131915365 | Anonymous | This is the end. Archive is officially dead. | 988 | [View] |
131918840 | Anonymous | One of these | 1 | [View] |
131918666 | Anonymous | Who Zombie Ero Manga here?: Also, is there any more stuff like this? | 0 | [View] |
131904696 | Anonymous | What a cunt. | 70 | [View] |
131918383 | Anonymous | 0x0 thread: Post yours, rate others | 3 | [View] |
131918436 | Bro | DioVJotaro is for pussies, this is how Real men figh | 0 | [View] |
131908642 | Anonymous | Comfy anime series/season/arc: Say what you will about the card game but damn this season is ... | 63 | [View] |
131904702 | Anonymous | Choose one anime universe to be permanently transported to. | 43 | [View] |
131916020 | Anonymous | Leijiverse thread?: Can we have a Leijiverse (Captain Harlock, GE999, Queen Emeraldas and man... | 10 | [View] |
131914611 | Anonymous | p&s feels: I'm still waiting for that 2nd season Gainax... 5 long years huh? | 6 | [View] |
131910209 | Anonymous | Guys, what is Imagine Breaker is a power derived from Islamic magicians? | 10 | [View] |
131917919 | Anonymous | Prison School? Prison School. | 0 | [View] |
131903122 | Anonymous | Find a flaw. | 31 | [View] |
131907063 | Anonymous | Is there an anime with a similar art-style and/or tone to this short? | 28 | [View] |
131917776 | Anonymous | Fake lolis are cure to lolicon. | 0 | [View] |
131905883 | Anonymous | Is Kotarou a worse MC than Shirou? | 47 | [View] |
131912542 | Anonymous | Noragami: Anyone reading Noragami? Chapter 49 is out | 9 | [View] |
131913792 | Anonymous | Fushigi na Somera-chan: first episode airs today is anyone even going to watch this? | 17 | [View] |
131914777 | Anonymous | Kuudere Thread: What is it about being told off by kuuderes that makes them so hot? Crab i... | 4 | [View] |
131917042 | Anonymous | Is there any chance that Towa makes an appearance in Dragon Ball Super? | 1 | [View] |
131911404 | Anonymous | So I just found out this exists. | 21 | [View] |
131872193 | Anonymous | Would you leave this world to become a stay at home husband to a queen you've never met? | 296 | [View] |
131907516 | Anonymous | Do you like silly hats? | 24 | [View] |
131894973 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: How to train your wyvern! Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12Beast and related... | 528 | [View] |
131909725 | Anonymous | AntiMagic Academy 'The 35th Test Platoon': http://35shoutai.jp/story/ First episode will air ... | 37 | [View] |
131913820 | Anonymous | UBW s2 released: Still waiting for torrent. | 50 | [View] |
131885405 | Anonymous | >Kuroko is playable >Touma isn't ... | 78 | [View] |
131903618 | Anonymous | 5 Reasons why Fate Route is the Best: >1. Thematically more consistent... | 60 | [View] |
131914070 | Anonymous | You wouldn't a cat, would you? | 22 | [View] |
131898988 | Anonymous | Why cann't 2016 april come sooner? | 39 | [View] |
131895614 | Anonymous | Thats a pretty impressive semen demon | 59 | [View] |
131916646 | Anonymous | Would you a cinderella? | 0 | [View] |
131915119 | Anonymous | ... | 10 | [View] |
131888940 | Anonymous | ITT: Series with consistently good OP's and ED's | 107 | [View] |
131877290 | Anonymous | What are your favorite character traits to be combined with the loli character trait in an anime or ... | 445 | [View] |
131915055 | Anonymous | Do I have to watch the two movies before Rebellion when I already watched the series? | 4 | [View] |
131915375 | Anonymous | /a/ - the manga: We can all agree that masturbating to anime 5 times a day is for... | 4 | [View] |
131913183 | Anonymous | Did anyone else watch this anime and didn't realize Akame was the MC, not Tatsumi, even tho... | 6 | [View] |
131905704 | Anonymous | Who is the smuggest anime | 12 | [View] |
131841253 | Anonymous | How do you call this archetype? | 412 | [View] |
131906453 | Anonymous | Why is Kaiji so moe? | 5 | [View] |
131914455 | Anonymous | lelei wins the gate | 1 | [View] |
131913661 | Anonymous | >[Mori] Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz! Specials - 01 [BD 720p][40D... | 3 | [View] |
131914389 | Anonymous | She even does goth | 1 | [View] |
131910111 | Anonymous | G- guys, I don't think the archive is coming back this time... | 998 | [View] |
131901290 | Anonymous | Find a flaw. | 142 | [View] |
131915006 | Anonymous | How does it taste, /a/? | 0 | [View] |
131910184 | Anonymous | Why we didn't get an epilogue? I mean what happen to the survivors? | 3 | [View] |
131914865 | Anonymous | kappa mikey: Is kappa mikey the first anime made in america? | 0 | [View] |
131914301 | Anonymous | This is a Russian swordswoman. | 2 | [View] |
131914135 | Anonymous | Who would be her VA? | 3 | [View] |
131904727 | Anonymous | Who is this mega semen demon? | 27 | [View] |
131906730 | Anonymous | You fuckers got me hooked into reading this yesterday... is there anywhere I can find chapter 58 and... | 12 | [View] |
131905392 | Anonymous | Non Non Biyori: Two seasons isn't enough. OVA when? Okinawa movie when? | 13 | [View] |
131900974 | Anonymous | Genshiken 116: Well, at least there's tsundere Sue this time. Maybe all this shit will f... | 38 | [View] |
131910515 | Anonymous | Prison School Season 2 When Edition | 9 | [View] |
131914055 | Anonymous | Whats you opinion on Key en literally every plot point in the anime by Key almost always in involvin... | 0 | [View] |
131913852 | Anonymous | Who is the best ass in anime? | 0 | [View] |
131911921 | Anonymous | The End of Evangelion: I recently marathoned everything for the hundredth time and got confus... | 1 | [View] |
131908983 | Anonymous | (一般コミック・雑誌) [ヤングエース] [蝉川夏哉×ヴァージニア二等兵] 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」 第004話 [2015-11].zip http://may.2chan.net/b/res/3616... | 4 | [View] |
131866674 | Anonymous | Osomatsu-san: WE'RE ON TV AGAIN? Good first episode. | 163 | [View] |
131913343 | Anonymous | man, lots of new anime today: Wednesdays are PACKED | 2 | [View] |
131913464 | Anonymous | >Listen to an opening and like it >Check out th... | 0 | [View] |
131883862 | Anonymous | OVERLORD THREAD: >yfw the title 'overlord' is not refering Ainz, but w... | 530 | [View] |
131910265 | Anonymous | Fuck one. Marry one. Kill one. | 2 | [View] |
131913218 | Anonymous | >My parents are overseas | 0 | [View] |
131905856 | Anonymous | UQ Holder Ch 96: Last thread went dead, discuss. | 16 | [View] |
131901782 | Anonymous | New Taniguchi (Code Geass, Maria the Virgin Witch) anime called Active Raid due this winter season. ... | 62 | [View] |
131897145 | Anonymous | Jesus! She's perfection! | 27 | [View] |
131908669 | Anonymous | >You will never marry Saber and make her happy Why live /a/? | 4 | [View] |
131909360 | Anonymous | How do you feel about mermaids? | 1 | [View] |
131889036 | Anonymous | >I like him because he's nice | 211 | [View] |
131909728 | Anonymous | Monogatari Series: I was amazed by the narration and then I reached the end of the arc. I was... | 26 | [View] |
131903422 | Anonymous | Umaru saved anime last season. One punch Man will save anime this season. | 129 | [View] |
131905658 | Anonymous | Will this be the best anime of the year? | 4 | [View] |
131901341 | Anonymous | Bleach thread: If shunsui dies I quit bleach. | 25 | [View] |
131909751 | Anonymous | What does it mean, /a/?: Tell me what you see. | 14 | [View] |
131911987 | Anonymous | what does /a think about kinnikuman series? unfortunately i couldn't found the original so i wa... | 1 | [View] |
131910098 | Anonymous | hi best girl | 7 | [View] |
131912225 | Anonymous | ITT: The absolute worst TV anime/OVA/movie of an anime series | 1 | [View] |
131904314 | Anonymous | I'm liking SAC so far but holy shit this OP is awful | 13 | [View] |
131892222 | Bleach | >YRW when Shunsui never releases Bankai and he is kill. | 106 | [View] |
131911628 | Gosick | Archive's down and I just finished watching this. It's a good watch. What's the conse... | 5 | [View] |
131910467 | Anonymous | Hajiotsu Ch. 20: She lied and led a boy on just for her own personal benefit. Why doesn'... | 7 | [View] |
131904879 | Anonymous | We get a 'Help, I'm stuck in WoW!' shit show every year. Why was this shit so much better than ... | 14 | [View] |
131838602 | Anonymous | Jitsu wa watashi wa ch. 131 RAW: Newest RAWs at: mangaumaru.com/archives/527959 Neck-biting s... | 443 | [View] |
131910613 | Anonymous | Lots of anime seem to have surreal elements in them. Where did this trend come from? | 13 | [View] |
131890093 | Anonymous | The worst characters in their respective series. | 116 | [View] |
131909414 | Anonymous | Hibike! Euphonium: One True Pair | 5 | [View] |
131911922 | Anonymous | How well does anon know their mythology? | 0 | [View] |
131911539 | Anonymous | >I want to ???? with Konata What did she mean by this? | 4 | [View] |
131902699 | Anonymous | >not even 2 minutes into the show and we get fanservice I bet you path... | 80 | [View] |
131901455 | Anonymous | Time for some dagashi. All in good time. | 54 | [View] |
131895025 | Anonymous | The second set of BDs for UBW is out in Japan right now, which includes all the rest of the series, ... | 567 | [View] |
131907572 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynx26LJ1YC4 | 731 | [View] |
131910351 | Anonymous | >osomatsu-san >not AOTS ... | 7 | [View] |
131911407 | Anonymous | So, can he kill Servants ? If he can't, can Nanaya? | 0 | [View] |
131911339 | Anonymous | You like countdowns, don't you /a/? http://www.cygames.co.jp/secret/ It could likely be a site ... | 0 | [View] |
131908144 | Anonymous | Why did he have to die? Does Japan hate gay people? | 3 | [View] |
131899486 | Anonymous | Waifu love thread: Post pictures of waifus being loved. | 65 | [View] |
131909799 | Anonymous | waifu thread: Le-le-lemme start it off right herr | 1 | [View] |
131909948 | Anonymous | This show really went all out. | 1 | [View] |
131905635 | Anonymous | Futaba wants to have a cultural exchange. What would you like to say to them? http://may.2chan.net/b... | 750 | [View] |
131898505 | Anonymous | So how fucked are we if TPP gets passed? | 51 | [View] |
131907863 | Anonymous | Why do the japs love this name? | 3 | [View] |
131907779 | Anonymous | so when will those leaks coming /a/? | 4 | [View] |
131902804 | Anonymous | >before idol anime became mainstream. >before T... | 9 | [View] |
131901759 | Anonymous | ARIA: Amanchu anime set for summer 2016: http://amanchu-anime.com/ | 61 | [View] |
131905455 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that anime wil dead when otaku's growing old and failed to sustain the industry | 13 | [View] |
131875573 | Anonymous | Well, /a/? | 517 | [View] |
131877986 | Anonymous | RAISE YOUR FLAG | 520 | [View] |
131908073 | Anonymous | KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP! | 4 | [View] |
131904713 | Anonymous | Gakko Gurashi: /a/ I know you are just tsundere towards Taromarou. Joking aside, would the... | 6 | [View] |
131901951 | Anonymous | Post anime that have good life lessons. | 74 | [View] |
131905606 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime OSTs that you can't find Most of it should be silly but bloody hell some of those ar... | 1 | [View] |
131907818 | Anonymous | Zawa ... | 2 | [View] |
131907649 | Anonymous | What happened with Noragami?: I dropped it while it was airing and I had heard something abou... | 3 | [View] |
131906845 | Anonymous | Durarara!!: Fuck, I'm watching x2 Ten. Am I the only one that can barely handle Saika... | 1 | [View] |
131905288 | Anonymous | Does anyone read this manga? I love the translator. >Bullshit Detec... | 4 | [View] |
131896649 | Anonymous | Season 2 when? | 12 | [View] |
131905899 | Anonymous | Rias vs Akeno: Which one is shit tier | 5 | [View] |
131905415 | Anonymous | What is /a/'s thought on Break Blade? Why was it good? Will it ever continue? | 5 | [View] |
131886158 | Anonymous | ITT: Manga that will never get a second chapter. | 38 | [View] |
131903355 | Anonymous | Tell me /a/, what is it that makes Space Brother so good? | 25 | [View] |
131887995 | Anonymous | Do you buy Blu-rays/DVDs, /a/? | 64 | [View] |
131906495 | Anonymous | Witchcraft Works: The story of this month is absent... | 3 | [View] |
131900537 | Anonymous | Another chapter of AKB49 is out, in the raws of course I think the manga might be ending at this rat... | 16 | [View] |
131906636 | Anonymous | ITT: Destroyer of anime | 0 | [View] |
131898684 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime with a great OST | 35 | [View] |
131863978 | Anonymous | Shokugeki no Souma: Spoilers tomorrow. Chapter will have color pages, too. Expectations of it... | 504 | [View] |
131897969 | Anonymous | What expression is this face trying to convey? | 11 | [View] |
131899020 | Anonymous | No Game No Life: Is this anime worth watching, /a/? | 122 | [View] |
131897439 | Anonymous | Just finished this show, god damn... THE FEELS. What did you guys think of it? And can we agree tha... | 15 | [View] |
131894461 | Woody !!mAP/3GNID4x | Shingeki No Kyojin / SNK / Attack on Titan / AOT: SPOILERS GET IN HERE NOW NOW NOW http://img... | 576 | [View] |
131904364 | Anonymous | Haven't seen one in a while, Gender Bender/Crossdressing manga thread? | 3 | [View] |
131899937 | Anonymous | what's wrong with this mom? | 4 | [View] |
131905535 | Anonymous | . | 3 | [View] |
131905473 | Crunchyroll | Hey so I haven't been on /a/ in like...I don't even know how long? maybe 2 years? I was w... | 2 | [View] |
131867451 | Anonymous | Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1250: Cornucopia of Resources / Guide (read Guide before asking qu... | 565 | [View] |
131893535 | Anonymous | >no subs for this kawaii ass shit Why live | 33 | [View] |
131905261 | Anonymous | Let's have a hypothetical Holy Grail War. These are the combatants: Saber- Ōishi Yoshio ... | 4 | [View] |
131903918 | Anonymous | Code Geass is overrated: It's an okay anime, but LeLouch is a horribly designed intellig... | 19 | [View] |
131904368 | Anonymous | Prisma Illya 2wei: >Still no sub for special 1... | 5 | [View] |
131904710 | Anonymous | Can a giant robot really deflect direct fire from a tank? | 1 | [View] |
131901833 | Anonymous | World Trigger: Anyone else watch this? I think it's pretty good. Nearly every character... | 14 | [View] |
131899580 | Anonymous | hey /a/ do you find this pic naughty or innocent | 27 | [View] |
131871920 | Anonymous | ITT: Times that /a/ was wrong | 148 | [View] |
131890490 | Anonymous | Bro-tier characters | 26 | [View] |
131900416 | Anonymous | What is the best mecha anime where the mecha aren't the main focus? | 38 | [View] |
131897925 | Anonymous | Fact: Kill La Kill was the last instant classic ever made | 18 | [View] |
131903649 | Anonymous | Is Haruhi the most singular character in anime history? | 3 | [View] |
131901475 | Anonymous | Did the crappy reception the 2nd season got, risk the shows chances of getting a third season? | 7 | [View] |
131884638 | Anonymous | Kowabon: Rotoscoping is spooky | 27 | [View] |
131903685 | Anonymous | >Camera pan up to the sky >WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... | 1 | [View] |
131896879 | SadisticBlood | Insanity Thread: Sadistic and insane filled pleasure! | 9 | [View] |
131901300 | pornopio | post gif mash-ups https://gifsound.com/?gif=https://i.warosu.org/data/jp/img/0125/01/14111... | 2 | [View] |
131888002 | Anonymous | I'm sure plenty will disagree. I know you'll call me a faggot. Even so, none of you can di... | 35 | [View] |
131899997 | Anonymous | Why can't modern magical girl anime even compare to CCS? Am I blinded by nostalgia goggles, or ... | 16 | [View] |
131901137 | Anonymous | Admiral Teach: Hola, moi naem admiral tiichee. Kthxbye | 3 | [View] |
131899736 | Anonymous | When is oda going to kick this shithead off Luffy's boat? Even if he came back in ten years it... | 12 | [View] |
131902556 | Anonymous | Why is Oreki cutest KyoAni husbando? | 6 | [View] |
131900958 | Anonymous | JESUS, ALICE When did you become such a badass? | 15 | [View] |
131902917 | Anonymous | >romance drama >bittersweet ending For w... | 4 | [View] |
131900929 | Anonymous | ITT Worst dads in anime | 18 | [View] |
131901222 | HYPE | shits about to go down | 3 | [View] |
131865336 | Anonymous | Hidan no Aria AA: Are you ready for /u/ harem? First episode airs in 40 minutes | 189 | [View] |
131901840 | Anonymous | Why does she wear the mask? | 6 | [View] |
131902589 | Anonymous | Nibutani Thread | 2 | [View] |
131892631 | Anonymous | Left or Right? | 56 | [View] |
131901098 | Anonymous | New here. Any love for Samurai Champloo? | 5 | [View] |
131901025 | Anonymous | So i just finished parasyte any so let's have a discussion I really liked the anime | 3 | [View] |
131890145 | Anonymous | Say something nice about Sena | 85 | [View] |
131894350 | Anonymous | Ponytails turn me on. | 113 | [View] |
131893718 | Anonymous | I'm about 10 episodes into this show. I just want to protect her smile /a/... Why did I not wa... | 103 | [View] |
131898877 | Anonymous | How can I keep up with my backlog and watch/read the new fall season at the same time? | 9 | [View] |
131893596 | Anonymous | One Piece: Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Dofflamingo's might is easil... | 531 | [View] |
131901510 | Anonymous | Is Minako TOO pure? | 7 | [View] |
131884825 | Anonymous | UQ Holder Ch 96: It's Happening! | 590 | [View] |
131898501 | Anonymous | Concrete Revolutio: I didn't know what the hell was going on through 80% of the episode ... | 28 | [View] |
131898387 | Anonymous | Will character design ever get this good again? I mean look at her, that's how women were portr... | 29 | [View] |
131897404 | Anonymous | True Tears: Why? It's only been the second episode and she's already conquered my h... | 22 | [View] |
131842537 | Anonymous | PRISON SCHOOL: Prison School | 260 | [View] |
131884866 | Anonymous | How do you feel about minigirls/inchlings? | 50 | [View] |
131902406 | Anonymous | Need the name of this anime.: So my friend needs to remember the name of an anime he saw a lo... | 0 | [View] |
131896580 | Anonymous | How many of you actually jerk off to untranslated doujins? | 54 | [View] |
131901255 | Anonymous | Spirit Circle: WHERE THE FUCK IS THE NEXT CHAPTER | 3 | [View] |
131886572 | Anonymous | Nobody actually thinks Anime is getting worse right? We're in the golden ages. | 43 | [View] |
131894459 | Anonymous | Kino Thread: Let's have a thread for the greatest light novel series ever written and it... | 19 | [View] |
131893623 | Anonymous | LUPIN???: 8000 groups subbing One Punch Man but none subbing Lupin? SUBS WHERE!? | 36 | [View] |
131900505 | Anonymous | I feel like my IQ went up 10 points after watching this. | 7 | [View] |
131867568 | Anonymous | Neon Genesis Evangelion: I love you, /a/. | 151 | [View] |
131861667 | Anonymous | American 'Death Note' live action film confirmed guys. http://www.vinereport.com/article/death.... | 301 | [View] |
131883423 | Anonymous | Waifu abuse thread: Post pictures of waifus being abused. | 136 | [View] |
131887089 | Anonymous | Nisekoi: TV vs BD: Vol 4. TV: LEFT BD: RIGHT | 231 | [View] |
131900921 | Anonymous | Can Berserk ever be topped or is it the pinnacle of manga medium? Discuss | 1 | [View] |
131884156 | Anonymous | >Anime and manga characters who can beat One Punch Man | 142 | [View] |
131899116 | Anonymous | Is this even an anime?: 'ANIME JA NAI' | 4 | [View] |
131898601 | Anonymous | How can HS fuck up this badly? Both of the screenshots here are from Daisuki as the source, but how ... | 3 | [View] |
131897438 | Anonymous | What is your opinion on mandarines? | 5 | [View] |
131898780 | Anonymous | Evangelion was written as it progressed with no story outline or ending in plan, just scenario and c... | 7 | [View] |
131897874 | Anonymous | ene: Ene is the best waifu in all of anime dudes. She lives in your fucking phone, can hack a... | 26 | [View] |
131899662 | Anonymous | This Weeks Stats: After a week of seeing and analyzing each thread and the topic of each one.... | 8 | [View] |
131900514 | Anonymous | real people and anime, go. | 0 | [View] |
131894233 | Anonymous | Did you guys like Rolling Girls? I thought the story was too confusing | 20 | [View] |
131896320 | Anonymous | >Not watching House M.D the anime What's your excuse? This is pr... | 15 | [View] |
131841676 | Anonymous | 3x3 thread liked/seen | 351 | [View] |
131872108 | Anonymous | So what would you make her do? Also, good subs that aren't Hulu are out for those interested. W... | 478 | [View] |
131898065 | Anonymous | K: Return of the Kings: Why did this get a 2nd season? Where are they getting their budget fr... | 13 | [View] |
131875843 | Anonymous | Why do 2D girls love to molest each other so much? | 216 | [View] |
131894667 | Anonymous | What do you like about Yoko? | 26 | [View] |
131897132 | Anonymous | Shitty non-character Thread: Here, I'll start with a classic | 4 | [View] |
131899783 | Anonymous | I'm rewatching this for reasons. Did the Ichigo and Ulquiorra fight live up to your expectation... | 0 | [View] |
