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/int/ - International

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Displaying 5,040 expired threads from the past 7 days

No. Name Excerpt Replies
48989029Anonymousare assault fists banned in your country?1[View]
48986746Anonymous>English genes1[View]
48988623Anonymoushi rio do u want picking up in the morning pal edition4[View]
48988798AnonymousThis is a kuwaiti man.2[View]
48988831poland strong>tfw applied for real job and have to be quasi-normie since tommorow i...0[View]
48985759AnonymousWhen will this meme end?36[View]
48971352Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Insomnia edition357[View]
48987599Anonymoushttp://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article21542605.ab 'In recent days, some 1 500 people applied...6[View]
48980783Anonymous[insert meme here]: The country: Dinfu nuffins: The country.49[View]
48985419AnonymousBein german is actually a great thing. >best language ...6[View]
48986218AnonymousWhat British cultural exports are popular in your country?23[View]
48979737AnonymousHow long until blue eyes are breed out of the gene pool ?86[View]
48987335AnonymousMay the odds be ever in your favor my Finnish friends, godspeed.0[View]
48983820AnonymousR8 my goulash23[View]
48987098AnonymousMasks: Does anyone know from what tribe this mask is? i really need to know it :(0[View]
48962603Anonymous/polska/: Edycja nocna Kurwa, poszedłem spać o 22:00, obudziłem się teraz i pewnie już nie za...312[View]
48986774What's the greatest country in Latin America?And why is it lil Texas?4[View]
48986222Anonymous>Wake up >Europe is now this What do?12[View]
48983611Anonymous/brit/: peekaboo edition549[View]
48986611AnonymousEdycja węgierska Poprzedni: >>489626036[View]
48984936AnonymousWhat does a Finn smell like?12[View]
48986825Anonymous>wake up >I'm still not a red-blooded Amer...0[View]
48982780Anonymoushttp://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/world/europe/article4578486.ece >Secr...41[View]
48986566AnonymousThis picture triggers the kurd.6[View]
48984775Anonymous> twf a huge part of the french population today has Italian, Spanish, Greek ...11[View]
48983271AnonymousWho will be victorious in the inevitable Polish Turkish Russian war?22[View]
48986540Anonymous>mfw I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the computer screen when jerking o...7[View]
48983884AnonymousJUST FUCK MY SHIT UP FAM4[View]
48986499Anonymouswhy is russia so small?1[View]
48978433Anonymousmarketsquare general: Finland the Japan of Europe music video made by Finnish artist (who bro...11[View]
48980880AnonymousPost a picture of your president with Obama5[View]
48980824AnonymousI gave my mother, my sister, and my girlfriend an blank political map of Europe and asked them to la...47[View]
48980851AnonymousOFFICIAL POLISH THREAD Jak wam życie mija, anonki? Na jaką partię zagłosujecie w wyborach parlamenta...24[View]
48979856AnonymousWhy do people from most countries not like Americans? Is it the fact that we're genetically, cu...319[View]
48985213AnonymousCountrys: I wanna know your opinions about the countrys of the world.6[View]
48978975AnonymousWhy do the Swiss hate Germans?18[View]
48983921AnonymousWorld Growth Downgraded: I don't remember the last time they upgraded a forecast.5[View]
48978963AnonymousI'VE BECOME SO NUMB16[View]
48982748AnonymousIf you would be loved, love and be lovable.1[View]
48982012AnonymousHow many lakes your country has? >finland >187,...35[View]
48985333Anonymous>wake up >Kurdistan still doesn't exist...11[View]
48953921[s4s]sup /int/ wanna get married p-please respond ily175[View]
48984911Anonymous>your country >post your guns5[View]
48981874AnonymousNip Trip: Long time listener, first time caller, I'll cut to the chase- A few of my budd...1[View]
48966281Anonymouswould you marry a 10/10 with shit personality or a 4/10 with gr8 person(?__?)34[View]
48976882AnonymousDescribe Koreans in several words or more.64[View]
48979758Anonymous/deutsch/ Führer und Volk - Ausgabe331[View]
48978922Anonymous>wake up >North America is now this What...5[View]
48978380AnonymousWTF Sweden: What the fuck is wrong with this country? >Be me young Can...45[View]
48982257AnonymousAny Bhutanese here? Is your country really a glorious paradise free of poverty, corruption, and ille...21[View]
48979724AnonymousTurkey got a Nobel Prize.17[View]
48984622Anonymousvfsdvdsfsdf: fdsfds3[View]
48982781AnonymousHistoric Architecture: Post famous landmarks from your country being constructed.2[View]
48984506Anonymous1. Your country 2. When was the last time you hiked to the peak of a mountain that was at least 500m...5[View]
48978451AnonymousDescribe a dutch with several words >Weed >Tall...17[View]
48983392AnonymousHey /int/. I'm debating getting a work visa and working in Australia. If I like it enough I may...19[View]
48977326AnonymousMiddle East is of fixed now100[View]
48983556AnonymousWould you tell someone you know about /int/? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO8oErxHm102[View]
48983602Anonymousfind a flaw5[View]
48974751Anonymouspost your favorite soda: >Barley Soda >M...16[View]
48975054AnonymousTo people who speak multiple languages: How do you easily change your brain's way of thi...41[View]
48961284Anonymous>every person in China is replaced with your people What happens now?99[View]
48974122Anonymous/Castles/: Post castles46[View]
48983800AnonymousITT: We try to banter each other's flag.2[View]
48973180AnonymousWhy the fuck are russians always eating yogurt? Whenever I see a russian eating something, it's...28[View]
48975269AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...355[View]
48978990AnonymousWhy is Italy so perfect?69[View]
48983423Anonymous>tfw italian pussy was MADE for Anglo cock4[View]
48977491Anonymoussverigetråden: en fin tråd470[View]
48972013AnonymousWhy are AUS/NZ people so casually racist? Like what the fuck is wrong with your fucking country? Is ...224[View]
48979366AnonymousIs this the worst language ever?13[View]
48976292AnonymousI'm so proud of my automobile industry33[View]
48968997Anonymous>Italians will reject this application into art school163[View]
48973305AnonymousWhat can you say to a person from Brisbane?25[View]
48982838AnonymousWill there be a happening in Germany? Or are you okay becoming a marginalised minority, such as the...3[View]
48980191AnonymousDo you support the Union of North America?5[View]
48982312AnonymousDescribe the story of your country in one image. I'll start. Pic related is Italy tbh.9[View]
48980652AnonymousNew int tinder thread! New bitch!359[View]
48973462Anonymous>Why don't you stop being so paranoid and just trust the Russians a litt...20[View]
48982206AnonymousWhy are people from Romania so stupid?2[View]
48980021Anonymous/brit/: > /he's a filthy fucking manlet/ edition Evening l...417[View]
48977482AnonymousHave you guys ever experienced racism in your country? In Britain there isn't much real racism ...74[View]
48961632AnonymousWill Islam ever have a reformation? Because as it is, it's an incompatible and barbaric religi...77[View]
48968311AnonymousWhy do russians get scared when they do not have a dictator to control their lives?36[View]
48980918Anonymousthe only fight: always will there be a fight ; fight against arrogance as the only fight ; wa...1[View]
48981579Anonymousdid the UFO sightings become rare nowadays in ya country? when was the peak? ...3[View]
48982127AnonymousRussian president Vladimir Putin is planning to celebrate his 63-th birthday at the ice rink of Olym...4[View]
48972352Anonymous>le scary red muslim flag71[View]
48982072AnonymousAyyyyyyy http://news.yahoo.com/cracked-chinese-glass-bridge-alarms-tourists-101104407.html0[View]
48974965AnonymousJapanese Anons. How do you think about these guys?16[View]
48981558Anonymous>see screenshot of JAV >get a boner ...3[View]
48981360AnonymousI'm fixed Europe3[View]
48975833AnonymousWhy do Europeans need monarchs? I can understand the middle east for having them as they still live...26[View]
48981387AnonymousHaven't seen any Estonians lately, I don't think. Are they okay?0[View]
48980392AnonymousWhat sports are you interested in /int/? Especially if it's a sport unique to your nation pleas...10[View]
48981258AnonymousWhy Is France so swarty ? Is it because they were occupied by arabs for 800 years and their language...0[View]
48971864Anonymous>Canada will NEVER EVER have nukes Might just off myself right now12[View]
48981080AnonymousDo women in your country understand honour? What about self sacrifice? What about the importance of ...0[View]
48971596Anonymous/ita/ IL FILO: È lui o non è lui?312[View]
48978555AnonymousDo your country have identity crisis? Brasil Yes Seriously, you need to be a massive retard to belie...2[View]
48978566AnonymousNorwegian Air CEO Says $69 Flights From U.S. to Europe Coming Soon: Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA...16[View]
48980632Anonymous>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twQlpFrm5iM ...0[View]
48970779AnonymousGood morning /int, first 0C in this season23[View]
48970352Anonymous>tfw wanted12[View]
48920544AnonymousWhat do schools in your country teach you about the dreaded Samurai?217[View]
48980279AnonymousAre all the Syrian refugees this good looking?0[View]
48972423Anonymous> Punkclothes shows a Unionjack > Niggaclothes ...13[View]
48973332Anonymous>mfw the age of consent in most states in Mexico is 1214[View]
48979506Anonymous1. your cunt 2. what is a quarter pounder called >norway ...4[View]
48973357AnonymousNice blog13[View]
48972358AnonymousYou get a call from South Korea.13[View]
48974328Anonymous/deutsch/: Takeo- Ausgabe312[View]
48977217Anonymous>huuur Britain's so dumb for having tv licenses ...22[View]
48962153Anonymous/deutsch/ NACHTSCHICHT-EDITION UGEZS: Hoffentlich entdeckt uns der Perser nicht, wenn er von ...308[View]
48974016AnonymousWho will come to the real Oktoberfest in Paris ? http://www.oktoberfestparis.fr25[View]
48977480AnonymousHey help me guess her nationality, I could get some puss.405[View]
48976596AnonymousTurks can into science now http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2015/24[View]
48978947AnonymousRIGHT : lunch box in USA LEFT: lunch box in UK American art :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD2[View]
48953866Anonymous/fr/ Fil Francophone: Édition de l'illumination >ton animé préfér...345[View]
48977162AnonymousYou are not free.: How can your country be free, without a Sizzler? https://www.youtube.com/w...1[View]
48978054AnonymousOh you saw me! Well don't mind me, im just going to get that kike from page 152[View]
48977194AnonymousWhat's the main difference between estern and western europe ?34[View]
48977292Anonymous/brit/: Battlefield Britain edition http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/interactive/games/battl...396[View]
48977680AnonymousVisiting relatives: Americans, when you visit relatives, where do you stay if you're sta...4[View]
48978855Americanon>'people' actually think the Americas are one continent How could one ...1[View]
48978438AnonymousWhy do many American English teachers teach wrong Engrish to Japanese people?4[View]
48946807Anonymouswhy is Russia so big?217[View]
48969076AnonymousWhere do black haired manly men like Bruce Campbell come from?11[View]
48966561Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Fio anterior: >>48962368 Useful links: >L...314[View]
48972149AnonymousWhat's the best city in your country and why? I'll start: Boston- best universities, fille...23[View]
48972477AnonymousWhy does everyone hate us ? ;_;89[View]
48976641Anonymousbringing Africans to here: i want ,for personal reasons (my city is lascivious, it DESERVES p...16[View]
48975297AnonymousI live here, nice place, few cumskins. No tourists14[View]
48963249AnonymousHow does a country go from this...46[View]
48964547AnonymousEMPRESS NATALIA48[View]
48963796Anonymous>Chinese '''''''''''''''''''''''engineering'''''''''''''''''''''''...97[View]
48973128AnonymousWhether you hate him or love him, can we agree he's the most important person of 21st century?39[View]
48976287AnonymousHow do you become fluent in a lanugage? How do you work on it?11[View]
48961110Anonymous>put $10 tax on toilet paper >no one stops buyi...50[View]
48976690AnonymousWho should win the Nobel Peace Prize this year?19[View]
48970184AnonymousHi /int/, I'm an American studying Russian at university. In the summer I'll be in Greece ...14[View]
48978211AnonymousRenaissance Fairs: Are these still a real thing in america? Why do they need to pretend to h...0[View]
48976917Anonymouswhich do you want to be?9[View]
48976732AnonymousPutin has sent the feared Spetsnaz special forces into Syria to bail out Assad →http://www.mirror.co...2[View]
48972388AnonymousScariest Animals of the World: What is the most dangerous and fearsome animal in your country...30[View]
48972110Anonymous1. your cunt 2. have you ever felt like you wanted to be French? >Australia...21[View]
48977397Anonymous>be German >get on your knees and pray 5 times ...2[View]
48970742Anonymousyou get a call from poland.....29[View]
48970844Anonymousi love france i couldn't dream of living in a more beautiful country, i thank my parents to hav...30[View]
48976805AnonymousGenuine question, not trying to stir up shit, but why are British people so ugly compared to the res...4[View]
48975383Anonymous>Only few asians Play mortal kombat Why asians hate this game? First i...3[View]
48968868AnonymousWhich country has the most autism?63[View]
48976650Anonymous>tfw you will never be Israeli6[View]
48975328AnonymousWhy is Balkans chocolate so cheap? It still tastes way better than Hersheys and Cadbury.10[View]
48964967Anonymouswhy are so many posters on /int/ afraid of black people? Especially the ones that have never met a b...183[View]
48976875AnonymousYou may be a bunch off Faggot frogs but I do love your video games.2[View]
48976677AnonymousITT: Weird things your country does: >walking will cure cancer and giv...3[View]
48974163AnonymousWould these posters be allowed in your cunt?7[View]
48964542Anonymous/RUSSIA/ THREAD: Country is asleep though (5:10 AM here) but I work 24-hour shifts and have s...307[View]
48973501Anonymous>Turkish banter http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/turkey-dragge...12[View]
48968162Anonymous>'Indo European' languages >three countries in ...35[View]
48975594AnonymousTwin Town Fight: Which is the nicest looking town in pic related?6[View]
48960878AnonymousIs this accurate?256[View]
48965421Anonymous>Chinese >glass >...76[View]
48974026AnonymousMEXICO ES NEGRO: Mexicans have black genes The Spaniards had to bring in black slaves after m...12[View]
48973465Anonymous/brit/: Cameron's speech edition577[View]
48952054Anonymous/asean/: most generic names for /asean/ countries edition (if your cuntree isn't there, ...315[View]
48975342AnonymousHow are black people looked at in your country? I mean after going over seas and from media in other...1[View]
48975070Anonymous>ywn be American4[View]
48955297AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...329[View]
48974225Anonymous>forget how to spell 'symbol' >rememb...5[View]
48973228AnonymousDo you love Japan?29[View]
48973156AnonymousWhich one is the biggest cuck? Note that both have only had their own history for a couple of decade...5[View]
48947330AnonymousWhat do cops in your country look like?266[View]
48970099Anonymousi have never fucked a white woman: wonder how they are in bed compared to other races...........26[View]
48974568AnonymousPost some music from your cunt, or someone else's cunt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whw...12[View]
48973705AnonymousYou gotta be fucking kidding me... This is the most likely new logo to the place where I live. http:...4[View]
48972846Anonymoushow does this make you feel ? Does she look like an european citizen to you ?9[View]
48972141AnonymousN-No.. No space cash here.. anyone heard about this space cash?3[View]
48968829AnonymousWhat makes Japan so perfect?25[View]
48972906Anonymous>wake up >see 3 threads with this image5[View]
48970217Anonymous>americans can be drug tested for ANY job at ANY time11[View]
48971948Anonymous>tfw no unique culture to be proud of and base part of your identity around...6[View]
48971796Anonymous>be Australian >get attacked by magpies ...2[View]
48966284Anonymous1. Are you a NEET? 2. Would you live in Brazil if you were guaranteed a safe, comfortable life until...112[View]
48972976AnonymousFEEL GOOD THREAD: Everybody give a compliment to an /int/ poster you appreciate. We're a...6[View]
48973471Anonymous>we never finished the job and destroyed all celtic culture once and for all...3[View]
48962451AnonymousLooks like the New Zealand robot got the day off he was hoping for: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/...30[View]
48973640Anonymous>you get approached by this Abo on the street >...0[View]
48972021AnonymousWhen did you grow out of religion? I was 15 back then. I haven't talked with any religious pers...40[View]
48973542AnonymousGermany needs to build up an Askari army again. And quick. Syrians and Afghans have experience with ...0[View]
48961898AnonymousShould Turkey be paying reparations to various groups? Do you believe in the idea of reparations?16[View]
48952010AnonymousWhat is your country's greatest ally?178[View]
48964526Anonymous>Vietnam loves us more than france What the fuck.71[View]
48967197Anonymous>you will never be indian25[View]
48973314AnonymousHappy birthday, based Emperor!0[View]
48968728AnonymousWhich country has the biggest variance of beautiful and ugly people? I think it's Somalia tbh. ...47[View]
48964317AnonymousSverigetråd: överlägsenhet edition487[View]
48970162AnonymousHappy birthday!: 639[View]
48970499AnonymousWhy are Slavs so obsessed with this stupid pancake cat?76[View]
48968274AnonymousGermany is going through hard times. Say something nice to cheer them up.16[View]
48966343AnonymousWho has the least intelligible accent in your language?134[View]
48972240AnonymousPutin is sending Spetsnaz to fight ISIS: >'The deployment of the Spets...10[View]
48967039AnonymousWhat are the demographics of your country?: Is your country cucked? Do you feel as if you are...30[View]
48972725Anonymous>people actually think that making your bed is a 'skill' rather than just a u...2[View]
48957051AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: Newds and lewds edition Come meet great women and others from aro...372[View]
48972256Anonymous>the cold war never ended2[View]
48969030Anonymous/brit/: Ready my knights for battle. They will ride with their king once more. I have lived t...396[View]
48971690Anonymousyou get a call from argentina....9[View]
48971871Anonymousyou get a call from spain....10[View]
48969475Anonymousautumn: I like autumn :3 It's super cosy and it's super extra cosy if you live in a...39[View]
48971861AnonymousGood morning, Europe Have a nice day4[View]
48972284AnonymousWhen did you realise that duolingo is a farce and completely unsuitable for learning languages?2[View]
48972314AnonymousGamers in your country, post'em: Show me gamers from your country. I want to see if they...5[View]
48970187AnonymousI love drinking wine and travelling around foreign cities on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...20[View]
48972107Anonymousyou get a call from the ukraine....5[View]
48961183AnonymousWhy American students don't wear uniforms at school?147[View]
48967158AnonymousCanada or Czech rep.? which one is more worth visiting?28[View]
48972053AnonymousHelp to show what might happen if ou share soma 'stupid pic': Original text from the Facebook...3[View]
48971519Anonymous>you will never be a marine >you will never be ...20[View]
48933751Anonymous/MeNa/ - Middle East & North Africa: SAY PHOTOSHOP ONE MORE TIME FAGGOT AND I SHREK YOUR ...312[View]
48971985Anonymouspost gurls from ur cunt singin' in angliche https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhh-MJVWwXY0[View]
48971586Anonymous>Itt: biggest fuck ups in history I'll start ...3[View]
48967547AnonymousWhy aren't we overthrowing Eritea's government? Or Turkmenistans? Or Belarus's?27[View]
48971812AnonymousComparative Essay: Writing an essay on foreign language education policy in other countries. ...3[View]
48971836Anonymous>be brazilian >get shot0[View]
48970220AnonymousMehmet, my.... son?1[View]
48965160Anonymous>american 'grave'66[View]
48971323AnonymousWhy even have two countries over there? Might as well merge them into one super omega shithole. smh ...14[View]
48970515Anonymous>Britlards and Yuropoors pronounce tyranny (right way: tie-ranny) as 'tear-ra...31[View]
48971474AnonymousWhy did Gaddafi piss off Saudi Arabia so much?6[View]
48970194AnonymousWhat do you dream about?37[View]
48971555AnonymousYou wake up on Curacao.0[View]
48967895AnonymousWhat would a Finnish superhero be like?36[View]
48971538AnonymousQuestion: Canada. Why is he still alive? Are you affraid of black ones?0[View]
48968394AnonymousAustralians are awake Post kiwis19[View]
48965325AnonymousRedpill me /int/8[View]
48970426An international refugeeI have a dream of traveling into Germany I heard that Germans sit in park and lay under the sun How ...5[View]
48967258AnonymousPost ITT if your country has a Blue Water Navy. Not so fast, BRIC nations.15[View]
48968224Anonymous>tfw mum caught me emptying my pissbottles16[View]
48969588MexicoHispanicDo you hate Mexico?59[View]
48969303AnonymousLet's have a serious, respectful discussion about mexican and amerindian culture. Which amerind...95[View]
48968540Anonymous/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico: A general for discussing all things north america, its culture, curre...330[View]
48925183Anonymous/mämmi/: Mongooli -editio308[View]
48969894AnonymousWhy don't we plant landmines instead of building a wall?8[View]
48963166AnonymousBattlestations of /int/ thread.17[View]
48969053AnonymousInternation Feels Thread: >tfw it will never come back3[View]
48965279Anonymousfind a flaw18[View]
48970620AnonymousWinter has come. Anyone colder?2[View]
48969108Anonymous>1.) Youre country >2.) What do you call repeat...23[View]
48942767Anonymous>be American >bears shit on your lawn ht...172[View]
48970550Anonymous>this is what australians do for fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H...3[View]
48970455AnonymousAisan kannatus -painos0[View]
48965946AnonymousTraditional English Breakfast7[View]
48970312Anonymous>b mrcn >pew pew2[View]
48964436AnonymousHow long has your family lived in your country? Only one side of mine was here since Mayflower, the ...19[View]
48969910AnonymousAceh Sharia: What is wrong with Aceh10[View]
48970336AnonymousHow do people get schwifty in your country?2[View]
48969273Anonymoushow do you say 'weeaboo' in your language?27[View]
48967288Anonymous>Average american diet25[View]
48967178AnonymousWhy does nobody care about Iraq and Afghanistan anymore? What was the point of the wars if they didn...36[View]
48969891AnonymousOperation Nemesis: How does it feel to see your Ottoman leaders and Genocide perpetrators be ...5[View]
48969984Anonymous>tfw summer home in Antibes got flooded GLOBAL WARMING IS FUCKING REAL...3[View]
48969522AnonymousWhat do you call it? http://strawpoll.me/567425810[View]
48967815pussydestroyer96The way yankees put so much grief and sadness into a simple battle that they lost!Aren't this i...40[View]
48958149Anonymous>Mexican girls81[View]
48969655AnonymousI'm a travel thirsty guy with no connections and disdain for tourist traps, I want to travel so...4[View]
48969533AnonymousWhat is it like to live in a non-meme country? Does it hurt? Is it painful?20[View]
48964671AnonymousHilo latino - /lat/: Aloha bro323[View]
48969662AnonymousHow hard is migrating here? Are any secure places? How hard is to get a gf there? Is life cheaper th...0[View]
48969536Anonymousylilauta is not working. Me, Viljami and Make have to shitpost everything ebin over here from school...0[View]
48960598AnonymousIf China has 1 billion people then how come no one from there post here?23[View]
48968485Anonymous/NAFTA/: Tom Brady on a scooter edition. Let's discuss NAFTA, guys. Has it been producti...4[View]
48959062AnonymousDrunks: This happened at uconn, my university. Does this shit happen at your schools? https...165[View]
48968649Anonymous>I have seen their backs before, madam. >This i...1[View]
48969376AnonymousITT: We summon Nepal0[View]
48964361Anonymousr8 my brekky fam.46[View]
48969080Anonymousmake a meme with this area 51 alien shit XD top 10 post go to famous memes2[View]
48959606AnonymousIf not USA then who would you like to see in charge of the world? Go ahead I will wait. ...95[View]
48955055AnonymousWhy is my country such a shithole?167[View]
48955976AnonymousWhat goes on in Virginia?75[View]
48968571MexicoHispanicAussies are similar as Indians9[View]
48964576AnonymousLets rate the posters on /int/ by country9[View]
48967177AnonymousHow do I increase the quality of my bantz?19[View]
48948381AnonymousWhy don't Japs want to boost their military reach and capabilities? Why do they have to be dra...42[View]
48963427AnonymousHispanic Women: What does /int/ think of Hispanic women?16[View]
48968637AnonymousEpic meme edition0[View]
48965640AnonymousWhat went wrong?26[View]
48968630Anonymousnew game: post google search trends and others have to guess what the word is try to keep the words ...0[View]
48967814AnonymousOFFICIAL PLEB LANGUAGE POWER RANKING: This is the OFFICIAL pleb language power ranking. These...7[View]
48966524Anonymous/int/ confirms new canadian flag7[View]
48968475Anonymoushttp://thump.vice.com/en_us/article/a-blood-rave-is-coming-to-new-york-citys-comic-con THU...0[View]
48967428AnonymousWhich national hero from your cunt do you like best? .4[View]
48966867AnonymousHow come most Asian posters speak pretty alright English here but the Japanese posters fail miserabl...15[View]
48968208AnonymousIs it true that Russians don't eat food like you or me, but rather subsist on a thin broth harv...1[View]
48954734AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear shoes when swimming?169[View]
48966570Anonymous/cum/: ''''''''''''''''''jalisco'''''''''''''''''' edition418[View]
48968139Anonymousthe company i work for is american and i don't pay any taxes in sweden because nobody here want...0[View]
48966036Anonymous>tfw you will never be mongolian why even live lads?22[View]
48964271AnonymousReminder that ~1890-1914 was objectively the greatest time period in human history.80[View]
48963534Anonymous/brit/: inshallah brothers edition: /mena/ is asleep, any britpakis wanna give me a proper tr...381[View]
48962934AnonymousWhich rifle is more superior? Also, who would win a war?22[View]
48961258AnonymousPost a fighting game character from your country. If you can't post at least one, then you...30[View]
48966712Anonymous/kint/ - Weapons + History = sugoi: Gather around fams. In this thread we discuss military hi...20[View]
48966076AnonymousWait... Can somebody tell me what's on this flag again?19[View]
48967171AnonymousAmerican/Australian anthem: /int/ Have you ever noticed how similar the Australian and the Am...3[View]
48953453Anonymousbrits, get out from south atlantic! reeeeeeeeeeeeee!152[View]
48967047Anonymouswhich cunt should just realize they're fucking retarded and stop posting altogether?12[View]
48963576AnonymousDo you have /bros/?? We are talking about /int/, not real world shit.78[View]
48959675AnonymousWhy are American goys after this small harmless nation with great culture?90[View]
48966965Anonymous>my snow when a scanty nodick claimed to be from a cold and snowy place...9[View]
48964076AnonymousWho is the Ronda Rousey of your country?17[View]
48950692Anonymous>europoors will never know the pain of growing up in a country wherein people...209[View]
48963942Anonymous>Wake up >Argentina still exists why eve...19[View]
48966955Anonymous>this is what wetbacks actually believe0[View]
48935267AnonymousProve you are white: Can you do it?211[View]
48964498Anonymous>A FUCKING CLOVER4[View]
48953771AnonymousPost Castles from your country: >Granadilla, west spain, pic related...126[View]
48966832Anonymousis the usa the best country of all time? I, like majority of the world, think yes.0[View]
48953624Anonymous>wake up >check to see if iceland is 51st state...77[View]
48936971AnonymousMuh heritage thread.146[View]
48964562Anonymous>wake up >Taiwan is still claimed by the PROC...5[View]
48943257AnonymousAsian-Americans in Europe: How are they treated? Are people racist against them?161[View]
48965589Anonymous>wake up >Honduras isn't part of the Unite...11[View]
48960794AnonymousHow do you tell if you're descended from the celts, saxons, anglos, gauls, goths or slavs, viki...8[View]
48962340Anonymous/luso/: Edição cara do Passos48[View]
48966082AnonymousYou guys ever wonder when you see any posts under Russian flags critical of the US, maybe, just mayb...13[View]
48962367AnonymousHow do we destroy this country's economy?31[View]
48962368Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: FIO/thread anterior: >>48938804 Useful links: ...320[View]
48964708Anonymous/cum/: JAV edition308[View]
48965741Anonymousnobody actually likes canadians in real life right? pic related, canadian children enjoying the wild...19[View]
48966310AnonymousDoes your country have blatant new world propaganda? America https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=29&...0[View]
48960577AnonymousWhat will happen for Syria ?22[View]
48965273AnonymousNational music from the old days.: Post here a national or at least very iconic piece from yo...3[View]
48965963AnonymousWas he Muslim?5[View]
48950229Anonymous>be Australian >still use flag with United Cuck...68[View]
48946341Anonymous>yfw Varg is Russiaboo102[View]
48963825Anonymous>bro >dude >lad...26[View]
48964744Anonymous>name of country implies chinese are people3[View]
48964096AnonymousWhat's it like to live in a chipless society?1[View]
48964863AnonymousAre Aussies good at bantering? I don't see it to be tbh9[View]
48957679AnonymousIs it safe to say that India gets bullied on here more than the US?15[View]
48964374Anonymous>The threat of the islam is upon the west and is puting in danger christianit...23[View]
48965025Anonymous>get shot >this song starts playing http...0[View]
48941668AnonymousFriendly reminder if your country is not a regional power you do NOT live in a relevant country.57[View]
48964169Anonymousyour country is a tv show, what is it's theme song USA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qit...4[View]
48963730Anonymous>1. Your country of origin >2. Did you ever fin...3[View]
48960547AnonymousIf every Mexican and Indian suddenly swapped countries would they even know the difference? Both cou...52[View]
48963997Anonymous>american culture5[View]
48962579AnonymousHey /int/, there's any famous comic from your country? or international comic shit? Diabolik, M...12[View]
48953482Anonymous>A famous Swedish band made a song about getting cucked https://www.yo...21[View]
48963669Anonymous>4 (FOUR) LEAVES4[View]
48964827Anonymous>American parody music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7ZOZdjEa...0[View]
48964776AnonymousItt: Post images you'd like to see flags on. Suggest who gets which flag.0[View]
48959139AnonymousHilo latino - /lat/: Hilo latino Saludos a la raza315[View]
48963218AnonymousPost your collection map. I'm pretty impressed with mine tbh16[View]
48960812AnonymousRisk thread anyone?7[View]
48957169AnonymousSwedcuck royalty: >Sweden >Yes5[View]
48961496Anonymous/cum/ Canadia-Estados Unidos-Mejico: surely rain will come...someday --edition335[View]
48964524AnonymousWhat's on your playlist, /int/0[View]
48964198Anonymousepidemic fire boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_orOT3Prwg#t=4m54s3[View]
48958622FlipCapital Autism: Which country/countries' capitals rustle your jimmies, /int/? Pic relate...9[View]
48958139AnonymousITT: we post what animal we think posters of other countries are. Pic related, a young Aussie alread...38[View]
48964241AnonymousI made food6[View]
48962202AnonymousAmerica love thread. Why do you love America?7[View]
48961531AnonymousMehmet thread9[View]
48962370AnonymousSpanish Immersion: Estoy trabajando en mi español, ¿qué programas o películas deben estar ate...11[View]
48949779Anonymoushilo latino /lat/ con aguante 'una vez mas llegamos los pibe chorros': hilo latino ...299[View]
48953628kuzukuzuItalian food is the most overrated cuisine in the world. In fact the only reason it's so popula...22[View]
48963901Anonymoushttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34453739 >Russia's violation o...3[View]
48962506Anonymous>tfw slowly becoming a sinophile Quick, someone reacquaint me with the...26[View]
48962900AnonymousIs cajun food the best usonian food ?6[View]
48961211Anonymous/brit/: shiplads edition311[View]
48957719Anonymous>mfw some non English speakers freaked out when couples use 'baby' as pet nam...31[View]
48961913Anonymous>American girls66[View]
48962885AnonymousAverage Spaniard12[View]
48963569AnonymousWhat absolute madmans has your country produced? For Australia, Steve Irwin obviously0[View]
48953357AnonymousDo Latin Americans really learn that North and South America are a single continent called America?19[View]
48954173Anonymous/balt/: bitchbois not invited worst ever balt edition113[View]
48949516AnonymousWhy is Japan so perfect?71[View]
48962326AnonymousWhy is Germany committing cultural and demographic suicide? I think it's a WW2 guilt thing. Mer...5[View]
48955650Anonymous/neder/: Nederdraad: Ik maak er gauw een voordat die belg weer een marianen thyssen draad maa...177[View]
48961269Anonymouswhat's even the point in living anymore58[View]
48963025AnonymousWhy do japanese politicians put up lame posters everywhere? Why do they look like they're about...0[View]
48948185Anonymous/ita/ IL FILO: È lui o non è lui?290[View]
48962641AnonymousIs it true that other countries get greater than 16 bit internet?: how do you afford all the ...5[View]
48962248AnonymousWhat ever happened to Armenians? There used to be a lot of them, and then they just disappeared?9[View]
48962101MexicoHispanicMexico is a white/hispanic, western and catholic3[View]
48962162AnonymousNever forget: Filthy a*menian always complain about their 'genocide' but what they did to AZE...1[View]
48962358Anonymous>mfw Great Shitian has three non-country flags on their flag ...6[View]
48955663AnonymousNow with 1000% More Immigrant: http://www.rtvdrenthe.nl/nieuws/100612/Boze-inwoners-Oran...20[View]
48962388AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear shoes when shopping?5[View]
48938804Anonymous/luso/ - Edição Portugal Está Fodido: Thread Anterior >>48915857 Useful links: ...322[View]
48958974AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear Velcro shoes when overseas?2[View]
48960119AnonymousAre Balkan girls different from regular slav women? Are they depressed alcoholics like Russians, pro...10[View]
48957059Anonymous/deutsch/: Jährliche Erinnerung daran, dass genau heute vor 136 Jahren der Zweibund zwischen ...311[View]
48960653AnonymousPEPE I S A NORMIE MEME, STOP POSTING IT!: I don't care if I get banned for this, someone...11[View]
48961915AnonymousSome of you street-shitters are alright. Don't go to the loo tomorrow if you're in Goa2[View]
48956399AnonymousMedieval /int/: >Meanwhile in Medieval /int/74[View]
48961959AnonymousI can have a custom print on a free pen. What's the dankest meme to place there assuming I am ...5[View]
48950854AnonymousSeriously, what are the perks of living in an apartment and why Europeans glorify this kind of accom...119[View]
48961763Anonymous8 million new toilets later, India isn't much cleaner: http://www.usatoday.com/story/new...6[View]
48939897Anonymous/tr/: M*SLÜMANLAR ARABİSTANA edişın255[View]
48948781Anonymous>Young indian boy gets kidnapped by a witch while using a outside toilet in t...32[View]
48951041AnonymousITT post your country's parlament building and/or assembly hall128[View]
48961833AnonymousRomans and greeks would name provinces bastardized versions of their native names or names of tribes...0[View]
48954472AnonymousPost cover of harry potter and the philosopher's stone from your cunt and r871[View]
48956278AnonymousSverigetråden - Vinterupplagan488[View]
48956107Anonymous>honhonhon, j'adore le homme anglais6[View]
48961666AnonymousLA FRONT NATIONAL GAGNERA !1[View]
48959098AnonymousHave you ever heard the ''The Book of Good Australian Beer'?8[View]
48956353Anonymous/cum/: the real george z edition310[View]
48948126AnonymousITT:Natives >Your cunt >How much the natives re...30[View]
48960232Anonymous1. Your cunt 2. What do you think about HONY? 1. Canada 2. Cherrypicked stories for maximum feels an...9[View]
48956521AnonymousWhere is nice to visit in Brazil?47[View]
48960785Anonymous>wake up >'The flight plan I just filed with th...5[View]
48959269AnonymousA country is basically third world if half their population can't speak english. Don't you...39[View]
48958554Anonymous/brit/: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus der Heiligen Maria in Jerusalem edition https://w...315[View]
48959512AnonymousWhy the human became complex and created civilisation and else ? Evolution or he was alreasy capable...9[View]
48958110AnonymousGermany without consonants: ea16[View]
48959369Anonymous>He doesnt like Anglo women15[View]
48959962AnonymousWhat foreign girls are guys in your cunt most attracted to? Here in the UK I think it is Spanish gir...5[View]
48942880Anonymoushow would you describe british society?115[View]
48955429AnonymousI live in a town that is 90% hispanic, the vast majority of which are chicanos and mexicans. I am t...46[View]
48947051Anonymous/v4/: memes edition old: >>48926007163[View]
48952192AnonymousHappyness: What makes your life worth living?135[View]
48953213AnonymousSo it's agreed?81[View]
48957702AnonymousPolack music at Skellige. It's really butifel. Are you agree ?63[View]
48960524Anonymoushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daayan >In Harangul it is believed that da...0[View]
48943562Anonymous/isr/ /ישר/: Israel thread. Dirty south Edition. Invited: Everyone except Yahtzan. Definitely...26[View]
48958624Anonymousitt: non countries5[View]
48952381AnonymousIt's time to play guess the country! >Lesbian bishop calls for crosses t...109[View]
48958031Anonymouswhat is your opinion on kazy? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazy14[View]
48949029Anonymous>USA decides to suddenly go full-on non-interventionist again all of a sudden...36[View]
48936744AnonymousWhy did Turks genocide the Armenians?105[View]
48952166AnonymousAre British men considered attractive in your country?28[View]
48951286Anonymous/polska/: Edycja IG.332[View]
48926853Anonymous/Norgetråden/: SUUUUUUUUUUUUUPERTIRSDAG!329[View]
48954668AnonymousTwin City Fight: Which town does /int/ prefer: Guildford, on the left, or Freiburg, on the ri...4[View]
48957670Anonymous>you will never be a pirate on the open seas during the dawn of the new world...12[View]
48959149Anonymous>Eating lunch at food court in mall >a Flemish ...0[View]
48947867Anonymous/balk/ - Balkan Thread: Previous Thread: >>48930294228[View]
48944218Anonymous/ex-yu/: ružica edition303[View]
48955351AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear shoes when watching TV?16[View]
48956433AnonymousEnglish is very hard to learn. Without the french and latin words inside this language I would not a...24[View]
48946475AnonymousThe poverty in western countries is very sad. I went to the new Thai restaurant in Paris. Restaurant...44[View]
48958561AnonymousGerman authorities accused of playing down refugee shelter sex crime reports http://www.reuters.com/...1[View]
48935166AnonymousWhats it like to live as middle class in Norway?101[View]
48952283Anonymous>his language uses the Latin alphabet despite not being Latin-based Lo...21[View]
48946610Anonymous>Australians will defend this39[View]
48957316Anonymous>go to Goethe Institut yesterday to sign up for their German class ...10[View]
48954887Anonymous>See name of Nepali porn star >Google it...4[View]
48956306Anonymouswhat happens here: What happens here? Looks quite nice!10[View]
48955043Anonymous/brit/: Red Friars edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC-JKId3SoA376[View]
48957852AnonymousSo let me get this straight, you're counting on Eastern Europe to PROTECT you from a burqa futu...0[View]
48948086AnonymousHow much does freedom cost?39[View]
48949797AnonymousITT: The worst leader in your country's history Disclaimer - May not include your current head ...76[View]
48954020Anonymousconsonants without consonants: ooa1[View]
48954803AnonymousNATO=America's harem13[View]
48956652AnonymousWhy do Americans wear shoes?2[View]
48957357AnonymousFind a flaw1[View]
48955027Anonymoushttps://youtu.be/96R4Pcad5nA Okay, for those who haven't seen this, you have to. This guy is Ca...7[View]
48957450AnonymousҚaзaқcтaн: gulyash0[View]
48952078AnonymousSome of you gaijin ah arwight. Do not go to Nanking tomowwow. Rook at the news for updatus.4[View]
48953250AnonymousState-sponsored prostitutes for refugees in Germany: So, why aren't we talking about thi...7[View]
48951047AnonymousWhat's your favorite cunt in each of the categories? >Germanic ...92[View]
48950006AnonymousWhy are these two islands so irrelevant? Do they even have a name15[View]
48946339Anonymous/Pyccкий тpeд/: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AUG1YEUuGw Invited: everyone not invited...12[View]
48950995AnonymousA question to Japanese people. Is it true that mother-son incest is kinda prevalent in Japanese cult...9[View]
48945471Anonymous>1000 year history >literally never been conque...63[View]
48948191AnonymousI have never seen an Irish poster on this board who wasn't raging about something. What is it t...20[View]
48932669AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: Cuckoldry edition Come meet sick cunts from around the world, pra...317[View]
48942560AnonymousHow is Spain not white? White = European facial features, light skin, and if I'm Europe Spain i...145[View]
48951356Anonymous/deutsch/faden: Germanische Prachtweiber - Edition349[View]
48956326AnonymousHow would the average citizen of your nation react to a witch living in their toilet?2[View]
48935053AnonymousArranged marriage: I got an offer from my aunt who always liked me and is jewish. A jewish gi...112[View]
48945402Anonymous/cum/: Ruby Ridge edition316[View]
48956213AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear shoes when sleeping?0[View]
48955924Anonymousis there a term for people who can speak 1 language but understand 2? for instance I speak and under...9[View]
48953254Anonymousthat feeling: when you are not a real country. discuss15[View]
48955054AnonymousAre there any countries you'd be afraid to live in, ignoring money? For me it's anything m...10[View]
48947923AnonymousI'm a Bosniaboo12[View]
48955725nicogalieThe argentines are sooo white2[View]
48954548Anonymous>I'm not a racist2[View]
48941391Anonymous/neder/: Nederdraad: Beta revolutie editie305[View]
48955314Anonymousfighter jet locked its radar on to eight of its jets on Monday.: 'lasted for a long time.'doe...2[View]
48954815AnonymousUber: Do you use Uber in your country? I've only used it a couple of times but am taking...8[View]
48955422AnonymousA british friend of mine told me that hogwarts from harry potter is based on a school in Belfast. Is...0[View]
48946242AnonymousIn a scenario where i am 5,41 ft tall and 18yo with a face of a 15yo, and do a exchange to USA/Canad...47[View]
48954858AnonymousPenis and Vagina, multilanguage edition: What does it mean if someone call you a cunt or a di...1[View]
48954054Anonymous>Be a kid growing up in America >Get shot ...10[View]
48954935Anonymous>you will never live in a Canadian trailer park Why even live0[View]
48954731Anonymous>tfw you only know a meme language1[View]
48950698AnonymousIN THIS THREAD BE AS AMERICAN AS POSSIBLE!: I wake up every morning to this!! https://www.yo...10[View]
48942087Anonymousrate finnish girls (pic and video related) https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=10&v=aJe8fMg99kQ36[View]
48937536AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...328[View]
48937317AnonymousApparently the longbow wasnt able to pierce the french armour, so how could england win the battle o...181[View]
48951931Anonymous/brit/: hospitaller edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBGtC9yWTkk378[View]
48934845Anonymous>he lives in an apartment60[View]
48954083Anonymous1. Your country 2. Is this the worst job that has ever existed? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonde...2[View]
48943278AnonymousThese guys left behind some distant descendants, right? Reinstitution of the Russian monarchy soon r...98[View]
48953692Anonymous>Silverstein has said in interviews that he usually spent his mornings in bre...7[View]
48943621AnonymousWhat are you eating/gonna eat today? Pic related pelmeni with smetana, based Russian store.30[View]
48944827AnonymousAn untouchable Indian man married a Swedish princess and rode his bike from India to Sweden to meet ...52[View]
48947707AnonymousIn your cunt, do people pride themselves on which restaurants they get reservations for?11[View]
48952604AnonymousRank These Twin Towns: Rank these twin towns on which looks the nicest in pic related: Leming...9[View]
48953530Anonymous/int/, you have ten seconds to explain why you think the top 2% of society should be allowed to expl...1[View]
48950597Anonymous1) Your Country 2) Who is the best mathematician of all time? My vote goes to Carl Friedrich GauB17[View]
48951014Anonymous>wake up >Europe is now this What do?16[View]
48936842AnonymousSay something nice about Russia and Russians I'll start, Russians are Kawai https://www.youtub...75[View]
48942905AnonymousMy dad asked me, 'why do European homes look the same' and I told him that Canadian & American h...159[View]
48950047poland strongJAPAN JAPAN JAPAN... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TyH8dBy4H888[View]
48946950Anonymous/fr/ Édition sans japoniaiseries: Comment s'est passée ta journée, anon ?367[View]
48947453Anonymousit's 23:13 here goodnight, lovely people :36[View]
48953325Anonymous>tfw 19 and conservative in a degenerate shitskin country Life is pain...0[View]
48934238Anonymous/balt/: Moral crusader Nils edition328[View]
48948672AnonymousWho would win in a war, the Arab states or the Slavic states with no other countries involved?12[View]
48953003AnonymousWere you a cool guy in 90's but a total loser in 2015?3[View]
48943398Anonymouswhat are average grills like from your cuntry?47[View]
48952468AnonymousTeach me about the history and culture of ancient Egypt5[View]
48951339Anonymous/deutsch/: Anime! - Edition21[View]
48947346AnonymousSverigetråden: I den här upplagan av Sverigetråden så nämner vi inte invandringen.506[View]
48951979poland strongif we colonise planets can we agree every European nation shoul have separate one for its own? how w...4[View]
48951795AnonymousPost your country's best meme. Here we have funny yellow head meme7[View]
48945852Anonymous>Central Europe consists of several countries >...59[View]
48951563AnonymousWe're invading your country and taking your women, white boys. It doesn't matter if you el...4[View]
48947190AnonymousWhen is the appropriate age to stop sitting on daddy's lap while in sauna?18[View]
48951263AnonymousThinking of moving to another country, the question is which country?11[View]
48951509AnonymousDaily reminder that Sweden is a French colony19[View]
48942491AnonymousIs pan-slavism dead? Germans betreyed us agian19[View]
48946737AnonymousWho is the retardedest politician in you're cunt?43[View]
48952185AnonymousIf your cunt never genocided some natives, you're a non-country1[View]
48950991Anonymouslanka: uus lanka2[View]
48952143AnonymousImagine you were given the opportunity to carve out your own country from any territory on the plane...0[View]
48950722Anonymoushttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-jersey-34154416 >Two Jersey men w...6[View]
48951848AnonymousHenri VIII did nothing wrong: Boleyn and Howard totally deserved it. Why catholic propaganda ...0[View]
48940878Anonymous/HISP/: Hilo Hispanico Toda la hispano esfera es bienvenida Invitados de honor: Cono Sur300[View]
48948835AnonymousAny Danes online that can give me some advice? I got a few questions. I am strongly considering goi...6[View]
48929390AnonymousRussia violated Turkey's airspace again. Turkey is threatening Russia with reprisals if it happ...204[View]
48948000Anonymous>wake up >bulg*ria still exists3[View]
48951692AnonymousWhy do italian-americans not watch anime dubbed in their ethnic language? We love anime. Lucca Comic...0[View]
48951684AnonymousWhy are Australians so superior when it comes to bantz0[View]
48950474Anonymous>has a monarchy >flies a republican tricolor...5[View]
48946573Anonymous/deutsch/: Joko und Klaas Edition310[View]
48949337Anonymous/brit/: Christian edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntT2VemnVV8395[View]
48943099Anonymousat what age do fathers teach their kids to shoot in your country? I learned when I was 10, and I...42[View]
48951341AnonymousDaliy reminder that Texas is bigger then Russia.0[View]
48948959AnonymousAverage Lithuanian man.4[View]
48949124AnonymousIf you had to go to africa, which part would you go to to have the highest chance of surviving?18[View]
48949353Anonymouswhy people arount the world thinks that czech girls are easy and slutty??? it hurts my feelings´:(((...7[View]
48937401Anonymous>be Australian >get a supersonic 1.5 MB/s Inter...43[View]
48950478AnonymousAt what age did you realize that Brits conquered the world not because they are smart, but because t...6[View]
48945103Anonymous/polska/: edycja pt. spierdolenie to mem, a Ty jesteś samoużalającą się cienką pizdą328[View]
48950258AnonymousCan we have a travel thread, /int/? Talk about places you've been, where you'd like to go...3[View]
48929995Anonymous>be British leftist >come to Finland ...134[View]
48950630AnonymousPost the most 'your country here' pic you have7[View]
48942135AnonymousFaces of /int/: http://flashface.ctapt.de/ Just posting my collection33[View]
48946145Anonymous>there are americans who will vote for Bernie unironically explain you...33[View]
48941600Anonymous>Svenska polisen gör det svårare för transitflyktingar ...91[View]
48947924AnonymousITT: reddit countries12[View]
48944628AnonymousLet's play: Hey /int/ want to play a game? Say something you like and something you hate...22[View]
48947150AnonymousHOW TO FIX /int/: generals are the cancer killing /int/ fuck generals tbh16[View]
48936909AnonymousWe do good?172[View]
48946730AnonymousWell, /int/?58[View]
48940457Anonymoushow is WW2 taught in your county?316[View]
48950585Anonymous>visit UK >this song starts playing http...0[View]
48950418AnonymousHow do others countries have birthday parties without coxinha and brigadeiro? It's not a birthd...1[View]
48948033Anonymous>Wake up in the morning >Still don't have ...3[View]
48949865Anonymousgive me your thoughts on this proposed flag for New Zealand.7[View]
48950235AnonymousDo Europeans have a problem with Somalians?0[View]
48950164AnonymousTAAF thread: Any regular /int/ user knows that there's a Belgian 'robot' or autist that ...0[View]
48944598AnonymousPortuguese people in France are the only allies French native people have in the upcoming race war.W...41[View]
48940998AnonymousBest language - french Manliest language - polish The most underrated language - russian The most ov...46[View]
48948994Anonymous/int/ernational music #2: Post your favourite tracs in your native. Provide some commentary. ...5[View]
48948029AnonymousWhich countries will no longer exist in 100 years? I'll start with the obvious one.5[View]
48946585AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...2[View]
48939975AnonymousWould the Middle East not be such a shithole today if the Ottoman Empire still existed?86[View]
48945822AnonymousTry and post islands that are more aesthetically pleasing. PROTIP: you can't63[View]
48941294Anonymous/deutsch/ vom perser gecuckt Edition: Bitte lass uns in Ruhe :'( Wir haben alles getan, ...308[View]
48945891Anonymouswhats stopping a bunch of refugees who dindu nuffin to storm an american embasy in germany?4[View]
48933581AnonymousPerfect conditions for airstrikes on Syria, says weather forecaster on Russian TV https://www.youtub...67[View]
48946589AnonymousWhy are Americans so edgy?1[View]
48946900/fr//fr/: Fil Français : édition Boris.5[View]
48946058Anonymous/brit/: Who do you think you are kidding Mrs. Merkel? If you think the EU’s won, We are the b...406[View]
48948251Anonymous>the nation of the former Soviet Union3[View]
48938859AnonymousOkay, this is the first time I’m saying this online and asking for help online, as no one else seems...45[View]
48927887AnonymousName a single European country which can beat India in a war. >Protip: You fu...272[View]
48945584AnonymousITT:Post famous animals from your cunt13[View]
48947719Anonymous'Hi anon, let's do this!' Would you?2[View]
48927759Anonymous/ita/ - IL FILO: 'Everyone welcome' edition Invited: pretty much everyone Not invited: you317[View]
48947718Anonymous>tfw Asstralians are waking up Fuck1[View]
48945551AnonymousCan German speakers please translate this?: For some reason the CC subs are missing The part ...7[View]
48940907AnonymousAmericans will defend this: >But even if there were, only the most sav...17[View]
48943703AnonymousLive births outside marriage in Europe. Also: US: 40% Japan: 2% Thoughts?12[View]
