrlZ722LR General: 22 Long Rifle General Post your .22 rifles, handguns, and your ammo stocks. ...12[View]
27459609AnonymousSyrian Civil War Thread IV: Please Post More Syrian QT’s Edition.: >Tr...331[View]
27474199AnonymousCool things you did during your time in the military. >Be Reservist during Un...5[View]
27474373AnonymousAlright /K/omrades, buying a rifle tomorrow, .556 or .300 blackout?12[View]
27473060AnonymousWould the Russian military have an advantage over US forces in Syria considering their proximity to ...5[View]
27473559AnonymousLooking into buying my first gun, i'm thinking about a handgun for the versatility of it. I am ...3[View]
27470820AnonymousWhat is the most beautiful weapon never actually used to kill anyone and why is it MIRV?67[View]
27470813Anonymous/k/ loot thread?: What did I get here from the Crimson Caravan?24[View]
27473685AnonymousGood option for clean Nugget bore?: And why the patches never come out clean?5[View]
27470354AnonymousIdeal blade: Thinking about whats the best blade/shortsword to have, tend to favour an sturdy...15[View]
27467972AnonymousAnyone got one of these bad boys? I would love to see them in action...52[View]
27466335AnonymousStyer aug? or ps90?27[View]
27455138AnonymousWhat would happen if you removed the barrel from an assault rifle and fired it?55[View]
27471555AnonymousWhat's a good melee weapon for self defense /k I cannot buy a firearm and was thinking along th...15[View]
27448565Panzergrenadier !!7imIbprUyAQmilsurp thread: come circlejerk over shitty old guns305[View]
27440025AnonymousGear Queer General: GPS/navigation edition!318[View]
27471232Anonymous>First, force the British to endure food shortages—then make them eat explodi...15[View]
27462593AnonymousCan we have a thread dedicated to small, obscure conflicts? I just read about the Cod Wars, a series...93[View]
27460771Anonymousgsg: Gunsmith/gun building general --extreme poorfag edition-- Post your poorfag setup and pr...38[View]
27472703AnonymousWhich should I stock up on? M885 or M193 Aside from weight, what are the differences?12[View]
27472120AnonymousConcealed carry: I'm in the market for a 'Pocket pistol' I'm leaning towards the Bo...60[View]
27463449Calico !Jack/eKIQcAR Thread / AR General /arg/: Definitely-not-SBR's Edition Old thread >>27456291326[View]
27471452AnonymousAir power alone.: It seems like about 10 minutes after the invention of the first warplane, y...19[View]
27472887AnonymousHow shit are the Tisas 1911s?1[View]
27455433AnonymousAlright /k/, I have $100 to spend on a new knife. 69 decides what I buy. > C...256[View]
27470524AnonymousSomeone identify?30[View]
27473277AnonymousRecent Acquisitions: Just picked up a 580 series Mini 14 and was looking to get some cheap gl...1[View]
27458800Anonymoushomemade/improvised weapons thread: cause i never see them anymore :(185[View]
27471779Anonymous>buy NEF pardner in 12Ga for 100 >mfw ...7[View]
27473190AnonymousAlright guys, real talk. What leads to military or like-wise coup attempts to fail or succeed. Ignor...3[View]
27468447AnonymousHome Security: I already have a security system, why should I buy a gun and have the intruder...65[View]
27473042AnonymousEastern Front WWII: We will never experience the horrors of the eastern front.2[View]
27466495AnonymousWhat do you think of the homemade PKK/YPG anti material rifles? Can something like this actually be ...37[View]
27471230AnonymousHey /k/, Swissaboo here. I just bought a new P227 and I was going to buy a Sig rifle to complement i...4[View]
27471368AnonymousWould this work as a reactive armor for bullets???15[View]
27466064AnonymousI'm looking to get into 1911s and I want one that is good quality but still relatively inexpens...33[View]
27467148AnonymousPost elaborate guns18[View]
27472561AnonymousAlright /k/ I just picked up pic related. Dubs decide what her name is.55[View]
27472750AnonymousRate this collection8[View]
27463058AnonymousTyler Rogoway and his F35 rants: http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/now-the-f-35-has-an-ej...71[View]
27471921AnonymousWhen will the UK get a real MBT and not just a pillbox?2[View]
27472002Freedom with a side of funsGood evening, /k/. My patience for the shithole I live in right now has finally reached it's pe...12[View]
27471525AnonymousGerber LMF II: I got a Gerber LMF II. It's an excellent infantry knife. It has a shock a...4[View]
27459294AnonymousWar photo thread: Come on /k/ dump what yah got!174[View]
27461926AnonymousIs being able to fire HESH really important enough to not have ammunition compatibility with the res...33[View]
274724937Groups Thread: Rain is strangely distracting to shoot in edition.0[View]
27471425AnonymousWe need to create a new technology body armor. Something troops can use to stay fighting and not wor...17[View]
27468196AnonymousPoisons are weapon!: ITT post different homemade poisons, I'll start16[View]
27463750AnonymousWhy aren't you fighting the enemy, /k/? http://thelionsofrojava.com/index.php/join/27[View]
27470053AnonymousAnyone work at a Gun store?: I'm thinking of applying to work at a local gun store, and ...15[View]
27470129AnonymousFirst gun thread: What was your first gun, /k/? >Pic related,my first ...3[View]
27467834Anonymouswarrior/army quotes: give me warrior/army quotes /k/15[View]
27470510AnonymousHey can we get a boot and boot knife thread? I want to see what other /k/omandos are wearing. Pic re...10[View]
27471047AnonymousWhat tank is the best, and why is the Polish stealth tank?14[View]
27450857AnonymousIs there a stigma against people who collect weapons? Like the one time I ever mentioned that I coll...125[View]
27422487MandicMiddle East Thread 'AXIS OF RESISTANCE': >US moving to the borders of ...273[View]
27446798AnonymousBattle Rifles: ITT: discuss battle rifles, battle rifle accessories, and other battle rifle r...122[View]
27470589AnonymousDoesn't the sheer scale and bloodiness of WW2 amaze you?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...5[View]
27470486AnonymousHey there /k/, I am looking for some melee body armor and a Telescopic baton that isn't a piece...9[View]
27460551Anonymous>'Mobile' Gun System >Can't be a...29[View]
27467906AnonymousBlack Powder gun laws: Hey guys, I'm buying my groomsmen Colt 1860 Army's with thei...22[View]
27468739towtruckassholeSo I found this on Facebook. I'm pretty sure /k/ can make it more accurate to each person'...14[View]
27471419Anonymousdoes solitary exist in UK jails? where are top terrorists put in, in the british prison system? like...14[View]
27466798AnonymousLying to get in: What's /k/'s opinion on lying to the military? I have PKD renderin...28[View]
27460322AnonymousStoppage thread116[View]
27469318AnonymousSPHINX SDP Is it worth the price? Everything I hear or read about it says it is pretty much a precis...45[View]
27470855AnonymousIt's Time: Louder than words 116[View]
27461236AnonymousAustralia: 1 Aircraft Carrier 6 Submarines 79 Fighter Aircraft 22 Attack Helicopters 59 Tanks Ne...208[View]
27471234AnonymousI flunked out of college and I've been considering going into the Army as a sapper for some tim...9[View]
27462735Anonymous>you will never be a Knight83[View]
27467669Anonymous>tfw shithole shitty fucking dumb ass liberal blue state ...27[View]
27454389AnonymousKnife General: Heavy duty edition154[View]
27454694AnonymousRecently moved to Japan. Can't own a gun. Wat do?87[View]
27465343AnonymousDoes /k/ ever look into world war 2 claims when they research or discuss battles? The more I do i re...74[View]
27465374AnonymousSup /k/ how's going? So does any of you guys have that image of (iirc) a french soldier with a ...6[View]
27469873AnonymousHas anyone on /k/ actually attended an Appleseed Project shoot? There is one coming to my area in th...10[View]
27467285AnonymousAlright /k/omrades, has anyone ever shot one of those and if so what are your opinions about it? I h...7[View]
27466078AnonymousF-35's Ejection Seat Will Literally Kill Its Pilot: >Recent tests...109[View]
27471005AnonymousTfw Ian responds to a Facebook comment you left on a ForgottenWeapons post.0[View]
27469133Anonymousrecent aquisitions: Wanted to thank everyone who replied to my 2 threads about picking up a J...48[View]
27459787AnonymousBREAKING: New, insanely cool weapon is being used in Syria: Holy shit, look at this beast: ht...87[View]
27465296AnonymousSo about how much would it cost to have one of these 'compliance devices' made for a real gun?35[View]
27464273AnonymousTactical Firearms thread, Old Gun's but a new spin.57[View]
27465297Anonymous>'Moscow does not have the experience of a full-scale warfare abroad. Russia ...31[View]
27470236AnonymousGot my free button from The Crimson Caravan: Since I got my Renegades button for free I will ...8[View]
27469297AnonymousDiagnose my vintage .22: I have a savage model A6 I'm having failure to feed issues and...6[View]
27468400AnonymousDoctors without boarders airstrike: Doctors without boarders. It seems some 'US Soldiers' got...25[View]
27466566AnonymousHey /k/ So a mate of mine is offering to give me his old Mosin Nagant and I'm curious if there...16[View]
27448247AnonymousKalashnibox 360: Apparently British criminals talk to other criminals and buy guns in Britain...152[View]
27466538AnonymousHey faggots Why dont you carry a Deagle brand Deagle like a true gangsta? Pic related. Its my Deagle...22[View]
27462542AnonymousMoss. tac4[View]
27461628AnonymousCompact 9mm: Looking for a compact 9mm for CC that does not have a safety. What does /k/ rec...38[View]
27468544AnonymousMay be a dumb question...: If black powder pistols aren't actually handguns (in the sens...9[View]
27467346AnonymousHey guys, spotted this gun at a gunshow this past weekend. Had a 'Name it, Claim it' sign next to it...22[View]
27465915AnonymousPzKpfw V Panther was a failed shitty tank, prove me wrong13[View]
27454413AnonymousWho remembers these?236[View]
27449577Anonymous/out/ here Does /k/ actually go outside in the wilderness with there guns or do you guys just stay a...248[View]
27465329AnonymousAre there any good producers of spears that wont snap when barely used or meme garbage like cold ste...29[View]
27466079AnonymousHow would an armed insurrection in the US play out?35[View]
27443426AnonymousWhat's your dream weapon? Practicality not mandatory.245[View]
27467710AnonymousI live in Norway which has insanely strict gun control, but after a lot of time and money I can now ...26[View]
27468573AnonymousBow vs .22lr: So I made a thread week ago discussing what kind of gun to buy for spending 3 m...14[View]
27447840Anonymous/k/ringe thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70aZ60UKi_c156[View]
27469518AnonymousGunsmithing in Australia, No Aussie company's that designs for the army or police? What is this...5[View]
27469414AnonymousKalashnikov us132z: Anyone else looking to get one of these from the new US factory?2[View]
27469295AnonymousBuying a gun with a history of mental illness.: Many years ago when I was 15, my mother made ...16[View]
27468583AnonymousTremors 5: Bloodlines: >Heather! If you're still out there.......14[View]
27467571Anonymous>draw a circle on the floor >put on a bulletpro...16[View]
27467468AnonymousI'm new to shotguns and want to know what kind of slug would be most accurate at an indoor rang...5[View]
27469257AnonymousBags: What's the bag in pic?2[View]
27463435AnonymousSo /k/ I finally got my cwp and I'm going to get my first pistol this week I have a little over...24[View]
27467730Anonymouswhat do you think about the military's accuracy in fear the walking pleb?22[View]
27467080AnonymousFunstore etiquette breach?: tldr: got laughed at when I asked when I could pick up my FFL tra...32[View]
27457345AnonymousSwords/spears/you name it: Guns are seriously overrated in my opinion. https://www.youtube.c...57[View]
27460164AnonymousFind a flaw.60[View]
27467009AnonymousTfw Italy have the same numbers of mass shooting by year as united states but our media doesn't...17[View]
27467908AnonymousPerhaps this isnt the right board to discuss this but... What is leading to the rise of PTSD diagnos...41[View]
27467245AnonymousWhat do you guys think about .25 ACP? Viable concealed carry option?6[View]
27466338AnonymousSyria bombing montage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKFArvBnobo1[View]
27445342AnonymousAlcohol Tuna Firearms: ATF THREAD. The time is nigh my sweet potassium166[View]
27468239AnonymousWas looking at this 10/22 and thought it looked great until I saw the thread pitch is 1/2x20. All of...1[View]
27467638AnonymousSo, what's /k/'s opinion of PAYDAY 2's weapon customization system? Personally, I...7[View]
27467849AnonymousWhere do you /k/ommandos buy your equipment from? Swebro I'm going to New York next year, and c...2[View]
27450110AnonymousWeekend Canada Thread: Moosefuckers, get in here! I've been away for a while, what'...324[View]
27452210AnonymousAmericans are constantly arguing against the implementation of autoloaders, citing all kinds of bull...155[View]
27467424AnonymousTacticool wearables -n- other swag: OK, now that I've scared everyone off from reading.....5[View]
27463332AnonymousHey /k/, I saw this come up on my airshit newsfeed and thought you might be amused http://youtu.be/f...6[View]
27452163AnonymousDCS Thread: 1.5 is out. Can't wait for tomcat and the hornet!!66[View]
27461427Anonymoushey /k/, i have a quick question how are the seabees viewed by infantry?32[View]
27462580Anonymousskinwalkers: So I live in vernal utah. Its a shitty little town near Colorado border. Me and ...19[View]
27464605Anonymous/k/ I downloaded some sten gun and ak47 making books on scribd. You recon im on some nsa list now? W...10[View]
27467018AnonymousGun show is this weekend. As I live in the middle of nowhere, this the annual opportunity to shop fo...2[View]
27465390Anonymous9mm effectiveness: Anyone have warstories or knowledge of people getting shot and killed with...14[View]
27465429Anonymous.45 ACP fags on suicide watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycEjjCljKgM20[View]
27463978Anonymousc39v2: I found one of these at my lgs. Is this a decent ak? I haven't really heard any b...8[View]
27461474AnonymousIs this a decent 1911? http://www.ruger.com/products/sr1911/models.html19[View]
27466825AnonymousCitizen of the People's Republic of Maryland, here. I'm a gun owner thinking about moving ...1[View]
27464508AnonymousWhat's it worth, /k/? What do ya think21[View]
27465730AnonymousI got a good one for you. >get up for work >wat...24[View]
27466462Anonymous>TFW people are trying to sell Kydex holsters for the same price of custom le...2[View]
27465435AnonymousQuiet rimfire rifles: I live in a semi rural area and am looking for a new rifle that hopeful...17[View]
27466013AnonymousShould RCS shaming be a bannable offense on /k/?3[View]
27466414AnonymousSo, /k/, I'm considering getting a cheap bolt-action .22LR rifle (like, say, a Lithgow Model 12...8[View]
27464735AnonymousWhat holster and belt do you use for ccw?7[View]
27466449AnonymousDafaq is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sKZE7qs0Qk0[View]
27462697AnonymousRobotic sentry weapons: good or great?20[View]
27458696Anonymousbuying p226: I'm interested in buying one used but don't want to get jewed. I have ...46[View]
27463011AnonymousSo a friend and I played Russian roulette for the first time no one died, scary as shot but exhilara...22[View]
27446638Anonymousctrl + f no humor thread? let's change that306[View]
27465850AnonymousDecent home defense wep vs terrorists: Which firearm should I buy to protect my young daughte...7[View]
27462236AnonymousColorado rejoice! http://denver.cbslocal.com/2015/09/28/colorado-sheriffs-move-forward-wit...4[View]
27465675AnonymousHey, obnoxious newfag coming through. I'm really interested in the culture here, but I have no ...10[View]
27464374AnonymousI've been looking for an ak47 and was wondering if the ease 10 works well with a slide fire sto...6[View]
27462366niggertron6969what is this: Hey /k/ my grandfather recently gave me some shotgun ammo and i found a shrll t...17[View]
27465841AnonymousWhat is going to be the designation for the successor to the m1a1/a2/a3 given that a IFV and machine...9[View]
27462197AnonymousNo Gear Queer thread? Journalism student here getting ready to transfer to AUC in Cairo. Intending o...8[View]
