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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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Displaying 114 expired threads from the past 7 days

No. Name Excerpt Replies
236072Anonymouslogo help: Hello, im seeking some guidance for my assignment, i beg upon fellow GDs to enligh...5[View]
234912AnonymousWeb design: Not sure where I need to be, but this board seemed close enough: I want to make m...6[View]
235758AnonymousMockup templates... got any?: Does anyone have mockup templates that they can share? I'm...3[View]
235944AnonymousPH: Can you guys photoshop that photo i want that guy to be fucked by something5[View]
234836AnonymousStickers: Hey /gd/, first timer here and fairly new at photoshop. One of my goals this year i...20[View]
235495AnonymousCan someone please help sharpen and make this text readable?2[View]
235720money plstraingles: i will draw you a triangle for 0.25$ on paypal i am a professional triangler and i...13[View]
235891AnonymousThere's this girl I like, found out she has an interest in graphic design but I don't even...10[View]
235947AnonymousRebranding...or just fuck aroundin'0[View]
235942AnonymousWhat do you recommend best free wireframe tool?0[View]
235865AnonymousSup, guys I'm making a kids game and I've found a great piece of art to use on it, but I n...5[View]
235917AnonymousYeezus. What is that.1[View]
234789AnonymousWhat photoshop plan should I get to create images for a simple business website3[View]
235126Whatcha think about this cereal box?In what I can improve? Is for my final of my university23[View]
235877AnonymousWhere: Do you guys get your typefaces from? I am interested in obtaining Brandon Grotesque, a...1[View]
234791AnonymousCan someone identify the dont on this picture!!??4[View]
235781graphic broshow titties logo thread6[View]
235821AnonymousMy self brand: Im becomig a freelancer so i made a visual identity, i like to express my bold...5[View]
235852Anonymousis this a good idea?: Hey /gd/ I don't know what I want to Major and Minor in. I'm ...1[View]
235828AnonymousHey. I'm trying to figure out what wacom is best, the 27in, or the 22in. Both touch and HD. I...2[View]
232248AnonymousWhen clients love your work but you can't think of any good solution for your client … what do?...22[View]
235815AnonymousNeed great free images? Give these guys a shot. Plus: It's really free. No ad's and shit. ...2[View]
235827Anonymouscan somebody upload their font folder? I have nothing. I lost everything in a fire trying to rebuild...1[View]
235806Anonymous/gd/ Collaboration? ...or just shit on me for the attempt. either way good fun.2[View]
235801AnonymousIf I need to make a banner that is going to be printed at 6 foot x 12 foot and I'm using illust...3[View]
235793AnonymousCould someone identify this font, please ?2[View]
235730AnonymousWhere the fuck on the Internet is the ITC font family... it's impossible to fucking find.8[View]
235483AnonymousAnyone have any idea how to make a poster like this without just overlaying on the text? Like make t...9[View]
235751DanielI need help with this project: I need help 4chan community to support me with ideas for creat...1[View]
235743AnonymousRebrand: Thoughts?6[View]
235396AnonymousHi /gd/, thoughts on this?10[View]
228120AnonymousHillary's Campaign logo: I'm honestly never on this board. I just want to talk abou...69[View]
235732Anonymousanyone knows a good tutorial on how to make these? im not talking about turning a picture into a glo...1[View]
235519Anonymoustell me about your worst experience with a client or interview4[View]
235568AnonymousAnyone who know how to make this effect please help! :)3[View]
235550AnonymousNeed help with logos. What ones should I drop. What should I edit/What show potential. any and all h...14[View]
235605AnonymousVector: Alright everyone, I have photoshop CS6 and limited experience digital painting. I...4[View]
233194AnonymousSilly question but what's /gd/'s favorite logo? All this hubbub over the recent redesigns...27[View]
235662AnonymousBand logo: Hey 4Chan, I've come to ask for help, I have a band and we're trying to ...1[View]
235660AnonymousIs it too much to ask for a machine wash torrent that actually works? I finally got one to work on p...1[View]
235656AnonymousDoes anybody have a good reference for data visualization? Something like this. I want some referenc...1[View]
235542Warp my face (photoshop)Need to turn my face into an animal/or anything weird or funny. Can anyone do that here for me on ph...6[View]
234730AnonymousCan you do better? has to conatin g and q.14[View]
233854AnonymousPost your latest work. give/receive (constructive) criticism27[View]
234876AnonymousWhich logo is better and why?25[View]
235271quepikardiapicardy: maeameeeee4[View]
235512Anonymousi'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but i'd just like to know about how much...8[View]
235438AnonymousHigh res sky photo: Hi everyone! I need a high res photo of the daytime sky which I am going ...12[View]
235434AnonymousJunior, Midweight, Senior?: This is quite a straight forward question but I can't really...4[View]
235570AnonymousSup /gd/, I'm new to photoshop and I only Know the basics. Can you help? Image is something I j...1[View]
235590AnonymousIs it possible?: Well i work with photoshop, then i wonder if it's possible to get the r...0[View]
235580Animeb: Hi0[View]
235564AnonymousScan with a QR2[View]
235544Need help plsHello! So, if you guys could help me find the font used on the image it would be of big help! I...4[View]
235523AnonymousWho is the female designer known for her intricate maze-like designs? I can't think of it.3[View]
235525Anonymousps: What dose /gd/ think of my recent Photoshop creation.3[View]