48946452AnonymousJordan has been a refugee sponge lately. Why is Jordan able to do this or is it not? Is Jordan about...4[View]
48945044AnonymousHumor: >British 'comedy'10[View]
48947177The driving license guyThe assimilation of Quebec failed. Je parles Français!1[View]
48933385AnonymousAmerican movies > French movies This is an absolute fact208[View]
48945870Anonymous>American education18[View]
48946741AnonymousCan't Mercosur and Alianza del Pacifico just fuse? Gran Patria would happen.2[View]
48930294Anonymous/balk/: you used to call me on my cell phone edition old: >>48909880319[View]
48942566Anonymous>Hi mom and dad. This is my new American girlfriend LaQuisha How do yo...7[View]
48946444AnonymousOk, someone explain the logic behind this. As an ex-Muslim I consider myself an Islam pro. But I don...4[View]
48926007Anonymous/v4/: We are slowly dying edition313[View]
48946812Anonymouscaml rage . interview with one of donbass defendor.: https://youtu.be/gz0D3JiZd1M0[View]
48941355Anonymous>But I never liked Columbus. In Napoli, a lot of people are not so happy for ...71[View]
48946280Anonymous>American education7[View]
48930850Anonymous>You wake up in Moscow what do?59[View]
48935077AnonymousSyrian refugee protest against inhuman living conditions: www.barometern.se/oland/asylsokande...94[View]
48946413AnonymousYou wake up in Amman.1[View]
48923503AnonymousWhat goes on here?103[View]
48944446Anonymous>Swedes go to Hogschools instead of college What do they teach in Hogs...1[View]
48941733Anonymous>Australians think that Foster's is the pinnacle of beer crafting13[View]
48945043AnonymousWhat went wrong?9[View]
48932804AnonymousPost yfw Merkel wins the Nobel Peace Prize this friday.66[View]
48945076Anonymouswhat happens here?18[View]
48945367Anonymous>this actually fucking happened12[View]
48929713AnonymousToday is 150 anniversary since Czech Republic independence congratulate us ITT53[View]
48943505AnonymousHow is the wheater in your country?7[View]
48943125Anonymoushttp://www.therecord.com/news-story/5945231-man-dead-after-being-shot-with-arrow/ ...2[View]
48943092AnonymousMany Syrians looks like white to me. Why you white guys hates same caucasian friends?15[View]
48933557AnonymousLel the executives with their masters and millions btfo by simple employees. Equality for everyone, ...50[View]
48945561AnonymousGoodnight /int/ (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)2[View]
48942124Anonymous/brit/: wise hospitaller edition https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hmu6dP3-VCs362[View]
48931117Anonymous/polska/: edycja urbanistyczna http://natemat.pl/131005,jerzy-urban-o-charlie-hebdo-dla-...318[View]
48940465AnonymousDaily reminder that if you're not: >Bulgarian ...26[View]
48944292AnonymousIs he?5[View]
48931069Anonymous/cum/: Looking through your old subscriptions on your youtube, and feeling nostalgic and old ...310[View]
48945050Anonymous>Get told I'm meeting a few Irish exchange girls in university. ...3[View]
48939408AnonymousDo you have these stores in your country? They are named 'kiosco' here Also show candies from your c...16[View]
48937474AnonymousI'm ruzkie and very proud of it.18[View]
48945236Anonymous/Immi/: Who /Immigrant/ here? Who is living in a country that they were not born and raised i...0[View]
48944636AnonymousWhy do we help Africans ? In nature, the most stupid, weakest, most unadapted to an environment die,...9[View]
48928542Anonymousex-yu: ex-yu jutarnja inačica296[View]
48943431Anonymous>afl (a fucking leaf) in charge of knowing the history of the holiday it stol...15[View]
48942708Anonymous>Germany >white26[View]
48927109Anonymoushttps://stop-ttip.org/ Fellow eurofags, just a reminder that you have 14 hours left to subscribe thi...167[View]
48937482Anonymous>wake up >realize I'm still not French...99[View]
48939806Anonymous>mfw having dual citizenship in Canada makes me less free than any other Amer...3[View]
48943044AnonymousFood: Hey Brits, can you please explain this? Seriously, a sandwhich, in which, the content i...2[View]
48938161AnonymousITT take a picture of the view from your window and post it115[View]
48943664Anonymous>Australia >except for Seattle it's basica...7[View]
48944647Anonymous>Mfw an American didn't have a passport near me0[View]
48944607AnonymousWhy do Iranains hate this man?0[View]
48938960AnonymousSverigetråden: Tillägnad den godhjärtade PK-eliten508[View]
48930171AnonymousIslam is a religion of peace!: So really has their been no protest, riots, massacres, or shoo...16[View]
48934663AnonymousHow did you feel about your country when you were a kid? How do you feel about it now?27[View]
48942705Anonymous>durr Boland is 140% Bolish that's a lie, a slander and fucking p...19[View]
48941848Anonymous>You're country >Your country's great...48[View]
48944362Anonymous>Turks >the French ...0[View]
48943111Anonymous/FILT/ - FILTERS GENERAL: >open /int/ >b...4[View]
48942553AnonymousWhat did he mean by this?1[View]
48944207Anonymousdaily >be American >get shot thread: >be 8 years old American gi...0[View]
48943732Anonymous>La éternelle grenouille https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobster_Wa...1[View]
48935085AnonymousRightful serbian clay31[View]
48937325Anonymous>wake up >Estonia still exists5[View]
48942624AnonymousUh oh, Germany doesn't have enough young people! What can be done to fix this?10[View]
48943454AnonymousHow do I get a Russian gf?0[View]
48942727Anonymous>Get home from school >Desperate for a wank...3[View]
48932702Anonymous/asean/: true blue proud /sea/men edition321[View]
48939576AnonymousAre Balkan grils different than regular slavs? Will they be raging depressed alcoholics like Russian...43[View]
48940798Anonymousis joe rogan white?3[View]
48942723AnonymousLet's make a joke by using this pic. Muslim girl 'America is better than Germany?' Angelina Jol...4[View]
48942461AnonymousA FUCKING ONION10[View]
48938156AnonymousWhich are the worst country at making flags, and why is it the Brits?13[View]
48911555Anonymous/fr/ Fil Francophone: Édition de l'erreur originelle >beh oui c...396[View]
48942648AnonymousCALL OF DOGE5[View]
48935655AnonymousJust remember this: all of Western civilization is derived from Greece.14[View]
48937918Anonymousif some dudes in a remote Somali village got internet connection,networked and contacted Uk islamist...5[View]
48938033AnonymousHey Eesti, I wanna visit. What should I do in Talinn if I'm there for a weekend? If it's c...12[View]
48938818AnonymousITT: We discuss ways that Britain has fucked your country over: >give ...17[View]
48940163AnonymousI'll just leave this here...18[View]
48940130AnonymousThis question only of my German brothers. Some Germans are nostalgic for the days of the GDR? What d...17[View]
48941999AnonymousHow /1984/ is Great Britain like really? Do they really have cameras everywhere? How common are prop...7[View]
48928850AnonymousEverybody knows about the best Roman Emperors, but who were the best Roman Consuls?28[View]
48941920AnonymousThe forgotten alliance: Serbia's Great War monument to France: >O...2[View]
48938388AnonymousManlet murders russian guy for being tall: http://www.herald.ie/news/murder-probe-after-...19[View]
48938819Anonymousd-do Americans think we hate them just because of /int/? We don't, trust me. We all love Americ...16[View]
48940014AnonymousBased Russia A Russian weather forecast national TV caster says 'Today's the best sunny day to ...11[View]
48935338Anonymous/deutsch/ am Nachmittag: 'Erinnerungen aus der Jugend'-Ausgabe313[View]
48940596AnonymousWould you say this is true?16[View]
48941120Anonymous>wake up >the United States Minor Outlying Isla...4[View]
48941653AnonymousDo we soon have to make war with Germany again ? After we cleanse Syria next IS is in Germany.10[View]
48941882AnonymousCameron's speech edition0[View]
48931609AnonymousHow is integration with 2nd generation immigrants in your country? >Tfw when...129[View]
48939245The driving license guyThe assimilation of Quebec failed. You mad Anglos?8[View]
48934152AnonymousWhat happens here besides drugs, US fugitives, murder, banana republics and canals?10[View]
48937240Anonymous>write colonel >say kernel Anglospherefa...29[View]
48941095AnonymousITT: we pretend Mexico is an EU country.15[View]
48926600AnonymousHow much does a large 1 topping pizza cost near you? 7.99 with tax about 9 dollars125[View]
48937450Lietuvis gyvenantis OlandijojeDoes your capital city represent the true culture of your country? Where should we foreigners go to ...16[View]
48935694Anonymous>British pubs How did a country with such terrible beer develop such a...360[View]
48927066AnonymousIf we can take 800,000 refugees, why can't we take one?51[View]
48927749 !VVsqoetzSg/Nederdraad/ oetz: oetz oetz302[View]
48939707AnonymousCan a french oméga survives in United States of America ?7[View]
48915958Anonymous/LAT/ - HILO LATINO: HILO LATINO HISPANICO DE DEBATE El flajelo del coding se apodera de suda...297[View]
48932978AnonymousWhy do Japanese people believe they are superior to whites? Why are they so certain of their superio...55[View]
48930253Anonymous/phil/: Philippines thread /ASEAN/ is fucking cancer, we don't want to be associated wit...27[View]
48940473AnonymousPlease, North America, save us from Socialism.7[View]
48939216AnonymousPost your hometown.: As is.36[View]
48938128Anonymous/brit/: /Hey you with the pretty face! Welcome to the human race! ;3/ edition https://www.you...415[View]
48933157Anonymous>He has brown eyes49[View]
48940803AnonymousI want to live in the west HAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA4[View]
48940646AnonymousAs the first generation of self-entitled, pampered shits born after the war reach retirement age, th...4[View]
48940104Anonymouswhat the fuck happened with this shit?2[View]
48936502AnonymousThank fuck Japanese moot didn't give us a /hist/ory board. Seriously, when I see the /pol/-tier...52[View]
48939034Anonymousdear frenchmen, i have wrote a poem for your people. c'est la vie, sympathique, omelet du froma...18[View]
48939900AnonymousWhy many Americans here hate so much on California? >home of some of the grea...4[View]
48938737MatthewThePoleNazi buildings: We hear so much lately in Polish news especially of the legendary Nazi gold t...17[View]
48940402poland stronglibrary in the middle of the village9[View]
48902013AnonymousWhat's it like not being a superpower?190[View]
48939968AnonymousWhat percent of blue/green/grey eyed people in your coutry? Where i live, it's 66%, counting ro...5[View]
48939760AnonymousWE JUST MADE IT: Hey guise Today there has been a law made that allows international people g...15[View]
48905358Anonymous/tr/: ezel edition303[View]
48939696AnonymousWhy are Mediterranean people historically discriminated in New World Anglo colonies?4[View]
48926552AnonymousWhy are Mexicans so adverse to basic hygiene?.If you dropped a Mexican in India he would probably fe...87[View]
48927378Anonymous>everyone says girls from your country are slutty and easy ...39[View]
48932061AnonymousPost architecture from your city Urbis building in Manchester tbh202[View]
48939580AnonymousWhich country makes the best guns? Easy Mode: No Brazil1[View]
48939424AnonymousI'm so fucking sick of all the ignorant people in my country who think Hitler was German he was...5[View]
48939305Anonymousთუ კაცსა ძუძუ არ უყვარს, გასტანჯავს წუთისოფელი7[View]
48925304AnonymousI thought Europeans hated gypsies/romani? Why did they admit the gypsy homeland country to the EU?56[View]
48933398AnonymousWhat newschannel does /int/ watch?: >Russia Today will strengthen itse...28[View]
48939368AnonymousSo it's been a few weeks since I moved to Belgium and today I went to the gym like I've do...0[View]
48927697AnonymousIs it true kebab are now more common in England than Fish and Chips joints?52[View]
48937194Anonymousnigger repellent25[View]
48939211Anonymousspudrö sprödlöl purjo pore finnish sauna maämmi >mongol spädrörö ...0[View]
48938872AnonymousWhy do you provide such a terrible dating pool for Dutch grills, Switzerland?6[View]
48931986Anonymouswho /burdentotheircountry/ here?27[View]
48933551AnonymousITT: Russian celebrities in your country: https://youtu.be/k16qAGg18vI9[View]
48938729Anonymous/can/-Elect: CHOOSE YOUR FATE6[View]
48933031AnonymousWhat was your country doing in the 1920s?71[View]
48933391AnonymousNobel Prize - Japan Got 2 Wins: Takaaki Kajita, Physics Satoshi Omura, Physiology or Medicine...12[View]
48915857Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Edição Himouto Cristiano-chan Fio Anterior: >>48891138 Useful li...311[View]
48938693AnonymousFuck is wrong with British women?3[View]
48927326AnonymousRussia: Is it bad that I'm starting to want to move to Russia? Is it a bad idea? Any Rus...145[View]
48934489AnonymousGermans nowadays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo-D92k-e5M2[View]
48937327AnonymousI will just leave this there13[View]
48934929Anonymous/int/: I love you all. I want a meetup.87[View]
48934959AnonymousWhy didn't you stop it?3[View]
48931140AnonymousMaidan snipers turned out right sector activists and the current government members.: ...12[View]
48928757Anonymous>mfw the US is older than 34 European countries65[View]
48935110Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6mMpE8AaA0 Today, I will remind them. Answer yourself Australi...43[View]
48934732AnonymousCan you Finns be more of a meme?50[View]
48934835Anonymous>his country doesn't have christmas markets are you guys even rea...21[View]
48932571AnonymousYou must accept either 1 000 000 Polish into your country, or 1 000 000 Serbians. Which one do you c...75[View]
48930958Anonymouspost these36[View]
48936008Anonymous>LESBOS xDD TOP LEL tbh with u fams Get it ? xD LESBOS :-dddd18[View]
48913036AnonymousWhat's it like being Brazilian?107[View]
48933839AnonymousNATO secretary general confirms second Russian violation of Turkish airspace: What would he h...6[View]
48933602AnonymousTell me more about the relationship between these 2 countries16[View]
48936645AnonymousWhat's it like not living in a Nordic country?3[View]
48931661AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...327[View]
48936768AnonymousHis name Egor Letov. Yeah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGff1IfR0dQ2[View]
48931459haha you know whoGOD isnt JESUS >Abhisekh is GOD!!! >Alert all f...8[View]
48932269AnonymousDESIGNATED: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poo,_India2[View]
48932410AnonymousDo you support the the Aran Valley independence from the oppressive and hateful Catalonia? We have a...14[View]
48933854Anonymous/brit/: BoJo For PM Edition394[View]
48928628Anonymous/deutsch/: Blut und Meddl-Edition305[View]
48927665Anonymous>Be Amerifat >Get shot83[View]
48936934Anonymoushttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34450841 >GET ...0[View]
48930613AnonymousI'm in love with a dutch girl and I'm broke as shit and I'm an ugly Indian what do11[View]
48935306AnonymousZe french pride in live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAQmt-60nUY25[View]
48932255Anonymous>there was no real winter here for 3 years already, barely any snow ...6[View]
48935959AnonymousAmerican whores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vMNeOUwA1Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iy...16[View]
48936737Anonymoustfw no German gf2[View]
48935045Anonymous>tfw you'll never be a Turk >Turkey will n...5[View]
48935995Anonymous>be a rich German >have your car spit on by oth...6[View]
48934006AnonymousBased Pauline does it again https://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/watch/29720023/get-out-of-you...6[View]
48936127AnonymousWill the capitalist demand for foreign labor revive Marxism in Europe?1[View]
48931960AnonymousAre '''''refugees''''' welcome in your cunt?4[View]
48930790Anonymous/drunkies/: holy shit beer is good,I cant believe islam illegalize it.It makes me so happy ri...65[View]
48930428AnonymousDo you guys believe in God? If so, why? If not, why not?181[View]
48930093Anonymous11-year-old Ameritard shoots girl: >An 11-year-old eastern Tennessee b...343[View]
48932489AnonymousNobel prize in physics just came out. A Canadian and nip got the award. http://www.nobelprize.org/no...31[View]
48927662Anonymous1. Your cunt 2. A or B br B47[View]
48930770AnonymousHello /int/. Lets vote the best pokemon intro of these 9 languages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...17[View]
48921452AnonymousIs religion a burden on your country? Here it is not really. It's not talked about a lot.74[View]
48927023AnonymousTraumatised Syrian refugee girl cries after seeing Turkish police in uniform: would you comfo...83[View]
48932099Anonymousredpill me on sri lanka2[View]
48928762Anonymousmfw: >be Polish >eat pierogi Such...97[View]
48931830Anonymous>uk Lmao7[View]
48930377AnonymousWhy aren't you training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu AKA the deadliest school of martial arts on eart...11[View]
48934966Anonymous>Cunt >Are women just men with more attractive ...4[View]
48934882AnonymousI've always had a lisp, lately people I meet have been asking me were I'm from or what my ...5[View]
48928992Anonymoushow you make animal sounds in your language?42[View]
48926287AnonymousWhy are swedes and muslims so obsessed with anime?38[View]
48934868AnonymousPost rap music from your cunt Slavs need not apply https://youtu.be/7ejIxL8KtUk1[View]
48926509Anonymousur cuntry post like this15[View]
48930664AnonymousAverage Turkish man.10[View]
48922636Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyE78eyFRa8 Who is your country's funniest person?76[View]
48902385Anonymous/balt/: Tiffany edition mongoloids not welcome310[View]
48923741AnonymousSAY IT WITH ME: >be american140[View]
48921413Anonymous>mfw I was literally brought into the US illegally from Mexico by my mom when...49[View]
48922889Anonymousis it true that a japanese can read and translate a chinese text just by reading the characters, not...33[View]
48934231AnonymousWillkommenskultur Germany: Oktoberfest in Germany 2015 German 'Wilkommenskultur' :D...0[View]
48933562Anonymous>we will never taste real freedom How does non-americans feel this fee...3[View]
48924064Anonymous>why don't you cook for me tonight anon. I would love to try food from y...112[View]
48933410Anonymous>America don't have a nobility like England https://en.wikipedia....3[View]
48924539AnonymousHow come whenever I defend Turkey on here, people call me a turk?37[View]
48933017AnonymousYou wake up in Hungary11[View]
48920461AnonymousWhat is it like living under ISIS rule?30[View]
48928926funland the bestmaster finland: Have you expressed your gratitude towards finland, master of the white race, ...68[View]
48928633AnonymousIndian cuisine is the best in the world36[View]
48927685AnonymousWhy is the English language so retarded?38[View]
48932103AnonymousAll I know about Sri Lanka is that they're Buddhist. What makes them different to Indians and P...5[View]
48932393Anonymouswhy are indians the scourge of the world? fuck i hate them4[View]
48931370Anonymous>'His country isn't a superpower.'14[View]
48932399Anonymousdo westerners really think swarthy brunettes are non-white or it is just a meme? i am just curious. ...1[View]
48915165AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: I almost died fapping edition Come meet people, do stuff, get stu...312[View]
48908556Anonymous/asean/: Indon posters edition Engrish: Good morning Malay: Selamat Pagi Filipino: Magandang...316[View]
48928854Anonymous1( your country 2( did/do people like michael jackson?5[View]
48930956AnonymousWhy do americans say 'actually' so much? Pic unrelated10[View]
48920793AnonymousI feel...an odd sense of brotherhood between our countries. (No homo like my faggy pic choice might...107[View]
48932330AnonymousHow would you rate your countries television? It's a bit shit here I'll be honest2[View]
48928113AnonymousI was watching some video about German opinion on Americans and some lady said something along the l...135[View]
48929561Anonymous/brit/: Spook edition411[View]
48932072AnonymousFaragism: Faragism will be a political ideology.1[View]
48923662Anonymous>DEFECATION NATION13[View]
48931219Anonymous1. your country 2. is your country a funder of islamic terrorists? >Italy...2[View]
48925764AnonymousRussian games are so focus on the post-Apocalyptic niche genre? are Russians so obsessed in destroyi...26[View]
48921718Anonymouswhat's the best way to learn French?31[View]
48902681AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...317[View]
48908159Anonymous/polska/: Edycja Zaprzestania Robienia z Siebie Nieporadnej Spierdoliny. Motyw muzyczny temat...324[View]
48929230AnonymousDisgracing the eternal ruskie: >mfw I vomited while drunk all over the...37[View]
48928022AnonymousHow do you go from this..18[View]
48930785AnonymousAverage Lithuanian man.6[View]
48929837AnonymousYou hanging in there, /int/?6[View]
48925540AnonymousFirst let us establish that Asian girl is superior to white girl. Thank you. Now that unpleasantness...26[View]
48926232AnonymousSo I'm picking up my British passport next year (long story, I'm a dual citizen). I'v...19[View]
48929592AnonymousMurrica: http://www.unilad.co.uk/news/fox-news-says-people-in-australia-have-no-fre...52[View]
48930684>be shot >get american>be shot >get american2[View]
48926878AnonymousRip sweet Prince27[View]
48927471AnonymousNew Policy world-wide of no trade If your country doesn't produce it, its not available How fuc...77[View]
48930161AnonymousY u do dis 'murica?10[View]
48929367AnonymousIs he Chinese, Korean or Japanese?10[View]
48909880Anonymous/balk/: Sarmale cu mamaliga >>48902558299[View]
48927436AnonymousLeft: German/Aboriginal Right: Malaysian/Aboriginal Why are German genetics so weak that they can...15[View]
48928780AnonymousMexico or Morocco?14[View]
48928205AnonymousBig guy is America and two small guys are Japan and Korea8[View]
48929886Anonymousbe american get shot1[View]
48925249MexicoHispanicMexico is a white/hispanic, western and catholic: A study conducted by Mexico's National...108[View]
48916822AnonymousCould I pass for a local in your cunt?65[View]
48929425AnonymousWait... Is that a fucking leaf in their flag?10[View]
48929698Anonymous>This is the future of western europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...1[View]
48927552AnonymousIn Tuesday's EU ministerial vote, cultivation of Pioneer 1507 was supported by the UK, Spain, S...9[View]
48929316Anonymousgermany without consonants: ea3[View]
48929519AnonymousAtheists will defend this0[View]
48926420Anonymous/cum/: rockwell edition389[View]
48929301Anonymoushttp://www.bbc.com/news/health-33980904 Post yfw Indians are afraid to use toilets because they...4[View]
48929170Anonymous>canadian 'sovereignty'2[View]
48925956AnonymousYou can only post in this thread if you take off your shoes. Not invited: USA Invited: Everyone els...17[View]
48925760Anonymoushttp://videos.adc-int.org/dangers-of-delta-p how would you save the girl trapped in the drainag...10[View]
48925284AnonymousHow many can you name?19[View]
48924080Anonymous>Canadians will defend this38[View]
48928212AnonymousAnglo Canadians confirmed dumb as rocks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGiN-_6Qk_E22[View]
48925850AnonymousHow will America die?49[View]
48927520AnonymousI fucking hate this country so much you cant begin to imagine Why hasnt it been nuked yet?8[View]
48927723AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear velcro shoes overseas?14[View]
48925401AnonymousITT we love america: Why do you like america? Japan >They gave us free...37[View]
48926363AnonymousCzechia: I love Czechia!4[View]
48928571Anonymous/Nederdraad/: Geen kinderachtig gedoe toegelaten.0[View]
48926854AnonymousMuh heritage thread5[View]
48920006AnonymousBRITAIN 2030: We'll be back!16[View]
48917384AnonymousYou are country Have you ever played Vampire the Masquerade?51[View]
48928393Anonymoushow is the life of gay(or les or bi)? are you one of them? btw3[View]
48924283AnonymousGood morning /int, brrrrrr cold28[View]
48926525Anonymous>you will never be Scottish in the 80's22[View]
48928012AnonymousSpurdo Spärde: Spurdo Spärde2[View]
48923232Anonymous>his country's leader has been in power FOR A DECADE ...93[View]
48915967Anonymous/deutsch/: 'Der Perser hat Angst' Edition. Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LQ...322[View]
48927647AnonymousOhiooo: Hello /int/. Question for the americans here, what do you think about Ohio and what a...5[View]
48926970Anonymous>be New Zealander >wake up to shitpost on /int/...15[View]
48924397Anonymous>Germany invades Poland >'This is an unforgivab...35[View]
48927708AnonymousYou wake up in Cuba.3[View]
48927826AnonymousAre Chinks the Jews of Asia?10[View]
48925491AnonymousBe American, get shot. Go to kindergarten, get shot. Go to school, get shot. Go to high school, get ...33[View]
48927803AnonymousIs Poland so boring that they have to do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z3TBB9cBCs1[View]
48923363Anonymous/int/ how prevalent is the use of drugs in your country?49[View]
48927347Anonymous>''''great''''' britain8[View]
48919933AnonymousLet's all agree on the BEST country to live in for each of the 6 liveable continents. Oceania,...145[View]
48922995Anonymous>Meme >Anime >Sou...7[View]
48919907Anonymous>America >Land of the Free ...73[View]
48921591Anonymous/brit/: marmite edition406[View]
48926397Anonymouswhat does the pic says?5[View]
48924845Anonymousbeta uprising NZ edition: >http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/arti...7[View]
48925533AnonymousWestern Yuro logic: >be homeless in 'western yurop' ...12[View]
48920184Anonymouslong live usa: usa please make iceland the 51st state110[View]
48922948AnonymousAre Americans the only people that wear shoes at all times? I thought everyone did this?69[View]
48918427AnonymousWhat if the Nazi's won? What would the world be like today?69[View]
48926189AnonymousDrivers in your cunt: How bad a drivers in your country? Rate it from 1 to 10 and post a vid....8[View]
48920080Anonymous>only controlling 1/4 of your own cunt Is he a cuck?15[View]
48924820Anonymousdo australians have pouches?: Why do all the cute little marsupials live in Australia? Why ca...21[View]
48921294AnonymousForeign Music: Post some music that you like that is not from your country. I'll start w...37[View]
48924796Anonymous>French Canada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYushz1w4w814[View]
48926294AnonymousWhy are they so uppity these days?7[View]
48925508Anonymouscute tbh: ITT we post cute animals indigenous to our home countries >p...14[View]
48921529Anonymousso they're the poland of Indochina?13[View]
48924825Anonymous/cum/: natsoc edition323[View]
48922599Anonymoushttps://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/benis :DDDDDDDDDDD4[View]
48923650AnonymousWho would you rather have as a girlfriend: A super hot girl that has had many sexual partners or a n...64[View]
48914623AnonymousRedpill me on Siberia.42[View]
48924733Anonymoushelp combat vet who struggling and homeless: Please click link and help this combat vet u can...7[View]
48925963AnonymousWho would win in a full-scale war? No nukes, no allies, no regional rebellions.7[View]
48923707AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear shoes when watching TV?19[View]
48919980Anonymous>respondents lauded open defecation as wholesome, healthy and social. By cont...35[View]
48925880AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear shoes when doing yoga?5[View]
48925847Anonymouswhat happens here?4[View]
48923554Anonymous¿Por qué no hablan los mexicanos español conmigo?: Mi novia y yo (somos de España) fuimos a u...29[View]
48922275AnonymousMeanwhile, on 1776 /int/...: Check the new flag, lads. >Invited: Faith...45[View]
48925100AnonymousITT: Things Americans will defend >'I think that if I give him everything tha...5[View]
48904704AnonymousAsk the son of two Cuban exiles anything Just to be clear I'm anti-communist and vote republica...219[View]
48920264AnonymousWill YOU let the Redman get away with murder?: When will 'Native' Americans give back the lan...22[View]
48922946AnonymousPUTIN STRONG OBAMA WEAK7[View]
48924417AnonymousWhy do Americans wear shoes?12[View]
48919247AnonymousWhy do Americans wear shoes when showering?12[View]
48925370AnonymousWhat is the bougiest country you know?1[View]
48925006Anonymous>toronto https://youtu.be/oGiN-_6Qk_E?t=21s8[View]
48925113Anonymous'It's twenty to four in the arvo' Do only Australians understand what this means?14[View]
48925318AnonymousBritain is dead guys0[View]
48919308AnonymousHow do you feel about immigrants in your country?28[View]
48924218Anonymous>wake up >Azerbaijan still exists13[View]
48924326Anonymous>women our generation25[View]
48924822unl: ai fam so i got like two exams tommorow i dont wanna do since i didnt study could a russia...6[View]
48923591AnonymousSometimes people tell me to 'fuck off peru' when I post. Who is peru? Is he a famous person posting ...37[View]
48906850AnonymousSWEDEN: YES http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/10/05/worlds-first-lesbian-bishop-...317[View]
48924408AnonymousI currently live in Mexico and I was offered a job in Boston, MA. More specifically Dorchester area....5[View]
48917755AnonymousHow high is your test?57[View]
48912728AnonymousSverigetråden - Grodsupplagan: >antyder att denna startbild inte är my...357[View]
48923480Anonymous/cum/: the south will rise again edition ignore ZOG posters hide ZOG threads do not reply to ...325[View]
48922786AnonymousWhy do Americans always wear shoes when swimming?32[View]
48917067AnonymousWhat happens here?123[View]
48921650AnonymousMeanwhile in Damascus...12[View]
48922248AnonymousMeanwhile in Kabul...5[View]
48924107AnonymousWhy do Americans make their dogs wear shoes?8[View]
48923742AnonymousWhy do Americans wear shoes while getting shot?5[View]
48920818AnonymousHello there. I am a not conformed brazilian I love my country more than I love my own mother and fat...11[View]
48910919Anonymous>american culture241[View]
48923778AnonymousI'm starting a new job next week and I decided that I want to fake a British accent so people w...21[View]
48923847AnonymousGoodnight my dear Comrades.2[View]
48923510Anonymous>“I keep two full mags in my Glock case. And the ARs & AKs all have loade...7[View]
48923853AnonymousDo people eat chips and salsa in ur cunt? Do you like it?7[View]
48923898AnonymousGuess the ethnicity6[View]
48910519Anonymousfind a flaw34[View]
48923112Anonymoushas this board turned into /pol yet?17[View]
48924102AnonymousIs there anywhere more depressing than this area of the UK4[View]
48924032Anonymousredpill me on ryukyu2[View]
48911121Anonymouscan you get more cuck than this?70[View]
48923965Anonymous>americans will shoot this2[View]
48921114AnonymousAlpha male Bingo: Will /int/ ever complete the Alpha male's Bingo ?40[View]
48923425AnonymousWhy do spics and mudslimes take pride in the fact that they are cucking western nations? That kinda ...3[View]
48920974AnonymousWhy? Why did Canada's saviour leave us when we most needed him, and left us with a weak and unc...72[View]
48911981AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...81[View]
48919384Anonymous>Muslims WILL defend this43[View]
48920269AnonymousFind a flaw13[View]
48921963AnonymousSome of you guys are ok. Dont go to the Tsarigrad on 29 May, 145313[View]
48920158Anonymouswhat are interactions with strangers like in your country?7[View]
48923224AnonymousWould this White American be able to fuck your girlfriend, /int/ ?14[View]
48923495AnonymousAmerica edition0[View]
48922214Anonymous/cum/: avant garde edition322[View]
48922546AnonymousI have to move to Eastern Tennesse for work soon. Can any Amerinons tell me about the area or the so...21[View]
48923062AnonymousWho has the best women, Belgium (top) or the Southern US (bottom)?4[View]
48918486AnonymousDaily reminder to all leaf bros of our true national anthem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxO...21[View]
48922544AnonymousWhy do Americans wear shoes on the Moon?12[View]
48922098AnonymousWhy do Americans wear shoes while giving birth?8[View]
48923009Anonymous/lang/: If you have had a language tutor before, did you think they helped you? Or were you b...0[View]
48922785Anonymousoaxacos oaxacos everywhere make a super meme with this thing XDDDD3[View]
48922884AnonymousShould i jump? Or should i stay (i'm white if that helps)7[View]
48915075وَخُلِقَ الإِنسَـنُ ضَعِيفاًI know most of /mena/ is asleep, but I am trying to troll this murtada on facebook, and she responde...51[View]
48919219AnonymousYour cunt Would being dressed like this look out of place?47[View]
48921415Anonymous>Select all images with street name signs. >Mul...35[View]
48922463AnonymousHow widespread across the globe is the idea that the moonlanding was faked? Americans are a smart an...7[View]
48913532Anonymous>Country >Favourite Tank207[View]
48922299AnonymousAverage Japanese guy (age between 20-30) think reasons why not getting married for his lifetime 1. M...5[View]
48919375AnonymousVocaroo thread - Pet Semetary Edition: Post shit in your language and laugh at others trying ...44[View]
48906952AnonymousBest movie about Mexico today:: Cartel Land (2015) Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g...28[View]
48911185Anonymous/rare/: Rare flags thread if you are rare flag you must post in this thread ITT60[View]
48922146AnonymousWho was that norwegian politician who brought whale meat into parliament? Archive searching is down2[View]
48919885Anonymous/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Uprising edition327[View]
48919688AnonymousPost bills from your country40[View]
48914852AnonymousHow is homosexuality treated in your culture?20[View]
48920003AnonymousITT: 10/10 girls from you're country55[View]
48907341AnonymousWhat is the best race of Europeans and why is it the French?114[View]
48918482AnonymousI am finnish, would i pass as a local in your country? I am on vacation in Cuzco rite now ignore Fl...29[View]
48917371AnonymousThis was the US president's Air Force One until Kennedy was elected. Discuss.28[View]
48921783AnonymousMOOOOOOK! what have you done? >>488742774[View]
48919702Anonymous>people can actually read this23[View]
48902030AnonymousHow common are white people with black hair and brown eyes in northern and central Europe? I know th...79[View]
48914289Anonymous/lat/ - Hilo latino: Hilo latino con bocha de laburo327[View]
48921099AnonymousHow many of you like/used to like Hetalia or other similar stuff?4[View]
48921034AnonymousWhich country has the hottest men?14[View]
48919839Anonymousशुभप्रभात मित्रों। What do you plan to do today?12[View]
48921634AnonymousWorking holiday: Working holiday thread post your pictures taken on holidays overseas0[View]
48921373The driving license guyThe assimilation of Quebec failed. You mad Anglos?7[View]
48921094Anonymous>have GF. >she was born in Canada, moved to US ...10[View]
48914174AnonymousDo you wish Polytheism was still around?68[View]
48910185Anonymous/ex-yu/ thread: Kosovsko izdanje212[View]
48921310AnonymousWhat happens here?3[View]
48918683AnonymousTfw that people can't get Nobel prize buhahaha we are still No.1 nida we have k-pop nida k-pop...13[View]
48920069Anonymous>Wake up. >Germany still exists. ...16[View]
48921073AnonymousMeanwhile in Baghdad...3[View]
48921229AnonymousDutchfags, please redpill me on what the fuck I ate when I was driving home from Amsterdam it tasted...0[View]
48921138The driving license guyDid Hitler do anything wrong?5[View]
48921044AnonymousWhat kinda exchange rate u want fam?3[View]
48918383AnonymousWhat does verb 'to do Korea' mean? China means ceramic ware and Japan is lacquerware.2[View]
48917060Anonymouswhy do Northern yuropoors eat pizza with a knife and fork like cavemen?26[View]
48910447AnonymousWhy Mestizos (White + Native American) don't cuck anyone like African-American people?35[View]
48920740AnonymousRedpill me on this country.7[View]
48919613Anonymous>be american >get fucked by emu https:/...2[View]
48915501AnonymousWhen America balkanizes which half will be the equivalent of the Eastern Roman Empire?10[View]
48906493Anonymous/Russia thread.: Alina Rin's best review on battle ships edition. http://www.youtube.com...281[View]
48920262AnonymousAre you in favor of the independence of the Aran Valley from the oppressive and hateful Catalonia? W...4[View]
48920845AnonymousIt will be at least 2 million by the end of the year and at least 3 million by next March, calling i...0[View]
48920351AnonymousLet's go Europe maps8[View]
48920265AnonymousGermany Yes: 800,000??? 1.5 MILLION !!!17[View]
48919591AnonymousWhat does the average citizen in your country think of this Buddhism?18[View]
48917389AnonymousIn the last 5 years has anything of note happened here?32[View]
48915655AnonymousMap of measured dick length around the world21[View]
48916682AnonymousIs your country in moral decline?18[View]
48918916AnonymousIs military service mandatory in your country? If so, how much did you enjoy the experience? If not,...3[View]
48917539AnonymousWhat country has the worst posters? >hard mode, no USA For me the Arge...68[View]
48919381Anonymous>wake up >c*pitalism still exists27[View]
48914668AnonymousIf you could choose, what country would like to live?27[View]
48917737Anonymous>theres an argie poster that has been calling me atheist for almost a year an...17[View]
48917438Anonymous/brit/: teutonic edition https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=isxvXITTLLY489[View]
48918278AnonymousI am looking for a Spanish native speaker, with moderate English skills, who would be interesting in...12[View]
48919849Anonymous>gringo thread about Brazil >it derails into Br...6[View]
48918639AnonymousDescribe your country in one picture.24[View]
48917056Anonymous>not eating tomatoes with salt shiggy13[View]
48915838Anonymous>In 2015, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associ...8[View]
48917181AnonymousIs there anyone who would be able to help me out with a Spanish project? Preferably someone who is n...21[View]
48919751AnonymousYou can build a massive wall guarded steadfast by proud Nightswatchmen along one international borde...4[View]
48920037AnonymousThis is what happens when Italians come to this country. How do Italians feel about this? https://ww...0[View]
48903245Anonymous>his country doesn't eat chocolate sprinkles on bread traditionally for ...211[View]
48918469AnonymousWhat happens in Norway besides fish and oil drilling? How is it any different from Alaska?16[View]
48914168AnonymousAsk a Canadian sitting in the woods alone anything15[View]
48912850Anonymous/cum/: mildly delusional edition305[View]
48919622AnonymousSo why are we in a proxy war with Russia?13[View]
48918755AnonymousGerm any4[View]
48919003Anonymous>yfw bombing hiroshima was not justified and makes you a member of the most v...26[View]
48906140Anonymous>mfw in 30 years there will be a European migrant crisis with cumskins floodi...83[View]
48918046AnonymousI flunked two exams today12[View]
48914887Anonymousthis is a hessburger in denmark..notice anything?12[View]
48919636AnonymousSo what will happen when the only whites left in America are Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hill...0[View]
48919421AnonymousWhat's with all the dongs?4[View]
48918834Anonymous>tfw my wife's husband caught me fapping What do, lads?3[View]
48917225AnonymousGermanic peoples thread. Thread music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTc1mDieQI89[View]
48919579Anonymoussome PLEASE post the video of the Finnish guy at the convenience store who pays with the large note ...0[View]
48918407Anonymous>Sweden >Yes: >World’s First Lesbian Bishop Calls for Church to ...13[View]
48917521AnonymousWhy do Americans wear shoes to bed?35[View]
48900049AnonymousRemind me again how anybody can find Asian females attractive especially when you compare them to Wh...315[View]
48918511Cass !Bl.cyxvxVYRisk Thread!!: >Name >Colour ...2[View]
48913268AnonymousDo you learn about Native Americans in your country?57[View]
48915217AnonymousRedpill me on Bopкyтá12[View]
48919200Anonymous>british women2[View]
48914480AnonymousWe Mediterraneans are the master race, prove me wrong >Created an empire that...23[View]
48918995AnonymousDo Italian guys have chance with Russian girls?: Being nationalistic the Russians are, would ...4[View]
48918915Anonymous>Russia just violated Turkey airspace this weekend what the fuck? Why ...12[View]
48909199AnonymousHow can Korean girls be so beautiful?72[View]
48903401AnonymousI have a hypothetical question. If I married a man in Russia, and he moved here to the U.S. to live...75[View]
48897900AnonymousWhat are rural people like in your country?113[View]
48894429Anonymous>Be Russian. >Fall and die. http://bokeh...67[View]
48907561AnonymousCan some of you NATO countries explain why it was so bad that Russia entered Turkey's airspace?...84[View]
48913505Anonymouscould this pass as a local in your country?34[View]
48918958Anonymous>my son's son could my wife's son fapping How do I cope with...4[View]
48918310AnonymousShoes in the fridge: do people in your country put shoes in the fridge? it's quite nice ...9[View]
48915365AnonymousWhich country has the best dog/cat breeds or pets? Pic related is my German Shepherd/Belgian Malinoi...7[View]
48918210AnonymousBlack people watching anime?!19[View]
48912066Anonymouspost moderately attractive women from your country17[View]
48917189Anonymous>europeans don't wear shoes during sex33[View]
48918707Anonymous>Lemko origin Idk what to feel, guys. Anybody know what my ancestral p...0[View]
48918494Anonymous>South Carolina Town Ordered to Pay Nearly $100M for Hiring Cop with Troubled...3[View]
48916321AnonymousDaily reminder that Texas is bigger then Russia.19[View]
48915824Anonymous>2015 >Living in a feminine country ISHY...71[View]
48918117Anonymous>tfw my sons wife caught my wife watching me fapping what do, lads?8[View]
48917895anonWorld is a triangle: >>>/lit/7198368 2 ways to be happy : freedom or not. Which on...3[View]
48918314Anonymous>tfw my sons wifes sons dads sons mums husband caught me fapping0[View]
48918074AnonymousIs this real life? Did they pay for that blue checkmark or what?3[View]
48911619AnonymousMost underrated empire ever. In my humble opinion, we haven't said enough thank yous for all th...74[View]
48917638Anonymous>I caught my wife's son fapping wat do9[View]
48914449Anonymous/decline/: You can only post in this thread if your country was great once but it's shit...20[View]
48909911Palestine/OP !!5Cp8PuFcpftRISK BREAD: Lets play a Simple World Risk. You know the Score, >Name...7[View]
48905389AnonymousYou wake up in the UK66[View]
48916706Anonymouslabel my country, cucks2[View]
48911283Anonymous>these beautiful creatures will go extinct in your lifetime92[View]
48916298AnonymousWhy are Yuros okay with spending money to use public bathrooms? Do banks offer toilet accounts?20[View]
48911070Rahao/desi/: I was unable to kill myself. Another failure.27[View]
48903696AnonymousWhat does this country mean to you, /int/?55[View]
48915219Anonymous1. You're country 2. Would a similar statement be said by a politician seeking election as pres...27[View]
48905019Anonymous/neder/: >>48895618 >>48895552 >Arab doet in neder alsof h...151[View]
48917274AnonymousWhere is the new frontier in the world, /int/?9[View]
48913799Anonymous>germany still exists5[View]
48917177Anonymousmilitary food WW3: which country is stronk?12[View]
48910486AnonymousDo I look like a finnish?29[View]
48915666AnonymousWhy aren't there any German colonies? They were mad stronk, seems like they should have some Af...21[View]
48910280Anonymous>mfw when Nordic woman prefer brown,strong,catholic,with impressive family va...45[View]
48917199The driving license guyThe assimilation of Québec failed.4[View]
48901124AnonymousAsk an argentine who Leads a pro-maduro group in Argentina, stages rallies in front of venezuela emb...157[View]
48914954Anonymous>His country doesn't border Canada7[View]
48915447AnonymousAre Americans and Australians the trashiest anglos?11[View]
48917107AnonymousITT: We post God-tier bands from our home nation and rate others peoples songs. https://www.youtube....0[View]
48915584Anonymoushttps://youtu.be/EFDGWxEdf6Q >AMERIPOOPS18[View]
48913498AnonymousBest quality brand between Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines and Jello ?4[View]
48900460Anonymous/ita/ IL FILO: È lui o non è lui? CAPITOLO 2197[View]
48914856Anonymousyuro here. why do Americans wear their shoes in the house?70[View]
48866312AnonymousVocaroo Thread: Post shit in your language and laugh at others trying to read it, then read w...329[View]
48881223Anonymous/MENA/ Middle East & North Africa General: noble hobbys edition359[View]
48914997/deutsch//deutsch/: /deutsch/ - Amerika Edition29[View]
48916312Anonymous>japanese 'movie' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2nMN30foR85[View]
48916783AnonymousWhy do yuroweenies always try to pretend like their countries are better than the usa when no indivi...2[View]
48916566Anonymous>wake up >FYROM still exists7[View]
48913244Anonymous/brit/: Poor Soldiers edition https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hp2dfU0cRMs454[View]
48915089AnonymousThis isn't a Swedish flag. As documented by Catalan Atlas of 1576, this is a flag of Malindi, a...10[View]
48898826AnonymousDaily Reminder: Ottomans kept the Middle East stable159[View]
48915763Anonymousepidemic fire boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_orOT3Prwg#t=4m54s8[View]
48906556AnonymousLight skin girls or dark skin girls?16[View]
48915010AnonymousWhy are fags gay?11[View]
48915423Anonymous1. Your country 2. Your favorite (english language) accent 3. Your least favorite (english language)...6[View]
48915511AnonymousIs this song about how many refugees Germany is expecting by 2020? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H...3[View]
48915618AnonymousWhich country has the best genetics and why is it Greece?5[View]
48891138Anonymous/luso/ - Edição Passos Portas: Thread Anterior >>48866173 Useful links: ...316[View]
48915158AnonymousNitta Emi: Japanese Voice Actress12[View]
48886435Anonymous/isr/ /ישר/ - who /בתול/ here edition: Invited: Friends of Israel Not invited: UN & ...317[View]
48904552AnonymousWhy are the french so good at cinema?36[View]
48915583Anonymous>tfw its 2015 and Al Aqsa is still occupied by the muslims0[View]
48914260AnonymousVOCAROO: Hi there! Could some native English speaker record this for me please: –There’s a ne...17[View]
48911954Anonymous>Vodka >Pickles >...20[View]
48909837Anonymous>you will never be American20[View]
48914370AnonymousLegend says that when Old Federico turns his lawn mower up to level 10, he can cut straight through ...9[View]
48915194Anonymousmodern Immigration hate thread: get in here ye ol' dirty bastard4[View]
48915334pixelno se temor0[View]
48915275Anonymoushave you accepted based Tengri as your only god yet? >'There is no 'one ...0[View]
48915243AnonymousOUTMOSTLY BRITISH: i WANT to live in a british ghetto apartment,challange chavs to fights, lo...1[View]
48912567AnonymousYell leaf at me all you want, but...: I'm 19 years old. I am handsome, smart, athletic a...19[View]
48914884AnonymousTurkey and South Korea, you have 10 seconds to explain yourselves6[View]
48854743Anonymous/mämmi/: Setit -editio.241[View]
48913710AnonymousAre Ruthenians Ukrainians or independent nation? My friends who have Rusyn blood don't consider...5[View]
48914955Anonymous> fio enem Como é o inferno que voces vao ficar ?0[View]
48908247Anonymous/deutsch/: Willkommensräume-Ausgabe.389[View]
48906799AnonymousWhat is the thing that you least understand about your own country?50[View]
48914151Anonymous>Go edit on wikipedia >Encounter Americans...2[View]
48901403Anonymous/HISP/: Hilo Hispanico Invitados de honor: Cono Sur53[View]
48909064Anonymous/int/-related for a change: >Call (800) 666-BURGER! Why do Amer...9[View]
48878567AnonymousUkraine 2.0 in Belarus: >mfw Poland is doing Ukraine 2.0 on Belarus...285[View]
48896613Anonymous/v4/: good ol' drevokocúr edition315[View]
48907095AnonymousAre anglo girls really ugly or is ot just a meme?29[View]
48906805AnonymousIs American boozes the best booze ? Your honest opinion.27[View]
48912250Anonymous>born in Balkans63[View]
48911660AnonymousHow come every time I go in /int/ there is a thread by one of these countries being envious and butt...33[View]
48912279AnonymousFuck me lads it's gonna be hot one today isn't it15[View]
48912195Anonymous/int/ confessions: >tfw you just realised that your country is literal...20[View]
48911213AnonymousRedpill me on North Korea.15[View]
48911596AnonymousWhy were the Zaporizhian Cossacks so based? Sultan Mehmed IV to the Zaporozhian Cossacks: As the Sul...18[View]
48909902AnonymousHi /Int/, my university is having a study abroad program thing and I need your help choosing where t...12[View]
48913347AnonymousAlright, it's time to talk one-on-one with everyone here. Listen carefuly brahs, this is a revo...4[View]
48910344AnonymousNice board.17[View]
48911085Anonymous>your country >how /fit/ are you? I am f...26[View]
48912644AnonymousElections: So these are the results from yesterday's elections for our parliament. Some ...19[View]
48911961Anonymous>Australians are waking up16[View]
48912970Anonymous>mfw europe is starting to look like brazil and other third world shithole co...3[View]
48909253AnonymousFind a flaw36[View]
48904139AnonymousThings people do in others countrys that disturbs you: Tell me everything /int/44[View]
48912682Anonymous>wake up >Switzerland still exists9[View]
48908213Anonymoushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_refugee_population Natives per refugee Eston...6[View]
48885501AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: Sick cunts edition Come meet sick cunts from around the world, pr...323[View]
48838498Anonymous/norgetråden/: Dfn ikke mer gutta på tur-utgaven Forrige: >>48819299321[View]
48900344AnonymousWhy Brazil is so shit?29[View]
48912903summer summer !TJ9qoWuqvA/cum/: lets be positive edition0[View]
48893237AnonymousPost women from your country138[View]
48888137Anonymous>Why is your country so prude /int/? Why can't we all share our bodies o...53[View]
48903847AnonymousWhat's with Portuguese people and their obsession with England. Ever since the Renaissance, you...18[View]
48899889Anonymous>mfw non-Anglos try to pronounce English 'th'98[View]
48900061AnonymousWhich country has the best national anthem?89[View]
48896497Anonymous/cum/: Frontiersman edition318[View]
48904290Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bDLVV3MJqM >South america26[View]
48903019AnonymousDo the German's want to reclaim their former land?28[View]
48899854AnonymousWhat were the best and worst things about the Soviet Union?177[View]
48910007Anonymous/brit/: tulips from amsterdam edition386[View]
48896334AnonymousWhich country has the best brown women?70[View]
48899071AnonymousYou can only post in this thread if you've had a character on Star Trek from your country. ...19[View]
48904102AnonymousThe Chinese are the worst.11[View]
48908590AnonymousAre germoslavs(czechia, slovenia) master race of Europe???? good looking, polite, humble, educated, ...19[View]
48911020AnonymousXDDD: >his country doesn't have a based comedian as Heinz Schuber...24[View]
48906483Anonymous>tfw Wales is whiter than England7[View]
48902820AnonymousBrazil: Is it true that Brazil is in North American because I don't think it is. Its clo...7[View]
48910750Anonymous>wake up >Europe is now this What do?5[View]
48908669Anonymous>mfw Muammar Gaddafi was the only person to create a near classless society w...29[View]
48911768Anonymous>be american >get HFCS0[View]
48899568AnonymousWhat city you from/near, lads?: LA fag here, not a paco either ITT: post your city72[View]
48895752AnonymousThe TPP has been reached. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/06/business/trans-pacific-partnership-...106[View]
48906503AnonymousWill there be a revolution in Russia to get rid of putin? Would Russians here fight for their freedo...13[View]
48910407AnonymousI made food6[View]
48911582AnonymousITT: post music from your country https://youtube.com/watch?v=V1i0w1hawGo0[View]
48908712AnonymousCanada - the best country?: discuss16[View]
48900215AnonymousDo I look like a mongol?65[View]
48900798Anonymous/brit/: queen of the slags edition123[View]
48908703Anonymous>your country has a lower HDI than mexico, serbia and venezuela16[View]
48900661AnonymousAMA: Ask a homosex turbo slut in pakistan anything40[View]
48911175Anonymoushello am 48 year old mann from azerbaijan. sorry for my bad england. i selled my wife for internet c...1[View]
48905417Anonymous>A DOT SLIGHTLY OFF-CENTER27[View]
48903544AnonymousThere are people on /int/ who unironically aren't Marxists12[View]
48911067Anonymousmeow? :31[View]
48909414Anonymous>the past 40.000 years of humanity have been fileld with war ...13[View]
48906344AnonymousWhat do you think of Cornwall?: do you know of cornwall? ask a cornish person anything47[View]
48904702AnonymousWow Argentines are better looking than Canadians and Americans.22[View]
48910385Anonymouspost bantz pls9[View]
48901054AnonymousWhat is this place like? I have to go there for a meeting to save the world.15[View]
48900654AnonymousWhy USA have such a boring name for country? Why they didn't came around with something more or...54[View]
48909709AnonymousHow do the British generally feel about Americans?4[View]
48906945AnonymousGood night2[View]
48898614Anonymous/ex-yu/: nOVI EXYU!!!! Ann drea edišn278[View]