27465351Anonymous>1100 Bendigo-built Hawkei protected vehicles for Aussie Army http://w...10[View]
27445815AnonymousH-how is this even real? It has a cruise speed higher than the top speed of an F-15. Its max speed i...173[View]
27463989AnonymousSo is the gen 4 G19 and G17 still shooting that brass into.your face? Are there any owners of them h...44[View]
27447547AnonymousWhat .357 revolvers does /k/ recommend?84[View]
27460334Anonymousfixed this pic HP: okay, but not ideal. also dat slide bite. beretta 92: XBOX HUEG. also slide failu...41[View]
27462485AnonymousWhat is hell for a soldier? Would it be eternal war? Stuck in the American Dream after the war? Livi...30[View]
27463155AnonymousSo let's say I go to a certain university in philadelphia. Let's say that said university ...51[View]
27461298AnonymousDraco are you at agora?37[View]
27464792AnonymousOhio law question: Can a landlord legally enforce a 'no guns' clause in a rental ag...3[View]
27464951AnonymousLooking to buy a couple 80% lowers to experiment and practice on. Tactical machining has a 3 for $93...10[View]
27461830AnonymousAyyy. What bayonet do I need to fit my M4gery?10[View]
27464715AnonymousSks time: Alright /k/ it's time for babys first sks No one has any locally, one russian ...18[View]
27464622Anonymousspaghetti sucks and you're poor: I 3d printed some laywood AR furniture.9[View]
27452043Alpenfudge !!XT4wvh1FouRMilsurp/Camo/Militaria thread: >My first time edition ...316[View]
27461636AnonymousLight suggestions for a glock 19: I just bought a new gen 4 glock 19, and i was wondering wha...80[View]
27460374AnonymousWhich one /k/ ??? Glock 19 gen3? M&P 9 Shield? SD9 VE? Obvious 9mm preference, and California Co...29[View]
27462183AnonymousAlright /k/, modern jets scrub here. Is there any glaring flaw with the F-14 that it needed to be re...26[View]
27461060AnonymousSome SPC in my team had a 249 and his strap broke, and our team leader thought he was flagging peopl...58[View]
27463995AnonymousWhat advantages lead to the proliferation of 105mm and 122mm self-propelled howitzers? I can underst...8[View]
27452314Anonymous>You will never lead an infantry brigade in the Army of the Potomac into batt...82[View]
27463588AnonymousState of /k/: Wtf is going on? /k/ is salty as shit tonight. Have the recent events russled s...24[View]
27463204AnonymousHow often should you clean your HD gun?: i had it setting in my drawer for a long time and it...5[View]
27464567AnonymousP210 owners - how bad is the risk of slide/hammer bite and how much do you have to alter your grip t...2[View]
27460872AnonymousGlocks are offically meme guns: every god damn gun article, fb post and forums have irritatin...10[View]
27464454Anonymoushai guyz witch gun would u use 2 kill jfk?? unrelated3[View]
27463883Anonymousalright /k/ommandos, i need some opinions. I'm looking into purchasing a new rifle and im stuck...26[View]
27464382AnonymousRange Buddies: ITT: We post our area codes and if they match then you have to go to the range...18[View]
27457366AnonymousWork Around Aircraft: I want to work around aircraft. Preferably fighter jets. Are there any ...26[View]
27463491Anonymousshould I get a lazerlyte in 9mm or 45acp? My 9mm is a beretta, my 45 is a 1911. I would get both, bu...2[View]
27449271CreepFinder !BYe7HUHHLsMidwest NuggetFest 2015 in a few weeks: Midwest NuggetFest will be near Stover, Missouri on O...246[View]
27463936AnonymousHow does /k/ feel about a single action revolver like a new vaquero as a first pistol? (Not a first ...11[View]
27463966AnonymousFirearms Storage Thread: Can we get a thread where we share ideas for storing funs? I've...6[View]
27453295AnonymousIf you lived in a communist state, would you pay $435 after fees and shit for a used RIA GI 1911? It...32[View]
27463357AnonymousHey /k/, I have a question. I'm an American and want to enlist in the Army as active duty. I wo...3[View]
27427893AnonymousQTDDTOT: Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread I'll start. Is it possible t...327[View]
27462264AnonymousCan someone who knows ak's tell me what duh heyul is wrong with my ak? The gas black looks like...8[View]
27457966AnonymousIs the Brazilian Gripen NG the most advanced 4th-gen++ aircraft in the world?11[View]
27458953AnonymousManor defense: Excuse me gentlemen, i was wondering what flintlock would be the best for mano...47[View]
27461943AnonymousSup /k/reeps. I'm currently writing a weakening commitment speech against some fucking dumb lib...39[View]
27463089AnonymousIf you had to choose 1 of your guns to keep and all the others would instantly disappear, what would...2[View]
27452941Anonymous>2015 >still no modern 5.56 rifle that has zero...35[View]
27460533AnonymousAre Mosin's as durable as people say? I was at the range yesterday and some guy insisted that I...61[View]
27458783AnonymousHello /k/omrades. I am in the market for a 1911, but I'm a little torn on what to get. On the o...15[View]
27460598AnonymousSKS Thread: I've had this 1968 Chinese Type 56 SKS for about a year now and I had a few ...14[View]
27456291Austrian !FSFYu0KmvE/arg AR general: shit you want but won't spend the money on -edition old thread: >...321[View]
27454159AnonymousAre Sentry Guns legal?: Honest question50[View]
27463024Anonymousold image: So i can't seem to find an image from years ago where someone had put guns ri...10[View]
27457506AnonymousGWG / Girls with Guns General: Hai there, sharp shots ;-)12[View]
27452892Anonymousvp9 vs ppq: which one would you rather buy, /k/?41[View]
27457347AnonymousIs this a Famas?16[View]
27461957AnonymousConvince me to buy a DSA SA 58 or a Colt or FN A2 clone. Things to note, the only other gun I have ...7[View]
27456454AnonymousOnly have 500 dollars but I want a 1400 dollar AR-15. Wat do.49[View]
27434566Anonymous/akg/ AK General: Ak thread old one is in autosage >>27400829 Allahu Akbar edition Why ...317[View]
27462887Anonymoushttp://www.eddieeagle.com/#/ Porn when, /k/?5[View]
27460653AnonymousHoly fuck I just nd'd my m1a it exited my house and hit my neighbour's car looks like it s...150[View]
27462883AnonymousMaster's degree pursuing student here. Graduated with a Bachelor's in Biological Sciences ...5[View]
27461354AnonymousATF Rules that you can only finish your 80% lower in your own home, with your own tooling. Looks lik...29[View]
27447509Anonymousbest gun83[View]
27461975Anonymous/k/, I've recently been invited to my first ever range trip. The person I'm going with is ...10[View]
27462623AnonymousTexas and handguns under 21.: Hey guys, I have been shooting my entire life, but just bought ...1[View]
27449696AnonymousMeetups: Can anyone explain this to me? It seems like /k/ users are less willing than ever t...140[View]
27453289AnonymousSup /k/, I'm currently a no guns Uni student, but after what happened in Oregon I've decid...127[View]
27462452AnonymousMilitary Feels thread: >Dad was in the military for 20 years as an enl...1[View]
27459318Anonhelp: Family peacemaker here. Was told it was given to a great great great uncle by a texas r...54[View]
27452344Hi Point guy>Cali fag >no guns whole life ...76[View]
27456884Anonymousso i found a Century Arms C308 and was interested in buying it, but ive heard bad things about CA an...24[View]
27447638AnonymousIs .22LR over?: I've been thinking about picking up a .22lr rifle, but people have been ...143[View]
27459711AnonymousHey /k/ I live in a state where being committed to a mental ward prohibits one from buying a gun. I ...30[View]
27460462AnonymousCaliber Showdown: Fudd Edition: Sooo what do you think is the ultimate Fudd caliber? The show...14[View]
27458432AnonymousGood day /k/! Just back from my local fun store and I spent a fair amount of time handling the savag...20[View]
27462180Anonymouscalling infograph /k/omandoes....: My photoshop skills are shit. The pic. related is my resum...3[View]
27457955AnonymousHow the hell do soldiers get pulled in/join up in ceremonial duties? Specially in Yurop since Eurofa...127[View]
27459821nicogalieI fucking love this weapon1[View]
27460125AnonymousIf you could only use one gun for the rest of your life, what would it be?13[View]
27454454AnonymousHave a Sigg 938. Is the perfect conceal carry. I'm 6'3' and I can hide it literally anywhe...47[View]
27450155AnonymousAlkali metal cored ammunition.: This is a idea that has been bouncing around in my head for a...111[View]
27460954AnonymousIs this the most perfect gun ever designed? 100 years and still not obsolete.25[View]
27461403AnonymousRussians test new plasma weapon in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mdi_PP4IOk14[View]
27456155AnonymousWhy don't you have an underground end of the world bunker?88[View]
27461598Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-iKwoRlSfg A well researched summary presentation of the histo...3[View]
27456973AnonymousITT: /k/ in 1915: I'll start: Hey /k/omrades, just joined up with the German Army and I ...91[View]
27461148Anonymousshotgun troubleshooting: Idk if you guys might be able to help me but it's Sunday and no...5[View]
27458849AnonymousHow can I mount my ACR strobe to my ACH without looking like a total tool/newbie?12[View]
27456667AnonymousI bet you fags didn't even see Ian on Sons of Guns season 5 Episode 9.32[View]
27455076Anonymous>Hunting squirrels with a Mosin >Shoot some oth...24[View]
27459828AnonymousRecommendations on weapons?: Thinking about getting a FAMAS G2 for home defense and either a ...7[View]
27446305AnonymousWent to see Sicario yesterday, loved it. But that's besides the point >...66[View]
27455685Anonymouscivilian m14: so in looking for one of these for my dad, i need to convince him that pic rela...27[View]
27457562a brown bearWhat did you eat for lunch today? my /k/ammeraden are staying mildly heath right?122[View]
27459763AnonymousTL;DR How well do the Lone Wolf .40 to 9mm conversion barrels work? >Grew up ...4[View]
27460859swag lanternenlisting in US Army infantry nest month, plan on doin EOD eventually. thoughts? advice? or just te...11[View]
27459441AnonymousSo besides a shotgun or a 50 cal, what gun/caliber has the most knockdown power? I'm talking le...18[View]
27458408AnonymousSide Holstered Rifle?: After playing the living fuck out of MGSV, I can only imagine having a...9[View]
27456584AnonymousIs the SU-35 the first Russian aircraft that's on par with western gen 4 fighters?: It...62[View]
27454616AnonymousWhat was probably the most excellent plane built during WWII? Can be the best of its class like figh...97[View]
27453740AnonymousDAVY CROCKETT NUKE: holy fuck did you fuckers know bout this sick ass piece of death?51[View]
27460569AnonymousDrills to increase speed.: I'm trying to improve my shooting. I'm pretty accurate w...3[View]
27460185AnonymousSacramento Air Show: I got to talk to a F-15 pilot and a Super Hornet pilot. I sperged out bu...8[View]
27458109AnonymousAir guns general - discuss air gun, postpictures, stories, etc. Just bought an old Crosman Quest 10...11[View]
27459707Anonymoushttp://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=512546448#PIC Is this a good Pistol to buy?...10[View]
27460217Slick Rick !SqqWJ0w6W6CCW thread: My Dad is wanting to upgrade his carry peice from a .32 Tomcat to a .380 or 9mm. ...7[View]
27459046AnonymousAutonomous Weapon Systems: What are /k/'s thoughts on the development of robots for use ...12[View]
27448445OPWhy all the hate against fancy pants, he may be goofy but he's probably the best reviewer out t...98[View]
27459021AnonymousDrake Savage 10 Accuracy: http://modularrifle.com/drake-savage-model-10-accuracy-package...9[View]
27460343AnonymousID that shotgun?: Hey /k/, can anyone ID the shotgun in the background of this picture? The p...3[View]
27457751Anonymoushey /k/: A family friend passed away and left me this (pic related) in his will. I know its a...13[View]
27454539Anonymoushow is war actually fought? i cant imagine these tactics we train in the army are done in real life ...56[View]
27451786Anonymous>Gun related dream >No, not the one where it do...27[View]
27458913AnonymousWhy people wank over guns when logistics, organization and mobilization of assets are so much more c...10[View]
27451115AnonymousWhat's the weirdest/oldest weapon you have loaded for defense? Let's hear ot, /k/omrades. ...90[View]
27456153AnonymousWould you use it?38[View]
27457952AnonymousDoes anyone have an alternative to the gerber mark ii. I like the knife but those serrations are hi...2[View]
27458890Anonymouswut dis?: i seen this on the magical world on tumblr (it was posted on a reblog site). its so...19[View]
27458846AnonymousWhat is this? I can't seem to find any reference to what variant of AK this is. I think its a O...5[View]
27457381AnonymousWhat do yo think about women on the front line?10[View]
27459400AnonymousIn this thread we discuss who the best knife reviewer and why its we all juggles knives.2[View]
27459406AnonymousGun laws in Poland?: I'm about to start living in Poland again with my family there for ...13[View]
27456404Anonymoussup /k/ nogunz eurofriend here. Going to the US soon and of course I want to shoot some funs while I...40[View]
27454438AnonymousShould I?20[View]
27457787AnonymousHey /k/, I'm looking for a military jacket that looks as good as the M-65 (Woodland) but is cap...7[View]
27457816Anonymouslol what kind of idiot puts the propeller backwards? like whaaaaaaaat seriously?24[View]
27459660AnonymousIt's like a Shoah in here http://www.alfarrow.com/reliquaries.html2[View]
27455737Anonymous>tfw can't buy a gun until age 21 How am I supposed to wait? What...14[View]
27458570AnonymousM46 and Centurion Mk.III: Which one is superior? Centurion Mark III or M46 Patton?12[View]
27457699AnonymousSorry, I'm a fucking pleb What gun is this?8[View]
27459385AnonymousNo spooky thread? Where is your Halloween spirit /k/?1[View]
27451078Anonymousclassy wedding gat: So /k/ I got married, and instead of getting a wedding band from the her ...49[View]
27458598AnonymousI have a garbage gun (kodiac .45 patriot) It is really disappointing how awful this gun is. I decide...5[View]
27448285AnonymousOn its own, how is the North Korean military rated? Could they take the South Koreans (if America di...90[View]
27458297AnonymousSo i finally made up my mind to get a Glock 19, now the only question left would be which gen would ...19[View]
27459172AnonymousPro Gun Screen Caps: All the anti gun bullshit recently has me enraged. I haven't heard ...1[View]
27456459AnonymousWhat does /k/ think of this?10[View]
27453589AnonymousFeeling guilty about buy firearms?: I guess this could be a confession thread. For someone wh...16[View]
27448803AnonymousAre Torpedoes obsolete?: Why dont Destroyers and other surface ships carry torpedoes anymore?...20[View]
27432030GreenCarpets !!+BVBklcrlZ7Fucking California: Here's an article from my local sheriff department's Facebook, ...225[View]
27454772AnonymousSyrian Civil War Thread III: Cyka Blyat Edition.: >U.S.-backed Syrian ...333[View]
27458882AnonymousHey /k/, first time here, I'd like some input on this, I'm writing some fiction: ...2[View]
27456405AnonymousSo in the wake of the Oregon shooting, and me being a Christian going off to Texas A&M Universit...60[View]
27458826Anonymouss/k/out/ poll: http://strawpoll.me/5655025 also, is /out/ the canada of 4chan?1[View]
27454733AnonymousAvailability of slav rounds: Considering the escalation of tensions that are bound to happen ...14[View]
27458458AnonymousWhy didn't they ever airdrop tank or IFVs in Transformers to provide fire and ATGM support? Wou...8[View]
27457160AnonymousHey /k/ what's your favourite weapon currently in service with a military? (Mine is the SA80 if...6[View]
27456617Anarchist Cati'm looking for a decent hunting rifle below $400 that could challenge wild boar like animals.15[View]
27456632AnonymousFind a flaw.10[View]
27458151AnonymousCould an M44 be used in place of a flashbang? Would it have the same result on unsuspecting foes? I...3[View]
27456650AnonymousHowdy /k/ I just inherited my grandfather's Luger P-08, and I was hoping to find out informatio...16[View]
27454628AnonymousBailsong: Anyone know if I can get a bailsong in the uk or know any dodgey websites that will...14[View]