131898886 | Anonymous | Why is nobody translating this? I just watched the finale and decided I wanted to read the manga, si... | 6 | [View] |
131890654 | Anonymous | Aria: Started watching Aria and so far I'm really enjoying it just got to the Natural. N... | 24 | [View] |
131862148 | Anonymous | Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen: What do you think of Underwater Ray Romano 2: Electric Buga... | 515 | [View] |
131894293 | Anonymous | Black Clover: Let's all talk about Black Clover and why it's such a good manga. | 24 | [View] |
131887198 | Anonymous | would you drink her love nectar, /a/ | 27 | [View] |
131843346 | Anonymous | >Marathoned K S1 a few days ago since I seen /a/ getting hyped for it ... | 530 | [View] |
131899078 | Anonymous | YOU COMPLETE MY FATE | 0 | [View] |
131815031 | Anonymous | Dragon Ball Super Thread: Is anyone else starting to really dislike the new series? Aside fro... | 514 | [View] |
131893941 | Anonymous | Do you think there's an alternate dimension where 2D anime girls watch shows about 3D guys doin... | 7 | [View] |
131878473 | Anonymous | Anime quotes that you live by >For that, even if I am to carry ‘all the evils... | 127 | [View] |
131788785 | Anonymous | In all seriousness, why doesn't Index have a 3rd season by now? Did the 2nd season sell like sh... | 533 | [View] |
131898380 | Anonymous | Which Shiro would you Bako? | 0 | [View] |
131897448 | Anonymous | One Page Thread: OTP, post yours! | 1 | [View] |
131892314 | Anonymous | anyone head of this? i'm considering reading it | 10 | [View] |
131880716 | Yui Claus !xmas.SFFqg | I will post this every day until Christmas! 80 days! | 45 | [View] |
131882979 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Yusei is that you? | 504 | [View] |
131895185 | Anonymous | > best boy+best girl = best ship? >could sawata... | 1 | [View] |
131830698 | Anonymous | JOJO BREAD: Was he really gay? Also JoJo thread. | 507 | [View] |
131892562 | Anonymous | ITT: What does /a/ think of Basilisk?: What does /a/ think of Basilisk? | 3 | [View] |
131888271 | Anonymous | Wow, edgy. Bite the hand that literally feeds you much? | 17 | [View] |
131894926 | Anonymous | Who's your favorite oppai loli, /a/? | 10 | [View] |
131895344 | Anonymous | Kanashimi no Belladonna: Has anyone seen the restoration? It's being screened next Satur... | 1 | [View] |
131897005 | Anonymous | I'm a depressing faggot, what is some good anime with tragic/sad characters and stories? | 10 | [View] |
131896613 | Anonymous | Chu2byo: I have never cringed harder in my life. | 5 | [View] |
131895250 | Anonymous | This guy slaps your waifu's ass, what would you do? | 8 | [View] |
131884204 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Spoilers in just a few hours. | 520 | [View] |
131889264 | Anonymous | >monogatari series >anohana ... | 30 | [View] |
131890289 | Anonymous | >You kno- *hick* if I didnt know any better I'd think you were- *hick* t... | 60 | [View] |
131891740 | Anonymous | so this is the aots? | 23 | [View] |
131895682 | Anonymous | Why did Mio turn into a manga? | 6 | [View] |
131894122 | Anonymous | mods are asleep, post things that are not anime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IBkG8E4qYc | 5 | [View] |
131889376 | Anonymous | so whats the consensus on this show? is it actually good or just 2deep4u trash? I tried watching it ... | 30 | [View] |
131891836 | Anonymous | Maou-no-Hajimekata: Is being in front line certain death? | 7 | [View] |
131896546 | Anonymous | Death death | 1 | [View] |
131895403 | Anonymous | >still no BDrips nor OST My whole life was Unlimited Wait Works. | 1 | [View] |
131896467 | Anonymous | Favorite Anime Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRsnrru8bJ8 Heres mine | 2 | [View] |
131862865 | Anonymous | Owarimonogatari: I'm glad to see that this series still has its consistency intact. The ... | 507 | [View] |
131882720 | Anonymous | What's the first thing that goes across your mind when you see this creature? | 268 | [View] |
131887112 | Anonymous | SZS: 279 days to go | 71 | [View] |
131879878 | Anonymous | What have you picked up/dropped so far: Can we all agree on this? Good shows: ... | 138 | [View] |
131896135 | Anonymous | was he human? | 1 | [View] |
131885077 | Anonymous | Tsundere status: Tamed | 101 | [View] |
131895979 | Anonymous | OPT niche setting edition You don't often see manga based around late 19th century.Gisele-Al... | 1 | [View] |
131893466 | Anonymous | This is somehow many times more repulsive than any fetishistic doujin I've ever seen. | 11 | [View] |
131888529 | Anonymous | No Berserk thread? Let's change that! > When will Guts be able to kill a... | 3 | [View] |
131893817 | Anonymous | ITT: episode titles you like | 7 | [View] |
131895818 | Anonymous | all aboard the ship motherfuckers | 1 | [View] |
131894646 | Anonymous | someone save Sayu please! | 3 | [View] |
131879845 | Anonymous | Drawfag Thread 1602 second rarfag's files until thread 1599: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 508 | [View] |
131894542 | Anonymous | Are you ready for a Crisis? | 1 | [View] |
131865452 | Anonymous | Asterisk more like Assterisk | 469 | [View] |
131892938 | Anonymous | Onii-chan, get into the EVA unit | 2 | [View] |
131886600 | Anonymous | Boku wa Mari no Naka 58 | 37 | [View] |
131895226 | Anonymous | So I'm currently reading this Is /a/ going to judge the taste of a lonely horny man? | 0 | [View] |
131881962 | Anonymous | Come on, /a/. Give NASA a great sound to send to the cosmos. Something representative to commemora... | 71 | [View] |
131888438 | Anonymous | >this is someone's AOTS | 8 | [View] |
131892735 | Anonymous | OST when? | 3 | [View] |
131885192 | Anonymous | the 6th angel has invaded your favorite anime to destroy it. How fucked is your fav anime? | 41 | [View] |
131892055 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fToi3VoyOnA Is this guy really from /a/? | 8 | [View] |
131890284 | Anonymous | Manga pacing vs anime pacing: How much faster is manga? is it like consuming 2-3 episodes in ... | 8 | [View] |
131893844 | Anonymous | Bakuman Thread: Please, for the love of god, don't tell me this is the end of it between... | 3 | [View] |
131893954 | Anonymous | ITT: post 10/10 | 4 | [View] |
131887997 | Anonymous | I HAVE A BIG GUN | 42 | [View] |
131873739 | Anonymous | What was her problem? | 60 | [View] |
131892884 | Anonymous | I don't understand why doesn't she just mind her own business | 6 | [View] |
131891135 | Anonymous | Where is the 2nd OST? Goddamnit! | 3 | [View] |
131891270 | Anonymous | kyoto adhering morality of a conservative Christian family and respect | 5 | [View] |
131894378 | Anonymous | >pray for sequel >sequels are complete shit... | 0 | [View] |
131892979 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking questions: buyfag.moe | 5 | [View] |
131891791 | Anonymous | Which one is your waifu | 2 | [View] |
131878127 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: Yarrr! Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12Beast and related Monster Manga are ... | 531 | [View] |
131891436 | Anonymous | >With high expectations, human beings leave Earth, to begin a new life in spa... | 8 | [View] |
131882335 | Anonymous | ■2015 Summer 17,818 01/06 Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX 10,335 01/06 Overlord *9,470 01/05 The iDOLM@... | 145 | [View] |
131893028 | Anonymous | Smug Thread: Let's see your smug. | 4 | [View] |
131887814 | Anonymous | Is she supposed to be mentally retarded? | 26 | [View] |
131862651 | Anonymous | Shomin Sample: Will it have fanservice? | 104 | [View] |
131859675 | Anonymous | Summer 2015 first volume sales Oricon added the missing sales via 2nd week(aka G-Reco first volumes ... | 455 | [View] |
131879794 | Anonymous | I declare this girl the Lucina of /a/ | 57 | [View] |
131888605 | Anonymous | Where do I start with Lupin? | 13 | [View] |
131893898 | Anonymous | Will Sakura win the Shiroubowl in Prisma Illya? | 0 | [View] |
131893395 | Anonymous | >ANNE: Oh, it seems so funny and horrible to think of Diana marrying Fred. Do... | 1 | [View] |
131871056 | Anonymous | How does it feel that OPM will the best anime this season even without using its best arc? | 130 | [View] |
131892922 | Anonymous | https://youtu.be/SHiPNimcvVI God-tier openings for mediocre/shitty anime Most people even forgot Bus... | 2 | [View] |
131888421 | Anonymous | >OP by JAM Project | 8 | [View] |
131893333 | Anonymous | is it time we start making these yet? | 0 | [View] |
131871105 | Anonymous | FUCK YOU UFOTABLE | 578 | [View] |
131892449 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Spoilers? | 1 | [View] |
131856314 | Anonymous | Kantai Collection - Kancolle: Translation soon | 550 | [View] |
131865326 | Anonymous | Dungeon Meshi C14: Elf such a cutie. | 586 | [View] |
131892726 | Anonymous | So 'Tokyo Ghoul: Jack' is out, and no subs yet is fansubbing dead? Even the latinos has their transl... | 5 | [View] |
131874514 | Anonymous | One Piece: Kaidou or Zou? Also, Monet is alive | 534 | [View] |
131889698 | Anonymous | Wallpaper Cringe: ITT: Post shitty anime wallpapers | 2 | [View] |
131889817 | Anonymous | So I watched this show for the first time today and loved show the plot and the characters and atmos... | 8 | [View] |
131887001 | Anonymous | Do you think Rosario+Vampire will ever get a proper manga adaptation? | 22 | [View] |
131891612 | Anonymous | Any foreign dub fans out there? I remember something like 13 years ago, I was using eMule and someho... | 0 | [View] |
131883095 | Anonymous | Little Witch Academia 2 Rewards: Thanks for donating your American dollars to glorious Nippon... | 18 | [View] |
131830148 | Anonymous | WSJD - World Trigger: The break is over! We're back! Boku no Hero Academia >>13182... | 408 | [View] |
131885169 | Anonymous | Studio Trigger new series: Before the leaks of the announcement of the new series, what is th... | 56 | [View] |
131887548 | Anonymous | Are Oda and Togashi the best writers of the three biggest shonen magazines?: Almost none assp... | 35 | [View] |
131887994 | Anonymous | >beach episode | 14 | [View] |
131878239 | Anonymous | please. | 46 | [View] |
131890780 | Anonymous | >be a loli >muh poor loli that got raped... | 1 | [View] |
131889501 | Anonymous | Shimoneta Vol. 2 BD: Have they still not been uploaded yet? How much longer? | 2 | [View] |
131883421 | Anonymous | just found out kalluto is a trap will hiatus x hiatus ever continue? | 127 | [View] |
131889856 | Anonymous | >You will never get to fight through an un-named war torn country with your b... | 1 | [View] |
131888987 | Anonymous | Baka http://kodansha-box.jp/topics/nishio/orokamono/ | 6 | [View] |
131881641 | Anonymous | How does OPM stack up against previous superhero anime & manga? Like, is it at least better than... | 24 | [View] |
131888135 | Anonymous | WTF did they do to Robin!? | 4 | [View] |
131885452 | Anonymous | What's your single favourite Anime? | 25 | [View] |
131888281 | DmonHiro | How many kemono-mimi girls are too many for you? | 7 | [View] |
131857569 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking questions: buyfag.moe | 517 | [View] |
131885538 | Anonymous | Which vampire loli is the best at sex? | 28 | [View] |
131826642 | Anonymous | Prove me you didn't cry when you watched Digimon Adventure. >Protip: You... | 184 | [View] |
131874061 | Anonymous | How hard does 18 beat Krillin? Does she do it front of their child? | 66 | [View] |
131889717 | Anonymous | Kōfuku Gurafiti: Is Kirin some kind monster? Look at all that charcoal she is carrying | 1 | [View] |
131889657 | Anonymous | was it rape? | 1 | [View] |
131889605 | Anonymous | To Love Ru Darkness 2nd BD vol 1: Fugg What went wrong with the art, is it getting worse? | 1 | [View] |
131884960 | Anonymous | Am I the only one who likes this Anime? | 25 | [View] |
131854873 | Anonymous | ITT: Semen demons Who's your fave? | 251 | [View] |
131889285 | Anonymous | Is dess the gayest gear or does Shirabe take the cake for what she said right before this? | 0 | [View] |
131888880 | Anonymous | It's obvious where to download anime torrent files for patricians, but where are you supposed t... | 1 | [View] |
131886426 | Anonymous | >all the time and money wasted on this garbage | 16 | [View] |
131885804 | Anonymous | Would you a Tomoko? | 16 | [View] |
131888702 | Anonymous | >perfect dubs don't exi- | 3 | [View] |
131888878 | Anonymous | The Perfect Insider: Is anyone else excited for probably the only good show of the season and... | 0 | [View] |
131865008 | Anonymous | ITT: Girls that are too good for their shows | 52 | [View] |
131885864 | Anonymous | >Cellphone goes off right when they're about to bang Dropped | 10 | [View] |
131880126 | Anonymous | Watamote: Holy shit. Do you see this? Nemoto is slimmer and taller now. She used to be cute a... | 29 | [View] |
131886973 | Anonymous | Liberty stands for freedom Oh hail the flag that set us free standing righteous symbolic of strength... | 2 | [View] |
131886906 | Anonymous | good! Afternoon raws for October 2015: As stated before, no WCW this month. Direct link to vo... | 1 | [View] |
131853691 | Anonymous | So what do you think of Loli Whiteknighting: The Anime | 76 | [View] |
131887651 | Anonymous | . | 6 | [View] |
131887788 | Anonymous | Unpopular, but really good characters. Lets see them /a/. | 2 | [View] |
131862185 | Anonymous | Can we all agree that there are good tsuderes and bad ones. I think Erina is a good one, she is not ... | 112 | [View] |
131709229 | Anonymous | Saki tanoshii: Dumping the new Saki chapter 149 (raw) Saki status: * Socks: on * Tanoshii: o... | 526 | [View] |
131882812 | Anonymous | Michiru is literally perfect. MC is a faggot for not choosing her. | 12 | [View] |
131886905 | Anonymous | What went wrong? | 4 | [View] |
131884094 | Anonymous | Yare yare: skip to 4:45 https://youtu.be/byX8O6KuMzk?t=4m45s | 5 | [View] |
131883432 | Anonymous | Suddenly best girl steals the show. She has something, the other girls lack. | 5 | [View] |
131875602 | Anonymous | I watched the first season. It was fine. But second season has a weak start. Seriously what were the... | 42 | [View] |
131876653 | Anonymous | Rage of Bahamut: Happy Anniversary. What are your hopes for the next season? I'm hoping ... | 40 | [View] |
131887020 | Anonymous | what does /a/ think of this? | 1 | [View] |
131885876 | Anonymous | Does anyone else listen to this and scream, ''TOMARE, YAMERO!'' for fun? You sho... | 1 | [View] |
131881761 | Anonymous | I was going to start watching Lupin !!! but should I start from the part I or just watch Mine Fujiko... | 10 | [View] |
131883809 | Anonymous | >The anime is worth watching for the OST | 19 | [View] |
131885170 | Anonymous | Green flags for character names: Asuka | 2 | [View] |
131883647 | Anonymous | >it can't be helped | 17 | [View] |
131882659 | Anonymous | best anime of all time | 6 | [View] |
131876447 | Anonymous | What is your personal anime of the season summer 2015, /a/? http://strawpoll.me/5670513 Note ... | 71 | [View] |
131868058 | Anonymous | Shit in anime that bothers you: >American character ... | 61 | [View] |
131884566 | Anonymous | What's the benefit of having 1080p? They have the same quality when viewed in full screen mode. | 4 | [View] |
131885225 | Anonymous | How would you react to an Harry Potter anime? Inb4 >Luna best girl ... | 10 | [View] |
131886386 | Anonymous | How does this scene make you feel? | 2 | [View] |
131886985 | Anonymous | Is never too late to stop being a piece of shit hikki!. | 1 | [View] |
131865003 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri San Hai! E01: Old thread reached bump limit >>131849723 What did you think ab... | 529 | [View] |
131878074 | Anonymous | Macross Frontier: I don't like mecha animes, i don't like music animes, i don'... | 99 | [View] |
131873456 | Anonymous | Bleach anticipation thread: Will we see all bankais before this trainwreck of a manga ends? A... | 34 | [View] |
131886901 | Anonymous | She is the best Mujaki right? | 0 | [View] |
131886879 | Anonymous | Well, just watched the second episode of Yo-kai Watch dubbed. It was...a little juvenile. Ok very ju... | 0 | [View] |
131881502 | Anonymous | So who's the best girl? | 8 | [View] |
131886173 | Anonymous | Take away the goggles and change the obsession to food and you literally have the same person. Giver... | 2 | [View] |
131885483 | Anonymous | Prisma Illya 2wei complete OST: Who cares about Kajiura or Fukasawa. Katou is best. Samples h... | 4 | [View] |
131886681 | Woody !!mAP/3GNID4x | Shingeki No Kyojin / SNK / Attack on Titan / AOT: Spoilers eventually. Hopefully. ;_;7 | 2 | [View] |
131882862 | Anonymous | Manga only you've heard of: lets get this started | 8 | [View] |
131886147 | Anonymous | Would you lick Toshinou Kyouko's feet /a/? | 3 | [View] |
131881752 | Anonymous | YAMERO | 22 | [View] |
131884786 | Anonymous | Heyya /a/, can we have a LUCKYSTAR thread without descending into the bowels of hell for once? | 2 | [View] |
131860397 | Anonymous | How big is your anime folder?: I only got 31 shows and it's 417GB... | 162 | [View] |
131868200 | Anonymous | Gate ch49: >This dickhead suddenly becomes the ruler of the Empire... | 119 | [View] |
131886317 | Anonymous | This trash is beyond horrible. Glasslip 2.0. | 2 | [View] |
131883020 | Anonymous | >Rakudai: >Main girl is a sexually repressed h... | 44 | [View] |
131885342 | Anonymous | Is this season /a/ dud?: >mfw I watch Episode 1's of this season... | 6 | [View] |
131880431 | Anonymous | Lotte no Omocha: It's been updated! It's not dead! Volume 8 is out! One volume left... | 14 | [View] |
131885044 | Anonymous | I never caught this before. This is the moment when Toriyama decided to pair Vegeta with Bulma by ma... | 1 | [View] |
131880197 | Anonymous | Trap characters with meaning: Hey /a/, are there any anime or manga that includes a trap char... | 20 | [View] |
131850704 | Anonymous | Have you ever read /a/ fan fiction that was actually good? | 304 | [View] |
131837263 | Anonymous | Does /a/ buy anime at all? I completely understand it's incredibly expensive | 405 | [View] |
131877506 | Anonymous | Does /a/ like schizo Yotsuba? | 9 | [View] |
131885582 | Anonymous | Name a character more seductive than this. | 0 | [View] |
131882262 | Anonymous | Billy Bat: Where is this story going? I can follow Pluto and 20th Century Boys but this manga... | 4 | [View] |
131882727 | Anonymous | Underrated Fall Shows: How does it feel to know that Lupin, Young Black Jack, and Osomatsu-sa... | 16 | [View] |
131881768 | Anonymous | I noticed that there wasn't a thread for osomatsu-san. What did you guys think of it? | 5 | [View] |
131885354 | Anonymous | how much is to much anime? | 2 | [View] |
131885326 | Anonymous | What's the point of this anime? I don't really get it. It's just random violence. | 1 | [View] |
131880075 | Anonymous | best character: How can oda make a faggot look manly? | 4 | [View] |
131875758 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think about Gurren Lagann? | 118 | [View] |
131878132 | Anonymous | What the hell are these things? Even Shinji and Rei have them on at times. | 93 | [View] |
131864967 | Anonymous | High School Dxᗡ EX: Time to decide which DD delivered best child: http://strawpoll.me/5662733... | 29 | [View] |
131853930 | Anonymous | Pre-2000 Anime Thread: What have you been watching? I'm still continuing Katri, thanks t... | 96 | [View] |
131884800 | Aenith | Help with finding/remembering an anime: Was hoping you guys could help me find an anime I was... | 1 | [View] |
131878558 | Anonymous | This is easily Bones' worst of all time. | 25 | [View] |
131879351 | Anonymous | Kasane: Why aren't you reading Kasane, /a/? | 19 | [View] |
131883096 | Anonymous | Who zombies here?: Come on, who loves 'em? | 8 | [View] |
131852308 | Anonymous | Miuna Monday!! | 36 | [View] |
131881795 | Anonymous | Mawaru Penguindrum: So what the fuck was this shit even about? | 39 | [View] |
131881687 | Anonymous | Deadman Wonderland: Why is this as popular as it is? Granted the manga started promising (But... | 7 | [View] |
131840200 | Anonymous | Which Love Live is the most lewd? | 521 | [View] |
131817139 | Anonymous | Post the greatest love story ever told. I'll start. | 509 | [View] |
131831723 | Anonymous | What makes her the best girl for you, /a/? For me, it's a pair of ribbons. | 317 | [View] |
131873562 | Anonymous | Hestia is not just a meme. She will live on forever, Hestia a bestia. | 27 | [View] |
131871784 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Bessatsu cover is out, real spoilers should be dropping sometime today... | 573 | [View] |
131881175 | Anonymous | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechatronics Your face when this might happen in our lifetime! ... | 8 | [View] |
131831109 | Anonymous | How do I start learning Mahjong so I can watch Akagi and Saki? | 223 | [View] |
131881621 | Anonymous | Terra Formars 140: I know most of you guys probably don't care, but I figured I'd p... | 20 | [View] |