48907521Anonymoushe was a great guy5[View]
48904010Anonymous>See this >See all the black ISIS-styled flags ...42[View]
48907328AnonymousMy parents are trying to force me into marriage. I'm trying to explain them there are literally...29[View]
48908136AnonymousWhy do all Koreans breathe with their mouths open?5[View]
48900856Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qdBhqfiOKM >Romanians63[View]
48887563Anonymous/fr/ Fil Francophone: Édition 'retenez-moi ou j'fais un malheur'.322[View]
48905668AnonymousHow can the even the dumbest brits banter so well?12[View]
48905926Anonymous>tfw no qt german gf What do ? Why live ?60[View]
48903546AnonymousSverigetråden - för alla sverigepolare samt brödrafolket: Bildgräns nådd favä481[View]
48900193Anonymous>go to intl club >black guy says 'ahm fraensh' ...125[View]
48902558AnonymousSPQ/balk/ Old >>48893788332[View]
48908906FloridianU.S. will collapse by 2020: The us is a perfect example of the military industrial complex to...4[View]
48902510AnonymousMuch brave wow: where were you when CIA was btfo in Syria?67[View]
48907849Anonymous>Jewish Autonomous Oblast What happens here?6[View]
48905447AnonymousCan a Nip translate this for me please?2[View]
48892859AnonymousWorld in 2030: how do you think your country will be in 2030? 1. worst case scenario 2. best ...80[View]
48904555opSelling an expensive house: How to find a foreigner to buy your expensive property? I'm ...13[View]
48896290Anonymous/polska/: Edycja zmarnowanego życia.317[View]
48907379AnonymousInshallah tbh2[View]
48906653Anonymous/brit/: me on the right edition494[View]
48902616Anonymous>There are 11 million illegal aliens living in the United States ...25[View]
48901622SOMNIUS !!gX5o3MymIpFSemester in Rome: I just got accepted into my college's study abroad program, and will b...41[View]
48905874Anonymous/nederdraad/: Marianne Thyssen-editie v9.011[View]
48897302Anonymous>be american >trying to book a ticket from berl...31[View]
48898489Murcia stronkWhy murcia is a shit? :(21[View]
48908340AnonymousTake a picture outside of where you are. Show me your little corner of the earth! This is Fontana, C...0[View]
48898146AnonymousSwedish bishop wants to remove crosses and other Christian symbols from his church, wants to add som...38[View]
48902909AnonymousDo you think this guy could've win Stalingrad?11[View]
48884268Anonymous>american education202[View]
48903612Anonymous/deutsch/: Freundliche Erinnerung, dass das TTIP Abkommen unterzeichnet wurde, als alle mit d...318[View]
48906757AnonymousAre you guys ready for ww3? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-344489427[View]
48906529Anonymouswhat's with Somalians being proud of there shitty country and shitty culture? They have a big s...2[View]
48906489AnonymousJustin Trudeau will be the 29th Prime Minister of Canada in about two weeks. How do Canadians on /in...10[View]
48905670AnonymousWhy are Muslim girls so beautiful?4[View]
48905051AnonymousOur funeral is cool isn't it?2[View]
48905138Anonymouswhy is it an elephant and a donkey17[View]
48902108Anonymous>tfw no half chinese half white gf jdimsa5[View]
48901534AnonymousIf proxies were commodotized, whose flags would be worth the most/least on /int/?6[View]
48903474AnonymousIf you call yourself a liberal, you're deluding yourself into believing in a fundamentally flaw...14[View]
48904427AnonymousI know that /int/ does not like country outlines in flags (Cyprus, Kosovo, ib4 Kosovo not a real cou...4[View]
48906209AnonymousThe lesson is over , goodbye.4[View]
48900769/can/>tfw you're never gonna see glorious harper again post-election ...24[View]
48904669Anonymousamericans are fat: discuss22[View]
48905266AnonymousWhat's wrong with people? what is their god damn problem?5[View]
48902296Anonymous>In damascus, every woman who walks outside without a man can be asummed to b...2[View]
48901617Anonymous>be australian >have sex with emu20[View]
48902908AnonymousSverigetråden CSGO edition: Ännu en Sverigetråden fö fan!13[View]
48904642AnonymousIs you're cunt full of these?13[View]
48898469AnonymousCRÔA CRÔA50[View]
48903958Anonymous/brit/: Best looking lad in /brit/ edition432[View]
48902602The F. !ViBjFlRv5.Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...5[View]
48900182Anonymouswas he a good guy?17[View]
48883214AnonymousThis country is full of stupids. Nuke it again plz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_orOT3Prwg102[View]
48905572AnonymousAre you scared, Yurop? They are coming for your women and there's nothing you can do about it.1[View]
48905490AnonymousTell me about your school memories...1[View]
48902221AnonymousWhy are these 3 countries the only Latin American countries that are known all around the world?15[View]
48902483AnonymousWho is your country's hero? Pic related12[View]
48905257AnonymousWhy do Turks deny being arabs?0[View]
48897260AnonymousWhat country you hate the most?34[View]
48902514AnonymousCalifornia : Best girls Best wines Best beers Best climate Best beaches Best states Intelligent peop...25[View]
48904606AnonymousITT meme continents6[View]
48904151AnonymousWhat's his name again?11[View]
48904713Anonymous/monarchy/: Discussion of royal families4[View]
48895166AnonymousWhy is this in everything in America ? Why is everything you eat so sweet ? Even the fucking bread t...64[View]
48901350AnonymousLocal dishes from your cunt: Goulash.11[View]
48898298Anonymous>wake up >France still exists18[View]
48860280Anonymous/tr/: merxabalar336[View]
48904283Anonymous/brit/: brits out edition2[View]
48902089Anonymous/HILO LAT/: Nuevo hilo latino. Nunca hay suficientes de estos con los gallegos aqui.8[View]
48903390AnonymousFor those of you whose country has never been under any form of dictatorship or authoritarian regime...2[View]
48896024Anonymous>be russia >think you can pull of the 'lol i ki...383[View]
48898995AnonymousQuick! Post the Pokemon Intro song from your Country! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUlZ5n0cy...25[View]
48884809AnonymousWhich country is the worst at banter on /int/? What country is the easiest to offend?118[View]
48904063AnonymousJapanese are probably sleep right now0[View]
48902969Anonymous>A fucking plus19[View]
48900902Anonymousit's 23:33 here goodnight, lovely people :32[View]
48900689Anonymous>German HuffPost is releasing photos and names of all those who voice an anti...24[View]
48902804Anonymousmy trip to Hogwart10[View]
48903514Anonymous1 cunt 2 typical girls name in your country >flag ...0[View]
48899696AnonymousGuess his ethnicity8[View]
48900705Anonymous/brit/: Eternal Brendan Thread381[View]
48895369Anonymous>travel to eastern poland >find a monetarily ch...55[View]
48879980Anonymous/nederdraad/: 70% van de Belgische en Nederlandse moslims is fundamentalistisch-editie.324[View]
48902702AnonymousI'm an Irishman. Leather weathered Irish skin. Beard orange as the sunset over the flag. In the...1[View]
48902138AnonymousCan we admit that race mixing is A-OK when it concerns the white man? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wik...8[View]
48902539AnonymousHow can one be nationalist if he lives in a non-country? I'm not implying Canada is not a non-c...2[View]
48901130Anonymous>on the bus >a hot korean guy with a swag outfi...5[View]
48901783AnonymousWhat sound does the little lad make?13[View]
48893788Anonymous/balk/: PLEASE STOP >>48872884304[View]
48902571AnonymousHey /int/ Is there an organization similar to Identity Vanguard in Canada? I have a lot of support f...1[View]
48902537Anonymous1500000 x /deitsch/: nigger ich rappe nicht um meine scheiss Meinung zu sagen, nigger ich rap...0[View]
48878468Anonymous/balt/: /balt/ 2pac still alive in Lithuania edition318[View]
48899710AnonymousWhere were you when you realized that Russians are the good guys and the US is just Israel's la...31[View]
48901516AnonymousDid she really said that? If so, you can say anything about her but she certainly has a balls5[View]
48902117Anonymousindian repellent3[View]
48887104AnonymousWhat is it?: Hey /int/ what's your opinion on pic related? Would you hit on, and consequ...46[View]
48893135AnonymousIs Sydney basically the only place in Australia worth visiting? The rest is just madmax wasteland tb...60[View]
48896748AnonymousSverigetråden - för alla sverigepolare samt brödrafolket375[View]
48899076AnonymousHey /int/ I have a question for you guys. Do korean /chinnese girls laugh a lot for some reason? I...22[View]
48901387AnonymousIs he white?4[View]
48902200AnonymousGood luck, California!0[View]
48901886AnonymousYour country Your favorite type of beer ? By color, otherwise there are too much type of beer. Black...7[View]
48901809Anonymousarabs are gay: discuss4[View]
48893891Anonymousthe only thing spain has contributed to the world is olive oil47[View]
48901474AnonymousWhy are Europeans so racist?12[View]
48900434Anonymoustfw draft for military next week ;_; hold me int15[View]
48901759Anonymousmu: Favorite music on your language tread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEYfFXjoa-I0[View]
48892792Anonymous/HISP/: Hilo Hispanico Edicion: una vela304[View]
48900702Anonymous>United Kingdom >Great Britain ...12[View]
48898200AnonymousGuess the country. If you get it right you get to post the next one60[View]
48877207AnonymousMap of measured (not self-reported) dick size around the world130[View]
48887809Anonymous/asean/: 'Stuff from last year' edition I take this screencap one year ago. Malay a...100[View]
48896094AnonymousWhy are slav people so violent ? I was alone in the supermarket to buy some desserts. During the que...14[View]
48896056AnonymousWhich group is the whitest, which the most non-white?15[View]
48900030Anonymous>invade america >get mugged ...3[View]
48893859AnonymousNow that everyone is cool with Iran, would you ever want to go there? Like for the summer or whatev...8[View]
48878885Anonymous/ita/ IL FILO: È lui o non è lui?311[View]
48900950AnonymousBecause of you take the rule of the /int/4[View]
48894260AnonymousSerious question Which country produces the best olive oil?181[View]
48898314AnonymousI want to move to Africa and lives like this with locals14[View]
48897843Anonymous>germanics and snow huns literally drink from the tit of another animal...8[View]
48886031AnonymousFriendly reminder that neoliberal economic policies are designed strictly to fuck you the working ma...163[View]
48880760Anonymous>German police tell Germans to hide the German flag because it might offend M...216[View]
48900633AnonymousEurope YES0[View]
48872209AnonymousITT: Post old-timey banter51[View]
48896307AnonymousHello /int/, I'm planning to travel to India in early November for two weeks. I'm planning...6[View]
48892632Anonymouscandy from outher countries: were selling icelandic candy for first time whaaaasssuuupppppp w...24[View]
48894492AnonymousOpinions about France and the french?: What do you think of the French? Their culture? Their ...21[View]
48896834Anonymous>'We refuse to understand how big meaning Islamic culture has had in Europe...6[View]
48896112Anonymous>midnight sun people from nordic countries, how do you cope with that?...2[View]
48900250AnonymousWhy are Americans obsessed with high fructose corn syrup?0[View]
48900004AnonymousWhat other obscure holidays do other country's have?1[View]
48899260AnonymousWhat's happening in Paris?13[View]
48900021Anonymous>Sup, kafir2[View]
48896252AnonymousYouTube in your cunt: your cunt do you get YouTube recommendations from countries in your nei...7[View]
48852197AnonymousWhat's your first name /int/? Antonio reporting in313[View]
48894680Anonymousdo you have karaoke boxes in your country?23[View]
48898019AnonymousWinnie the pooh: What is Winnie the Pooh called in your country? We call him Nalle Puh.25[View]
48898752Anonymous>be australian16[View]
48891461AnonymousRed pill me on the partition of the indian subcontinent13[View]
48896482AnonymousGörlitzer: I'm going to Berlin for an extended weekend in November. What's the deal...5[View]
48887885Anonymous/ex-yu/: edicija >oni ne gledaju parove300[View]
48899240Anonymous>be israeli >get shot ...5[View]
48899377AnonymousAssign a number to this flag8[View]
48894751AnonymousHow do I become mongolian?18[View]
48894216Anonymous/deutsch/faden: Antispeziesismus - Edition303[View]
48889870Anonymous>1. Google: ''your current leader'' Quote ...94[View]
48899559AnonymousWhat country is worst at handling banter? My vote goes to Portugal2[View]
48899524Anonymous>Surename searcher knows the future of germany1[View]
48895825AnonymousTrue Alphas: Where were you when Turkey made Russia apologize?38[View]
48897176Anonymous/brit/: RIP brenny la edition470[View]
48899511AnonymousWe're the Japanese worse than the Nazis? I just read about the rape of nanjing and unit 731. Do...0[View]
48890828Anonymousthis feel98[View]
48898824AnonymousMonthly reminder Aryan man: This is what the Eternal ANGLO looks like: Look at his nose Look at his ...4[View]
48893543AnonymousI think everyone can agree that the middle east is the source of a lot of problems, what with the re...14[View]
48898896AnonymousCan some American or Ameriboo help me? On the map (or in text if you want) show me ...1[View]
48898225AnonymousWhy do other countries think they can 'banter' when they're just willy riding off the success o...19[View]
48898909AnonymousThis is barbaric. Croissant niggers are animals.1[View]
48895340Anonymoushttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavs I note that the general period during which Ottomans rule...11[View]
4888696724thSep visiting Japan guyJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...344[View]
48899029AnonymousSo who would win? 10 ASIAN KIDS with matches Vs. The entire US Military with RAILGUNS3[View]
48889177Anonymoushttp://time.com/4060476/eu-gmo-crops-european-union-opt-out/ >Sixteen co...19[View]
48898160AnonymousEXCLUSIVE-Strategika 51: Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU - 30 SM have intercepted ...4[View]
48898946AnonymousFuck you Nestle: Post this Pic and boykott Nestle Products They steal Wather and say its not ...0[View]
48898854Anonymous1. cunt 2. does your cunt have a lifting culture? 3. do you lift?1[View]
48896799Anonymous/éire/: supermacs edition2[View]
48894389AnonymousAre you serious? I knew it was bad in the US, but combining two of the most disgusting dishes in the...82[View]
48891817AnonymousMusic thread? Music thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seS2lp7WFbU8[View]
48896298AnonymousName a flaw.23[View]
48893411AnonymousNICE HDI FAGGOTS !16[View]
48898502AnonymousHow come Japan has futuristic vending machines? Do any other countries have vending machines like th...4[View]
48897042AnonymousWhat happens in Madagascar besides lemurs and cannibalism?13[View]
48886418AnonymousIs this man really considered 'white' in the USA?53[View]
48891073AnonymousHow do people in Japan and South Korea get laid when they are expected to live with their parents un...17[View]
48859632AnonymousHow is your surname spread over the world? Also: There's more people whose last name is Mohamme...205[View]
48898359AnonymousPSA GERMANY YES: >demonstrate against islamic extremists ...0[View]
48897218AnonymousMost British people look normal, but like one in fifty is super hideous. Why?10[View]
48898352Anonymouscountry do you believe in love Poland i have catched myself i really want to believe, but i dont kno...0[View]
48894910AnonymousI want to hug white american anglo people8[View]
48883671Anonymousyou have 50 seconds to name 2 czech cities 2 big czech companies 1 czech athlete 1 czech invention 1...114[View]
48896556AnonymousWhat do you think of my quebec gf. She is a quebecois celebrity btw. No madness toward me please.14[View]
48896020Anonymouswhat do russians here think of pic related?12[View]
48893846AnonymousWhich country has the worst drivers? OP starts with a Polish truck drivers that just don't give...36[View]
48893551Anonymous/Georgia thread: Perfect Caucasus tbh. Would you support it?21[View]
48895175AnonymousWhy are Japanese commercials so superior to Western ones? They are all fucking insane and definitely...13[View]
48894620AnonymousYou are home alone and hear a knock at your door. A very posh looking old man in a suit wearing a ha...11[View]
48894727Anonymous>Swedish education54[View]
48852884AnonymousAre there any Africans on /int/?311[View]
48885240Anonymous1. Your city 2. Your age 3. Your job 4. Hours you work each day85[View]
48895357Anonymous>wake up >North America is now this What...5[View]
48890919AnonymousIDS HABENIND Gib f22s americunts f16s arent enough to defend ourselves anymore56[View]
48885077AnonymousAverage Lithuanian man.25[View]
48897050Anonymoussnus: Anyone into snus here? I never heard of it till I went ti Sweden and they were everywhe...0[View]
48894591Anonymous/bestcountries/: itt: only best countries6[View]
48896299AnonymousWhat will it take to take down the EU?6[View]
48896893AnonymousNeed weed in Paralia - Greece: Visiting with my school for a few days tomorrow, want to get s...2[View]
48893565AnonymousLe country spheres thread OC if you want free bacon xPP14[View]
48895844Anonymous>mom tells to take out the trash >open door...23[View]
48894673Anonymousask me anything45[View]
48895015Anonymous1.5 million: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/fluechtlingskrise/interne-prognose-...7[View]
48896540AnonymousShould I learn Welsh or German? Welsh : >Spoken in my country ...1[View]
48884709AnonymousTime to move.: So /int/, i got sick and tired of everything and want to change my place of li...22[View]
48878978Buttcream !!PGBF4dviWcM/cum/: /cum/311[View]
48896358Anonymous/polska/: Edycja powrotu amerykanskiego raka Poprzedni >>488774651[View]
48875207Anonymous/v4/: What is for breakfast edition316[View]
48894121Anonymous/brit/: bird edition414[View]
48895987AnonymousIt is true that people in Portugal keep their placenta in jar with tallow and keep it in family for ...4[View]
48885400AnonymousHave you guys read this? Basically, one of his major predictions is that lowering birth rates result...83[View]
48889561Anonymous>be australian >get shot you can't...12[View]
48894306AnonymousWhy does this exist?10[View]
48895324AnonymousAre poor people in your country obsessed with cars?7[View]
48867510AnonymousWhat are russian ghettos like?185[View]
48893799Anonymous/balk/: smug edition6[View]
48890948AnonymousLet's Play Baseball7[View]
48877465Anonymous/polska/ nić akademicka: /wstawać, zuchy/ edycja341[View]
48893921Anonymous'and you say I was wrong'17[View]
48895225Anonymousbehind each flag, behind each poster, is a human being like yourself. With experiences, memories, pa...7[View]
48887309Anonymousdo you have an occipital protrusion? congratulations. you're part of the master race.80[View]
48886444Anonymous/tea/: /tea/ nectar of gods edition. Invited: Everyone who enjoys this gentelman's drink...38[View]
48894661AnonymousHave you ever met a Canadian? What was it like? Could you tell it wasn't American?2[View]
48894150AnonymousSo has anyone else been getting like... an inordinate amount of rain lately?3[View]
48894999AnonymousEpicurean looking for new sexual experiences, the urge came to me on hearing the gentle roar of a 4-...0[View]
48889696AnonymousWhy is the czech republic so atheist?32[View]
48894257Anonymous>be genocided by europeans in the crusades >be ...9[View]
48888995AnonymousHijab Fetish: Does anyone else have this fetish? It adds like +2 points to me if a girl has t...62[View]
48894494AnonymousTTP: Hey there, /int/entional brehs! Now that TTP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Trade deal has ...3[View]
48893599Anonymous300 Swedes have left to fight in Middle East: According to Säpo, the Swedish security service...2[View]
48888506AnonymousSverigetråden - Faktiskt falla av upplagan: Men va fan450[View]
48893938AnonymousIs this Kurd ethnically white?10[View]
48894631AnonymousHow tall is your cunts meme leader?0[View]
48891279Anonymous>2015 >not using English words such as sori, ku...1[View]
48894155AnonymousAre Australians 'white'?4[View]
48893185AnonymousAverage Russian male15[View]
48892469AnonymousJUST STOP16[View]
48891868Anonymousis this how europeans see ottoman soldiers?38[View]
48885030Anonymous>less than 50% of Americans have a passport >th...159[View]
48890732AnonymousGermany. It is we, your old enemies. We had more casualties in World War II than the Jews than all t...20[View]
48892914Anonymous>wake up >Islam still exists12[View]
48893600Anonymous>b..bu..but we need tpp because china is bad! Ok then, why was China o...2[View]
48892847AnonymousSlav: Daily reminder, nonslav whites are sandniggers of europe.21[View]
48885911Anonymousquestion for brits, is it possible for you to trace your heritage back to roman times? I know most n...24[View]
48889982AnonymousThinking about a tat, /int/. Considering something tribal, or pic related. Help me decide.40[View]
48894104Anonymous>Increasing number of ethnic Scottish people converting to Islam ...0[View]
48888683AnonymousWHEN WERE YOU WHEN PUTIN INVADED TURKEY?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJnJjK2MG4018[View]
48892392AnonymousWhy do the Poles hate Russia (and Russians) if they are Russian at heart?75[View]
48888846AnonymousWhy small countries like Netherlands or Switzerland are so superior?46[View]
48889251Anonymous/deutsch/faden: Welche Fotze würdet ihr benieren, Lena oder Voe?327[View]
48892789Anonymous>German Amazon is now betatesting an english interface Geee I wonder w...12[View]
48893151AnonymousHow is mental hostpital working in Europe? I have psyhosis and bi polar, i was in hostpiral in Polan...3[View]
48884776AnonymousHow do you say 'forgive me, i fucked up' in your country?? Chile: >Sorry, la ...38[View]
48890798AnonymousIs there a good looking city in the UK? Does such thing exist?10[View]
48883338Anonymouswhat does /int/ think about the nordic countries?63[View]
48889209Anonymous>be emu >win war12[View]
48891684Anonymousamerifat repellent34[View]
48891067AnonymousWhere were you when you realized that Frenchwomen and Russian men are the saviors of European Civili...3[View]
48886792AnonymousAsk a guy, who is Jewish in russia and winner in this life everthing. >bmw 5 ...68[View]
48890364Anonymous/brit/: Goodnight, Australia!446[View]
48875530AnonymousWhat does /int/ think of Sikhs?82[View]
48890731AnonymousWhy is Montenegro such a wonder of a country?4[View]
48887819AnonymousReligion strawpoll: What religion do you follow, /int/? http://strawpoll.me/565898312[View]
48889178AnonymousWhat's her nationality?19[View]
48885249AnonymousThe Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 201...2[View]
48892543AnonymousBest gosh darn movie I have seen in ages @ Mexico: Cartel Land (2015) Trailer: https://www.yo...1[View]
48882406Anonymous>GOATFUCKERS blows up Palmyra's Arch of Triumph ...62[View]
48887486AnonymousTell me about Queen Victoria.7[View]
48891477AnonymousSome of you gaijin are arraitu, dont go to hawaii tomorrow10[View]
48891432AnonymousWhy Germany and not the rest of Europe?8[View]
48887624Anonymous>land of the free345[View]
48891886AnonymousDo you hate your neighbours? Brazil, yes, all of them.16[View]
48888251Anonymous>italian college entrance exams What the fuck? Are you applying to go ...11[View]
48887240AnonymousGermany hate: About 4 months ago I moved from Switzerland to Germany for job reasons. And eve...48[View]
48892174Anonymous>math exam today >stayed out drinking til 4am f...2[View]
48890552AnonymousWhy do the French like striking so much?3[View]
48875831Anonymous/LAT/ - HILO LATINO: HILO LATINO HISPANICO DE DEBATE El dólar se retira y deja a las economia...320[View]
48872884Anonymous/balk/: BALK BINGO last : >>48862252371[View]
48884445Anonymousif your country's never genocided anyone, it's basically a non-country61[View]
48881709Anonymouspost your life in one image121[View]
48889148AnonymousITT: Remove kebab in your native. 'Убepитe Кeбaб'39[View]
48891191Anonymous1. Crusty cunt 2. Do you respect women?10[View]
48881963Anonymousthis girl is turkish.68[View]
48887936AnonymousGuess my ethnicity33[View]
48880114Anonymous/int/ernational music: Post the best music in your native with english subs and/or translatio...40[View]
48866173Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Fio Anterior: >>48846459 Useful links: >L...310[View]
48890319AnonymousWhy are Mexicans so hard working?5[View]
48889023HuiDeport: Ecть pyccкиe?2[View]
48890749AnonymousThey warned you that Germany should never be reunited and Europe would suffer for it (again). Should...2[View]
48885573AnonymousJustify your country's existence82[View]
48877047Anonymous1. Your country 2. How you feel about this guy60[View]
48888610Een Vlaamse Kik kamer? het bestaatUitgebreide debatten over hoe inferieur Hollanders zijn aanwezig! KIKkamer naam: VL4C4[View]
48889988AnonymousHas France ever invented anything original? They seem to just steal from other countries and claim t...16[View]
48880370Anonymous>tfw Canada sends their nigger geese down to America every winter13[View]
48887641Anonymous/brit/: Post folk edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=39&v=ZM1IoG1QEy8355[View]
48889980AnonymousDoes this sum up marriage in your country?1[View]
48887284AnonymousDo european leftists realize that their countries are only successful and comparable to the anglosph...25[View]
48889101AnonymousSorry America-san I'm not rude yeah I love your country and always think so and strongest count...8[View]
48883503Anonymous>it will take hours for an australian to load this thread318[View]
48889625MilkMan !4t1r8yvuDoMilky Way: Why are European Milky Ways so much better than American ones?0[View]
48886970AnonymousGypsies are like pests, specifically cockroaches Gypsies would have an advantage in a post apocalypt...10[View]
48885553Anonymous>You will never be japanese29[View]
48888907AmericanonWho will it be?3[View]
48885024Anonymous/Deutsch/ Fakten über Flüchtlinge368[View]
48889245AnonymousI prefer to be in the unemployment class than having a job in construction and belong to the working...0[View]
48888917AnonymousWhy are the turnouts in some European countries' elections so low? Portugal 56, UK 66, Greece 5...4[View]
48886416Anonymoushttp://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/a1407392425068 >Todd, 25 says his visit to Finl...18[View]
48884871AnonymousWinter is coming. That means we, Russians, prepare to not only starve but also freeze. 50% of mom...32[View]
48881769AnonymousWhy is France so swarty? Is it because they were occupied by arabs for 800 years and their language ...6[View]
48888796AnonymousThe fact that the term 'politically incorrect' even so much as exists within the layman...0[View]
48888764AnonymousIf loli porn is protected by the First Amendment, how come some states still have laws against it?0[View]
48885039AnonymousWhy do Asian women look like a doll? Dark eyes and dark hair. Even though she has a white skin, she ...26[View]
48888475Anonymous>his country has never won a war Not so fast Australia! ...0[View]
48887321AnonymousMalaysian thread: Malaysia Thread Which side is anon on, yellow or red2[View]
48888118AnonymousWhy are Muslim girls so beautiful?9[View]
48885570AnonymousI think this is the best EUROPE. 1 - lime green one in the west is the Celtic State 2 - white one in...17[View]
48888123AnonymousEnglish, do you like your aristocracy in the middle age ? Video en relation0[View]
48881736Anonymous>mfw: all the news and talk shows waste time talking about a guy who did the ...14[View]
48883278Anonymous>dad, I don't want to play baseball, I just want to DANCE wat do?21[View]
48888031AnonymousWhat do you think are the best countries in EU for pursuing higher education? How are Polish emigran...0[View]
48856560Anonymous/ex-yu/: /aparati/ edicija295[View]
48886489Anonymous>These people conquered half of the known world.11[View]
48886460AnonymousIs Hera the biggest cuck ever? Zeus is constantly cheating on her and impregnating animals, and she ...6[View]
48886636AnonymousITT: most <nationality> things you can find Most Italian thing ever: https://www.youtube.com/w...17[View]
48887631AnonymousWHEN WERE YOU WHEN THE SECOND RUSSIAN PLANE WENT DOWN?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NK...4[View]
48886925AnonymousBritish humour: I'm a fan of British humour, post your best examples here everybody is w...10[View]
48877595AnonymousHello friends, Looking to learn a new language. Sticky seems helpful, but I'm not really sure ...14[View]
48869509Anonymous/fr/: Édition engeance à semence308[View]
48883719Anonymous>tfw you will never be roman33[View]
48879628AnonymousPost qts from your country20[View]
48884927AnonymousKu Klux Klan in Finland: No thread of this? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/30/world/euro...8[View]
48885843Anonymous>time in UK: 12:45 >time in California, USA: 04...13[View]
48881634Anonymous/asean/: >last new thread is deleted.380[View]
48887001AnonymousAMERIFATS BLOWN THE FUCK OUT1[View]
48882483Anonymouswhat a fuckeng shithole lmoa14[View]
48880345AnonymousThe top 10 economies in the world56[View]
48871379AnonymousIf America collapsed tomorrow, would you take in US refugees? Why or why not?68[View]
48886212AnonymousWhich country has the kinkiest women, /int/?8[View]
48885050AnonymousWhy do people who grows up (i mean from a very young age)in a foreign country ends up being a self h...10[View]
48886813AnonymousPacific freedom Empire was established: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-election-...0[View]
48881293AnonymousEmus strikes back: >Australia announced that they are going to buy 1.1...70[View]
48882150Anonymous>spelled Worcestershire >pronounced Ustaša...9[View]
48878422AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...315[View]
48868945AnonymousThe end of ISIS is near.: Putin the greatest leader in the world is sending soldiers to Syria...132[View]
48878764Anonymous/deutsch/: Analsex in Basel Edition291[View]
48886662Anonymous/nofuture/: You may only post in this thread if your oak vagina is doomed. ...0[View]
48873308AnonymousWho /skeltal/ here? 182cm and 63kg reporting56[View]
48886187AnonymousThe two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.6[View]
48886415AnonymousTranslation: Hello /int/, I'm a Norwegian student, and I've decided to translate te...0[View]
48880424AnonymousWhat south American countries are you bro tier with. Say what you will about the Colombians but they...24[View]
48886362AnonymousSo they're the poland of Indochina?1[View]
48859344AnonymousAre Nordic people considered the most beautiful in your country?93[View]
48886085AnonymousFuture: In 20 years people from EU/US/CAN/AUS/JPY/CHN will be posting on /intcorp/ with corp ...1[View]
48883366AnonymousWhy are there still sanctions against Russia? It really seems like they've wanted to do this fo...37[View]
48883299Anonymous/brit/: moderately attractive posh girl edition499[View]
48880006Anonymoushow would you describe the weeding that occurred to the genetics of Germany's Aryan population ...7[View]
48877996Anonymous>wake up >China still exists20[View]
48885118AnonymousSo Russia is good, Putin is great.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?t=60&v=glaV_ax2TTg ...11[View]
48854685AnonymousITT: Separate the shitty part of your country and those which are worth.219[View]
48883049Anonymous>tfw a Sanjay Gupta used my email to register for Ola Cabs What's...1[View]
48878609AnonymousHolland: I love Holland!22[View]
48885361Anonymous>tfw little point in learning a second language because everyone else just le...4[View]
48878908Anonymous>no qt abo gf to dreamtime with why even live?23[View]
48885040AnonymousCoud there be a more pathetic country?4[View]
48885105AnonymousRate your countrymen posters Spain: 31[View]
48882245AnonymousIs it true that Nordic people are the most sexually liberated people in Europe? Could any guy easily...84[View]
48879310Anonymous>The US bombs a hospital, breaking international law and killing a bunch of c...158[View]
48863029AnonymousWhat do you prefer: 21st century Western first world style or 18st century European style? Please be...98[View]
48885062AnonymousJapanest banter on the rise: >In the night from Saturday to Sunday,Fre...0[View]
48884638Anonymous>tfw a non-native English speaker writes '...and sorry for my English...10[View]
48884629AnonymousNUKE TORONTO: WIPE TORONTO OFF THE MAP ALREADY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SujSkPSTg...3[View]
48882336A Mudslime in BusanD-Danke!:D10[View]
48874277AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: Koreaboo qts edition Come meet koreaboos from around the world, p...324[View]
48882980Anonymous>turkey >civilized22[View]
48877718Anonymous>europoors dont have chips and salsa Must be awful smh tbh fam70[View]
48871226AnonymousIs Israel a European country? IMO if Armenia and Cyprus are European, so is Israel51[View]
48880649AnonymousWhich Deutsch is best Deutsch?25[View]
48879473AnonymousWhat's the most Roman thing you've ever done?64[View]
48882259AnonymousWoman is inept to leader: How is Hillary?16[View]
48883999Anonymous>Hölökyn kölökyn!!! x--DDDD6[View]
48881292AnonymousNorway adopt me78[View]
48884102Anonymousgg no re4[View]
48884524Anonymous>I will never be a toilet paper and bread smuggler in the Soviet union1[View]
48869358AnonymousSverigetråden - Vinterupplagan för mys och kyla461[View]
48872455AnonymousHow many people has 4chan killed?39[View]
48878656AnonymousITT- Convince me not to move to Sweden50[View]
48881621Anonymous>be a stupid electrician >organise a strike...11[View]
48882206Anonymous>8:30pm >30 degrees43[View]
48877109Anonymous>Germanic>>Romance >West Germanic>>...61[View]
48880726AnonymousOPPRESSED PEOPLES GENERAL >Invited : Native Americans, Ainu, Celts, Catalans,...71[View]
48873157AnonymousWhat happens here?30[View]
48883608Anonymous>Russian language still not available on duolingo JUST16[View]
48882053Anonymousdoes Japanese language inherit words from english (or other launguages)? i was watching an /n/ relat...7[View]
48880331AnonymousWhat are pros and cons of diverse societies?10[View]
48876644AnonymousPuerto Rican traveling abroad: OK, so I'm planning on eventually going abroad and just g...15[View]
48884021AnonymousI don't like people who love the people who love the own country yeah Amer2[View]
48877556AnonymousIs your country safe?91[View]
48882496AnonymousDo people in your country like dogs? Pic related me and my dog12[View]
48883712AnonymousIve boxed Australian people before they are weak and have bad reaction time due to incest and drug a...4[View]
48876933Anonymous>Wake up >Australia is still cucked by British ...23[View]
48882583Anonymousliterally what's the differnce between jpop and kpop8[View]
48881078Anonymous>The heavy flow of immigrants in the lasts years have profoundly changed the ...5[View]
48881256AnonymousIs it true there are no homeless people in Israel or is that just Jewish taqqiya39[View]
48883440Anonymous>mfw I realize that Australians are scared of fucking birds and they can...1[View]
48881938AnonymousWhy do Japanese people hate Americans?25[View]
48883244AnonymousPost radio towers: Post your city radio tower. The local one here in my city is on the suburb...2[View]
48881765AnonymousFood thread invited: USA, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Russia, Iran, Ind...37[View]
48883129AnonymousPLATA O PLOMO0[View]
48881504Anonymous>I didn't like the Soviet Union but I support Russia because the two are...1[View]
48881538Anonymous>2015 >not using south top maps smh tbh ...17[View]
48875690AnonymousHave you ever consumed/smoked marijuana? Do you like it/ hate it?251[View]
48881976AnonymousRomania has a German president and a Romanian prime minister. Guess which one is indicted in a fraud...6[View]
48877292AnonymousWho would win in a full-scale? No nukes, no allies, no regional rebellion or any obstruction.12[View]
48845381AnonymousShame swedes: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/01/swedens-liberal-reputatio...87[View]
48881716AnonymousCan knowing a lot of languages be beneficial to you in terms of professions? Can being multilingual ...4[View]
48882242Anonymous>he doesn't live in the USA why even live tbh5[View]
48881191AnonymousWhy does Japan always bully Korea?3[View]
48881592Anonymousaren't danes just swamp australians6[View]
48861429Anonymous>'hey anon I'm in the mood for Italian food tonight' ...87[View]
48875771AnonymousUSA freedoms: >They have the freedom to choose to have 3 days off a year...13[View]
48879195Anonymous>tfw no Five Guys:Burgers and Fries where I live Why must life be suff...53[View]
48882045AnonymousGood luck, California!0[View]
48877909Anonymous/brit/: /Fuck the Irish/ edition456[View]
48861279Anonymous>American 'education'138[View]
48873518AnonymousPoor Australia :^(60[View]
48874488AnonymousWhat does /int/ want for Christmas?35[View]
48881041AnonymousHow come waving flags in Europe is considered racist but in USA it's pretty much the opposite?9[View]
48868660Anonymous>Japs, norwegians and icelanders will defend hunting blue whales to extinctio...52[View]
48874578AnonymousHow do you get a busty blonde all-American blonde like the ones that have been immortalized on the p...39[View]
48881514Anonymous>yfw you learned that Budapest is actually the combination of two cities, Bud...2[View]
48881091Anonymous>Be in East Coast USA >Receive email from my co...4[View]
48866440Anonymous800,000 wasn't enough. Merkel has upped it to 1.5 million. How is the taxpayer going to pay for...350[View]
48881449Anonymous>Golden age of Poland >Golden age of Islam...0[View]
48881280Anonymous>Australia >YES >...4[View]
48872347AnonymousAnglo fight thread? Which Anglos are the toughest cunts /int/? The United States of America ...38[View]
48880847AnonymousWhat does /int/ think of Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi1[View]
48881255Anonymousscottish people!: Yo Scotts. Im going to Edinburgh over halloween and I have some questions. ...0[View]
48881158AnonymousJapanese anons, how is this man percieved in your country?2[View]
48871145Anonymous>tfw the Americas are gay af You tricked us rest of the world. This is...34[View]
48880927AnonymousYou wake up in Costa Rica.4[View]
48860085AnonymousSo a Korean, a Chinamen, and a Jap walk into a bar...39[View]
48880314I'm Trapped in Hongcouver !1osFbJ2s/wHow does one catch a supple negress?15[View]
48848239Anonymous/asean/: windy hills edition324[View]
48880003Anonymous/r9k/ DOES IT AGAIN!!!: Does 4chan make national news in your cunt? 1. USA 2. YES ...11[View]
48877137deletedWhat does /int/ think of the Houthis? >The Houthis participated in the 2011 Y...25[View]
48875785AnonymousCatholic French women are pure and holy. http://youtu.be/Th4vipUPX2E31[View]
48879955AnonymousAmerican-Polish Friendship Thread I love you guys.12[View]
48879922I'm Trapped in Hongcouver !1osFbJ2s/wFuck you mod stop deleting my thread, I just wanted some logical answers6[View]
48854283Anonymous/neder/: Nederdraad: Morgen is het maandag en ik blijf de hele dag thuis :^) Niet welkom: loo...300[View]
48873795AnonymousWhat are /int/'s political views? http://strawpoll.me/565725668[View]
48878160Anonymous>american ''''''''''''food''''''''''''' love the bbc so much they make...26[View]
48874530AnonymousWhich kids are dangerous to you?7[View]
48875470AnonymousWhat is the best/less dangerous Arabic speaking country? I want to travel to an Arabic country once ...30[View]
48878084AnonymousWhy do French women look white and French men look like Arabs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY9...9[View]
48879479AnonymousREMOVE RUSKI0[View]
48876561AnonymousDear European faggots: THATS IT I HAVE HAD IT! THE UNITED STATES IS THE GREATEST AND MOST POW...16[View]
48879096AnonymousPOO ON THE YOU: >Indian firm uses cow dung and urine in its cosmetics...3[View]
48878059AnonymousDubs decide which country aliens invade first Trips decide which country becomes the #1 military pow...37[View]
48873942AnonymousIs it OK?48[View]
48879163AnonymousCOFFE MACHINE FULL POWER0[View]
48872819AnonymousPost your historical hero itt92[View]
48878718AnonymousI have a legitimate question for our Indian posters. Have any of you really poo'd in the street...17[View]
48878693Anonymous> 'They're your standard rape spawn. Rape spawn of rape spawn. They...5[View]
48878353Anonymous>americans will shoot this12[View]
48879041AnonymousTell us about your countries chans.0[View]
48877844יהודי מרוקאיהכן את עצמכם גויים !!!!13[View]
48878856AnonymousYou are not in the advanced nation if your country doesn't have a video game system in the rest...0[View]
48870375AnonymousBest gosh darn movie I have seen in ages @ Mexico: Cartel Land (2015) Trailer: https://www.y...38[View]
48877158Anonymous/cum/ Canada-USA-Mexico: NAU edition325[View]
48878565AnonymousIT'S HAPPENING: NORTH KOREA POSTED AGAIN!!!! ...4[View]
48877761AnonymousLearning a language other than your native language is for cucks. All non-Anglos on here are CUCKS.13[View]
48877488Anonymous>Indians, Chinese, Middle Easterners etc all move to Western, white majority ...8[View]
48877789Anonymous>'Russian is great, it has no redundant letters at all unlike retarded Americ...41[View]
48865065AnonymousIf your country has no fighting game characters it isn't real104[View]
48871218Anonymous/ARG/ ARGENTINA: HILO ARGENTINO Esta imagen es una poronga pero no tengo otra perdonen mucha...173[View]
48874651Anonymous1. Country 2. What is your favorite number? 3. Do most people in your country like this number? ...28[View]
48877510AnonymousWhy should one man have to clean up the mess another man made?7[View]
48874366AnonymousMoving to Sweden: I'm a 18yo with high school only. No other education or job experience...57[View]
48876558AnonymousLet's just say I have to live in Australia for school... For a bit... With my girlfriend... Wh...24[View]
48878007AnonymousHow are white men supposed to compete??6[View]
48877847AnonymousWhat does your country think about this?9[View]
48870175Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッThis thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan. Let...347[View]
48877163Anonymous>Tfw will never be American >I will never be so...12[View]
48877553AnonymousDaily Doze of Russia.: Trudovik edition.7[View]
48876841AnonymousAustralian inventions: >The Tank >Wi-Fi...9[View]
48876270Anonymous>be straight caucasian american male >be in ser...46[View]
48874773AnonymousI think my love for traveling has died, well, died some... I don't even know the words to speak...17[View]
48862565Anonymous/deutsch/: Toni Edition313[View]
48869644AnonymousITT Borders that trigger you.48[View]
48877572AnonymousTime to face the facts lads: If Your country didn't participate in the biggest battle in...0[View]
48875514Anonymous>learn latin >suddenly all descending languages...26[View]
48876101AnonymousTrips decide which country I go to study abroad for one school year since I got a tuition reimbursem...135[View]
48873537Anonymoushttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Argentina >In Spanish, negro l...4[View]
48877025AnonymousAusfags I'm new to Aus so tell me this about the OPAL card: if I can get the unregistered card ...3[View]
48875377AnonymousTajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have a higher GDP per capita than Ukraine and Moldova. Why haven't yo...27[View]
48872808AnonymousIf a Serb converts to Catholicism do they become a Croat?9[View]
48876837Anonymoushay leds does your cuntire heve theese? in straya we coool em duzza sacks.4[View]
48870310Anonymous/int/ Where did you learn to speak english?32[View]
48875247AnonymousWhy is Montenegro such a wonder of a country?2[View]
48875921Anonymous/cum/: black helicopters edition319[View]
48846470AnonymousDoes height matter in your cunt? Globally, if you're shorter than 5'7 you're fucked i...270[View]
48876974Anonymous>Wake up >Realize Italy hasn't annexed Cor...0[View]
48876085AnonymousI'm black nigga livin in America, ask me anythin27[View]
48875554AnonymousAutism Thread: Island Basin Edition: >ITT: We summon Tokelau1[View]
48876603AnonymousPutler wants his Tsarist Russian clay: Is anyone here dumb enough to believe this? http://www...1[View]
48869619Anonymous/brit/: Edition to remind everyone that Nigel Farage didn't get where he is by being awa...368[View]
48875992AnonymousTell me about Malta. What happens there? Have we ever had any Maltese posters?3[View]
48867551AnonymousIT'S TIME190[View]
48875575AnonymousWhy do we hate slavs again? I quite like them8[View]
48870227AnonymousAsk a guy in Pakistan anything...: Just finished an AMA on /pol but I see I should have done ...159[View]
48872623AnonymousBrown girls please?91[View]
48873734AnonymousFind a flaw.7[View]
48875968Anonymous1) your home country 2) do you wear shoes inside your house like civilised people, and if not, where...1[View]
48873342AnonymousHilo latino: Hilo latino /lat/329[View]
48875391AnonymousGoodmorning /int/19[View]
48868941AnonymousDo children in your country pledge allegiance to the flag every morning?104[View]
48874363Anonymous/cum/- Cabe, Urbin and Magnus: Bronies edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqXmNWtQE...334[View]
48869977AnonymousUSA: The further south you go the worse it becomes Turkey: The further east you go the worse it beco...26[View]
48873201Anonymous> ywn have an chubby American gf59[View]
48875685Anonymous>french is a Latin language >frogs are beaners...2[View]
48872681Anonymous>American ''''''''''''''''''pizza ''''''''''''''''''46[View]
48863769cherkesbro/cauc/: Caucasus thread Discuss, ask questions, banter, bost music, pictures, grills etc Welc...34[View]
48874657Anonymous>/int/ is now full of Republicans from /pol/ who watch Fox News, fuck their c...8[View]
48875043Anonymous>wait until U.S. is exhausted fro, Iraq and Afghanistan ...3[View]
48875520Anonymous>his countries football players do not double as A-Grade songwriters h...0[View]
48875490Anonymous>Call Korean restaurant >They answer in korean...0[View]
48872876AnonymousDid Japan commit any war crimes during World War 2?19[View]
48872424AnonymousIraq is...?14[View]
48874617AnonymousHas anyone from North Korea ever posted in /int/? Pic unrelated3[View]
48874703Anonymous>Australian GF for never ending bantz non aussies will never know this...9[View]
48846866AnonymousAverage Lithuanian man.107[View]
48874889AnonymousHow was Mexico able to conquer this clay and why did America let it happen? Is it purely through ab...2[View]
48864756AnonymousFood Thread: Post food from ur cunt. Bonus points for regional specialties. Warm Welcome: Fra...135[View]
48874293AnonymousGaddaffi appreciation thread >Gaddafi remained a controversial and divisive f...7[View]
48874400AnonymousPick one faggits: 1/38[View]
48871946Southern ConeIt is possible the existence of a new nation, who include the Southern nations of SA ( Argentina, Ch...57[View]
48874535AnonymousITT: Names: Post a name and respond to others what country you relate other posts name to. Do...3[View]
48859167AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: The swedish whiteknight edition Come meet people from around the ...312[View]
48843429Anonymous>'/int/ - International' is 4chan's international board, for the exchang...130[View]
48869616AnonymousHow can you tell the people from these 2 countries apart?29[View]
48867361AnonymousConvert to Islam.13[View]
48872211AnonymousWhy nordic people have the 'brown women' syndrome? It's like they want unfaithful and dumb wome...28[View]
48865388MexicoHispanicwho is the most famous Mexican person in your country?32[View]
48873629AnonymousRussians blame america for their problems muhh terrible economy muhh villages muhh terrible infrastr...10[View]
48872298Anonymous/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico: where is everyone-edition316[View]
48855077AnonymousITT: Paint bucket world sexiness. I'm a girl btw172[View]
48867770AnonymousITT: ask a romanian anything24[View]
48872920Anonymoushow did hungarians even get there why do hungarians exist3[View]
48873733AnonymousWhat happens here?1[View]
48871914Anonymous>mfw the humanity always hated each other and that's why there are lot o...29[View]
48873672Anonymous/int/ Official Top 10 Inventions Leaderboards: After many months of studying countries and wh...1[View]
48866535Anonymous/his/: Art thread: A reminder to Hiroshimoot that /his/ needs to be a board Now, post histori...154[View]
48860656Anonymous1. Your nice country 2. What is your country's Vietnam War?103[View]
48868539AnonymousHow accurate are the memes about your country?47[View]
48857855AnonymousRate my rape of your culinary heritage mexicans.64[View]
48873077Anonymoushttp://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9bd_1443993527 >American ''''''''''''dece...2[View]
48870067AnonymousWas Saddam Hussein a practicing Muslim?30[View]
48873016AnonymousWho here /strugglingwithlearningaforeignlanguage/ here? >tfw Italian is ...3[View]
48871695AnonymousDo you think Russia will become a superpower again, or are we doomed to become more and more weak? W...24[View]
48867710Anonymous>yurointolerants LAND OF THE FREE REPORTING24[View]
48870382AnonymousWas Selena popular in Mexico?9[View]
48872937AnonymousGermancucks will defend this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/1...8[View]
48871906AnonymousHe was a good friend.4[View]
48829117Anonymoushilo latino /lat/ /esp/ /hisp/: primero por kate316[View]
48873224AnonymousWould you fuck Valide Sultan? Pic related.1[View]
48869486AnonymousA Russian scientist injected himself with 35 million year old bacteria. Meanwhile the west injects i...5[View]
48867297Anonymous>ISIS beheader now lives in Europe Bombing terrorist supporter Europe ...7[View]
48870611Anonymous/Portugal/: Edição: A minha cara quando o monhé se fodeu Convidados: Brasileiros não weeaboos...49[View]
48871324AnonymousAre basements and attics an American thing? I've never seen a house here with either.34[View]
48867602Anonymous>tfw when you will never have yurop tier banter with other countries W...23[View]
48872690AnonymousChad is so hot and dangerous ;-)3[View]
48861259Anonymous>be japanese >2 hours metro trip to get home af...112[View]
48871714AnonymousI'm moving to a small village in india, im trying to go off the radar, and I was wondering what...15[View]
48868800Anonymous> you will never go to an American car dealership ...77[View]
48871790AnonymousITT: State/Province/Territory flags that are more creative and better than their country's nati...11[View]
48865307Anonymous/brit/: winston churchill edition342[View]
48870691Anonymous>mfw i found out that my father was a mean skinhead in the past ...6[View]
48871612/cum/ - Canada, USA et Mexicolol cum5[View]
48869993AnonymousIf an Aussie and Kiwi got in a fight...: Who would win?10[View]
48867708Anonymous>Your country >Your age ...29[View]
48871472AnonymousWhy do we allow flyovers to exist?21[View]
48868114Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Pastel pink edition320[View]
48871904Anonymous>you will never visit California or Las Vegas in the 1960s ...6[View]
48867520EyesBull Shit: The Pope & my president Obama. Please tell me I'm not the only one not fa...2[View]
48871556AnonymousGraveyards: ITT show the graveyard that would most likely be your future home if you died tod...2[View]
48870626AnonymousYou can either be the poorest citizen of Luxembourg or the richest citizen of Eritrea. Which do you ...7[View]
48871030AnonymousMeaningless talents: Your country Can you: >whistle ...21[View]
48849675Anonymous>Go to wikipedia >Search your ethnic group...317[View]
48861520AnonymousWhat do you know / how do you feel about Native Americans?19[View]
48871758Anonymous>what kinda Reich you want fam?0[View]
48855530Anonymous/balt/: A BALT TO SURPASS KARUMS GEAR187[View]
48862681AnonymousRussia is ... ?106[View]
48867450AnonymousRussia's destiny thread: I hope Russia is prepared for inevitable split. You can't ...26[View]
48870991Sir fuck alotRate the prostitutes in your area.: I wanna know how the prostitutes are in differant places....7[View]
48857679AnonymousPlace your bets.25[View]
48871325Anonymouswi fi: Hey /int/ How do you say wi-fi in your country? > 'why fy'...9[View]
48865271Anonymous>chinese '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''people''''''''''''''''''...10[View]
48866714AnonymousWhat's the mexico of your country? >poor >...96[View]
48871152Anonymous>italian college entrance exams What the fuck? Are you applying to go ...1[View]
48862401AnonymousTHREAD ARGENTINO: Si thread, no 'hilo'. Los argentinos no hablamos en neutro. Hilo se usa par...304[View]
48861980Anonymous>Poles will try to deny this22[View]
48870164AnonymousWhy is he so perfect?1[View]
48871033Anonymous>wake up >the UK still exists8[View]
48871104AnonymousIs it true that the Russian squat is actually just them participating in 'goblin play'?2[View]
48870409AnonymousSum up Africa's biggest problems in 25 words or less22[View]
48868983AnonymousAmeriburger: >A Hamburger is warm and fragrant and juicy. A hamburger ...4[View]
48844320AnonymousNon Americans of /int/ do you think 'black culture' and crime rates of black people is a result of r...158[View]
48857497Anonymous>this actually fucking happened40[View]
48855062Anonymous/polska/: Edycja nie spierdolona.277[View]
48869888AnonymousDoes your country or area have any cool urban legends? Have you ever had something spooky happen to...2[View]
48861218AnonymousWallpaper Thread: Post pretty pictures from your country in a minimum of 1280x720 resolution33[View]
48863133Anonymous>mom blonde hair blue eyes. >dad brown hair blu...22[View]
48863351藍海Eurasians: Why aren't you helping to propagate the Eurasian master race?32[View]
48870570Anonymous/AAAAAA/: Ask An Americunt Anything About America Society? Food? >Cult...2[View]