27452964AnonymousDoes anyone else consider it shameful and embarrassing that Britain's most highly trained Infan...80[View]
27449805AnonymousAnyone seen Cartel Land (2015)?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5bpPfltOI This movie ...78[View]
27458183AnonymousTula Moseen help.: I have Tula moseen rifle paint on stock is worn out and rifle is worn i wa...0[View]
27457637AnonymousAK builder: Anyone ever use Blackwell industries in Renton WA for an AK build? 2ndly anyone ...3[View]
27457892AnonymousJust got my non-NFA launcher, looking for 37mm non-anti-personnel load suggestions. Only thing illeg...5[View]
27457982AnonymousNot sure this is the kind of product placement Gerber wants, but I'm sure Bear will get over it...1[View]
27456417AnonymousDo you think this gun would work? Automatic assault rifle from fallout 415[View]
27454472AnonymousWhat happens if I shoot Swedish full-power Ksp-58/FN MAG tracer rounds in my 1906 Krag?35[View]
27455518Anonymous>Finally old enough and have the money to buy an AR-15 ...27[View]
27453418Anonymous>want to move to Telluride, Colorado and enjoy the fresh mountain climate, we...58[View]
27456768Anonymous>full size pistol >fixed barrel ...13[View]
27457171Anonymoushow are nighthawk custom 1911s? I don't see them get mentioned all that often, should I be worr...1[View]
27456989AnonymousPost pictures of stupid ways that idiots rice their guns. Pic related.4[View]
27456502AnonymousSCAR 16 New Trigger - accidental mag dump at range: I have a SCAR 16 with a Timney Trigger. E...56[View]
27456692Anonymousare there any good non fuddy rifles that are non restricted in canada8[View]
27457331AnonymousSimple favorite gun thread! I'll start, Colt detective special(snub nose)0[View]
27433681AnonymousCalibers: What's your favorite overall cartridge and why?245[View]
27456265ScottMystery time: O/k/ its mystery time, I've had this knife my grandfather gave to me years...3[View]
27420450FLWistoohot/MEG/ - Military Enlistment General: /MEG/ - Military Enlistment General ...317[View]
27457104Anonymous>2008 >be me, conservative republican supreme c...0[View]
27455129AnonymousYou are the Eastern Bloc: Defeat the forces of NATO and conquer the West.9[View]
27452809Anonymous>be working on a fap at desktop >hunt for red o...11[View]
27455922AnonymousMore like this to be frank7[View]
27453316AnonymousTalk me out of it /k/..: >girlfriend left me yesterday ...45[View]
27448323AnonymousP90: Whats the civilian version of this gun, and how hard/expensive is it to get?35[View]
27455525AnonymousTis the season, looking for a zombie tool that can perform as many tasks in 1. Only major criteria.....10[View]
27447673AnonymousStreet Sweeping: Anybody got anymore funny gun related pics?34[View]
27456800AnonymousRate, share collections, criticism welcome. Keep in mind that I'm 20 with a part time job and i...1[View]
27448867AnonymousDraw your weapon: I'll start13[View]
27442733AnonymousOAHU MEET-UP: Short notice, but myself and a couple anons here on oahu are going to meet up a...156[View]
27456127AnonymousDecent military hardware books?: Hey /k/, I recently purchased this book in pic related from ...1[View]
27452605AnonymousBlack Hawk Down Revised Edition.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUu-z-YSw8w ...35[View]
27455131AnonymousLost a relative to combat this month. He left me his Gen 2 Glock 22 and I think I'm going to st...2[View]
27448814AnonymousWhat's the most Bubba'd thing you've ever seen /k/?168[View]
27456157AnonymousFaces of /k/ Postem5[View]
27455562Anonymousthread 404'd but basically at a hole in the wall lgs there's a iwi jerico 941f with the hu...29[View]
27454774AnonymousPicked up one of these super cheap and have no plans to CC, or really make a holdout pistol out of i...9[View]
27444944AnonymousIf there were a Second American Civil war where it's The People vs the Government, would the Go...307[View]
27453175AnonymousPaintball: I know this probably belongs in /asp/, but is paintball a good way to teach small ...46[View]
27455993AnonymousBabby's 1st Gun: 'Sup /k/ I am looking at purchasing my 1st gun, and I had a was lo...3[View]
27455902AnonymousAlright fags, Imma need your help with this. I've bought a metal cross for participating in WW1...4[View]
27455966AnonymousGlockfags: >don't carry a SAO, you won't hit the safety when...2[View]
27451740qwerbayt !!wC0ZbyvipM7AR Thread / AR General / tripfag containment thread: Sidearms Edition326[View]
27448883AnonymousDoes anyone know what knife this is, is it any good?24[View]
27455625AnonymousNew England /k/ommandos!: I stopped into the CT Cabelas today for some general wasting of tim...11[View]
27455183AnonymousAnyone know what grips these are? Also general /k/ wallpaper thread.14[View]
27452789AnonymousSo /k/, for ground attack/Close air support, A-10 or Apache? I love both but I lean towards they Apa...8[View]
27455217Anonymous>babbies second handgun So after I finish my m4gery AR I'm lookin...11[View]
27454086TactiNEETAnyone got the rest of these? I believe it was a Punisher comic11[View]
27455744AnonymousAny britfags leaving for army phase one tomorrow? Pirbright here0[View]
27455289AnonymousShit you have shot: pic related6[View]
27449156AnonymousHezbollah Operating Thread: could we get a hezbollah thread going /k/? post any image dumps, ...7[View]
27448429AnonymousMy little sister turns 21 in a couple days, we live in Florida. For her birthday I want to get her a...72[View]
27455452AnonymousTIA: I have a hard on for this but I cannot find one >BLR TD 81 .243wi...3[View]
27454580AnonymousAlright. I can't seem to figure out what revolver this is built on. Could one of you kind lads ...4[View]
27447590AnonymousRussians Hosing Down a Building: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mdi_PP4IOk142[View]
27446959AnonymousSyria Thread ll: Oy Vey Edition.: I have decided to create a new thread since the other one w...304[View]
27455073AnonymousWhat's the most 'operator' part of the British Armed Forces that I can join? Looking ...8[View]
27452853AnonymousDear /k/omrades, If you had the opportunity to buy a light tank of your choice from WWII, fully rest...14[View]
27454141Nofuns CanadafagGood morning /k/. My name is Nofuns Canadafag. As of right now, I'm saving up for my RPAL so I ...2[View]
27454262AnonymousBeyond sawing the shotgun barrel and tube off, plus adding the foregrip, what all is part of the Ser...2[View]
27453499AnonymousShould I do it, /k/ ? http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/mobile/product/411545790/redirect24[View]
27455197Anonymousbootcamp: Thoughts? Beliefs? Stories? Etc. Questions welcomed too, i can answer some1[View]
27454937AnonymousWhy in Full Metal Jacket can the recruits not say 'gun'? I get that it's a 'rifle' or 'firearm'...8[View]
27448245AnonymousDoes anyone use an A2 stock and body armor? Is it hard?35[View]
27447884Anonymous>looking at different kinds of body armor >find...30[View]
27452958AnonymousSo when are we going to get Su-24 footage and Su-25 BRRRRTs from Syria >FAB l...5[View]
27454512AnonymousI got this knife today as a gift and i dont know its model i only know the brand and the steel type ...2[View]
27405180AnonymousGWG general - Girls with guns general: Hai there, sharp shots ;-)234[View]
27444507AnonymousAlternative tactics for WW1: It is 1914, you have been selected to advise the Central powers....65[View]
27450039AnonymousWith cooler weather coming do you change your concealed carry piece? If I can wear a jacket I will u...36[View]
27451897AnonymousEvil Black Rifles: Okay /K/ Im thinking about a AAC .300 Blackout upper for my ar15 Anybody h...16[View]
27454644AnonymousHey there Iranirino, just checking up on you. Nice nuclear program you got going on, mind if me and ...3[View]
27447988AnonymousIs Sea Lord the most badass military title there is? I think so.22[View]
27453966AnonymousOhhhhhhh Kitty20[View]
27452769AnonymousButterfly Knife Thread: Any flippers on /k/? Post your balisong collection.6[View]
27453464Anonymoushey /k/ i plan on buying a flintlock soon but i'm not sure if i want to go with rifled or smoot...16[View]
27452378PolskiHey, I haven't been regularly browsing for at least a year. Where have all the tripfags gone?71[View]
27454040AnonymousIran and Hezbollah are going to be the groundforces to Russia's airforce. Against all terroris...9[View]
27437972AnonymousWalk in, See this, What do? 15 feet. Armed with your EDC. Do you have the skill to take the shot? I...174[View]
27454127AnonymousRIDF volunteer corps coming through: Some links for those interested in Russian air campaign ...4[View]
27444758AnonymousKuznetsov Replacement: Are there any plans to replace the Kuznetsov? I know they had a new su...32[View]
27450258AnonymousITT: ghetto/nignog tier guns28[View]
27450524AnonymousSpaghetti Little Meatball: Sup /k/, what do you guys think about a Chiappa Little Canoli for ...34[View]
27454060AnonymousWhy do I receive infantry training if i am an air force cadet? why do they waste money and time on t...13[View]
27453991Anonymous/r/ing /k/ humor photo: Its a snapshot of the Brady Campaigns wiki page explaining how their ...8[View]
27451932AnonymousHey /k/, first time ever posting. One question, how do you introduce your interest in guns and knive...26[View]
27444999AnonymousWhy so much 1911 hate?110[View]
27446964AnonymousHey /k/, I just got my ham radio technician licensce and I'm looking for a handheld one I can t...61[View]
27452829AnonymousHow much is too much? I've been concealed carrying this ontario 499 that comes in at about 10 i...10[View]
27453889AnonymousWhat's the best cheap semi-auto rifle I can get to future-proof myself? Preferably something th...2[View]
27451364AnonymousHey guys, I'm new to hand guns but was thinking about getting a concealed carry because of all ...11[View]
27452731AnonymousDoes anyone know what I found?: Yesterday I was assigned on work detail in a hangar and carry...14[View]
27445830AnonymousWhy didn't 30 carbine catch on in the civilian market?79[View]
27451022AnonymousTo the guy who said that James Holmes made 'IEDs' This is what they looked like. This guy was soc wh...31[View]
27453522AnonymousCanik TP-9V2: How are these? I've heard James Yaeger (lel) speak highly of them, and a f...2[View]
27453634Anonymous10/22 Scope: Recently ordered a Nikon P-rimfire 2x7x32 BDC and a Vortex Diamondback HP 2x8x33...0[View]
27449985AnonymousSo, /k/, answer me this: Are multilingual soldiers common at all in active conflict zones? I'm ...4[View]
27453157AnonymousI felt like /k/ would be a better place to ask this, compared to /mu/. I'm looking for folk son...7[View]
27436315AnonymousOperating with Words: Fact: Being able to speak more languages make us more effective as oper...131[View]
27453533Andy/k/ what do you think of a plunger as a tactical melee weapon?1[View]
27442325AnonymousYou gonna skin that smoke wagon?104[View]
27453281Anonymoushow can I legally replicate that funky ass ak thing from commando8[View]
27451347Anonymousso my fellow /k/ommandos, i just bought a mossberg 500a from a buddy of mine for $280 ...14[View]
27449687AnonymousBest 9mm Self-Defense Ammo: As the title says, what is the best self-defense ammo for 9mm? I...48[View]
27453168AnonymousFind a flaw: Find a flaw with my Nikonov.3[View]
27447290Anonymous>Your favorite gun of all time >Your favorite g...64[View]
27442660Anonymouswhat went wrong?80[View]
27451457AnonymousHi-Power: Last week I was shooting a FEG Hi-Power clone and ended up sheering the lug off the...11[View]
27452702Anonymous/k/ accepted modern pistols: glock, M&P, beretta 92, sig p226, cz 75, ppq, vp9 /k/ accepted mode...7[View]
27448043AnonymousThe entire world declares war on the United States. How do you defend the homeland? No nukes allowed78[View]
27451308AnonymousKnives: Rate my knife /k/ any knives that could be better? This beauty cost me a bit, btw I t...4[View]
27447998Anonymous/k/ meet up general Im curious about meet ups >whens the next one? ...43[View]
27435144Anonymous'Get on the ground, fucko! Squad, take his rifle and all other weapons!'296[View]
27439373Anonymoustori nonaka a dick???: I saw Tori Nonaka at a gunshop in Virginia yesterday. I told her how c...59[View]
27445376AnonymousHow do you store your guns? I am not really a very tidy person, I just leave stuff out. Also I don...36[View]
27449964AnonymousPOST YER BOLT SHOTGATS: alright you knuckleheads, everyone who owns a bolt action shotgun is ...34[View]
27443257AnonymousDid Medieval Knights ever wear excessively weighted armour day to day in order to train their body, ...68[View]
27451265AnonymousCan we have a quick meta thread? What does /k/ think about generals? It seems to me we've got 4...19[View]
27450844AnonymousWhat knife did I get and what is the skin called? Came with cigars as a bundle6[View]
27447531AnonymousThis is probably a stupid question but is some form of gun license required to buy a firearm that is...47[View]
27452075AnonymousHey /k/ I'm looking at either a H&R 999 or a H&R 949 as a first revolver. Both are in g...5[View]
27451898Anonymousold revolver: I found this old revolver at Cabelas for 100 dollars. It's in .357 magnums...23[View]
27452594Anonymous>there are people who actually believe the Mongols in force were turned back ...0[View]
27451445AnonymousHas anybody else been following the MSF bombing? How could something like this have happened? Why co...15[View]
27450611Anonymous9mm freedom seeds: So, K. I recently moved into an apartment with a fellow gun lover. We live...15[View]
27448947AnonymousI want a cheap safe. I dont give a shit about how hard it is to break into- i need it to keep friend...16[View]
27447821Slick Rick !SqqWJ0w6W61911 Thread: I'm about to trade my .357 Deagle in for a 10mm 1911. The guy has a STI Nit...8[View]
27446801Anonymous3%ers: What does /k/ think of three percenters? If you don't know what they are I'l...61[View]
27442466AlexDIY weapons?: Hey /k/ this is my first post here. I live in a country with pretty strict weap...50[View]
27422985Anonymousknife thread.323[View]
27448219AnonymousSo I finally got my bitch ass around to seeing Lone Survivor. And I have many questions, questions I...9[View]
27447677Anonymoushumor thread: How did I do /k/52[View]
27449968AnonymousFind a flaw29[View]
27447487AnonymousI made an uninformed purchase on a wasr10 at an auction for $400... How do you tell which is which? ...22[View]
27439815AnonymousITT: Ask a brazillian military police officer anything Done this thread twice now, got some pretty g...192[View]
27438433Calico !Jack/eKIQcAR Thread / AR General /arg/: Abomination Edition Old thread >>27426195329[View]
27451258AnonymousLooking for a Pistol: I'm looking into getting a 9m pistol for fun. Does anyone know any...7[View]
27446483AnonymousJust got robbed: I just got robbed at a gas station in Detroit. How can I prevent this from h...57[View]
27451480AnonymousSo I got this a while back as a gift, what course should I take /k/?0[View]
27446244AnonymousShock thread: Can we a get a thread going about weapons that have the added effect of scaring...38[View]
27442927AnonymousIsrael Knows What Side Their Bread Is Buttered On: http://jpupdates.com/2015/09/21/netan...66[View]
27451088AnonymousBritish Army patch identification: The top two are USAF, but is the British Army patch in my ...3[View]
27450653AnonymousDue to the fact I'm still living at home I have a choice of a high powered by pistol or a sprin...49[View]
27449693Anonymous/bayonet/: Does anyone make a sword bayonet for ar-15?1[View]
27450075Anonymousyoutubers: Does /k/ know of any older female youtubers that do gun exposé vids? I'm tryi...13[View]
27446530AnonymousName a flaw46[View]
27450459AnonymousWhat's it like walking on historical battlefields?12[View]
27447327Marisa KirsameDuel-Wield your Waifu!: :D18[View]
27449725AnonymousAK-12 worth it?: Is this a memegun or is it actually worth buying? I can get on welfare for t...15[View]
27450271AnonymousWe should come up with a challenge sign/countersign to use if we suspect someone is a /k/ommando IRL...8[View]
27449494AnonymousRussia air force facts: no one russian pilot was ever landed by USAirforce, in those destroye...20[View]
27445802AnonymousFind flaw.15[View]
27446401AnonymousAfternoon, /k/. What's a gun that any newfag can pickup and maintain, but still strong enough t...26[View]