131866062 | Anonymous | Once Casca's memory come back she will cuck Guts and dine on Farnese's clam right? | 36 | [View] |
131864666 | Anonymous | Yowamushi Pedal S3: http://www.animenewsnetwork.co.uk/news/2015-10-06/yowamushi-pedal-tv... | 42 | [View] |
131880258 | Anonymous | Why is Sakura so perfect? | 6 | [View] |
131866736 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: It's all up to you now. | 521 | [View] |
131879234 | Anonymous | Villains: ITT: We post our favorite villains/antagonists | 8 | [View] |
131881096 | Anonymous | What do you love about K? | 3 | [View] |
131880237 | Anonymous | Some of you Sword of Darkness adventurers are alright. dont go to Lizzie's house tomorrow if yo... | 1 | [View] |
131876005 | Anonymous | Himo, Himo, Himo, Himo, Himo, Himo, Himo, Himo Himo, Himo, Himo | 32 | [View] |
131875763 | Anonymous | Anime is saved. | 14 | [View] |
131873997 | Anonymous | >fetcher dead >database dead RIP archive | 721 | [View] |
131869053 | Anonymous | ITT: The exact moment where you dropped a show | 117 | [View] |
131879045 | Anonymous | >muted for copyright Are you fucking kidding me right now? Anyone save... | 2 | [View] |
131881154 | Anonymous | >All those ching chong names Is Anime even allowed to be called a Japa... | 0 | [View] |
131879474 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that you should always skip the first episode of this show. | 3 | [View] |
131881069 | Anonymous | Tokyo Ghoul Jack: For anyone interested, Jack is available in Spanish already. I doubt we... | 1 | [View] |
131877338 | Anonymous | UBW GOOD END: SUNNY DAYS IS HERE! | 7 | [View] |
131875590 | Anonymous | Sora No Woto Thread of Happiness: Amazing grace! How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch li... | 9 | [View] |
131878844 | Anonymous | Does this series still hold the honor of inducing the single biggest chimpout from a fanbase? | 9 | [View] |
131862201 | Anonymous | So we're agreed that Hotaru is the best Biyori right? | 131 | [View] |
131880287 | Anonymous | This shit is so awful. It's terrible. The pacing. The dialogue. The story. It's SHIT. It... | 1 | [View] |
131877334 | Anonymous | 2015 summer downloads by episode: top 10 based on initial interest. The numbers are based on ... | 6 | [View] |
131859699 | Anonymous | Overlord | 562 | [View] |
131873205 | Anonymous | Which Noucome would you practice human mating rituals on? | 24 | [View] |
131879205 | Anonymous | Post moonrunes of wisdom.: '無敵是寂寞的。' - Quoted from my ass. | 1 | [View] |
131880144 | Anonymous | Remember the love? | 0 | [View] |
131871333 | Anonymous | >hyper sensitive world where even mentioning sex with a woman is a crime... | 18 | [View] |
131880085 | Anonymous | subs never | 0 | [View] |
131879917 | Anonymous | >Concubine >noun con·cu·bine \ˈkäŋ-kyu̇-ˌbīn, ˈ... | 0 | [View] |
131873083 | Anonymous | What's the fourth mouth? | 40 | [View] |
131879908 | Anonymous | Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Fuyuki City tomorrow if you're in Japan. Happeni... | 1 | [View] |
131877982 | Anonymous | What's that Doujinshi with a loli that uses bug spray to put her victims in comas? | 4 | [View] |
131879843 | Anonymous | Where the fuck do I read this? It say's it's translated volume 1, but I can't find it... | 2 | [View] |
131868362 | Anonymous | A(nime)OTY: Prove me right. | 74 | [View] |
131879655 | Anonymous | Manga Goodle Chrome extension: Hey guys, quick question... Is there any Goodle Chrome extensi... | 0 | [View] |
131866091 | Anonymous | ITT: Scenes that fucked you up: Pic related and the entire sequence leading up to it for me. | 79 | [View] |
131870185 | Anonymous | Cowboy Bebop: Tell me why this isn't the best anime ever. | 30 | [View] |
131879381 | Anonymous | Truck-kun: Will Truck-kun's rampage ever end? | 0 | [View] |
131879241 | Anonymous | Is this the cutest girl of the season? Also what's with the lack of misunderstandings, hysteri... | 2 | [View] |
131877229 | Anonymous | BD's came out today in Japan, so torrents soon. Dragon Ball thread. | 2 | [View] |
131879073 | Anonymous | testing | 6 | [View] |
131872744 | Anonymous | Hokuto no Ken: Ichigo Aji: This aired about an hour ago. Is there any hope for subs? | 24 | [View] |
131879178 | Anonymous | >Concrete Revolution >Comet Lucifer Lite... | 0 | [View] |
131879089 | Anonymous | >love triangle | 0 | [View] |
131879024 | Anonymous | Are harems popular anymore? | 0 | [View] |
131877289 | Anonymous | Anime with of protagonist with non-magic or little magic fighters: Can someone please tell me... | 3 | [View] |
131863088 | Anonymous | Do people find Saitama attractive? | 79 | [View] |
131871413 | Anonymous | Get fucking hyped. | 36 | [View] |
131878306 | Anonymous | >ITT: Mangas only you read | 6 | [View] |
131878783 | Anonymous | Peeping Life: Who peeping life here ? I tought its pretty funny if you know what they talking... | 1 | [View] |
131875376 | Anonymous | ITT: rare smugs | 6 | [View] |
131876451 | Anonymous | Why is she so cute?: Well, isn't she? | 4 | [View] |
131878133 | Anonymous | Did it save Anime? | 3 | [View] |
131876261 | Anonymous | I'M THE BIGGEST FAGGOT AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!! | 8 | [View] |
131878436 | Anonymous | Adding some power to DRAGON BALL Z theme... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex9t6UChtIE | 1 | [View] |
131877521 | Anonymous | >There has never been a Godzilla anime. I know it's kinda the opp... | 7 | [View] |
131877220 | Anonymous | Uchida: The next stage of our development is to make something that would supersede Aldnoah/Zero. I ... | 2 | [View] |
131863849 | Anonymous | >wake up one day >you are a joshikousei ... | 131 | [View] |
131828668 | Anonymous | Little Witch Academia 2: Anyone else get their rewards? Who 100+ here? | 444 | [View] |
131877576 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime that involves cellphones. I'll start. | 6 | [View] |
131876272 | Anonymous | Who's the best Yotsuba and why it is Aiko? | 24 | [View] |
131878138 | Anonymous | Did you ever feel the Sameface inside you? ITT, Kurumada General | 0 | [View] |
131866068 | Anonymous | I don't know what is happening. | 68 | [View] |
131872854 | Anonymous | Does /a/ have anime credit cards? Thinking about getting this as my next card design | 33 | [View] |
131877424 | Anonymous | Lets All Love Mika! | 2 | [View] |
131875498 | Anonymous | Are there any romance anime/manga where the MC has to improve himself in a tangible way before he ge... | 1 | [View] |
131850240 | a sort of colorfag | Drawfag Thread 1601 second rarfag's files until thread 1599: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 576 | [View] |
131869537 | Anonymous | 11 years of GX: i love u judai <3 | 29 | [View] |
131877136 | Anonymous | Why don't you like the Anime that she's in? | 1 | [View] |
131872613 | Anonymous | Shinji is Objectively a Better Character than You're Waifu | 8 | [View] |
131828221 | Anonymous | ITT we go to 2chan and bring something back. >hard mode: no google translate.... | 186 | [View] |
131876345 | Anonymous | Which one of these cuties would make the perfect little sister. ( yes you can have both yuzu and kar... | 2 | [View] |
131875421 | Anonymous | Why does Tomino do this? | 5 | [View] |
131868305 | Anonymous | Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to punch everyone in the tummy. | 19 | [View] |
131875603 | Anonymous | Antimagic: Silver Link is not going to fuck it up, is it? | 14 | [View] |
131876018 | Anonymous | WAOTS coming through | 1 | [View] |
131876065 | Anonymous | best bad girls, 'villianfu'?: Sometimes, the best girl in a show might be the villa... | 11 | [View] |
131872253 | Anonymous | Best 1st episode I've ever watched. | 33 | [View] |
131872223 | Anonymous | Are people without heads still human? | 11 | [View] |
131858838 | Anonymous | Villain Protagonist | 80 | [View] |
131874321 | Anonymous | Kara no Kyoukai - Chapter 1 3D release date! 23/3/2016 http://www.ufotable.com/kk3d/index.html | 43 | [View] |
131875896 | Anonymous | OP's this season are great: Even peeping life has Bradio. Why are there so many great OP... | 2 | [View] |
131875049 | Anonymous | Unappreciated grills thread | 3 | [View] |
131874195 | Anonymous | High School Star Musical: So confirmed AOTY right? Pic related song was pretty great. CDs wh... | 14 | [View] |
131847932 | Anonymous | Young Black Jack and Osomatsu-san Fall Season: How does it feel when 2 very old properties by... | 97 | [View] |
131875140 | Fall anime | What is /a/ watching this season? Is there any good romance animes being aired. It looked like is th... | 4 | [View] |
131827919 | Anonymous | http://pastebin.com/CJPJP2Hi New thread | 396 | [View] |
131873188 | Anonymous | Feminine guys in anime/manga: Specifically targeting actual straight guys (not in to traps/fu... | 5 | [View] |
131875107 | Anonymous | Fall 2005 lineup: Here is what the fall season looked like in '05 What has changed in th... | 5 | [View] |
131864706 | Anonymous | How does /a/ feel about lolis growing up? | 76 | [View] |
131872640 | Anonymous | Is it necessary to watch the original Gunbuster before seeing Gunbusters 2? | 25 | [View] |
131855547 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: More Bike Cop Haremt Secrets. Uni's secrets when? Hitomi S... | 576 | [View] |
131869453 | Anonymous | Saekano: SON OF A BITCH! Best fucking girl right there. I regret not watching it together wit... | 26 | [View] |
131872570 | Anonymous | Show of the season? | 13 | [View] |
131873979 | Anonymous | ITT: Tsundere done right | 19 | [View] |
131872667 | Anonymous | Can we talk about how perfect she was? | 16 | [View] |
131867322 | Anonymous | >Don't really remember much of Dragon Ball after Watching Dragon Ball Z... | 5 | [View] |
131871361 | Anonymous | Where is the joy | 11 | [View] |
131875014 | Anonymous | Some of you guys are alright. I'm looking at you Rickert. Don't go out tomorrow to ... | 0 | [View] |
131871156 | Anonymous | This fucking dog ruined the episode. I hope he isn't the MC of the manga too. | 33 | [View] |
131864248 | Anonymous | >Loli is selling her lemon juice Would you buy some anon? | 15 | [View] |
131859713 | Anonymous | This is easily Bones' worst of all time. | 130 | [View] |
131874818 | Anonymous | Does anyone have the guide for being an otaku? It has info about getting paid for doing some kind of... | 2 | [View] |
131860543 | Anonymous | One Punch Man: I can't stop but think about the civilians casualties every time an attac... | 75 | [View] |
131874748 | Anonymous | >not casually watching/reading anime/manga >not... | 1 | [View] |
131874594 | Anonymous | What did they do that they didn't want them to see? Hataraku Mao-sama | 0 | [View] |
131851744 | Anonymous | What was his name? | 113 | [View] |
131870752 | Anonymous | Are you rich enough to buy the same headphone as Mio? | 43 | [View] |
131871311 | Anonymous | Why does /a/ hate it? | 23 | [View] |
131874517 | Anonymous | Birdy: Thoughts on this? II Manga only, not original, OVA or Decode. | 0 | [View] |
131873140 | Anonymous | >suddenly lesbian NTR What a last episode, holy fuck. | 12 | [View] |
131865769 | Anonymous | Mars: What the hell is it with mars always revolting against Earth in animu? Most of their sh... | 30 | [View] |
131874243 | Anonymous | Underrated character thread. Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for him I... | 3 | [View] |
131846976 | Anonymous | Do you think you'd like Fate/stay night if Rin were the protagonist? | 362 | [View] |
131871954 | Anonymous | I was in a coma for the past two years and now I'm back and they're finally letting me wat... | 10 | [View] |
131862721 | Anonymous | Remember anons, it's the perfect time of year to rewatch Spice & Wolf! | 97 | [View] |
131861967 | Anonymous | One Piece: Weeble appreciation thread. | 506 | [View] |
131873878 | Anonymous | She's just so cute | 6 | [View] |
131872958 | Anonymous | Death note: Lets plat a game- 0)You must use Death Note and make sure that the whole world kn... | 8 | [View] |
131873510 | Anonymous | Who is this? | 1 | [View] |
131873210 | Anonymous | Why are people getting confused on the 1st episode? It's not confusing. | 8 | [View] |
131869707 | Anonymous | Are you intelligent enough to understand the deep philosophical meaning behind Angel's Egg /a/?... | 9 | [View] |
131871532 | Anonymous | What's your go to show when you're feeling sad? | 18 | [View] |
131870009 | Anonymous | That star did nothing wrong. ;_; | 6 | [View] |
131873049 | Anonymous | Remember Strawberry 100%? | 2 | [View] |
131815689 | Anonymous | Magi 281,282: Based Sinbad at it again | 249 | [View] |
131873267 | Anonymous | Fuck | 0 | [View] |
131860093 | Anonymous | Saber getting molested on BD in within 7-24 hours from now SOON | 27 | [View] |
131862289 | Anonymous | When are we getting our next installment in the trainwreck saga? Which one is your favourite so far? | 151 | [View] |
131870336 | Anonymous | Less than a year to go. | 10 | [View] |
131869204 | Anonymous | The magazine revealing Trigger's new show should get furage'd tomorrow. What are you expec... | 20 | [View] |
131870741 | Anonymous | ITT: Characters whose actions or thoughts made you want to kill yourself Tsubasa was literal cancer ... | 6 | [View] |
131869477 | Anonymous | Why do so many retards hate this show? Are modern viewers who can't handle creative storytellin... | 25 | [View] |
131872419 | Anonymous | >there will never be a more truthful anime >the... | 2 | [View] |
131818468 | Anonymous | Mora Monday: Volume 4 is translated. | 190 | [View] |
131871225 | Anonymous | Remember ME? | 11 | [View] |
131870811 | Anonymous | Any news on the movie? summer's gone.... | 3 | [View] |
131868886 | Anonymous | Complete utter shit. | 15 | [View] |
131864374 | Anonymous | Her name means 'green brilliancy' and is read as 'sapphire', but she prefers being called 'midori' w... | 39 | [View] |
131866445 | Anonymous | kowabon: we spooky yet | 31 | [View] |
131860826 | Anonymous | Ore Monogatari used to be a pipe dream in troll anime charts, but now it exists. Can we expect more ... | 99 | [View] |
131870069 | Anonymous | The new beyond the boundary dub: Tipsy out my mind, watching the new dub for beyond the bound... | 17 | [View] |
131871792 | Anonymous | What is this face trying to convey? | 5 | [View] |
131833761 | Anonymous | Surrender your dick to the greatest themepark on earth part deux. http://exhentai.org/g/860507/d2d9d... | 524 | [View] |
131867775 | Anonymous | Some of you Satsukifags like Ryuko. Don't post Mako tomorrow. | 4 | [View] |
131851421 | Anonymous | Tonight's Tomo-chan raw. | 120 | [View] |
131871242 | Anonymous | Why? | 8 | [View] |
131853910 | Anonymous | Let's see how much math /a/ knows. Two of these equations have an error in them. Can you spot ... | 161 | [View] |
131870894 | Anonymous | Has he found that thing yet? | 5 | [View] |
131871338 | Anonymous | This manga made me feel warm and fuzzy but its ending was so sudden. Now I feel empty. | 0 | [View] |
131824976 | Anonymous | Senki Zesshou Symphogear Music Collection: If you haven't gotten them yet then now is th... | 533 | [View] |
131867695 | Anonymous | UBW - Sunny Day: Final scene: >True Ending - Handholding with Rin... | 9 | [View] |
131865440 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin/SnK: Spoilers should be out soon. Possible, but probably fake spoilers. ... | 626 | [View] |
131870927 | Anonymous | ITT: dumb, ineffective characters designs that had to be killed immediately in order to prevent the ... | 0 | [View] |
131870241 | Anonymous | umaru thread: yall niggas toasting in the local umaru thread | 3 | [View] |
131852697 | Anonymous | >well-muscled boys piloting completely shirtless I instantly forgive S... | 517 | [View] |
131780075 | Anonymous | One page thread.: Make anon want to read a manga with one page. | 463 | [View] |
131863993 | Anonymous | Just finished watching Hunter x Hunter and started watching pic related. What's the general con... | 45 | [View] |
131864454 | Anonymous | Some of you Onii-chans are okay, don't post on /a/ tomorrow. See you when the next JUMPU comes ... | 23 | [View] |
131862192 | Anonymous | Post side romances that you liked more than the main one. | 21 | [View] |
131870250 | Anonymous | Who #RedGang here? | 3 | [View] |
131870439 | Anonymous | what do you think of Dragon's Crown | 2 | [View] |
131869433 | Anonymous | >Watching an anime because of the opening I hate when this happens | 5 | [View] |
131866886 | Anonymous | >1.0 came out 8 years ago | 8 | [View] |
131868359 | Anonymous | What do you do when you see fangs? | 6 | [View] |
131847840 | Anonymous | Can we have a henneko thread? | 162 | [View] |
131782826 | Anonymous | Yahari Oregairu: New translation of the VN is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AilGP-... | 521 | [View] |
131869644 | Anonymous | Stray! Stray! | 1 | [View] |
131851844 | Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy | Anime (Folder) Icons: These are .ico files you can apply to your folders to make them look sp... | 45 | [View] |
131859359 | Anonymous | hnk: toki appreciation thread | 26 | [View] |
131865821 | Anonymous | Witch Craft Works: So, not like it should be a surprise to anyone at this point, but WCW/Mizu... | 10 | [View] |
131867023 | Anonymous | Rakudai Cavalry: >progressive MC Holy hell, a miracle happened. | 24 | [View] |
131865882 | Anonymous | >be ainz >fuck everyone on nazarick except Albe... | 6 | [View] |
131865833 | Anonymous | I want to make Sayori cry by burning all her money in front of her. | 9 | [View] |
131868929 | Anonymous | I LOVE SABER! | 6 | [View] |
131865955 | Anonymous | Why did they make her so sexy? | 5 | [View] |
131859723 | Anonymous | what other show we have now that is similiar to this and ergo proxy? why dont we have more anime lik... | 24 | [View] |
131860615 | Anonymous | Is she mentally retarded? | 25 | [View] |
131868389 | Anonymous | Why is Amuro so moe? | 9 | [View] |
131866623 | Anonymous | Cutest dog! | 5 | [View] |
131867726 | Anonymous | LIFE ON THE PLANET | 8 | [View] |
131823979 | Anonymous | OPM thread: I'm tired of the anime threads full of shitposting, let's have a real o... | 238 | [View] |
131868383 | Anonymous | Hello, /a/ I'm not much of an anime watcher but I keep seeing stuff about Jojo's Bizarre A... | 4 | [View] |
131864381 | Anonymous | how can one man draw children so lewdly is he a convicted pedophile? | 9 | [View] |
131864883 | Anonymous | Good Morning, /a/! | 9 | [View] |
131868157 | Anonymous | What manga has the nicest boobes? | 1 | [View] |
131866230 | Anonymous | What has the best animation this season and why is it One Punch Man? | 4 | [View] |
131868041 | Anonymous | OST's: Best OST in anime? imagine totally unrelated Madoka Magica is my pick, thats got ... | 0 | [View] |
131867922 | Anonymous | Every fucking day. Every single fucking day this little faggot just stands there and gives me this s... | 1 | [View] |
131850997 | Anonymous | I'm only 2 minutes in and I can already tell that this shit is terrible. Can someone confirm th... | 95 | [View] |
131867647 | Anonymous | JK Meshi!: Food budgets aren't the only thing they cut corner of in this show. | 1 | [View] |
131864235 | Anonymous | Resurrection F DVD/Blu-Ray: Tomorrow. Can't wait to witness this garbage bag in HD. | 6 | [View] |
131867393 | Anonymous | UBW BD II: Less than 30 minutes until midnight in Japan and thus we should have our first ima... | 2 | [View] |
131866301 | Anonymous | It's been updated! It's finally been updated! Chapters 48 - 58 have been translated! | 5 | [View] |
131866007 | Anonymous | How did this happen? Is it Free fault? | 14 | [View] |
131855089 | Anonymous | Am I the only one who waits until the Anime finishes airing and then marathon all the episodes? To m... | 29 | [View] |
131864266 | Anonymous | Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: These men are your friends. They fight for freedom. Remember t... | 6 | [View] |
131862070 | Anonymous | Why is anime so great? How come there is so much beauty and variety in this medium? | 115 | [View] |
131866320 | Anonymous | >Recap episode | 4 | [View] |
131866842 | Anonymous | Keito is gone and will never come back. | 2 | [View] |
131832660 | Anonymous | Owari no Seraph 38 HQ | 103 | [View] |
131862559 | Anonymous | Some of you casuals are alright. Don't log onto GunZ tomorrow. | 32 | [View] |
131858295 | Anonymous | If you get to choose which anime will be adapted into a video game...: If you get to choose w... | 41 | [View] |
131865642 | Anonymous | >starts off as episodic snorefest >suddenly epi... | 8 | [View] |
131865718 | Anonymous | Rakudai: >Protagonist lets some delinquents abuse him with no conseque... | 4 | [View] |
131866575 | Anonymous | What happened to Rory's skirt? | 0 | [View] |
131858779 | Anonymous | What do you call a group of Rei clones? An impact? A blizzard? Teh Reis? | 41 | [View] |
131859796 | Anonymous | Kakumeiki Valvrave: Was it rape? | 11 | [View] |
131865422 | Anonymous | GaoGaiGar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evwa4dTeCrA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t... | 2 | [View] |