48856812Anonymous>This actually fucking happened26[View]
48854622Anonymouswatch thread: International watch thread. Let's see what you wear.191[View]
48869632AnonymousDo you have Grain Elevators?9[View]
48870240Anonymous/Free/ thread: Invited: Top 20 Also invited: Bottom 151 http://object.cato.org/sites/cato.o...0[View]
48870085AnonymousIt's real: How thirsty is your country?2[View]
48867806AnonymousPost sexy girls from your country1[View]
48870082Anonymous>be me >looks syria/afghan ...2[View]
48868212AnonymousWtf France?!34[View]
48859866Anonymous/ita/ IL FILO: È lui o non è lui?102[View]
48869556AnonymousTake a picture of what you see outside3[View]
48857832AnonymousWhy does italy hide such beauties22[View]
48865452AnonymousDo they call black people in Canada African Canadian and in Britain African British or is that just...16[View]
48869446AnonymousA Muslim was telling me about how not just women need to be covered, men can't bare arms or cal...7[View]
48848579AnonymousWould /int/ forgive Germany for swamping Europe with 'refugees', if we blame everything on Merkel an...55[View]
48862252Anonymous/balk/: last : >>48857328 Lets finish this balkanlars333[View]
48859119AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...378[View]
48858271Anonymous/snow/: Who /snow/ here?29[View]
48867768AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...2[View]
48862163AnonymousHey kurds this picture was taken yesterday. look what happens when you try to fire a bazooka towards...15[View]
48856758AnonymousLeft: German/Aboriginal Right: Malaysian/Aboriginal Why are German genetics so weak that they can...7[View]
48868612AnonymousWhat's Baghdad like these days?2[View]
48863857AnonymousSverigetråden - för alla svenskar samt brödrafolket318[View]
48860214Anonymous/Portugal/: Edição: Chora-me um monhé Convidados: Brasileiros não weeaboos Não convidados: Cr...346[View]
48867944AnonymousIf a ''''ex-muslim'''' ever tells you he is one don't believe him For example ...6[View]
48864455Anonymous>Médecins Sans Frontières status: LITERALLY BTFO Take that you French ...37[View]
48867032AnonymousITT: What country has the worst accent? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuVsHt3rBnc17[View]
48868309AnonymousJapan Thread: I have a few questions to those who have lived/studied/worked in Japan for some...1[View]
48867193Anonymous>europeans will defend this1[View]
48853491AnonymousDo people dress well in your country?188[View]
48862602Anonymous>American 'architecture'37[View]
48866086AnonymousHello. Google Translate was unable to make this passage clear enough to decipher: I'm trying to...13[View]
48867179AnonymousAsk a guy whose hometown is underwater anything http://www.wltx.com/picture-gallery/weather/201...28[View]
48868098AnonymousWhat do polish people think of Pope John Paul II?3[View]
48867781AnonymousI've fixed the world discuss6[View]
48859052Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Thank god for muh chocolate edition306[View]
48867917AnonymousWhat kind ancient city in Europe with a medieval atmosphere, no modern architecture you know? As Bru...1[View]
48865964The driving license guyYou mad Anglos? :) I'm from Quebec and I speak French! Hahaha! Yes, there are 8 million people ...15[View]
48865276Anonymous/brit/: button edition508[View]
48866421AnonymousYou've been tossed 1,000 years into the past in your cunt. Fortunately, you're found by a ...19[View]
48831993B*ur/me/ + /na/ = /mena/: Sweden really is everything we joked about edition. Seriously. What is ...287[View]
48867677AnonymousQuestion for Muscovites: If there was an incoming nuclear strike, would you actually run for ...0[View]
48867586Anonymous>american poetry1[View]
48863329AnonymousLocal Architecture Thread: Post your region's capital building, also genersl architectur...3[View]
48865794AnonymousKaliningrad: what happens here8[View]
48867366AnonymousJust watched this gem. >training a entire country how to poo Embarrasi...0[View]
48865314AnonymousCat can poo in the loo. Say, Apu, why can't you? Dog can poo in the loo. Can you, Apu? Can y...8[View]
48850310AnonymousWhat do normie girls in your country do when they go to clubs? When it's just 'going out with t...89[View]
48865081Anonymous>Invade Iraq and Afghanistan >do nightly raids...24[View]
48858061Anonymous>his country is so pathetic that he posts under First world flags Tell...14[View]
48866754AnonymousWhat are the most popular conspiracy theories in the arab world ?7[View]
48860114Anonymous>living in cuck cunt not even once22[View]
48850273Anonymouswho is the most famous Italian person in your country?42[View]
48860858Anonymous/v4/: átok edition previous: >>4884923053[View]
48860177Anonymous>he can't tell the difference between american and canadian english...9[View]
48855484Anonymous>A FUCKING RECTANGLE!31[View]
48863969AnonymousSpirit Science 1 mese fa To attempt to explain some of the controversy around the comments regardin...7[View]
48865783AnonymousIs it true that americans survive solely by drinking high fructose corn syrup ?16[View]
48855354AnonymousRemember when last summer when Israel-Palestine conflict was heated and everyone who criticised Isla...14[View]
48857995AnonymousITT: Your countries 9/1126[View]
48864673AnonymousWhat is the comfiest country?12[View]
48846459Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Fio Anterior: >>48823169 Useful links: >L...315[View]
48865814AnonymousDie Grüne Jugend (the green youth - eco lefty party junior organization) posted a status about the G...2[View]
48860567Anonymous>4chan is now full of Republicans from /pol/ who watch Fox News, fuck their c...7[View]
48856926Anonymous>The further east you go, the worse and scarier Essos becomes Isn...63[View]
48859977Anonymous/RFT/ Rare Flag Thread: ITT: Rare Flag Hunt This is a sort of experiment to see where people ...6[View]
48860977AnonymousRussian thread Grechka edition: Come in112[View]
48861183Anonymous/fr/ édition De Gaulle interdit par les merdias507[View]
48865211AnonymousITT: Autism time: We live in a math world3[View]
48864678AnonymousWhy are Canadians a bunch of communists?5[View]
48865096AnonymousBeautiful German Romanian Alexandra Lara.: I know little about Romania. I knew that they were...3[View]
48862212Anonymouswhat is most sacred to your country? For my, perhaps revolution, Lenin, Yeltsin, vodka and armored v...18[View]
48863917AnonymousWas it rape?21[View]
48852875AnonymousGermanic thread: Pan-germanic language when? Welcome: Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sw...326[View]
48849870AnonymousItalian-Americans: /int/ What do you think about Italo-American people?24[View]
48851984AnonymousWhy did every british colony become so advanced while every spanish colony turned into shit? pic unr...108[View]
48863610AnonymousWhy is the colour purple so rarely used in national flags? I can only think of the flag of the Spani...8[View]
48863840AnonymousWhat keeps you going /int/? with or without purpose.16[View]
48835131Anonymouswhy do the baltic countries say that they're in danger from russia? Russia is the smallest balt...163[View]
48864036AnonymousWe (ethnic Russians and Serbs) are not Slavic and we are Turkic people who have had Slavshit forced ...1[View]
48859684AnonymousHello there /int/, any Irish Bernd online? I'm a student of the English language, 2nd year, so ...7[View]
48859983The driving license guyWhy did we go to war with the Nazis?16[View]
48861859Anonymous/brit/: /brit/ Old Glory edition425[View]
48837163AnonymousEvery country has a shit people in its population. In France it is the Arabs In the USA, the niggers...60[View]
48858293AnonymousWhat is your favorite cheese ? Please respond especially girls opinions.74[View]
48858445عراقي آشوري Iraqi AssyrianI didn't leave Iraq just to get shot in America by >>...10[View]
48864052AnonymousNATURE'S BOUNTY1[View]
48859073Anonymous>tfw a filthy euraboo Post things that will make me feel better about ...29[View]
48863949AnonymousI'm considering volunteering with African wildlife for a spell (the actual wildlife, not the ni...0[View]
48857846Anonymous>this actually fucking happened37[View]
48848021Anonymousi see lot of white girl but i see no white bunda where are they hiding ?? do white sell bunda to sat...23[View]
48830482Anonymous>2015 >Drinking shitty water102[View]
48853007AnonymousWhy do the Irish look like Jews14[View]
48851213AnonymousWhy am I expected to like American women?27[View]
48862990Anonymouswould this guy be consider handsome in your country?2[View]
48860276Aм жaлaNew anthems: in this thread we choose new cunt anthems France https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...8[View]
48853040AnonymousHey, russian people! You are awesome! Let's drink vodka! зa вaшe здopoвьe19[View]
48860802AnonymousBonjour, les Français. Tell me please, how often do you omit this 'ne' thingy in your everyday conve...11[View]
48862961Anonymous>browses thread >sees comment made by fb poster...4[View]
48858167AnonymousPost fixed Iraq/Syria map: made a map that gives optimal solution to current Syria war. Consi...3[View]
48859205AnonymousIs he white to you? He seems pretty white to me.5[View]
48862881AnonymousGo ahead.4[View]
48862366AnonymousHow is Bitcoin viewed in your country?6[View]
48854689Anonymous/deutsch/: Zu Ehren von Kaiser Wilhelm II Edition. Dem letztem unten besten Kaiser des basie...323[View]
48861406AnonymousMost common asked questions by foreigners in western European capitals according to IB times:...10[View]
48854526Anonymous>every US TV show is at least 50% black now >am...11[View]
48810578Anonymous/voc/ Vocaroo Thead - Dogscape Edition: Post shit in your language and laugh at others trying...342[View]
48846862AnonymousTHREAD ARGENTINO: Si thread, no 'hilo'. Los argentinos no hablamos en neutro. Hilo se usa par...315[View]
48862185AnonymousAdvice: Some of you guys are alright. If you're non white don't come to Poland this...2[View]
48857328Anonymous/balk/: tri moreta edition old >>48831057336[View]
48840554Anonymous中文论坛? 你们好。谁这里说中文 ?46[View]
48857402Anonymous>Not being NEET5[View]
48857535AnonymousITT: greatest national anthems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4zm9L4rIGw ...6[View]
48848383AnonymousHow would you feel about these borders?244[View]
48860721The driving license guyIn Québec Canada, we speak French! The Anglos failed to assimilate us.1[View]
48860048AnonymousWhat happens here? It just sits up there and we hear nothing but whispers.9[View]
48859025Anonymous/brit/: /brit/ admirable prosecutor edition442[View]
48856353AnonymousFinland or Poland32[View]
48849230Anonymous/v4/: lolis with machine guns edition dont fap and go to the gym lads312[View]
48858937Anonymoushow do i banter and shitpost like a REAL australian my caribbean genes don't allow me to do thi...8[View]
48860694Anonymous>migreme rIdHX casos parecidos por aí?0[View]
48830845Anonymous/ita/ IL FILO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ApPRJXtiY308[View]
48851629AnonymousITT: countries that shouldn't exist18[View]
48832690Anonymous/tr/: bokum gibi bir pazar sabahı edisyonu312[View]
48838639AnonymousRussian thread /rus/ thread: Who is the law edition 6 new videos with proofs: http://www.yout...318[View]
48857777AnonymousKaliningrad and Crimea go to war with one another. Who wins?1[View]
48850231AnonymousITT: Ethnic jokes: How do you kill a Frenchman? By slamming the toilet seat down while he...88[View]
48857932Anonymous/int/ Fun fact thread: Fun fact: For most of countries, head of state and head of government ...7[View]
48853180AnonymousSverigetråden - ökenfröken upplagan505[View]
48849828Anonymous/Portugal/: Edição: Eleições >Em quem votaram? http://strawpoll...327[View]
48855778AnonymousI'm moving to Venezuela in two months. Caracas to be exact I already have a job lined up at the...11[View]
48859759Anonymous>your country >does getting a college degree en...2[View]
48848609Anonymous/fr/: Edition les news de Dimanche 20 Du Mois De Dhou L Hijjah De L’année 1436 De L’ Hégire h...390[View]
48859285AnonymousSo I have an idea, and I'm going to choose a patent attorney tonight, and visit him next week. ...2[View]
48847748Anonymous/languagelearning/: Discuss language learning. What language(s) are you currently learning? W...28[View]
48845849Anonymous>American 'culture'175[View]
48836042Anonymous/ee/: Teretulnud: Eesti Kontvõõrad: Kõik ülejäänud33[View]
48856726AnonymousThis is my Interpals qt rules map. What do you guys think?10[View]
48857259AnonymousWhat's your excuse, non-Anglos? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_city35[View]
48851830Anonymous>He thinks whites will accept him as one of their own if he distances himself...9[View]
48852683AnonymousIs India the next superpower?http://youtube.com/watch?v=Xl0b2LGf9jM18[View]
48857989AnonymousJules is a woman's name in Murica? Fuck. This. Why would you do this?17[View]
48853676Anonymous>Indians will defend this23[View]
48850701Anonymous>Germany loses two World Wars >Anglos: 'WOW GER...257[View]
48855761AnonymousCan anybody translate this for me?20[View]
48849392Anonymoushow did I do, dudes?41[View]
48857806AnonymousThe Cunt Cunt: Tell me about the Land Down Under, cunts5[View]
48856163Anonymous/brit/: /brit/ impeding demise edition398[View]
48858452Anonymous1 - Your count? 2 - Your favorite hobby?0[View]
48853701Anonymous>average eurasian girl into the trash12[View]
48857395Anonymous>MFW I find Turkmekistan on the map6[View]
48850609AnonymousHello my fellow Anglos :^)11[View]
48855098AnonymousHow did the Ottomans manage their incredibly multicultural empire so well? Was it their even-handed ...26[View]
48843872Anonymous/cum/: Severe depression and uncertain futures edition.352[View]
48858165AnonymousHere, have a template. No need to thank me.0[View]
48856770Anonymousany thai bros in here?0[View]
48853593AnonymousHehkeet kinkin hinkit -painos4[View]
48850402AnonymousWhat kind of countries do Italians want to annex?28[View]
48835481AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: Ruse Cruise Edition Come meet people from around the world, pract...332[View]
48839800AnonymousYou can only post ITT if your country wasn't raped by arabs for 800 years, your language isn...45[View]
48857643AnonymousDoes your cuntry have sovereign citizens? If so, what does it think of them? Are they tolerated? htt...0[View]
48852591AnonymousSo do you think cats are polyglots? I feel like no matter what country I visit the cats in all the c...26[View]
48840959Anonymous>'oi bum me a fag m9' what do?24[View]
48840406Anonymous/ex-yu/: razrednica suz edicija293[View]
48851982AnonymousWhich race caused the most destruction on this planet ? answer with honesty56[View]
48856114Anonymous>your country >does your country have neetbux...7[View]
48855909Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgAk4MOcjMk Why is Africa so misunderstood?3[View]
48853642AnonymousSyrians are not that bad to be honest. They are fit and have good dicks. tbh I am glad they are in m...11[View]
48855886Henk SpermatankGlobal City rankings by countries. The higher the score, the more relevant it is on the world stage....6[View]
48840000Anonymouspost your town/city's flag this is mine it has a boat on it92[View]
48831057Anonymous/balk/: waifu edition322[View]
48854440AnonymousCan I become Muslim? 1. I hate meat. I'm vegan. 2. I don't have a experience to drink alco...19[View]
48853394AnonymousWhy does the flag of the Netherlands use pan-slavic colors? Are the Dutch secretly Slavs?29[View]
48855565Anonymous>new zealanders what the fuck is this3[View]
48852755AnonymousPost attractive politicians of your country15[View]
48855905Anonymoussub 6' leader is a national failure tbh3[View]
48838994AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...352[View]
48844431AnonymousWhy did these cunts take so many fucking photos? They're like white girls with instagram.211[View]
48845895Anonymous/ISR/ \ישר\: 2nd Sukkot Holiday Edition Invited: Israelis, Jews, good goys Uninvited: bulbul ...91[View]
48855027AnonymousBased Sultan Erdogan1[View]
48855852Anonymous1.yer cunt 2.Have your deebs ever been cupped?0[View]
48854152AnonymousIs Nigel going to save Europe? http://static.ylilauta.org/files/i8/orig/qwi2qwdz/happening1.mp43[View]
48833483/balt/A BALT TO SURPASS METAL GEAR315[View]
48853343Anonymouswhy do Finnish like doing wheelies so much?5[View]
48850344AnonymousWould you wife a Kazakh woman? What nations have best wives?52[View]
48847960AnonymousGodspeed poland https://youtube.com/watch?v=qLUSWtegrqc19[View]
48853480AnonymousOccupation was terrible: post your best 'occupation was terrible' memes6[View]
48853843AnonymousClaps I'm here on business for the week and I wanted some pizza so I ordered a large and some c...11[View]
48852627Anonymous/brit/: what would you do if you saw your girl in this taxi420[View]
48853056AnonymousTwin cities thread: If you live in any of these towns, you probably live in a shithole.9[View]
48855185Anonymous/polska/: edycja imienia Cypriana Kamila Norwida0[View]
48852482Anonymousnice thread: Thread where we are being nice to each other. No shitposting allowed.23[View]
48854347AnonymousWhy are there so many school shootings in the US? What is it about our culture that promotes this so...7[View]
48842600Anonymous>you will never live in Austria-Hungary JUST56[View]
48854773Anonymous>his state doesn't have a governor who survived advanced stage cancer....1[View]
48844193Anonymous/Deutsch/ Großdeutsche Ausgabe: Heil Deutschland!328[View]
48854640AnonymousGėjus internacionalas0[View]
48849889AnonymousBelgkekium: >Be Belgian >Go to a forest ...5[View]
48854458AnonymousWould the average favelados be considered black in African-American ghettos?4[View]
48854262Anonymous'unohdin edellisestä langasta otsikon ja nyt hävettää' -painos1[View]
48844046Anonymous/polska/: edycja Józia rzaby320[View]
48850834AnonymousI-Is it true that Eastern Europeans hates black people?30[View]
48853592Anonymous>American sloots http://static.ylilauta.org/files/v5/orig/nbqqjy9...7[View]
48843815AnonymousNederdraad - Vlaamse patat editie niet welkom: struikelflikkers en vluchtelingen welkom: de rest318[View]
48848890AnonymousWhat makes Germans and Turks such natural friends?20[View]
48853987Anonymousfood: what did you have for dinner tonight, anon?1[View]
48849903AnonymousWhat do Indians and Pakistanis really think of each other? Is it actual hatred or do they just not c...5[View]
48854186Anonymous>no future tense0[View]
48852205Anonymous>wake up >go outside ...11[View]
48818479AnonymousWhy are Spaniards so autistic and racist? Look at what your people did to this poor girl! She had a ...190[View]
48843277AnonymousGuess the name of the poster above you288[View]
48827488Anonymous/mämmi/: Mädättäjä -editio340[View]
48851035AnonymousCould we see an alawite state in our lifetime with assad as its leader?after all they are his only c...13[View]
48850366Anonymous>mfw a Mexican in America has at some point said immigration and refugees nee...3[View]
48849890Anonymous>America and Canada >Argentina and Uruguay...10[View]
48850697AnonymousITT: Hierarchy of surnames of your country? Silva - Very poor people Anglo surnames - Poor people It...31[View]
48851079Anonymous>tfw no afrikaner gf.7[View]
48852895AnonymousWhat are your thoughts on Texas Faggot, /int/? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0WOpnGO5XI3[View]
48844971AnonymousSerious question, How did the ottoman empire become so powerful? Only turk related pic on my pc.10[View]
48843532Anonymous>post yfw the 800,000 'refugees' will NEVER go back to Syria59[View]
48840947AnonymousWhat's the difference between these two countries? They seem exactly the same to me145[View]
48852562AnonymousWhat do you think he's thinking of, /int/?1[View]
48845127AnonymousHamburger Helper does not actually contain hamburger63[View]
48840553AnonymousFriendly reminder Anglo culture has permanently permeated your culture and there's NOTHING you ...294[View]
48852524AnonymousWhy isn't your country as tolerant as the Netherlands? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNL...1[View]
48851888AnonymousIf finns are asians, then why are we so tall? Aren't asians supposed to be manlets? Our height ...13[View]
48851992Anonymous>mfw the Indus Valley Civilization of India was the first place on Earth to h...4[View]
48847379AnonymousWhen Finland was a part of the Russian Empire between 1808 and 1917, did they use the Cyrillic alpha...62[View]
48850164AnonymousIndia: >Police in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh say they...13[View]
48850002AnonymousHey guys, i dont know where to ask this, but this is my best guess. Quick question here, where can o...2[View]
48851483AnonymousFuck 'E'U, and here is why: 200 000 Ukrainian kids lost their parents/parent or home during t...6[View]
48826654Name threadIn this thread you post your first name and other people rate it. My name is Jean-Pierre.208[View]
48850502AnonymousArabia: Post more of those1[View]
48850074AnonymousA German chancellor does this to you and tells you 'That's what you get for being a commie manl...6[View]
48849713Anonymous>primary component of solid rocket fuel is potassium nitrate ...7[View]
48849404AnonymousThe only US state to change its postal code is Nebraska. Originally, Nebraska was NB. However, Canad...13[View]
48847881AnonymousIs there a prouder, more beautiful land anywhere on Earth? Does there exist a more beautiful, intell...40[View]
48851527AnonymousWhat happens here? Do Vikings still live here?4[View]
48851700AnonymousDoes your cunt has a gypsy population /int/?These street shitters are fucking everywhere. https://en...2[View]
48851748AnonymousWhat is the average parent in your cunt? >Croatia Smokers that look li...1[View]
48845738AnonymousYou have to admit China designs god-tier 5th generation fighters.14[View]
48847261Anonymous>tfw you will never have a french gf37[View]
48849530AnonymousFetishes and hobbies: What are your fetishes and hobbies? Are they considered weird in your c...9[View]
48850271Anonymouswhy are so many american men turning into women? it worrying tbh24[View]
48851346AnonymousPost music from your country in this thread ITT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiVYfxaducs5[View]
48848427Anonymous/brit/: 3d anime edition423[View]
48847047Anonymous>ameripoos: LGTSS >DESIGNATED SHITTING CITIES25[View]
48851439AnonymousJust look at him. Sighhhhhhhhhh >Your country will never have a politician th...2[View]
48844283AnonymousWhy is Montenegro such a wonder of a country?20[View]
48850019AnonymousLove Thread: Name your favorite countries and what you like about them. Also countries you wa...10[View]
48850945AnonymousWhy there is a lot of mass shootings in US? And what are they doing to change it? Why countries with...5[View]
48848924AnonymousThis is just a reminder that Greece is the seminal country of all Western civilization.13[View]
48848292AnonymousITT: Countries with ugly shapes30[View]
48836010Anonymoushello what nation has best foreign intelligence and espionage services thank you92[View]
48843609AnonymousWhat are millenials like in you cunt? Over here they are entitled little faggots14[View]
48845717AnonymousYou are cunt name: 1 - You are cunt 2 - How do you call your country in your native tongue? ...9[View]
48850962AnonymousAre minions popular in your country?0[View]
48845838Henk SpermatankHere is a list of country relevance by the global relevance of their cities based on the Global City...7[View]
48842444AnonymousIndian villagers worshiping newly built toilets instead of using them: http://www.planetcusto...67[View]
48847431Anonymousodd English in your country: moss...?10[View]
48850358AnonymousWhat do you think about Chad?4[View]
48849350AnonymousHam is shit and haram t. Muslim24[View]
48847486AnonymousSo democracy just happend in my country I took a pic of the ballot(sorry for the shitty quality) Tr...4[View]
48850272AnonymousWhat do the parking structures look like in your country?0[View]
48849441AnonymousWhy does everyone hate Somalis?3[View]
48843655AnonymousHow do people in your country react to wild animals? >America https://...55[View]
48848074AnonymousWhat do other countries think of this man?12[View]
48846720AnonymousChristian value system is superior from other similar belief systems and religions. Prove me wrong.14[View]
48843291Anonymous>the german states are cucked and aimless without prussia to rule them...10[View]
48848919AnonymousAre large families common in your country?5[View]
48848793AnonymousIs there a more pathetic race than mestizos and native americans? 1 - They aren't good at sport...8[View]
48841637AnonymousSverigetråden - Dagen efter upplagan509[View]
48835094AnonymousWhat did you eat dinner this japan70[View]
48843504Anonymous/RUS/ Russian thread: Comic Con Russia 2015 Edition16[View]
48848244AnonymousI know Yugoslavian languages are all pretty similar,but what are the differences between them? How c...9[View]
48848987AnonymousAs a neutral, I wanted to know which one of the two (Japan/South Korea) was sucking American dick th...12[View]
48836741AnonymousRightful Finnish clay62[View]
48844534AnonymousITT: make a map, others guess what it is about43[View]
48845752Anonymous>Scary space aliens invade Europe because they know its people are weak and c...5[View]
48849127Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_orOT3Prwg#t=4m54 >Japanese 'People'...2[View]
48849645Anonymousyes hello i am blini kot say me, why are many pictures of me here?0[View]
48834711AnonymousAll mememing aside, why aren't there blacks in Argentina like there are in Brazil, Ecuador, Col...35[View]
48847869Anonymous>mfw a christian near me claimed he was european20[View]
48849042AnonymousWhy do Europeans allow so many Muslim refugees to freely settle in their countries, but make the leg...1[View]
48842250AnonymousHas any turk here done his military service?Share your experience Generally,in conscription related ...32[View]
48843917Anonymous/deutsch/: Gillette Abdi Edition316[View]
48833132AnonymousYou have 10 seconds to name a Turkish invention.118[View]
48845695AnonymousWhere the fuck did it all go wrong?4[View]
48830773Anonymous/v4/: All in all good old country's capital shaming thread Edition312[View]
48847769Anonymous/spm/ Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon: What happens here ?12[View]
48845090AnonymousWHEN WILL JIHADI JOHN WILL GO DURKA ON RUSSIAN PILOT?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWz...6[View]
48847295AnonymousWhat is the spoken French like in the former French colonies of Africa?4[View]
48844693Anonymous>be me, American studying in Spain >order a dri...29[View]
48848063AnonymousIn Colombia, they have twirly lampposts and pizza shops named Pizza Pizza.11[View]
48846138AnonymousIs this any close to your image of American girls and British girls, /int/?9[View]
48846593Anonymousimplying that my ten times folded katakana wouldn't blow the shit out of your shitty western po...12[View]
48848717Anonymous>tfw no Chechen bro squad to swear loyalty to me2[View]
48848639AnonymousIt's almost the end of the weekend and we are all starting to feel it2[View]
48845495AnonymousSlavs are: >Beautiful >Hard-working ...27[View]
48847459AnonymousYou know the one thing most of these spree shooters have in common? They're all atheists, if on...5[View]
48848174AnonymousWhy are European ATM located outside of the bank? Europeans must be stupid. If your country has a lo...2[View]
48848230AnonymousWhat happens in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands? Las Sandwiches son Argentina?1[View]
48839286Anonymous>be australian >get shot19[View]
48841576AnonymousNorth Africa is black, whities go home5[View]
48804281Anonymous/fr/ le fil de la Fronce: Édition Michel Foucault VS Noam Chomsky https://youtu.be/3wfNl2L0Gf...337[View]
48845069AnonymousDaily reminder that if your country deploys its military domestically, then its pretty much a non co...16[View]
48847654AnonymousGood luck, California!6[View]
48838325AnonymousHistory of Korea: Let's discuss on the real history of Korea.57[View]
48846647AnonymousInternation opinioon, does Propecia actually works ? I start to have clearer zones. Fuck this shit.3[View]
48836225AnonymousYou wake up in Roma(nia).44[View]
48845699AnonymousJews of /int/, I need advice. So I started dating Jewish girl, we click perfectly, she doesn't ...43[View]
48847234AnonymousSTOP THE BOATS!!! http://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-362/centery:50/zoom:77[View]
48847791AnonymousWhat can your women do that Canadian women can't?0[View]
48834566AnonymousFind a flaw154[View]
48842607AnonymousYou are a cunt. Do you like pizza?23[View]
48843703AnonymousVlaanderen is beter dan Nederland: >minder staatsschuld ...16[View]
48845422Anonymous>the french call the male hen a 'cock' >the ma...11[View]
48841855AnonymousIs this guy look white? If yes 90% of Spanish American posters are white68[View]
48838112AnonymousWhat happens here?28[View]
48839501Anonymous>tfw pleb upload speed Post your internet speed. http://www.speedtest....88[View]
48845363Anonymous/brit/: english knights edition444[View]
48847014Anonymous/qualitythread/: Do some People in your Country in your cunt drink their coffee/chocolate/tea...2[View]
48839974Anonymousbooze: ITT we post our cunts' traditional booze >inb4 shit wine...33[View]
48844936AnonymousHow do we eradicate Anglo anticulture and the English degenerate 'language'?11[View]
48844758AnonymousDo it for Denmark! Do it for mom! What are you doing on 4chan? HUEHUEHUE https://www.youtube.com/wat...5[View]
48845221AnonymousLucky those how will never know the evil administration (all the world except the French)2[View]
48844049Anonymous>29% of all germans are still nazis explain yourself5[View]
48840426AnonymousI'm collecting these golden lel images, can you guys help me and share different golden lels?50[View]
48846521AnonymousWant some of that melanin cumskins ? lmao >The annual incidence rate of melan...0[View]
48823169fofinhas/luso/: Fio Anterior: >>48808357 Useful links: >Learn Portuguese...313[View]
48846140AnonymousRate the game,5[View]
48839392Anonymouspost >yfw your nation: >mfw Polish19[View]
48836684AnonymousAssociate the country of the poster above you with an object20[View]
48842589AnonymousParisian life: I think Paris was cool once. But when I visited it this summer, it was so full...17[View]
48844509AnonymousWhat makes them European?5[View]
48839297AnonymousLet's have an international music thread. Post any type of music you like from other countries....8[View]
48844282AnonymousWhy are they such faggots? Is it because their country looks like a penis?8[View]
48838531AnonymousWere all austrailian ancestors really criminals and prisoners?16[View]
48831558AnonymousGood things from overall bad leaders: Mussolini was able to successfully suppress the Sicilian Mafia46[View]
48845431Anonymous>mfw i'm the only white guy in my entire neighborhood What do ?2[View]
48835740AnonymousIs shooting a family activity in your country /int/?152[View]
48841454AnonymousA 100% ethnically white Muslim Australian Kurd. Discuss.18[View]
48845257AnonymousParadox of Benis and Population: Why do the shortest-benis nations have the largest populatio...4[View]
48844376Anonymous>a christmas tree6[View]
48845256AnonymousWhy aren't there more South Africans here? Aren't they about as white and civilized as Aus...3[View]
48843660AnonymousWhat's the difference between these two countries?34[View]
48845331AnonymousHow can americans and britons possible feel at peace with the first-past-the-post voting system? Jus...0[View]
48834045Anonymouseast coast or west coast?28[View]
48841381AnonymousThis fella died for your sins. Do you know His name?24[View]
48845061Anonymous>french ''engineering'' >polish ''workers''...0[View]
48835911AnonymousHow do you lose this?: Countries that can't into war thread.16[View]
48843657AnonymousMediterranean people: What do you guys think about the Mediterranean people?22[View]
48843806AnonymousIs there a memiest president than Hollande ?8[View]
48832630/nederdraad/nederdraad - vluchtelingen zijn stom en moeten terug naar hun eigen land editie niet welkom: struike...301[View]
48844681Anonymouswho /ISISnews/ https://archive.org/details/DhuElH https://archive.org/details/@q_catr_mail_ru3[View]
48844327Anonymous>American music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcFyl8amoEE3[View]
48844345AnonymousRightful Russian clay3[View]
48838598Anonymous/deutsch/: 'Blut und Boden'-Ausgabe302[View]
48837678AnonymousChina declares war and attacks your country what do?56[View]
48804206AnonymousITT: We try to get as many countries in one thread as possible.323[View]
48842569Anonymous/brit/: autism extreme edition480[View]
48844184AnonymousDo you have to work on Saturdays in your country? Yes in my country0[View]
48843837AnonymousITT: Your Olivenza when it will never be portuguese2[View]
48837649AnonymousHow common is obesity in your country? Uk Very common37[View]
48843292AnonymousThanks America.1[View]
48831656Anonymous/polska/: edycja szkieletorów i spaghetti Niemile widziane: /balt/315[View]
48843900AnonymousDo people in your cunt play disc golf? You don't even need friends to play.1[View]
48840021AnonymousAlright, show me what your city or area's idea of autumn is. Not invited: tropicfags19[View]
48840075AnonymousWhich countries will lead the world in 2050?23[View]
48837506Anonymous>Filter turkish flags >half the board disappear...18[View]
48842048AnonymousSay it loud and Say it with proud 'Fuck off Rich Refugees'18[View]
48842318AnonymousWhy do europeans call themselves white ? Are they legally blind ? fam u red9[View]
48843224AnonymousHello Ameribros. I am an engineer from your best buddy across the pond (teehee) and I am interested ...3[View]
48836634OP !PmhaEi30lACyдeты: znalazłby się ktoś kto sprawi mi tę przyjemność wspólnej siekierezady oficjalna sudec...2[View]
48842325AnonymousWhy are finns so ugly?5[View]
48843094AnonymousIf japanese was the global culture, would we wear this shit at the office ?3[View]
48834838AnonymousThe difference between east and west Berlin can be seen from space, pretty interesting tbh.16[View]
48841743AnonymousWhy don't you like Vladimir Putin?17[View]
48842666AnonymousAutumn is here, what do?13[View]
48840005AnonymousWhy did America invade Iraq in 200330[View]
48843254Anonymous>tfw I learned what it feels to be an australian I feel sorry for you ...0[View]
48843235AnonymousReally ??? http://nos.nl/artikel/2061178-belasting-betalen-in-portugal-gaat-niet-van-harte...1[View]
48839776Anonymous>tfw no foreigner bf10[View]
48842486AnonymousIf Putin is Nerevarine who is Obama? Fargoth? Cliff racer?3[View]
48840843Anonymous>Nico and Vinz refer to themselves as Norwegian Post people that have ...8[View]
48841489Anonymouspost fag jobs from your country >tailor >barber...37[View]
48841106AnonymousWhat's the difference between Italy and Tajikistan?3[View]
48837662Anonymous>France has FIVE MILLION Muslims56[View]
48832521AnonymousHow would your country sink a US aircraft carrier in full battlegroup using only the resources curre...28[View]
48833835Anonymous/cum/ Canada-USA-Mexico: >Be Oklahomo >D...323[View]
48827975Anonymous>Austria >Australia hmmm...28[View]
48831537AnonymousGermany, are you retarded or just brainwashed? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1axQH00Uow93[View]
48831326AnonymousF-fuck off, we are full!113[View]
48839442AnonymousWhat happened to France?30[View]
48839001AnonymousIf I went for a holiday in American and stayed in Compton. How much black ghetto pussy could I get? ...71[View]
48842310AnonymousThe two main forces, institutions, etc that share power in your country declare a civil war. Who are...0[View]
48838208Anonymous>wake up >Germoney still exists24[View]
48842009Anonymousin Japan korea and other asian bring us misery we wish to move islands of japan to other ocean.. may...2[View]
48830767AnonymousYou have to live in the UK for at least 5 years to win 100 million pounds/dollars/euros/whatever Wh...115[View]
48840991AnonymousAnd I'm the one normies call anti social. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr_SFg6B6688[View]
48841881AnonymousI was out to dinner with a qt and my alarm set to Saleel Sawarim started ringing because I confused ...4[View]
48840504AnonymousWestern woman and man in 2015 in one webm Discuss/3[View]
48841952AnonymousAre there any good online resources for studying Chinese? Classes aren't an option for me right...2[View]
48841918Anonymous>Mexico is literally equal to Somalia in terms of safety level0[View]
48841614AnonymousWhy is this?6[View]
48834388Anonymous>tfw you the last white man in your neighbourhood70[View]
48841834Anonymous>tfw no qt white and Christian gf0[View]
48839973AnonymousWhat are the worst three countries of being poor at English?2[View]
48817737Anonymous/ex-yu/: jelena golubovic edicija280[View]
48838363Anonymous>Wake up >I'm an American15[View]
48832305AnonymousSo apparently Russia is now in alliance with Hezbollah. What does that mean for our Jew-bros?26[View]
48841556Anonymousinternational PUSSY sharing thread.: HEY gurls Lets show off our pussies :^) Ill start4[View]
48833353AnonymousAre there other countries with underground homes?16[View]
48840729AnonymousICELAND: What can /int/ tell me about this country? Do elves live there??2[View]
48830007AnonymousFrance is the nigger of the world: >The definition of obscenity- Nicep...59[View]
48839188AnonymousWhat would happen if the populations of Australia and Canada swapped? The countries stay the same bu...2[View]
48831174AnonymousReminder that this region was, during its 'golden age', less literate, more impoverished, less unifi...22[View]
48837460AnonymousWhy did Scots vote 'No' in the end?13[View]
48841277AnonymousSo Vojvodinians are making Guinness for the biggest kolo right now. This is an official thread. Your...3[View]
48841010Sheikh Hamza the Goat RapistBreaking News ! No more suicide bombings, we have ran out of 72 virgins for a while: Dear Mus...6[View]
48833504Anonymousahaha why so cuck europe ? like wtf at least fight back lmao19[View]
48821741AnonymousNo one bully these countries and there aren't jokes about them. Why?138[View]
48836334Anonymous>Catholic >Makes people gay5[View]
48839078Anonymous/brit/: body positive edition506[View]
48840987Anonymous>Move in masse to another country >Don't l...3[View]
48825361I'm Trapped in Hongcouver !1osFbJ2s/wWho would win in a war?60[View]
48834998AnonymousHow useless is the UN?27[View]
48837745Anonymouswhy didnt jews emigrate abroad, run away from pre ww2 germany?6[View]
48836437Anonymous>This triggers the right wing16[View]
48840734Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?t=76&v=Iu_d1LQsFpY >the dream only las...0[View]
48838915AnonymousWhat art form does your country excel at?18[View]
48840169Anonymous>http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34422558 ...7[View]
48832185Anonymous/balt/: Breakfast edition Invited: Estonia, Lithuania, Finland Guests of honor: Sweden, Polan...53[View]
48828496AnonymousSo why can't Israel just let the Palestinians have the West Bank?179[View]
48837746Anonymouswhich one are you? delta plus reporting in29[View]
48839847AnonymousFUCKING REDDIT FAGGOTS: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/countryball--2#/6[View]
48832838AnonymousBreakfast lads47[View]
48835520AnonymousAll grand civilisations revered cats, be it Egypt, Persia, ancient Greece or Slavia. Dogs were alway...10[View]
48837634AnonymousWhy are Americans so obsessed with race ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrRzyh7HRJ4 Pic unrel...9[View]
48839638AnonymousWhy do everyone hate Albanians?9[View]
48839508Anonymous>Just a day after Friday’s fatal shooting, a controversial conference organis...6[View]
48838405AnonymousWas he right ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg-be2r7ouc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NO...9[View]
48834957AnonymousSomewhere, a Honduran tried to post on 4chan but got murdered in the process29[View]
48838437Anonymous>poles >human beings6[View]
48815029AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: slavs edition Come meet people from around the world, practice yo...303[View]
48818179Anonymous>51% of Americans aren't 'confident' in the Big Bang theory ...221[View]
48838058Anonymousco tam guwniaki1[View]
48835715Anonymous>the word 'slave' literally derives from the word 'slav'22[View]
48834047Anonymous/deutsch/: Luxemburg Ausgabe305[View]
48831560Anonymous>Indian villagers worshiping newly built toilets instead of using them...28[View]
48838842AnonymousFrench song about for the glory of Allah. What do you think ? Rate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c...0[View]
48833762AnonymousSunday day. Why you not pray? Atheism is gay.40[View]
48837620AnonymousI noticed a lot of people complaining that most of the refugees are men. Actually, it was a similar ...8[View]
48827613AnonymousJapanese language: I started learning kana recently, and in the handbook I'm reading, it...28[View]
48838723changeFinal straw: Hey, I made the title like that get your attention. I’m a 19-year Sudanese male ...0[View]
48834674Anonymous>Mfw Taqqiyating my non muslims friends >made ...18[View]
48838690Anonymous>Paris syndrome is a transient psychological disorder exhibited by some indiv...1[View]
48837751AnonymousReminder that the west turner down Russian proposal to remove Assad three years ago. http://www.theg...3[View]
48838517Anonymous>and when the LORD your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, the...0[View]
48838015Anonymous>2014 >'Volkswagen is the biggest automobile pr...5[View]
48837485AnonymousWhy is Australia full of lower class and uneducated people? I love my country but I feel like I have...19[View]
48836661Anonymous> Live in Australia > even the birds try to kil...6[View]
48828487AnonymousI'm honestly getting sick of these 'America is bad' memes. Prove to me that showing G...18[View]
48835033AnonymousSo, exactly how long will it take for it to be common knowledge in the USA that we were dead wrong a...16[View]
48831337AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...347[View]
48825318AnonymousSverigetråden- VitArierupplagan481[View]
48831746Anonymouswith USA sending the best of his armed forces to East Asia can Russia be trusted to keep control ove...14[View]
48835082Anonymous/brit/: comfy morning edition497[View]
48837639Anonymous>listening to anime intros >don't know a s...1[View]
48819424AnonymousIs he right? I only want non-Turk or Amenian answers318[View]
48837630Anonymous>countries that work the least prosperous western countries ...0[View]
48836978Anonymous>Be French >Get invaded by shitskins ...14[View]
48837223AnonymousWhy can't Anglos into gendered nouns? They literally named Ocelot 'Adamska', it's a female...5[View]
48835451AnonymousIs Europe a decadent continent about to fall or is it just something pseudo-intellectuals want to ma...2[View]
48834364AnonymousAm Israël Hai ! http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/israel-bars-palestinians-jer...1[View]
48825884AnonymousCan we get more of these comics?25[View]
48833438AnonymousSo Chile is the only non-shithole country in SA? And Which country is worse than Chile in the Develo...13[View]
48816352Anonymous>Russians >White lmao106[View]
48836698Anonymousi dunno anymore. who in times like this would want to get married and brreed?5[View]
48832679AnonymousTrue Romania: Nice Pic I found on internet. This is for British people especially. No offense...2[View]
48831562AnonymousWhat went wrong?8[View]
48828995AnonymousWhy are white Aussie women more open to dating Asians but not blacks? And why are white American wo...34[View]
48832764AnonymousHow looks the Japanese English to the native or the people who can speak English well such as you, g...12[View]
48795282Anonymous>Your country >Best neighbour ...226[View]
48832532AnonymousYou wake up on the Cook Islands.6[View]
48833576AnonymousWhat goes on here?26[View]
48832849AnonymousI have a question for the Strayans. Is it true that during your gun buyback in 1996, a lot of gun ow...3[View]
48835932Anonymous>as a Canadian, I am proud of my country6[View]
48830306AnonymousWhat are some good movies from your country? Americans welcome!45[View]
48831287AnonymousAre you going to Mass today, /int/ ?19[View]
48830257AnonymousITT: nationalities you're willing to racemix with and your favourite ice cream flavour ...25[View]
48802059AnonymousRussian thread /rus/ thread: War in Syria with proofs edition Holy war: http://www.youtube.c...323[View]
48834212AnonymousDo you ever think that on slow news days, tv stations go shoot up a shit holes like Chad or Spain to...3[View]
48834878AnonymousWhat happens in Suriname and Guyana?13[View]
48828860Anonymous/asean/: /association south east asian nations/326[View]
48831063AnonymousWhy is milk sold in bags in Canada?66[View]
48834814AnonymousIs panarabism a bad joke ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JseN0wyClkg5[View]
48814309AnonymousIf you dont eat this in your country, you basically live in a third world country42[View]
48835396AnonymousAnyone has more pictures like this one?2[View]
48835384Lietuvis gyvenantis OlandijojeTIL Montréal is actually pronounced as mo-ré-al instead of mont-ré-al0[View]
48828780Anonymous>implying /int/ wouldn't racemix with an indigenous australian156[View]
48831214Anonymous>French music > accordion starts playing13[View]
48823822AnonymousBased Vodkas Gettin' Shit Done: 'The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) is under a...100[View]
48832086AnonymousWhat went wrong?15[View]
48834906Anonymous>brits have an overflowing population of criminal scum ...5[View]
48833532AnonymousHow has living in your country affected your psychology, /int/? For me, living in an island nation h...14[View]
48834752Anonymousand people say swedish isn't a meme language... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgdIAz4QN...1[View]
48826519AnonymousUhh, you don't get to bring friends.35[View]
48834347AnonymousDo some People in your cunt also drink their coffee/tea/chocolate out of bowls ? Here in France a lo...9[View]
48834585AnonymousThe Dog of American Ignored by other countries: Look how pathetic this fucking Korean blood n...4[View]
48818883AnonymousWhat was Syria like before the Arab Spring? Was it a nice place to live?37[View]
48834182AnonymousDaily reminder that Germany has let the entire Western world down and will forever live in shame bec...4[View]
48831867AnonymousTime for a streetview thread? Just tried this on /b/ but the thread drowned in a sea of dicks within...9[View]
48805519AnonymousWhy are western regimes so anal about him going?113[View]
48833986Anonymous>relevant countries5[View]
48833918Anonymousinternational weekend drinkers thread: Cheeeeeers m812[View]
48823192Anonymous>wake up >North America looks like this now...93[View]
48832371Anonymous/CUM/: Average Mexican edition308[View]
48831356Anonymous10 fr*nch dead thanks to floods THANK YOU POSEIDON14[View]
48831388AnonymousCan anyone here read this? I got an old wooden box today and this brass plate is on the top. I think...11[View]
48801785Anonymous/balt/: tbh296[View]
48830106Anonymoushttp://www.nairaland.com/ What is your reason not to use Nigerian imageboard?77[View]
48828158Anonymousyou may only post ITT if your country is legally allowed to invade the Netherlands https://en.wikipe...8[View]
48833585AnonymousGood luck, California!2[View]
48831353Anonymousso the head of Iran published a 416-page book on how he plans to take back the land that was taken f...7[View]
48814621Anonymous/Deutsch/: 'Sterben muss wieder sich lonen' Ausgabe320[View]
48833554AnonymousIemand uit Antwerpen?: Iemand zin om een museum ofzo te gaan bezoeken? ...2[View]
48827032Anonymous>be South Korean >not get shot34[View]
48827381AnonymousAverage brazilian9[View]
48824866Anonymous>mfw Brits are still butthurt 250 years later and refuse to teach kids about ...108[View]
48829326/brit//brit/: /brit/ /brit/:cute swat girl edition459[View]
48832334AnonymousHow do people in your country chant your country's name? We say 'USA USA USA!'. https://www.you...12[View]
48833337MexicoHispanicAndWhiteDo you like this sculture from Juarez,Mexico?0[View]
48829085AnonymousAustralians confirmed for wannabe muslims https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHNJ_NVwKpo6[View]
48833094Anonymouswhere do amerifats get the money to buy German WW2 tanks and planes and other crap and play with the...3[View]
48823235Anonymous>Cunt >Best book written in your language...88[View]
48830384Anonymous>Cunt >Republic or Empire Republic tbh, ...6[View]
48826947AnonymousIs Argentina white?: Let's end this debate once for all70[View]
48826662AnonymousWhy are Muslim girls so beautiful?13[View]
48829205AnonymousMy russian co-worker Olga was showing me picture of her recent Alaska trip. Her comment 'thank...37[View]
48832572Anonymousofficial chile appreciation thread: chile like texas but with less mexicans 我爱 智利!!1[View]
48830416AnonymousHello /int/! If ever the poo in loo meme gets old, I want you guys to know that we also drink cow pi...19[View]
48808853Mongol-TatarThis thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, history, modern situation, etc. of the t...34[View]
48830564AnonymousWhat makes NYC a great city? Boston history > New York history Washington DC Museums > New Yor...12[View]
48832384Anonymouslower class british < muslim immigrant seriously at least muslim have ANY ethic codex and persona...6[View]
48829242AnonymousThis is the English of university entrance examination in Japan.38[View]
48829955AnonymousITT: We post lesser known facts about other countries. I will start. In Canada it is a custom to wea...11[View]
48831463Anonymous>Canadian music >Canadian food ...19[View]
48817260Anonymousfaces of /int/: is your face here /int/ ?56[View]
48832192Anonymous>Your cunt >Vegans?3[View]
48830766Anonymous/cum/ canada us mexico: hello! late night/early morning355[View]
48832093Anonymoushttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo >americans and britons will de...0[View]
48816457Anonymous>a fucking australia >15 ...129[View]
48831395AnonymousIs Bill Maher actually a finngol?: Is it really so that Bill Maher the greatest comedian in t...8[View]
48831785AnonymousWhose flag is this?6[View]
48831680AnonymousITT: Wars your country is currently in6[View]
48831423Anonymous>his country doesn't have designated prostitution streets7[View]
48826772Anonymous>'para espanol o prima dos'10[View]
48831007Anonymous>tfw yuropoors and ausfailians keep wanting to grab my guns just leaf ...3[View]
48831011AnonymousYou need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin fingers! and say 'That...3[View]
48812743AnonymousWhy doesn't USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia just go ahead and unite already? They all pretty much ...25[View]
48823597AnonymousWas he white?26[View]
48830420Anonymouscuak: a typic motherfocker mexican put ur best duck face14[View]
48831313AnonymousDiscuss PS1: Danish people are one of the happiest country in the world PS2: Estonia is one of the c...2[View]
48831004Anonymous>land of the free4[View]
48831293Anonymous>wake up >australians still exist0[View]
48831098Anonymous>Unitedstatians will defend this5[View]
48812905AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...319[View]
48826751AnonymousHaving a bad day, /int/? At least you're not a filthy indian.11[View]
48828061AnonymousWhy are Russian men so ladylike?20[View]
48820782Anonymous>'In God We Trust' is the official motto of the United States31[View]
48825982Anonymous>'defenders of democracy and freedom' >2 party ...5[View]
48827878Anonymous1. country 2. mayo or ranch?38[View]
48829453Anonymous/cum/: wena cabron edition366[View]
48828836AnonymousWhat foreign friends do you have /int/? Are they immigrants or did you meet them overseas? Mine are:...44[View]
48830566Anonymous>I realized the Japanese language does not serve as a practical guide to lear...0[View]
48830221AnonymousHow does /int/ feel about Syria?13[View]
48824274AnonymousThings you assume about posters from other countries >All Americans I talk to...101[View]
48829499Anonymous>yfw all the anti American haters especially from under USA and Canadian flag...29[View]
48826492Anonymous/RUS/ General Were we learn russian words and customs16[View]
48828009Anonymous1. Your cunt 2. Are air conditioners or any other thermal system sexist in your cunt? https://www.yo...8[View]
48829820AnonymousSummarize your last vacation in 3 sentences or less India >Way too many peopl...3[View]
48826882Why are so many Koreans buttblasted about Japan's Empire?Like I get they have a reason to be upset, but so many of them act like 'omg we were victimized the ...6[View]
48829876AnonymousI wanna be Jewish What should i start?8[View]
48812970Anonymous>typical Okayama women85[View]
48828043Anonymous>Your cunt >Another cunt you're a very big...37[View]
48830053AnonymousRussians bomb IS command post in Raqa: http://news.yahoo.com/russian-strikes-destroy-com...0[View]
48828500AnonymousYou're in the South Wall Cornerclub when this n'wah smacks your Khajit slave's ass. W...7[View]
48830020AnonymousI'm going to Tel Aviv for further engineering education and want to know what the gay life i...1[View]
48827281AnonymousAre there many SJWs in you're cunt? Ever met any?61[View]
48828306AnonymousIn the year of our lord 2014 the people of Scotland fat off welfare checks did not fight to win thei...2[View]
48812421AnonymousWhat do Colombians think about this man?96[View]
48829063AnonymousDid the holocaust REALLY happen? Let's settle this once and for all40[View]
48826899AnonymousUSA is so mad right now they can't even tell what they're thinking... https://www.youtube....10[View]