234919AnonymousIllustrator: I have a problem with Illustrator Whenever I try to export a background, it chan...2[View]
233056AnonymousOk i just bought photoshop and its running ridiculously motherfucking slow. I just used the paint bu...21[View]
235485AnonymousThing what I learned today: The only way to create crystal patterns without buying/installing/using ...2[View]
235298AnonymousDo you think people would pay a dollar for this? It's a UCCW widget.7[View]
233936AnonymousHello! I've basically never done any graphic design jobs as I'm a children's book ill...7[View]
235502Anonymous(questionable) Advice Pls: I've been outta of the scene for the last 3 years. I have bee...0[View]
234679Anonymousi know there's a super simple way to do this within photoshop help me out here /gd/15[View]
234868AnonymousNeed help with changing envelope text to path!: I've got this, I tried to use 'shift + c...4[View]
234261AnonymousHOW DO I RENDER IN 8K RESOLUTION FOR YOUTUBE?: Premiere Pro CC 2015. Anybody know how to rend...6[View]
235073AnonymousWhat are some essential /gd/ magazines? and where can I get them <i>for free</i>?6[View]
235273AnonymousEdge Anti-aliasing of Typography in Motion Graphics: Hi /gd/ I'm creating motion graphic...7[View]
235446AnonymousCan someone suggest what i should change on the poster. I am kind off stuck It's supposed to be...4[View]
234511AnonymousWhat does /gd/ think about our Design?6[View]
235398AnonymousAny ideas for my electronics related hoodie? its for my class any tips, ideas, desings. plz help1[View]
235414Anonymoussomebody can help me for make this picture better... looks like shit1[View]
235379AnonymousFONT: I'm kinda trying to make a UI for my game (a SCI FI game) and i got stucked, cuz i...1[View]
233938AnonymousHey guys, Let's share our work links, I can start!: Dribbble:https://dribbble.com/tiagocos...2[View]
235232AnonymousCould someone please help a fellow graphic designer out? I have to edit a file over the weekend and ...6[View]
235370AnonymousI need a photoshop done: My friend and i need a File to be photoshopped with PePe the frogs f...2[View]
235266Anonymoushere's a sketch of something i'm working on how do you draw this mathematically precisely?...11[View]
235346AnonymousWhat font is this? Especially the titel(if different) I really need.4[View]
234498AnonymousHandwriting: Show me your handwriting, /gd/.19[View]
235295AnonymousAnyone know where to torrent the Times New Roman complete family pack?2[View]
235204AnonymousRandom Book Cover Thread: Same Ruels – Same Fun Topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specia...3[View]
230666AnonymousPost your scores: http://type.method.ac/42[View]
235257AnonymousDear /gd, I'll give you one hour to make the best photoshops. Don't hold back. - Love, OP...5[View]
235097AnonymousWhat would be the best program to make images as described in this book? (Copying and rotating shape...15[View]
235243Anonymoustemplate: Hello /gd/ How do I create a template like this, with a fixed header and a fixed ba...2[View]
235091AnonymousDoes anyone else think its is disgusting?3[View]
234485AnonymousHello /gd/, would you consider this UI useable? I mainly tried to replace the horrendous UI-elements...13[View]
234870AnonymousMade From Scratch: Logo I made from a friend.26[View]
235135It&039;s my first low poly don&039;t expect a good oneThis was for hobby and was for practice I made it really quick don't expect a geourgeous low po...3[View]
234880vituloI've designed a book about Graphic Design and World War II.: https://www.behance.net/gal...9[View]
234019AnonymousBusiness Card Help: Hey guys, I'm making my first business card and I'm kind of stu...23[View]
234310AnonymousWhat kind of projects to put in your Portfolio?: Hi /gd/ I think we all have this struggle. Y...5[View]
232810Anonymousdoes it matter if you go to school for almost any design concentration? i want to get into the fiel...2[View]
234788AnonymousWhat is the best program to animate with? I've heard a lot of good things about flash7[View]
235114AnonymousWhat program do you think these were made with? It looks vector graphical to me, but how did they do...7[View]
234984AnonymousRevamp: Just wondering if any of you guys could do a revamp on our logo3[View]
234974AnonymousIs it possible to get an effect in Adobe Premiere that gives something the effect of being recorded ...7[View]
235009AnonymousOpinion: Hello please give me your opinion if its good or not or what I should make better. I...5[View]
234897AnonymousHow does /gd feel about pic-related?: What does it say to you?9[View]
234214AnonymousHow do people start to get clients for freelance work? Curious!4[View]
233464AnonymousHey /gd/, I'm looking to learn graphic design, but I can't afford college. In your opinion...4[View]
234743Anonymoushi , i neeed help , I look for the name of the font ' Wasabi ' for a job5[View]
234608AnonymousSites sharing: Hey /gd/! ITT We share some sites that y'all found & bookmarked. Whe...11[View]
234123AnonymousHow should 'Graphic Designers' present themselves when meeting new clients? Do you dress like a prof...13[View]
234962AnonymousCritique: Someone judge this picture i made for our new leader, I know it's low quality ...1[View]
234829Anonymoushelp!: Hey, i´ve tried to do this design, im getting started on this, so i need help. tell me...4[View]
234412Anonymoushow do I do stuff like this?: I'm interested in making silhouette like designs for my t ...8[View]
234700AnonymousSome artist redesigned the sleeve covers for Blu rays of all Disney films. http://imgur.com/a/eD78k ...10[View]
234315AnonymousShitty Logo General: Some people just want to watch the world burn10[View]
234766AnonymousWhat would be the best way to photoshop just the wave and the surfer, and get rid of the sky and oce...11[View]

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