131843356 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Best couple. | 504 | [View] |
131861794 | Anonymous | What female character should the male protagonist end up with in any anime? >... | 58 | [View] |
131863895 | Anonymous | What is Xebec's best show? | 16 | [View] |
131865942 | Anonymous | Hidan no Aria AA: Soon in probably 11 or 12:00! | 0 | [View] |
131859965 | Anonymous | I want to _____ a Chino. | 35 | [View] |
131865618 | Anonymous | Rakudai > Asterisk | 1 | [View] |
131864326 | Anonymous | Hiroyuki Sawano thread. Let's discuss his body of work and your favorite anime he composed for ... | 8 | [View] |
131861196 | Anonymous | Why don't you like her clip? Or are you simply jealous that Shinka is more innovative than you? | 17 | [View] |
131864749 | Anonymous | Sore ga Seiyuu: Episode 14 soon. ;_; | 4 | [View] |
131865482 | Anonymous | Let's make a top five thread /a/. Tell us your favorite all time anime and anime character. I... | 2 | [View] |
131861803 | Anonymous | /a/ why did you fail the protect the lolis? | 12 | [View] |
131859184 | Anonymous | Remove Manas Remove Manas | 18 | [View] |
131865345 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri S3 | 2 | [View] |
131862621 | Anonymous | Hachikuji Mayoi thread! | 7 | [View] |
131864552 | Anonymous | So, who won? | 9 | [View] |
131865145 | Anonymous | Anime english covers: What do you think of anime music/op.ed english covers. https://www.yout... | 2 | [View] |
131822974 | Anonymous | Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1249: Cornucopia of Resources / Guide (read Guide before asking qu... | 552 | [View] |
131861251 | Anonymous | Japan is ruining my favorite anime, why do they love to do live actions, they are butchering what I ... | 24 | [View] |
131860738 | Anonymous | Hey are we doing secret santa this year? I want to buy someone a gift. Or even make them something. | 8 | [View] |
131854604 | Anonymous | People don't actually think Anime is getting worse right? | 109 | [View] |
131861403 | Anonymous | . | 45 | [View] |
131799239 | Anonymous | Why didn't Togashi actually end the series here, especially since he knew it was going to be in... | 502 | [View] |
131858397 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime so shit it made you quit Anime | 20 | [View] |
131864785 | Anonymous | I just realized, that's not a sash he is wearing. That's tire track marks | 0 | [View] |
131838039 | Anonymous | Some of you Kurta's are alright. dont go to the village tomorrow if you're in Lukso Provin... | 47 | [View] |
131864440 | Anonymous | Why can't Japan make military anime without giant robots? | 6 | [View] |
131852107 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin/snk: Still waiting for Kansou to deliver. | 546 | [View] |
131849723 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri S3: >not liking root beer Why is Akari such a pleb? | 523 | [View] |
131862983 | Anonymous | Is she the most beatiful woman in all of manga and anime? | 10 | [View] |
131864335 | Anonymous | You're in the countryside, and this girl slaps your waifu's ass. What the FUCK do you do? | 1 | [View] |
131862474 | Anonymous | OPM is really excited for something and can't control his strength right now. He wants to give ... | 10 | [View] |
131858984 | Anonymous | Ninja Slayer: YEEAAART! https://youtu.be/-LPTO8DW9nE | 9 | [View] |
131852599 | Anonymous | She is a literally dagashi demon, isn't she? | 38 | [View] |
131863665 | Anonymous | Magika No Kenshi To Bashireusu: all those generic magic harem anime are not enough i need mor... | 3 | [View] |
131860290 | Anonymous | NGNL: Season 2 never | 12 | [View] |
131864031 | Anonymous | <b>One Piece Chapter 803</b> [Spoilers]: Page translation: <i>Wooooooooooow... | 2 | [View] |
131862811 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jwIUzYsOGg This really should get anime. It would be a better... | 2 | [View] |
131863843 | Anonymous | Peace Maker: Hope is back as an edgemaster | 1 | [View] |
131860743 | Anonymous | Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the gate tomorrow. | 10 | [View] |
131863509 | Anonymous | KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP! | 3 | [View] |
131863167 | Anonymous | God damn Gantz is perfect. | 2 | [View] |
131861752 | Anonymous | Most game really don't have openings per se, but among those that do, is there any that can sta... | 61 | [View] |
131863599 | Anonymous | Anonymous. I don't know what betrayed you and caused you to fall into such despair in the past,... | 1 | [View] |
131862766 | Anonymous | >additional loli character(if not whole cast) now appearing in most anime... | 5 | [View] |
131860013 | Anonymous | Show me that Big Juicy Dick Anon. | 10 | [View] |
131825556 | Anonymous | kizumonogatari: so it begins... koyomi looks like a huge loner in the pv, any thoughts? | 299 | [View] |
131813641 | Anonymous | In one sentence, sum up your feelings on BLEACH | 330 | [View] |
131862124 | Anonymous | Is there a catch all term for cute girl moe ecchi otaku-bait anime? Like how boring male battle anim... | 8 | [View] |
131851025 | Anonymous | become meguca | 16 | [View] |
131861247 | Anonymous | What will happen to /a/ if the archives don't return? | 16 | [View] |
131859210 | Anonymous | Autism or Down Syndrome? | 33 | [View] |
131862488 | Anonymous | OUR BABBY CROWS ARE BACK | 1 | [View] |
131852379 | Anonymous | Are you fucking kidding me? They're literally the same show. Is this what the anime industry h... | 44 | [View] |
131861075 | Anonymous | Why are there no anime about cute delinquent girls doing cute delinquent things? | 9 | [View] |
131861689 | Anonymous | What should i watch on this season /a/? i'm watching owarimonogatari and one punch man. Is ther... | 7 | [View] |
131853925 | Anonymous | How do you go from this... | 26 | [View] |
131856858 | Anonymous | Remember that time Zoro found a way to fight people without swords? | 10 | [View] |
131820871 | Anonymous | >airs in two hours >no simulcast ... | 510 | [View] |
131857471 | Anonymous | Are there other female characters who behave similarly to Anna? | 25 | [View] |
131835674 | Anonymous | Why didn't you tell me DUWANG is back in business, /a/? | 506 | [View] |
131830660 | Anonymous | ITT: Characters that make you want to have a daughter | 165 | [View] |
131852919 | Anonymous | >1 day 11 hours My heart can't wait that much longer Neither c... | 140 | [View] |
131856922 | Anonymous | Berserk: Holy fuck I haven't been this into something in a long ass time Why is Berserk ... | 63 | [View] |
131841457 | Anonymous | Gundam:IBO: Jewish hime of the season. | 514 | [View] |
131858313 | Anonymous | ITT: TPP: So the TPP has been sign! sauce:http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/oct/0... | 35 | [View] |
131861454 | Anonymous | This seems perfectly well drawn to me, honestly. What am I missing? | 7 | [View] |
131843509 | Anonymous | which k would you on? | 33 | [View] |
131858878 | Anonymous | Kyoukai no Kanata Mirai-hen: Soon, niggers! | 4 | [View] |
131859595 | Anonymous | Tfw you will never have loli making coffee for you every morning Why live? | 7 | [View] |
131861426 | Anonymous | Ia retard-moe actually a thing? | 7 | [View] |
131796202 | Anonymous | What demographic were they trying to pander to? | 428 | [View] |
131858171 | Anonymous | FKMT thread: First chapter of FKMT All Stars got scanned, and a new chapter of Gin to Kin | 9 | [View] |
131847558 | Anonymous | What shows have you already dropped this season? What is so terrible that the 3-ep rule can be safel... | 154 | [View] |
131858086 | Anonymous | ARIA: Amanchu set for summer 2016 http://amanchu-anime.com/ | 42 | [View] |
131861429 | Anonymous | Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the Wall Maria tomorrow. It's happening at sunse... | 0 | [View] |
131853579 | Anonymous | Kyoushinsha Storytime: Ojojojo: Would you an ojou-sama, /a/? | 182 | [View] |
131861318 | Anonymous | Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the Grand Line for the next 50 or so years. | 1 | [View] |
131861365 | Anonymous | Half of duration is recap eps | 0 | [View] |
131861111 | Anonymous | Epic fights a lot of people missed out on | 1 | [View] |
131845434 | Anonymous | One Piece: So will Luffy ever find a way to make Gear Four more efficient? | 544 | [View] |
131861190 | Anonymous | This one seems to be that kind of kids adventure that i like so much, anyone else hyped? I just hope... | 0 | [View] |
131861182 | Anonymous | Do females love rapist? | 0 | [View] |
131860992 | Anonymous | I knew something was wrong ;_; | 0 | [View] |
131860638 | Anonymous | why the fuck can't i find Date-A-Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment? It came out in fucking August and... | 0 | [View] |
131799422 | Anonymous | Post a screenshot from an anime that describes you. | 375 | [View] |
131852788 | Anonymous | Comet Lucifer: How was it? Has BONES lost its touch? The OST was pretty great but somehow I g... | 153 | [View] |
131860521 | Anonymous | lolis come and go but Some will live forever | 1 | [View] |
131860510 | Anonymous | Today we discuss this. | 1 | [View] |
131846548 | Anonymous | So is anyone going to save Rakudai Kishi or are we going to be stuck with the shittiest subs of the ... | 109 | [View] |
131857909 | Anonymous | Anime or manga? | 19 | [View] |
131857119 | Anonymous | Remember this new fags 1999>2011 | 37 | [View] |
131859897 | Anonymous | Donate Hachikuji screencaps for my waifu wall | 2 | [View] |
131859706 | Anonymous | I WANT TO CUM IN ALISA | 5 | [View] |
131845026 | Anonymous | What do you think about Yozakura Quartet and who is your favourite girl? | 47 | [View] |
131815102 | Anonymous | Jesus fucking Christmas are you being serious right now? All this build up and tension and that musi... | 505 | [View] |
131855233 | Anonymous | Hidan no Aria AA: A superior and even gayer spinoff is coming soon in a couple of hours And j... | 23 | [View] |
131858146 | Anonymous | Ainz Ooal Gown could fuck up Fiamma from Raildex and Arcueid Brunestud from Nasuverse with his The G... | 4 | [View] |
131850983 | Anonymous | So who is the cutest girl in Asterisk? | 134 | [View] |
131855372 | Anonymous | UBW BD BOX II LEAKED EVERYWHERE | 45 | [View] |
131857631 | Anonymous | Which tomboys are the most boyish? | 5 | [View] |
131854215 | Anonymous | Is Ebina retarded or something? | 12 | [View] |
131805005 | Anonymous | Fairy Tail 455: Best character Hiro has made in a while | 238 | [View] |
131852655 | Anonymous | Why is Sharo so sexy? | 24 | [View] |
131851511 | Anonymous | >MC's imouto is part of his harem | 29 | [View] |
131858486 | Anonymous | Chie wants to show you something anon. | 2 | [View] |
131853356 | Anonymous | >no one will ever grab your head in their fluffy tail Ive missed our a... | 61 | [View] |
131856420 | Anonymous | Toradora Reverse.: Have someone the Toradora Revers? | 7 | [View] |
131858144 | Anonymous | Shut Hell: Chapter 55 is out lads! http://www.mediafire.com/download/bqymwadm5zyjqy6/Shu... | 2 | [View] |
131841288 | Anonymous | ITT: MCs that got laid | 219 | [View] |
131858232 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhxkc6RXeAY | 6 | [View] |
131853513 | Anonymous | What do this face tries to convey? | 14 | [View] |
131854201 | Anonymous | 13 is lucky in Japan.... No. No it's not!: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/20... | 8 | [View] |
131855105 | Anonymous | Just finished this how does /a/ feel about it | 8 | [View] |
131825637 | Anonymous | On your knees BITCH!!! tate thread: new cap out. can't wait for the next | 341 | [View] |
131856755 | Anonymous | Help me to the gates of hell: I know about buyfag.moe and a lot of sites to buy manga and oth... | 2 | [View] |
131837148 | Anonymous | neon geneis shit taste evangelion: 13 episodes in and im bored as fuck with the lame episodic... | 420 | [View] |
131858687 | Anonymous | The RSS Feed I was using to keep up to date with Manga releases died. How does /a/ keep on top of ma... | 10 | [View] |
131849974 | Anonymous | Non Non Biyori: I'm in the mood for a proper Non Non Biyori thread. How did you like Rep... | 71 | [View] |
131855551 | Anonymous | Why is it called ARC-V, anyway? | 11 | [View] |
131853713 | Anonymous | Knife-chan a cute A CUTE | 10 | [View] |
131856995 | Anonymous | What makes Fate/stay night any different from chuunishit light novels? It's literally Twilight ... | 11 | [View] |
131853368 | Raian | Utawarerumono: Is it just me or is this guy an unlikable twat? Whiny, lazy, barely thanks the... | 73 | [View] |
131857554 | Anonymous | Who deserves Toshino Kyoko? Yui or Ayase? | 3 | [View] |
131858549 | Anonymous | Which Hidamari would you sketch? | 1 | [View] |
131828886 | Anonymous | What do you think about One Punch Man? | 511 | [View] |
131829039 | Anonymous | Sailor Moon: What do you think the new project is? http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily... | 31 | [View] |
131857001 | Anonymous | Why is she such a slut? No seriously, why is she? | 2 | [View] |
131858333 | Anonymous | Alright /a/, lets do a roast on Petra Ral! Rek her shit up fam | 1 | [View] |
131858300 | Anonymous | Yuki Takeya: Need help finding pics of Yuki Takeya | 0 | [View] |
131858172 | Anonymous | Ohayou gozaimasu. | 2 | [View] |
131849911 | Anonymous | SEVEN YEARS: >yfw SEVEN YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT | 8 | [View] |
131844566 | Anonymous | Peeping Life: Anybody watching this? I like the juxtaposition of the mundane with the fact th... | 17 | [View] |
131857773 | Anonymous | 80's gurllz Whos the best 80's gurrl? | 1 | [View] |
131854133 | Anonymous | Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the eclipse tomorrow. | 9 | [View] |
131855850 | Anonymous | Why is Winry so based? | 4 | [View] |
131781438 | Anonymous | Precure Thread: Precure Thread | 383 | [View] |
131844871 | Anonymous | This board is now property of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire! | 79 | [View] |
131856611 | Anonymous | Have you congratulated yourselves lately, /a/nons? | 6 | [View] |
131857234 | Anonymous | She literally did nothing wrong | 0 | [View] |
131833840 | Anonymous | KCP or no KPC: So, can I use MPC-HC with madVR but without LAV-filters? That is, what are the... | 120 | [View] |
131856065 | Anonymous | So what does/did /a/ think about Rozen Maiden? Will there ever be a 4th season? Since Zurückspulen ... | 3 | [View] |
131822407 | Anonymous | Seac/a/ts | 581 | [View] |
131820779 | Anonymous | Nanatsu No Taizai Chapter 143 http://readms.com/r/the_seven_deadly_sins/143/2959/1 | 233 | [View] |
131854172 | Anonymous | ITT: Loli abuse a grownup: Any good ones? | 8 | [View] |
131849335 | Anonymous | So, what's up with this? Was this based off the novels or is it it's own thing? Just wonde... | 40 | [View] |
131855411 | Anonymous | Hard to believe this ended a year ago. I'm still mad. | 18 | [View] |
131854771 | Anonymous | why do dbzfags romanticize the tournament arc so much?: It's literally filled with a bro... | 6 | [View] |
131795507 | Anonymous | Kikko Hoshino (Concrete Revolutio): The season just started but Best Girl already arrived in ... | 446 | [View] |
131842030 | Anonymous | why did it turn to shit at the future arc | 39 | [View] |
131846603 | Anonymous | Kyoushinsha Storytime: Time for some incredibly cute love shit. Starting with RaButa | 148 | [View] |
131851628 | Anonymous | I saved this image about 6 years ago apparently. I have no idea why. I don't think I have seen ... | 14 | [View] |
131855628 | Anonymous | Is Sinbad a kike? | 1 | [View] |
131824628 | Anonymous | >layers upon layers of armor >can now withstand... | 503 | [View] |
131842896 | Anonymous | Nejimaki Kagyu Chap. 29: Cute girls beating the shit out of each other. | 49 | [View] |
131853950 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry: Who do they think they're fooling? | 16 | [View] |
131854383 | Anonymous | TSF thread: shubaaaan~ on the front page | 4 | [View] |
131853068 | Anonymous | Where did all the flat chested extremely violent tsundere go? | 20 | [View] |
131855227 | Anonymous | CUTIE. | 0 | [View] |
131853660 | Anonymous | When was the last time /a/ was united in watching an anime? Was it Madoka? | 20 | [View] |
131802520 | Anonymous | Cool Kyoushinsha sensei's show is lewd | 111 | [View] |
131830489 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: Darling was not ready. Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12Beast and related Mo... | 537 | [View] |
131840494 | Anonymous | Would you a Tomoko? | 46 | [View] |
131841666 | Anonymous | Why did everything have to go so wrong? | 42 | [View] |
131847112 | Anonymous | +Long legs +Freckles +Beautiful singing voice +Skilled marksman +Intelligent and cultured -Literally... | 24 | [View] |
131850710 | Anonymous | >Villain is getting his ass kicked by MC >MC kn... | 15 | [View] |
131831379 | Anonymous | OverLord: >tfw Pandora's Actor will never salute you in German... | 626 | [View] |
131830008 | Anonymous | JK-Meshi: This makes Teekyu look like a KyoAni movie. | 87 | [View] |
131852875 | Anonymous | Case Closed gets a remake...on Nickelodeon | 6 | [View] |
131850228 | Anonymous | Tfw no imouto to hook me up with cute grills Why live? | 11 | [View] |
131835352 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking questions: buyfag.moe | 557 | [View] |
131849173 | Anonymous | I feel like Wanpanman is going to be the new Madoka. It will be unique regardless of what the commun... | 24 | [View] |
131854031 | Anonymous | >subber group finally seems to have a unified font ... | 1 | [View] |
131850395 | Anonymous | What the fug How did they get away with this in a weekly shonen publication? Don't they need to... | 34 | [View] |
131853237 | Anonymous | Bangs?: What's the name of these bangs called? | 2 | [View] |
131843568 | Anonymous | Himouto: Slowpoke here. Just finished this. This is getting a season 2 right? | 19 | [View] |
131847869 | Anonymous | Vividred Operations? More like Vivid-Ass Ass-perations | 50 | [View] |
131845915 | Anonymous | Why don't we have more anime with Ohana? She's so cute. | 27 | [View] |
131844960 | Anonymous | How did Pokemon have the best loli this season?: Is there any loli as based as Bonnie is? She... | 13 | [View] |
131852352 | Anonymous | >No semen inside condom >Girl is mad Why... | 5 | [View] |
131842106 | Anonymous | How would you handle this situation? | 40 | [View] |
131851519 | Anonymous | That's my fetish. | 4 | [View] |
131848129 | Anonymous | 1. ほたる - Confined Space 2. KUMI(ヲタみん) - indefinitely 3. ほたる - Swear by God 4. 築山さえ - 星色オーケストラ 5. 黒崎朔... | 12 | [View] |
131853083 | PHG !!WPtNxxXTYXX | Be sure to come to acting school tomorrow -Maya | 2 | [View] |
131851769 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: More like 'heavy use of retarded tropes'. | 4 | [View] |
131852935 | Anonymous | Ghost in the Shell: Why is it praised so much? What is it even about overall? Am I too stup... | 1 | [View] |
131847706 | Anonymous | My Holo folder is a bit empty, can you faggots help me fill it up? | 39 | [View] |
131820167 | Anonymous | Kantai Collection - KanColle: S2 & movie PV never | 532 | [View] |
131844936 | Anonymous | So do we all agree that this was essentially the poor man's Kill la Kill? | 25 | [View] |
131844345 | Anonymous | Is it me or is this season full of faggotry anime? Are we still waiting for the big guns to be aired... | 13 | [View] |
131849837 | Anonymous | >[Pyon] Kowabon - 01 [720p][381282B8].mkv So subs for this came out a ... | 6 | [View] |
131849632 | Anonymous | What do you think of Fairy Tail?: Asking for a friend. | 8 | [View] |
131852186 | Anonymous | Hello /a/, am I the only one who is literally in love with C.C. (C2) from Code Geass? Everything abo... | 2 | [View] |
131852074 | Anonymous | Ritsu. | 2 | [View] |
131850939 | Anonymous | describe this scene to someone who doesn't watch anime | 8 | [View] |
131850326 | Anonymous | What's the best manga you've read and why? | 6 | [View] |
131851974 | Anonymous | I want to ride the SHINKANSEN with Hikage and go to TOKYO TOWAH and take selfies with her with her K... | 1 | [View] |
131851324 | Vasili Nikoliov | I guess the japs will turn anything into porn. | 4 | [View] |
131851761 | Anonymous | It's been 20 years I still can't let her go | 0 | [View] |
131851024 | Anonymous | Yuru-Yuri: Ummm http://animeshow.tv/Yuru-Yuri-San-Hai-episode-1-mirror-2/ Yuru-yuri Plea... | 6 | [View] |
131752199 | Anonymous | What was her name again? | 267 | [View] |
131851293 | Anonymous | Let's all love Lain! | 3 | [View] |
131836239 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Text spoilers out, waiting for scans. | 527 | [View] |
131763570 | Anonymous | And as he spoke of understanding, I looked up and saw the rainbow leap with flames of many colors ov... | 510 | [View] |
131843059 | Anonymous | SZS: 280 days to go | 55 | [View] |
131837805 | Anonymous | how can something be so beatiful? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZa0Yh6e7dw also post more be... | 43 | [View] |