48826923AnonymousIs Montenegro the greatest country in the world?2[View]
48827025AnonymousWhy is everyone making fun of Australia?7[View]
48824602AnonymousHow much did it blow your mind when you learned that there are 17 million people living in these shi...46[View]
48825211Anonymous>Ethiopians are Cacausoid and therefore not African ...11[View]
48828651AnonymousWhat nationalities are the funniest posters of /int/?16[View]
48828073Anonymous/cum/: QUATRO MÁS AÑOS edition329[View]
48822254AnonymousWhat does your ideal planet look like?108[View]
48828644AnonymousAre any Americans here living /int/ernationally right now? How is it compared to the USA? I want to...10[View]
48825204AnonymousIs she the most attractive female head of state in this moment of time?36[View]
48828490Anonymous1. Cunt 2. Your favorite pornstar(s).10[View]
48828693AnonymousFUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK >I found that my ancestors were actuall samurai ...18[View]
48828248Anonymouswhat is wrong with germans?8[View]
48828287AnonymousSurrender moneys are literally the Mexicans of Vermont. pls leave1[View]
48824911AnonymousCan South America and Russia be friends?15[View]
48825516AnonymousAhmed#dipshit: >be Japanese >help Bengal...3[View]
48828077Anonymous>Be gang member >live in a nogunz country...24[View]
48827985AnonymousITT: things you find interesting about the United States of America pic related, I don't know o...1[View]
48824596Anonymous>be australian >get shot234[View]
48821059AnonymousThis man says 'marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco' Why did Canada elect this man to lead the...93[View]
48825718AnonymousWhy don't Nordics and Germanics have any sense of filial piety?8[View]
48822282AnonymousWhat does /int/ think of a straight white man marrying a straight white woman at a church?51[View]
48824628AnonymousWorld powers thread Invited : America, Germany, France, England, Russia, Honorary Guest Serbia. Unin...68[View]
48828123Anonymous> Taking an Czech QT on a Tinder date > Casuall...6[View]
48827851AnonymousThose people from Palestine do not fuck around when you talk about Israel do they?6[View]
48825055On Her Majesty's Secret Service !Brit1/NO6Q/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico: Unpopular /cum/ opinions edition >the ker...342[View]
48827061AnonymousDo you live in a dangerous neighborhood? Are there animals you gotta look out for? http://www.youtub...18[View]
48827591AnonymousSay something nice about this person.12[View]
48825990I'm Trapped in Hongcouver !1osFbJ2s/w1. You're a cunt 2. Choose one minority group of your cunt 3. Replace it with another 4. Result...4[View]
48826080AnonymousWhich Type of Jew Are You?: >Judaism 1.0: Literally being a jew....19[View]
48825664AnonymousSup /int/ I was just wondering how cucked are you when it came to who you found attractive? Majority...8[View]
48817392AnonymousSeeing as /int/ these days is about 80% generals I thought it would be interesting (for me at least)...337[View]
48827556Anonymous>Canadians are unironically voting for a communist13[View]
48825986AnonymousPublic Safety Announcement:: There may, even now, be finlanders in your area. Please take app...1[View]
48827359AnonymousAre Americans niggers? http://strawpoll.me/56481944[View]
48811086AnonymousNEDERDRAAD: /neder/ kanker editie277[View]
48824207Anonymous/brit/: twink edition344[View]
48827609AnonymousRate this argie0[View]
48823075AnonymousPost the most butthurt countries from your continent40[View]
48815312AnonymousThis is Bolivia and they have no trees or grass37[View]
48827449AnonymousPOLAND: How do we free Poland from Judea's icy grasp?0[View]
48817268AnonymousPost heritage Receive praise82[View]
48825109AnonymousIs Gabon poster really from Gabon?57[View]
48827017AnonymousHas the rare flags of all rare flags every been spotted https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitcai...8[View]
48812051AnonymousHow do we eradicate Anglo anticulture?48[View]
48826954Anonymous>be australian >get shot1[View]
48826146AnonymousAustralia breaking out the probes2[View]
48797670Anonymous/asean/: CHINK BTFO H I N K B T F O PINOY R I D E WORLD I D E r-right g-guys?324[View]
48825969Anonymous>you're cunt >how many school shootings yo...11[View]
48810359AnonymousPost music from your country. (one per post and please write something about the song) https://www.y...69[View]
48826287Anonymous>be American >get depressed about life ...13[View]
48824081Anonymous>Inda in charge of making a functional service rifle LMAOing @ ur coun...37[View]
48824296AnonymousIf anyone has proof or source of Gaddafi being a dictator/mass murdered/criminal please post it here...7[View]
48825981Anonymousare canadians white?8[View]
48817371AnonymousWhich side of the provisional WW3 countries serve better food?50[View]
48826444AnonymousHow do we free Poland from Judaism?1[View]
48826471AnonymousAre Israeli posters IDF?0[View]
48826279Anonymous>be australian >get shot3[View]
48825903AnonymousHow hard is it to learn Icelandic?1[View]
48796641AnonymousElder Scrolls cultural analogues: >Nords: Scandinavians, Germa...286[View]
48823522Anonymous>tfw parents said they'd disown me if I won't dump my Irish gf...62[View]
48823442Anonymous>Wake up >North America is now this What...9[View]
48822644Anonymous>be australian >get shot13[View]
48821094AnonymousDo you support this man /int/?10[View]
48824790Anonymous>a Canadian tries to input his opinion5[View]
48825625AnonymousHoly shit. Turks ARE white. More white than the Greek kid I knew in high school, and most Italian A...11[View]
48819299Anonymous/norgetråden/: Nattutgave. Noen våken? Forrige tråd: >>4876608162[View]
48826007Anonymous>be Australian >get shot0[View]
48825476AnonymousGermany suddenly splits in half. You must choose to live in Frogger or Girder. Which do you choose?6[View]
48816577AnonymousWhat do other English speakers think about the British accent? How is it perceived? How is it consid...45[View]
48825851AnonymousHALP: HALP INDIAN BETA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AksWjRK-pY <pic related>1[View]
48823664AnonymousGo ahead.30[View]
48820785Anonymous>country (metropolitan) >do you use public tran...61[View]
48822940Anonymous>Support Yemen government solely due to the fact that Houthis are Shia...7[View]
48822878AnonymousHere in NJ a house was blown over by wind into the water. I wish our houses weren't such memes18[View]
48825446Anonymous>Be Australian >Ban guns and boat people...2[View]
48821971Anonymouswhy do lots of people smoke in europe (excluding middle to high class UK)?33[View]
48824544AnonymousWhat do you think of this division of Europe?7[View]
48823158AnonymousALWAYS remember, Scotland voted NO.6[View]
48824641Anonymous>select all images with street name signs28[View]
48824543AnonymousBritish girls: Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell is wrong with these women? Explain yoursel...6[View]
48825034AnonymousIs Wine popular in your country? Is it expensive? Have any in your house so you can share a pic? Pic...1[View]
488063631812 best day of my lifeFuck*ng Russian Winter60[View]
48816830Anonymous>be australian >get shot18[View]
48820776AnonymousThis country speaks Brazilian126[View]
48821776Anonymousyour country does the city you live in post banners of people from that city who joined the military...3[View]
48817174AnonymousKorea has some of the most beautiful women in the world even though the average Korean looks like sh...55[View]
48819037Anonymous>spain whiter than britanistan You mad, shitskin curry lovers? :^) htt...13[View]
48821990Anonymous/cum/: The ATF started the fire at Waco edition323[View]
48819769AnonymousIs Hiroyuki actually a jap jew? Is moot Jew too? Desu desu....(shaking and crying for afraid)15[View]
48824046AnonymousElections next week. Who should I vote for? - Social Democrats (red) - Freedom Party (blue) - Green ...4[View]
48824941Anonymous>born in the last century >probably will die in...0[View]
48824452MexicoHispanicAndWhiteshitspaniards are invading Mexico again7[View]
48819750AnonymousPost a picture with more talent.9[View]
48817132AnonymousLebanon was once Christian majority. What was Lebanon like before they were culturally enriched? Ar...46[View]
48824044AnonymousWhy don't you come home son?6[View]
48819195Anonymous/polska/: nowy poprzedni: >>4880860835[View]
48824306AnonymousWhat the fuck is a gringo?14[View]
48820005Anonymouscountries you hate the most: 1: ameica 2: russia 3: poland 4: indonesia 5: denmark125[View]
48823333AnonymousHow would you rate our most prominent anti-immigration Euro-parliament MEP Jussi Halla-aho? https://...3[View]
48814592Anonymous/maghreb/ + /me/: >tfw no middle eastern qt to wife up182[View]
48816940Anonymous/tr/ - Pro-Kurdish Independence Party Edition: /hdp/ ye oy vermeyecek faşistler nasıl hala in...13[View]
48823171AnonymousWho would win /int/?10[View]
48822706Anonymous>wake up >Europe is now this What do?7[View]
48823060AnonymousSo /int/ tell me how do i convert to The Holy Orthodox Church? i need to believe in something pls21[View]
48823932AnonymousWould a European girl date an American?5[View]
48816787AnonymousHow come the troubadours were moors if music is 'haram'?6[View]
48817828AnonymousSyrian refugees: Will Syrian 'refugees' go back to their country of origin when the war'...51[View]
48821946AnonymousPost how the average people look like in your country: >Brazil18[View]
48820460AnonymousOak trees: Why do white people only live among oak trees?18[View]
48823986AnonymousI have boxed british people before they are weak, there bones are soft and they are ugly to look at,...4[View]
48821444Anonymous/brit/: pub edition340[View]
48822953AnonymousHow would you describe Anglo-Italian relations?2[View]
48821406AnonymousDid you know that indians wipe their ass with their hands? Thats why indians refuse to shake a left-...10[View]
48820342AnonymousPeople in high school who are 15-16 in USA in TV shows and make police investigations as if they wer...94[View]
48823112O Gajo das Canetas-Tinteiro !TY7.caneTAChegou o novo fio.12[View]
48814102AnonymousThis is not a troll or racism so pls listen I think Japanese is kind if the race which is existed to...17[View]
48793763AnonymousPost your spurdos102[View]
48816768AnonymousWhy is France so CUTE :397[View]
48822330AnonymousStudies in Spain: Hey /int/, I'm a germanfag who's currently doing a degree thats d...14[View]
48820095 !HATEDjgkJA/lat/ - Hilo Latino: edicion fuera gallegos de mierda316[View]
48820389AnonymousAmerifats on suicide watch: This is a normal day in one of Swedens 'no-go' areas, which by Am...4[View]
48808357/luso//luso/: Edição: quem vota PS é urso Useful links: >Learn Portuguese...311[View]
48821977AnonymousHow peaceful is your country?13[View]
48795671Anonymous/mämmi/: Mikä kaunis päivä editio.241[View]
48823124AnonymousWant a mate lad?0[View]
48815036AnonymousWhat the fuck is happening to this board!? This used to be a place where at least anons tried a bit ...53[View]
48823093Anonymous>North American/European talking about some third world shithole like it...0[View]
48822329AnonymousYour country Have you ever heard of the Dudesons?7[View]
48815173Anonymous/v4/: Co je komu do vojáka když ho holka zradila nashledanou pane Fráňo Šrámku písnička už sk...219[View]
48822388AnonymousHow are braces viewed in your country?9[View]
48822980Anonymous>be australian >get shot2[View]
48823020AnonymousDid radicals hand him the gun?0[View]
48818456Anonymous/int/ BTFO35[View]
48817101AnonymousDo many Russians look like Vlad?23[View]
48805010Anonymous/ita/ - il Filo: Edizione i Fili muoiono a 300 post312[View]
48821363AnonymousIndian man breaks world record for longest fingernails: >Shridar Chill...24[View]
48822308Anonymouswhere I can find busty grills?13[View]
48822821AnonymousWhy was it that Western Europe was always on the front page of history? >What it is about Western...0[View]
48819703AnonymousTfw your currency isn't worth shit...25[View]
48801217Anonymous/balk/: Saturday night balkans fixed edition previous: >>48766340314[View]
48819518Anonymous>Saturday night out >approach cute girls, start...53[View]
48816560AnonymousIs there a correlation between each brand of Christianity and lazyness, poor work ethics and the gen...7[View]
48814955AnonymousName one good thing about Islam41[View]
48810398AnonymousFinno-ugric thread: ITT we discuss Finno-ugric culture, language, history. No butthurt and ha...117[View]
48821922Anonymous>a country that makes music about ponytails https://www.youtube.com/wa...1[View]
48812714AnonymousFind a flaw324[View]
48816276Anonymous/MENA/: Late night blues eition14[View]
48821891AnonymousWhy are Brazilians so nice? I want to hate them but they're funny and well behaved.3[View]
48814070Anonymous/brit/: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/03/us-europe-migrants-eurotunnel-idU...24[View]
48814284Anonymous/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico: Burger edition329[View]
48821496AnonymousProve this isn't the best Europe. Protip: you can't.3[View]
48820407Anonymoushow's Sarajevo nowadays?8[View]
48818535Anonymous>Central Powers win WWI What does our world look like today?9[View]
48813621Anonymousindians worship newly built toilets: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi claims 100% success ...4[View]
48821254AnonymousIs Germany the Alabama of Europe?2[View]
48821076AnonymousThoughts on this?5[View]
48816649Anonymous>wake up >world is this watdo8[View]
48805286AnonymousIs it true that Americans are able to get drunk form light beer?95[View]
48820864AnonymousBoiler-rooms are for junkies, right ?3[View]
48821174Anonymous>>48820968 best friend from Belarus, loves Putin, hates Balrussian president, loves russia...l...0[View]
48812173AnonymousLet's talk about honor. Does your country have a sense of honor? Has it ever had a codified set...77[View]
48816601Anonymous>mfw God already made his ranking when he created earth. Europe Asia i...1[View]
48819912AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...3[View]
48819421AnonymousWhat happens here?14[View]
48820244Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTKmjhJ1__o 1. You're a cunt 2. Have you ever been this ha...3[View]
48811543AnonymousIs there any non-shit airline in the US?19[View]
48818177AnonymousSometimes I read people saying that Islam is a very ''political'' religion and t...23[View]
48803634Anonymous'This is war' meme: Post em boys, I wanna see some good ones19[View]
48818018Anonymous/brit/: Oriental birds edition470[View]
48810513 !topkek/0d.Hilo latino - esp - /hisp/: Con aguante y re piola313[View]
48810511/Deutsch/Machen/Maken Ausgabe39[View]
48805980AnonymousHiroshima /int/: >Your country >Draw you...70[View]
48816780Anonymous>wake up tomorrow >Europe looks like this...6[View]
48815365Anonymous>tfw you were born just in time to see the destruction of Europe26[View]
48817682AnonymousNuke-A-Country v.4.0. - Please dont be asleep, Europe Edition: Welcome to Nuke-A-Country vers...322[View]
48814420Anonymous>fundamentalist Muslim country >Capital city is...5[View]
48803996Anonymous1. Your country 2. Do you have roundabouts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1agHAa6eG859[View]
48817154Anonymous>In aNovember 2009 referendum, a constitutional amendment banning the constru...5[View]
48819404AnonymousSchönen 25 jahre tag der Deutschen einheit, Deutsche fags! Wie fühlen Sie?3[View]
48814160Anonymouswhich country is BEST34[View]
48816369AnonymousWhat dressing do you put on salad? I go balsamic vinagrette or italian. Ranch is for plebs tbh35[View]
48795355AnonymousSo is this generally accepted to be accurate now?244[View]
48811097AnonymousThe 00s decade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0WOpnGO5XI Question for /pol/: what are ...27[View]
48818404AnonymousThoughts about this ?1[View]
48818852AnonymousSome of you chyorny's are alright, stay out of Grozny tomorrow.1[View]
48818261AnonymousI can hear a gun fight close to my house Who else can? >inb4 sissy europoors...5[View]
48814003Anonymous>his country is an island60[View]
48815943Anonymous>be american >bomb hospitals and call it collat...3[View]
48813787Anonymous>'cyka blat, kurit yest?' what do41[View]
48816652AnonymousWhy wont Europeans just send their armies to shoot all of the refugees? No one would have blinked an...2[View]
48808608Anonymous/polska/: daj tej edycji szansę poprzedni: >>48792346 temat tematu: https://www.youtube...334[View]
48817665AnonymousWhen do we destroy the white race, lads?1[View]
48808987AnonymousDo you have xenophobic phrasals in your language? We have wyżydzić = to jew (sth) out = to make some...31[View]
48818263AnonymousBig Brother: Where were you when the New World order rolled out? https://www.youtube.com/watc...1[View]
48816447AnonymousRate the Stans with 1 being the best and 7 being the worst: >Afghanistan...23[View]
48817133Anonymousinternational: those damn arabs1[View]
48812141AnonymousWhy do nordic snowniggers eat pizza with a knife and fork like fucking savages?51[View]
48817709Anonymous/int/ starts a fight club, which country: >Which one is The Narrator? ...0[View]
48812280AnonymousWhy did the Persians conquer Yemen but not Arabia?26[View]
48801726AnonymousWhy do YOU hate pakistan?102[View]
48817179AnonymousOHIO HAHAHA4[View]
48800682AnonymousHistorical feels? >tfw can't travel along the river-network from the Bal...117[View]
48812250AnonymousPretty Russian girls: I'm not talking about the average blonde ones but the siberian/asi...2[View]
48816898AnonymousFilipino-American: It's Filipino-American history month https://youtu.be/feQSIEzSdb45[View]
48813424AnonymousAverage Lithuanian man.17[View]
48816318AnonymousWhat's the reason of there being an /int/ here in 4chan if everybody already speaks English in ...3[View]
48766081Anonymous/Norgetråden/: /Norgetråden/ /skavlan/-utgaven. Forrige tråd: >>48709418323[View]
48814846Anonymous/brit/: 'i am an anti-zionist' is codeword for 'i am a paki' edition449[View]
48816203AnonymousIs it true that every Nodric here makes parte of that minority of 4%?25[View]
48815241Anonymous>you were born just in time to see your ethnic group be replaced by Pakis and...29[View]
48814216AnonymousThoughts on this very important video. http://youtu.be/ZuoqreGkl7o7[View]
48816684Anonymousis it true that Sweden takes care of Muslim immigrants ahead of its own people?1[View]
48811573AnonymousIt's painfully obvious we're going to need a Northern Wall too to keep those dirty snownig...17[View]
48813398Anonymoussafety country ranking: is it real? why Philippines locate N.36 i heard that Philippine is so...33[View]
48813599Anonymous>day of german 'unity' >still missing like half...42[View]
48816140AnonymousSTRAYA-ENGLEL : 33-13: Why is Straya so based ?3[View]
48816701Anonymouscountry fav game Poland Baldurs Gate 20[View]
48810520/can//can/: Upcoming erection edition92[View]
48816555AnonymousLuxembourg: How does it feel to be replaced by the worst scum on earth, the portuguese?1[View]
48812817AnonymousWest doesn't understand life. Why morals? Why higher ideals? Waste of energy and injury of soul...6[View]
48815152AnonymousWere USA colonized by England or by Germany? Almost every American I know is of German descent, not ...23[View]
48806583AnonymousLinguistic Differences Thread. You say 'zed' Americans say 'zero' Americans call it a truck, Brits s...30[View]
48816467AnonymousWhy are Americans so unoriginal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydAIdVKv84g0[View]
48816132AnonymousHow did we go from this...1[View]
48813609AnonymousAre Australians brave?9[View]
48816373Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlRCGR10uBg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnOJ8GnheXc ht...0[View]
48814376AnonymousCuban-Americans and Cuban exiles are the best and brightest people on the planet. If you disagree wi...7[View]
48815956AnonymousTell me true facts about your country teenage girls. I will start. Texas 1) Girls lose their virgini...7[View]
48815936AnonymousDoes anybody know why Cech wears that helmet?4[View]
48804350Anonymous/ex-yu/: samo luzeri ostaju doma subotom navečer edicija386[View]
48815893Anonymous>his ''dog'' doesn't get a schmacko to send him wacko4[View]
48815028AnonymousDo you know about Yi Sun-sin. he did almost killed shogun of japan and he almost conquer japan. Kore...2[View]
48815288AnonymousWhat is the worst country in the world and why is it Azerbaijan?5[View]
48807498Anonymous/INT/ Battle Station Kind of just want to see how the rest of the world lives, tbh20[View]
48815581AnonymousIs she white?5[View]
48809180AnonymousHow does it feel living in flyover states devoid of based Publix?10[View]
48815418AnonymousWho is this man?9[View]
48801043Anonymousredpill me on Czechoslovakia102[View]
48807108AnonymousWhat country has the worst drivers?44[View]
48810988AnonymousAmerican pizza is considered the best right?79[View]
48814840AnonymousI am the only one who is starting to hate Western women? I get mad at these kind of pics not due to ...7[View]
48814801AnonymousHas socialism already failed in your country? Brazil Yes2[View]
48814690AnonymousITT we hate on diaspora that lives in canada especially the persians lebanese armenian turkish desi ...3[View]
48806506AnonymousWhat makes them European?75[View]
48807929Anonymous/GAS/ - Ehemals /deutsch/: Fröhliche 'Wiedervereinigung'sausgabe316[View]
48813176Anonymous>be australian mr cheng >get shot by 15 year ol...4[View]
48809598Anonymous !BurgerlIXYEn eviga Sverigetråden: Unga arga män-upplagan387[View]
48804050Anonymous/v4/: do you want a family? edition342[View]
48814320AnonymousFennoswedes best swedes0[View]
48808704AnonymousSolution for peace in the Middleast: You have 9.11 seconds to find a flaw with the new Middle...47[View]
48794336AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: kim236 is /ded/ edition Come meet people from around the world, p...316[View]
48814040Anonymousdon't let the memes fool you guys sotuh brazil is an aids shithole2[View]
48807865Anonymous25 yrs: congratulations Germany! Was DDR a good experiment to prove communism is a fail as co...25[View]
48786355Anonymous/cum/: t. Padmanabhan edition315[View]
48807209AnonymousCalling all byzantaboos: >tfw you'll never participate in a Chari...88[View]
48812420AnonymousGood night11[View]
48810100AnonymousHow does this make you feel?61[View]
48795459Anonymous>your country >your age ...111[View]
48810544AnonymousAverage Mexican man.2[View]
48804385Anonymous/balt/: NOW WELCOME: /udija/ /brit/ /fr/ /deutsch/ /tr/ /ex-yu/ /polska/ /balk/ /Sverigetråd...12[View]
48813893AnonymousLIST OF THE WORLD / ALL THE CLAY: Here is a comprehensive listing of all of the places and la...1[View]
48811386Anonymous/brit/: red friars edition454[View]
48801648Anonymousthank you Lidl, freedom enabler. best food. thanks germany.143[View]
48804899AnonymousIs there a meaning in this hand sing?18[View]
48808074AnonymousTell me an interesting fact about Brazil.9[View]
48806815AnonymousPutin falcons in Syria: Devils fight for Asad. Here is the proof17[View]
48808610AnonymousDo you live on a civilizational boundary, /int/? I live near the border between European and Middle ...29[View]
48811113 !URACISTMKI/Neder/: Nederdraad. Niet welkom: Arabieren, krulbroodjes en andere buitenlanders. Welkom: De...3[View]
48807195Anonymous>800 000 >now the VW scandal Is this lan...10[View]
48805890AnonymousAre you supporting your local products /int/?10[View]
48800916Anonymous/Deutsch/: Großserbien Ausgabe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEhFg5ScPHw294[View]
48808295AnonymousWhy is the american army so dumb? Don't they plan their attacks or something? http://www.thegua...5[View]
48800316AnonymousStop shitposting!!!21[View]
48812873AnonymousSlavs are: >Beautiful >Hard-working ...6[View]
48805191AnonymousHow violent is your country /int/? Getting murdered here is pretty common.38[View]
48804798AnonymousTell me about this country, why did it go to shit and what can save it?11[View]
48806555AnonymousSweden and Denmark have the longest history of any other country on earth8[View]
48809034AnonymousIs it true that people from the midwest survive only by drinking high fructose corn syrup ?6[View]
48810345AnonymousIf you were Murica what country would you bomb and why?28[View]
48812913AnonymousPENIS IN VAGINA WHEN2[View]
48812133AnonymousNow that the dust has settled what is your cunt's opinion of George Walker Bush?14[View]
48809915AnonymousGENEAOLOGY, HERITAGE, AND ANCIENT CIVS: Hi /int/ General genealogy thread. Invited: Basicall...9[View]
48805739AnonymousWake up This is the world How fucked are you?44[View]
48811664AnonymousDo girls enjoy watching sports in your country?18[View]
48812433AnonymousJaps on /int/ .. regale me with your fractured english comments, weird food products and bizarre TV ...0[View]
48792343Anonymous/lat/ /hisp/: hilo latino308[View]
48811821AnonymousGood luck, California!1[View]
48807731Anonymous>mfw Europeans try to say the EU is better then the U.S.10[View]
48812042AnonymousOregon hero: Is he white?1[View]
48811648AnonymousPoles i have to ask you something So, i was at work one day. And among all the Polish workers, it wa...4[View]
48802774AnonymousUS bombs Doctors Without Borders: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-34433302 ...326[View]
48800040AnonymousIs it true that Americans aren't able to eat natural products daily? Like, real meat, milk, etc...101[View]
48803168AnonymousScandinavian people: Are Scandiniavians all 6'3, blonde and blue eyed people or is just ...21[View]
48810769Anonymous>Unifcation day >Austria is still a thing...2[View]
48808374AnonymousWhy do Spaniards hate themselves so much? It's literally the best country in Europe and the Cr...26[View]
48806936AnonymousEuropeans have pussy ass taste buds26[View]
48804820AnonymousSerbian pop music pls: Guise, i wanna know more serbian artists like marija serifovic, marina...18[View]
48796995Anonymous/isr/ /ישר/: Are you even awake atm? Edition. Come one come all! Every Israeli, Jew and/or me...323[View]
48809014AnonymousWhat do you think of American games /int/? http://youtu.be/GZS-NHmhT341[View]
48805800AnonymousWhy are German posters so friendly and nice? It's kinda creepy20[View]
48808022AnonymousHow popular is anime in your country?23[View]
48798243AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...342[View]
48807197Anonymous>his country doesnt have its own martial art15[View]
48802638AnonymousWhat do people in your country think about based america?24[View]
48805632Anonymous/brit/: northern ireland is a white paradise edition400[View]
48809431AnonymousThere are people who don't vote in their elections on this board RIGHT NOW.9[View]
48807691AnonymousDaily Doze of Russia.: Snow on Friday edition. Be ready for padiki, comrades. http://www.yout...2[View]
48807092Anonymous/white/: post your face when you realized white race is superior and you are white ...21[View]
48809081Anonymoushow do train tickets look like in your cunt?7[View]
48805368Anonymous1) Your cunt 2) What do you think of smoking and people who smoke? Personally I can't see any m...10[View]
48805492AnonymousHey /int/, Russian here. Are there places in the world where I can get a refugee status, perhaps by ...27[View]
48800880Anonymous/neder/: Nederdraad: Pepsi > Coca Cola Cola Zero/Pepsi max > Cola met suiker354[View]
48805566AnonymousWhat do you put in a average hot dog in your country? >mashed potatoes...11[View]
48804138AnonymousAmericans, are you proud of NASA?7[View]
48809166Anonymoushttp://www.thenews.pl/1/12/Artykul/223218,Poland-using-North-Korean-forced-labour Bravo Po...1[View]
48808891AnonymousWhy don't we just all return to our former currencies in a controlled, non-chaotic way?10[View]
48807263AnonymousIs it considered racist in your county to be proud of its traditions and culture? ...12[View]
48806903AnonymousEmpire of the Cherry Blossoms: >Japan beats South Africa and Samoa in ...3[View]
48809066AnonymousI could never understand ethnic or national pride. Because to me pride should be reserved for someth...10[View]
48801397Anonymous>white ''''people'''''50[View]
48786727Anonymous/MENA/ - Middle East & North Africa: looking for my morrocanfu edishaan329[View]
48804685AnonymousWhat can Brazil do to become a respectable and relevant country?49[View]
48797642Anonymousdo you have this in your cunt?59[View]
48801890AnonymousI CANT STAND ALL THIS ATTENTION ANYMORE >financial crisis ...13[View]
48804167AnonymousSverigetråden - Brorupplagan325[View]
48808405AnonymousIf all of these states broke off and formed their own country what would it be like?2[View]
48802282Anonymous>Sweden >Yes24[View]
48802129AnonymousIemand uit Antwerpen of de buurt?: Ik heb zin in mijn eerste anon ontmoeting. Eerste is op mi...23[View]
48808028AnonymousArabic translation: Hey Arabic speakers, what does this mean? المعتر تو كول فور سكول7[View]
48808382AnonymousWhy is he so sexy ?9[View]
48807470AnonymousMy ex is no longer engaged. The mother of the former fiancé who came to tell me by Facebook. I tried...7[View]
48797744AnonymousI can't find a single flaw in the country. Can somebody help me out?33[View]
48803462AnonymousCanada is going communist soon. Now all we need is for the Brits to elect Corbyn and for the Murrica...20[View]
48805006AnonymousFixd yurop: I finally fix'd Europe lads39[View]
48807637AnonymousYou can only post ITT if your country wasn't occupied by arabs for 800 years. Not so fast Franc...3[View]
48792346Anonymous/polska/: edycja Michała Stokłosy, znanego działacza politycznego poprzedni: >>48763445...318[View]
48782462Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Último fio: >>48772889 Useful links: >Lea...302[View]
48803746AnonymousWhat happens here?27[View]
48801555AnonymousHey Hey Koreans3[View]
48798269Anonymousitt: we trigger the french88[View]
48805025Anonymous>tfw The Maple leaf Forever will never be my national anthem ...6[View]
48805688AnonymousITT: greatest invention from your cunt27[View]
48806482AnonymousHow's the weather, /int/?13[View]
48805584Anonymous/brit/: Scottish Enlightenment edition424[View]
48806676AnonymousWhat makes them European?5[View]
48806585AnonymousWhat are typical Churka first names ?5[View]
48792882AnonymousAre gingers common in your country?41[View]
48806286Anonymousrussians could you find me that video about these two guys living in the basement and one takes a sh...11[View]
48801330Anonymous>his SSN isn't just his date of birth and a 4 digit code Is it ev...13[View]
48800562AnonymousWhat's the matter with this ?: What is the story behind this ? can someone explain me ? ...27[View]
48787594Anonymouswho else /yellowfever/ here?67[View]
48754334Slovak in exile/voc/ - Vocaroo: Post shit in your language and laugh at others trying to read it, then read ...352[View]
48805477Anonymous>mfw literally ginger >mfw blue eyes ...5[View]
48781891Anonymous/tr/: ASALAwarrior tripfag BTFO edişın328[View]
48807046AnonymousEverybody here talks about countries (i know it's the board's subject) but what about citi...0[View]
48796366AnonymousWhy do people think Finland is European?14[View]
48789005Anonymous/ex-yu/: samo za alfa mužjake sa visokim testom307[View]
48805831AnonymousPost the 3 cities you want to visit the most.: Me: 1. New York 2. Tokyo 3. Chicago20[View]
48806993Anonymous>mfw US trying to criticise russian airstrikes http://mobile.reuters....0[View]
48767518Anonymous>Turks will defend this168[View]
48795838AnonymousWhat makes them European?290[View]
48803721AnonymousYou may only post in this thread if your country still has wild bears.10[View]
48798571AnonymousWhat do you think about dialects?26[View]
48805602AnonymousDuring his UN speech Benjamin Netanyu announced that Israel was the defender of the free world, savi...23[View]
48806685AnonymousAfter scientific reseac, the most badass race in this earth is the white race. https://www.youtube.c...0[View]
48789918AnonymousRace Aging: How come black people don't age and white people age so badly?69[View]
48804763Anonymoushi, who is this16[View]
48803613AnonymousIs France even white blablabla they were invaded by arabs blablabla their language is full or arabic...12[View]
48783907AnonymousAutism Thread: Rare Flag Edition: SHOW YOURSELF!162[View]
48804682OPPooptugal, how does it feel to know that a curry nigger will cuck you over once again after Goa?6[View]
48794994AnonymousTell me about Chad.16[View]
48804236AnonymousFriendly reminder that you'll never have a faithful cutie muslima gf you filthy kafir33[View]
48804967Anonymous>be american >build a house made of cardboard...8[View]
48798669Anonymous/skandi/: Vi er brodre så lad os poste som brodre udgave9[View]
48785028Anonymous/ita/ - il Filo: Edizione servizio telefonico Ladri335[View]
48804062AnonymousI was browsing 9gag (fuck off, man-children) and came across an image where it states that Sweden is...16[View]
48791149AnonymousWhat is the most common name in your country?: Inb4 Muhammed96[View]
48805110AnonymousWhen are we going to nuke those dirty cunts?6[View]
48805149Anonymous>the eternal anglo is a jew Why would you represent the 'cream of the ...0[View]
48799586Anonymous>Tfw no qt beta nip bf to be assertive with19[View]
48794235AnonymousPercentage Population that is classified as white or European Ancestry: Argentina what are yo...16[View]
48793929AnonymousAre all the things people say about India true?31[View]
48804282Anonymous>tfw you'll never hang out with your bydlo bros outside a grey poor comm...9[View]
48804724Anonymous/balt/: Jean-Claude Juncker edition Not welcome: /Sverigetråden/ /udija/ /japan/ /Sverigetråd...2[View]
48775833/balt/Good morning /balt/ edition Not welcome: /udija/ /brit/ /fr/ /deutsch/ /tr/ /ex-yu/ /polska/ /balk/...305[View]
48802741Anonymous/brit/: No Anime Allowed Edition436[View]
48801108AnonymousI find many Croatians on 4chan somehow abuse us severely these days. By any chance do you still hold...4[View]
48804473AnonymousHaplogroups: Europeans How do you feel about your country haplogroups?4[View]
48804252AnonymousSverigetråd1: UFC upplagan Bältet hem till Sverige!2[View]
48791982AnonymousPost songs from people singing in your language. >West Brits say Irish isn...37[View]
48797051AnonymousHello my name is pekka fuck you! he he joke! ok? bye.40[View]
48801491AnonymousGermany Yes!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83rrb6wPEjg8[View]
48804222AnonymousWhy was I born a worthless American manlet instead of a mighty Serb?0[View]
48799689Anonymous'I could show fight on natural selection having done and doing more for the progress of civilization...18[View]
48803797Anonymous>Vatican acts after Polish priest reveals homosexuality ...1[View]
48799761AnonymousITT we fix countries: I'll start with France.7[View]
48803648AnonymousIs studying in Vancouver,BC a good idea? It's my dream but I heard the city is too expensive an...4[View]
48801588Anonymousluxembourg pls respond What even happens in your country?4[View]
48803580Anonymous>pretending to be japanese on the internet4[View]
48803643CymraegDear Australia Plz can you beat the English Poms so we can make it to the next round of the World Cu...1[View]
48796053AnonymousWhy are Asians so weird? I've done quite a bit of travelling and met people from pretty much e...9[View]
48799560Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono Edição beleza masculina bear: Último fio: >>48782462 Useful links...18[View]
48802891AnonymousWhat will Europe look like in 50 years time?6[View]
48792953Anonymous>a 15 year old BTFO'd cuckstralian gun laws http://www.dailymail....20[View]
48803749Anonymous>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Unity_Day Happy birthday, G...0[View]
48803321AnonymousWhich nation is your cuckboy?: Canada here, australia is forever our little cuckboy because a...4[View]
48800876AnonymousRussia Strong!!!4[View]
48793211Anonymous/Deutsch/: Einheits Ausgabe292[View]
48800509AnonymousTurkey Czech republic Hungary Slovakia Russia Why are you so 'just fuck my shit up' when it comes...25[View]
48800014AnonymousFamily and stuff: How's the family unit in your cunt? In germany there is no concept of ...8[View]
48803324Anonymous>tfw no russian literary friend I'm SICK of this feel1[View]
48800397AnonymousIs rape REALLY that bad?: I dont get why cunts get to hung up on rape. They think its worse t...46[View]
48794272AnonymousWhat do they have in common?79[View]
48780395Anonymous>Can't eat pork >Can't drink ...171[View]
48791669Anonymous/int/ approved women14[View]
48802800Anonymous>Poland >YES http://www.bbc.com/news/wor...2[View]
48800716AnonymousWhat is your country's Florida?11[View]
48802878AnonymousMates I just lost two hours despite only gaining one in Autumn. I think the time tax is going up. Ea...0[View]
48798744Anonymous>tfw just learned that one aborigine Sami language is spoken EXCLUSIVELY in F...11[View]
48802142Anonymousanother day, another delay11[View]
48800147Anonymous>be American >don't agglutinate nor hyphen...14[View]
48802730AnonymousGod is dead. We are now alone in front of ourselves. The worst arrives and nothing can stop this. Ad...0[View]
48798831AnonymousRoman Empire: Are you guys sad about the fall of the roman empire ?149[View]
48786265Anonymoushow come r'ssians get so butt-blasted when it comes to the topic of Mongols?39[View]
48794805Anonymousis your president aesthetically pleasing?17[View]
48799559AnonymousTODAYS SCORE-AMERICA 9 RUSSIA 11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koJqBPNYyEk1[View]
48794797AnonymousCan you name 5 without googling /int/?13[View]
48775076AnonymousIs it true that other countries find this disgusting? Pic was my breakfast today.179[View]
48799289Anonymousstrong pope best pope. Francisco is weak... also communist and not white, he only loves and tolerate...17[View]
48787446Anonymousso is your country good at soccer70[View]
48801728AnonymousWhere were you when The United Kingdom unilaterally surrenderd to the US of A?1[View]
48800533Anonymouswould just like to offer a big warm welcome to all the new NSA, FBI, CIA, MI6, GCHQ and ASIO agents ...31[View]
48800994AnonymousAMERICA: Why America so superior and unmatched? What makes American people most freedom, stro...21[View]
48802112AnonymousHave you been to a Russian forest rave? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VrogNec03Y0[View]
48800998AnonymousSlavs have been in Europe for 700 years less than Jews.14[View]
48784730Anonymous/fr/ Édition cheveux de feu: Le dernier fil n'était pas entièrement consumé, mais c...331[View]
48786449Anonymous/v4/: Why are you wasting your life away on the internet, son?338[View]
48794593AnonymousAfter 25 years, what is your conclusion of German reunification?76[View]
48796980AnonymousAre you in this picture? Please tell me where. >inb4 me on the left18[View]
48791242AnonymousHow do you go from this43[View]
48800131AnonymousUSA you are fucking hipsters we hated sand niggers before it was cool But serious now we need a new ...3[View]
48792262Anonymous>Germany is NOT a third world shithole19[View]
48788123AnonymousWhy are the Americans building such a fat manlet airplane? The pilots can't even stand up in th...146[View]
48778806AnonymousRussia thread/ Russian thread blini edition: Tbh lads No shitpost, OK?317[View]
48801176AnonymousSerbia appreciation thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGjptvq8ldI https://www.youtube.com/...4[View]
48766340Anonymous/balk/: benin edition last : >>48756976306[View]
48801057Anonymous>Cunt >Is rape and murder considered a crime in...5[View]
48796020AnonymousWhat was wrong with the bombing of Medecins sans Frontieres?: What ‘Murica does is righteous,...21[View]
48799120AnonymousThe Finnish naming ceremony is a strange one - when a new boy or girl of Finnish stock is born they...8[View]
48798282Anonymous/brit/: empire edition544[View]
48788688AnonymousEvidence of Sea of Corea This is the old map from France from 19century at that time everyone saied ...37[View]
48795473AnonymousAverage Polish man.7[View]
48800320AnonymousAre they honorary Finnish?3[View]
48800717Anonymouscould this 1000 years old turkish loli can pass as a local in your cunt?2[View]
48797313Anonymous>tfw get made fun of for being completely unable to eat spicy foods despite b...12[View]
48799599AnonymousShow me your rare/uncommon/cool flags collection. What? You don't have one? shiggy7[View]
48792217AnonymousI was visiting my family in Bosnia and everyone had just one and the same plate for soup, main dish ...14[View]
48793123AnonymousCan we all agree that horse archery hit-and-run tactics are the most cowardly bullshit in human hist...55[View]
48788792AnonymousUs Germanics are destined to rule the world. SO HOW COMES THE ANGLOS RULE INSTEAD???143[View]
48800028Anonymouswithout googling it what do you think this state is named31[View]
48795003AnonymousYour favourite neigbour? I pick best komshi of course <334[View]
48799288AnonymousAmerica in the Roman Empire: >we're in the year 14 A.D. ...10[View]
48786453AnonymousNEDERDRAAD: /NEDERDRAAD/ vroege ochtend editie346[View]
48800263AnonymousPlease watch the video the Made in Japan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1e_546cOCg https://w...0[View]
48795971AnonymousWhy should we pay debts? I don't WANT to.7[View]
48796690AnonymousWhat does Russia think of Cuba? What does Japan think of Peru? What does Spain think of Vietnam? Wha...7[View]
48796190AnonymousNO ONE CARED WHO I WAS UNTIL I PUT ON THE...2[View]
48799889Anonymous>czech casting2[View]
48799727Anonymousredpill me on Gibraltar, /int/6[View]
48790086Anonymoustell me about your local mythological/legendary creatures38[View]
48799166AnonymousWhy are local Finnish gypsies 100x worse than gypsies elsewhere?2[View]
48794107AnonymousWhat is it ?6[View]
48797885Anonymous/moth/: 1) your cunt 2) are you afraid of these ? 3) are children/ girls / people in your cou...20[View]
48795705AnonymousWhat part of the Wogisphere is the least worse ? I want to say Mongistan because Hungarians are bare...17[View]
48798227AnonymousBattle of Europe: The Dark Side edition. Post politicians from your country who support the M...10[View]
48797387AnonymousI'm preparing to visit the States soon and I was wondering, could any of you Americans tell me ...9[View]
48798179Anonymouson a scale from 1 to America, how free are you today?2[View]
48798666AnonymousMEANWHILE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xEQ2orTjKk IN RUSSIA2[View]
48788271AnonymousTell me your worst experiences in Rome, if you had.58[View]
48798866Anonymoushttp://www.weddingbee.com/2009/09/30/i-read-something-silly-today/ https://archive.moe/r9k/thre...0[View]
48792734AnonymousWhy are goyim so fucking stupid?10[View]
48789703AnonymousIs East Germany still a shithole compared to West Germany?76[View]
48791864AnonymousNY Dominicans launches motoconcho: http://dominicantoday.com/mobile/article.aspx?id=5667...4[View]
48795079Anonymous>Polish man attempts to tenuously climb the side of the Eiffel Tower and reac...46[View]
48783295AnonymousWhy does it make you Europoors so mad that I can own and carry guns? I have yet to interact with an...57[View]
48797641Anonymous/asean/: Post-cooking show blues0[View]
48794960AnonymousLet's try to write Chinese characters.: You can request what you wanna write in Chinese ...4[View]
48792233Anonymousa superpower5[View]
48795103AnonymousWhat do these Chinese emojis mean?1[View]
48790833AnonymousWhat do you think of England and the English?29[View]
48787489AnonymousWhy are Germans such good engineers?51[View]
48792689AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...358[View]
48796161America is the only relevant countryyou can only post itt if your country has 20 aircraft carriers5[View]
48795228Anonymous/brit/: chocolate goddesses edition399[View]
48792010Anonymous/asean/: FLIP VS CHINK347[View]
48788670AnonymousKurds come to Turkey. Kurds kill our people rape women take children. Kurds are true evil. ISIS is t...52[View]
48794250Anonymous>be usa >bomb doctors without borders ...51[View]
48796392Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRCvo_h56rw >indian nursery rhymes...2[View]
48795997AnonymousITT: Post your rarest Hollande4[View]
48796133Anonymousme in middle1[View]
48793408AnonymousLast sunny days and I am in my commieblock ;_; , guys why life is so hard?25[View]
48793435AnonymousNew name for Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes: How would you call this region /int/? Your ...88[View]
48795226Anonymous>White people are dying faster than they are being born, which means they are...18[View]
48793871AnonymousWhy are Chinks so obsessed with trying to act like they can beat up other races?7[View]
48793558Anonymous>Be american >Lose war ...9[View]
48796112AnonymousIs Poland the most progressive country in Europe? http://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/ga...4[View]
48792695AnonymousWhy are black people always happy, even when their life is shit which is very often the case ?17[View]
48793870AnonymousReasons you should date a middle-class Latina qt: >Bilingual ...30[View]
48796395AnonymousIt is projected the UK will have 85 million people http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?ta...5[View]
48791347Anonymous>British documentary >Here, in the jungles of B...49[View]
48796456AnonymousEres tú.: Como una promesa, eres tú, eres tú...http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1s3BIX0duKs1[View]
48795944AnonymousJust a Reminder: If you're fat and you snore, you should fucking kill yourself: your gel...6[View]
48795639AnonymousNotice anything?3[View]
48771218Anonymouswhat the hell is happening in Taiwan? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDiOmviCq3U102[View]
48796085Anonymous>you will never live in Austria-Hungary1[View]
48791872Anonymous1. Your country 2. If your country's flag had a foreign flag on it, would you defend it? Would ...21[View]
48793122Anonymous1. Your country 2. How is your media portraying Russia being involved in Syria? 3. How is your gover...8[View]
48784523AnonymousWhy are continental Europeans so fucking stupid?115[View]
48791476Anonymous>we are in dire need of help7[View]
48795831AnonymousFrance tested few days ago its new nuclear missile for the dick contest of powers of this world. see...1[View]
48793791AnonymousITT: We post images that trigger Poles10[View]
48791575AnonymousFUCK MURICA: we go orbital.61[View]
48795121Anonymous>so how do you know so many countries and flags, anon? ...9[View]
48793818AnonymousPost pics you wouldn't have guessed where they're really in. This is Brazil.8[View]
48792607AnonymousBreakfast of Champions: Just made breakfast, post yours6[View]
48791576AnonymousTell me about your gang groups in ur country: >Japanese gang aka Yakuz...11[View]
48784038Anonymous> Nationality in online games, see your country97[View]
48779398AnonymousWhat are you drinking?37[View]
48788389Anonymous>different words for fingers and toes >the same...90[View]
48788119AnonymousWhy don't we just give it to the Dutch?91[View]
48794780Dokdo is South KoreaIf the world is like this: If the Korean Kingdom were near by France, US would be spoken Hang...1[View]
48788025AnonymousTell me about the good things that the independent state of Pakistan has brought to this world.27[View]
48793541AnonymousThe apocalypse arrives soon. Nostraamus was right, the history of the Bible repeat itself but ignora...5[View]
48793394AnonymousWhy are shitskindians known as DESI?5[View]
48794481AnonymousINDEPENDENT SINK FAUCETS8[View]
48791011AnonymousI am wanting to learn Russian as I love Russian culture, the people and I think they are a strong tr...37[View]
48789405AnonymousSverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan463[View]
48784209AnonymousRule Britannia178[View]
48787721Moroccan Jewreeeee83[View]
48773666Anonymous/mämmi/: Mielenosoitus viikonloppu editio.327[View]
48790502AnonymousWhy is it that Lithuania is so suicidal? Is it as if it's in out genes. We have so much songs a...19[View]
48791403Anonymous/brit/: london edition444[View]
48783368AnonymousWhat are you eating today? breakfast: porridge and eggs20[View]
48791988AnonymousFinish the sentence I'd murder a hobo to see a ___________12[View]
48786204AnonymousWhy are mulatto men so affeminate?: The most affeminate men I've met in my life have bee...14[View]
48785076Anonymous/deutsch/: Zurück zu den Anfängen - Ausgabe296[View]
48791352Anonymous>american women4[View]
48790077Anonymouswhen will american hegemony be over and how? can we really get rid of biggest thread in front of wor...9[View]
48786704AnonymousWhy do Americans always say the US is too big for trains and public transportation when Russia and C...94[View]
48791737Anonymous>yet another degenerate cartoon board >still no...4[View]
48787174AnonymousWhat is Your Plan to Reunify North and South Korea?31[View]
48784736AnonymousPost em: Post these51[View]
48791690Anonymousis it true that north africans enslaved europeans and even americans?11[View]
48792390Anonymous'Ello /int/ My partner hails from frisia, they are going to live down here in australia desipit...6[View]
48780422AnonymousDo you believe aliens could exist /int/?99[View]
48788136AnonymousYou wake up in Johannesburg...20[View]
48786011AnonymousWhy are west Mexicans so stupid?53[View]
48784207AnonymousWhat is /int/ drinking and or eating tonight? I'm drinking pic related and I was wondering why ...9[View]
48792461Anonymous>be American >get ____6[View]
48791493AnonymousGood luck, California!2[View]
48791102AnonymousGolden Age thread, let the good times roll: What was your country's Golden Age? A time o...15[View]
48791200Anonymousthe three most comfiest and cute countries in europe are: 1. czech republic 2. denmark 3. belgium4[View]
48792462AnonymousLet's say there is a voip system with voip phones connected to a switch and it is working on LA...0[View]
48763445Anonymous/polska/: edycja przyjaźni janny please leave us alone314[View]
48791626Anonymoushttp://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/attack-09302015174319.html Death Toll in Xinjiang Coal M...6[View]
48783499AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...327[View]
48787703AnonymousWhich was the most advanced of the 3 civilization at that time ? (pic rel)35[View]
48791696Anonymous>the only good thing to come out of the czech republic was czech casting porn...4[View]
48782704Anonymous>be australian >log onto AOL with 56k modem...107[View]
48792011Sheikh Hamza the Goat RapistThe ruling on ebola and cholera. Totally halal: Dear Islamic Brothers and Sisters. I would li...2[View]
48789815AnonymousWhy are countries like Spain and Portugal shit when they exploited Latin America compared to Britain...3[View]
48787938AnonymousHow much did it blow your mind when you learned that there are 17 million people living in these shi...113[View]
48791139Anonymous>A fucking boomerang.9[View]
48788487AnonymousSouth America only has 387.5 million people36[View]
48784761AnonymousWho /Brum/ here?15[View]
48766970Anonymous/asean/: /asean/ Haram : That person photoshopping Kate images People who want to nuke any p...320[View]
48789141Anonymous>The Great Dane is a dog What does it say about average Danes?6[View]
48769413AnonymousRussian airstrikes make ISIS cry in fear and call for Allah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...311[View]
48791447AnonymousYou're due to receive an Australian knighthood. What do you wear to the occasion?4[View]
48768866AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: The Game of Pals because I'm too lazy too think edition Come...338[View]
48791312AnonymousKiwi/Aussie union when?1[View]
48786161Anonymous>tfw there are beautiful girls who like men of almost every country but there...74[View]
48790361Anonymous>mfw he's not American >mfw his country d...9[View]
48788277Anonymousdamn my country: watching movies3[View]
48790649Anonymous1. You're country. 2. Your age. 3. Your parents' age.8[View]
48790043AnonymousIs there a BDSM scene in your country?2[View]
48785343Anonymous>tfw baby boomer WASP shits are finally dying out and are under 4% ...13[View]
48779026AnonymousDo women in your country know how to cook? America No115[View]
48789878AnonymousWhich parts of the US are white?4[View]
48788488AnonymousIf your country isn't blue then it's pretty much a shithole18[View]
48790131Anonymous>tfw you will always be an ameriboo >tfw stupid...12[View]
48788494AnonymousPetry Heil!15[View]
48790911AnonymousWhat is your favourite country from each continent /int/? >Europe Norw...0[View]
48785483Anonymous>attacked from the sky by magpies >attacked by ...18[View]
48789113AnonymousSo I have saved up a bunch of money and wish to travel to mongolia. I will be traveling with two oth...6[View]
48790718AnonymousWhy are American men so perfect? they don't deserve the flak they get imo https://instagram.com...4[View]
48786520Anonymousi'm looking for a k-pop song, i'm asking here because this is where it was posted by anon ...6[View]
48790683AnonymousWhat I can see NOW: edition: what can you see now?0[View]
48790215Anonymouswhy this word trigger african-american so much?5[View]
48789665AnonymousWhat's a typical first date in your country? How's the gf situation in your country?9[View]
48788704Anonymous/brit/: /Brits are secondary citizens to our shadow AUSNZ general/ edition438[View]
48786298AnonymousWhy are British people so unusually ugly?32[View]
48790458Anonymous>Americans have to pay $50k a year to get into a university without mass shoo...2[View]
48790481AnonymousAlways there is complaining about women being raped by immigrants here. I don't see how this is...0[View]
48784253AnonymousFind 5 flaws. Protip: you can't even find one30[View]
48776732AnonymousHow tall must you be not to be considered a manlet in your cunt?136[View]