27449035AnonymousLooking for some insight about an iwi jerico thats 9mm and 41 AE thats for sale at my lgs for 450 us...3[View]
27413490/k/oreaboo !!bNApW+Z+dfPMilsurp/Camo/Militaria thread: Gook edition320[View]
27441474AnonymousF4-Phantom: F4-Phantom thread? My dad worked on them when he was in the Marines, and I'v...18[View]
27446709AnonymousSo, how is this thing actually practical in combat? >Heavy ...19[View]
27446016AnonymousAGG: Air Gun General: This thread is for Air rifles/pistols, hunting, pest control, plinking,...40[View]
27424526AnonymousEDC THREAD!!: Show me your rig131[View]
27448695What's your favorite Moist nugget variant?Mosin Nagants, Rifles.14[View]
27450262AnonymousWhat are some /k/ approved TV Shows? I've already watched >Generation Ki...1[View]
27449523AnonymousA viable weapon?: Is a air pistol a viable weapon? Concealed carry is physically Impossible, ...18[View]
27448037AnonymousColt Single Action Army: This is the greatest handgun ever made. The Colt Single Action Army....14[View]
27450250AnonymousCold War discussion general thread themes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et0rk_M3Wv0 https://w...0[View]
27442084AnonymousSHOOTER CONFIRMED FOR NOT USING AR15: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/i...231[View]
27448549AnonymousHow do armor piercing sabot shot gun rounds fare against modern armor? I'm interested in that a...2[View]
27445339AnonymousAnyone know any cheap street legal tanks, ive been looking to get one15[View]
27449726AnonymousMilitary Airlifters Thread: Looking for quality material on the biggest aircraft that militar...4[View]
27449682AnonymousStupid non lethal device: What was the name of that stupid device that had strobe lights, a c...7[View]
27449663Anonymous>Shitposting on /k/ one day >Random Facebook me...6[View]
27449219AnonymousNew saiga finish rusting/flaking off!: I bought a sgl21 from a local gun shop the gun was bra...10[View]
27440752Anonymous>German Army Wiesel 1 TOW Could one of these take out a Sherman?208[View]
27449781AnonymousAssume that sometime in the near future stricter gun control laws will be enacted in the US. What ar...1[View]
27444997AnonymousAnyone own a Fostech Origin 12? Opinions?37[View]
27444322AnonymousWhy aren't there more of theses?32[View]
27449647AnonymousA Phalanx CIWS LPWS that shoots 16 inch naval shells Could this take out a B2 at 80,000 feet?2[View]
27440653AnonymousUnpopular opinion thread I find that pic related is overrated. Its a good weapon but isnt worth droo...121[View]
27449425Anonymous>Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit o...5[View]
27446315AnonymousWhat do you think is more fun, flying military jets or helicopters?41[View]
27447238AnonymousSo guys I've been thinking for a while but now am committed after Russia stance against ISIS I ...80[View]
27449109AnonymousI can shoot .22lr when I want but can only get to the range once every couple of months to shoot cen...2[View]
27446072AnonymousGangbanger Guns Thread: So local PD seized pic related along with a pound of meth, and I got ...30[View]
27443159AnonymousHearing Protection thread: I have a bit of a story to tell >Be me ...107[View]
27447078AnonymousToth vs Circle 10: http://www.recoilweb.com/review-toth-tool-ak-magazine-73801.html chea...5[View]
27444245AnonymousRussian Gas vans sighted in Latakia, Syria, 2015 A gas van or gas wagon ( дyшeгyбкa ,dushegubka) is ...93[View]
27448603Anonymous/k/ related spooky story thread? /k/ related spooky story thread4[View]
27448664AnonymousDoes keeping ammo in a magazine really fuck up the spring and such overtime or is it okay to do? I h...10[View]
27447498AnonymousOkay /k/ I have a question, What is your guys opinion on the GSG 1911 22lr? Is it worth $250-$300? O...5[View]
27447735AnonymousQuick question, /k/ Does the inside of your gun, particularly the chamber have to be smooth? Say you...20[View]
27447212NoisyPegasus !!MxoGw8crHAfLend me your spears!: Spear thread. GO!15[View]
27439085AnonymousWould you entrust your life to this piece of shit? Apparently it's the standard Chinese rifle, ...119[View]
27448038Anonymouswhy aren't u.s forces allowed to be this comfy in balls melting middle east heat?3[View]
27446593AnonymousCan we get a stencil thread?2[View]
27445090AnonymousDoes anyone have experience with the new production PPK/S .22? I understand it's made by Umarex...10[View]
27438005AnonymousPSA AK Thread: Got my PSA AK no furniture parts kit today. Receiver gets to FFL on Monday. De...65[View]
27448368Anonymous>in WW2, Germany was outproduced in aircraft by Britain **alone** Why ...5[View]
27448492Anonymoussup /k/ say, hypothetically, I was a eurofag driving from Chicago to Dallas and then Los Angeles. Wh...4[View]
27447723AnonymousA question: Hello /k/ I'm not much into gear but aren't those things worn by Russi...11[View]
27437818AnonymousGun and battlebuddy thread? Sorry if image flips in advance Im on mobile56[View]
27439661Tennessee's adopted son.Become the space merchant marine you want to be.: A race of extremely intelligent Humanoid be...23[View]
27448418AnonymousQuestion for anyone who went from AD Navy to Army National Guard. So, I was an E-5(was an E-5 for 4 ...0[View]
27441546AnonymousAre Mateba/Rhino designs dead forever? Weird guns thread, also.26[View]
27448277AnonymousDo you guys have such nice shooting ranges in the USA?7[View]
27411717not /thg/ guy, but I want such thread/thg/ Threadhead General: Let's get a /thg/ thread going >M4 Medi...197[View]
27447999Framed bagsDose anybody know the name of this bag I have intended to acquire one for a while however cant find ...5[View]
27438670AnonymousYou are Soviet Doctrine, immortally guiding the Eastern Bloc: You are in charge of all USSR a...20[View]
27435435AnonymousDoes anyone have one of these yet? I was thinking about making it my HD firearm.83[View]
27448246AnonymousCan we talk about (military) airships, Zeppelins and such? I would really like to know more about th...5[View]
27415722AnonymousWhat's the most aesthetic gun?272[View]
27448075Anonymous/k/ music thread? We've had a few of these lately, but they've all pro-war songs lately. H...3[View]
27445990AnonymousYou are now Emperor Majorian. How do you take back what was lost?6[View]
27448171AnonymousPro Gun stats thread?: I lost all of my infographics and shit because I was a retard and forg...0[View]
27416770AnonymousFace it, Ivan. The F-35 is an information fighter, not an energy fighter. Before you win the energy ...235[View]
27435433Josh (Hallway guy)20mm DD locking mechanism: Happy Friday, Kommandos! I come seeking the creative insights from...59[View]
27439341AnonymousSyria Thread: Nuclear Winter Edition.: What the hell was this /k/? I am thinking it is a Russ...273[View]
27447924AnonymousJ Allen Enterprises homepage not working... server down or something worse?4[View]
27445726AnonymousYouTube gun shit that bugs you: >watching an accuracy test for an ammo...32[View]
27437481AnonymousNWU III AOR2 uniform pattern: sup /k/, so this is pretty much the best camo pattern out there...22[View]
27447913AnonymousDoes the French Foreign Legion operate? I'm talking about DA, recon, unconventional warfare and...1[View]
27446799Anonymous/diy/ /k/: I am going to pick up a used 92fs soon and I was wondering if this would be someth...10[View]
27444579AnonymousSo i finally made up my mind to get a Glock 19, now the only question left would be which gen would ...9[View]
27442538AnonymousWhat is the most autistic weapon related thing on earth? my vote goes to 6mm PPC benchrest rail moun...68[View]
27446389AnonymousCan someone make out the serial number on this? Can't make it out because of the scratches24[View]
27440442AnonymousWhat kind of supplies do you think they have in complexes designed to keep the government going duri...37[View]
27444646AnonymousShould the US be concerned that they can't trust their best soldiers to count to three?23[View]
27444958Anonymouscoat thread: Guys, I'm looking for a heavy coat for winter hunting. What milsurp or new ...6[View]
27444650AnonymousAk in 7.62 or PTR 91 for shtf? Ak is more reliable and less complicated, but the PTR is more accurat...18[View]
27441759AnonymousFlak towers: Want to discuss these thing? Hitler had several of them built. Were they a good ...47[View]
27431182AnonymousDCS is more /k/ than /v/, right? Version 1.5 added a new engine, and it looks twice as good even tho...320[View]
27445399AnonymousCC Handguns: So I'm turning 21 soon and I want to get a good CC pistol. I like the aesth...33[View]
27441245Anonymous/k/, What is the best sword and technique to use if I wanted to purge Elven filth from my area?71[View]
27446165AnonymousPistols or Rifles: Which do you enjoy shooting more? What's your favorite rifle to shoot...20[View]
27434576AnonymousRussian bubbleheads rejoice! Sort of.: So the Russian Navy is taking two late model Akulas, t...82[View]
27441672AnonymousSHTF Thread: Looking for gear for SHTF. I need >Clothes (some kind of ...12[View]
27437209Tricked !nBkoZiTdrE>This is Delta Oscar Golf: What's the most /k/ thing you're up to this weekend? ...56[View]
27446866Anonymousm67 vs. golden tiger: Which one kills stuff deader at home defense distances? These two round...22[View]
27434514AnonymousHi-Point 9mm handgun: What does /k/ think of this gun? I'm looking into buying it, is $1...51[View]
27441292AnonymousI want a Kar98. Where do I get a Kar98? Is there anything I should know about it? Thanks.66[View]
27445962AnonymousAnyone else feel weird the harrier is getting replaced also fighter planes thread5[View]
27440438AnonymousMugabe is turning 90 this year, and will soon be dead. Soon we will have our chance.28[View]
27445801AnonymousGood semi auto rifles that aren't AR-15s: Do you think the G3, or FN SCAR are rifles tha...9[View]
27444466Tennessee's forgotten son.Do i into M1carbine?: Alright My local fun store has a m1 carbine in great shape a Universal ...37[View]
27445485Anonymouswhy are left handed shooters so frownd upon in army bolt action on bipod mutch faster reload pisto...16[View]
27446505AnonymousHello /k/, i live in a south american semi-comunista shithole. And the only guns i can get are .38 /...8[View]
27436815Anonymous/k/ music?: Post /k/ music, that is anything you listen to innawoods. I'd be extra glad ...34[View]
27442322Anonymousif and or when a possible 'happening' happens, how many people like pic related should we expect run...47[View]
27446562Anonymousnew to guns want to buy an ak-47: sup fam, I want to buy an ak but don't know where to l...6[View]
27441225AnonymousWhat ever happened to the Rx4? Seems like the other two 'Storm' weapons found decent little niches ...14[View]
27446310Anonymoushttp://warisboring.com/articles/the-lads-dont-trust-this-battle-rifle/ Why is it so awful11[View]
27441645AnonymousWhere can you find the least expensive 30 round 5.56 magazines, /k/?40[View]
27445796AnonymousLandlocked countries in war: Are landlocked countries essentially fucked when facing a coalit...6[View]
27429272AnonymousLooking to scratch a phrase onto the butt of my rifle. What are some /k/ ass quotes/phrases131[View]
27446186AnonymousWould you pay 3k for a Schmidt-Rubin JG89 made and inspected by Mr. Schmidt himself?12[View]
27441945/LEG/ Lee Enfield GeneralIs it time for another Lee Enfield thread?31[View]
27443830AnonymousSummon the Frenchfag20[View]
27445791AnonymousWhat's .22lr going for these days?14[View]
27443859AnonymousYou've sided with the Jedi and Ordo 66 has just been initiated. What do you do?10[View]
27446009AnonymousHow do I know what deals are legitimate and what deals are scams on Gunbroker? pic related6[View]
27428602AnonymousPlanethread: There seems to be a lot of troll threads and current events faggotry around, so ...152[View]
27445731AnonymousI have these guns and need to sell one. Which should I pick?10[View]
27443620AnonymousNew Sig Mxc: So I'm getting the Sig Mcx tomorrow. I'm also going to buy the barrel ...7[View]
27442577AnonymousUSA Bombs Hospital: 3 Confirmed Dead. 30 Missing: http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/03/asia/afg...79[View]
27445858AnonymousDiscussion about suitability of swords for monster (or any kind of) hunting. Yes, I realize that we...2[View]
27433611Anonymousso I know that there's a good number of fatasses that carry. What are some good iwb holsters th...157[View]
27445244AnonymousHere we go /k/. Im outta here, can't stand her anymore. I'll camp in the woods till my nex...13[View]
27439590AnonymousWallpaper thread: /k/ related wallpaper thread? /k/ related wallpaper thread.221[View]
27444067AnonymousSuper sexy Vulcan bomber makes it's last flight today. The last vestiges of the 80s UK strategi...19[View]
27445720AnonymousSup /k/ommandos >be college poorfag >live in Mo...3[View]
27444258AnonymousAk bolt carrier help: So I wanted to make my ak bolt carrier like the classic ak bolt carrier...21[View]
27419372AnonymousLight Weight, Horizontal Clip, Easy to Maintain. Are we not in the golden age of firearms.134[View]
27406452AnonymousAre 'vintage' military firearms a good investment?: Are military firearms such as the Colt Ne...97[View]
27444636AnonymousHyper Burst Weapons: So besides the AN94 are there any rifles that have a hyper burst option?20[View]
27444755AnonymousHandloading: I fugged up today /k/ I bought a box of 6.5x55 Swede from a gunshow thinking the...10[View]
27441855AnonymousDo soldiers and airmen have as much of a 'mythology' as sailors do? Pic seomwhat related.18[View]
27445256AnonymousAR is overgassed thread? I have an H3 buffer in it already, with a DPMS 'commercial' BCG. It's ...9[View]
27429269Anonymous/k/, what are the 5 most important items for any bug out bag? What are the essentials in your curren...124[View]
27416870AnonymousBMP-3 will grow larger. Iraq and Saudi Arabia are ordering 500 and 950 BMP-3s respectively. Russia ...207[View]
27441488AnonymousCouple of questions Do they actually train people to check the chamber before reloading? And do peop...21[View]
27438619AnonymousFind a flaw.19[View]
27444820AnonymousHi /k/, i shot a .357 magnum revolver (S&W 686) at 11 yards and i hit a LOT better with it than ...6[View]
27432873AnonymousAusland Gun Licensing: What's the easiest method to get a gun in Australia legally? More...15[View]
27445238AnonymousJust how damaged are the cracked/damaged Stock yugo k98's from j&g?0[View]
27445048Anonymous/k/, quick question is Jagged alliance 2 with 1.13 mod a /k/ aprooved game ?2[View]
27442768AnonymousWhat's going to be the next big advancement in infantry weapons?: There always seems to ...67[View]
27445131AnonymousHi /k/ommandos, can someone help me identify the weapon on this picture please ? Can't tell if ...5[View]
27433001AnonymousCan someone tell me why I should get an AR15 instead of a second AK? What's so good about the A...39[View]
27443140AnonymousSo, /k/, I'm going to be buying a handgun soon, but I have no idea what I would like to get. Po...28[View]
27444963AnonymousHow does it feel knowing the feds are most likely monitoring this board more than any other?13[View]
27443724AnonymousHow much do illegal firearms retail for in America? I have read that in Australia with its strict gu...15[View]
27444384AnonymousHow long until Russia abandons the /a//k/ platform for something more modern?4[View]
27439059AnonymousWhat's the difference between between the Blackhawk and Pavehawk72[View]
27444770AnonymousJust got this but I've got no idea how to use radios. How do I find a person to talk to? All I ...8[View]
27444616AnonymousWhat do you think will be the next major development in firearm and firearm technology?14[View]
27431783Anonymous>tfw you get a new czech parka and forgot to let ivan draw bombs on the box...125[View]
27423301AnonymousStates gun laws: Where will your state rank next week?311[View]
27443798AnonymousI know you are lurking here. >http://www.consulting.cds-ag.com/about-us...2[View]
27444677Anonymoushttp://bmpd.livejournal.com/1501005.html So this coming Day of Innovation forum on October 5-6,...2[View]
27444570AnonymousWhat's the most 'tacticool' gun you've seen? General attachment overkill thread.1[View]
27439660AnonymousAnyone else having issues with /k/ radio? It will play at most 2 or 3 songs after which it just stop...27[View]
27441955Anonymous/k/ I come here with a question and am asking for your opinions on using flamethrowers. I've al...22[View]