131819792 | Anonymous | Name a swordsman that can defeat Akame | 235 | [View] |
131842151 | Anonymous | How the fuck has noone ever heard of sanctuary? | 21 | [View] |
131850150 | Anonymous | just watched this and didn't cry didn't even tear up 7/10 | 14 | [View] |
131842045 | Anonymous | Wtf did I just watch? | 33 | [View] |
131845483 | Anonymous | If the classroom never existed to begin with, how did any of Araragi's past happen in the first... | 14 | [View] |
131841450 | Anonymous | Scenes that made you cry I literally cried | 29 | [View] |
131837445 | Anonymous | On aveage how many series do you watch at once /a/? I try to limit myself to one but usually end up ... | 29 | [View] |
131847238 | Anonymous | ITT: Characters people hate but you like: Tell us why you like that little shit. Characters o... | 11 | [View] |
131843230 | Anonymous | This is a jet pilot. | 18 | [View] |
131840375 | Anonymous | Who is the best dad in anime? | 33 | [View] |
131850532 | Anonymous | WELP | 1 | [View] |
131820534 | Anonymous | What's the best first episode of the season so far? I say Owarimonogatari | 103 | [View] |
131849349 | Anonymous | tfw Monmusu is over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBk9W3qjbv0 | 4 | [View] |
131848551 | Anonymous | A loli. Not the loli we deserved, but the one that we needed. Shomin Sample Thread | 10 | [View] |
131850336 | Anonymous | Just watched a nice little movie called Hotarubi no Mori e. Any of you seen it? What did you think? ... | 1 | [View] |
131815769 | Anonymous | Studio Trigger to Detail New Original Anime Project on October 10: >... | 195 | [View] |
131850291 | Anonymous | >Character's backstory revealed >They die ... | 1 | [View] |
131812505 | Anonymous | Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen: http://utawarerumono.jp/#video01 King Records and White Fox... | 517 | [View] |
131850224 | Anonymous | Create a plot. Go! | 3 | [View] |
131843003 | Anonymous | Untranslated Story Time - Towairaito Tsuushin - Tagawa Shigeru: Hey there. Dumping an untrans... | 131 | [View] |
131850075 | Anonymous | >There is no blonde loli this season What a horrible season. | 0 | [View] |
131775271 | Anonymous | Drawfag Thread 1600 second rarfag's files until thread 1589: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 562 | [View] |
131850003 | Anonymous | This new Gundam is pretty good. | 0 | [View] |
131849253 | Anonymous | Hello /a/ post alpha characters OP starts Tatsuya make every girl crazy without saying anything. | 3 | [View] |
131845549 | Anonymous | Why are sports anime always so gay? | 7 | [View] |
131847017 | Anonymous | was there wood? | 23 | [View] |
131847638 | Anonymous | Are 'school idols' a real thing in Japan? Realistically if they were really famous I doubt they can... | 10 | [View] |
131848983 | Anonymous | into the trash it goes | 4 | [View] |
131849323 | Anonymous | Neither Luffy nor Zoro will ever be as powerful as Shanks He doesn't even have both arms | 1 | [View] |
131849006 | Anonymous | >girl whom the MC has never met appears and wants to marry him A law n... | 4 | [View] |
131849393 | Anonymous | Does Caped baldy ever give a fuck in the whole series?: He is Op and can destroy everyone wit... | 1 | [View] |
131847588 | Anonymous | Personality Crash Test (aka Why I hate Urobutcher): For future references, lets clarify my Ur... | 13 | [View] |
131837521 | Anonymous | Black Lagoon: So I watched this shit and was blown away how much I loved it. Revy is awesome.... | 73 | [View] |
131848476 | Anonymous | HOLY FUCKING SHIT | 10 | [View] |
131848613 | Anonymous | Homu-chan, denwa. | 10 | [View] |
131848750 | Anonymous | This is a reminder that Mihawk is the objectively greatest swordsman in the world. Only buthurt idio... | 1 | [View] |
131848737 | Anonymous | I haven't even played any of the hyperdemsion neptunia games but I have seen a couple of the ep... | 0 | [View] |
131834646 | Anonymous | Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #45 ToC (October 5th, 2015) One Piece (Cover, Lead CP) 1- My Hero Academia ... | 69 | [View] |
131844102 | Anonymous | What's her problem? | 9 | [View] |
131794811 | Anonymous | ITT: Manga only you've read | 260 | [View] |
131846029 | Anonymous | So the whole point of Kill la Kill is that clothes are evil and humans should embrace their bodies f... | 7 | [View] |
131842603 | Anonymous | First episode was a legit 9/10. Holy shit am I hyped, last time a good gundam series came out was 00 | 21 | [View] |
131835886 | Anonymous | stats on last season: The numbers are in and it turns out you're favourite anime last se... | 55 | [View] |
131833125 | Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 31 | [View] |
131847093 | Anonymous | me on the left you on the right | 4 | [View] |
131833741 | Yui Claus !xmas.SFFqg | I will post this every day until Christmas! 81 days! | 61 | [View] |
131847644 | What is wrong with Terra Formars | Terra Formars: Everyone is saying Terra formars is such a stupid manga. tho i will agree its ... | 0 | [View] |
131847514 | Anonymous | DONK | 4 | [View] |
131838633 | Anonymous | Holy shit, finishing this is being painful Please tell me there isn't going to be a S2 | 17 | [View] |
131847153 | Anonymous | >Stilted dance animation Fucking dropped >Huggi... | 0 | [View] |
131842958 | Anonymous | I'm about to start Yuru Yuri, what am I in for? Is it just some moe slice of life with comedy r... | 5 | [View] |
131846945 | Anonymous | Invented Inference: 10 more days for volume 1 14 more days for new chapter Are you guys ready... | 0 | [View] |
131843659 | Anonymous | Just got the Tezuka experimental films BD. Posting screenshots if anyone is interested. | 14 | [View] |
131843588 | Anonymous | Don't you worry,I will take you to a universe where the Part 4 anime adaptation exists | 4 | [View] |
131841116 | Anonymous | What did she mean by this? | 22 | [View] |
131845519 | Anonymous | We all have Fan Art of cool things saved, right? Let's have a thread for Fan-art of all types. | 1 | [View] |
131836582 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri S3: New thread | 638 | [View] |
131842816 | Anonymous | Dal Mayuri Judgement: Subs when? Also, dal thread I guess. | 5 | [View] |
131840246 | Anonymous | Tell me..: Ass, or tits? Also, general Prison School thread. | 29 | [View] |
131841263 | Anonymous | I think evangelion's problem, or rather the problem with its hatebase, is that it's too en... | 9 | [View] |
131830974 | Anonymous | One Piece: We discuss how good of a boy Lucci is. | 508 | [View] |
131843291 | Anonymous | >not having J cup size suffering | 10 | [View] |
131774332 | Anonymous | Fate: Ufotable UBW aired today exactly one year ago, and FZ was 4 years ago. Do you remember ... | 528 | [View] |
131843878 | Anonymous | Season 2 when? | 5 | [View] |
131839306 | Anonymous | Is the Order a Rabbit? | 16 | [View] |
131840618 | Anonymous | Why aren't there any more well-written comedies like this instead of the usual Japanese flavour... | 9 | [View] |
131844469 | Golden Hatcher | Kagepro: Anyone into Kagerou Project here?? | 2 | [View] |
131842536 | Anonymous | Was she a lesbian, /a/? I went through most of this series 100% confident that she was, and then thi... | 4 | [View] |
131805270 | Anonymous | Natalie Comic Award: The 2015 Natalie Comic Award list for best manga published last year is ... | 215 | [View] |
131816921 | Anonymous | Miuna Monday: I want to save her from her suffering. | 59 | [View] |
131827675 | Anonymous | [HorribleSubs] Teekyu S6 - 61 [720p]: Now with even less detailed backgrounds! | 79 | [View] |
131830732 | Anonymous | So any news on subbers for Lupin III yet? Also, what do you all think of it so far? And if anyone h... | 29 | [View] |
131842997 | Anonymous | Why aren't you watching this, /a/? https://madokami.com/ggupqs.webm | 2 | [View] |
131844122 | Anonymous | Why do DVD versions of some shows just have muted and darker colors than the stunning and vibrant co... | 2 | [View] |
131841001 | Anonymous | Osamatsu-san thread. Lets talk about th anime that saved the anime; | 8 | [View] |
131844271 | Anonymous | One of these again...: LAY IT ON ME, /a/. TELL ME MY TASTE IS SHIT. | 1 | [View] |
131843851 | Anonymous | I regret putting this show down and not giving it a chance. It's actually very beautiful. | 0 | [View] |
131843426 | Anonymous | know the difference | 2 | [View] |
131842096 | Anonymous | How does /a/ feel about male Tsunderes? | 8 | [View] |
131829208 | Anonymous | WSJD - Shokugeki no Souma: Time for SnS, viz-style. Boku no Hero Academia >>131828402 | 74 | [View] |
131841668 | Anonymous | Can he beat Saitama: All of the meme threads aside in terms of feats Toriko is the anime prot... | 4 | [View] |
131843316 | Anonymous | How many levels does she have in semen mage | 0 | [View] |
131817450 | Anonymous | Why do we hate Fujoshit? | 145 | [View] |
131828402 | Anonymous | WSJD - Boku no Hero Academia: I believe I'm somewhat late. Sorry, I got caught up playin... | 69 | [View] |
131840016 | Anonymous | Why? | 9 | [View] |
131842553 | Anonymous | How did we go from this to this? Is it because of vodka? | 3 | [View] |
131840843 | Anonymous | >I can sense your presence BRAVO TORIYAMA | 9 | [View] |
131838577 | Anonymous | Out of all hentai games ever made this one deserves a good anime adaptation the most. https://www.y... | 14 | [View] |
131817299 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Ryo Kaganda @monoker0s 11h11 hours ago YGO EP076 Status: Script/Timing - I... | 516 | [View] |
131821395 | Anonymous | Star Mu: Ready for Japanese High School Musical? | 200 | [View] |
131841772 | Anonymous | Why do you read/watch anime reviews? Aren't you able to form your own opinion? And it's no... | 6 | [View] |
131835480 | Anonymous | Ohayou /a/-san | 13 | [View] |
131842479 | Anonymous | PSYCHO-PASS 2: I don't even know what to think of this season >mu... | 4 | [View] |
131814965 | Anonymous | Will anyone be watching episode 2 of this? The art and animation were both quite poor, the character... | 146 | [View] |
131831739 | Anonymous | So I started Psycho Pass. The first episode made me think It was really dumb, a friend of mine recom... | 45 | [View] |
131839257 | Anonymous | So I see Young Black Jack is currently airing, what does that mean exactly? Was the original animati... | 20 | [View] |
131840325 | Anonymous | /a/, are there any animus with good romance but aren't necessarily the focus of the story? Like... | 2 | [View] |
131827728 | Anonymous | Military anime thread: Can we have a military anime thread where we talk about actual militar... | 79 | [View] |
131836886 | Anonymous | /A/NIICHANU BUYMU GEMU JUMPU POTETU HAMBUGU | 22 | [View] |
131735003 | Anonymous | Kekkai Sensen: Waiting for Subs | 511 | [View] |
131841500 | Anonymous | To Love Ru Darkness: Where was you when Nemesis got her ass handed to her by Gid? | 7 | [View] |
131827883 | Anonymous | Is she retarded? I absolutely hate this girl. | 87 | [View] |
131841945 | Anonymous | Onpu is shit. SHIT! | 0 | [View] |
131834664 | Anonymous | Alium a smiling cute. | 13 | [View] |
131839135 | Anonymous | wtf am i looking at? and the seiyuus are scrubs. | 5 | [View] |
131839448 | Anonymous | So did she harbor actual true feelings for Koyomi or was she simply a sociopath? | 18 | [View] |
131841439 | Anonymous | What is the most /fa/ anime? I'd say K Project to be honest. | 0 | [View] |
131817856 | Anonymous | ***,**4位/***,**4位 (**1,455 pt) [*,**3予約] Owarimonogatari ***,*14位/***,*14位 (***,689 pt) [*,**1予約] Ow... | 213 | [View] |
131841400 | Anonymous | ITT Fuckers who got what they deserved | 0 | [View] |
131812386 | Anonymous | Seiyuu Thread: How many roles will your favorite seiyuu have for the Fall season? Also, ra... | 115 | [View] |
131840515 | Anonymous | /a/'s first waifu: Who was your first waifu, /a/? How long ago did you meet her? Is she... | 3 | [View] |
131840779 | Anonymous | Avatar plot hole?: So im rewatching avatar now. My question is why did jet react to iroh fire... | 2 | [View] |
131829131 | Anonymous | You just pissed off the MC of the last anime you watched and now he/she is trying to kill you. The o... | 97 | [View] |
131840859 | Anonymous | Would you? | 3 | [View] |
131831442 | Anonymous | I want to learn something while i watch anime What are some anime with sub groups that have a lot of... | 8 | [View] |
131840800 | Anonymous | what is best animu, /a/ ? >animu was a mistake whar is best mango ? wh... | 0 | [View] |
131835766 | Anonymous | /a/ I just finished Anohana and got to say it was the saddes thing I've ever seen. Haven't... | 22 | [View] |
131838746 | Anonymous | So I just watched the first episode of the dubbed Yo-kai Watch. It was...fun. Anyone know the... | 5 | [View] |
131831272 | Anonymous | So in the end I was right. Bestsuka and Bestsuki are both tied as best girl. | 33 | [View] |
131830788 | Anonymous | Did he give her the sword? | 12 | [View] |
131840482 | Anonymous | .webm thread Post your favorite white haired loli marching in place. | 0 | [View] |
131838524 | Anonymous | Fate stay/night Okay seriously,am i the only one who considers it a sin that ufotable is gonna be an... | 10 | [View] |
131839964 | Anonymous | So this is the power of Daiz, eh? Not bad. | 4 | [View] |
131809626 | Anonymous | Gakko Gurashi: Now /a/ is mad. | 142 | [View] |
131830915 | Anonymous | Howl's Castle: Was this show about spiritual liberation? | 7 | [View] |
131838254 | Anonymous | Very sad to see such a fantastic anime company go bankrupt. What does this mean for the future of th... | 31 | [View] |
131839314 | Anonymous | >that old anime you recently got around to watch and would love to talk about... | 7 | [View] |
131836466 | Anonymous | Mahouka Koukou Story Continuation: Ever since the LN was licensed, I haven't been able t... | 6 | [View] |
131839779 | Anonymous | This may be a biased place to ask this but... Would you put a kemonomimi cat ears, tail, attitude et... | 3 | [View] |
131834306 | Anonymous | Has there ever been an anime you watched till completion purely because the threads on /a/ made you ... | 34 | [View] |
131826719 | Anonymous | Girls und Panzer Thread: 'Ribbon Warrior ch12 Preview' Edition: Found some previews of Ribbon... | 32 | [View] |
131839009 | Anonymous | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 4 | [View] |
131831393 | Anonymous | WSJD - Samon the Summoner: If you for some reason care about this series here is the third ch... | 59 | [View] |
131839378 | Anonymous | Where the fuck can I read the Devil is a Part Timer manga past the anime online? It's impossibl... | 2 | [View] |
131835931 | Anonymous | Thoughts /a/? | 8 | [View] |
131832513 | Anonymous | What do you think of girls with hair ribbons? | 25 | [View] |
131836146 | Anonymous | ANIME IS FUCKING DONE: THEY FUCKING DID IT, THEY SOLVED ANIME IT'S ALL OVER Watch these ... | 13 | [View] |
131836657 | Anonymous | 'You'll carry that weight' What did he mean by this? | 12 | [View] |
131831364 | Anonymous | ITT: Out of context screenshots. | 20 | [View] |
131834466 | Anonymous | post your waifus /a/ pic related | 15 | [View] |
131839040 | Anonymous | Umaru BTFO, best girl coming through. | 0 | [View] |
131833206 | Anonymous | Who is your favorite loli from an anime or manga? | 19 | [View] |
131838660 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRZtmbcsm7o | 2 | [View] |
131836157 | Anonymous | Did anime look better in the past? | 40 | [View] |
131838886 | Anonymous | Kowabon: Is no one subbing this? | 0 | [View] |
131831130 | Anonymous | Why is this allowed? | 12 | [View] |
131834036 | Anonymous | High School Dxᗡ EX: Time to decide which DD delivered best child: http://strawpoll.me/5662733... | 4 | [View] |
131838787 | Anonymous | >I have to push my glasses up because I'm constantly looking down on you... | 0 | [View] |
131838670 | Anonymous | Fate: Is it true this is the best Fate series ? I don't like reading Nip Light Novels s... | 2 | [View] |
131824638 | Anonymous | K - Return of Kings: I hope there isnt already a Thread about it... and ALL HAIL WISEMAN! | 149 | [View] |
131835825 | Anonymous | So how was this? I read some of the manga last year and it was pretty okay. Worth a watch? I feel li... | 3 | [View] |
131836324 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of Dice? If anyone has read the latest chapter what do you think of Eunju's... | 2 | [View] |
131838323 | Anonymous | Ame-iro cocoa is one of the most mature anime ever made. People hate it because there are no cute gi... | 0 | [View] |
131837960 | Anonymous | This is the worst feel | 0 | [View] |
131829193 | Anonymous | Idols. What are they even good for? | 19 | [View] |
131834933 | Anonymous | Love Live: VOICES S Tier: 1. Umi 2. Rin A Tier 3. Eli 4. Maki B Tier 5. Honoka C Tier 6. Nico... | 4 | [View] |
131837634 | Anonymous | So is anyone going to sub this? Anyone at all? Hadena this is your time to shine, give us what we w... | 0 | [View] |
131826141 | Anonymous | Koufuku Grafitti TV vs BD: Vol 6. TV: LEFT BD: RIGHT | 105 | [View] |
131821134 | Anonymous | sad about this battle | 44 | [View] |
131767409 | Anonymous | >that anime you love will never get a second season What's her na... | 290 | [View] |
131835893 | Anonymous | AOTS? | 4 | [View] |
131835672 | Anonymous | which is the best sub release for this? | 4 | [View] |
131834450 | Anonymous | Underrated character bread. Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for him I'm going... | 20 | [View] |
131836799 | OP | MAD thread, post em http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24523246 | 2 | [View] |
131836721 | Anonymous | I briefly dropped Dorohedoro around chapter 120 and now consider catching up. Anyone knows how many ... | 1 | [View] |
131836739 | Anonymous | God dammit Bones. This is on purpose right? What an unfortunate position to place an image of a flow... | 1 | [View] |
131835692 | Shingeki no kyojin lost girl chapter 2. discussion thread | Attack on titan lost girl chapter 2: wallsina-goodbye.tumblr.com/wall-sina-02 Annie a be... | 2 | [View] |
131833332 | Anonymous | Just watched the first episode /a/. FUCKING AOTY. How does Bones keep doing it? | 17 | [View] |
131830942 | Anonymous | I just finally finished this after years. I followed it as it aired up to around episode 10 and just... | 16 | [View] |
131835210 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that you should always skip the first episode of this show. | 4 | [View] |
131829300 | Anonymous | Fucking really? It was all going so well. Fucking NTR bullshit. | 50 | [View] |
131822236 | Anonymous | Noragami: Okay, what's the deal with Noragami? Only after season 2 started airing last w... | 177 | [View] |
131830597 | Anonymous | >shakugan no shana aired 10 years ago | 8 | [View] |
131833609 | Anonymous | >[Godless-Subs] Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - OAD (480p 8bit x264 AC3).mkv... | 1 | [View] |
131830019 | Anonymous | Why is he such a well-written character? | 8 | [View] |
131835138 | Anonymous | >girl is about to fucking die >lol I can't... | 9 | [View] |
131810897 | Anonymous | Rate This Season so far: God tier: Utawaremono K return of Kings Great tier: Masks and Lance... | 113 | [View] |
131828736 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri, Season Three: Any second now. | 609 | [View] |
131835748 | Anonymous | ITT: underrated anime series | 0 | [View] |
131822754 | Anonymous | WOuld DBZ be better with Goku as a female?: I think it would have been better in all honesty,... | 37 | [View] |
131828741 | Anonymous | Gakusen Toshi Asterisk: What country is she from? | 38 | [View] |
131798952 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu/Husbando Drawthread #8. Remember to take it easy, for their sake. Previous thread:>... | 618 | [View] |
131829081 | Anonymous | Some of you monkeys are alright. Don't go to Namek tomorrow if you're in Universe 7. So lo... | 18 | [View] |
131827562 | Anonymous | Who was best girl? Eriri aside, they're all good candidates for the best girl position. | 26 | [View] |
131788176 | Anonymous | The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: How is it possible for such a plain girl to be this sexy? | 221 | [View] |
131834857 | Anonymous | Is this /tg/ - The Animation? | 1 | [View] |
131824183 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin/snk: Spoilers in a few hours. | 605 | [View] |
131834877 | Anonymous | What has been some of the worst subs you've ever had the displeasure of sitting through? ... | 0 | [View] |
131834158 | Anonymous | GO MEN DA SEI O KAI DI SO DES KA | 1 | [View] |
131818068 | Anonymous | Anime Girls Who Cut Their Hair: POST'EM ALL | 107 | [View] |
131830983 | Anonymous | Nisekoi Thread Season 3 when best girl animated when | 5 | [View] |
131789952 | Anonymous | 16 Episodes of nothing then this. How do you justify this | 505 | [View] |
131833289 | Anonymous | the fuck? | 4 | [View] |
131804163 | Anonymous | Tomo FUCKING chan: can someone quickly explain what's going on in this page? | 58 | [View] |