48787835Anonymousgerman accent is GOAT on (attractive) women tbh22[View]
48787181AnonymousNon-Whites. Be honest. Do you think white women are more attractive than your own women? Whenever a ...39[View]
48780928AnonymousShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt Get your amendment together America313[View]
48789379Anonymous>National Day >Its on a weekend9[View]
48787193AnonymousYOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP23[View]
48781302Anonymous>There are Americans on this board RIGHT NOW who think Australia BANNED guns...15[View]
48784087AnonymousI can't understand why some people need to hate religious people just to be 'atheist'. They are...9[View]
48785834AnonymousIn your opinion, other than your main language you speak, which one is the easiest to learn?34[View]
48780791AnonymousWarum ist Deutschland so based?44[View]
48789719AnonymousWhy does the world hate Britain, /int/?5[View]
48789796Anonymous>want to live like americans do, buying only local products ...0[View]
48789070AnonymousFunny things Hindutva nationalists believe: >Ancient India had nuclear power...8[View]
48779601AnonymousDo historians have an anti-Rome bias? Why is it that people such as Hannibal, Arminius, and Boudica ...145[View]
48789589AnonymousEvery country in Europe has a duty to take in these poor poor refugees. Theres nowhere else for them...0[View]
48788354Anonymous>open your door >see this What do ?16[View]
48774337AnonymousYou have the possibility to magically learn 5 different languages you don't know fluently. Whic...147[View]
48789422Anonymous>Common Era Reeeeeeee, politically correct cucks get out!0[View]
48789233AnonymousCould me and my friend pass as natives in your country?1[View]
48789332AnonymousWhat is Romania actually like as a country?2[View]
48782791Anonymous1. Flag 2. Favorite city of your country >USA >...22[View]
48787585Anonymousenglish test thread: 1.Which test 2.Score >Toeic ...1[View]
48784153AnonymousFind a flaw.31[View]
48788276AnonymousYou wake up in the Republic of the Congo.11[View]
48783400AnonymousWhy are French women so perfect in every way? http://youtu.be/zCpbdv4BFz49[View]
48785586AnonymousDo people only live on the coast? Why even live there at all? I can't imagine there being anyt...3[View]
48780097AnonymousLet's have an Internet thread. How shit is your connection? Are you part of the cap limit peasa...18[View]
48768415Anonymous/ex-yu/: Aкo бyдeш мocт, cвaкo ћe дa тe гaзи302[View]
48782396AnonymousWhat the fuck are these knockoff letters? Are slavs really so poor they can't even afford a nam...20[View]
48787327AnonymousFrench people are so underworked it’s leading to clinical depression: French workers are so u...17[View]
48784980AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...50[View]
48782569AnonymousWhat is this called in your country? >Jumpy or Jumping castle19[View]
48787898AnonymousWhat happened to the characters for yi, ye, wi, wu, and we Japan?4[View]
48788292AnonymousI watched this movie today. Has anyone else seen it? I read it was a big deal in Serbia.1[View]
48784214AnonymousHow shall we eliminate degeneracy in the western world my aryan brethren? pic related, that's ...34[View]
48776802Anonymoushilo /lat/ + /hisp/: Edicion AGUANTIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA163[View]
48788344AnonymousBeen a while since we had this thread, any Syrians on /int/ still?2[View]
48782342AnonymousBest and worst state of each region?117[View]
48782586AnonymousYou must move to a Latin American country and never leave for the rest of your life. You cannot choo...61[View]
48787768AnonymousIs this Western Europe's hymn? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJGz83m5lzk1[View]
48785022AnonymousWhere were you when America became Asian?19[View]
48782202Anonymous>buy something on ebay >don't leave feedb...12[View]
48787830AnonymousYou know what other countries are like because of the interesting things they post on 4chan0[View]
48787695Anonymous>what kind of language you want? >gimme dat tra...1[View]
48786241Anonymous>Australian and Canadian beer >good29[View]
48771539AnonymousThere is gonna be a brazilian chick in the new Street Fighter. But they got one thing wrong: Br got...37[View]
48783951AnonymousIf you're an Aussie and you're not watching the Grand Final, you should consider necking y...9[View]
48786406WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dyWhat is /int/'s thoughts of the United Nations?15[View]
48787478Anonymous1. Your cunt 2. What is your country's It Ain't Me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a...1[View]
48787111AnonymousRussians, explain yourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djpX-Ry0mAI How are ships suppose...3[View]
48787417Anonymous>Americans can't beat cho's high score Why are burgers so in...2[View]
48786783AnonymousI love this guy: Memoirs (2003) Chapter 27 : 'Proud Internationalist' For more than a century...3[View]
48785619AnonymousWhy Indiands are so good at IT?45[View]
48782902Anonymous/brit/: No tomorrow edition.446[View]
48786839Anonymoushow do you describe fluency in languages?4[View]
48786998AnonymousTo me the most nefarious, and yet comical aspect of wageslave logic is their irrational reasons for ...3[View]
48786171AnonymousHow do I (white anglo) move to Chile? I should rephrase that question, will I be accepted? What are ...20[View]
48787051AnonymousAustralian internet is slower than a pigeon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci2bFFGM8T81[View]
48750627AnonymousWhat kind of monkey language do people speak here? I hate you all.146[View]
48784082AnonymousWhich state is everyone from? i'll start15[View]
48781076AnonymousAre the French part of the Mediterranean race?30[View]
48785458AnonymousPoll: Which iberian country is your favourite, /int/ ? vote: http://strawpoll.me/563737229[View]
48781424Anonymousyou have ten seconds to act as british as possible57[View]
48786682Anonymoushttp://www.maheshkhati.com/einstein.pdf Did you know that an Indian man single-handedly disprov...5[View]
48785177AnonymousMonkey met Monkey: Nips should be nuked by US again. Jap monkey rushed to the white Russian m...4[View]
48783856AnonymousFuck the East-Coast, tbh lads.28[View]
48785809AnonymousSo /int/, what do you call somebody who wants to be from your country? So far the only ones I know f...34[View]
48786542Anonymous> It's fucking October already4[View]
48785329AnonymousWhat is a popular card in your country?: We have card games called 'Twist the 8' and 'Pig'12[View]
48785736Anonymous>australians couldn't singlehandedly-destroy cancucks in a week T...24[View]
48786167Anonymous>Cunt >Would this be considered a woman in your...3[View]
48785324Anonymous>tfw just north of 33 degrees >sitting out in t...8[View]
48785526Anonymouswho's /socialist/ here?4[View]
48784306AnonymousCuban-Americans and Cuban exiles are the best and brightest people on the planet. If you disagree wi...15[View]
48783207AnonymousWhat would European culture be like if paganism had survived in a manner similar to Shinto in Japan?61[View]
48781267AnonymousWhy is Mexico such a shithole?15[View]
48777553Anonymous/black/: This thread is for people of color on /int/158[View]
48785763AnonymousI'll fuck france until she learns to love me2[View]
48784191Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: An alien or a frog edition361[View]
48785358AnonymousWhat is the best city Italy?4[View]
48783089Anonymous>Australia Well this sucks45[View]
48781560Anonymous>mfw i wake up8[View]
48783700Anonymousyou wanna piece of me?11[View]
48784978AnonymousWhat is your honest opinion about Korean musical? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c_8bQ_rIag4[View]
48784945AnonymousI'm unhappy with things that I cannot change4[View]
48785029i'm using a proxy I'm actually Australian*does little poopie*1[View]
48782338Anonymous>All these people living in this clusterfuck >N...75[View]
48764556Anonymous/fr/ Fil de le France: Edition armoricaine284[View]
48784932Anonymous>tfw my roommate is cheating on his girlfriend ...1[View]
48781451Anonymous>Italy will be 50%+ Islamic within your lifetime8[View]
48782117AnonymousHow can I stop myself from tanning so easily? I can be out in the sun for no more than fifteen minut...27[View]
48781958Anonymous>Italy's greatest literary achievement is a piece of self-insert fan fic...49[View]
48758577Anonymousare french woman the sexiest women? are they alpha females?79[View]
48782326AnonymousAustralians, is it true that Polynesian people are fatter than average? There aren't many in th...19[View]
48784540AnonymousGuys, is there a cure for midgetry?6[View]
48777546AnonymousBRAZIL: I have a lot of free time, do anyone ask anything to a brazilian guy?72[View]
48784397Anonymous>be american >get shot It's not eve...3[View]
48784548Anonymous>cunt >how often do you replace your toothbrush...0[View]
48783081Anonymousif the rest of the UK didn't get involved, who wins in a war between North and South?4[View]
48779157AnonymousDo people in your cunt prefer East or West coast American hip-hop? >Ireland...93[View]
48762535Anonymousat what age you grow out of anti americanism?180[View]
48780611AnonymousHow dangerous is São Paulo?: I'm 19yr Korean dude and me and my other Korean friend are ...35[View]
48775779AnonymousPOTUS: The First Family of America51[View]
48782732AnonymousTransition from beta to alpha: Guys, i've noticed something. I can't express myself...14[View]
48767247AnonymousPost your best flag-bearer memes here.100[View]
48780912Anonymous/cum/: restore the the Chinese Exclusion Act but include everyone but Europeans, Canada, Aust...354[View]
48783283Anonymous>finland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7BwecWe4mc9[View]
48783662AnonymousWhat are the pros of having illegal immigrants?7[View]
48780610Anonymous>British-born I should have guessed at the skin color...26[View]
48776642AnonymousWho is the coolest bad guy in your country's history? Ours is probably Blackbeard tbh112[View]
48782549AnonymousThinking of moving to Tallinn, Estonia. Anyone from there want to tell me about it?4[View]
48780354AnonymousNow how the fuck did that work?14[View]
48783249AnonymousCan someone translate this Russian text into English for me? Need to register on a Russian forum.9[View]
48783167AnonymousWill America elect a literal cuckold as president?3[View]
4876388524thSep visiting Japan guyJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...321[View]
48772313Anonymous>american water21[View]
48781894AnonymousDoes your dick get bigger if you lose weight?11[View]
48781718AnonymousHow would you reunite the two Koreas?26[View]
48771774AnonymousJapan please invade: >Japan not taking in refugees; says it must look ...86[View]
48781901Anonymous>2015 >not having a little japan in your countr...21[View]
48782912Anonymousbeta manlet scared faggot faggot faggot fucking kill me kill me kill me why the fuck was I brought o...5[View]
48782713AnonymousIs Marine Le Pen actually the incarnate form of the goddess Athena, sent from Heaven to save Western...5[View]
48781679Anonymous>You will never see Britannia reunited in your lifetime Why live?16[View]
48775204AnonymousWhy do westerners tout freedum and liberty so much when they are absolutely not fooling anyone anymo...6[View]
48781789AnonymousYou never know who's behind the flag4[View]
48782203Anonymous>ALL BRAZILIAN GIRLS ARE SEXY OMG when will this meme die? pretty tire...13[View]
48781564Dela-Where?>tfw hurricane >tfw can't go out and surf ...10[View]
48781682AnonymousGib haus2[View]
48780007Anonymous/int/, has the 2010s been the worst decade so far? Personally, I think yes, and this is why: - All ...29[View]
48775866AnonymousThis man beat America. He is the symbol of Americas declining international power. No longer can the...325[View]
48782618Anonymous/balt/: >Tell friends I'm part Lithuanian ...0[View]
48781707Anonymouswhat do i do if my dad is a communist? Should I report him? How do I report him?9[View]
48780856Anonymousgood vacationing spot?5[View]
48780357Taylorpster !SwiftayGRUI live in a WarZone: Someone told me i should do an AmA10[View]
48772889Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Último fio >>48739388 >Edição PL 3722/12...313[View]
48780908Anonymous>'ire'land >posters are always mad as fuck...18[View]
48778587AnonymousSocalfag here Totally done with all the fucking mexicans, somebody redpill me on Hartford, Connectic...5[View]
48778092AnonymousHow many of these guys couldnt be natives in your country?14[View]
48779058AnonymousIs France the only female country? I've always thought about france as a country with female fe...36[View]
48770026Anonymous/LAT/ - HILO LATINO: HILO LATINO ANTI BRASIL ANTI CHILE hilo hispanico expectante Brasil y ...308[View]
48780997Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?t=41&v=ZqvgoPMd7d8 >america9[View]
48781772AnonymousCOOL COUNTRY THREAD: /CC/ The official cool country general Invited: ...13[View]
48781791Anonymous>Americans will lick this7[View]
48780877Anonymous>tfw no latina gf7[View]
48781795AnonymousSo how does this make you feel?5[View]
48770069AnonymousGermans are getting 'Refugees Welcome' tattoos en masse: >Thousands of...168[View]
48770879AnonymousNEDERDRAAD: mijn vd en ik editie99[View]
48781027AnonymousCan a German explain this?7[View]
48780323AnonymousSleep: Why arent you sleeping /int/ ?33[View]
48770645AnonymousFuck the United Satanic Assholes. There is a place in hell reserved for Anglos.21[View]
48779627AnonymousHeritage thread28[View]
48779504Anonymous/brit/: late night edition413[View]
48773833AnonymousWhat does freedom smell like?16[View]
48781535AnonymousHow come Britain, France and Italy lost more in WW1 than WW2?0[View]
48758062Anonymous/v4/: Terénkoza edition306[View]
48781195Anonymouswhy is europe so racist, these are desperate people, they have nothing13[View]
48781400Anonymoushello dudes wondering if anoye from the taringa ?that's picardy, denounced lynx, say goodbye to...0[View]
48780902AnonymousNo one from today's boring Russia could top this meme master5[View]
48778328AnonymousReminder that the US is the freest country: I got my gun, my cannibis, and my hooker I met on...2[View]
48777778AnonymousWhat country is best country?119[View]
48779586AnonymousWhy are Americans so much manlier than other races?27[View]
48780865AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...1[View]
48775822AnonymousPets from around the world? This is my dog tbh fams I tried to give her a mohawk but I accidentally ...6[View]
48781125AnonymousWhich nation makes your favorite beer, /int/? Mine has to be England, with Germany and Belgium behin...0[View]
48780748AnonymousTALKS: How was the talk? anything new ?8[View]
48779734AnonymousDoes your country use lots of hot sauce? What is your favorite hot sauce? I put sriracha on eggs an...28[View]
48775557AnonymousSo today I learned that the Canada-led capture of German-held Vimy Ridge in France was the first tim...6[View]
48777446AnonymousExplain this Canada5[View]
48767667AnonymousWhat do you know about catharism ?63[View]
48772936Anonymous>tfw no Golden Horde descendant gf38[View]
48773166AnonymousDo you like burgers, /int/?26[View]
48780167Anonymousthe original shitposter4[View]
48780127AnonymousAlfred did nothing wrong.4[View]
48764196AnonymousRussian thread /rus/ thread: Military Actions of the Russian Federation in Syria Joint Declar...307[View]
48773772Anonymous50 000 Refugees expected to come in Finland this year: http://www.intermin.fi/en/current_i...25[View]
48776434Anonymous/cum/: mass shootings committed by people of mixed race edition325[View]
48771319AnonymousAustralia is not real: I mean, has anyone actually checked? Something just doesn't add ...24[View]
48776322AnonymousWould you like to have an exciting love relationship with an Hassidic Jewish girl who wants to disco...8[View]
48778763AnonymousWhich side of provisional WW2 provides better products?8[View]
48767640AnonymousWhy is this allowed?9[View]
48761809AnonymousWhat country gets bullied the most on /int/.71[View]
48779614AnonymousWas he more Italian than French?6[View]
48780313Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miXMWJyOdgw Does your town/city have a 'SoDoSoPa'? For Canberra...0[View]
48766126AnonymousDid you know that most of Spain is arid? >inb4 muh green and white north...60[View]
48780126AnonymousWTF America?: Ahmed the non-American muslim kid was invited to the White House but this Ameri...10[View]
48778611AnonymousHow come Turkey is so promiscuous?9[View]
48773049Anonymous/deutsch/: Der Winter naht edition245[View]
48779870AnonymousWhen Sadako has taken a passport?1[View]
48758862AnonymousWhich side of WWII produced better food?50[View]
48772159Anonymous>0001 Days since the last American school shooting21[View]
48779242Anonymousam i doing it right?6[View]
48778547AnonymousI'm currently listening to Elina Born and Stig Rästas 'Goodbye to yesterday'. It has 7,3 millio...5[View]
48777438Anonymousquestion: Why such important countries like USA and Poland don't take a part in peace-ta...9[View]
48775408AnonymousWhat went wrong?13[View]
48756051Antofagastino master race>This is how americans and other third worlders 'cook' their meat183[View]
48778756Anonymouswas he autistic?9[View]
48776746Anonymous>tfw europeans and liberals keep trying to grab the guns I just want a...16[View]
48777680AnonymousDoes La Tomatina trigger Slavs? Look at all those tomatoes going to waste10[View]
48764970AnonymousWhich euro country had the best resistance during WW2 occupations?301[View]
48779050Anonymous>he lives above 40° south disgusting enjoy being overcrowded and chock...3[View]
48776203Anonymous>tfw no Pict gf5[View]
48775356AnonymousDo you prefer catholic England before 1500s or protestant England after 1500s ? A or B Choose one7[View]
48772104AnonymousAmerica belongs to the German people!9[View]
48770474Anonymous/maghreb/ + /me/: Late night edition >not invited: pan-arabists164[View]
48779236AnonymousSECOND LARGEST RADIOTELESCOPE IN THE WORLD. STILL BACKWARDS, HUH? https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=53...0[View]
48768799AnonymousTell me an interesting fact about Pakistan.63[View]
48779152Anonymous>ITT le face touch maymays0[View]
48777740AnonymousWould you eat a pizza pig?13[View]
48774126Anonymous1. Your country 2. what is your general opinion on Europeans?17[View]
48777038Anonymous/brit/: whales edition397[View]
48773015AnonymousGermany, you have a lot of explaining to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPbVRpRgHso Are yo...5[View]
48772757AnonymousName one unsuccessful Anglo colony that has actually been run by white people.22[View]
48778985Anonymous>tfw no real identity >tfw too liberal to be co...1[View]
48775981Anonymous1.) Country 2.) Most insane woman you've ever met Bonus points if it's not family.1[View]
48767939AnonymousFriendly reminder that if there is a master race in this earth it's the mediterranean one ...191[View]
48767216AnonymousDo you ever wonder what the world would be like if Germany won WW2? Would we still have social justi...18[View]
48778073Anonymousemand will mit mich skype und Computerspiel spielen? Ich muss verbessern mein Deutsch. Ich werde Sie...4[View]
48767434AnonymousBlack Persons: Who's the most famous black person from your country?94[View]
48777225Anonymous>mfw i found out i'm 13% European No!35[View]
48778581AnonymousThose who are against globalism engineered by such organisations like Bilderberg Group and Trilatera...1[View]
48767350AnonymousWhy do new world blacks hate Africans?51[View]
48772329AnonymousJapan takes over world Invades ur country Every NEET and fat manchild is issued Japanese waifu, whil...21[View]
48773371AnonymousFinish this sentence >I have nothing against refugees, but...33[View]
48774834AnonymousWould you eat this? It's raw herring and onions bought from the supermarket.33[View]
48778456AnonymousAlerte. My evening meal. Chicken fillet stuffed with mushroom and mascarpone and green peas. Homemad...1[View]
48777257AnonymousShould the British end the monarchy once Elizabeth dies? I think they should, and they should rename...12[View]
48777517AnonymousI was wondering… during the crusades the stupid and underdeveloped people of Europe managed to conqu...6[View]
48775124Anonymous>tfw no Australian twink bf8[View]
48778218Anonymous>Indians WILL defend this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaxlx7B...0[View]
48772367Anonymouswhat is would be price of this size (200m2) and type house in your country? In finland it's som...35[View]
48773778Anonymous/eire/: Friday edition16[View]
48771516AnonymousWho is the John McCain of your country?26[View]
48777876Anonymous大家好: will a chinese guy be welcomed here?1[View]
48762707AnonymousHas anyone here ever thought of converting to islam?73[View]
48769929AnonymousPost commieblocks of your country16[View]
48775901AnonymousWhy do italian women like black men so much?66[View]
48772485AnonymousWhat happenes here?28[View]
48777500Anonymous>In the 20th century Krazy Kat comics creator George Herriman was a Louisiana...0[View]
48776267AnonymousWhy do Serbs hate Serbs so much?3[View]
48763239Anonymous/ita/ IL FILO: Avete fatto gli auguri ai vostri nonni?176[View]
48775635AnonymousWould you be considered an alpha in your country?23[View]
48775629AnonymousAre these grils white? Pls r8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J53ZlYblNE1[View]
48763519Anonymous/tr/: sezai edition303[View]
48770556Anonymous>non italians25[View]
48775266Anonymoushttp://money.cnn.com/2015/10/02/news/companies/volkswagen-scandal-bp-credit-suisse/: ...23[View]
48775337Anonymous/brit/: Kid A came out 15 years ago today edition387[View]
48757387AnonymousRussia pls gib clay There's almost nothing interesting there anyways. I just want some decent m...166[View]
48776506AnonymousThis is the international questioning thread. Question anything /int/ related.10[View]
48760035Anonymousis Turkey the best Muslim country and a model for all other Muslim countries?72[View]
48767368Anonymouswhat happens here lads35[View]
48775039Anonymous>tfw no European gf6[View]
48776725AnonymousMoscow gang warfare: A secret luxury car service and repair underground mafia went to war whe...3[View]
48770882AnonymousWhat is Finland's greatest achievement?: And why is it Freestyler by Bomfunk MC's?12[View]
48776533Anonymouswhy aren't you heavy bomber yet?1[View]
48772215Anonymous/cum/ Canadia-Estados Unidos-Mejico: best day of the week edition320[View]
48773536AnonymousWhy wont bring Sonic's to Japan? Am hungry and want get fat like Americun22[View]
48763458AnonymousI can't even imagine what it would be like to be born in some shit tier country in sand land or...48[View]
48772899AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...6[View]
48774394AnonymousOccasional reminder that Europe is only the area in blue.33[View]
48772372AnonymousWhat's your opinion on women with strong jaws?27[View]
48753647Anonymous/balt/: fresh meme edition Not welcome: /udija/ /brit/ /fr/ /deutsch/ /tr/ /ex-yu/ /polska/ /...310[View]
48768516AnonymousTell me about Rhodesia /int/.58[View]
48774416AnonymousDo you get in/out of the bed or do you get on/off of the bed? Which one is correct? Also do you sit ...1[View]
48767941Anonymouslet me start by saying this that i love england, i admire its contributions to movies, music, art an...50[View]
48775647Anonymous>Having a President AND a Prime Minister why?3[View]
48764696AnonymousWhat race is /int/-tan?25[View]
48769849AnonymousI completly drunk after 3 american beers at 10°. It is normal ? I want to vomit46[View]
48775177Anonymous>Intervene in this region and it becomes fucked up ...0[View]
48773197Anonymous/brit/: dolmio edition355[View]
48769193AnonymousHey /int/, need some help from fellow Czech bros. Going to Prague soon and I need to know how easy i...2[View]
48773117AnonymousIf Japan lives one day into the future, then why didn't they shoot down that B-29 which dropped...3[View]
48770709AnonymousAverage Russian man.14[View]
48774257AnonymousJust asking: ...Anonymous 10/03/15(Sat)01:06:35 No.48772973 Hey guys I wonder what do think ...2[View]
48771957AnonymousThoughts? http://ec.europa.eu/COMMFrontOffice/PublicOpinion/index.cfm/Survey/getSurveyDeta...5[View]
48771747Anonymous/tbhfam/ - Turkey, Britain, Honduras, Finland, Argentina, Moldava: anime edition get over her...4[View]
48771345AnonymousBrazilfag here, first time posting. Just came across this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCO...6[View]
48773001AnonymousPost based negroes that live in your country (don't have to be born there)1[View]
48769101Anonymoushello anglos this tread is special, only for you. i mean. >leafbros, yanks, b...9[View]
48773224Anonymousanyone know what the writing on the bottom says?3[View]
48773847Anonymous>be Mexican I'm SJW city >get to bed hot w...7[View]
48773844AnonymousFavorite foreign snacks: Post your favorite foreign snacks. Pic related, it's Pepsi and ...2[View]
48763264AnonymousPakistan is literally the worst country ever. There is nothing to see except for some northern areas...50[View]
48758226Anonymous/LAT/ - HILO LATINO: HILO LATINO HISPANICO DE DEBATE Latinoamerica será una nueva y mejor reg...296[View]
48767136Anonymousare the Sami considered white? if they are then why did the other nords try to genocide them?55[View]
48771417AnonymousInterracial breeding ground: Is it considered a problem in Italy that their women prefer Swed...12[View]
48772403Anonymous>be european >buy olive oil ...6[View]
48767975Anonymousyou can only post ITT if you're uncircumcised105[View]
48772564Anonymous>DESIGNATED >TOWN ...8[View]
48771510AnonymousWhat country was he from? I always thought he was Italian because that's how I thought Italians...13[View]
48747614AnonymousCATALONIA IS NOT SPAIN: Next state in Europe edition Why are the Spanish so scared of giving...99[View]
48750150Anonymous>the only good thing to come out of the czech republic was czech casting porn...190[View]
48764140AnonymousGreece is broke and on the fast track to becoming a third world country. Why don't you get your...39[View]
48770022AnonymousWhy do yanks hate immigrants so much when actually they are the ones doing the most horrible things ...31[View]
48771509AnonymousWashington state and British Columbia go to war Who wins?12[View]
48767967Anonymous>wake up >in Germany9[View]
48772322AnonymousWhy do Italian women sound so nasally when they talk? Is it considered more feminine?7[View]
48757817Anonymous/mämmi/: Kaljantai-painos325[View]
48771760Anonymous>mfw Australians are waking up soon6[View]
48739388Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Último fio: >>48735166 Useful links: >Lea...320[View]
48771147Anonymous/int/ quiz: quiz time This people of known swindlers claim victim status under dubious ground...30[View]
48772434AnonymousWarum Der böse Deutschlandern schaden immer Europa?0[View]
48764831Anonymous/deutsch/: Bayern Edition Seehofer for Bundeskanzler uezs329[View]
48769203AnonymousSo let me get this straight, An Armenian populace living in Karabah region declared themselves indep...23[View]
48770431AnonymousWhy is Sweden so great?: All the masterrace talk is just BS, we were poor retarded farmers li...2[View]
48770739Anonymous/brit/: hmv edition506[View]
48772230Anonymous>Emperor Valens allows Goth refugees to settle in Europe ...0[View]
48766256AnonymousOh god int. Whole classroom just started clapping because some student offered to give another a sca...22[View]
48765537Anonymous/cum/ CANADA USA MEXICO: Sneaky snoopy during the day edition317[View]
48764347AnonymousSverigetråden - för alla svenskar: Äntligen 151 bilder469[View]
48752755AnonymousA FUCKING LEAF: Holy fuck does anyone else just think Canada is a shitty overrated hellhole? ...39[View]
48771543AnonymousIs it common for unattractive guys to date attractive women in your country? Here it sort of is. It ...4[View]
48771274Anonymousis your president aesthetically pleasing?6[View]
48770020Anonymouswhat is your country's most >DESIGNATED feature >DESIGNATED SHOOTING ...29[View]
48767127Anonymousit's settled then finngols are turk-level mongols -edition15[View]
48761765Anonymoushumiliate me taking orders mache alles18[View]
48761357AnonymousWhy are Slavs such big mycophiles? A lot of people here and in other countries go out and pick mushr...291[View]
48769112AnonymousWhen American bosses defend France: >Came to hear the Foreign Minister...7[View]
48771103Anonymous>America >Culture2[View]
48769007Anonymous>'Russia is a midget, I will get her on her knees!' - Carl XII, Sweden, XVIII...5[View]
48767105AnonymousMoving to the Netherlands: So my wife and I are considering a move to Den Haag (she's go...11[View]
48761333Anonymous>British women YYUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK19[View]
48770899AnonymousHouston, we have a problem4[View]
48754658Anonymous/neder/: Klein schuimend biertje editie Welkom: Iedereen Niet welkom: Alles en iedereen gerel...312[View]
48755498AnonymousAUSSIE ANON DELIVERS TWO DEAD IN SYDNEY PIC RELATED http://news.sky.com/story/1562733/australia...68[View]
48770311Anonymous>British ''''clubs''''17[View]
48770699AnonymousSelfies: How many selfies does it take to make a selfie?0[View]
48770686AnonymousImmigrants edition0[View]
48770670AnonymousIS THAT A WAY TO TREAT THE RUSSIAN GUESTS?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7f9KshtSEE0[View]
48767958AnonymousAre regular Americans aware of the fact that the taxpayer money is openly used to fund Al-Qaeda? htt...10[View]
48765619AnonymousWhen will this shit union colapse? I want it to die!51[View]
48752074Anonymousso /int/, what is the most extreme porn you've seen? what country was it from?55[View]
48767744AnonymousHow complicated is it for a Finn to move to western Russia? I have a masters degree in Computer Eng...27[View]
48768807AnonymousIs being proud of your national identity considered racist by today's standards?2[View]
48770265AnonymousHey Ivan, where the money for war gonna come from? Ruble is doing so bad already. You know money pri...0[View]
48763686AnonymousRussian-Israeli alliance: **2015** The Russian-Israeli joint military group will coordinate o...24[View]
48763818AnonymousWe were originally called New Holland until the Dutch decided to bet all of their 20 bucks on 1 fuck...34[View]
48764236AnonymousIs the prophecy about to be fulfilled?11[View]
48762400AnonymousPOWER RANKING THREAD: deb8 r8 particip814[View]
48768062AnonymousI has a question: So, If I murder some innocent civilians in my country, and then ask German ...20[View]
48757883AnonymousCanada is going red, lads. All hail Comrade Mulcair.13[View]
48737722AnonymousYou wake up and europe looks like this62[View]
48769555Anonymous>Unification Day >Its on a Saturday What...7[View]
48769971AnonymousGood night1[View]
48761710Anonymous>france >white120[View]
48769590Anonymous>Sardinians literally eat maggot bread Are Sardinians even human?2[View]
48757615AnonymousGermanic languages thread. No French wannabes allowed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPLUSk6l...138[View]
48764425AnonymousI hyped my brother up for his trip to Serbia by telling him that they were all supposed to be tall g...27[View]
48767876Anonymous/brit/: lottie edition485[View]
48756965Anonymousare finnish girls the most beautiful in the world?61[View]
48766800AnonymousWhat is the worst country in Europe and why is it Turkey?21[View]
48764019Anonymous/ancestors/: Any /int/-eresting stories about your great-grandfathers ? What did your Family ...45[View]
48746654AnonymousName things your country have but the United States doesn't150[View]
48758684AnonymousPlay this game: http://www.sporcle.com/games/dumbgai/national-capitals-of-the-world-redux ...10[View]
48769387Anonymous>The pinworm has a worldwide distribution,[14] and is the most common helmint...1[View]
48760289AnonymousName someone cooler Protip: you can't23[View]
48751093코리아부 !KOREaE9rGI/urban/ + /architecture/: post your favourite pieces of architecture edition66[View]
48751424Anonymouscan people in your country ride a bike?60[View]
48769056AnonymousThey were right when they said we should never meet our heroes.0[View]
48769001Anonymous>That cute round Japanese font set on Android Lollipop Should've ...0[View]
48768120Anonymousmeme charts: Can you beat Finland?2[View]
48748625AnonymousWhat is your opinion of kotblini?106[View]
48761089Anonymouswhy no one loves us the only polandboos i saw were muh heritage americans and a turk even moldavia g...34[View]
48767760Anonymous>Americans have to pay for waiters or else waiters have nothing to live on...12[View]
48762732AnonymousThe ten most relevant languages overall: 1. English 2. Mandarin 3. Spanish 4. French 5. Portu...12[View]
48762808Anonymous>be born american >grow up ...15[View]
48767082Anonymous>There is a 40% chance a non-white responds to me with an American flag...7[View]
48742038AnonymousShow us your hometown, /int/. That is, the town you were born in (and maybe still live in).106[View]
48754914Indian Navy Lt. Commander !!dAj5WUfRw9Q/Military/: meet our newest addition(largest commissioned indigenously built warship till dat...127[View]
48765939Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCozh_vbYdM Why do Americans act like this? I can see why they ...12[View]
48758090Anonymous>yfw you realise that all spanish posters on /int/ are really bongs90[View]
48745072AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: It's friday again edition Come meet people from around the w...331[View]
48757154AnonymousDo you agree with this list?66[View]
48764533Anonymous>when americans use questioning intonation in declarative sentences15[View]
48767672AnonymousI made a bunch of countries blue. Countries that are blue, do you think you could get together and m...5[View]
48748389RAV OVADIA YOSSEF ז״ל/isr/ BARUCH GOLDSTEIN EDITION: שלום לכולם בואו לכאן אם אתה ישראלי38[View]
48767704AnonymousHow I never hear of shootouts at colleges like MIT, Yale or UCLA? Is the stranglehold on media so st...0[View]
48761493إيليا/mena/: السلام عليكم, حبايبي424[View]
48767629Anonymousdebate your choice: http://strawpoll.me/56359760[View]
48755448AnonymousAnyone else here hyped for Islamic Europe? >no degeneracy ...17[View]
48767408Anonymous/tr/: TWC (Tiny Western Countries) edişın2[View]
48766665AnonymousIs 94.9% white a good statistic? What's the demographics like in your country like,post em!10[View]
48756856AnonymousWhy do Americans have so many school shootings? And don't just say 'guns', because it...75[View]
48746511Anonymous/ex-yu/: youtube diva edition338[View]
48767242AnonymousDoes your national media discuss in memetics?0[View]
48767020Anonymous/spm/ Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon: What happens here ?1[View]
48754896Anonymous/asean/: help a tsong out with his autism map please edition311[View]
48762223AnonymousITS HAPPENING: KANGAROO WAR NOW!!! >Drought declared Barcoo Shire span...14[View]
48766890Emperor Napoleon I of the French (OP)RISK: HISTORIC NATIONS WORLD EDITION: RISK THREAD HERE >>>/pol/529257260[View]
48757700Anonymous/brit/: Pepe renaissance edition463[View]
48765980AnonymousAlright faggots. I've had it with the ignorant Jew fat fucks who label themselves as Americans....4[View]
48766390AnonymousDid you know that cockroaches are actually white https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtWpNKroh7c pr...5[View]
48766320AnonymousWhy are diaspora faggots such ultra-nationalists, when they don't even live in the country they...6[View]
48751373AnonymousSay something nice about Turkey.: I really like your games94[View]
48765265Anonymous>seeing more and more immigrants in my town >no...11[View]
48765004Anonymousmusic to jihad by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IwXtZbQo0Y4[View]
48765256Anonymous/International cats: Post your country cats /int. No to Cat Smetana memes5[View]
48766110AnonymousIn which of these zero-tax countries would you live? >Bahamas ...6[View]
48760860Anonymous>'white' people consider this white32[View]
48761693AnonymousChinese state media reports on 4chan''s 'Beta Uprising': https://www.youtube.com/wa...13[View]
48765719Anonymous>pooland >poopland ...4[View]
48765976AnonymousWEEKLY WHO EBOLA UPDATE (interpreted by OP): because the 2014-2015 ebola outbreak was and is ...0[View]
48756976Anonymous/balk/ - Balkan Thread: 'Western' 'eurobeans' edition Old Thread:>> 48731696322[View]
48765928Anonymous>Tfw retarded communists who live in their mothers basment call me a gusano...0[View]
48755230AnonymousWhat do you know about Hungarian women?24[View]
48740456Anonymous/cum/: Based Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Polymers edition304[View]
48762778Anonymous>Australian makes 6th grade-tier joke >128 repl...8[View]
48761839AnonymousWhy do white females typically like black men?3[View]
48755114AnonymousWhy is hating your capital such a well loved meme in Europe?48[View]
48756576Lietuvis gyvenantis OlandijojeHave you tried kvass before? It's like cola but tastes like dark rye bread. Cola but it's ...55[View]
48762090AnonymousWill we ever rise above petty issues, achieve sustainable peace and commerce and finally explore spa...32[View]
48761083Anonymous/Deutsch/: Hessen Ausgabe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHvIsI7XN9c299[View]
48757859AnonymousBunch of bastards, what do you think of Paulaner beer, a german beer ? Thanks64[View]
48758079Anonymous>France is better than the UK4[View]
48764488AnonymousWhen will whites apologize for all the atrocities they have commited against blacks throughout histo...4[View]
48762011Anonymousyour countri what help you to fall asleep faster if insomnia?17[View]
48764653AnonymousWe poorly describe games and anons try to guess what it is >die ...0[View]
48764649AnonymousWhy are Germans so arrogant, autistic and evil? They said that your universities are so nice, but th...0[View]
48735786AnonymousAmericans can you please just get rid of your guns already? Here in Australia we got rid of ours and...140[View]
48761156Anonymoushttp://hottopic.scene7.com/is/image/HotTopic/1002531_hi?wid=640 How would you react if you saw ...19[View]
48764395AnonymousSverigetråd1: UFC helg lads invägning ikväll0[View]
48762629AnonymousIs there any bond between british and spanish people that i'm missing? For example, dude in pic...10[View]
48735941Anonymous/tr/: Wolverine vs. K*rds edişın Marvel BTFOs kurdshits299[View]
48764184Anonymouswhy are Canadians such liars?: Canadian Citizen caught lying on TV where he told whole countr...0[View]
48764052Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnqG9XAoseU holy shit i didn't know that the swedish immig...0[View]
48757960AnonymousIs there any way to successfully invade Russia without ending up like Hitler or Napoleon?48[View]
48763865Anonymousperidut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksm58EoESUc& ur country, ur favorite gem0[View]
48742292Anonymous/ita/ - Il filo dei pensionati: Edizione BUTTA IL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE310[View]
48744130AnonymousRussian thread /rus/ thread: Holy War edition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YGrWJEFl8...344[View]
48762802AnonymousThere is literally no reason for this continent to exist.9[View]
48761139AnonymousDescribe the immigrants in your country. How do they behave? Honestly I don't mind the immigran...6[View]
48746942Anonymous>you are casually standind in a pike shot formation with your bros, when thos...187[View]
48738542Anonymous>Occitans, Basques and Catalonians to the south ...63[View]
48763171AnonymousThe sacred time for the Serbs, all mosques will blown away. No Ante, Azema and Tito, to protect you ...4[View]
48761103Anonymous/brit/: happy family edition453[View]
48752828AnonymousHow did the media in your country reported about the recent beta uprising?52[View]
48756533Anonymous1.you're cunt 2. What's the most popular fast food in your cunt? 3. What's your favor...26[View]
48761775Anonymous>be the most advanced civilization in the world for 3000 years ...2[View]
48756596AnonymousHilo /hisp/ = /esp/ + /lat/: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, trav...9[View]
48752013Anonymousmoving to canada for 1 year soon any advice?23[View]
48762096Anonymous/éire/: southeast edition9[View]
48759926Anonymoushow come there are no french on 4chan? picture related lol6[View]
48761960AnonymousOpinion about Turks: http://strawpoll.me/563488822[View]
48731524AnonymousITT: Let's guess each other's names189[View]
48762371AnonymousGermany - Reconsider your need to travel: >We advise you to reconsider...5[View]
48755850AnonymousFredagstråd för svenskarna och brödrafolket: ÄTA? DRICKA? SE PÅ? HÖRA PÅ? LÄSA?411[View]
48756849AnonymousWhat happens in the Balearic Islands?38[View]
48762173AnonymousTHE RUSSIAN KEBAB LE HABBENING..: https://twitter.com/shmsnews/status/6500039395811409921[View]
48757721Anonymous>his language uses gendered pronouns and doesn't have non-gendered ones ...26[View]
48747096AnonymousSpain is a beautiful country with delicious food, rich and diverse culture and glorious history289[View]
48749911Anonymous/polska/: eeeeeeeee eeeeee eeeeeeeee eeeee >>48743590327[View]
48760476Anonymous>vietnamese poster shows up in thread >it ain...7[View]
48756758Anonymous>the Macedonians were Greek!2[View]
48759736Anonymous/multilingual/: Countries with 2 or more official languages can post to this thread.56[View]
48762036Anonymous'Call no man father' - Matthew 23:9 The Whore of Babylon refers specifically to the Catholic Church ...1[View]
48756188Anonymous/deutsch/: Schwesta Ewa Edition302[View]
48751022Anonymouswhat the fuck is wrong with Americans?98[View]
48748512AnonymousPost best emperor38[View]
48760858AnonymousIs this news big in your country? the current media is so weird tbh.I barely know about this news an...1[View]
48760351AnonymousWhat are they saying to the girls?5[View]
48761819Anonymous/int/ episode, when? https://youtu.be/GDiOmviCq3U0[View]
48757993AnonymousDo Finns have anti-alcohol movements/activists?6[View]
48738668Anonymous/fr/ le fil français: Édition ' Dégénérés '365[View]
48757723AnonymousThose guys work fast. Also, that fucking Chad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDiOmviCq3U1[View]
48732698Anonymous/LAT/ - HILO LATINO: HILO LATINO HISPANICO DE DEBATE Miren lo que dice Massa, señores. Macri ...289[View]
48752449AnonymousIs there someone who lived near or in the desert? Do you notice the heat every day or do you get use...53[View]
48760798Anonymous/mämmi/: Mämmi-painos Millaset naksut teillä on luvassa viikonlopuksi?0[View]
48759697Anonymousayy lmao3[View]
48759678Anonymous>his country doesn't have more than one language exclusive/home to it...3[View]
48754039AnonymousWhy don't Europeans have breakfast?43[View]
48700670Anonymous/MENA/ Middle East & North Africa General: Tarboush edition327[View]
48752612AnonymousITT: We post our State/Province/Region's flag and rate them. >Nova Scoti...83[View]
48759036AnonymousI was just thinking that pic related has to be one of the shittiest jobs in existence. ...10[View]
48760301Anonymous/gr/ νήμα kωλοτούμπας: «Για μας δεν υπάρχει τρόιkα kαι ούτε πρόkειται να μιλήσουμε μαζί της γ...1[View]
48749407AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...364[View]
48760237AnonymousPost figures throughout history who dindu nuffin. Pic related, he din go to no college, just tryna ...0[View]
48760233AnonymousMoving to LA from germany - How to find room?: Hey guys a friend of mine move to LA to work t...0[View]
48760000AnonymousWhat country has the worst shitposters and why is it The Netherlands?1[View]
48756501Anonymous>a fucking parrot6[View]
48757724Anonymous/brit/: The names Ger...Nig Ger473[View]
48747151AnonymousCat or dog?59[View]
48759187AnonymousWhy did Brits chimp out in South Africa and starve white people to death?7[View]
48753224AnonymousThis has to stop tbh22[View]
48745962Anonymous>Be Swedish ice hockey coach >Post a picture of...69[View]
48757650AnonymousWhat went wrong ?30[View]
48756324AnonymousHey /brit/, I've been given $10k to travel to London for two months and intern at a think tank....5[View]
48750717AnonymousWhy aren't west/south European countries not manly enough to be able to produce reasonable stro...48[View]
48759664Anonymous>mfw TIDF is actually real0[View]
48759640AnonymousAverage /int/'s Australian posters0[View]
48754989AnonymousWhy are Europeans so easily brainwashed by American media to believe whatever they tell them? Is it ...51[View]
48709418Anonymous/Norgetråden/: Norgetråden har blitt tatt over av PST. Forrige tråd: >>48661121361[View]
48753350AnonymousWHEN WILL WE SEE A RUSSIAN PILOT KEBAB?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzOf9p08HK024[View]
48756162AnonymousCan you get in trouble for torrenting stuff or watching copyright media in your country? I paid for ...4[View]
48756493AnonymousSverigetråden - Ros upplagan6[View]
48758927Anonymous/post your food/ thread: This is the greatest extent of my culinary prowess. I can also make ...0[View]
48752009AnonymousPol GOV: What do you think about the Polish government?17[View]
48744749AnonymousHi, int, I have a problem. I am 23yo Jewish girl from intelligent family. cute and interesting to ta...57[View]
48742956AnonymousI want a russian gf346[View]
48746779Anonymous>your language will never be as useful as English ...110[View]
48751899AnonymousTell me about this state.10[View]
48758368AnonymousWhat country-specific criteria do people have to meet to be considered a 'normie' in your cuntry? He...0[View]
48756647AnonymousAnyone else hate their country? Nothing good to ever come from Ireland. A nation without an identity...5[View]
48756882Anonymous>he can't walk down the street and legally purchase as many marijuanas a...34[View]
48752857AnonymousWhat world languages should the well-traveled 21st century man master, besides English?49[View]
48723507Anonymous/v4/: A night in Prague edition.312[View]
48757662Anonymous1. your cunt 2. which country has you tired of their fucking shit4[View]
48753888Anonymous>white '''''''''''''''''''culture''''''''''''''''''' http://m.mlb...41[View]
48757189Anonymous>Beard-less 'man' >'b-b-but I'm white!!'...8[View]
48754993AnonymousBreaking news, another diplomatic scandal with Russia: Vice-premier of Crimea Dmitriy Polonsk...8[View]
48735190AnonymousRate these languages on a scale of 1-10: English Dutch French Japanese Turkish Greek Spanish Hungari...145[View]
48739836Anonymous/mämmi/: Koiru-painos326[View]
48757422AnonymousIf you don't have these in your country, you're basically a non-country.0[View]
48746058一路順風東亞/東アジア/동아/East Asia thread: This thread can't die edition. 「中国 China」 「日本 Japan」 「한국 Ko...27[View]
48753048MohammedanBehold ! I am a distinguished Mohammedan Pasha from the Mysterious Orient AmA ! If thou hast any inq...3[View]
48751250AnonymousReunification. What went wrong?16[View]
48738165AnonymousWhich country has the widest range of dialects? i.e one dialect speaker may not understand another, ...55[View]
48754918Anonymous/brit/: GARLIC BREAD edition423[View]
48751849AnonymousPost traditional/folk clothes and costumes84[View]
48756847AnonymousGood luck, California!1[View]
48750649Anonymous>Most Euros can't drive >Euros can't ...71[View]
48753818AnonymousEvery country that has declared independence from the United Kingdom.8[View]
48738778Anonymous>the Oregon school shooter was from 4chan When are you shitlords going...136[View]
48754373AnonymousWhy is the richest continent on the planet (Africa) , so poor? Or maybe the better question would be...9[View]
48754996Anonymouswhy is this not a meme yet?6[View]
48751718Anonymous/deutsch/: Thomas D. Edition312[View]
48755342AnonymousWhat nationality is the rapest of babies? As in what one was raped the most and by the most differi...13[View]
48756175Anonymous>wake up >North America is now this What...0[View]
48753406AnonymousRussia: /int/ Is Russia a first world rich country now?10[View]
48754652Anonymoushttp://www.rt.com/usa/317395-armed-suspect-virginia-commonwealth/ >live ...9[View]
48748827AnonymousITT we try to guess what our leaders are saying to each others on pictures. Pic related is Putin in ...8[View]
48731696Anonymous/balk/: last : >>48718976318[View]
48755666AnonymousWhat's like not having gf in Russia?8[View]
48751870AnonymousИTT ви paйт ин Инглиш юзинг Киpиллик aлфaбeт45[View]
48753728translate plzwhat dose this ring say?21[View]
48755565A Wacky Texan !t8yQTwMPGYWelcome to the real football club: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/oct/02/george...0[View]
48751324AnonymousJeffrey Sachs: Jeffrey Sachs is a very famous guy here because he was an author of Polish eco...8[View]
48754318AnonymousWhy are the British so violent?5[View]
48753222Anonymous>be american >get shot ayy1[View]
48754668AnonymousWhy can't we just get along? You guys are so mean here. Attachment not related.2[View]
48754568Anonymous>americans are bad even at their national sport6[View]
48752976AnonymousI am in airport. Where are you?41[View]
48753974AnonymousEven right wing political journals are bantering Amerishoots about getting shot. Top kek tbh3[View]
48747023Anonymous/asean/: ANTI PKI326[View]
48754355AnonymousYou know what /int/ needs right now? A fixed/perfect Europe thread. Post them nova europas.1[View]
48752419AnonymousUK is a cuck-tier country4[View]
48753229AnonymousWhy Italian guys are so hot?19[View]
48741790Anonymousplease help me with my yes map.70[View]
48741019Anonymous/neder/: Nederdraad: ik zit in college en ik verf verveel me- editie321[View]
48745159Anonymous/deutsch/ artpage.jpg Edition: Begrüßen wir alle Bild-Konsumenten bei uns. Falls sie uns unte...307[View]
48753323AnonymousIf ISIS wasn't anti Iraq, would the U.S. Support them?2[View]
48746804AnonymousThe Eternal Hun: >Deutsche Bank has bumped up its 2016 economic growth...54[View]
48753830AnonymousIs Spain going to let Catalonia go? If Catalonia separates, Spain is fuckd?2[View]
48753091AnonymousWho is your favourite anime dictator? http://imgur.com/a/2i3rH3[View]
48749841Anonymous>Not having a little brother country >his natio...28[View]
48748432Anonymous>be American >get shot DESIGNATED SHOO...19[View]
48745434AnonymousRemember when Lima was the most important city of South America?20[View]
48753760Anonymousstralia: >be kangoroo-man >dress up as n...1[View]
48738854Anonymous/balt/ - imposters edition: Not welcome: /udija/ /brit/ /fr/ /deutsch/ /tr/ /ex-yu/ /polska/ ...312[View]
48750546Anonymous/brit/: The LAD bible edition487[View]
48749649AnonymousIn Canada and the US, we are taught cursive writing in high school but it often isn't a require...20[View]
48745483Anonymous>s/he can't speak at least 3 languages >un...24[View]
48748863AnonymousSverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk: Kebabpizzautgåvan. Orkade inte ta foto favä444[View]
48752773AnonymousWhy do turks hate kurds so much but don't let them to be independent?1[View]
48744565Anonymous>Stable economy >Sexy people ...150[View]
48752457AnonymousWhere were you when you realized that there is One God, Allāh, and that Mu-ham-head (pic) is His $pr...1[View]
48752711AnonymousOn ya netherlands0[View]
48725103Anonymous/ita/ - IL FILO: Guns edition.315[View]
48750804AnonymousAYYYYYY http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3256735/Don-t-school-tomorrow-northwest-Di...6[View]
48748841Anonymous/int/ when was the last time you cried?17[View]
48749319AnonymousPierre is watching you: >France's Government Aims to Give Itself—...14[View]
48750090Anonymous>hate the ruling party >forced to vote for them...24[View]
48752166AnonymousAQustralia is a shithole and every one of Australian posters should be banned. Fuck off.11[View]
48748153AnonymousIn 2020 the UK will elect this man as prime minister, how does this make you feel?38[View]
48748619Anonymous>American enters thread >have to stop using big...32[View]
48750809AnonymousWhat if there were to break out a civil war in the US between supporters of Trump (supported by red ...27[View]
48752265Anonymous>tfw entire continental Europe got cucked by a small Island called Britain...0[View]
48752169Anonymoussing: KOREA CHURA NA MERA JIYA1[View]
48751552AnonymousWhat does Hollywood usually get wrong about your country or its history?5[View]
48747463AnonymousA cheeky tenner on 15 days until next shooting. Place your bets now!27[View]
48749932AnonymousTfw when no Norwegian gf and will probably never get one5[View]
48747513AnonymousHow are trans people treated in your country?87[View]
48745538AnonymousGood luck, California!8[View]
48739542AnonymousIs this a common site on American subways? https://instagram.com/p/31-40xTYJD/?taken-by=hotdude...146[View]
48750295AnonymousITT we summon Isle of Man17[View]
48750878AnonymousLinguistic freaks: ITT we speak like Anglo-Saxons.5[View]
48751111AnonymousWhy are modern Americans giving up their guns?9[View]
48744283AnonymousIs anyone from california here? I really want to visit it, but tell me about it, I know nothing.32[View]
48739519AnonymousDear Cuckstralians and Yuropoors. We will never give up our guns. No matter how many deaths. Come an...195[View]
48742530Anonymous>mfw English is mostly spoken by Indians. >mfw ...33[View]
48750025Anonymouswhat's your opinion on the usa? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqvgoPMd7d85[View]
48751113AnonymousAnyone else here like War Nerd? He has a new podcast out: https://pando.com/2015/10/01/listen-w...0[View]
48747923AnonymousCroatia or Estonia?30[View]
48747926Anonymous>hfw she finds out you're german5[View]
48743012AnonymousWhy is yellow fever more prevalent in men than in women? Is it a gender related disease?29[View]
48745866AnonymousWhy do Americans not care about dead children?17[View]
48746608AnonymousSo why do all the Poles move to the UK? Are job opportunities and pay really that bad that you need ...3[View]