27444456AnonymousI am pretty inexperienced with pistols, have only fired the m9 in the Navy and I live in NY where pi...2[View]
27444277AnonymousSo i went to a paid schooling today to get some training for my test to get my operator license (so ...9[View]
27444092AnonymousMany Arabs consider the IDF to have one of the worst infantry in the region, or at least less experi...34[View]
27435966AnonymousHow do you 'win' a war ?40[View]
27444254Anonymousbetter my nunchucks skills?: Why cant britcucks even have two pieces of wood on string as def...0[View]
27440132AnonymousGhost Gunner: Is this legal to own one in cali because i want one also ghost fun general disc...22[View]
27444037Anonymoushi, can someone explain this picture to me ? endurance traning, discipline exercice, hazing maybe ? ...5[View]
27443842Anonymoussup /k/amaraden, a /pol/lock /k/ommando here this just happened to me, thought it would be cool to s...27[View]
27437137Anonymous/k, how to prepare for refugees with jihad mode enabled in europe merkelstan? real firearms are not ...28[View]
27441012Anonymous74 Mini 14 Pre Safety: $550 Would you buy k? Pic semi related.10[View]
27416209KamronPost your collection: Post em if you got em.258[View]
27433892AnonymousBetter than nothing I guess. >an Italian coalition forces instructor teaches ...36[View]
27443696AnonymousBigger Gun: Is there an upper limit, caliber-wise, to a rotary cannon? The GAU-8 is the large...2[View]
27441276AnonymousIs there any practicality for throwing knives at all aside from showing off or dicking around in you...41[View]
27443822AnonymousDumbest /k/-related thing you've ever said/done I asked someone to perform bore sighting...on m...1[View]
27434083AnonymousNow you too can have that special snowflake 5.56 that accepts ar15 magazines in master race H&K ...75[View]
27432528AnonymousSuper Hornet: Find a flaw.41[View]
27438765AnonymousYou ready to beat up them sick punks on the 21st /k/?7[View]
27443778Anonymous/hunt/ general: Basics for beginner hunters http://modern-hunters.com/learn-to-hunt/ Hu...4[View]
27439835AnonymousGun Shows: I went to my first fun show today expecting good deals on rifles and handguns. I...48[View]
27436390AnonymousWhat would casualty rates for pilots be in a modern war scenario? By modern war I mean first world c...43[View]
27443653AnonymousWhat Barrel cleaner should I be using.: I just ran out of hopes 9 bore cleaner, the regular k...3[View]
27438602Anonymoussrs: Has anyone ever ordered from this site? http://www.specialrussianshop.com/ I placed an ...14[View]
27431370AnonymousHow would /k/ survive in a mass killing scenario? I'm scared.81[View]
27429800AnonymousThoughts? Opinions? Other than the /pol/ ones.50[View]
27437406Anonymousautomated reloading features: What ever happened to this feature? I was watching the new Forg...28[View]
27443002AnonymousI'm thinking about buying a FN 5.7 soon. What are the pros and cons of it, have any of you shot...16[View]
27443298AnonymousLink to video: Does anyone know where to find the video of the store clerk cutting the robber...1[View]
27442934Anonymousclownsayingandherewego.bmp http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/oregonians-oppose-gun.fb49?source=c...6[View]
27426234AnonymousTime to buy another one. What's next on your list?66[View]
27442008Anonymous>2015 >People still buying 16' Barreled AR...25[View]
27439463AnonymousGUNSHOW THREAD: Gentlemen, whats something that i can easily scam the morons and mouthbreathe...4[View]
27442455AnonymousIs it me or has anyone ever tried putting a grip on their pistol? (S&W SD40 VE)9[View]
27434959AnonymousI live in Las Vegas, NV. Lived in a nice area for a while now, but there is an apartment complex dow...35[View]
27442730Anonymous8x50R Austrian Mannlicher: So I managed to get an original styer m95 in 8x50R Austrian Manlic...14[View]
27440398AnonymousAre regular wood cleaners effective for gun stocks? I just cleaned my SKS stock with some Orange Glo...3[View]
27442188AnonymousATF thread: So here it goes. Pipe has a French vanilla I got shipped from Cigars Internationa...3[View]
27438096AnonymousCZ75: Pre-B on sale now bros, go get it!18[View]
27430629Anonymous/K/, is this real?48[View]
27421535AnonymousSU-25 show down in Syria?: Footage of what supposedly is rebels shooting down a Russian SU-25...255[View]
27440773AnonymousM4>MK18?: Yo /k/ is there any situation in which a MK18 MOD 0 is better option than an M4/...9[View]
27440229AnonymousHey /k/ I'm thinking of getting an ar-7 like pic related and want to know if there is a better ...19[View]
27432924AnonymousThis is what the French actually think of American soldiers http://www.scout.com/military/warri...56[View]
27439777AnonymousI need some help /k/. I'm not huge into firearms, but I'd like to get into them. Specifica...16[View]
27441378AnonymousIs there a better safe for the price than a Liberty Fat Boy? I'm in the market for a safe at th...8[View]
27436929Anonymous>be me >be bored ...22[View]
27440499AnonymousBought a sword at garage sale. Took off grip and found this writing. How do I verify authenticity of...24[View]
27436337AnonymousPoison Bullets?: Read on a forum recently talk about putting mercury into a hollowpoint to ma...40[View]
27441424AnonymousArmalite 15A4: Just bought this for $550. Came with one 20 rnd steel mag (pinned at 10 cause ...7[View]
27439453AnonymousTell me about being pinned down /k/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLHU-_OhT8g71[View]
27437105AnonymousChanging of the guard: The laziest changing of the guard I have ever seen. https://www.youtub...24[View]
27441995AnonymousHi /k/, I'm going to an indoor range for the first time tomorrow, I've only ever shot outs...6[View]
27442312AnonymousWhat is /k/'s favorite caliber for CC? I currently carry pic related and just got a Walther PP...9[View]
27437769Anonymous>there are people on this board that unironically want to be in a war ...36[View]
27441429AnonymousModern Warfare Novels: I just read Protect and Defend by Eric L. Harry. I'd like to read...5[View]
27439799AnonymousHow would /k/ escape a town being infested with these mofos?64[View]
27441965AnonymousMSE holo sight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJbmSsKIp6w I've seen the infomerci...0[View]
27433370AnonymousPAK FA to enter service in 2017: >The induction date for Moscow’s newe...320[View]
27441894AnonymousAnyone here ever been to a gunshow post a mass shooting? Just wondering how much of a shitstorm to ...1[View]
27425617AnonymousBattle damage thread87[View]
27439107Mr X9 !!R7uGj0pwHgL/k/omic time: I'm going to take a page out of Rimanah's book and have you guys star...152[View]
27441352AnonymousThis man EDC a VP9: Why do you hate him again?7[View]
27436543AnonymousOk /k/owboys. It's 1863, what's your weaponery ? Up to 4. I'll go for a 44 henry, a 1...34[View]
27435610AnonymousEDC Thread. No shitty Gerbers or Boring Sebenzas, only medium range crap. Here's mine. BTW Mace...13[View]
27396441AnonymousWhat best stone for cave defense? Pic related, Rock brand Rock.313[View]
27430126New fagetRate my bow ._. /k/17[View]
27440804AnonymousHey /k/, I need some advice. What is a good starting AR? Preferably short or long stroke piston. I...0[View]
27419710Anonymous12 years for 4chan How long have you been here /k/?315[View]
27440625RobAR15 pics: File test to see how this works0[View]
27439417AnonymousHas anyone seen a price jump yet? Or have the post 2012 prices not really been affected in the past ...2[View]
27439324AnonymousAiming: For shooting on the range, should you keep both eyes open, or close one eye when you...24[View]
27440360AnonymousAlright /k/, time for another one of these threads. What's your favourite military uniform, fie...0[View]
27440244AnonymousSo /k/, me and some buddies were talking, and we wondered what guns would look like if they were tur...9[View]
27434929AnonymousYou are a Syrian soldier, somewhere in Aleppo. Your squad has been killed, so you alone are the last...12[View]
27423404AnonymousRevolver: Hey /k/illers, what is best revolver? Long colt .45?. 357? .44 mag? Enfield? Help a...58[View]
27435165AnonymousWhat's the WORST gun that you ever used and why? >bonus points if you ow...70[View]
27418615Faulkner !!r0DIS1CGHS2Gear Thread: What got you into gear in the first place? Any new updates? Bought or fell into ...330[View]
27434943Anonymousmowsa: So I found a broom handle mouser at my LGS. what do these go for usually? It's in...14[View]
27439077AnonymousI saw Hickok45 yesterday: I saw Hickok45 at a gunstore in Tennessee yesterday. I told him how...16[View]
27434837AnonymousWhy aren't bullpups design like this?41[View]
27427815Anonymous>tfw you'll never freeze to death in a trench in stalingrad ...52[View]
27439646AnonymousBaby gun shooting.: A man has offered to pay me to get his child to fire a gun before it can ...6[View]
27436360AnonymousIs this operator enough to fight a hurricane /k/?21[View]
27439424AnonymousPractical or Hollywood bullcrap?6[View]
27434469AnonymousNeed Advice /k/omrades: Thinking about getting a home defense weapon. First time buyer and i...101[View]
27439474AnonymousHey ya'll a while ago i made a bunch of vector guns so I thought I'd drop em here if anyon...10[View]
27436317AnonymousPocket tools with replaceable razor blades: Can anyone recommend me a tool like the Gerber Ar...6[View]
27425068AnonymousWar is hell.125[View]
27435095AnonymousCan anyone recommend some blank pistols that don't look like cheap/unrealistic garbage?11[View]
27435311Anonymousbased brazilian caatinga warfare get on our level, fucking wimps13[View]
27433205AnonymousA future war between the US and China is highly likely: How prepared is the US military for a...53[View]
27428083AnonymousA First Rifle: Alright /k/, me and my father decided we want to get into shooting and headed ...22[View]
27437252AnonymousSubcompact pistols: I have questions about subcompact pistols. Primarily for concealment when...5[View]
27433378AnonymousGun laws: So your apart of Senate or the house of representatives , what gun law would you pu...51[View]
27436981Anonymoushi /k/ my friend just bought an AR-15 (Ruger) and his bday is coming up, so I want to get him a good...7[View]
27437886AnonymousHello, /k/ommandos, /v/ here, and I was wondering if you could lend me your firearms knowledge, sinc...7[View]
27439315AnonymousWhat is /k/ opinion on cadets of air force?2[View]
27437918AnonymousDoes radar even work on ground vehicles?3[View]
27438814AnonymousGun Identity Needed: So my parents are fairly liberal. But they've owned a gun. I knew t...11[View]
27434508AnonymousSo, Why don't we have giant armored personal carriers? If your able a small army into a fight.22[View]
27421133Anonymous>tfw I love the aesthetic of the MAS-49/56 >tfw...53[View]
27435657Goldshekel FinklesteinI'm thinking of buying a deactivated MG42. How do they modify them to not be able to fire. And ...11[View]
27432464AnonymousDoes anyone have any good Saddam Era Iraqi military songs? I need it for reasons but I can't fi...11[View]
27433482AnonymousHave you ever dropped your gun in public of been found out you were carrying?20[View]
27432939AnonymousDo you think that with the level of national surveillance that the state already has a registry of g...237[View]
27428165AnonymousHow exactly do 'ammo shortages' work? Like, do manufacturers literally stop making ammo so they can ...38[View]
27438755AnonymousCan we have a weapons named directly or indirectly after mundane everyday objects thread?0[View]
27438312AnonymousViable or trash?9[View]
27433310Anonymous>keep both eyes open when you shoot >it's ...27[View]
27438629AnonymousTraining thread general: A thread to talk about what /k/ related training you're partaki...0[View]
27430334AnonymousWhats /k/'s opinion on cold steel?42[View]
27410569Anonymousanyone up for a HFY thread? been a while sincw i saw one. ill dump the few i have122[View]
27426195Calico !Jack/eKIQcAR Thread / AR General /arg/: Supreme Gucci Edition >post yfw pic rela...325[View]
27438158AnonymousAmmo bans: Honest question here, /k/. If they started banning ammunition sale as a form of gu...2[View]
27433871AnonymousGood morning feds!: ITT: We say hi to the feds lurking on 4chan Good morning federal employee...62[View]
27435792AnonymousDo we know models, calibers yet? http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/10/02/445271614/ar...23[View]
27437849AnonymousProve me wrong: WW2 was won between 10th July and 31st October 1940 by the British. After thi...31[View]
27435937TovarischGas Mask Thread: ITT: We post gas masks. Badass, ridiculous, whatever.48[View]
27431432AnonymousRather than discussing gun control... So, there's a local guy that sells anderson lowers for ab...27[View]
27437417AnonymousOkay /k/omrades, we've got a situation on our hands: Around thirty kebab took a school in Besla...22[View]
27437871Anonymous> I decided that the central role of the village lad Flyora would not be play...4[View]
27434792AnonymousWhy can't I handle .357 magnum? It hurts my hands when I shoot it.31[View]
27416417Flandre !!HA0l1zFRinL54R General: 7.62x54R thread: Welcome to the best general. Been busy and didn't have tim...333[View]
27437526AnonymousPost ending in 99 decides what I write on my PASGT helmet.35[View]
27437434russiangunstore !C4gPQGcZ2AShall we play a game?: ok /k/omrades, you know the drill: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Special:R...1[View]
27435222AnonymousAssuming I have sufficient tools and know-how, and don't live in a fascist pigsty like Cali, if...17[View]
27437044AnonymousWould the army accept dyel faggets? I'm a college fag and after this year my funds saved up ru...1[View]
27436521AnonymousIs this operator enough for potential post-hurricane shenanigans?5[View]
27435788Anonymous>steel >wood >pol...9[View]
27436712Anonymoushow many of you faggots are going to go buy some armor now? i had some in a shopping cart, just wai...4[View]
27435632AnonymousFucking hell, help me /k/ I'm going to MEPS next week and I need to have blood work done; there...38[View]
27435981Anonymous/k/, im looking to get new binoculars or even a monocular. the current ones i have are old 10x50 bus...5[View]
27435098AnonymousMy co-worker used to be in the Swiss army. I didn't know they used horses back then. Is this st...18[View]
27428769AnonymousI am considering joining the Marine Corp any advice /k/?62[View]
27425584AnonymousM&P Thread: Should I sell my Glock 34 and pick one of these up? They look sweet. Also, S...95[View]
27431445AnonymousI might have played to much metal gear but how effective would tranquilizer guns be in a law enforce...27[View]
27431443Rimanah !.EuTZma6hQ/k/omic thread 8: later than usual edition: No Punisher today. http://strawpoll.me/5631629 Th...161[View]
27431012AnonymousWhat's the best 5.56 rifle platform gun to run if I want to minimize gas blowback to the face i...14[View]
27435600Anonymousgif/webm: It's that time again.3[View]
27436106AnonymousCall your representatives now to stop this bullshit push on gun control.0[View]
27411734AnonymousCanada Thread: ATT information edition: Hey fellow /k/anadians. Just wanted to let any of you...316[View]
27435137AnonymousFirst gun: So, what would be a good first gun? I've been looking into some but I thought...8[View]
27434888AnonymousBased Baltic States: Both Estonia and Lithuania are increasing defense spending: http://www.j...17[View]
27434608AnonymousIf a MP5 has a receiver that takes a G3 buttstock assembly and trigger housing, would it's ROF ...2[View]
27419647AnonymousWhat are some /k/ approved gloves?103[View]
27435668AnonymousPost songs about war machines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCVmPffxDkU1[View]
27433679AnonymousGreetings, glorious /k/! I'm curious, and I'm sure someone here knows the answer: are ther...13[View]
27435505AnonymousOn competition guns...: .. can these things be used in a tactical or defensive situations?1[View]
27433327Anonymousplink plink: What's your excuse for not having a .22lr lmg?15[View]
27430437AnonymousBusiness Idea: Been thinking lately, for a small investment of ~US$25,000, I could purchase m...37[View]
27408700AnonymousRussia starts airstrikes: >Russia appears to have begun carrying out a...322[View]