131831765 | Anonymous | tfw in 1000 yrs later will study how 'great' /a/ was PhD in internet history tfw we also damn primi... | 12 | [View] |
131829499 | Anonymous | Saitama wont even put a scratch on Super tengen toppa gurren lagann. | 12 | [View] |
131806697 | Anonymous | Already best girl of the season confirmed. | 526 | [View] |
131823198 | Anonymous | What's /a/'s opinion on Hellsing, always wanted to check it out but was kinda iffy about i... | 79 | [View] |
131833588 | Anonymous | Explain him | 5 | [View] |
131814311 | Anonymous | [OPM] Opening Shindehai VS JAM Project: Shindehai : https://youtu.be/A-rARRDazG4 JAM Project:... | 40 | [View] |
131831266 | Anonymous | Is your waifu a powerful warrior? | 1 | [View] |
131833329 | Anonymous | Her name is Suiseiseki. She is the third Rozen Maiden doll. | 0 | [View] |
131828989 | Anonymous | One Punch Man: I'm just starting the first episode of OPM after taking a small break for... | 10 | [View] |
131818180 | Anonymous | How many levels does she have in the semen demon class | 537 | [View] |
131830322 | Anonymous | Haibane Renmei: Can we talk about this good series which was ruined by a not-answering-anythi... | 9 | [View] |
131832734 | Anonymous | Rune Soldier Louie: How was it, /a/? | 0 | [View] |
131782103 | Anonymous | Look. Their talking about us /a/!!! | 291 | [View] |
131831526 | Anonymous | Since Halloween is right around the corner, what are some good spooky series? ... | 9 | [View] |
131791474 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking any questions: buyfag.moe | 569 | [View] |
131810318 | Anonymous | Started rewatching SAO while I wait for the fall anime to start and just finished the first season. ... | 58 | [View] |
131755834 | Anonymous | Gakusen Toshi Asterisk: Was it rape? | 518 | [View] |
131813018 | Anonymous | I'm here to defeat One Punch Man. | 102 | [View] |
131831694 | Anonymous | They already have awakened Devil Fruits | 0 | [View] |
131831695 | Anonymous | Skullman: Good anime or na? | 0 | [View] |
131818002 | Anonymous | >Amanchu anime adaptation announced >can't... | 50 | [View] |
131831623 | Anonymous | Is DameDame! dead? Haven't seen them doing anything lately, but they are the only ones who coul... | 0 | [View] |
131817150 | Anonymous | You didnt forget about the Barakamons, did you /a/? | 40 | [View] |
131807425 | Anonymous | Just got done watching this. Why are sports anime so good? Also general sports anime love thread. | 45 | [View] |
131825404 | Anonymous | this show fucking sucks | 29 | [View] |
131830904 | Anonymous | STOCKPILE YOUR ANIMES Once this shit takes effect you can say good bye to torrenting them. | 144 | [View] |
131823954 | Anonymous | Bastard!!: Anyone read Bastard!! here. I literally just finished it. | 16 | [View] |
131824265 | Anonymous | Dropped. This show just kept getting progressively worse, but this was the final nail in the coffin... | 16 | [View] |
131822775 | Anonymous | Some of you are alright. Don't log into Sword Art Online tomorrow. | 31 | [View] |
131821926 | Anonymous | Yukki | 39 | [View] |
131803902 | Anonymous | One Piece: So which is it? Allies or Whitebeards flagship subordinates? Did Powermanga fuck t... | 517 | [View] |
131829259 | Anonymous | https://youtu.be/2wbJeA-4cOY Only the best dubs allowed in this thread. | 4 | [View] |
131825542 | Anonymous | Wait. What did I just watch? Also, I watched 1-26, then End of Eva. then the 3.0, but found that the... | 9 | [View] |
131828314 | Anonymous | Cal is the best American character ever made, prove me wrong | 5 | [View] |
131818013 | Anonymous | >Final villain gets hyped up throughout the series ... | 17 | [View] |
131829859 | Anonymous | YuruYuri S3: >[HorribleSubs] YuruYuri S3 - 01 [1080p].mkv It be... | 1 | [View] |
131817752 | Anonymous | Why? | 16 | [View] |
131829839 | Anonymous | Death to Kancolle! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5r-AyTPN3M | 1 | [View] |
131822619 | Anonymous | Manga Time Kirara: Mondays are the best days to read or watch titles from MT Kirara. It feels... | 10 | [View] |
131802196 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: Poor Uni. Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12Beast and related Monster Manga a... | 523 | [View] |
131829432 | Anonymous | So how do you guys feel about Love Live Sunshine? Aqours girls are quite tasty | 2 | [View] |
131829434 | Anonymous | What anime made you tear up and sad? I need something new to hit the feels. | 0 | [View] |
131820410 | Anonymous | New Berserk anime when? Why not? | 27 | [View] |
131812430 | Anonymous | This is…. Access Tsk…! Kuzaku: “Demonbane is –“ AB: “By itself?” Naacal Code ceremonial technique ex... | 36 | [View] |
131821462 | Anonymous | None the denser | 5 | [View] |
131828945 | Anonymous | Hero Tales: has anyone seen this? It's by the creator of FMA so I'm curious as to w... | 1 | [View] |
131829037 | Anonymous | shits a fucking snooze fest. why do people like this? same reason they like mushishit? | 0 | [View] |
131828952 | Anonymous | >>131822882 | 1 | [View] |
131821328 | Anonymous | Kishimoto: Is this the face of pure failure? | 57 | [View] |
131816217 | Anonymous | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hir%C5%8D_Onoda anime when? | 25 | [View] |
131823148 | Anonymous | So I just watched recently the first Owarimonogatari and the last episode of Kekkai Sensen, both bei... | 14 | [View] |
131827300 | Anonymous | 7Seeds thread: Chapter 147 got released a few hours ago. More spiders and some cute moments ... | 9 | [View] |
131824508 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of Jin-Roh? | 7 | [View] |
131818559 | Anonymous | The Empire of Corpses: >¥63,000,000 107(***)scr 06/20 Ghost in th... | 33 | [View] |
131825470 | Anonymous | Ok,what went wrong? | 17 | [View] |
131804082 | Anonymous | /old/: Pre-2000 anime スレ What's wrong /a/? New season starts and you ditch the 4:3? | 113 | [View] |
131824474 | Anonymous | >tfw no Madhouse Gash Bell | 16 | [View] |
131823919 | Anonymous | Where are my subs for the gdgd movie? | 5 | [View] |
131803961 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri: S3 starts tomorrow/today. Are you ready to support your favourite yuru? More impor... | 529 | [View] |
131818435 | Anonymous | ITT: post a character without posting him/her, others guess: Hint: two answers | 64 | [View] |
131822052 | Youkai shoujo monsuga. | New chapter for this week. | 58 | [View] |
131825733 | Anonymous | Damn bruh, this series is pretty interesting. I'll take back what i said that all light novels... | 19 | [View] |
131827080 | Anonymous | >Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen >Young Blac... | 5 | [View] |
131826926 | Anonymous | This is the only Anime I'm enjoying this season. What's wrong with me /a/? | 4 | [View] |
131826449 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RalQcBMfDYE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9tzExygMDI | 3 | [View] |
131819028 | Anonymous | >tfw Kill la Kill is so lewd it has the same classification rating as porn... | 112 | [View] |
131819346 | Anonymous | I hope this will be good | 11 | [View] |
131814464 | Anonymous | Based as fuck. | 57 | [View] |
131819765 | Anonymous | Wazamonogatari: So we got next mono title here. But what about Orokomono? What is this about,... | 13 | [View] |
131792978 | Anonymous | Jojo Thread: DIO's World BD rip >https://mega.nz/#!YFIllQDB!iqrOJ... | 546 | [View] |
131823636 | Anonymous | Comiket in Japan by TPP agreement will be illegal. American everyone, thank you very much. | 697 | [View] |
131826098 | Anonymous | Who is the most competent physician in anime? | 8 | [View] |
131807683 | Anonymous | It's raining. | 14 | [View] |
131826937 | Anonymous | They're right, you do need to air it out in the sun once in a while. | 1 | [View] |
131824338 | Anonymous | MMO Biyori: If they all played an MMO together, what class would they all pick? This includes... | 5 | [View] |
131826155 | Anonymous | Rest in pieces sweet prince | 1 | [View] |
131816898 | Anonymous | This object seems somewhat reminiscent to another form of currency fictional I know. | 28 | [View] |
131805568 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan: Why can't we get along guys? stop the shitstorm and that... | 527 | [View] |
131824310 | /waifu/ General - Fine Dining Edition | She only deserves the best. It's a couscous-roasted chicken wing- rubber band onigiri with a pi... | 8 | [View] |
131822675 | Anonymous | Is it ok to beat a girl if she ruins your flower? | 10 | [View] |
131823619 | Anonymous | Be honest. How many of you can actually do this. | 10 | [View] |
131824169 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of moe? pic unrelated | 4 | [View] |
131824025 | Anonymous | Reminder that you're not a real hero unless you SAVE EVERYONE. | 3 | [View] |
131803564 | Anonymous | Gentlemen, how do we defeat the Onepunch Man? | 515 | [View] |
131824674 | Anonymous | Is Berserk 341 out yet? | 4 | [View] |
131817849 | Anonymous | HybridxHeart Magista Academy Ataraxia: How come no one is translating such a good novel? | 19 | [View] |
131823752 | Anonymous | >MC has natural, not black hair >gets bullied b... | 6 | [View] |
131822380 | Anonymous | ITT: shitty end | 4 | [View] |
131822418 | Anonymous | Hyuoka: Have you worshipped your Empress recently? | 7 | [View] |
131821447 | Anonymous | Why the fuck was she hiding the fact that she was there from Bomber? And is Bomber literally retarde... | 11 | [View] |
131821807 | Anonymous | Do you ever go back and rewatch anime /a/? After 6 years, I've decided to rewatch Code Geass, a... | 9 | [View] |
131819160 | Anonymous | Post the most awful dogshit show you've ever had the displeasure of watching I'll start | 22 | [View] |
131824680 | Anonymous | Who waiting for Kowabon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd8TMIZhjZs | 0 | [View] |
131824564 | Anonymous | ITT: God tier anime composers you want to see live in concert. Pic fucking related. His vast variety... | 1 | [View] |
131821945 | Anonymous | Tier list: SSSS: V organization Possible Wushu clan (they ate ghouls) SSS+: Current Eto SSS: Curre... | 10 | [View] |
131821588 | Anonymous | Kubo: He may be a shit writer but hey, at least he knows. We're the retarded ones who ke... | 3 | [View] |
131768944 | Anonymous | Love Live: Post dank Nicos. | 241 | [View] |
131823922 | Anonymous | So how many full length anime of this season have subs out? Not including sequels ... | 1 | [View] |
131821895 | Anonymous | >Accel World gets a new anime >1 new sword art ... | 15 | [View] |
131820808 | Anonymous | Jesus fuck! She's not Nina! She's Johan! Fucking Urasawa! | 4 | [View] |
131822007 | Anonymous | Opt: One page thread | 6 | [View] |
131815477 | Anonymous | Why is she so haughty? | 56 | [View] |
131822313 | Anonymous | Why is Funimation allowed? | 1 | [View] |
131804633 | Anonymous | 『Hey /a/, is there anyone that can't beat me? 』: 『 I'm waiting!!!』 | 27 | [View] |
131814774 | Anonymous | Ana Satsujin: >No. I must stop the killing. ... | 20 | [View] |
131819022 | Anonymous | One question about Resurrection F: I know I'm late on the band wagon to ask this but, wh... | 4 | [View] |
131819883 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime trying too hard to be deep | 18 | [View] |
131822213 | Anonymous | Why haven't you virgins put any of these love theories to work and have sex? Why are you still... | 2 | [View] |
131823499 | Anonymous | >a completely original story written by the manga's original author ONE.... | 0 | [View] |
131809101 | Anonymous | Can /a/ save anime? | 53 | [View] |
131818616 | Anonymous | Is 2016 the best year ever?: >Amanchu >A... | 3 | [View] |
131814597 | Anonymous | Do you like characters who self-identify as girls trapped in men's bodies? | 9 | [View] |
131815051 | Anonymous | >MC is a normal high school boy >until one day ... | 24 | [View] |
131823255 | Anonymous | Was she a coco? | 1 | [View] |
131822928 | Anonymous | Nechronica anime when? | 1 | [View] |
131815010 | Anonymous | >Episode 5 in How much of a fucking wimp is this guy? I don't kno... | 21 | [View] |
131818743 | Anonymous | >[Godless-Subs] Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - OAD (480p 8bit x264 AC3).mkv... | 7 | [View] |
131821463 | Anonymous | Comet Lucifer: What kind of Original did they pull out with this 'project felia' also ... | 6 | [View] |
131818863 | Anonymous | >aired two days ago >not simulcast by crunchysh... | 11 | [View] |
131817619 | Anonymous | KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP! | 5 | [View] |
131820247 | Anonymous | Why is she so cute? | 5 | [View] |
131820482 | Anonymous | >still no subs besides funishit Are they that bad? | 4 | [View] |
131816276 | Anonymous | Would you like to see a new series with completely new character but still set in the DBZ universe? ... | 23 | [View] |
131801215 | Anonymous | > We've had snail lolis, ghost lolis, vampire lolis, conqueror lolis, sq... | 51 | [View] |
131819038 | Anonymous | Some of you duelists are alright. Don't go to the Leo Duel School Corporation Battle Royale tom... | 7 | [View] |
131819997 | Anonymous | Post your anime gif /a/ | 8 | [View] |
131818338 | Anonymous | Left or Right? | 28 | [View] |
131821230 | Anonymous | ITT: Characters who appeared in 1 episode but stole the show | 1 | [View] |
131820169 | Anonymous | Why didn't krillin just kill freeza with the destructo disk while he was transforming? | 12 | [View] |
131820548 | Digispectra | Fairy Tail Chapter 455 Review: Click here to read : http://digispectra.net/fairy-tail-ch... | 1 | [View] |
131808596 | Anonymous | fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA: I watch this show for the plot. | 46 | [View] |
131795589 | Anonymous | Shingeki No Kyojin / SNK / Attack on Titan / AOT: Spoilers soon! Hopefully! | 534 | [View] |
131820228 | Anonymous | >you will never be raped by Lapussy | 4 | [View] |
131815480 | Anonymous | >planning to watch the Bakemonogatari series >h... | 18 | [View] |
131815985 | Anonymous | Romance is the best genre, because a life without love is no life at all. | 35 | [View] |
131813957 | Anonymous | We all know that Yuri Yuri is the greatest animated work of all time, but did you know that Gundam U... | 23 | [View] |
131818087 | Anonymous | Adolf.. had a hard life | 2 | [View] |
131777351 | Anonymous | Symphogear: Why is Carol best villain of this decade? | 542 | [View] |
131805812 | Anonymous | Are they dying? They haven't been picking up the 'big' shows the past couple of seasons that we... | 192 | [View] |
131809262 | Anonymous | Orchestr/a/ plays Connect 4: After 10 months of work, here's Connect: https://www.youtub... | 63 | [View] |
131818732 | Anonymous | TPP deal done. RIP comiket. http://yaraon-blog.com/archives/70865 | 725 | [View] |
131820526 | Anonymous | >watch the new owarimonogatari ep >40 minutes o... | 4 | [View] |
131818802 | Anonymous | >green hair >literal witch and not the cultist ... | 15 | [View] |
131807219 | Anonymous | Fall 2015 season impressions so far: Picked up: >Concrete Revolutio... | 261 | [View] |
131812580 | Anonymous | What did she see? | 39 | [View] |
131814015 | Anonymous | What do they do to get that ass? | 35 | [View] |
131771916 | Anonymous | Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1248: Cornucopia of Resources / Guide (read Guide before asking qu... | 585 | [View] |
131776444 | Anonymous | Owarimonogatari: Godlike OP right here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NyFNeVUr2g So ... | 535 | [View] |
131809637 | Anonymous | Plunderer Ch 10: SUUUUUUUUUUUU! Also someone else dump it for us. | 66 | [View] |
131794445 | Anonymous | Seac/a/ts | 509 | [View] |
131819202 | Anonymous | Muv Luv: Why not anime for the original? What does spinoffs have that it doesn't? | 6 | [View] |
131819990 | Anonymous | Himouto: Can someone explain this scene to me? Why did she grab her bag and randomly jump out... | 2 | [View] |
131820001 | Anonymous | New medication: Is there a doc here who can tell me if this new drug can be used daily ? | 0 | [View] |
131818490 | Anonymous | K-On! vs Love Live Which is a better show? | 9 | [View] |
131813374 | Anonymous | [FFF] Akatsuki no Yona - OVA [v0][6ECA0081].mkv: Yona OVA is out, get in here. Some fanservic... | 13 | [View] |
131813099 | Anonymous | DROPPED | 580 | [View] |
131817775 | Anonymous | SAO MOVIE: i will just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCuz4Rd8xKc ... | 17 | [View] |
131816587 | Anonymous | Big plans today, anon? | 10 | [View] |
131819041 | Anonymous | . | 0 | [View] |
131817211 | Anonymous | Animation: is FLCL the best animated serie ever? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaPCgMC... | 1 | [View] |
131816308 | Anonymous | Your lie in april: W-why anon? | 25 | [View] |
131818864 | Anonymous | UBW BD: 2 more days till official release Are you ready for UBW OSTs? https://www.youtube.com... | 0 | [View] |
131778239 | Anonymous | Dagashi Kashi: Which one tastes better? | 234 | [View] |
131817714 | Anonymous | Why do japs try to sneak in some engrish in their works. Do they not understand that it's wrong... | 2 | [View] |
131769766 | Anonymous | Kantai Collection: Vote Shiggy Ray for second season MC! | 523 | [View] |
131811765 | Anonymous | >Anime sells well >LN is still ongoing ... | 19 | [View] |
131816943 | Anonymous | I'm halfway through this, and I feel like it could have been amazing instead of just randomly t... | 8 | [View] |
131817993 | Anonymous | >'Her lewdness is a great nightmare. >Her anus ... | 15 | [View] |
131818445 | Anonymous | Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: Are there still only shit translations for the manga? Let's al... | 0 | [View] |
131816086 | Anonymous | Ship Waifu Destruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5r-AyTPN3M | 27 | [View] |
131811059 | Anonymous | Comet Lucifer: How does she do that? | 26 | [View] |
131817879 | Anonymous | >inb4 this thread | 7 | [View] |
131789828 | Anonymous | That was pretty cool tbh. Very solid first episode. | 462 | [View] |
131803474 | Anonymous | Prison School: can't frill the drills | 69 | [View] |
131817795 | Anonymous | how do you feel about pixiv artists` artbooks (non-h) | 0 | [View] |
131817656 | Anonymous | Evagelion 20 year anniversary: How does to know that NGE is now 20 years old? | 0 | [View] |
131813989 | Anonymous | >Half a decade later and still nothing that comes close to topping this... | 25 | [View] |
131816003 | Anonymous | So /a/, now that Yahoo Pipes has shutdown does anyone have a decent alternative to this? http://past... | 57 | [View] |
131816693 | Anonymous | Why is she so perfect? What episode will she appear in? | 2 | [View] |
131799009 | Anonymous | http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-10-04/new-accel-world-infinite-burst-anime-promo... | 117 | [View] |
131813442 | Anonymous | Can girls like girls? | 16 | [View] |
131817280 | Anonymous | You can choose only one. | 2 | [View] |
131817203 | Anonymous | why did you make me watch this waste of time cartoon | 1 | [View] |
131817000 | Anonymous | Milky holmes: What's going on? | 1 | [View] |
131817122 | Anonymous | why is she so perfect? | 4 | [View] |
131809495 | Anonymous | > There is a soul inside the EVA > This is ... | 30 | [View] |
131816542 | Anonymous | Okay, let's post images having cute big head 2]d girls | 3 | [View] |
131815007 | Anonymous | Could Sora and Shiro beat Sao or is it to realistic for them? | 1 | [View] |
131815064 | Anonymous | I just finished this masterpiece, how do I cope with this? | 14 | [View] |
131816616 | Anonymous | >tfw you know you're fat, lazy and addicted to modern conveniences, and ... | 7 | [View] |
131814881 | Anonymous | Hey guys, I literally just heard that there's a new season of Noragami. I really enjoyed the fi... | 2 | [View] |
131810903 | Anonymous | It's crazy how much shit they can stuff into one damn anime. >School... | 13 | [View] |
131816509 | Anonymous | Who is the best Milky Holmes and why is it Elly? | 3 | [View] |
131809560 | Anonymous | Every series would be significantly better with a Loli: Prove me wrong. | 14 | [View] |
131800619 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Fusion SOON. | 516 | [View] |
131816611 | Anonymous | What would their son/daughter be like? | 2 | [View] |
131816666 | Anonymous | What went wrong? | 1 | [View] |
131813629 | Anonymous | Why is she so perfect, /a/? | 9 | [View] |
131815301 | Anonymous | >show has several obvious flaws >none of these ... | 2 | [View] |
131816104 | Anonymous | Bleach thread: Opinions on Bleach? | 4 | [View] |
131801684 | Anonymous | TSF thread? DESU WA~ | 81 | [View] |
131780398 | Anonymous | Choose one | 156 | [View] |
131810599 | Anonymous | BERUSERUKU THREAD: I haven't seen any Berserk threads in /a/ lately. Let's start on... | 4 | [View] |
131773524 | Anonymous | Tokyo Ghoul 46-47 It's time for Haise to choose his allegiance. | 365 | [View] |
131815277 | Anonymous | . | 6 | [View] |
131790811 | Anonymous | Who ready for more Garo, as of now, this is the earliest Garo in the time-line. | 68 | [View] |
131812074 | Anonymous | Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa: >tfw no more episode ... | 7 | [View] |