48746879Anonymoustfw no German gf3[View]
48744497AnonymousA Brit moved to Poland while he studies in London. Living in Poland and flying every day to London i...53[View]
48746110Anonymoussouth park last season: Hi 4chan, Frenchfag here. I'm watching the last South Park seaso...30[View]
48735328Anonymous>Be american >go to school ...225[View]
48737289AnonymousAre there people that really believe in this bullshit? 1 - Native Americans had no concept of privat...103[View]
48740245Anonymous>yfw foreigners never had GOAT television on ABC shows between 3pm-6pm10[View]
48750236CNN Live Leak ISIS US led coalitionCNN Live Leak ISIS US led coalition: 'US led ISIS Coalition' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...2[View]
48749939AnonymousTell historical happening in your country that probably nobody knows: Here in Poland Stefan B...4[View]
48743590Anonymous/polska/: koriab śmierdzi guwnem edycja312[View]
48750258AnonymousWhy do American TV shows and films use an orange filter whenever the scene is set in mexico?0[View]
48748577AnonymousWhy do you use the 800k meme? We reached the 800k in September, but 170k of them are allowed to stay...2[View]
48750149EgeRembetiko !!!!!: Neighbros ! I love to listen rembetiko ! I`ve heard a lot of them via youtub...0[View]
48729430AnonymousDo europoors really use these? Or is it a thing for rich people?73[View]
48741541AnonymousIsrael why aren't you taking in any refugees? I saw Bibi today rambling away at the UN about ho...273[View]
48747032AnonymousProof that finngols are inferior29[View]
48748442Anonymous>You will never see a country starting with W or Y posting on /int/6[View]
48748973AnonymousIgnoring everything else about their political system, which country is most effective at selecting ...20[View]
48746616Anonymous>Russian air force btfo american backed terrorist in Syria ...5[View]
48748103Anonymous>tfw i will never live in an Italian cobblestone street with my Italian gf...1[View]
48746839AnonymousTeach me the secrets of Australian cuisine, /int/.18[View]
48749242AnonymousLandswap: ITT we exchange clay with our neighbors and try to make a deal. I'll start wit...5[View]
48749652Anonymous>2 megabyte picture takes 2.5 seconds to load >...0[View]
48749487AnonymousWhat went wrong?4[View]
48747248Anonymous/brit/: david cameron edition477[View]
48749451AnonymousGuide to dealing with Finns: http://diversicare.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Profile_Finnis...0[View]
48740020AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...313[View]
48747129Anonymous>there >they're ...2[View]
48741126Anonymous中文串/Chinese Thread: Chinese Language Thread, all are welcome, including 你。6[View]
48744549AnonymousRed flags: What are some red flags for /int/ I will star my most inportant red flags: ...5[View]
48748873AnonymousDisprove this pic: Protip: you can't0[View]
48746024AnonymousHelp: Hello, german friends I have this cellphone number calling me from germany and I dont k...18[View]
48736028Canuck BurgerLet's Make a Deal: Territory swap: Canada, how's this? you get a bunch of new clay51[View]
48741327Anonymous>be Australian >get attacked by magpies ...24[View]
48748696AnonymousIs it true that America was never in fact 'white'?1[View]
48748501AnonymousIt's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's lookin' forward to the wee...6[View]
48748554Anonymous>tfw spring had come and i started to feel bad even though i like spri...2[View]
48746120Anonymous>tfw you know a thing or two but you have not yet mastered another language...6[View]
48742711AnonymousWhen are we going to have a crusade to remove this heretic squatters?53[View]
48736862Anonymous>2 million niggers in the UK kek16[View]
48746264Anonymoushello i am berber9[View]
48743756AnonymousDoes America even exist?: Like for real, has anyone here actually really been there and actua...13[View]
48747859AnonymousPrepare Uranus, Europe. In a few months Merkel might not be in power anymore, and the refugees that ...2[View]
48747197AnonymousDoes your leader speak English? If so, please provide video evidence.1[View]
48745317AnonymousSweden = #1: Give me a few reasons why sweden isnt the best goddamn country in the world9[View]
48746365AnonymousITT: we predict the next 50 years of pic related5[View]
48748096AnonymousPen pals: You have 60 seconds to tell me why you haven't messaged a foreign qt yet. Look...0[View]
48747817AnonymousWhy are Chinese trying to convince people that they can beat up other races. Why don't they spo...3[View]
48747583AnonymousWho was this man?8[View]
48746908Anonymous>Having a women in charge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7DKOJv...15[View]
48747684Anonymouscommunism was great tbh2[View]
48740587AnonymousWhy do christians like jews and Israel so much?22[View]
48739122Anonymous2nd October /desi/ edition. was'p lads?73[View]
48747732AnonymousIslamabad: >be a devout muslim living in pakistan ...0[View]
48745575Anonymous>be US >legalise guns for everyone ...13[View]
48747522AnonymousHow does this newspaper get all the pulitzers? http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/29/opinion/the-ne...1[View]
48747278AnonymousWhich city is the most rock n' roll city of all the world?5[View]
48747390Anonymoushi guys!!! i make missions for MEN OF WAR AS 2 PIC RELATED ANYWAYS can we get a /hist/ Thread about...0[View]
48744609AnonymousStart of WW2: When did World War 2 started according to your history books? In Poland it...81[View]
48744196AnonymousWhy amerifats can't into open sandwich master race?57[View]
48746530AnonymousI heard potatoes damage teeth the most out of any food (because they stick). Do brits have bad teet...11[View]
48745936AnonymousЫыыыыыыыыыыыыы eптa бля!13[View]
48746599Anonymous>current state of europe7[View]
48714361AnonymousReminder that if you support the US over Russia, you are an enemy of European society. Pic related a...70[View]
48744392Anonymous/brit/: Favourite books edition.384[View]
48746705AnonymousA message for int: Singles, your days are numbered The longer you wait, the lower your chance...1[View]
48744133AnonymousWhy can't americans build real street signs?4[View]
48743645Anonymousgermans who oppose immigration on facebook are being fined and thrown in jail http://www.eutimes.net...49[View]
48746504AnonymousA never ending army of peter garretts attacks you >Your cunt ...0[View]
48746049AnonymousWhy americans dont buy new cars? Is is so cheap there, why? What are you driving? What amerage stude...6[View]
48746384AnonymousIs it true that most of the college dropouts are due to fear that they'll end up dying in a sho...2[View]
48721469Anonymous/asean/: Today, Failpenis will defeat the Nipponese in basketball and bring grory to /a/sean!...330[View]
48732063AnonymousWhy slav genes make the most beautiful milfs out there?126[View]
48741909AnonymousITT: Classic television from your country https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQCtW7ukfyw31[View]
48738463AnonymousThis Mexican is freer than 90% of europe. If you don't own a gun, you don't value your own...64[View]
48740763Anonymous>7% Asian >Full >...26[View]
48741930Anonymous>americans will try to defend this39[View]
48740542AnonymousIn metro , wat do51[View]
48729701Anonymous/ex-yu/: priroda i društvo edicija316[View]
48745163Anonymous/deutsch/: normale Ausgabe2[View]
48741176Anonymous£500 / €680 / $760 for living inside a closet under stairs >Britcucks ...57[View]
48723490Anonymous>tell people to read quran in context 'hurr durr, it tells you to kill...116[View]
48742409AnonymousTurks, is Ankara any good? I wanna study there.8[View]
48743427AnonymousWhy do white people hate turks ? is it because they became famous by kidnapping europeans men and cu...11[View]
48745222AnonymousWhich countries' banter/hatred towards each other do you find the funniest? Personally, I never...0[View]
48733532AnonymousSverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk: Natt och mys blir nattmys som tråden ska vara p...500[View]
48738581Anonymous>tfw no blonde blue-eyed teen girlfriend40[View]
48722753AnonymousCulture Pals: lazy edition Insert new pasta here lmao OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/8MT3uBwG300[View]
48743472Anonymous'The New World II': So if NASA succeeds with establishing a Martian colony and therefore maki...13[View]
48741638AnonymousDESIGNATED HUMAN SACRIFICES http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/five-year-...31[View]
48741919Anonymous/ex-yu/: Vojvodina = Katalonija edition5[View]
48744554AnonymousDid Pepe made it to the local news? Argentina yes3[View]
48735958Anonymouswhy is pot so hard to find in Australia? When I went to Adelaide and Sydney most people just drank a...45[View]
48728056Anonymous/deutsch/: Es Totemügerli! U nid nume eis, nei, zwöi, drü, vier, füüf, es ganzes Schoossinjon...329[View]
48742706AnonymousSuch a good goy, France5[View]
48737790AnonymousWhere will you be when California finally runs out of water by the end of this year?58[View]
48743895AnonymousIs France even white? I've heard they were raped by arabs for 800 years, their language is full...7[View]
48744460AnonymousThis triggers the Californian Also, send help.0[View]
48744451Anonymous/migrant invasion/ & /refugee crisis/: >Young male migrants '...0[View]
48738403Anonymous1.flag 2.In your country, what'll happen if you officially say you're a 4chan poster? ...60[View]
48741335Anonymouswhy mass shootings never happen in Eastern Europe?25[View]
48715983AnonymousRussian Su-25 shot down over Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzOf9p08HK0 Welcome ...282[View]
48742445AnonymousWhat are the chances of getting employed in your country. >regional aus...15[View]
48735673AnonymousITT: say something genuinely nice about USA: I admire USA's attitude towards free speech41[View]
48728355Anonymous>Two posters with the same flag post in the same thread ...82[View]
48743323AnonymousI gonna move live in Los Angeles. Tell me about californian girls pls. Are they hot? Smart? Interes...8[View]
48737953AnonymousWe're all refugees on this Japanese image board18[View]
48743727Anonymous>a 4Chan user shot other people Daily reminder 4chan is a waste of li...10[View]
48743079Anonymous>be Australian >get shot4[View]
48734812AnonymousWhich country's women age the best? Which country's women age the worst?46[View]
48726062Anonymous/polska/: Normiki spłoną w piekle edycja.315[View]
48742051AnonymousWhat is the future you see for EU?13[View]
48740048AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...5[View]
48742429AnonymousIndia - Where is my Maggi edition: It's funny to see government talking about 'Food...16[View]
48743365AnonymousSunset edition: It was the weather that was rough from last night, But it was a great sunset ...0[View]
48739004AnonymousHow much do you have in common with him? >not being White mix51[View]
48743178AnonymousИнcтaгpaмa aнoнa тpeд №2.: http://instagram.com/ysmp130[View]
48740416Anonymous>wk up >stil cndian9[View]
48739224AnonymousDaily Doze of Russia.: Holy War edition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YGrWJEFl8w358[View]
48739661Anonymoussomething you don't understand europeans, is that there are so many fucking niggers here, like ...28[View]
48740105AnonymousITT: Fill in the blanks: >be American >_...20[View]
48737663AnonymousWhy are Americans so beta?18[View]
48741220AnonymousAmericans, how often do you interact with blacks in your daily life? Do you have like a black best f...10[View]
48740459Anonymous>l'll never be turk. why even live?10[View]
48737854Anonymous/brit/: Falklands Edition539[View]
48732322AnonymousITT: Roast the above country32[View]
48740519AnonymousWhy is Australia's internet so shit?58[View]
48740559AnonymousAustralian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade have upgrade the threat level of several European...12[View]
48741097Anonymous>tfw no poortugese gf14[View]
48738620AnonymousNo really, why were the Ottomans so fucking gay? I just read an article about how they preferred fuc...15[View]
48742083AnonymousYou wake up in Comoros.1[View]
48740368AnonymousCould someone please explain what is happening in Ukraine?7[View]
48737683AnonymousITT: We bully Ireland and the Irish I'll start: >Irish ...20[View]
48741038AnonymousWhy are Canadians so bad at music? Perhaps they need Afrikan cultural enrichment to give the rhythm6[View]
48740191AnonymousIf your country is green or purple you should kill yourself. >Captcha: Select...2[View]
48741219Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QypkBliIEe4 >tfw not black athletic mast...3[View]
48741426AnonymousEnergetic: I am poor russian. Will I die if I drink this?2[View]
48737775Anonymous¿What is your opinion of Russian humans?28[View]
48735381AnonymousThe United States is a fucking joke. One guy brings a bomb in their shoe to the airport, so TSA make...70[View]
48735712Anonymous/Autism: Can you help me? What am I missing from the collection? Apologies for not having the...36[View]
48716539Anonymous/mämmi/: Jöröjyrä painos307[View]
48740581Anonymous/cum/ canada usa mexico puerto rico: autumn sweater edition3[View]
48737335AnonymousCan we all agree?14[View]
48740750AnonymousAnyone from new orleans? Thinking about moving there in the near future. What is the dindu situation...2[View]
48739891AnonymousWhat's his name again?15[View]
48740571Anonymous>you were born in australia5[View]
48736181AnonymousIf you had an all expense paid vacation to anywhere in the U.S where would you go32[View]
48739538AnonymousIs there a more boring country? The highlights of our history are skinning beavers and burning down ...9[View]
48738545AnonymousCan not stand my country here is very hot and dangerous. Where should I move out?15[View]
48725330AnonymousIn Chile, Pinochet has many supporters. 60 thousand of them showed up at his funeral. But across the...95[View]
48732225AnonymousHonestly, though how many mass shootings did you guys even have this year only? What is going on?249[View]
48738829AnonymousCities: New York - 45% of white people London - 56% of white people Moscow - 90% of only Slav...19[View]
48700581AnonymousWhat does /int/ know about Armenia?149[View]
48739967AnonymousTheres LITERALLY nothing wrong with this map Prove me wrong >Protip; Y...4[View]
48737800AnonymousSo my fellow Americans, I think there's one thing that we can pull from this recent tragic even...6[View]
48739011Anonymous>mfw the CSA isn't celebrating 150 years41[View]
48739873AnonymousIs America losing its freedom?: >yes3[View]
48740112Anonymous>tfw no outer heaven/zanzibarland for gun lovers not filled with niggers...3[View]
48738624AnonymousWhy is Australia's internet shit?38[View]
48732691Anonymous>yfw you realise all yuro fags will always be able to fuck any American girl ...37[View]
48740085AnonymousOnline Shopping: 1] Your country 2] Which website do you use to buy/sell stuff? ...0[View]
48739714AnonymousWhere were you when the US was designated the most beta country in the world? A CLUB FOR BETA MALES ...6[View]
48739468Anonymousdoes this looks white to you?7[View]
48736346Anonymous/cum/: alex jones is a pretty smart dude edition334[View]
48729754Anonymous/int/ learns a language52[View]
48739370AnonymousWhen east meets west4[View]
48735934Anonymousif haplogroups and the out of africa theory are both accurate all western and northern Europeans are...16[View]
48734787AnonymousWhat are the shittiest regions of your country? Pic related all the ones marks red should be nuked ...15[View]
48734874AnonymousWhat do you think of my civilizations model?36[View]
48738073Anonymousdiaspora fag: tfw when you will never fug greek cutie, experience traditional european folkli...4[View]
48739017AnonymousWhy are Swiss women beautiful?9[View]
48739312OPRisk Asia2[View]
48730144AnonymousOfficial List of Countries by Relevancy throughout all of History: >Ro...31[View]
48735166Anonymous/luso/: Edição: locomotiva sub-edição: SENHORA! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3EU1Fme...321[View]
48738799AnonymousBOOORINGGG: Whew. /int/ sure is shit when euros aren't all up and quality posting. You p...7[View]
48734747Anonymous>Morning bro! Made you some pancakes! What do?26[View]
48733553AnonymousToday I learned that I qualify for a study abroad program at the University of Chicago. What should ...17[View]
48738989AnonymousWhy don't Americans take their revenge after the attack of the World Trade Center and send dron...0[View]
48738345I'm Trapped in Hongcouver !1osFbJ2s/w>be me >attend Spanish class ...19[View]
48737621Anonymous>speak to someone in their language >they ignor...27[View]
48737180AnonymousWhy is learning another language so hard bros? I haven't done ANY german study today and have a...19[View]
48735552AnonymousHy чo пиндocы, вcocaли?8[View]
48738209AnonymousWhich American college in Europe is the best?3[View]
48738734AnonymousWir hatten gehofft, einige Türken, oder einige Flüchtlinge konnten wir in zu nehmen.3[View]
48735915Anonymous>tfw no cuck flag Who /newflag/ here? Kiwis move along7[View]
48738665Anonymousdo people born in overseas British and French territories get the same passport and are able to move...0[View]
48735250AnonymousRefugee Languages: I had a dream that the European Union made Esperanto the official working ...3[View]
48733945AnonymousRomance Languages' Romances: >Spanish, portuguese, french, italia...45[View]
48735561Anonymousshould I just fuck off to military?8[View]
48738523AnonymousDo you have things like this in your country? https://instagram.com/p/6qOD-uoOeG/1[View]
48738418AnonymousITT: We use google maps' satellite-view to locate bunkers in Albania.2[View]
48716837AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...352[View]
48710724AnonymousWhat is the most Slavic language of all Slavic languages?254[View]
48721604AnonymousWhat are British Pakistanis like?180[View]
48736788AnonymousHey faggot chinese m00t Time to remove the hats now12[View]
48736004Anonymous1. Your country 2. Would you live in the U.S. If offered the chance? 3. Do you consider it 1st world...4[View]
48737989Anonymous>uk Lmao4[View]
48730109AnonymousAs of today, the venezuelan goverment is starting to maintain a harder grip on the internet influx i...100[View]
48737880AnonymousWould you date a brazilian grill?9[View]
48732766AnonymousCan ppl that has this kind of transport tell me why this isnt mass produced? Is light. Dont need fue...36[View]
48736832AnonymousIceland Thread: I'm going to Iceland this summer for a week what you fam recommend i do...3[View]
48732826AnonymousWhy the fuck do japanese act like they're victims of the WW2 ?67[View]
48737861Anonymousstop bullying ukraine0[View]
48736348Anonymous/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico: >get shot edition314[View]
48736209AnonymousJust a few points for mass migration Morality: leaving babies to drown just so we can save a few pen...5[View]
48737473AnonymousOut of all the first-world countries, do Amerifats have the worst hygiene habits? ...6[View]
48728775AnonymousI asked my 19 year-old sister to fill out a blank map of Europe. How did she do?315[View]
48735611Anonymouswhy are russians such unironic homophobes18[View]
48731527AnonymousWhy is the Greek language so beautiful?8[View]
48736302AnonymousI just found out Im like 1/8 or maybe 1/16 German what do I do now? did the Holocaust actually happe...14[View]
48736849AnonymousI just noticed something interesting. News headlines in Europe/Canada/Australia ...12[View]
48735930AnonymousAny people from Siberia on here? What's it like? Bonus question: are the needs of Siberia ever ...1[View]
48736287AnonymousIs your country safe? USA Yes, despite all the memes our country is very safe8[View]
48736848AnonymousIf sabaton not made a song about your country, your country has no warrior glory. https://www.youtub...1[View]
48735963AnonymousDo you like Italians?16[View]
48737205AnonymousI need a chilean to answer some questions about this 'semana del mechoneo'. Is it really mandatory? ...0[View]
48737082Anonymouswhen was your countries last mass shooting /int/ also >be American get shot0[View]
48733669Anonymous/brit/: christian edition362[View]
48734604AnonymousWhich country is your unlikely ally?12[View]
48733524AnonymousDAYS SINCE LAST AMERICAN SHOOTING: 0000143[View]
48732843Rightful Canadian propertyProve me wrong.31[View]
48733533AnonymousToday my mother asked me indirectly why I don't have a girlfriend being 20 years old. Is it hap...31[View]
48733645AnonymousAmericans is it taboo for you to date those from south of the border? >yes...79[View]
48736095Anonymous'HEY CUNT MATE FUCK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE AYE' -Average austalian conversation7[View]
48736673Anonymous/slav/: Slav thread1[View]
48736495AnonymousWhat time would 'Real Nigga Hours' be in your cunt?2[View]
48736610AnonymousWhy did potato niggers chimp out in America?: >be irish ...0[View]
48733320Anonymous>be australian >hear about americans getting sh...21[View]
48736579Tsar Alexei I of MurmanskRISK THREAD HERE >>>/pol/528837560[View]
48729816Anonymous/can/: Canuck General. /can/ you do the /can/ /can/. So how come I never hear anything from N...153[View]
48733883Anonymous>Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan! >O...20[View]
48735558AnonymousShow me your country9[View]
48719947AnonymousWill we ever see the reunification of Tirol?20[View]
48736378Anonymous>tfw no qt portugese gf >tfw no qt brazilian sh...1[View]
48734236AnonymousITT:Post local folklore/legends/ghost stories4[View]
48733917AnonymousWhat can you tell me about this region?9[View]
48733974AnonymousPakistan: Any Pakis here? How does it feel to have your capital city LITERALLY admit that you...6[View]
48733812Anonymous/cum/: Henry David Thoreau's poetry edition Southern Gothic is the superior American li...353[View]
48735823AmericanonHow do canuckolds feel about the State of Alaska?8[View]
48731723AnonymousDo you like the Amish?18[View]
48735892Anonymous>Krazy Kat comics creator George Herriman was a Louisiana Creole (of partial ...4[View]
48729314Anonymouswhy were Native Americans in what would become Latin America so much more impressive than Native Ame...37[View]
48735857AnonymousThe new bread and circuses - rule 34 and mass shootings: in the early years of the Roman empi...2[View]
48735741Anonymous>Chinese are gay now http://time.com/4057650/gay-marriage-proposa...1[View]
48734826AnonymousIt took my cock just 4 days without washing and pulling back my foreskin before dick cheese started ...14[View]
48722073Anonymous/luso/ Fio Lusófono: Edição: >Muh Guns Último fio: >>48704010 Useful links: ...310[View]
48735580AnonymousYou mean your mail isn't delivered by a man on a little red bike? What a shit country you live ...0[View]
48731532AnonymousI'm leaving 4chan, at least until I get my shit together. Bye lads, it's been fun.8[View]
48735515Anonymous>Seize this chance Xi, dismantle North Korea0[View]
48735363AnonymousIf you guys live near Benin, don't go to school tomorrow11[View]
48722139AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...22[View]
48710806Anonymous/balt/: Conan edition247[View]
48720123AnonymousCommercials: Post commercials from your country Here's a Mazda commercial. Really hits y...27[View]
48734628AnonymousHo-ho, my Russky friends! Do you know any particularly interesting animations, songs, tales, or imag...3[View]
48733725AnonymousFor those of you have actually been to asia or lived in asia, What was your lay score with the local...5[View]
48735135Anonymous>Be American >get shot1[View]
48733953Anonymouscan any mexicans tell me about their civil war? I know nothing about it or what people think about i...11[View]
48734991AnonymousHow do we get Europeans to start killing each other more so our shooting rates don't look so ab...16[View]
48735185Anonymousi have a question for brits i have a friend that says nobody uses the word 'quart' in britain is thi...0[View]
48729236Anonymous>be American >get shot15[View]
48722399AnonymousIs Hamlet the greatest work of literature produced western civilization? If not, what is?36[View]
48731037AnonymousThis is the coolest picture of a flag I could find.5[View]
48734793AnonymousHow acceptable or taboo is it to date different ethnic groups in your cunt? Here in the UK; ...3[View]
48731945Anonymous>Brazilian economy is so fucked up that even anime and manga is being affecte...16[View]
48724802AnonymousHow do Jews behave in your country?123[View]
48734153AnonymousArab Migrants Told “Swedish Women Require Real Men” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qfTsORJjqI...6[View]
48723786AnonymousDoes your country have 'no go' zones where normal citizens are afraid to travel to because of ultra-...77[View]
48734724Anonymous>be american >get shot2[View]
48721984Anonymous>meanwhile on Roman /int/115[View]
48734543AnonymousWhat were they discussing?7[View]
48722084AnonymousITT post police cars from your country/state Here in Germany it varies from state to state, in my st...89[View]
48732771AnonymousWhy are American women so loud and irritating?4[View]
48732559AnonymousSup /int/. So just recently today, I received orders to Seoul, Korea. Im in the US Navy, and I just ...7[View]
48732749AnonymousNo other civilizations or countries can match the superiority of ancient Egyptian black culture11[View]
48734315Anonymousdubs thread: check em lads3[View]
48730612AnonymousPutin: Hello /int/ First time posting here. I was wondering one thing about Russians and Put...12[View]
48731962OPRisk Naval Europe: With sea and river routes Post >Nation name...4[View]
48728946Anonymouswould you racemix with an australian?6[View]
48733932AnonymousIs Japan exclusive? (Tokyo is removed.)0[View]
48723372AnonymousWhy didn't Native Americans invent the wheel?96[View]
48730821Anonymous/cum/: restore the Articles of Confederation edition327[View]
48730776AnonymousTHANK YOU BASED ITALY2[View]
48730062AnonymousAre you lumbersexual? If no, why not? It's the most manly trend in years... http://www.instyle....6[View]
48732409AnonymousWhen did Germany peak in post 1945 era?4[View]
48727866AnonymousWhat makes European women pure and innocent?11[View]
48733343AnonymousAre radical Imams common in Europe?1[View]
48733397Anonymous>Typical American college students5[View]
48733357Anonymouspost media portrayals that set your people back Ireland Margaret Shroder from Boardwalk Empire0[View]
48729720Anonymous>be american >shoot up your school ...392[View]
48719418Anonymous/fr/: Édition branlée amicale. Invité : Canada.269[View]
48732941AnonymousIs present EU all right?3[View]
48731352Anonymous/brit/: Yellow monkey edition401[View]
48730347AnonymousDoes every race have basically the same physical structure? It seems like aside from some outliers l...2[View]
48731876AnonymousWhy are scandinavian men so feminine compared to others?7[View]
48721976AnonymousBrits out Refugees IN36[View]
48730947Anonymous/tbhfam/: Turkey, Britain, Honduras, Finland, Argentina, Moldava breivik edition get over her...3[View]
48732754AnonymousIf New Zealand changes their flag, what should Australia change theirs to to one-up them?2[View]
48727819AnonymousWhat do Muslims think of the Barbary Corsairs? Christian Europe sees them as merciless, barbaric dog...20[View]
48729095AnonymousShow yourself. Why don't you belong to us? Why have I not heard of this place before?67[View]
48729246AnonymousWhats your favourite political cartoon? >pic not related22[View]
48723225Anonymous>buying in poor people's store34[View]
48720410Anonymous/LAT/ - HILO LATINO: HILO LATINO CUMPLEAÑERO /hisp/ algo asi >No vamos...318[View]
48712542Anonymous/Nederdraad/: https://www.rt.com/848375-breaking-news-kremlin-report-vladimir-putin-...319[View]
48726397AnonymousWhy is Portugal the best european country? No crimes,no muslims,no gypsies, cheap cost of living,bea...37[View]
48732329AnonymousThis is the person popular in our country.0[View]
48729916AnonymousChristianity became what it is today because most of its members chose to ignore literal parts of th...16[View]
48732295AnonymousThe Maoris are uprising http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11522...0[View]
48731985AnonymousRare flags please post here.6[View]
48727509AnonymousSo it turns out that this Hiroshima Nagasaki person lives in frogland Do you guys have any idea wher...20[View]
48718976Anonymous/balk/ - Balkan thread: designated salary edition old: >>48710974293[View]
48731682Anonymousplease americans, use fucking gopro next time, and upload it immediately before police take you down...0[View]
48729301Anonymous>Be Californian >Meet a girl from New York name...10[View]
48731519AnonymousThat triggers the english. Anglo TV show which shows the truth about England history. And this scene...0[View]
48730170AnonymousHOLY SHIT!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU4W0ef2654 CNN IS TALKING ABOUT US!!!34[View]
48722270Angry Irish ManPost reasons why you hate the dutch. They are all drug using degenerates.174[View]
48714359Anonymous/ee/: /a/ in the sheets /pol/ on the streets edišn139[View]
48729418Anonymous/brit/: BMW edition320[View]
48731082AnonymousJemand wollen um zu computerspielen spielt und skype mit mich? I muss verbessern meine Deutsch.4[View]
48727211AnonymousSverigetråd: >dkn429[View]
48731314AnonymousYou unsophisticated europoors need to learn when to clap. Clapping is an art of coordination with yo...0[View]
48719463Anonymous/tr/: Ezel edisyonu113[View]
48731193Anonymous>Up to 13 killed in college shooting in Oregon literally Africa tier0[View]
48712261Anonymous/isr/ /ישר/: Daily Israel thread. Welcome: Everything and everyone, except for Yahtzan. Not w...90[View]
48726932Anonymous70-90% of all marriages in Pakistan are incestual http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/hay-festiv...8[View]
48730505AnonymousSandokan MC: Does anyone have any info about this guy? Here are his videos: https://youtu.be/...1[View]
48721194Anonymous1. Your country 2. Does your country have a problem with mass shootings? How many die a year on aver...292[View]
48712901AnonymousVocaroo thread: 'Cannot find any god edition' edition >Official Unoffi...142[View]
48730702Anonymous>go to bed >decide to check internet one last t...2[View]
48726789Anonymous/cum/: if you lie down with the dogs you get up with fleas edition315[View]
48723065AnonymousIs this map accurate?29[View]
48730391AnonymousDonald Trump on Syrian refugees to America:: “If I win, they’re going back.” How does this ma...13[View]
48729851AnonymousFinland is so bad for refugees: http://www.iltalehti.fi/iltvuutiset/201510010175202_v0.s...8[View]
48729918AnonymousGreetings from /mu/. I don't know if this is the best board to-go-to; however, I thought why no...2[View]
48729385AnonymousAmerica:: Find a flaw.7[View]
48723811AnonymousI've always imagined that other developed countries take solace in the fact that, no matter how...28[View]
48728183AnonymousWhat is it like living in Kenya19[View]
48722749AnonymousWhat heve you thought about Brazil today, onii-chan?14[View]
48727541Anonymousmay anglos be retarded because their native tongue is english?7[View]
48719202Anonymous/ex-yu/: nowi302[View]
48725060AnonymousWhy do Russians eat fuckwheat?35[View]
48729840Anonymous>be american plane >get crashed http://w...1[View]
48728340AnonymousGive me one good reason, why Germany and Austria shouldn't unite! We are one people in two nati...19[View]
48728121AnonymousIslam is the religion of peace.10[View]
48727959Anonymous>be american24[View]
48728940AnonymousYou know whats the saddest thing? People is OK with islamisation. 'arab culture is interesting, tbh...14[View]
48729184AnonymousWhat was your first time seeing a black person in your country? How did you react?4[View]
48728204AnonymousBritish kids working “too hard” in order to keep up with Polish chums: Diane Sedgwick is like...11[View]
48720622AnonymousCan someone tell me about what Russia's doing in Syria? I've been following it loosely. Is...54[View]
48729590Anonymoushttps://youtu.be/hZiOvtY8JMw Why are Koreans so rude and autistic? Learn personal space!0[View]
48729298AnonymousBavaria VS. Swabia Who wins overall, lads?1[View]
48720836Anonymous>starting 2 world wars >losing both of them...27[View]
48728658AnonymousITT: Mongolia: What happens here?8[View]
48728777AnonymousWill Australia win the Kangaroo War?: >be Australian ...2[View]
48728341AnonymousIs the pope the actual anti christ?13[View]
48719057AnonymousWhat are Russians up to ?: Looking at the map can you tell what are Russians are up to ?37[View]
48702275FilthycuntLuxembourg,more like Dumbdenburg28[View]
48729169AnonymousVšetko najlepšie k narodeninám, 4chan!0[View]
48726136Anonymous/polska/: edycja więzienna poprzedni: >>48717297 temat tematu: https://www.youtube.com/...6[View]
48727970AnonymousPost one for your cunt23[View]
48727222AnonymousHOWS THIS MAKE YOU FEEL JAPAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&persist_app=1&v...1[View]
48728646AnonymousWhat is the cost of this war for Russia? Where is the money coming from?1[View]
48712883AnonymousITT: your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people: ITT: your honest opinion about Polan...77[View]
48728085Anonymous>Daily reminder that Islam is an elaborate, millennia old Jewish conspiracy t...1[View]
48724664Ahmed !Z.u76FTVEM/civil/ - Nuclear Edition: Post civil engineering projects here. Bonus points if in your cunt...19[View]
48722019AnonymousPost your face when you realize a dog graduated at a university in Spain.12[View]
48718183Anonymousredpill me on Romania.55[View]
48727780Anonymousi was walking today through some random multikulti ghetto today, and i've seen a lot of muslims...3[View]
48727621America to poland: You're the bestAs an American, I greatly appreciate the polish people, and I wish to express solidarity with your p...5[View]
48727173AnonymousI fucking hate the french.20[View]
48702032AnonymousInternet Speed: ITT: We trigger Ausfailians193[View]
48727923Anonymous>europeans make thread making fun of Americans for school shootings all the t...1[View]
48726633Anonymous>mfw I just now understood why these dogs are called 'K9'48[View]
48719350AnonymousMessage to Russians from russian: Russians, post your feel when 'Pyccкaя жeнщинa — oплoт интe...53[View]
48722145AnonymousWhat is your favorite salad dressing /int? I like balsamic vinagrette or throusand island Most popu...14[View]
48726404Anonymous>amerifats constanly making fun of the brits for their strict gunlaws ...9[View]
48717835AnonymousAustralia bully thread. AUSFAILIANS PAYING SO MUCH MORE THAN US FOR ALBANIAN-TIER SPEED30[View]
48725700Anonymous/brit/: Lisicki edition535[View]
48726874AnonymousFrench opinions about Oregon state. If americans are interested about french mind. We talk about nat...9[View]
48724111Anonymous/aus/: Ask a drunk Australian anything edition14[View]
48717605AnonymousA QUESTION FOR THE DANISH BROS: Hello my friends, i just got offered a job, 3.200 euros as pa...80[View]
48724255Anonymous/can-elect/: >Get automated calls from Trudeau begging me to vote for ...4[View]
48723151Anonymous>Islam is not a religion! It's the cult belief system of Muhammed...26[View]
48727596AnonymousTALLFAGS BTFO: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/oct/01/taller-people-more-like...1[View]
48706578AnonymousSay something nice about England67[View]
48727548Anonymous>Go to sleep >Bilel still exists3[View]
48712524AnonymousBad Words: Hi, /int/, I am a Japanese studying in America. Please tell me some bad words of y...37[View]
48726396Anonymousredpill me on the malaysia4[View]
48719557AnonymousDo Europeans fetishize Canadians?21[View]
48725355AnonymousFuck off with your liberator memes. My great grandfather returned from war as many other soldiers. B...15[View]
48727238Anonymous1980 refugee crisis in Florida: In 1980, thousands of Cuban refugees suddenly arrived in Miam...2[View]
48720706Anonymous/deutsch/ - Deutshcer Faden: Ich bin zwar kein Nazi, aber..-Edition344[View]
48727324russophilePutin diagnosed with “major balls” syndrome: You have probably heard that the Russian Preside...1[View]
48722340Anonymous>tfw filthy Argie >studying IT programming at U...4[View]
48715169AnonymousSwedes will defend this : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cFYmhQMks8&a=1 A bunch of nazis, t...9[View]
48726421Anonymousimma act like a fucking syrian and leak into 'em sweet ass european countries.4[View]
48724394AnonymousBest cities to live in in their respective continents Brisbane in Australia Cape Town in Africa Hong...9[View]
48721143AnonymousWhy do people idolize blue eyes >Lighter-colored eyes may mean an increased ...78[View]
48713091Anonymouswhat do you think of Portugal and the Portuguese?39[View]
48725327Anonymous>be american >get into an argument with some as...29[View]
48723655AnonymousThis is the best Europe and you know.15[View]
48725165AnonymousWhat the fuck Argentina5[View]
48721021Anonymous/cum/: Fuck /aco/ edition319[View]
48722233Anonymous>Belgium has 6% muslims. >Belgium is considered...36[View]
48726481Anonymouscat. 4 hurricane predicted to hit my island tomorrow whats big and newsworthy in your land, lads?2[View]
48725943AnonymousDo you have a certain song for every nation that you think of when you think of said nation (not inc...2[View]
48718185Anonymous/black/: This is a thread for people of color on 4chan188[View]
48716729Anonymous/ita/ - il Filo comfy: Per chi non vuole né banter regionale ma neanche una chatroom imbarazz...28[View]
48723439AnonymousGive me one good reason Indians should be allowed to exist18[View]
48717538AnonymousAmerica, will you please just save us one last time? We have weed and hookers waiting for you. Pleas...18[View]
48715418Anonymous>yfw he literally makes it through all this shit and is still the President o...50[View]
48725005AnonymousStalin appreciation thread: It is 135 since he was born. Luck and prosperity will come to you...2[View]
48717715Anonymoushow do you call them in your country?54[View]
48725588AnonymousShould I learn Esperanto?5[View]
48714430AnonymousPost national heroes from your cunt42[View]
48724067AnonymousHave you ever been in a place so shitty, so terrible, so depressing, so hopeless, that you could con...15[View]
48725412AnonymousUSA is true evil empire.2[View]
48716916Anonymous/bulg+mk/: Moмчeтa Лятoтo cвъpши, Бългapитe ce пocъбpaхмe oтнoвo Bpeмe e зa нoв гeнepaл зaeдн...60[View]
48717297Anonymous/polska/: blini336[View]
48723166AnonymousWhat happens when America needs lebensraum?6[View]
48710113Anonymous/ita/ - il filo: ERP edition no banter regionale306[View]
48720106AnonymousGuys, I've just been shot at while walking down the street to go to my 100$ doctors check up. I...3[View]
48714985AnonymousName a better place to live. I'll wait.105[View]
48720543Anonymous>South America has many vibrant and enriching cultures6[View]
48720401코리아부 !KOREaE9rGI/urban/: European Skylines edition45[View]
48718612Anonymous>mfw there's actually a Norweigan proverb that says 'Beautiful kid, Swed...22[View]
48708766AnonymousMake a similar map to your continent. Let's see how Europeans, Africans and Asians are differen...32[View]
48724983AnonymousIs it true Sweden is very very Antisemite except for Arabs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?a=1&v...0[View]
48721752AnonymousSverigetråd: Till kamp - edition.504[View]
48722877AnonymousWhy is Aryan culture superior to Anglo culture?14[View]
48722353Anonymous/brit/: THE DAILY MAIL edition454[View]
48698491Anonymous>no its own rifle >not country Post your...181[View]
48721357AnonymousIs cuckholdry an inherent part of German culture?5[View]
48723605AnonymousIs it safe to visit? Given the recent turmoil in Iraq and Syria with ISIS?13[View]
48699303AnonymousHow are white people viewed in Turkey? Do women like white cock?78[View]
48724020AnonymousWHEN WILL JIHADI JOHN WILL MEET THIS SUNNA REMOVER?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzO...0[View]
48716767AnonymousDo you like Germany?23[View]
48723506Anonymous>need a haircut >find a barber shop that looks ...3[View]
48722736AnonymousLatin Americas is as shitty as Africa13[View]
48721339AnonymousBeautiful cities in your country: I think you should post them.8[View]
48723236AnonymousWhy is Japan so beta compared to S. Korea?0[View]
48717264AnonymousI want to live in USA so bad. Drink american beers and pussies. And I have a question to americans....25[View]
48720343Anonymous>Be Israeli colon >get shot http://www.h...3[View]
48722577AnonymousI just realized that 4chan is no longer an american site. top lel10[View]
48722890KneegrowIf WW3 happened, who would be versing each other?3[View]
48712743Anonymous/ex-yu/: Novi ex-yu Hoćemo na r/croatia meetup edišn295[View]
48708123Anonymous>be me, a Finn >go to egypt for vacation...110[View]
48722867Anonymouswhy aren't you as cool as this sheikh, and why don't you have a gf.0[View]
48722460AnonymousWas he the greatest leader of the 20th century?1[View]
48722335AnonymousDon't give a shit: >all grandparents are Finnish ...1[View]
48720990AnonymousWhy is it called a mars bar?6[View]
48713442AnonymousWhich language would you consider more useful, portuguese or russian?11[View]
48721702AnonymousHello my anglo friends =^]2[View]
48714116AnonymousIn Paradise the Italians would be responsible for the food, the germans for the technology and the b...4[View]
48718925AnonymousI am thinking about emigrating to west, it is less depressing to live amongst young and well dressed...3[View]
48722110AnonymousHey, shitty West: You know that Russian agents installed in your countries as 'socialdemocrat...2[View]
48721168AnonymousAmericans girls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk90VynSVow You have been warned.3[View]
48721890AnonymousI just drank black tea for the first time. Good god that shit was disgusting, I nearly vomited. How ...3[View]
48717971AnonymousNATO should just roll into Syria tbh8[View]
48704010Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Último fio: >>48688859 Useful links: >Lea...315[View]
48715529Anonymous/int/ It's 2015, and what has your country done this year?19[View]
48720927Anonymouswhy are russians so angry?5[View]
48714349AnonymousIf you weren't born as a White, would you rather be born as an Arab? or Black?111[View]
48718836AnonymousRap from cunt: post new school rap or influenced by new school rap (trendy called 'trap') fro...29[View]
48694051Anonymous/v4/: Morning wood edition333[View]
48721467Anonymous/Mommy's boys/: Did you guys have a good wank today?0[View]
48719909AnonymousNo flag thread? Flag thread!4[View]
48721247AnonymousBrisbane is a big city2[View]
48710154AnonymousAfter all the shit from the last weeks, it may come as a pleasant surprise to you that there is not ...26[View]
48720049Anonymous>tfw 5'6' >tfw I will never learn ...27[View]
48719726AnonymousChristians bowing to their algerian overlord.16[View]
48712399AnonymousWhat do you think of Switzerland and the Swiss?34[View]
48715963AnonymousDon't judge41[View]
48704911AnonymousWhy do Germans love latex so much?35[View]
48715435Anonymous/cum/ Cambodia US Mexico: ya lets go alright begin313[View]
48713870Anonymous>This occupied territory was annexed by Poland in 1949 in accordance with the...6[View]
48699124AnonymousCulture Pals: Culture Pals: yellow fever is the cancer killing these threads tbh edition Inse...323[View]
48720321AnonymousPure African women are beautiful2[View]
48716015AnonymousList some countries you would never visit.73[View]
48712071Anonymous/deutsch/: Kanaken ins Gas Deutsche Freiheits-Ausgabe356[View]
48719563Anonymous/aco/ gets added but no /his/: Why?11[View]
48711145Anonymous/padania/ - il filo del nord: edizione sabotaggio qui per banter regionale italico81[View]
48708822Anonymous>I'm 178cm >best height I think13[View]
48719769Anonymous/tv/ here snibeti snab x--DD ayy lmaos have just crash landed in ur cunt's capital how would yo...1[View]
48694170Anonymoushilo latino /lat/ /esp/ /hisp/317[View]
48719927AnonymousITT we post our country's DESIGNATED areas. This is the designated vomiting hill at the Oktober...0[View]
48714512AnonymousGive me one good reason why I should have any respect for pic related, her degenerate family, or bri...39[View]
48691040AnonymousAccording to a Norwegian man who has been to every country in the world, this is the world's to...201[View]
48719537Anonymous>mfw we have one consistent west African poster and all he does is shit post...1[View]
48715214AnonymousFinnish male nurse jailed for raping 27 elderly patients: http://news.yahoo.com/finnish-male-...21[View]
48696865Anonymous/tr/: makara mq edisyonu315[View]
48719352Anonymous>tfw all the immigrants in my town are christian ...5[View]
48718518AnonymousGermans, so how did Hitler sound in casual speech? Any interesting features, unusual dialect stuff? ...4[View]
48697235Anonymous/fr/ Édition Joosten: Aussi connu sous le nom de « le posteur original n'est pas une tap...302[View]
48711351AnonymousITT: Smiles we failed to protect41[View]
48719354Anonymous'Merrica?: Tesla ha vinto tutto, w la california. https://plebvlog.wordpress.com/2015...0[View]
48711840Anonymous/deutsch/: T*rkische Übermacht Ausgabe76[View]
48709364Anonymousedycja beki z gównojadów poprzedni: >>48699733 temat tematu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x...308[View]
48718248AnonymousWhy are powerful leaders short ? Putin is 4'9.5[View]
48706145Anonymous>the United States of America http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/a...80[View]
48716342cherkesbroTurks and Grogians, what can you tell me about Laz people? What are they like? Do you personally kno...16[View]
48718438AnonymousHELLO MY CAUCASIAN BROTHERS!6[View]
48714124Anonymoustoday is my birthday60[View]
48714275AnonymousSell your data for lower insurance premiums: Dutch Insurance company Achmea, want customers t...3[View]
48698452AnonymousWhat's some good Spanish literature? I want to improve my Spanish.49[View]
48717046Anonymous>medics try to circumcise your son >you say no...8[View]
48713835Anonymous>red: Foie gras- producing countries >blue: Foi...12[View]
48715489Anonymous>your city >number of people ...14[View]
48708750Anonymousso does your country have any strange customs your neighbours tend to make fun of?10[View]
48708380Anonymous>sooo you're like from europe or whatever? ...42[View]
48710974Anonymous/balk/: Based Poland edition old: >>48694082347[View]
48705001AnonymousInternational food thread: Why is British cuisine so superior to the rest of the world's...311[View]
48717809AnonymousTokyo and Delhi both have bigger populations than Australia Tokyo, Japan 37,833,000 Delhi, India 24...0[View]
48710089AnonymousCan s/o translate this from the Hungarian?: I'd like to get a translation of the dialogu...2[View]
48717546AnonymousLa Paz Plurinational State of Bolivia5[View]
48717737Anonymous>mfw I see white people walking down my street W-what do you want?0[View]
48704880AnonymousMany French women are known internationally for being qts, but I don't know any German qt excep...100[View]
48716379AnonymousHow do you go from this..2[View]
48713381AnonymousYou ever notice how movies love to portray Americans, Germans, British, and Russians as villains, bu...13[View]
48714779Anonymous/brit/: wonderwall edition459[View]
48712094Anonymous>Reports of alleged casualties among civilians caused by Russian airstrikes i...110[View]
48714906AnonymousWhat are your favorite Japanese songs /int/ >Chase the light by Fear and loa...10[View]
48710671AnonymousWho is this person?18[View]
48711306Anonymous>3 most powerfull mens >One slant eye gook...18[View]
48703708AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...307[View]
48708505AnonymousFrance threatens to walk away from TTIP negotiations: >France threaten...50[View]
48716975Anonymousthis based guy comes and turns the mosques in your country into stables and make muslims wear fedora...4[View]
48716922Anonymouswhy do japanese people sleep so late? stop playing splatoon already...0[View]
48714187AnonymousIs this a good indicator of the first world?21[View]
48713806Anonymous>there are cars driving around right now producing 21 times the legal amount ...7[View]
48714785Anonymous1. your country 2. your opinion on fur farming and whaling?5[View]
48711911AnonymousXD: >Cunny >Size of your Benin or size t...11[View]
48708542AnonymousShould Nordic countries combine? Yes or no?11[View]
48709230AnonymousLanguages for the future: http://www.britishcouncil.org/organisation/policy-insight-rese...6[View]
48716042AnonymousHow many Russians actually live in commieblocks?4[View]
48711769AnonymousThe next president of USA.31[View]
48706297Anonymous/mämmi/: Sysähtely-painos312[View]
48705748Anonymous>dictator is deposed >population instantly cra...48[View]
48714913AnonymousPost your local brew of choice. Pic related: it's shit.2[View]
48699102AnonymousGoddamn turks. Why is this show actually so interesting? Ktoś z Polaków też to ogląda?332[View]
48710506AnonymousWhy Japanese people still use Katakana? We should use Latin Alphabet instead of Katakana. Ex :アメリカ合衆...10[View]
48713847Anonymous>my heritage is Prussian6[View]
48713065AnonymousIs this man of 100% Sicilian descent white?6[View]
48711409AnonymousIs banter a real word or just a made up excuse by Brits and Aussies to shitpost here constantly?11[View]
48707156AnonymousStop complaining about foreign money raising home prices in your area.9[View]
48708848Anonymous[1997]: What was the biggest thing that happened in your country, in 1997? ...64[View]
48704843Anonymous>Americans WILL defend this77[View]
48715355Anonymous>new trial board: cartoon porn >still no /his/...4[View]
48713680Anonymoushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paska_%28bread%29 What the fuck is wrong with Ukraine and other E...13[View]
48714749AnonymousGeneral question: Did any of you have an imaginary friend when you were a child? In a lot of America...5[View]
48712637Anonymouswell shit, good luck17[View]
48697553Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Real feels hours edition.329[View]
48714627AnonymousI'll just leave this here2[View]
48711126Anonymous> Why Europeans and Americans are so patriotic? I do not understand ho...12[View]
48710206AnonymousWhat can I do with fast internet?4[View]
48713966AnonymousWhen will the cultural appropriation stop ? New big family movie, it takes place in BADGHDAD... the...3[View]
48697057AnonymousReply to this thread with anything BUT English174[View]
48714525AnonymousThe leader of you country is replaced with a [insert your language] speaking Charles Martel What cha...0[View]
48708508AnonymousCroatia or Slovenia?23[View]
48694082Anonymous/balk/: fuck you hat edişın307[View]
48703722AnonymousJust give me ONE reason why Aryans should not nuke the Anglo Untermenschen out of existance, which w...53[View]
48707982AnonymousHow do we fix Germany?12[View]
48711551AnonymousWhy do you oppose migrants entering your country? It's true that some of them are just there to...20[View]
48714001AnonymousDance off, Bro! You and me!: Which nation/ethnicity has the best dancers? https://www.youtube...1[View]
48709481AnonymousPrepare your anus. Shit's about to hit the fan now when China as well is joining the fight in S...6[View]
48711443AnonymousCan people in your cunt pass the test?6[View]
48711869Anonymous>Police are experiencing ambushes on a more frequent basis. ...5[View]
48707255Anonymous>mfw Russia ends war in Syria in three months9[View]
48713271Anonymous>The UK ISN'T only England1[View]
48711676Anonymous/brit/: does this girl like it up the shitter edition491[View]
48712668AnonymousHappy Nigerian Independence Day!2[View]
48709370AnonymousHave you ever met a black supremacist that defends Africa as the epithome of culture and prowess whi...6[View]
48701652AnonymousWhat do native romance language speakers think of the other romance languages? where would you rank ...61[View]
48711777AnonymousWhat makes European countries so poor?11[View]
48700808Anonymous/asean/: /asean/ I want a white bf edition334[View]
48711623Anonymoushi, who is this8[View]
48709111Anonymouscontrary to popular belief: stepping foot in pakistan wont get you killed in an explosion21[View]
48706402AnonymousThe best beer in the world is french. End of the story and get the fuck off now.41[View]
48693352Anonymous/ex-yu/: Ajvar je zdrav. Jedite ajvar.278[View]
48698134Jesse !!ZTUIEl1gDqaNEDERDRAAD: Verjaardagseditie Welkom: pretpalers Niet welkom: heethoofden313[View]
48711666AnonymousCan you adjust your balls if you have severe chaffing without being brutalized and accosted in weste...5[View]
48712558AnonymousWhen will the Brits return Tobago to Poland?0[View]
48696277AnonymousWhy are Muslim girls so beautiful?92[View]
48711847AnonymousPic is a white and atheist turk.5[View]
48702011AnonymousHey /int/ Any anon from Ethiopia or someone with knowledge about Ethiopia willing to help me out? My...120[View]
48706455Anonymous/deutsch/: Rütli Schule Edition290[View]
48703925MatthewThePoleIntermarium: To any Central-Eastern Eurofag in here. The time is nigh! Website for the discus...44[View]
48710838Anonymous>be talking to qt French girl >her parents were...20[View]
48709997AnonymousA NEW KEBAB REMOVER APPEARS: Just after weeks of renovating an old mosque in Russia, Putin is...1[View]
48707091AnonymousDo you live in an area where there is more young women compared to men?29[View]
48707067AnonymousTHE FORMER GLORY THREAD: You are only allowed to post ITT if your country is a shadow of it...9[View]
48708085Anonymous>be british >pay £500 a month to live like Harr...7[View]
48702379AnonymousWhy didn't millions of Ukrainians flee to Western Europe for safety and a better future?56[View]
48669794AnonymousNEDERDRAAD: Miem editie Welkom: dampende miems Niet welkom: Saaie mensen293[View]