27435390AnonymousFlamethrowers: Does anyone use flamethrowers any more? Are they still even in our arsenal? I ...2[View]
27434186Anonymousmolotov cocktails: Anyone ever use incandescent light bulbs ? the glass is very fragile . I t...7[View]
27432488Tiedhow long until the united states starts arming ISIS 'freedom Fighters'4[View]
27430211AnonymousHey /k/, disheartened sks owner here. Does anyone know what this is? And how it may affect the gun? ...43[View]
27431782Anonymous>'Resistant' to 14.5mm Please tell me the replacement will have some a...38[View]
27433594AnonymousWhat excites you about Russia's involvement in Syria? Mine would be hoping they get videos of t...35[View]
27429835AnonymousHey /k/ what are some of the ways you've introduced noguns to guns? How have you helped promote...12[View]
27432711AnonymousHey /k/ i need to write an collumn for school, the subject is: Right to keep and bear arms in the us...54[View]
27427528AnonymousIs this ever a good idea?40[View]
27431289AnonymousG19 gen 3 vs gen 4: So i finally made up my mind to get a Glock 19, now the only question lef...36[View]
27423384AnonymousWhat did /k/ do today? Built a table too clean my guns on. Also, this is the first table I've e...87[View]
27423069AnonymousRainbow Shit: sigh79[View]
27402134TactiNEETHumor Thread: Hey /k/. I've received some troubling news, with the potential to fuck my ...270[View]
27434816AnonymousI bough a K31 cleaning kit. What's that ice hockey stick for? How do I use it?2[View]
27420919AnonymousSHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE /k/101[View]
27427799AnonymousSo, give me the run-down on Chris Kyle. Was he autistic?65[View]
27400829Anonymous/akg/ AK General: /akg/ AK General Shiny and chrome edition. Previous thread: >>2738670...306[View]
27415351AnonymousITT: Bubba'd guns: Starting with a /k/lassic.105[View]
27434193Anonymous/k/ Debates an Anti-fun: English teacher I met in Korea just posted this on his FB, anyone ca...51[View]
27434023Anonymous>search >filename No filename thread? Fi...4[View]
27434309AnonymousIs the 45.memer a good first gun?2[View]
27434071Anonymousare the Apache camera bad quality so there is a disconnect for the pilot and the people they are sho...14[View]
27429330Anonymousfirst long gun: 1967 Chinese SKS, 5x30 mags, 800 rounds. $600 How'd I do, /k/?51[View]
27428973Anonymouswhere the fuck do I find this?72[View]
27424171AnonymousWhy is Vietnam most certainly known as the most hated conflict?83[View]
27429335AnonymousWhen they send a man to Mars in 20 years will NASA bring weapons? I honestly no tinfoil think that t...147[View]
27433985AnonymousWhat does /k/ think of this AMA?: https://www.reddit.com/r/JobFair/comments/2cd9lz/i_am_...4[View]
27410371AnonymousWhy do people hate on this as a home defense gun? >devastating power ...169[View]
27432325AnonymousAlright /k/, go to 0.9 and explain to me: why drop 31 (I counted) small bombs at once and most likel...15[View]
27434069AnonymousHi /k/! How do i sharpen my machete? Pic related: its my machete3[View]
27433317Anonymoushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_Things Are you ready? >warrant...3[View]
27433383Anonymous/k/, I'm a noguns hue and wanna be an operator. I already have most of the physical part down (...12[View]
27433332AnonymousHelllo /k/ Check this interesting video about cross-country capability between Sherman and Panther. ...3[View]
27433434AnonymousH-hey /k/, has anyone invited you to the Winter Ball yet? Y-you're not going with /an/ again, a...35[View]
27432289AnonymousWhat is /k/ opinion on KRISS Vector?30[View]
27429629AnonymousDoes Wal-Mart's universal return policy extend to their ARs? Could I buy a Wal-Mart assault rif...21[View]
27430773AnonymousWhat does /k/ think of Russian (Not Soviet) boats? I think they are inferior to Chinese boats in ter...16[View]
27430095BigDick !!Ghw79Ondv4WMidWest NuggetFest Work Party: Tomorrow through Monday! Bring stew ingredients and I'll ...9[View]
27433653AnonymousG-4: Is this plane any good?0[View]
27421228Anonymous.40 options: I just got a job as armed security that Im really excited about. However, the bo...50[View]
27429686AnonymousMilitia?: How do I start my own militia? Do I just get some guys together on the weekends or ...17[View]
27431539AnonymousPost your favorite gun. If you see your favorite gun already on the list, go to bed. If you get dubs...23[View]
27433457AnonymousWhy is it so sexy?0[View]
27428427Anonymoussuppressor thread: So /k/ I'm thinking about getting a suppressor for my PTR91 but I don...6[View]
27431825AnonymousFirearm purchase in California with Prop 420 rec: California resident with medical marijuana ...12[View]
27421080AnonymousWould this be better suited for a flight simulator setup rather than a real fighter?22[View]
27429724AnonymousFUBAR scenario prep, Commiefornia rules: This is a scenario that some friends and I created a...7[View]
27432673AnonymousMiltary Heli Training: Thumbs up of the trainer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPYqh0u6A...0[View]
27422184AnonymousWell, I guess I was really asking for it when I checked the 'VERY NSFW' box Th-thanks Ivan84[View]
27417296AnonymousMEPS: So, /k/, I'm going to MEPS tomorrow in San Diego, CA. I'm nervous as all hell...64[View]
27431049AnonymousATF Thread!: ATF THREAD: CALIFORNIA EDITION Post what you're shootin' drinkin'...30[View]
27432403AnonymousArmed forces recruitment ads: Which country has the best ads? Can the slavs be beaten? https:...0[View]
27431021AnonymousSpringfield XD 4' vs Beretta 92FS: Hey guys. A guy is offering me a compact Springfield XD45 ...9[View]
27432357AnonymousK10/22 TBBZCP Model: 1262 One of these popped up at a dealer and I'm wondering if anyone has sh...0[View]
27431752AnonymousNewbie wants some advice: Hey /k/ /out/doorsman asking some questions about a first rifle and...20[View]
27427232AnonymousYou are the closest thing to a military board. What does the Coast Guard do and why can't it be...19[View]
27431238AnonymousSoviet Military Surplus: So I've been considering ordering slavshit from this website: ...1[View]
27431762AnonymousGlawk: What are some reasonable precautions I can take to prevent this from exploding in my h...5[View]
27425514AnonymousFind a flaw.23[View]
27432026Anonymous>ITT: we post a picture of our war weapon and caption it molon labe Mo...2[View]
27427465AnonymousHow quickly can you fire a bolt action? Is it quick enough for hd use against 2-3 invaders?15[View]
27431809AnonymousHow quality are Taurus guns? Pic related. My local Cal store has the Millennium G2 9mm on sale for 2...14[View]
27430475AnonymousHey /k/, I was planning on visiting a range tomorrow. Given recent events, would it be in poor taste...30[View]
27430968Anonymous>Magnum pistol general? im seriously considering buying a .357 magnum ...13[View]
27430852AnonymousOpinions on doing pic related to your sks?23[View]
27424259AnonymousIn Ireland it's illegal to defend yourself: So I've been training a lot lately with...50[View]
27431129AnonymousNew 1911: Looking for a new-ish 1911 I can play around with. I'm loving the list of feat...4[View]
27429063AnonymousWhat does /k/ thinks of the Brazilian rifle Imbel IA2? Is it as good as the FN SCAR?11[View]
27431910AnonymousIs there about to be another rush on guns? I've been planning on buying a USP for weeks now, an...3[View]
27428007AnonymousHey /k/ lets talk about military museums and aircraft restoration. What have you been too? What was ...8[View]
27426699AnonymousMy dad is down in the slums right now. Just got evicted and needs money. He's selling me his ....28[View]
27425625AnonymousDear liberals, we made you a picture. Love, /k/72[View]
27429493CreamyHow does /k/ build AR's?: If it's anything but in a shower covered in a sheet, you...2[View]
27426391AnonymousIf I'm going unnaground, will I need anything like wood support beams, or will the dirt hold it...12[View]
27431224Anonymoushello /k/ I don't browse here often but wanted to ask a question so with all these shootings re...25[View]
27430630Anonymous>/k/ walks the dog4[View]
27413010Anonymous>'Even if the government became tyrannical or whatever, you couldn't fig...271[View]
27431630AnonymousMFW no VSS MFW never removing USofA shill0[View]
27410833AnonymousWebm/gif thread!327[View]
27426694AnonymousHey /k/. anyone had experiences with the lyman trade rifle? Was thinking about picking up the .54 pe...32[View]
27420395AnonymousI'm thinking about taking a step into the NFA world and doing pic related to a Ruger AC-556. Al...12[View]
27422006AnonymousMINI 14 300 BLK; BEST BLK?: I'm considering getting this gun on the recommendation of so...69[View]
27429734Anonymouswhy did we stop putting silencers on machine guns?19[View]
27431042AnonymousLet's Sporterize an SKS Sporter: What is the best non-permanent scope mount I can put on...7[View]
27420422AnonymousEOFags BTFO by USSOCOM: http://soldiersystems.net/2015/09/30/ussocom-issues-safety-use-m...38[View]
27430796DJ McGriddleBelly bands: Any of you use a belly band or the likes for concealed carry? I'm needing a...1[View]
27417989AnonymousConcealed Carry Question: USP 45 a yes or a no to carry?46[View]
27411313Chinky Joe !!t+DAGFvXdugNW Oregon micro meet thread: >Who's invited? Anybody who ...40[View]
27429527AnonymousSo I just received pic related and also a Polish build kit via APEX. Some things to be aware of for ...58[View]
27416215queer tripnigger !!wC0ZbyvipM7AR General: /arg/ ATF Edition Whatcha smoking and drinking while shootan?310[View]
27424049AnonymousYet another nugget thread: I always wanted to get my hands on a nugget. Thing is, I don'...29[View]
27430029AnonymousWut?: I ordered a Mosin Nagant from an online retailer, after seeing some suggestions here th...43[View]
27427912AnonymousCheck your corners /k/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Koco2X0u3mo2[View]
27414165Anonymousi've had rubber grips on my 686 for so long that i forgot how pretty it is with the wood grips ...76[View]
27430609AnonymousWhy is CTD so fucking stupid? http://blog.cheaperthandirt.com/readers-choice-awards-ultimate-li...1[View]
27429934AnonymousHey /k/ I recently got a m44 form wideners. When I stripped down the rifle I found this marking on t...12[View]
27430191AnonymousHelp: So I am an ignorant millennial whom bid $150 on a shotgun they couldn't afford. Do...20[View]
27426067Anonymousany good k related pages on facebook??that aren't owned by the government???3[View]
27427347Anonymoushi /k/ Help a fellow citizen out.: Hi guys My name is Moses. I make maps for this game Called...5[View]
27430407AnonymousI have been looking for a nice .30-30 for a while. Came across this one on a Facebook group It'...1[View]
27429933AnonymousShould I start CCWing on campus? I'm not 21 and I go to a CC but I just want to be safe. I don...35[View]
27428845AnonymousGood ol' 1911 thread5[View]
27410265AnonymousWaffle House Anti-Gun: http://www.aol.com/article/2015/09/29/kentucky-waffle-house-refus...84[View]
27425213AnonymousTook a trip to the local army navy surplus store today.35[View]
27421093AnonymousCollege thread. Meet up with your fellow /k/ommandos and have some fun! Auburn Montgomery here92[View]
27429649AnonymousDefending yourself?: I have some questions about self defense /k/.. I am a 25 year old male a...1[View]
27429836Anonymous>girl is /k/ tier >still absolutely would not b...2[View]
27427127AnonymousSo what are the chances of a series serious conventional conflicts lighting up from the shit in Syri...5[View]
27422915AnonymousAnybody know of any other AR-18 pattern rifles other than the MPAR 556 that are actually good?30[View]
27429786TovarischCheeki Breeki weapon/armor thread: Heeeeyyyyuuu brooo! Post quality shooter heere and good bo...1[View]
27428994Anonymous>ccw for 8 years >haven't gotten to shoot ...18[View]
27426289AnonymousTank Thread Webm, gifs, and any thing you got20[View]
27417847AnonymousHickok45: Do you like his new hat?35[View]
27423244AnonymousOkay /K/ I want to see you as a vigilante! Post pictures of stuff you have (Weapons, Armor, your vig...26[View]
27429397AnonymousGnome Thread: Garden Operators8[View]
27429040AnonymousSo I had a hankering for the movie Shooter yesterday (hadn't seen it in years) and it did not d...4[View]
27428240Anonymousare there any laws against open carry bow and arrow10[View]
27428415Anonymous>he used a 10/22 WHOS THE MEME GUN NOW183[View]
27413006AnonymousAir brakes in dogfights?: Air brakes in dogfights? Was that ever a thing? Is war thunder lyin...38[View]
27412634AnonymousT-14: Better than any MBT in the world Price : 3.7 million dollars Even Brits thinks that : h...215[View]
27426273Anonymousbest place to buy a gun at a brick and mortar store near San Francisco?: Who else here is a c...6[View]
27427170AnonymousIf Nazi Germany had declared war on the Soviet Union first, not Poland, do you think that the Allies...7[View]
27428096AnonymousUnboxing Thread: Brought something home from the lgs, any guesses to what it could be?13[View]
27423715AnonymousWhy do some people turn completely hysterical and lose their shit in a fight while others can keep a...17[View]
27417434AnonymousWhere is your God now pepper spray fags?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU5cMZymSr0...81[View]
27399641AnonymousCould the Soviets really reach the Rhine, perhaps even France, if they invaded in 1989? (Don't ...244[View]
27400015AnonymousObscure 'everything military' thread. Tanks, planes, camo, all are welcome316[View]
27426563AnonymousI know its an outdated design, but I really want to find a luger replica that I can shoot. Does /k/ ...10[View]
27425531Anonymousis this a good setup for tacticooling operationalisms?7[View]
27427804AnonymousFirst Firearms: So /k/ommandos, I would like to get a handgun for open carry. As I am only 19...3[View]
27421125AnonymousYou are Soviet Doctrine, immortally guiding the Eastern Bloc: How do you lead the forces of t...114[View]
27427392AnonymousI am a fucking idiot.4[View]
27425748AnonymousDoes someone have any information on these little pocket pistols? > Beretta M...5[View]
27425201AnonymousIf America was to bloody Russia's nose over the skies of Syria, would it escalate and spread?4[View]
27423899AnonymousAnyone here know anything about sword techniques? Is this a valid stance?19[View]
27417371AnonymousAnyone know where I can get a bandoleer for .22's like the one pictured here?32[View]
27410499Anonymous/k/ approved anime: What is an anime that you feel accurately depicts weapons and warfare? Th...236[View]
27427091AnonymousHave any companies started doing the Jew? Looks like CTD hasn't boosted the prices of anything....9[View]
27417835AnonymousQTDTOT: Wasn't one in the catalog. Can I easily put an Ace SOCOM stock on a Galil myself...48[View]
27425789AnonymousWould the Americans have reached Berlin first if their soldiers weren't starving to death all t...7[View]
27421046AnonymousMILES: Why is there no consumer off the shelf version of MILES for hobbyists? Wouldn't t...31[View]
27426309Anonymoushey /k/ bought a Socom 16. How bad did I fuck up?3[View]
27414319AnonymousSurvey Thread 1. What do you do? 2. Hourly wage/salary? 3. College degree? 4. Is your job /k/ relat...126[View]
27420046AnonymousWhats your favorite Attack helicopter: https://youtu.be/OBYNbsgTBqU20[View]
27414704AnonymousWhat are these loop tang handles called?: Also general ancient knife style thred. Extra point...53[View]
27426051Anonymousspace: how can we weaponize space using nasa as a shell? i wish we put shit out like Hubble a...4[View]
27425752AnonymousCanucks, as the election approaches, I just want to remind you that, out of all the main parties, th...1[View]
27422271AnonymousBolt action rifle: Morning /k/omrades Thinking about purchasing a bolt action rifle. I am lo...30[View]
27421079AnonymousPutin drafts 150,000 into Army.: i-its happening? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl...64[View]
27421869AnonymousSo i just put $50 down on a Colt Detective Special. How fucked am i?25[View]
27411278AnonymousUnconventional Warfare Thread: Was there ever a unit more badass than MACV SOG at unconventio...48[View]
27398114AnonymousWhy arent you Tabbed/Patched /k/?149[View]
27429326AnonymousIn all seriousness /k/, are these events the price of having the right to defend ourselves with fire...90[View]