131794552 | Anonymous | Overlord: Best meido thread. | 527 | [View] |
131798622 | Anonymous | Rokka no Yuusha: Anyone hope for a season 2? I do and volume 4 was just updated and I feel li... | 54 | [View] |
131811957 | Anonymous | Did somebody say,best maido? | 9 | [View] |
131777341 | Anonymous | >Wife eats too much chickens lately What do? | 175 | [View] |
131808103 | Anonymous | Kowabon: Who is going to sub spooky Aku no Hana? | 24 | [View] |
131811108 | Anonymous | How much better would Bleach have been if THIS was the Ichigo we saw every episode? | 10 | [View] |
131814963 | Anonymous | Would you a tsundere | 4 | [View] |
131814699 | Anonymous | When are we going to get more tomgirl protagonists? | 5 | [View] |
131812696 | Anonymous | This is the gayest show I have ever seen | 2 | [View] |
131815257 | Anonymous | Waifu Thread: Is your Waifu better than my Waifu? If so explain. | 3 | [View] |
131768689 | Anonymous | Legend of the galactic heroes: Started watching LOGH a couple of days ago. I expected raw pol... | 241 | [View] |
131812201 | Anonymous | He actually did it, the absolute madman! | 11 | [View] |
131757194 | Anonymous | QUALITY: Post QUALITY anime | 513 | [View] |
131815417 | Anonymous | best girl ? | 0 | [View] |
131811620 | Anonymous | What went wrong? | 16 | [View] |
131814475 | Anonymous | Who has worse taste, Japan or /a/? | 7 | [View] |
131802094 | Anonymous | Looks like Amanchu is getting an anime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2&v=dANeZBrySY0 ... | 45 | [View] |
131801678 | Anonymous | Does /a/ read Tower of God? | 114 | [View] |
131815218 | Anonymous | Why were the 2000s and onwards so much better when it comes to variety in terms of visual designs? A... | 1 | [View] |
131815037 | 1 day away | >mfw the date is wrong and says 8/5 instead of 8/4 Was fucking hyped f... | 1 | [View] |
131813867 | Anonymous | Are broken sandals into piggy back during festivals in romance the equivalent of Japanese colds and ... | 8 | [View] |
131814477 | Anonymous | This is like some sort of masterpiece no one ever talks about. | 7 | [View] |
131792263 | Anonymous | 3x3 thread: rate and hate | 314 | [View] |
131810330 | Anonymous | TCC: Ain't gonna lie, this nigga was pretty cool. I'll miss this. | 11 | [View] |
131810732 | Anonymous | Nerve Gear: When? | 9 | [View] |
131806744 | Anonymous | So sarcasm is the only way to make good series: So in the end, all it takes is for Japan to t... | 65 | [View] |
131805962 | Anonymous | Non Non Byori: I'm a bit behind on airing stuff and just got around to finishing NNB (I ... | 42 | [View] |
131811908 | Anonymous | ARIA | 42 | [View] |
131814014 | Marika | Marika Thread: Marika goes in all fields. | 8 | [View] |
131814654 | Anonymous | Is Yoshiyuki Tomino the granddaddy of the modern trainwreck genre? | 2 | [View] |
131809939 | Anonymous | Are you ready to say goodbye to your anime? | 584 | [View] |
131811655 | Anonymous | Comet Lucifer: Previous thread >>131769510 hit bump limit. Let's discuss best boy... | 8 | [View] |
131811046 | Anonymous | What shows leave you with a sense of deep, longing melancholy, /a/? | 3 | [View] |
131813500 | Anonymous | Monogatari: OFF SEASON: NISHIO IS A FUCKING HACK. | 29 | [View] |
131812863 | Anonymous | Okay /a/, left or right. This is very important. | 9 | [View] |
131803667 | Anonymous | ITT: Shows nobody watched. | 46 | [View] |
131814106 | Anonymous | How have you come to accept your waifu doesn't actually exist? | 0 | [View] |
131812745 | Anonymous | Gosick: I've started watching Loli Sherlock Holmes What am I in for /a/? | 12 | [View] |
131805925 | Anonymous | Imouto: Kirino best girl Also, imouto thread | 70 | [View] |
131813408 | Anonymous | Best shoujo or best shojo? | 2 | [View] |
131813566 | Anonymous | Happy Cow: I milked it. | 0 | [View] |
131809115 | Anonymous | Lotte no Omocha vol.8: Based Clue just released an entire volume of Lolibutts, dumping chapte... | 37 | [View] |
131767723 | Anonymous | BEST HEROIN OF THIS SEASON: BEST HEROIN OF THIS SEASON | 462 | [View] |
131802844 | Anonymous | The Villain /a/ Deserves: Obito was probably the best villain in Naruto. Now before the pitch... | 102 | [View] |
131813259 | Anonymous | Why do these silly nips like to give themselves such vigorous hand jobs in their chinese cartoons? | 0 | [View] |
131812407 | Anonymous | MAH-SHEEN HEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAD! | 6 | [View] |
131805255 | Anonymous | >Emotionless >Well-endowed ... | 20 | [View] |
131812140 | Anonymous | Who is the best imouto of all time and why is it Sora? | 7 | [View] |
131811067 | Anonymous | Should she be a mom? | 1 | [View] |
131812890 | Anonymous | Bishonen and Mary Sue: Look at the scoreboard. When You Look Like an Angel (Kimi ga Tenshi ni... | 1 | [View] |
131812418 | Anonymous | >it's only natural that >as expected of... | 2 | [View] |
131810214 | Anonymous | GATE thread: I'm catching up to this anime. Did everyone agree Itami's ex-wife was ... | 10 | [View] |
131812461 | RanMiyuAyaMamiReiYuyaTatsukiYamato | Super Gals! Horses: SPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANKSPANK | 1 | [View] |
131812176 | Anonymous | >Locking the cunt in the wardrobe where she belongs Even translators h... | 0 | [View] |
131808314 | Anonymous | attack on titan junior high: Why is noone talking about the best anime of the season? | 10 | [View] |
131810023 | Anonymous | It's over | 6 | [View] |
131803290 | Anonymous | Why haven't you watched the best anime of the 70's yet? Now that you know about it, why ar... | 48 | [View] |
131805628 | Anonymous | Do you remember Betterman? | 9 | [View] |
131808124 | Anonymous | >3 minute episodes Why is this allowed? | 8 | [View] |
131809194 | Anonymous | Lain: What was she? a program or a goddess? | 6 | [View] |
131801853 | Anonymous | Post your reaction to the last episode you watched. >One-Punch Man - 01... | 46 | [View] |
131759282 | Anonymous | Sadpanda thread: http://exhentai.org/g/784751/3b45a228e6/ http://exhentai.org/g/856518/9... | 524 | [View] |
131811294 | Anonymous | This needs to be out there.: Apparently, there was a time when Adolf Hitler made cameos in an... | 2 | [View] |
131806828 | Anonymous | What was her name again? | 11 | [View] |
131810447 | Anonymous | Objectivly Good Animes: No SAO or Naruto allowed. | 10 | [View] |
131807823 | Anonymous | Name one thing good about AgK | 36 | [View] |
131801242 | Anonymous | Season 2 when? | 12 | [View] |
131806633 | Anonymous | Hey /a/, who is this? | 11 | [View] |
131808259 | Anonymous | 10 Years Later~ Who is the best To Heart 2 and why is it Tamaki? | 4 | [View] |
131800429 | Anonymous | This show has some nice backstory. | 45 | [View] |
131810450 | Anonymous | Behold, the savior of anime. Have you made your offerings yet? | 0 | [View] |
131809027 | Anonymous | ITT girls who deserve to be bullied. | 4 | [View] |
131797922 | Anonymous | Gunslinger Girl is the best manga ever. Made me cry | 19 | [View] |
131810393 | The Truth | project mirai dx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r17ofYwlg1Q skip to ----> 2:49 on t... | 0 | [View] |
131810392 | google.net | Why is like evangelion the worst fucking ever like jesus christ i hope whoever reads this from good ... | 0 | [View] |
131807632 | Anonymous | Kekkai Sensen Final: Sasuga Bones, sasuga | 8 | [View] |
131807339 | Anonymous | Kindaichi Returns Season 2: How's s2e1? >More Hell's Puppete... | 4 | [View] |
131809237 | Anonymous | mSn thios is the Greastest shiow ever to waytchj whilke DRhunk andc sad iolovce it so miuch Here iS ... | 11 | [View] |
131807548 | Anonymous | Is Majikoi better as VN or anime? | 9 | [View] |
131810028 | Anonymous | Sauce?: Ive done all I can to find the source nothing comes up please help /a/ | 2 | [View] |
131756413 | Anonymous | Anime Gun/Military-Girl Thread: Post your Gunfu. | 115 | [View] |
131809216 | Anonymous | Just leave the fucking bike there you little retarded piece of shit | 1 | [View] |
131809650 | Anonymous | Steins;Gate: Why was the VN so much better than the anime adaption? Can't wait for Stein... | 0 | [View] |
131809253 | Anonymous | Who's ready for season 2? | 2 | [View] |
131756424 | Anonymous | They are literally the same show. Why is this allowed? | 352 | [View] |
131807684 | Anonymous | Why is anime so milky, with the regards to the texture. As seen in this picture? | 5 | [View] |
131805690 | Anonymous | Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari: Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari (Tales of Wedding Rings) Recently found th... | 18 | [View] |
131808351 | Anonymous | Older guy marrying a younger girl: Why isnt there a series about this where the two of the... | 5 | [View] |
131806079 | Anonymous | What is Alluka's Gender in your perspective? | 5 | [View] |
131769510 | Anonymous | Comet Lucifer: https://akiba-souken.com/article/24963/ The last hope of 2015 new ip orig... | 508 | [View] |
131808974 | Anonymous | Paranoia Agent: so since it's october, I've been thinking of watching some scary/th... | 2 | [View] |
131791584 | Anonymous | Let's settle this: Who's the best reddish/pinkish haired, sword wielding, tsundere ... | 260 | [View] |
131808979 | Anonymous | Describe the most extreme part of a manga or anime, others try to guess what it is. Ill start it off... | 0 | [View] |
131808884 | Anonymous | What episode of Gintama with the gimp suit guys. | 1 | [View] |
131808876 | Anonymous | Prisma Illya 2wei: Ok where is the sub for Special 1? | 0 | [View] |
131796972 | Anonymous | Post your harems. | 43 | [View] |
131808595 | Anonymous | >Top 5 Anime you should watch before you die >C... | 1 | [View] |
131808714 | Anonymous | kizu now fam http://youtu.be/bRdtWrE9bF8 | 1 | [View] |
131804673 | Anonymous | I may have been the only one watching it, but Kurayami Santa was a pretty enjoyable show. I really l... | 8 | [View] |
131805895 | Anonymous | never forget | 3 | [View] |
131803346 | Anonymous | I'm sorry but /a/ what is the fucking point?: Seriously, what is the point in having Mik... | 9 | [View] |
131802575 | Anonymous | Nigurashi - When the Hutus Cry: >parasite problems ... | 10 | [View] |
131806762 | Anonymous | This is 1080p? What the fuck? | 12 | [View] |
131807406 | Anonymous | Industry question, /a/:: If nip business logic is that no matter how successful a season one ... | 9 | [View] |
131771917 | Anonymous | Neon Genesis Evangelion Rewatch - Episode 01: Welcome to the first NGE rewatch thread, where ... | 379 | [View] |
131804245 | Anonymous | Morning /a/ I've been meaning to pick this series up for years, but I have a large aversion to ... | 78 | [View] |
131785193 | Anonymous | Which ara ara would you ara? | 521 | [View] |
131804603 | Anonymous | what the hell happened to Wagnaria. >im confused was that the last epi... | 8 | [View] |
131797713 | Anonymous | >car pulls up >you hear, 'get in loser' ... | 109 | [View] |
131802523 | Anonymous | Which is better. K-On manga or K-On anime? | 92 | [View] |
131805676 | Anonymous | Why is Holo the greatest thing ever? | 8 | [View] |
131805822 | Anonymous | Name one good anime they have done. Everything ends up very disappointing... | 29 | [View] |
131805129 | Anonymous | So, Boku Girl is pretty fuckin good, eh? | 5 | [View] |
131805963 | Anonymous | The future is glorious bros. Fujo is saving Anime! | 6 | [View] |
131799904 | Anonymous | >good fashion sense >fangs ... | 6 | [View] |
131807469 | Anonymous | Check this DRAGON BALL SUPER Metal Cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHf0xSy7w_Q | 1 | [View] |
131803704 | Anonymous | What are some vidya that would make for fantastic animu adaptations? | 6 | [View] |
131807452 | Anonymous | Jojo's bizarre thread.: anything bizarre relating to JOJO!! | 1 | [View] |
131803199 | Anonymous | Natsume Yuujinchou: When will this masterpiece get another season? It's been too long si... | 21 | [View] |
131806934 | Anonymous | Saddest moment in anime you ever witnessed? | 5 | [View] |
131798790 | Anonymous | >No matter how you look at it... >I don't ... | 80 | [View] |
131804899 | Anonymous | What is the point of making Dio his father? He doesn't know who he is, unaware of what a horrib... | 8 | [View] |
131806832 | Anonymous | /a/ dont tell me your waifu is some smelly, poor girl? I mean damn, what would Jeromey Romey Romey ... | 0 | [View] |
131804762 | Anonymous | Grisaia: I want to experience the grisaia trilogy, is this order acceptable to do it as quick... | 7 | [View] |
131801275 | Anonymous | Franken Fran (ARIA + YKK): It is October and I realized that I need to pad out the ARIA chapt... | 73 | [View] |
131806512 | Anonymous | I'm a wee bit dense, so can someone explain to me whether or not people actually like Rakudai a... | 6 | [View] |
131805020 | Anonymous | What is this guy's problem? How and why is he still alive? Gatchaman thread? | 1 | [View] |
131804978 | Anonymous | Fate/EMIYA: Lets discuss archer's timeline, holy grail war, post holy grail war life and... | 8 | [View] |
131790188 | Anonymous | This season = DOOMED... Oh My God!: The good stuff from this season I already read the manga.... | 81 | [View] |
131806411 | Anonymous | >K: Return of Kings ends up being the only good Anime of this season W... | 1 | [View] |
131806332 | Anonymous | >Cities getting leveled and millions dying gets completely brushed over... | 1 | [View] |
131796146 | Anonymous | do you prefer reading manga or watching anime? why? | 59 | [View] |
131806240 | Anonymous | Am I looking at this too deep? | 0 | [View] |
131772819 | Anonymous | Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen: Haku! | 519 | [View] |
131778637 | Anonymous | 2003 vs Brotherhood: 2003 vs Brotherhood Which is the better FMA series? http://strawpoll.me/... | 112 | [View] |
131797605 | Anonymous | Would you a Tomoko? | 41 | [View] |
131800922 | Fate Stay Night UBW BD II Leak | Its out mother fuckers!! | 26 | [View] |
131757775 | Anonymous | Realistic military anime: Why the fuck aren't there any normal military anime series? An... | 264 | [View] |
131802390 | Anonymous | Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level? | 7 | [View] |
131804070 | Anonymous | I want to mind break Stella!!! | 1 | [View] |
131804563 | Anonymous | become meguca | 2 | [View] |
131787145 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan: Stella is objectively better than any other main girl this season ... | 518 | [View] |
131798675 | Anonymous | Tri Cool: Well that was a fun ride. I know this show wasn't talked about much on /a/, bu... | 23 | [View] |
131802320 | Anonymous | What the fuck is even happening in Ninja Slayer anymore? | 4 | [View] |
131804186 | Anonymous | >cg and rotoscope in the same movie hahaha wat | 2 | [View] |
131799991 | Anonymous | Is Haruka being attacked by a brain slug? | 12 | [View] |
131804751 | Anonymous | Concrete Revolutio was so shit that I might not watch Anime for an entire month. So I decided to pic... | 3 | [View] |
131804715 | Anonymous | In this thread we discuss quality animation and artwork | 1 | [View] |
131803017 | Anonymous | Rev up those Imoutos: So any imoutous or nee-sans for this season? | 3 | [View] |
131803131 | Anonymous | You can only choose one. Which series do you support? | 16 | [View] |
131804174 | Anonymous | Can we please talk about just how ahead of its time Space Runaway Ideon's dub was. | 3 | [View] |
131803192 | Anonymous | Give me a good reason why you aren't kicking sawatari's ass with best character Sora as pa... | 7 | [View] |
131796124 | Anonymous | I know this is a long shot on /a/, but I'd like to discuss what /a/nons think the most iconic s... | 62 | [View] |
131801311 | Anonymous | In the duration of Medaka Box, Kumagawa slept with three girls, name them in chronological order. | 6 | [View] |
131803645 | U | 4chan is what the world would be like if Instrumentality was successful. | 5 | [View] |
131801413 | Anonymous | Haven't followed Berserk in 5 or so years, have Miura managed to shit out a couple of pages sin... | 3 | [View] |
131799488 | Anonymous | This is the worst shit and I'm a retard for trying to watch this after marathoning my favorite ... | 2 | [View] |
131788233 | Yui Claus !xmas.SFFqg | I will post this every day until Christmas! I dun goof'd. | 23 | [View] |
131800223 | Anonymous | Pick 1 nurse to heal you back to good health. | 12 | [View] |
131802869 | Anonymous | Is there any anime this season thats worth watching? They all seem to have fucking high school prota... | 3 | [View] |
131803360 | Anonymous | REWRITE OF THE LIFE | 0 | [View] |
131801569 | Anonymous | Is there an anime more deep than monogatari? | 7 | [View] |
131801354 | Anonymous | Why do you bully /jp/? | 12 | [View] |
131801261 | Anonymous | This is a book. | 7 | [View] |
131741285 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri: Season 3 starts this Monday. How are you preparing for the first episode? | 517 | [View] |
131800867 | Anonymous | which girl would you Roll | 18 | [View] |
131802908 | Anonymous | >mfw the only show I would consider AOTY material is something that technical... | 3 | [View] |
131790225 | Anonymous | After 2 movies, I've got to ask, when does it get to good? The plot isn't really explaine... | 61 | [View] |
131797367 | Anonymous | Does anyone even like anime characters with pink hair? | 31 | [View] |
131795940 | Anonymous | Detroit metal city: ok guys is this worth watch? been seeing this everywhere but I'm not... | 28 | [View] |
131801688 | Anonymous | How hard would you Sugu Sugu's Sugus? | 1 | [View] |
131802824 | Anonymous | This is a reminder that Mihawk is the objectively greatest swordsman in the world. Only butthurt idi... | 1 | [View] |
131794713 | Anonymous | Shimoneta: Am i the only one who liked Kajo over Anna? | 51 | [View] |
131802763 | Anonymous | WHY This made me feel really sad. | 0 | [View] |
131802761 | Anonymous | >MIJIKAI YUME NO KASANETE | 0 | [View] |
131802013 | Anonymous | I thought it was bretty good. You thought so too, didnt you? | 4 | [View] |
131801903 | Anonymous | YOU'RE ALWAYS SUPER SPECIAL | 7 | [View] |
131791515 | Anonymous | Fact: If Shirou's character wasn't in a battle series with chuuni magical elements in a ni... | 43 | [View] |
131748554 | Anonymous | Dragon Ball Super: GOOD ANIMATION? WHAT IS THIS?! | 506 | [View] |
131797721 | Anonymous | What's your favorite art style you've seen in an anime? | 42 | [View] |
131795226 | Anonymous | What have you dropped so far this season? | 105 | [View] |
131798810 | Anonymous | how did this manage to have so many plotholes in only 4 episodes? | 13 | [View] |
131800501 | Anonymous | Does Pokemon encourage 'oppai loli?': The character in this picture is a 10 year old in canon... | 3 | [View] |
131800298 | Anonymous | Exactly what year was it that the industry lost its way? | 6 | [View] |
131791381 | Anonymous | SAO thread: Fight me all u want /a/ but after all the anime/manga i've watched over the ... | 34 | [View] |
131785361 | Anonymous | Onepunch-Man: He is bored | 513 | [View] |
131740297 | Anonymous | Kishimoto was just Pure Shit: Why does Sarada x Naruto fit more into logical bounds than Hina... | 521 | [View] |
131799103 | Anonymous | >Do you want to know, why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't s... | 12 | [View] |
131801735 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin: Spoilers yet? | 0 | [View] |
131795509 | Anonymous | Why didn't Kino check their truck in the first place? It would save the trouble of saving their... | 17 | [View] |
131796713 | Anonymous | Sakura Matou: How do you feel about Sakura, /a/? | 24 | [View] |
131795483 | Anonymous | Gochiusa Thread: SIX DAYS GENTLEMEN | 5 | [View] |
131768750 | Anonymous | Komari-san Can't Decline.: Are you guys ready for a middle schooler with huge head sized... | 149 | [View] |
131798463 | Anonymous | Best Anime Romance/Discussion.: What do you think is the best? I liked Shakugan No Shana, Was... | 5 | [View] |
131799696 | Anonymous | How does it feel knowing that translators decide what dialogue is appropriate for you and that you... | 7 | [View] |
131801418 | Anonymous | Onsen Yousei Hakone-chan: Where were you when Mori single-handedly saved fansubbing? | 0 | [View] |
131783131 | Anonymous | Generic as fuck but I liked it | 49 | [View] |
131797579 | Anonymous | OTOUSAN BUY ME NAVIU | 29 | [View] |
131768444 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: This thread is brought to you by Centaurs. Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12... | 544 | [View] |
131796523 | Anonymous | Season barely started and we already have the best girl. | 16 | [View] |
131786804 | Anonymous | Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z | 63 | [View] |
131798926 | Anonymous | I just finished watching Servant x Service last night and now I'm wondering if there are any ot... | 10 | [View] |
131797711 | Anonymous | Who is the first character you think of when you hear the term 'tsundere'? | 35 | [View] |
131800868 | Anonymous | Lazy Animator or DYNAMIC COOL ANIMATOR?: What are these? I don't understand. Sakuga peo... | 2 | [View] |