48705859AnonymousWhat's his name /int/?22[View]
48691471Anonymous>there are black people on /int/ in this very moment w-what do you wan...185[View]
48710408AnonymousWould you date a jew?18[View]
48710675Anonymousreverse polan is best polan5[View]
48701611AnonymousRemider that Etruscan Civilization >>> Romans68[View]
48702577Anonymous>A woman belonging to the pro immigrant group 'no borders' was raped for over...41[View]
48710788AnonymousWhy's Chad such a cool kid?1[View]
48709980Anonymous>slavs aren't just fair skin niggers They were giving free burger...14[View]
48707237Anonymouswhich nation is the whitest?67[View]
48707359AnonymousGermany is the new Greece? Lazy and dishonest, I mean.24[View]
48695166AnonymousRussians, you fucking badasses. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34399164333[View]
48696051AnonymousWhich European city/country is the safest, whitest, and has the most beautiful (and not slutty) wome...72[View]
48704247AnonymousITT: we list positive things that Islam has brought to Western society32[View]
48710649Anonymous>Largest 5 cities in America aren't even the capitals of their states...0[View]
48676747Anonymous/balt/: there's a nigger in Šiauliai edition https://youtu.be/Ljj_3ARKkL8323[View]
48707454AnonymousWho is this man?5[View]
48710250AnonymousReturn clay you fucking faggots3[View]
48699835AnonymousWhat exactly is wrong with Islamic culture? 99% of them are peaceful.157[View]
48709211AnonymousGood luck, California!6[View]
48697807Anonymous>'Hey anon I am in the mood for Italian food tonight' ...163[View]
48707735Anonymous/brit/: death of the west edition501[View]
48706407Anonymous1. ur cunt 2. sing happy birthday 4chan in ur language UK HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YO...17[View]
48703903AnonymousSverigetråden - Läskiga Oktoberupplagan486[View]
48702827Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy7GOO7Y96Y Why do 40% of Americans hate science?13[View]
48708383Anonymous>tfw refugee acceptance rate is 0.16%6[View]
48709830AnonymousGlorious and proud mememaster here. I would like to know any mememaster from another country but eve...0[View]
48709656/polska//polska/: /polska/ o tu >>48709364 >>48709364 >>48709364 >>48709364 ...2[View]
48679018Anonymous/urban/ + /architecture/: Americans don't have oldtowns edition127[View]
48708376Anonymous>having a culture4[View]
48706166AnonymousWeird/ Dumb Laws around the World We had a Weird law that prevented women from wearing trousers in P...8[View]
48695783Anonymous/ita/ - IL FILO: Tomoko edition tbh344[View]
48709247AnonymousHouse of Habsburg: -Leaders of the Catholic world -defend Europe from the muslim invaders -germanic ...0[View]
48702276AnonymousHow do you go from this20[View]
48701138Anonymouswhy do Scandinavians dress so faggy? where they not teased in elementary school as kids for dressing...30[View]
48707047AnonymousPost something nice about Australia19[View]
48704179Anonymouswhich women have the best natural features and why is it anglos?25[View]
48708841Anonymous>his nation produces structurally unsound cars ...2[View]
48702833Just wanna knowIs this game worth it??67[View]
48708687AnonymousAre we (Indians) retarded and beyond hope? Why doesn't the West and Pakis just nuke us?2[View]
48696175AnonymousYour country is at war with its closest ally, how fucked are you? I'm a Belgian in the UK, so I...94[View]
48708856AnonymousCoat of arms thread post them1[View]
48694612Anonymous3 YEARS ON THIS SHITHOLE WAKE ME UP275[View]
48688859Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Useful links: >Learn Portuguese http://p...309[View]
48707017Anonymous/balk/ - neo byzantium edition10[View]
48699733Anonymous/polska/: edycja smutnego Piłsaka temat tematu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQJcKjKK...355[View]
48704061Anonymouslook what silly car i found today! do your country have silly things?9[View]
48708382Anonymoushttp://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/2015100120449411_uu.shtml Fuck these immigrants are pussy ass f...0[View]
48708271AnonymousWhat are your thoughts on this man? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NAvTEQ9eXQ http://www.live...2[View]
48703293Anonymous>NASA found water on Mars call me when they find oil30[View]
48702722AnonymousFinland suddenly a top choice for Iraqi asylum-seekers: HELSINKI (AP) — After 25 days of wind...47[View]
48705644AnonymousSo, when Japan is learning to speak English, and it sounds silly to us, do we sound as handicapped a...7[View]
48707648AnonymousAny one else here a chartophile?2[View]
48707660AnonymousI've been thinking about birthdays lads.2[View]
48707151AnonymousFrance is discussing sending ground troops in Syria to fight ISIS6[View]
48703621AnonymousYou wake up in Colombia.8[View]
48703714AnonymousPost your food.1[View]
48704301AnonymousMoving to Netherlands: I'm a paramedic planning to move to Netherlands once I graduate. ...34[View]
48700301AnonymousWhat are they hiding?16[View]
48707332Anonymous>The Great European Race War is LESS than one month from beginning We...0[View]
48706421AnonymousIn russian village right now, what should I do?13[View]
48707137AnonymousWhat was the last animal that made you bleed? Pic related0[View]
48706560Anonymous>'mmmm...I didn't know you were anglo ;)'19[View]
48702982Anonymous>go to woolies at 9PM, when lots of baked goods get the reduced price sticker...30[View]
48706183Anonymouswhat is this hypocrite French? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiNe85DAdpI1[View]
48700099Anonymous/deutsch/ mitte-links Ausgabe: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3252018/No-hyme...310[View]
48706874AnonymousWest see but not see. Feel but not feel. Soul is West slave bitch suka, East understand God well bei...1[View]
48702882Anonymouswould /int/ racemix with abos? pic related13[View]
48704457AnonymousPost Semi Popular/Non Popular (Local) Structures from your Cunt: >stat...8[View]
48705285Anonymous/brit/: Ginger edition506[View]
48704089Anonymous>tfw no qt3.14 japanese gf to cuddle with2[View]
48703223Anonymous>Itt post anything notable from your cunt Perhaps an event,animal a bu...11[View]
48705805AnonymousWhat happens here?8[View]
48705193AnonymousNow that Russia is bombing Syria, how much you think they can last? Bombs are expensive and they are...6[View]
48698197Anonymous>Canadians have internet data caps >Australian ...92[View]
48675112Anonymous/mämmi/: Jos ei maistu, niin ei ole pakko syödä painos322[View]
48704028Persianfag/isr/ /ישר/: Druze are qts Edition5[View]
48705770AnonymousΦΥΣΣΑΣ: Βάζω την φωτογραφία του γιατί πάντα ήθελα να τον δω με kαπέλο γενεθλίων.1[View]
48705620Anonymous>they don't use an alphabet Looking at you, Japan!2[View]
48680680AnonymousThoughts on this pic /int/.304[View]
48703547AnonymousShould I learn Welsh, Gaelic or Cornish?20[View]
48661121AnonymousNATO-utgaven Forrige tråd: >>48612042373[View]
48686185Anonymouswhen a non english speaker types a sentence ending with '!', do you feel like their really naive? fo...48[View]
48705553Anonymous/skandi/: Han skal leve han skal leve han skal leve hojt hurra0[View]
48703624AnonymousWhat happens here? Besides ebin /f/ memes2[View]
48701255AnonymousWhy can't Jytky be more like Trump? >Soini in charge ...1[View]
48690361AnonymousITT: Blacks girls from your country: Post negritas81[View]
48705222Anonymous> 'Hi dad. Im back from Turkey!' > ...2[View]
48703267AnonymousA FUCKING HAT2[View]
48705130AnonymousHow do you tell a german trying to be funny from a regular autistic german?: ...2[View]
48705016AnonymousBulgar man come home.0[View]
48700660AnonymousCOUNTRIES THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST GENERAL Invited: >Bosnia ...32[View]
48704853AnonymousAverage American family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfMXzH21b-w1[View]
48703816AnonymousInga äckliga kryp upplagan8[View]
48702372Anonymous>hey anon why don't you go to the bar and grab me a beer from your count...8[View]
48697926AnonymousEastern Poland: Why is this a meme? I'm from Eastern Poland and it's not bad here. ...94[View]
48704433AnonymousBest Pixar movie so far6[View]
48704710AnonymousPost /int/-related stuff from good old times. No muslims allowed.0[View]
48695807Anonymous>work 10-13 hours per day >5 days per week...201[View]
48704366AnonymousWhat happens here?4[View]
48702613AnonymousThe Frenchman is understood that the taste of wine ?17[View]
48700373AnonymousWhy aren't you learning Russian, white man?45[View]
48697162This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan. Let...313[View]
48703969Anonymous>tfw he has a gf but we dont ( except the normal fags that lurk around here)...2[View]
48696183AnonymousYou wake up in 1750...112[View]
48704041Anonymoustest post please ignore1[View]
48702186Anonymous/brit/: nothing personal kid edition458[View]
48703048Anonymous>tomato ketchup Is this change humanity's life significantly?12[View]
48700921AnonymousMOSH MOSHI YODEL DESU SAN1[View]
48698747AnonymousIs France even white? I've heard they were raped by arabs for 800 years, their language is full...23[View]
48702253AnonymousI used to think that some nations are poor and shitty because others invade them and steal their res...11[View]
48703095AnonymousWhat is the character which represents an own country?7[View]
48701986Anonymous>Americans Are you a free inhabitant of the earth like this young lady...19[View]
48700105AnonymousHero or villain - how is this man viewed in your country?21[View]
48703420AnonymousI want to pet all jap posters no matter if proxys or english teachers who's with me3[View]
48703483AnonymousWhat are your thoughts on general Butt Naked? What do you think about his conversion to Christianity...0[View]
48701592AnonymousWhy do americans put ketchup on everything?32[View]
48699039Anonymous>Melbourne >arts capital of Australia7[View]
48699234AnonymousJUST CUCK MY SHIT UP FAM7[View]
48702517AnonymousITT your thoughts on 4chan's newest board >>>/aco/catalog5[View]
48701263AnonymousHappy Independence Day, Nigeria!: Theme song: https://youtube.com/watch?v=avPeagYhbgo11[View]
48703210Anonymous/lang/-Refugee Languages: I had a dream that the European Union made Esperanto the official w...0[View]
48703179AnonymousNow that the UN is officially the biggest irl meme ever, who will be the next major organization to ...0[View]
48698552AnonymousIs mexican life equal to human life? They have had independence for several centuries yet they have ...8[View]
48701969AnonymousWhich country has the most annoying women? I really believe it's America. Too much empowerment...1[View]
48696881Anonymous>Refugee Air charity set up in bid to get asylum seekers to Europe safely...16[View]
48702717AnonymousWest see but not see. Feel but not feel. Soul is west slave bitch suka, East understand God well bei...1[View]
48698281AnonymousHow much do I tip the pizza guy? 10%? Are restaurants tips also 10%? I've seen conflicting art...18[View]
48702601Anonymous>mfw watching a british show or movie4[View]
48694286Anonymous>tfw no adorable European gf10[View]
48702171AnonymousPost typical people from your cunt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntixRFwap0I5[View]
48701442Anonymous>being bombed in your own country kek at you plebians http://www.oecdb...3[View]
48698287Anonymous>tfw not an american hillbilly do we have any real hillbillys here? ar...7[View]
48702412AnonymousWhere will the US empire strike next? Syria, despite turning out more interesting than usual, is sti...4[View]
48702197Anonymous90% of int/ population will never know the feeling being in couple in a home with a glasse of french...5[View]
48698497Anonymousstop bullying ukraine49[View]
48690452AnonymousIs the 'White Men in Asian countries drown in pussy' myth true?110[View]
48694898Hermann Fegeleinwhat do you think of my china /int/?48[View]
48702076AnonymousCan I dick a spic chick using this?4[View]
48698788AnonymousIs there a country that has made better movies than glorious USA? >Citizen Ka...98[View]
48701710AnonymousI am the only one here who thinks that Syrians need help? I stand with Germany.13[View]
48699300Anonymousdo you support ukraine26[View]
48696924Anonymouswhy can't i find new episodes of shows right away on piratebay anymore? i find that lately i ha...19[View]
48695917Pierrot Billy Bob, le Teletubby/fr/ Edition: Qu'est ce que vous allez me faire?: Qu'est ce que vous allez lui /fr/...47[View]
48699712AnonymousWhat will you do when TTIP passes?10[View]
48687653Anonymous/deutsch/: Muttis alternativlose Ausgabe313[View]
48693129AnonymousLGTSS >American Education28[View]
48699267Anonymous/brit/: rustbelt edition453[View]
48699588AnonymousBRAVO DUOLINGO BRAVO12[View]
48681288Anonymous>'cyka blat, kurit yest?' what do121[View]
48700483AnonymousSo, basically, Russia has started using American methods for exerting influence - bombing. 'This rea...6[View]
48700453Anonymous>mfw Australian internet is so shitty that they will see hats tommorow18[View]
48700488AnonymousAwkward/ dirty asians: >Omegle >'You...3[View]
48700912OPRisk: Risk3[View]
48697329Anonymouscomfy towns you wish you lived in? for me it's tromso, norway32[View]
48694838AnonymousIs it true that in Japan Men are treated like children and they hand of all of there money to there ...13[View]
48699388Anonymous>his 'dog' doesn't go wacko for SCHMACKOS19[View]
48700807AnonymousAmeriknots: why do Amricans love full Windsor knots so much?0[View]
48700366Anonymousredpill me on poland thanks in advance6[View]
48662797Anonymous/asean/: asean has grown decadent edition323[View]
48700325Anonymousyer narr walla walla woonga woonga banga petrol sniff noonga noonga bang bang slurry0[View]
48699877OPRisk Naval Europe: Now with sea and river routes.2[View]
48698171Anonymous>he lives in a country that doesn't get dubs12[View]
48700169AnonymousAll this hysteria with refugees should stop. I even had a dream that I took a boat from Africa to Au...1[View]
48699793AnonymousIslam fam I slam ur cumskin's head on the ground then carry the knife judgment fucking kuffars ...19[View]
48689019AnonymousSverigetråd: Nattmys437[View]
48681080Anonymous/polska/: ZSD Nysa edyszyn309[View]
48698859Anonymous>Russian 'election' Communist edition2[View]
48699340Anonymouswhy doesn't france accept more refugees ? we only get 30 000 ... that's really pathetic.. ...9[View]
48699933Anonymous>EVERY American comes from a family of immigrants you can't make ...3[View]
48699725AnonymousDid you know that in Poland, it is perfectly legal for car drivers to run over pedestrians?2[View]
48696054AnonymousReminisc/int/: Have I already been here for 6 years? Where did all that time go? ...6[View]
48699680AnonymousHow do you treat white in your country? Here we try to pull their golden wig off and then get like o...1[View]
48699389Anonymousdid your countrymen invent a seperate 'chanlanguage', that is a complicated slang with altered gramm...3[View]
48699188AnonymousHyvää syntymäpäivää :D11[View]
48694535Anonymous>birthday without moot36[View]
48692246Anonymous>mfw when i see white people walking down my streets and writing their bikes ...28[View]
48694401Anonymous/brit/: susan boyle edition345[View]
48695975Anonymous>American 'Cuisine'48[View]
48671846AnonymousMost Beautiful City In The World271[View]
48686966AnonymousNEVER SHOULD OF COME HERE48[View]
48695656AnonymousI am a Mohammedan gentlemen from the exotic Orient. AmA!3[View]
48699048AnonymousWhy do Indians not understand memes?1[View]
48699068Anonymousyou wake up in kharkov, ukraine1[View]
48697044AnonymousWhat does /int/ think of Sealand?8[View]
48698863Anonymousukraine (H2SO4) -> uk + raine raine = lain? what's your take on this3[View]
48698127AnonymousGood luck, California!18[View]
48696469AnonymousHow well can you draw Europe's borders by memory, /int/?26[View]
48698708AnonymousKhan Asparuh - the pepe: A nice archery pepe ... I like it0[View]
48697944AnonymousWhy does being in the presence of Europeans feel so strange and uncomfortable? Why do they feel so r...13[View]
48697496Anonymousfucking australia man15[View]
48698005AnonymousCan someone tell me what country this beautiful negress is from?12[View]
48691199AnonymousWhy does /int/ bully each other so much?41[View]
48695285AnonymousI am sitting here in first class and I have realised that as soon as you pay more than $30 for an ev...19[View]
48697457AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...8[View]
48696190AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...15[View]
48697035AnonymousRare flags please post here.19[View]
48694523AnonymousWhere does /int/ gets its news from?43[View]
48698211Anonymousyou count trees with me youa'r highest mountain1[View]
48694883Anonymous>Your cunt >How are birthdays commonly celebrat...12[View]
48696672Anonymous>wke p >cmskns stll aliv5[View]
48698104AnonymousWtf is this weird hat in 4chan Is it day of tipping fedoa?1[View]
48696911Anonymous>tfw Australia's McDonalds has better stuff than America https://...22[View]
48693110AnonymousWhy don't you adopt a nice American kid?327[View]
48697119AnonymousSame-Sex Marriage: So it's done. Same-sex marriage is legal in all of North America. Fro...16[View]
48695797AnonymousWhy don't you have a Korean gf, /int/?24[View]
48694292AnonymousMuslim 'wow. I'm so creative cuz I combined Hijab into the kimono. Muslim is smarter than Buddh...16[View]
48696022AnonymousRussian and Ukrainian waifu: Do you consider getting a russian or ukrainian waifu? Those port...2[View]
48694666AnonymousHappy 12th birthday /int/: I love you4[View]
48696713AnonymousDoes Canada think your country is dangerous? http://travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories Is Canad...7[View]
48691373AnonymousWould /int/ racemix with an Australian?39[View]
48694655AnonymousWhy is northern European food so awful?10[View]
48688891AnonymousAutism Thread: Post your autism, lads. This took me a while tbh any rare flags post recently?50[View]
48658589AnonymousMuh Heritage thread R8 my oc160[View]
48694299Anonymousyou are country: you are country Lol8[View]
48696326Anonymousnew polandball made by me rate3[View]
48694446AnonymousAnother year spent on 4chan.25[View]
48697430AnonymousITT: How you picture other cunts shitposting irl https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=40&v=zf4S4...0[View]
48670535AnonymousCulture Pals: Kazakh qts a very nice ;^) edition Insert new pasta here lmao OP pastebin: htt...345[View]
48697357Anonymous/top cuck/: >NaZi bans trolling >30k €/...1[View]
48696972Anonymous>he unfriends me >i report him5[View]
48697216Anonymous>not having a collection of party hat images I want newfugs to leave0[View]
48694886Anonymous>tfw spent 2 years on 4chan >still can't s...16[View]
48696493AnonymousReminder that Dmitry Medvedev exists3[View]
48695080AnonymousAy, any ruskies wanna translate this? Machine translators arent being precise enough. What is this j...5[View]
48689932AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...355[View]
48693891AnonymousHEY PATRICK, WHAT AM I NOW?58[View]
48689900Anonymous/can/: canuck general. It's hard being a canadian these days. So why do you hate Quebec ...128[View]
48692633Anonymous>communists will defend this28[View]
48691500AnonymousWhy are Russians so crazy? is it the near poisonous amounts of Vodka they consume daily or are they ...71[View]
48694866Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: River walls edition344[View]
48676087Anonymous>EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND65[View]
48695720Anonymous>You were born in time to see the rebirth of the Russian Empire1[View]
48695392Anonymous>tfw happy and content with life, despite having a lot of shit going on...8[View]
48681997AnonymousMy photos of people: I hope you like it248[View]
48696087Anonymousyurpoors are asleep, post pictures and freeways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et1yXJCnA8U1[View]
48689406AnonymousPutin is killing civilians in areas nowhere near ISIS.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn0...92[View]
48695992AnonymousSweden Yes: With all the news of Germany's cucking on a global scale, there really hasnt...0[View]
48694657AnonymousWhat's the opposite point on earth of where you live /int/? Opposite of me: Tukonoshima, Japan11[View]
48695499AnonymousIntroducing definitive birthday Spurdo for your use and enjoyment.3[View]
48695886AnonymousThe good feeling: >normie >still posting...0[View]
48695875AnonymousCo клoc я Кaн тaйcт ит0[View]
48695739AnonymousHow old were you when your parents told you the truth about Canada?7[View]
48695805AnonymousIrisih: Do irish peole like americans with irish descent on vaction. Or are we truly plasticp...2[View]
48692507AnonymousChinese stereotypes of Africa Are they accurate?16[View]
48686962AnonymousIndians are the master race307[View]
48694689Anonymous>Canadian tries to talk to you about his countries election.8[View]
48695785Anonymous1. your country 2. your favourite historical country Australia Prussia, pic related0[View]
48695771AnonymousFormer Ukraine thread: Ukrainian beggars in East Poland. selling fake alcohol, smuggled ciga...0[View]
48695673AnonymousREMOVE HAT FROM THE PREMISES!0[View]
48694979AnonymousTo all diaspora: >What's the motherland for you? ...15[View]
48671757AnonymousDead Ukraine thread: When did it fail? why did it fail? Americans? Canadians? Ukrainian nazie...110[View]
48691585Anonymousalmost as boring as ostfriesland tbh3[View]
48695344AnonymousWould you house a refugee from benin? :DDD2[View]
48695315Anonymousdest :DDDD1[View]
48689356Anonymous>One of your ancestors was probably a rapist How do you cope with it?57[View]
48695185AnonymousBest troll country ever?1[View]
48671370AnonymousLil' Tayyip edisyonu222[View]
48695230AnonymousDid you go to prison for owning a bible yet?0[View]
48694875AnonymousHow would you control/holocaust the feral goat population in New Zealand?4[View]
48689689AnonymousDonald Trump: Syrian 'Refugees' In the USA Will Be Sent Back: http://www.c-span.org/video/?32...160[View]
48691457AnonymousSo we had thread about these beurettes in France earlier. So French men aren't interested about...33[View]
48680451Anonymous>be in America visiting a friend and seeing some sites ...19[View]
48691219Anonymous>tfw 21 and balding >tfw hedious jew nose...16[View]
48682249Anonymous>tfw just voted in the federal elections. HARPER OUT363[View]
48686776AnonymousYou wake up and the world looks like this35[View]
48689617Anonymous>Africans are ugly! Nope!43[View]
48694923AnonymousEveryone post a thread with a hero from your country, make /int/ a historical party0[View]
48692875AnonymousTPP Thread33[View]
48673644Anonymous>Americans pretending they dont eat at McDonalds163[View]
48690703Anonymous>wake up >North America is now this What...81[View]
48691589Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Mountain roads edition318[View]
48694781Anonymous>tfw no qt australian bf0[View]
48682806AnonymousWhat is this country called in your language?65[View]
48693896Anonymoushappy birthday11[View]
48691142AnonymousWhy are black people poor compared to asian immigrants?49[View]
48694588Anonymous>tfw no gf3[View]
48694032Anonymous>yfw first birthday without moot Two bombs weren't enough tbh3[View]
48693571AnonymousHow does int feel about negro dogs?5[View]
48678474Anonymousjews in europe: are there many jews left in europe? are there a lot of french jews?96[View]
48694330Anonymouswhich country is BEST2[View]
48662361Anonymous/voc/ Vocaroo General: Vocaroo General Obligatory Englisch The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilg...159[View]
48687851Anonymous/LAT/: HILO LATINO se comieron el verso yanki boludos, los hilos mueren a los 300 posts306[View]
48682936Anonymous>Tfw Cuban-American >Tfw more succesful than WA...72[View]
48693300AnonymousIs it ok to shower with your dog in your country? In America it's fairly normal.31[View]
48689759Anonymous>mfw I hear a canadian speak in his heinous accent121[View]
48694070AnonymousHappy birthday 4chan!!0[View]
48693088AnonymousWhat happens here?16[View]
48693955AnonymousIt's my birthday and I can shitpost if I want to3[View]
48692159AnonymousAnybody has the spurdo version of this pic with the israeli soldier being the spurdobear saying fugg...5[View]
48693716AnonymousTrump plz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45boXIgXFUQ4[View]
48693000AnonymousWhat are white people like as a minority? I'm imagining something like Asians but violent and w...6[View]
48693740AnonymousLifehacks through History thread1[View]
48687959Anonymous>Your cunt >Would support a military junta? ...10[View]
48692784AnonymousWhy would a Canadian club an innocent seal instead of an obnoxious goose?15[View]
48689135AnonymousI want to make sure I understand Europe correctly, so I colored it in based on my understanding. Tel...49[View]
48693168AnonymousWhat's the closet we've come to a benevolent dictator? Ataturk? Salazar? Park Chung-hee? L...2[View]
48692532AnonymousAlternate History thread 1: The United States is successful in their annexation of Canada fro...21[View]
48679823AnonymousGreece appreciation thread: >some of the first proper states ...64[View]
48691292Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHQRZXM-4xI designated shitting accents10[View]
48692173AnonymousCan any Russkies translate this shit for me??3[View]
48692946AnonymousITT: We make absurd but believable claims about the county of the poster above us and market it as f...0[View]
48689111Anonymous/brit/: sanjuro edition366[View]
48692710Anonymous>this kills the Israeli3[View]
48683531AnonymousNorsk x Svensk: Which one of these should I learn, /int/? I've tried some Norwegian on D...61[View]
48686971Anonymous1. Your country 2. Do you believe Abortion is murder? 3. Your take on its legal status I'll sta...78[View]
48692356AnonymousWhat do you hate the most during growing up? I never had the balls to ask a girl out and shouldn...7[View]
48692669AnonymousWhy is Sudetenland so lewd?0[View]
48687092AnonymousWhy is the Balkans so shit? They all look the same so there's no reason to steal women, they al...14[View]
48692095Anonymouswhy are germans so arrogant?: I've been reading a lot of stuff for a class on 19th centu...5[View]
48691940AnonymousWhich side do you support in the Syria crisis? Which side does your cunt support?6[View]
48683910AnonymousYou're born on a distant space colony, you grow up and live there. You've never been to Ea...34[View]
48692078AnonymousS P A C E P I R A T E P A C E P I R A T E Watched in New Zealand cinemas yesterday, the rest of you...10[View]
48690032Anonymous/int/, today I came to warn you about something. About the true, ultimate enemy of the humankind. Se...9[View]
48688536Anonymous>Brits need a license to own a TV22[View]
48690469AnonymousYou're walking around the neighborhood when suddenly a group of cholos confronts you. 'Was...30[View]
48690937AnonymousDo you believe the weak and useless should be coddled as a constant burden to the useful or do you b...6[View]
48691917Anonymous>His country's capital doesn't have the biggest population W...8[View]
48691846AnonymousWhat the fuck is a Herzegovina?9[View]
48692067Anonymous/ita/ - il Filo: Questa è benzina edition0[View]
48691509AnonymousWhat happens here?3[View]
48688240Anonymous>american stickers10[View]
48691270AnonymousI'M OUTSIDE AGAIN REEEEEE EL waiting for the train edition3[View]
48643520AnonymousChinese glass bridge300[View]
48691851AnonymousWhy do Canadians and Kiwis sounds like faggots?1[View]
48689888AnonymousSyria and Russia: Are the ruskies really fighting ISIS? How bad is Assad's government?38[View]
48691915AnonymousWho /waitingforFedEx/ here?2[View]
48690916AnonymousJust a small town girl...22[View]
48686981Anonymous>watch an American TV show >Story happens in mi...71[View]
48690041AnonymousPost yfw you see a white person in your country58[View]
48689242AnonymousWhat is the most sexual country? What is the most prudish or non-sexual country?12[View]
48691084AnonymousHey, I'm an inexperienced model UN delegate, and I was assigned UK. The topic was energy povert...10[View]
48686457Anonymous/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Beach edition301[View]
48673617AnonymousWhere did Prussia come from? Wasn't it just another german state? How did it get an army and su...103[View]
48689099AnonymousWhat's the difference between these two?28[View]
48682037AnonymousPost irrelevant countries with easily recognisable flags151[View]
48691472AnonymousDid you know that there is a version of Peru's flag which does in fact have leaves on it?3[View]
48653347Anonymoushttp://www.iltasanomat.fi/kotimaa/art-1443512598067.html >Finland freeze...147[View]
48688814Anonymouswhat is it about America that inspires innovation, ingenuity, strength and a go fuck yourself attitu...2[View]
48679370Anonymous/fr/ Edition De Gaulle332[View]
48688247AnonymousJust got this from my local pizzeria. I bet non-Americans on here are jealous they can't get a ...43[View]
48687144AnonymousEnglish thread: How do you know the meanings of following English words? 1. obduracy 2. solip...38[View]
48678633AnonymousPolice Thread: Post police from ur cunt. Cars, Guns, Videos etc...127[View]
48686680Anonymouswhat is it about australians that make them such prolific shitposters?30[View]
48687231Anonymous>First is the worst, second's the best - Tiberius, 14 AD8[View]
48688062AnonymousAmericans will defend this19[View]
48690812AnonymousWhat is your upload and download speeds?0[View]
48690597Anonymous>yfw you first found out the British Empire existed i thought it was j...1[View]
48686940AnonymousYeey o-/int/ sama. i desu kawaii nippom jin.5[View]
48690595AnonymousRepublic or Empire?2[View]
48689874O xiroteros kariolis tis gisDo yer have tattoos asshole?14[View]
48688249AnonymousBest of /int/21[View]
48690602Anonymous>this guy lost Milan >TWICE YOU CAN...0[View]
48673248AnonymousCoup d'état and military dictatorship in the USA when?55[View]
48689058AnonymousITT: We list sports first worlders play Freedom Football Hockey Lacrosse Baseball Skiing2[View]
48690406Anonymouscan those who do not have pale white skin really be considered human?7[View]
48685149AnonymousWhy is Portugal the best country in europe? No big crime rates,muslims,gypsies(moldovans,romani...42[View]
48689383Anonymousthis is the Benin embassy in russia. notice anything?5[View]
48689434AnonymousYou must move to a Central Asian country for the next ten years and not leave. Which do you choose?11[View]
48690416A Wacky Texan !t8yQTwMPGYWell looks like I'm going to Budapest.: I'm going on a river cruise of the Danube. ...1[View]
48688882 !Z.u76FTVEM>'here, let me take these verses out of context and use them to justify killi...11[View]
48688844AnonymousDaily reminder that this is considered a socially acceptable hairstyle in Finland. Also: Typical Fin...4[View]
48688469AnonymousHave you ever been in a place so shitty, that it could be literally considered 'hell on Earth'? Me Y...14[View]
48690208Anonymous/tr/: Real Iskender Kebap edişın1[View]
48677487AnonymousITT: we post our unironic beliefs that you can't say out loud in your country pic unrelated ...249[View]
48686159AnonymousFuck you, Dutch bastards.: Uber offices in Amsterdam have been raided by Dutch authorities, a...56[View]
48687126AnonymousShould I feel shame for liking trannies lads? Don't get me wrong I like regular women too but I...27[View]
48680850AnonymousShow us beautiful white women.170[View]
48681713AnonymousDoes /int/ agree?14[View]
48681636Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Edição: Crianças autistas55[View]
48689740Anonymous1. Cunt 2. Age 3. Employment status (if employed, state where >Flag ...2[View]
48688944Anonymousthis is the german embassy in Israel. notice anything?20[View]
48674663Anonymous/ex-yu/: frendovska inačica266[View]
48687632Anonymous>there are MULTIPLE BREEDS OF ALBANIANS Why is this allowed?7[View]
48689533Anonymous>tfw no american gf6[View]
48687478AnonymousAre people living in Southern Spain white, or are they moors?18[View]
48687911Anonymous>tfw you live in the shittiest state of your cunt You live in the shit...48[View]
48664271AnonymousWhy do Serbs bully us?33[View]
48689132AnonymousWhat do you think about Chile and the Chileans? tbh8[View]
48687590AnonymousWhy do utopias never last, /int/? pic related3[View]
48686130AnonymousDo you agree with this statement?10[View]
48688887AnonymousLast pitched battle in your country: When was the last land battle fought in your country, an...2[View]
48686676AnonymousWhat territories of yours are disputed? I think the US needs to ascert it's claim on the entire...23[View]
48688864AnonymousWhat are some things you could say to an australian or a kiwi that would immediately illicit a react...14[View]
48683447AnonymousWhy Blacks draw themselves with pale skin instead of black? This is a hairdresser sign from the Ivor...26[View]
48687282Anonymousredpill me on the malaysia12[View]
48683860Anonymous>you will never be a Roman legionary fighting for the glorious empire and you...27[View]
48683340AnonymousThree Kingdoms now33[View]
48681777fofinhas/luso/: Fio anterior:>>48642206 Useful links: >Learn Portuguese...312[View]
48687742AnonymousWhat happens here?16[View]
48688832AnonymousComplete the sentence for your country DESIGNATED ________ ______5[View]
48688799Benji !!T2UdrWkLSWB>your cunt >your fridge/pantry2[View]
48679982AnonymousWhy are americans so r*cist?32[View]
48688679Anonymoushave you wasted your life?8[View]
48688595AnonymousHow do you want the world to look in the next century?6[View]
48686889AnonymousITT: average looking women from your country15[View]
48686622Anonymous/brit/: little babby oranges edition392[View]
48688457Anonymous>Russian girl PLS KICK ME3[View]
48685605AnonymousWow, fucking really? I almost want to stop using this.24[View]
48680930Anonymouswho is your favorite Syrian freedom fighter?12[View]
48686494Anonymous1. Cunt 2. Most overrated and underrated commanders of all time >Overrated: C...28[View]
48687794Anonymousredpill me on the macau5[View]
48679764AnonymousIs the European race war still brewing? The media has stopped covering the immigration crisis over h...13[View]
48687636AnonymousSo, how should write her name into japanese? クリスちゃん or キリストちゃん? クリスちゃん will be more like 'Criss-chan...15[View]
48674727Anonymous/ita/ - il Filo: Edizione ladro serio niente banter regionale pls276[View]
48687901Anonymous/hisp/ hilo: Hilo hispano latino chicano chino musulmano3[View]
48681551Anonymous>Americans call slav squat an asian squat12[View]
48675870AnonymousI fucking hate Russia. They aren't even fighting ISIS.255[View]
48681749AnonymousShow me some Anti-American propaganda from your country. Preferably pre-internet era. The older the ...9[View]
48685630Anonymous>you will always live in America17[View]
48683598Anonymous[Serious]: Guys I am kuffar. And just like everyone else I wanna go to heaven after I die but...14[View]
48666367AnonymousJapanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel...324[View]
48682206AnonymousDoes Europe get tornadoes and earthquakes? I've never heard of one there. I live in Los Angeles...113[View]
48680274AnonymousHilo latino - Esp - Hisp: Hilo Hispano Version: badass (culomalo) jejeje340[View]
48686806AnonymousI'm talking with a horny indian guy on Omegle, what do i say?5[View]
48679333AnonymousBanter: Do all nations banter or is it an Anglo thing? Do Inuits, Pygmies, Maoris and bushmen...10[View]
48680146Anonymous>No, no, it's WHITES who are the master race ...17[View]
48680126Anonymous/cum/: rednecks and stupid hicks edition314[View]
48684792Anonymous>live in one of the most commieblock ridden cities in Europe ...12[View]
48673823AnonymousWould you people from Germanic speaking countries (England excluded because Celts, Austria excluded ...19[View]
48669803AnonymousFrance has tested today over the Atlantic one of its M51 missiles used to launch nuclear strikes Wan...34[View]
48684214AnonymousWhy are Indians an ungrateful race?: >be me ...13[View]
48678469Anonymous/MENA/: allahu akber where the whyte wymmen at edition137[View]
48686105AnonymousDo you remember this good era where true western europeans (before immagrating in the nord) could st...0[View]
48674887AnonymousEye thread: What color are they? My friends say they are blue but IMO they are green80[View]
48677798AnonymousL O N D O N O N D O N9[View]
48661928AnonymousWhat went wrong?277[View]
48674912Anonymous>The number 43 is etched into peoples' minds. It is spray-painted onto w...37[View]
48680691AnonymousUpdated version.21[View]
48684801Anonymous>My Grandfather wore an army uniform, my father wore an army uniform, I wear ...4[View]
48674165PKFind a cuter greeting than the French 'coucou'. Protip, you can't.9[View]
48669696AnonymousHow would people in your country react to seeing two men holding hands?48[View]
48683349Anonymous/brit/: Corbyn edition443[View]
48684589Anonymoushttp://vocaroo.com/i/s1WNpn9iLwGG Please explain this, britbongs2[View]
48681039AnonymousWill Poland become a superpower by 2030?12[View]
48685659Anonymous>How Should The World Deal With Immigration? - The People Speak https...0[View]
48668635Anonymous/isr/ /ישר/: Sorry for being late edition. Invited: Everyone except Yahtzan. Not invited: Yah...123[View]
48682739Anonymous1. Cunt 2. Do you support making America great again?6[View]
48648227Anonymous/v4/: Too tired to function edition305[View]
48681303AnonymousNatt-tråd för svenskarna och brödrafolket: nån som vill följa med en jonte ut på en cigg? fav...433[View]
48685256Anonymoushttp://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/2015093020444892_uu.shtml >tfw our food ...1[View]
48681590Anonymoushow do you go from this...9[View]
48680080AnonymousHello /int/, I have a question about emigrating to Switzerland. I have a degree with some experience...5[View]
48684972AnonymousRate my french game.1[View]
48672267AnonymousDo you watch American movies and television shows in English or do you watch dubs in your disgusting...49[View]
48684118Anonymous/yes/ thread: 1. Cunt 2. How do you say 'YES' in your language? 3. [Optional] Post ...15[View]
48684422AnonymousITT we are German: >Wake up late, it's almost 4:58 AM ...1[View]
48682081AnonymousI am drunk lads3[View]
48684410AnonymousHow can one man be so based /int/ ?? Discuss0[View]
48664577AnonymousHow much is a men's haircut in ur cuntry Pic related is the average price in my city. How about...263[View]
48675512AnonymousCan you beat Finland?22[View]
48674429Anonymouspost pics of your local McDonald's I'll start32[View]
48684116AnonymousWhy are Australians so good at handling banter? We know they can give it out but how are they so goo...0[View]
48684070AnonymousWhats Halloween like in your cunt?0[View]
48679495Anonymous>He isn't American How do you even live with yourself?19[View]
48655784Anonymouslat + esp /hisp/: hola282[View]
48679911AnonymousWhat did people in your cunt think about this video? >https://www.youtube.com...5[View]
48682314Anonymous>Indian police said Wednesday they had arrested six people after a 50-year-ol...16[View]
48683475Anonymousredpill me on hesburger1[View]
48676479AnonymousCroatia = best country: This is why Croatia is one of the best countries in Europe if not in ...73[View]
48683284AnonymousITT: T*RKS GETTING BTFO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCUchQT3Sco https://www.youtube...2[View]
48676994AnonymousTocmai am aflat faptul ca este o posibilitate ca eu sa am 15% gene de tigan in mine din partea bunic...15[View]
48668666Anonymous/FarEast/: do russia hope the peace treaty with japan?140[View]
48678557Anonymousthis is a Mcdonalds in Canada. notice anything?63[View]
48667249Anonymous>mfw a europoor calls me a wage slave92[View]
48666985Anonymous>Why are Germans hellbent on destroying Europe?59[View]
48673226Anonymous/cum/: The Old Dominion edition301[View]
48680598AnonymousIs this accurate ?19[View]
48672880AnonymousWhat's it like living here?25[View]
48676142Anonymous>what kind of Serbia do you want? >just pope my...19[View]
48677975Anonymous'Kiss My Ass-Ad': http://3millionpage.com/index.php/web-digest/243-kiss-my-ass-ad1[View]
48672110AnonymousWhy are American girls so obsessed with British guys?70[View]
48670291AnonymousBrazil is the best country in the world. Sun, beaches, hot girls.79[View]
48676100AnonymousITT: We thank other countries. Thank you Germany for Euros (just kidding thanks for my opel astra t...23[View]
48674999AnonymousHi,Gaijins. discuss this photo.38[View]
48642206Anonymous/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Último fio: >>48604403 Useful links: >Lea...310[View]
48681455AustralianWhere are strykers built?: LAVs were built by GDLS:C in London, Ontario Where are Strykers bu...3[View]
48680236AnonymousWhy are Finnish girls so perfect /int/?4[View]
48675619AnonymousDo people who moan about shitposting ever shitpost? Are moans about shitposting shitposts?2[View]
48679611Anonymous/brit/: me on the left edition617[View]
48681302Anonymoushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Canada >0[View]
48672111AnonymousRussian intervention in Syria - Putin helps Assad: Dear terrorists, you are done. Where is yo...57[View]
48681269AnonymousI just want a girlfriend0[View]
48675803AnonymousWhy do Europeans make fun of average Americans for not knowing the capitals of micro-states like Nor...35[View]
48676172Anonymous> live in the desert > are niggers Guys,...31[View]
48674180Anonymous/polska/: Edycja januszkowa powtórzona316[View]
48681020Anonymous>yuropoors WILL defend this!0[View]
48677348Anonymouswhy is racism so popular in America and Australia?2[View]
48679108AnonymousWhy do russian people wear adidas?12[View]
48656057Mongol-Tatar/turkic/: This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, history, modern situati...247[View]
48676486AnonymousIn all honnesty, american girls prefer english accent or french accent ?6[View]
48680130AnonymousWhat do Jews do for a living seriously? https://youtu.be/0lTjZkri7po0[View]
48666072AnonymousGermans (or someone else that knows something)! Tell me about german womes pls.111[View]
48654399AnonymousWhat is real purpose of Russia in Syria?: Here is the answer: “For Russia, the fall in oil pr...143[View]
48678206AnonymousWhy didn't turkey finish what they started?4[View]
48674354AnonymousSverigetråd: kärlek edition476[View]
48670592AnonymousWhy does no country on earth recognise Somaliland? If it were independent it would be one of the mo...7[View]
48663402AnonymousPaшa тpeд: Бэapc cтилинг кapтoфeл eдишeн. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKMdcfpiB0A178[View]
48676389Anonymousdaily reminder that Poles never attended any crusade since Leszek the White told pope that 'there...2[View]
48679489AnonymousWhy Czechs, Russians and Hungarians are such whores? http://eurobabeindex.com/sbandoindex/appe...1[View]
48674326AnonymousGermany prints its constitution in Arabic: >BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany...8[View]
48662585Anonymousstereotypes map145[View]
48676848AnonymousGood luck, California!1[View]
48672506Anonymousputin ' gayys i'm going to fight ISIS lol >start shelling moderate rebel...88[View]
48665217Anonymous/balk/: last : >>48631059324[View]
48673531Anonymous1. Your country 2. Are what age did you grow out of racism?6[View]
48678155AnonymousWhat's going on in Bucharest these days, /int/?2[View]
48665533AnonymousWhat do Japanese people think about weeaboos from non-East Asian countries like Brazil?15[View]
48678859Norgetrådenmegmeg postei utgaven0[View]
48676927AnonymousIs it bad that I can easily name all the European countries but can't name all the states in th...22[View]
48675925AnonymousWho cares about that fggt Colombus Leif Eriksson is the true founder of America Fuck you spain19[View]
48666952AnonymousCaptain sweden saves the day. :D >Sweden >yes...24[View]
48675964Anonymous>tfw NATO will never attack Russia >tfw a bunc...5[View]
48674407AnonymousPost the worst feminist bitches of history34[View]
48678652Anonymous>British 'People' http://vocaroo.com/i/s1WNpn9iLwGG http://vocaroo.com...0[View]
48670502Anonymous>Bongs will defend this24[View]
48667472AnonymousWhat is this called in your language?43[View]
48670557Anonymous/MENA/: gays are bro tier edition321[View]
48656497AnonymousWhy this area couldn't be like the US and being so shit now?163[View]
48676188Anonymous/brit/: the wise hospitaller edition https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hmu6dP3-VCs518[View]
48669069AnonymousDear Brits, Why can't you admit Richar lionheart was french ?30[View]
48678203Anonymous>there are people on this site who believe north italians are white while sou...1[View]
48667220Anonymous/fr/: Edition intervention russe en Syrie349[View]
48678134Anonymousim romanian and i've came to UK to study. What do?.....i study in Leicester1[View]
48672500Anonymous/deutsch/: Rechts beginnt bei der SPD Edition311[View]
48677961AnonymousImmigrants and autos: JUST0[View]
48671828Anonymous>your country >do these islands belong to a cer...7[View]
48677679Anonymousis dresonn a erla cpintry? like itg is part fo gern,any for sure but dreson its unrioncally part of ...2[View]
48674374Anonymous>19 year old shanks 2 security guards >prosecut...16[View]
48623749AnonymousWhat races make the most attractive girls? Pure? Mixed? What mixes?179[View]
48671835AnonymousIs it true that in Ireland everyone is a malnourished midget that owns a pot of gold?11[View]
48672247AnonymousNorth Korean Girls: They're not so bad, actually they are pretty cute, too bad we can...10[View]
48677283AnonymousGood night /int :)0[View]
48677156Anonymous>go to DEF CON with friends >it's in Vegas...2[View]
48671515Anonymous>ISIS literally curing climate change Why do we hate them again?14[View]
48671302AnonymousWhat do Austrians think of Arnold Schwarzenegger? Are they proud of him? Does his accent sound as fu...12[View]
48674000Anonymous>invest as a hobby >investing 5k in eastern pol...13[View]
48676984AnonymousIs it true that Americans wear shoes in bed?0[View]
48675551AnonymousOkay, so who's that one polish shitposter that I see invert thread? Do you guys have a name for...1[View]
48670527AnonymousRussia - Italy appreciation thread Go guys, go fuck some sandnigger ass for us74[View]
48676619Anonymous/spm/ Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon: What happens here ?3[View]
48666055AnonymousWhy is autism so common in Britain? http://vocaroo.com/i/s1WNpn9iLwGG http://vocaroo.com/i/s0UWvRpIj...15[View]
48676686duhan/al/ welcome: diasporas not welcome: tosks0[View]
48672188AnonymousDo we know how old the Proto-Basque people go? When did they enter Europe? Were they there when Nean...17[View]
48675858Anonymous>that one underage Pole trying desperately to fit in when he should really be...2[View]
48668386AnonymousWhat do people from Latin and South America think of Spaniards?147[View]
48657593Anonymous/balt/: saldejums edish317[View]
48675714AnonymousWhen you read posts on /int/ do you hear it in your head in an accent from that poster's countr...9[View]
48673256AnonymousIs this Australia's new flag?3[View]
48675865Anonymous>2015 >being a wageslave0[View]
48669935AnonymousIs it common in your country to share nudes of women on your mobiles? Sharing women's nudes an...24[View]
48667363AnonymousWhat's the deal with India? I've met some Indians that are pretty cool and other ones tha...91[View]
48675438Anonymous>mfw I have dual citizenship in Canada >mfw I a...0[View]
48669452AnonymousWhy are americans so mean on this board? Do you think americans are the mean people on other boards?18[View]
48664960Anonymous>England >Norway ...118[View]
48674908AnonymousI noticed something. Québec is superior to France. They have better : Cheese, the cheese for their ...6[View]
48675250AnonymousOkay guys. Which one of you wrote this? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3252018/No-hy...0[View]
48673065Anonymous/brit/: are ron edition435[View]
48674058AnonymousWow, I'm honestly not seeing too many counterarguments here. Thoughts?8[View]
48674209AnonymousAre Bosniens the only hope for the Muslim world?7[View]
48671073Anonymous>Just as an idea how to make this cheap in special if you live somewhere wher...2[View]
48658670Anonymous/mämmi/: Animetoleranssi-painos321[View]
48666439AnonymousITT we summon Finland and force them to share their latest cultural progression in memeology. It...45[View]
48651356Anonymous/ita/ - IL FILO: Edizione Franca da Milano320[View]
48667920Anonymoushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_Sweden >Someone making $60k US...55[View]
48666860AnonymousNetherlands to recognize child marriage: >http://europe.leadstories.co...20[View]
48672493AnonymousRedpill me on Chechnya1[View]
48661016AnonymousCome home, white man. https://youtube.com/watch?v=CL9ybY256_Y26[View]
48672363Anonymous>open /int/ >first page alone has /hisp/ genera...8[View]
48673686Anonymous/rus/: >start learning russian junior year of high school w/ russian p...0[View]
48672540AnonymousITT we embrace the best country in the world - European Union18[View]
48670469AnonymousWhenever Europe talks about it's train system, someone inevitably asks why America doesn't...34[View]
48673283Anonymous1. Your baby sister 2. Cunts you would let her fuck4[View]
48672502Anonymous>be austalian >get cucked by a kangaroo...8[View]
48641504Anonymous/ex-yu/: NoFapNovember337[View]
48662438AnonymousHow american economy is so fucking small? Ameripoors lmao.100[View]
48663162AnonymousYou wake up in 2100...34[View]
48672791AnonymousWhat does the US option do? Do they have different paper in the new world?3[View]
48665532Anonymous>yfw you can't wear a balaclava in France!12[View]
48673288AnonymousHey Germany, are there hamburgers here? Also you wouldn't mind if we invaded again would you?0[View]
48669623Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur_IF0rtRE8 3:30 'theyre so cute because white skin and bi...12[View]
48659853Anonymous/polska/: smug januszek edycja :-{D pozdrowienia dla: /balt/ /udija/ /brit/ /fr/ /deutsch/ /t...367[View]
48670767AnonymousTeach me about the life and teachings of the prophet Mohammed13[View]
48668866Anonymous>wake up >Europe is now this What do?15[View]
48672754Anonymouswonderful! VW stock price is very cheap its a chance to Japanese companies to acquire VW. welcome to...0[View]
48661183AnonymousWhere did everything go so wrong?42[View]
48672118Anonymousit's 23:01 here goodnight, lovely people :34[View]
48668911Anonymous/deutsch/: cuckel edition314[View]
48672630Anonymous>the Germanic part of Belgium is much richer than the French one ...0[View]
48669359Anonymoushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3yon2GyoiM#t=385 ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah1[View]
48672573AnonymousI'm feeling pretty parched tbh0[View]
48670512AnonymousI'm curious about homeschooling since that doesn't exist in my culture and I wonder what h...4[View]
48649096Anonymousitt we shit on france.82[View]
48672968AnonymousGuys, can you help me understand what he says at 1.37? 'I need someone who with little support from ...2[View]
48670139Anonymouswhy does america have so many weebs16[View]
48671857Anonymous>2016-1 >dating degenerate white american girls...5[View]
48648887AnonymousThese are considered European-Americans in Chile.117[View]
48671789Anonymous>Be Japanese >Get nuked ...2[View]
48669753Anonymous/brit/: boxing edition434[View]
48672035AnonymousWhere's the fucking /war/ thread? The bear is awake! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiA0J...0[View]
48671681AnonymousYour favorite culture from south america I personally love the Cubans and Colombians, absolutely lov...5[View]
48640609AnonymousWhy did the crusades fail?92[View]
48667190Anonymous1.your country 2.is this so-called Nazi haircut common in your country?109[View]
48671643Anonymous/int/ food general: post food related stuff check this Victorian age diet: http://everything2...1[View]
48668813AnonymousWhat is it about this type of profile that get people a raging hard on?23[View]
48671438AnonymousDo you have self checkouts in your country?2[View]
48664172AnonymousLet's get this shit started35[View]
48669308Anonymous/tr/: eski tirad bok kokmuş amq edişın1[View]
48665866AnonymousWhy is Ikea sweden when Norwegian wood? Isn't it good?39[View]
48653266Anonymous/Cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico: Fuck the EU edition321[View]
48670757Anonymousrequesting risk thread pls.1[View]
48666931AnonymousWhy are English comedies the best?6[View]
48664688Anonymous>Watch a documentary about the of the Government, with a journalist who filme...28[View]
48670696AnonymousWould the world be a better place?16[View]
48659130AnonymousI saw a report about the shooting of the Romanov family, the family of the Tsar of Russia in 1918. R...143[View]
48636817Anonymous/tr/ - Enver Paşa edisyonu318[View]
48667568AnonymousDoes any Russian anon here wants a hug?14[View]
48668180AnonymousWhy are Indians so filthy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf1VA5jqmRo1[View]
48664597AnonymousI just read on Wikipedia that Aussies and Brits call a crowbar 'jemmy' or 'jimmy'. Funny language th...26[View]
48667536AnonymousWhat made the Indians turn to public defecation in the first place?7[View]
48606157Anonymous/MENA/ Middle East & North Africa General: Beasts of the Sand edishaan304[View]
48652810AnonymousWhy are Indians the most alpha race /int/?113[View]
48664913AnonymousIs it true that most Americans think that Spain is in a latin American country?26[View]
48670551AnonymousWhy does the rest of Europe stand by as Merkel fucks it into the ground?4[View]
48663871Anonymousyour thoughts on this? have you ever seen it?8[View]
48665576Anonymousi think French are very creative people93[View]

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