27424579AnonymousHow long until these suicidal faggots make it impossible for normal people to get their hands on gun...299[View]
27424966AnonymousGungrabber is watching470[View]
27425060AnonymousDoes this exist: You fill some kind of bucket or tub with water You mix is some shit You leave your ...3[View]
27424924AnonymousITT: PMG guns: Here's my Galil/AK love child.2[View]
27417009AnonymousIm not trying to put dpwn brazil or anything but whats with the large military and this floating bag...58[View]
27416546AnonymousDream Gun thread: The gun you wish you can own whether it is fiction or way to expensive, Min...57[View]
27423707Anonymoushow long before this turns into another gun ban wave? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/...435[View]
27424920AnonymousDear /k/omrades...: Can I have your attention please? Recently I've lost my entire fold...1[View]
27424817AnonymousCan we please, pretty please with sugar on top, just delete the off-topic shit and not have another ...2[View]
27413337AnonymousITT: Recommend something. A piece of gear, a weapon, range, ammo. Whatever. Recommend something, and...84[View]
27419554AnonymousWhy don't they make paint rounds for tanks so they can train by fighting each other?22[View]
27424713AnonymousYou are fat >wat now1[View]
27420698AnonymousRetarded weapons humans invented. I'll start.40[View]
27424060AnonymousHey /k/, I've been saving up to buy a rifle but I have the disadvantage of living in Commieforn...14[View]
27422897AnonymousDearest /k/omrades, I'm new to plate carries and such, I've been thinking about getting on...4[View]
27423183AnonymousSMART Program: So /k/, I'm looking at applying for the SMART program for an Air Force re...1[View]
27423254AnonymousU/k/raine thraed: Post pictures related to the conflict in Ukraine. >i...2[View]
27419866Anonymous/k/, I have a military career problem. I'm a Communicator, but I'm really bashful and shy....40[View]
27407888Anonymous>In early February 1991, 200 USMC M60A1s of the 2nd Battalion drove north fro...189[View]
27423282AnonymousAll gun owners become strong midgets with tiny bow legs and baby arms All gun grabbers become 8 foot...5[View]
27420544AnonymousThis of new Chinese airplane. Is of engine pushings outside of airframe, where start of engine is al...7[View]
27416513AnonymousNAVAL THREAD: CARRIER EDITION: 1-3 Ticonderoga class Guided Missle Cruisers 2-3 Arleigh Burke...38[View]
27420976AnonymousWhat is the best caliber to defend against deer?14[View]
27423861AnonymousHey, who's the OP that posted about the Oregon shooting last night? Sorry about shit pic, I...2[View]
27417515AnonymousI got my 1851 Navy revolver today, made by Pietta. The piece is beautiful, until I needed to disasse...6[View]
27423676Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdA9GCSQf1M our clan still accepting new members we currently b...1[View]
27406138AnonymousIn your opinion what is or was the best military uniform, whether it be in look or practicality. Per...207[View]
27420161AnonymousHAPPY BIRTHDAY /k/!: Let's have some fun! Post your favorite things - /k/ screencaps, fa...12[View]
27419573AnonymousDo you think US-trained rebels that defected after crossing the border recently was unexpected or a ...10[View]
27420671AnonymousI do love me some bolt action. It's truly the best manual reload system.1[View]
27416502AnonymousI don't know if you care or remember but my uncle send me this picture a long time ago, he foun...10[View]
27422673AnonymousIdentification: Hi /k/ i have a request, i wanna know what is the name of this rifle please ?...1[View]
27422695AnonymousOregon Community College Shooting: You all ready for another run on baby killin salt wepuns? ...851[View]
27411985AnonymousBe strong, be of good courage and long live the republic.86[View]
27422541AnonymousRussian tech: How is current Russian technology faring? Is S-300, Mil-28, T-90, Su-35 good or...12[View]
27422639AnonymousInevitable Russia/Iran/Syria thread: Fuck the politics, I just wanna see some Iran/Syrian/Rus...7[View]
27411102AnonymousWhat does /k/ do for fitness? Any /k/ related fitness?130[View]
27420028Anonymous80% AR Build Advice: I need some help. I'm kinda new to all this, but I have a more hand...5[View]
27398018AnonymousWhy is the Avro Vulcan out of service and the B52 is not when the Vulcan was more technologically ad...122[View]
27414221AnonymousJunk guns thread: Pic related20[View]
27412956AnonymousThe Patriot: Is it possible to make a gun like The Patriot from MGS?123[View]
27390999AnonymousItt: fictional guns you wish you had. >chinatsus 40mm break action navy colt....204[View]
27418477AnonymousTell me about this ammo /k. I've never seen it before. What is it and where can I get it? There...14[View]
27422212AnonymousInnawoods/surviving thread. Dump what you got.28[View]
27420845AnonymousWhy is modern military strategy still centered around seizing oil fields? Blood for oil would make s...7[View]
27416047Anonymous.22Lr: Thinking about buying a Mossberg blaze dead ringer .22 Opinions? Pros? Cons?18[View]
27418086AnonymousHow often does /k/ clean their guns: I clean my guns no more than one day after using them ...29[View]
27410939AnonymousNew acquisitions.: Just got my new coonan today. I'm totally smitten, it's a seriou...80[View]
27419268AnonymousBarry Heroed: Eric told you barry died of a heart attack, 100% false, he committed suicide af...27[View]
27410549MandicMiddle East Thread 'FAB 9000': https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A...312[View]
27422365AnonymousShooting in Sun Valley, ID: Hi /k/, I am heading out to Sun Valley, Idaho this month and I am...0[View]
27421853AnonymousT-X Program: The last T-38 was made in 1972. Their availability rate dropped below 60% this ...7[View]
27421812AnonymousLAV 6.0: >Double Vbottom >Laser warning ...6[View]
27415530Anonymous/hunt/ general: Basics for beginner hunters http://modern-hunters.com/learn-to-hunt/ Hu...216[View]
27411769Anonymouscan't shack the mac: Newfag here (new to this specific topic, anyway), I was just wonder...44[View]
27397189AnonymousQTDDTOT Thread: Hey /k/ im wondering what a glock 17 magazine weighs loaded and unloaded. the...158[View]
27421868AnonymousHello Anons, need help with this item...: Hello, i found this in the basement and wanted to a...2[View]
27412793Anonymous>you're being choked out by a larger opponent Lamely try to pry t...64[View]
27415423Anonymous7N6: Has it been confirmed that 7N6 is unbanned?90[View]
27420757AnonymousSu 25 shot down syria (?): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jzOf9p08HK0 Is plane kill? I ca...21[View]
27421934AnonymousHey /k/, recently got an SKS for supercheap (50 Canadabux) and I'm going to allow myself to bub...2[View]
27420423AnonymousPls rate.10[View]
27421668AnonymousI bought a new muzzle brake for my AK, but I can't screw it down to the end. It's tightly ...11[View]
27421395AnonymousColt Phyton 8 inch barrel. What is the overral length? Please tell me.4[View]
27416029Anonymoushey /k/, my girlfriend wants to get a CCW for her birthday. However, she doesn't know what she ...54[View]
27421279AnonymousQtddtot/babby's 1st AR: So I'm building babby's first AR 15. I'm going to...1[View]
27409540AnonymousWhat's a good full sized, clean looknig 9mm pistol with fewest moving parts?84[View]
27414774Anonymous9mm/.40S&W/.45/10mm/.357 sig/.357 magnum fags on suicide watch: In this year of 2015, why...33[View]
27412081AnonymousHow much does adding external pylons+munitions increase the radar signature of an stealth aircraft?55[View]
27419383Anonymous1911 measurements: Does anyone have/know of any diagrams that have all of the parts of a gene...3[View]
27398600AnonymousITT: Fictional guns you wish were real87[View]
27418073Anonymous'How to Make War' by James Dunnigan: Hi, I'm a klingon, I'm looking for a book by a...9[View]
27421579AnonymousI remember seeing 'Das Boot' as a /k/ approved movie, but what about the book? Is that /k/ approved ...0[View]
27393486AnonymousThe entire human population along with all man-made items and infrastructure have mysteriously shrun...222[View]
27419650Anonymous'Grandpa guns': I picked up a used Savage 24S-C (.22LR/20ga. 3') for a little over $200 from ...2[View]
27421399AnonymousJust to shut deep battle fuckers up. 1 hour of research 1000 hrs of paint.2[View]
27419083AnonymousEDC/CPL: ok, so ever since i was a little kid, my dream pistol has been the Beretta 92fs on O...41[View]
27413434Anonymous/k/ Groomsmen Gift ideas: Hey /k/ommandos, I'm getting hitched soon, and I want to give ...36[View]
27421146AnonymousMinimalist Plate Carrier: Pic related. Sup /k/ I'm looking a non bulky plate carrier wit...1[View]
27420303AnonymousGun Cleaning: Allright my fellow /k/omrads. One Question to you all - how and what parts do y...6[View]
27415514AnonymousJust found out today I have spindle cell sarcoma that has metastasized to my liver and kidneys. I ha...60[View]
27420213AnonymousKhukuri: http://www.gorkhakhukuri.com.np/2[View]
27400683AnonymousMN /k/ best /k/106[View]
27413050Anonymous>ask Mossberg what aluminum alloy their shotgun receivers are made out of...22[View]
27387457AnonymousGhetto guns: Why do you never see blacks with a nice AR instead of shit like Tec-9s? Is there...226[View]
27420172AnonymousWell /k/, i just had an incident. I was next door to my Circle K talking to the clerk when I see som...10[View]
27419068AnonymousIf I join reserves for some pocket money do I really have to skip basic if I ever decide on joining ...5[View]
27414881AnonymousAny airmen on /k/ buy a Propper brand uniform? Need a couple new tops because BMT issued me tents an...10[View]
27399159AnonymousYou can only buy one VEPR vs FAL Which is the better battle rifle101[View]
27420461AnonymousWas looking through the APs archive earlier, and you know that infamous photo of the guy being execu...0[View]
27414844AnonymousWhere are strykers made? The US military's ordering a ton of these things. I know LAVs are manu...9[View]
27411071AnonymousWhats the difference between cerakote, parkerizing, and bluing? And are there any other finishes i c...77[View]
27415386AnonymousWorking 3D printed .22 revolver: https://imgur.com/a/HZEm5/layout/horizontal?forcedeskto...48[View]
27418222NoYay or nay?: Ruger GP100, is it a decent gun? Should I shop for something else35[View]
27414014AnonymousWhat are these things in front of the sights? Should I get one. What is its purpose?23[View]
27418939AnonymousImprovised Weapons thread11[View]
27415278AnonymousFind a flaw.43[View]
27420143AnonymousAR15 Prices: What's the market on AR's like now in the (northeast) USA Pic related,...1[View]
27420146AnonymousEdgy /k/ related shit Post it.0[View]
27403816AnonymousSo I was digging to find some Scrap...: ...and I found this thing...it feels warm. I heard yo...167[View]
27415449AnonymousOutdoor Defense.: Going out camping soon, going to be hiking a short way (3 miles), and stayi...10[View]
27417797AnonymousHey /k/ I got a couple of makarovs from SOG today. They were advertised as 'unissued' and 'unfired' ...47[View]
27417059OPReal life scenario thread: Scenario. >you have come around a corner to...15[View]
27418831AnonymousWhat gun is this and where can I get one?15[View]
27417169AnonymousLet's say you are in a scenario where you fired all the rounds from your mossberg but you are s...5[View]
27417290AnonymousGive it to me straight /k/ I found 7.62×25mm Tokarev to be too snappy, too much to handle in the TT-...36[View]
27410749AnonymousWhat tactical niches would power armor fill? I could think of two roles. A lighter form, basically a...132[View]
27415192Anonymoushow is the axis lock? I keep hearing the spring breaks easy.12[View]
27391430AnonymousShotgun Bread: Pic related isn't mine I think I'm trading my bubba'd mosin for...185[View]
27418692AnonymousWhat the hell are these?: Someone out there has to know.14[View]
27402937AnonymousI've heard that newer 870s have had quality control problems since Remington was bought out by ...85[View]
27419540AnonymousGun related Purchase thread: Hey /k/ I got a late night ebay urge and saw this puppy and snag...1[View]
27417646Rimanah !.EuTZma6hQ/k/omic thread 7: Party Hat edition: Alright people, you know what to do. http://strawpoll.me...171[View]
27419705AnonymousAre there only 3 different firearms for 80% lowers? Ar, Ak, 1911? Why is there only three platforms?...1[View]
27416799AnonymousWhere to buy stilettos? Pic unrelated.3[View]
27415027AnonymousCap his ass CJ!33[View]
27418370AnonymousBandoleer Thread After seeing Eriks wrist holder I started thinking of bandoleers and saw this beaut...15[View]
27419391Anonymous>watching TV at work >ugh robot chicken ...1[View]
27417775AnonymousPMC Questions: Former USMC Infantry Iraq and Afghanistan combat vet here. Looking at applying...20[View]
27418100Anonymoussup /k/, long-time lurker and /fa/ggot. >see suggestions on how to not print ...42[View]
27409656AnonymousWhat did the Mujahideen have that the Germans lacked which allowed them to resist a full scale sovie...31[View]
27417749Anonymous420 bucks cash, plus transfer fees. Never bought an AR, tell me not to buy this one. Please. http:/...21[View]
27417321AnonymousWOMEN RANGERS GOT SPECIAL TREATMENT: >The instructors say that among o...39[View]
27406374Anonymous/k/, convince me to join the military80[View]
27413617AnonymousHow effective would a katana be in a HD situation? your adversary maybe armed but assume he doesn...23[View]
27410847Anonymous7N6: Alright guys, theres no 7n6 thread and its been about 72 hours since the original OP beg...16[View]
27407698AnonymousAre BOPE any good?63[View]
27415169AnonymousWhat is /k/'s opinion on Winfield Scott?: He was the commanding general of the US Army f...7[View]
27412220AnonymousGuess what it is, /k/.20[View]
27417874AnonymousSo... is there a downside to maritime spring cups?6[View]
27415485AnonymousSame guy who asked about the tapered pins on the front sight post yesterday, I did buy that PB blast...23[View]
27394907AnonymousSince Kommando Store is basically abandoned where do you shop for uniforms /k/?388[View]
27418153AnonymousSpot the Mauser C96: Supposedly there is one in this pic. But either I'm stupid, getting...2[View]
27408845AnonymousInnawoods operating/STALKER/spooky thread: Sup /k/ Innawoods thread/spooky thread, lets go, h...42[View]
27418041AnonymousRemove birthday hat2[View]
27418056Anonymous>ask dad for a mosin on my birthday >he gets me...4[View]
27416803AnonymousUnder Duress: So it has come to my attention this evening that I may have become a high prior...101[View]
27417233Anonymousso whats some pros and cons about this holster? I am seeing a lot of people thinking it's impos...10[View]
27417502AnonymousWould you adopt him /k/?2[View]
27413009AnonymousPost your brain bucket, or just general helmet inspo.24[View]
27400306AnonymousHyper Vigilance: Does /k/ admit they're hyper vigilant? do they believe such a thing is ...220[View]
27410397Anonymousseriously guys: ok, no bullshit, no vp9 guy, no trolling what do you guys ACTUALLY think abou...155[View]
27417512AnonymousMissile Thread Pt. 2: Last one got archived, so. Let's have another missile thread.0[View]
27404369AnonymousRekindle my love of fear: Heard about a few of the different challenges, and I was intrigued ...114[View]
27414282AnonymousYou fuckers wish you owned this masterpiece.31[View]
27415298AnonymousPack Rifles: Hey /k/ I'm in the market for a takedown pack rifle. I know of the 10/22 ta...41[View]
27416759AnonymousName a Better AR15 Rail...: Protip, you can't! Geissele MK4 in 7-9.5' Mod 1 Rev B canno...3[View]
27414328AnonymousWhat does /k/ think about Chilaen mausers?8[View]
27412412Anonymous>tfw you will never own a legit VSS Vintorez. Why even live?33[View]
27401890Lokiian !6qTlrQ4Lko/MEG/ Military Enlistment General OP template http://pastebin.com/sb5Gv1dW Before you ask a ques...357[View]
27396718AnonymousConvoy thread133[View]
27413819AnonymousSo i read on the sticky that Lone Survivor was a /k/ approved movie. it was great, and the fighting ...36[View]
27413460Anonymousruger mini series: Hello komrades, I have been browsing /k/ for quite some time, and have yet...56[View]
27412490AnonymousRIP :(: Gone too soon :'(((8[View]
27416146Anonymoushey /k/, Canada fag her I was looking at picking up one of these and wanted to know what you guys ha...5[View]
27414956AnonymousDoes anyone else really like watching MRE reviews?7[View]
27412991AnonymousPutin's Gun: The fuck kind of gun is Putin using in this picture? Is it an air rifle of ...8[View]
27416245AnonymousAnyone know where the Nex Alea is?: I was hoping to make the pilgrimage, but am unable to fin...4[View]
27415004AnonymousFBI UCR 2014 is OUT: Another reminder for those who missed it, the 2014 FBI UCR is out, and s...15[View]
27411050AnonymousI see treads of americans all hyped and already gloating about the new f35 But i honestly dont give ...335[View]
27408836The Artist Formerly Known as DR8C0 !!vJMBDOQwjd3AR Thread / AR General /arg/: AR Magazine Edition Congratulations to Deep Creep for making th...311[View]
27404341AnonymousHomemade Weapons: Nows your chance to show off your homemade weapons, /k/, tell about the pro...84[View]
27403567Anonymous/AK/ Thread, get the hell in here: Eyy, Id had been a hwile since An Hiro took over. Now that...241[View]
27416171AnonymousHows it going /k/? this is my first time posting here. Just wondered what you guys thought on this. ...0[View]
27416162AnonymousHoppes help.: Can anyone tell me their experiences with the 3 variations of hopes and which i...0[View]
27413126Anonymous /k/illerM1911 anyone?: Who else likes the Colt M1911 Semi - automatic Pistol?6[View]
27407889AnonymousBlack Powder Red Earth Volume 1-7 download: https://mega.nz/#F!WodAnJrC!eRn_dcjk7DFgccNi...30[View]
27415731AnonymousDoes anyone get annoyed when people criticize the nuclear arms stockpiling of the Cold War? It'...2[View]
27402860AnonymousI think it's been long enough that we can have a logical, reasonable discussion about this... W...77[View]
27408049Anonymousmy mosin won't chamber the last round. If I load 5 shots, it will chamber the first four no pro...112[View]
27414208Anonymous> You will never get to scramble to defend your island from a foreign enemy. ...9[View]
27378499AnonymousCollege Thread: Have had a few before and they were pretty succesful at helping kommandos fin...298[View]
27396736AnonymousWhat's a good plate carrier94[View]
27399150AnonymousWhat does /k/ think of the Goruck GR1? I'm looking for a new bag to use for work (LEO), EDC, an...104[View]
27403216AnonymousM1A Thread!!!!: Does anyone own one of these bad boys?! Care tell about it?103[View]
27415658AnonymousCan you be a manlet and still operate? Like is there a height requirement to be a Ranger or a SEAL?6[View]
27413817AnonymousModular Rails When?: Is it just a matter of time before the US Military adopts a modular rail...3[View]
27383658AnonymousSo /k/, I'm a woman living alone and someone has started stalking me and trying to break into m...126[View]
27412803AnonymousI got an Olin flare gun for free the other day. Besides the sub-caliber devices, what other fun can ...34[View]
27412896AnonymousGolden guns: Who loves golden guns? lets see your favourites.28[View]
27396313AnonymousWhy do all Army Navy stores smell the same way? What is that smell, and how do I make my house smell...185[View]
27408732AnonymousSo, Wildley is back to making pistols again. When are you getting yours?26[View]
27392709faggot opGEAR: No thread in the catalog so im starting one, I just bought a battle belt and I'm ...120[View]
27408876AnonymousSpoopy innawoods thread? Spoopy innawoods thread!: OK /k/avaliers, time for a spooky thread. ...18[View]
27411062Slick Rick !SqqWJ0w6W6SVD CLONES: It's happening /k/ hallelujah brothers! Weeeeeeeee!!!!365[View]
27404977AnonymousIs it any good? Or is it a death trap? Is it better than the BTR series?74[View]
27414537AnonymousInstead of developing the PAK-FA, why doesn't Russia just buy the F-35?10[View]
27409786AnonymousLeader of British Labour Party: 'I'll never use nukes.': http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/co...77[View]
27407898AnonymousBad Planes Thread: >Notice they do not so much fly as plummet33[View]
27385753AnonymousPost the sexiest thing you own. Handmade in Italy, imported from Corsica hence the Vendetta.116[View]
27412657AnonymousGlock 19: Anyone else buy one of the Gen 2 Glock 19's that AIM Surplus has? I finally de...26[View]
27414498AnonymousHow easy is it to buy a gun / get a license and go hunting in England?6[View]
27412575AnonymousTNP: OK, /k/ please tell me what you think about this guy. I´m about to get into the shooting...33[View]
27413767AnonymousTFW you will never have a Satin Nickel MP5K: (This is actually a SP89 mock-up).3[View]
27411238AnonymousCan I have some recommendations for books on relatively modern African military history? Specificall...3[View]
27412134AnonymousAR Build: Looking to build my first AR. Any recommendations on parts or where to find them, /...6[View]
27408609AnonymousIf you want to CC your racist: If you want to CC in public it's because your ancestors w...29[View]
27408152AnonymousIt's official: http://www.rt.com/news/317013-parliament-authorization-troops-abroad...328[View]
27414269AnonymousDouble Barreled ARs: What does /k/ think of the Silver Shadow Gilboa Snake and the concept of...23[View]
27409912AnonymousThings about your military you would change: I'm curious.66[View]
27413345Anonymous>be Japanese navy >time is August 1942 ...20[View]
27409175AnonymousCould a force armed with only 4th gen fighters, like JASDF or ROKAF, defeat the Chinese or Russian a...71[View]
27414252AnonymousMusketry: While trolling the National Archives for firearms related videos, I found this 1930...0[View]
27414138AnonymousMusketry: While trolling the National Archives for firearms related videos, I found this 1930...0[View]
27408302AnonymousFind a flaw.41[View]
27409727AnonymousI sell guns at a large store. A lot of people come in looking for carry guns. Obviously I have my ow...39[View]
27410831AnonymousWhat's It Worth Thread?: Like the title says, post what you have and others post honest ...20[View]
27413323AnonymousHow good is the Indian navy and how would it hold up in a war in open waters against the Chinese nav...10[View]
27411189AnonymousPrivate security: So a while back I saw some thread in private security and I was wondering w...3[View]
27387519Anonymoushi /k/, /o/ here. what are /k/-approved civilian vehicles?265[View]
27413624lawfag !A1Et6WTyWsWhat is the most devastating CQB weapon: And why is it the shotgun? https://www.youtube.com/w...0[View]
27391236AnonymousZombies are going to be a joke. I got the only undead survival gear I need right here in my basement...98[View]
27412621AnonymousShould I buy it?: What I believe to be the oldest gunshop I've ever been in has a very g...4[View]
27410568AnonymousWhat operator skills do you have that would be useful in a combat/field situation?23[View]
27412478AnonymousGerman Stock Markings: Pic related came in the mail from hkgunparts, and I was surprised to s...4[View]
27385672AnonymousSo is /k/ hyped for RO2 Rising Storm 2: Vietnam? >inb4 weapons don't jam...141[View]
27411654AnonymousMulti tool general: Multi tool recommendation and multi tool general thread. Personal favori...17[View]
27412682Anonymous.460 Rowland gun life: Okay, I'm probably wasting my time as you fucks don't really...5[View]
27409945AnonymousFSA is KILL ISIS is KILL AL NUSRA/AL QAEDA is KILL Dear Russians, KILL THEM ALL!365[View]
27408186AnonymousJoint Light Tactical Vehicle: The Humvee replacement that is known as the JLTV Thoughts?9[View]
27407487Anonymous>Slav's were the first people who realized intermediate cartridges were ...60[View]
27409111Anonymous>this tank >not already a humongous failure wit...46[View]
27407831AnonymousRussian invasion of Japan: Alright /k/, fancy this. For some reason the Russians decide to in...28[View]
27412344AnonymousWhat do you think about this? I don't think it is too bad, other than saying moderate control m...6[View]
27409979AnonymousWhy does everyone hate on hi point? I love mine. It's just as reliable as my Colt AR or my Taur...31[View]
27409158Anonymous>be 22 years old >have three different european...67[View]
27403839AnonymousPotential project gun: So my LGS has a Stevens 5100 sxs (basically a Savage 311) for $100. No...37[View]
27412383Anonymousso fellow /k/ommandos, a friend of mine wanted to sell his mossberg 500a, it looks the exact same as...5[View]
27412452AnonymousJust got this in an email. Now, I've never owned a Springfield, so correct me if I'm wrong...0[View]
27403545AnonymousLong Island D.A. Bans prosecuters from owning handguns: golly gee this is going to go over we...27[View]
27410016Anonymous/k/ Books: So what are some /k/ approved books? Ive been on a WW1 books, like pic related.21[View]
27409563Anonymoushandi/k/apped /k/ommandos: Anyone else handicapped as fug? Physically, not mentally obviously...51[View]
27392105Anonymous/hunt/ general: Basics for beginner hunters http://modern-hunters.com/learn-to-hunt/ Hu...172[View]
27411760AnonymousOkay, which one of you faggots listed this joke lot? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-folding-kn...3[View]
27411869AnonymousDesperation weapons and tactics: I was looking up times post 1700s (when the 'gun + bayo...1[View]
27411347AnonymousOk /k/ommandos I could use your help. Does anyone know if it's possible to buy Napoleonic muzzl...6[View]
27408791Anonymousis mercenary work immoral?109[View]
27401648AnonymousWill any of the decommissioned Nimitz class carriers be sold?: Will the US be selling any of ...96[View]
27411086AnonymousAlfa ak74: You have fifteen seconds, LITERALLY fifteen fucking seconds to explain why you don...16[View]
27386903AnonymousYou can build/buy one of these. You are given standard tin ammo can mil spec ammo and/or commercial...176[View]
27396046AnonymousCan we have a missiles thread? Nike project, Atlas, Titan, etc.189[View]
27406756AnonymousHas anyone experimented with refinishing their mosin stock? Mine is pretty rough but I feel like its...27[View]
274051861911 Junkie fggggttttssss1911 addiction anonymous: I am really looking into investing about $3k on a fucking 1911. I n...12[View]
27408345AnonymousSTOCKPILING: anyone here stockpiling ammunition? >what calibers?...72[View]
27407712AnonymousBuying a Springfield XDS 3.3 9mm tomorrow. After fingerfucking it, reading up on reviews, and making...18[View]
27403214AnonymousIn all honesty, I'm curious, are there any positive things the ATF does at all, other than bein...27[View]
27392496TrenchgunfagMilsurp/Camo/Militaria thread: Recent buys edition.319[View]
27411017OPDrinking and guns: Well, it finally happened. But I suppose it happens to everyone at some po...6[View]
27407176Anonymousfug me: Califag reporting. >Hear strange noise I've never heard b...77[View]
27407183AnonymousCan anyone tell me what these markings mean on my new mosin? I'd like to know some history behi...21[View]
27404744Anonymous>go outside >see this what do?45[View]
27409830AnonymousBushnell Equinox: Is it good, /k/? Can you mount it on a headstrap?7[View]
27409986Anonymous>War is less physical then it was in the past >...9[View]
27407952AnonymousHey /k/ I got a question about guns and mental stability. A few years back I was put in a mental for...27[View]
27406893AnonymousCCW Badge: I got my Concealed carry permit a few weeks ago, I have a belt and good holster bu...46[View]
27407829AnonymousNVG Guys pls help: PNV-57: Alright /k/, I'm gonna need your help over here. So here...19[View]
27401965AnonymousDo you like my new Beretta?32[View]
27395808Anonymous>don't mind me >I just came here to bomb ...324[View]
27410092AnonymousToday is my birthday and I managed a sham-ass Chinook jump, Hollywood. Life is good /k/2[View]
27409235Anonymouswhat it is dood: step 1. carry knife and gun step 2. (if bad guy has no gun visible) take kni...10[View]
27409996AnonymousFigured I should bring this to your attention.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwiuX2OA...3[View]
27401634AnonymousTavor or Mcx: So /k/ I'm getting a new rifle and I can't pick between the tavor or ...109[View]
27405207AnonymousSo /k/, i'm going to be spending an extended time in the wilderness (3+ months alone, or longer...16[View]
27405872Anonymous/k/omic thread 6: No Punisher Today Edition: He poked his head out of the foxhole. '/k/omic t...175[View]
27409221LMAMS generalLoitering-manportable-aerial-munitions are sexy as fuck; and do the jobs of mortars and sniper ...6[View]
27385115MandicMiddle East Thread 'UN&NWO': http://www.cbsnews.com/news/vladimir-putin-russian-pres...316[View]
27409701AnonymousBattle Buddy: Hello /k/omrades. Today im putting my best friend of 12 years down. He is my hu...4[View]
27400482AnonymousGun control: Hey /k/ I am going to start a debate on gun control in my class and need some re...51[View]
27369995AnonymousSyrian War: http://news.yahoo.com/russia-keeps-buildup-syria-airbase-army-source-10...215[View]
27406555AnonymousAnon that was getting the Hungarian surplus shit here The guy did 950 rounds for $250, and had two m...19[View]
27409055AnonymousUhhh: American PMC in Dubai going home for holiday. AMA no pii17[View]
27404550AnonymousBATTLE RIFLE THREAD: GARAND OLD TIME EDITION: Its time for your favorite full-sized, semi-aut...30[View]
27409367AnonymousWhat exactly is the logic behind short barreled rifles and shotguns being regulated? I can understan...5[View]
27405628AnonymousEntrenching tools: What are your preferred E-tools? Pic related26[View]
27408686AnonymousWhat would do?: /k/ what would you do if you found this trove of weapons and militaria? Sell ...12[View]
27404501AnonymousRecon plane thread?58[View]
27408411AnonymousGerman human torpedos: >The first Negers entered service on March 1944...6[View]
27408832AnonymousXCR Opinions: Friend is moving to Europe and giving me his late-model XCR. ...1[View]
27408171AnonymousWhat light colored tactical gloves do you recommend that aren't too bulky and let me use a touc...9[View]
27401157Calico !Jack/eKIQcAR Thread / AR General /arg/: Snowflake Edition Old thread >>27393280308[View]
27391964Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er__eN-Xm_M why is my penis liking this so much?157[View]
27404251AnonymousMagpul PDR: Why'd magpul stop development on this? I'd give a fair amount of shekel...10[View]
27400443AnonymousWhy do people want guns?: Howdy gents, I'm currently enrolled in a college English clas...48[View]
27407936Anonymous50 cent: Hey guy /mu/ here, sorry my ignorance but I always wanted to ask this question Is a...64[View]
27408323AnonymousHi /k/, i'm not a regular but I had a really weird dream and I need to know if this is real. So...11[View]
27398567AnonymousITT Armslist Nightmares: >In Colorado, all private sales must still go...195[View]
27405956AnonymousWhat was the first gun you ever fired /k/? Who was it who taught you how to shoot? Ill start. The ...6[View]
27408421Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqJPVlDdLek&feature=youtu.be Can you identify those planes?2[View]
27408474AnonymousBuying a used M&P in kommiefornia: Alright guys, this is my first time buying a used hand...1[View]
27406503Its AliveApparently the Malaysian army got their hands on some XM8's. Do they even work or is it just a ...31[View]
27407814AnonymousPost yfw the F35 will have to face oof against the Sukhoi PAK FA and Chengdu J-20 https://en.wikiped...3[View]
27408406AnonymousCan I have some recommendations for books on relatively modern African military history? Specificall...0[View]
27381161AnonymousCamo map: does this map seem accurate to you guys? Your region? Other patterns that would wor...176[View]
27408365AnonymousCentrifuge training: What is the best G-training video /k/ has seen? https://www.youtube.com/...0[View]
27399185FlipFollowing the demise of the Stg44, why did it take the Western Powers shitlong to come up and issue ...91[View]
27406467Anonymousguys Is there any conclusive proof that it is in fact just re branded crisco? This feels like its be...83[View]
27405244AnonymousBeretta halp: Hey fellas, I picked up a 92fs at a pawn shop for a thrifty value and I'd ...17[View]
27406327AnonymousWhy did ICBMs have to be invented? Heavy bombers are so much more dramatic. Just think of all the cr...4[View]
27405214AnonymousWhat would /k/ take to silent hill: I would want a .308 rifle in that situation, a pistol won...15[View]
27398936AnonymousWhat's the best 1911 to buy79[View]

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