131770289 | Anonymous | One Piece: Rare reaction image edition. If you don't have any rare ones, find a random c... | 522 | [View] |
131796682 | Anonymous | Post an anime or manga without actually posting. | 45 | [View] |
131756368 | Anonymous | Haven't seen one of these threads in a long time. | 168 | [View] |
131780363 | Anonymous | Lupin III: New Blupin Spaghetti episode in a bunch of hours. Blupin might have started in Jap... | 74 | [View] |
131795198 | Anonymous | Why did we stop getting skintight bodysuit anime/manga? | 11 | [View] |
131798158 | Anonymous | Nisekoi: When will they leave Namek? | 6 | [View] |
131800623 | Anonymous | whats the deal with purple hair brown skin elves? I see them all over gelbooru | 3 | [View] |
131776484 | Anonymous | Prison School: 192 out in Batoto Meiko is back | 100 | [View] |
131790946 | Anonymous | Arslan Senki: Do you miss Arslan yet? | 30 | [View] |
131796041 | Anonymous | Living the dream Madarame ;_; | 18 | [View] |
131716233 | Anonymous | 20 Years of Evangelion: New Evangelion thread since old one died: >>131652562. | 445 | [View] |
131799464 | Anonymous | Do you like the manga artist Homura Subaru? | 4 | [View] |
131799868 | Anonymous | Thoughts on Casshern Sins? What about the original Casshern series? worth watching? | 4 | [View] |
131784846 | Anonymous | >fujoshipandering killed manglobe >they now rui... | 94 | [View] |
131797183 | Anonymous | Why hasn't there been a s3 yet? s2 was shit but it was still better than majority of harem come... | 9 | [View] |
131783793 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Everyone hates Barret | 529 | [View] |
131728546 | Anonymous | Invaders of Rokujouma: Unfortunately this was rather soon after the last thread 404d V... | 270 | [View] |
131797496 | Anonymous | SZS: 281 days to go | 27 | [View] |
131794730 | Anonymous | Shows you kept watching purely for the artstyle | 12 | [View] |
131767162 | Anonymous | Ougi | 525 | [View] |
131797810 | Anonymous | What crime would you commit in Tamayura? | 13 | [View] |
131799283 | Anonymous | I want to fuck this meme. | 2 | [View] |
131799311 | Anonymous | What does this sound like? | 2 | [View] |
131796901 | Anonymous | Favorite OP Thread: In the mood for some good music? Let's find out /a/'s taste! ... | 6 | [View] |
131798150 | Anonymous | >this is a 15-year-old in Japan | 6 | [View] |
131799174 | Anonymous | >tfw your waifu won't get a second season | 0 | [View] |
131794409 | Anonymous | Is this list accurate? One: Food Wars Two: Gatchaman Crowds: Insight Three: Himouto! Umaru-chan Fou... | 59 | [View] |
131795482 | Anonymous | xxxholic: Why couldn't Yuuko have been given a proper voice in the original? In the dub ... | 6 | [View] |
131786714 | Anonymous | Untranslated Story Time - Garo 1974/01 - Various: Hey. Dumping a Garo issue that I scanned re... | 237 | [View] |
131791601 | Anonymous | Left or right? | 18 | [View] |
131798916 | Anonymous | >implying Cyclops can't beat Goku | 0 | [View] |
131798584 | Anonymous | Why didn't Turtle hide in his shell? | 3 | [View] |
131797086 | Anonymous | what are you gonna ask him /a/: He is coming to this year Comic-Con so expect news about be h... | 5 | [View] |
131797504 | High School Battle Anime | I think I'm seeing double, /a/ Is this type of copy-paste shit really popular enough to warrant... | 1 | [View] |
131797944 | Anonymous | >literally every other girl in the series is vastly superior to her in every ... | 1 | [View] |
131797704 | Anonymous | ITT: Post Hitler in anime. | 5 | [View] |
131797494 | Anonymous | ReLife 98: Why don't we have threads of this? Also, new chapter out. | 4 | [View] |
131784603 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu/Husbando Drawthread #7. Remember to take it easy, for their sake. Previous thread: ... | 599 | [View] |
131793954 | Anonymous | >the key to the plot is in the epilogue >02 is ... | 4 | [View] |
131797835 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan manga: Awaiting spoilers for chapter 74 | 0 | [View] |
131792609 | Anonymous | >'this' is a japanese super hero | 25 | [View] |
131794652 | Anonymous | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 6 | [View] |
131795852 | Anonymous | tokyo ghoul or ghost in the shell? | 3 | [View] |
131794960 | Anonymous | Anime: Kira's laugh backwards sounds like a demonic seagull planning to kill people | 2 | [View] |
131797410 | Anonymous | What do anime girls mean when they say 'sona'? | 1 | [View] |
131797485 | Anonymous | Anime series fucking when?! | 0 | [View] |
131789573 | Anonymous | >new Gundam is terrible fujoshi shitfest >One P... | 88 | [View] |
131796694 | Anonymous | Air mace | 1 | [View] |
131786090 | Anonymous | Manga, Anime or both?: Do you read more or watch more /a/? How much of a faggot are you anon?... | 20 | [View] |
131796623 | Anonymous | >It's a UMI DAA episode | 1 | [View] |
131796526 | Anonymous | Boruto / Naruto: Tried to find info about release / translation release but no luck, help? Na... | 6 | [View] |
131785228 | Anonymous | So I dunno, Light is supposed to be this extremely smart and cunning guy who outsmarts his opponents... | 15 | [View] |
131794658 | Anonymous | You are now aware that Star Driver first began airing five years ago. | 36 | [View] |
131790508 | Buyfag Thread | Read the guide: Buyfag.moe | 26 | [View] |
131797223 | Anonymous | Do you like lazy girls? | 0 | [View] |
131796127 | Anonymous | Why World trigger is so fucking boring? It is a pain to watch, but I can't pinpoint reasons | 2 | [View] |
131796295 | Anonymous | 'AntiMagic Academy the 35th Test Platoon' thread: Where are my LN readers at? Will this be th... | 4 | [View] |
131796896 | Anonymous | Why is Trigger the only studio that gets away with this shit? | 3 | [View] |
131789335 | Anonymous | What was the last canon scene (or page) you fapped to? | 35 | [View] |
131795948 | Anonymous | PIN PON | 1 | [View] |
131788984 | Anonymous | Harem thread: Can we get a Harem thread going? I just finished Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari ... | 16 | [View] |
131790091 | Anonymous | Kinnikuman: Was it really necessary to give every character an image song? some of the almost... | 8 | [View] |
131795403 | Anonymous | Do you have an eternal bro, /a/? | 11 | [View] |
131795874 | Anonymous | How do you preserve the quality of your anime music, is it better to keep the rar, then say 10 years... | 9 | [View] |
131766393 | Anonymous | ITT: moments in anime that hit you hard | 201 | [View] |
131796445 | Anonymous | Well, /a/? | 2 | [View] |
131796176 | Anonymous | What anime related track are you currently listening to | 1 | [View] |
131795213 | Anonymous | I must say, this was more entertaining that I imagined. It has no plot, though | 2 | [View] |
131796338 | Anonymous | Why is Candy Shop best girl? | 0 | [View] |
131793350 | Anonymous | A brief synopsis of Akira: KANEDA! | 6 | [View] |
131775644 | Anonymous | How do you feel about femdom, /a/? | 517 | [View] |
131794043 | Anonymous | We're having an AKB49 thread Get in here | 22 | [View] |
131793419 | Anonymous | Underrated character bread. Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for him I'm go... | 2 | [View] |
131795897 | Anonymous | >watch a harem series >suddenly lesbian NTR in ... | 0 | [View] |
131791149 | Anonymous | Gatchaman Crowds: Was she enlightened? | 16 | [View] |
131795766 | Anonymous | Ougi is too sexual | 0 | [View] |
131794026 | Anonymous | >pedos will defend this Disgusting | 19 | [View] |
131760906 | Anonymous | Kizumonogatari: http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ What does it say? | 208 | [View] |
131795649 | Anonymous | >It was over before it even began! | 0 | [View] |
131787261 | Anonymous | Full Metal Panic!: >Kizu coming after 5 years and many broken promises... | 36 | [View] |
131791959 | nicogalie | I dont understand the final of naruto, somebody can explain me? | 10 | [View] |
131791916 | Anonymous | What's with Japan and tomatoes? | 13 | [View] |
131791531 | Anonymous | To LOVE-Ru and To LOVE-Ru Darkess: Is there a good reason why Yui is always heavily pregnant ... | 7 | [View] |
131777836 | Anonymous | What is his name again? | 187 | [View] |
131790363 | Anonymous | >we will never watch an episode this good again Why live? | 15 | [View] |
131795203 | Anonymous | would you be her pet? also general hamtaro thread i guess | 3 | [View] |
131792775 | Anonymous | Why does anime like curry so much? | 9 | [View] |
131784019 | Anonymous | Alderamin: How do you go from this... | 27 | [View] |
131784414 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: LN discussion and speculation time. Next volume cover. | 131 | [View] |
131791631 | Anonymous | /a/ im going insane. what anime was it where one of the characters was going to be executed (or some... | 7 | [View] |
131781860 | Anonymous | >SAO Three seasons, movies coming, multiple videogames, best selling L... | 182 | [View] |
131793656 | Anonymous | ushio to tora: what does /a/ think of the series? i honestly think it's been the only g... | 8 | [View] |
131789112 | Anonymous | How do you know when you've found your waifu /a/? | 14 | [View] |
131769853 | Anonymous | In light of the success that is the Muv-Luv Kickstarter, what anime would you Kickstart? ... | 101 | [View] |
131794187 | Anonymous | Gantz - Italy: Name a series with a more intense four-chapter arc. You might be able to, ... | 2 | [View] |
131792331 | Anonymous | Lance N' Masques: Thoughts on the first episode? I thought the OP was pretty damn great | 28 | [View] |
131782909 | Anonymous | Is porkchaco the most hated animu character on /a/? | 29 | [View] |
131778864 | Anonymous | Do you still like this /a/? | 78 | [View] |
131792113 | Anonymous | Fall Season Icons when? | 3 | [View] |
131790395 | Anonymous | >'hmm, whats this?' >'seven deadly sins? looks ... | 5 | [View] |
131749641 | Anonymous | Yukiko best girl | 338 | [View] |
131782981 | Anonymous | I intend to marry Satsuki at the end of summer and all anons are invited! >inb4 I'm gonna... | 23 | [View] |
131790417 | Anonymous | tanpopo on the front page | 4 | [View] |
131794287 | Anonymous | CONVINCE ME TO WATCH JOJO what kind of anime is it? is it funny? is it serious? tell me how its gud | 3 | [View] |
131770365 | Anonymous | Baki-Dou 79: Baki-Dou 79 Hanma Yujiro is about to meet Musashi. Will he be the one to finally... | 176 | [View] |
131792625 | Anonymous | Now that fall season has started can we all agree that OPM is AOTY? | 12 | [View] |
131794281 | Anonymous | How would wuxia heros fall in a vs ranking? From all I've read most of them can travel dimensio... | 0 | [View] |
131783772 | Bear !QTOwxh9tvE | >[HorribleSubs] One-Punch Man - 01 [720p].mkv Oh baby it's time. | 29 | [View] |
131768529 | Anonymous | I wish to be lupusregina's sex slave | 549 | [View] |
131793588 | Anonymous | Do you like it when girls try to have sex with the MC and he runs away from them? | 1 | [View] |
131768754 | Anonymous | Concrete Revolutio: 1 hour before it's airing. Let's have a thread. PV : https://y... | 508 | [View] |
131787320 | Anonymous | Fate/stay night: I'm 5 episodes in and I'm not really digging it, does it get any b... | 24 | [View] |
131791493 | Anonymous | QUALITY thread: >QUALITY in the first episode sasuga Badhouse | 13 | [View] |
131792591 | Anonymous | What is this face trying to convey? | 9 | [View] |
131788884 | Anonymous | Why was this show so cool and spicy? | 3 | [View] |
131790300 | Anonymous | Finally got around to watching first episode of Fafner Exodus 2. Fucking shit man, he was setting up... | 3 | [View] |
131790975 | Anonymous | Plunderer: Well played Suu, well played. | 1 | [View] |
131777996 | Anonymous | ITT: Canon non bra wearers. stealt titti monster thread | 48 | [View] |
131790956 | one page thread | the best type of thread preferably with source | 3 | [View] |
131783267 | Anonymous | SNK / Shingeki No Kyojin: Anyone got spoilers? Also Mikasa a fucking CUTE ! | 678 | [View] |
131779071 | Anonymous | >now that the dust has settled | 108 | [View] |
131792149 | Anonymous | Kosuri Onigashira is best girl | 4 | [View] |
131712837 | Anonymous | Rin Tohsaka: How do you feel about Rin Tohsaka, /a/? | 518 | [View] |
131790427 | Anonymous | Valkyrie Drive: Anyone else excited for this? It looks like it could be pretty good. Posting ... | 22 | [View] |
131789997 | Anonymous | Why do the name just keep getting longer? | 6 | [View] |
131782438 | Anonymous | Young Black Jack: I thought this would be fujoshit, but it's fucking good. | 71 | [View] |
131792437 | Anonymous | Who is the biggest slut of the year? pic related for top contender | 1 | [View] |
131788146 | Anonymous | Girls Und Panzer Movie!: Sadoko doesnt look too happy. Less than 2 months to go. | 8 | [View] |
131787268 | Anonymous | Unpopular Opinion Thread: Anime Style: Dragon Ball GT was the best out of all of them. | 21 | [View] |
131789457 | Anonymous | Hetakoi: Have you ever been so mad that you tossed your pants at a girl who almost drowned an... | 6 | [View] |
131792078 | Anonymous | Accel World: So they're keeping the original cast, but it's not going to be a seque... | 0 | [View] |
131717560 | Anonymous | Shokugeki No Soma: So has this series gone to shit with the latest chapter? ... | 519 | [View] |
131767572 | Anonymous | That only reason to watch it | 78 | [View] |
131788490 | Anonymous | QUALITY thread? | 13 | [View] |
131761253 | Anonymous | Umineko: OCTOBER 4TH | 579 | [View] |
131791537 | Anonymous | Anime: i think the end istn't so clear how it should be. | 0 | [View] |
131791261 | Anonymous | Usagi has a fat butt. | 0 | [View] |
131789051 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that you should always skip the first episode of this show. | 5 | [View] |
131791022 | Anonymous | best anime coming through | 1 | [View] |
131783083 | Anonymous | Are girls the better magic users? | 129 | [View] |
131790773 | Anonymous | GT vs Super: Dragon Ball GT vs Super: Battle of the shit. Which is better? | 3 | [View] |
131785288 | Anonymous | K-On!! Power Ranking: Objectively best opinion: Yui > Mugi = Ritsu > Mio >Azunyan ... | 16 | [View] |
131790456 | Anonymous | >One Punch Man > O P Man ... | 5 | [View] |
131775507 | Anonymous | /no game no life/: more like no season 2 no life so what does /a/ think of this anime ? | 25 | [View] |
131787993 | Anonymous | slowpokethatwaitsforBDtowatchanything here What the fuck was the fuss about this series? I... | 18 | [View] |
131783316 | Anonymous | What's the appropriate course of action in this situation? | 14 | [View] |
131783462 | Anonymous | How come muscular characters always end up as jokes even when they start of as badass? Is this some ... | 66 | [View] |
131783683 | reasv | /a/ Streams: Evangelion 20th Anniversary Edition: Stream today @8:00PM UTC (in 1 hour) http:/... | 48 | [View] |
131750533 | Anonymous | Jojo Thread: Virtual Piano Edition | 546 | [View] |
131785118 | Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 14 | [View] |
131786030 | Anonymous | I will post this every day until Christmas! 83 days! (Cirnoposter needs to get it together!) | 4 | [View] |
131789142 | Anonymous | Reminder. | 2 | [View] |
131772536 | Anonymous | Well, did you? | 44 | [View] |
131726220 | Anonymous | SYD thread: Scanlation status: Finally caught up. OVA status: Any minute now | 244 | [View] |
131789282 | Anonymous | Who is best Joshiraku and why is it Gan? | 1 | [View] |
131780655 | Anonymous | /a/ not talking about the best anime out there with two seasons and best girls. [GURUGURU MAWARU INT... | 23 | [View] |
131773830 | Anonymous | Fuck one, marry one, kill one, ignore one | 32 | [View] |
131783528 | Anonymous | FoN: why do I feel like the anime is terrible? I'm like 10 episodes and the animation se... | 15 | [View] |
131787672 | Anonymous | What should i pick up this season /a/ ? already gonna watch One Punch Man, Owarimonogatari, Noragami... | 7 | [View] |
131782370 | Anonymous | Kyon-kun denwa! | 21 | [View] |
131789180 | Anonymous | Shows with good re-watch value | 2 | [View] |
131786201 | Anonymous | Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko!: No new thread for the new chapter? 165 | 7 | [View] |
131710611 | Anonymous | Are you ready for the best show of October? | 545 | [View] |
131785260 | Anonymous | You forgot already fuckers?: > Check yesterday's archive ... | 6 | [View] |
131787606 | Anonymous | >newfags dont know that onepunchman is a parody of anpanman | 5 | [View] |
131789047 | Anonymous | What is this borefest? I can't believe you tricked me into playing this More so, I can't b... | 4 | [View] |
131785200 | Anonymous | My waifu can beat up your waifu. | 6 | [View] |
131751556 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide: Buyfag.moe | 575 | [View] |
131786509 | Anonymous | ITT: screen shot the exact frame on which you dropped a show. Bonus point for a reason. Pic related:... | 19 | [View] |
131788531 | Anonymous | Onsen Yousei Hakone-chan: Proud loli goddess makes me happy. | 1 | [View] |
131786914 | Anonymous | [K] - Return of Kings: When did GoHand suddenly become the best existing animation studio? Su... | 13 | [View] |
131773293 | Anonymous | Leomon dies... again | 55 | [View] |
131788541 | Anonymous | What did people find good about his anime? A few friends recommended it to me and it was complete sh... | 0 | [View] |
131770819 | Anonymous | >Hataraku Maou-sama >Season 2 Never | 114 | [View] |
131782614 | Anonymous | >tfw nobody to welcome me home from work: What's her name, /a/? | 12 | [View] |
131787319 | Anonymous | >Getting turned on by sweat Disgusting. | 2 | [View] |
131781458 | Anonymous | Are you fucking serious? | 5 | [View] |
131785645 | Anonymous | Did anyone else notice that these two had literally fucking indentical plots/premises? ... | 20 | [View] |
131788133 | Anonymous | was Frieza the underdog in the movie? | 1 | [View] |
131788148 | Anonymous | >she will never discipline and punish you | 0 | [View] |
131787072 | Anonymous | So why the fuck liar game did not get an anime adaptation yet? I am really tired every season is 90%... | 5 | [View] |
131784679 | Anonymous | What happened in the end?: Was Dandy aware of his powers since the beginning? And was his nec... | 2 | [View] |
131754645 | Anonymous | Hi guys, watch my fingers! | 138 | [View] |
131788096 | Anonymous | Post a pic about an anime without posting the anime. I'll start with an easy one. | 0 | [View] |
131787492 | Anonymous | Was it rape? | 1 | [View] |
131775596 | Anonymous | HOLO THREAD: Bow down before the eternal best waifu! | 27 | [View] |
131779836 | Digispectra | Boruto: Naruto The Last Movie Final Fight: Click here to watch the battle : http://digispectr... | 5 | [View] |
131786072 | Anonymous | why are there no animes that are actually scary? It's all just gore and nudity. | 5 | [View] |
131768266 | Anonymous | Left or right? | 177 | [View] |
131785212 | Anonymous | >band says they play post rock >it's actua... | 14 | [View] |
131785787 | Anonymous | What do you think abput rebuilds? | 1 | [View] |
131766797 | Anonymous | And you thought Gundam was going to get better. Drooooped. | 537 | [View] |
131774650 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan: I don't give a fuck about what you think /a/tards, this was a... | 543 | [View] |
131782012 | Anonymous | Is It True That Cute Little Boys Are The Big Breasted Gal's Weakness? Gyaru-ko ova when? | 17 | [View] |
131776089 | Anonymous | What do you think of the american casting choice for yagami light? | 79 | [View] |
131786370 | Anonymous | Owarimonogatari: Holy shit the sexual tension in this episode was fucking insane. How can suc... | 2 | [View] |
131780460 | Anonymous | Why isnt this loli popular? her show was pretty good. | 14 | [View] |
131782884 | Anonymous | dio ball lick rubbers: Didn't see a thread, let's get this show on the road. | 8 | [View] |
131776523 | Anonymous | Why weren't they a couple? Chi Chi is irrelevant as fuck. | 28 | [View] |
131782700 | Anonymous | So I guess it's time once again to come to the realization that fansubbing is completely dead. ... | 32 | [View] |
131777698 | Digisspectra | Sword Art Online Movie Announced: The popular light novel and anime franchise gets its very o... | 58 | [View] |
131783437 | Anonymous | Who is the best fairy and why is it Muse? | 3 | [View] |
131750688 | Anonymous | >Make awesome VN >Make a shitty one ... | 128 | [View] |
131785731 | Anonymous | Thats some nicely varied works as a director. | 1 | [View] |
131781147 | Anonymous | So who has the best Anime Opening of the season /a/?: My vote goes to Young Black Jack ... | 19 | [View] |
131785437 | Anonymous | Best villain: Who else thinks the first season was genius because of Makshima. Unlike L/Light... | 1 | [View] |
131768962 | Anonymous | BLEACH: I feel like the relation between aizen and gin is one of the most complex and interes... | 29 | [View] |
131785276 | Anonymous | Billion (Doujinshi) by Haganeya: http://haganeya.deviantart.com/gallery/56206256/MANGA-W... | 0 | [View] |
131768233 | Anonymous | Fire Brigade of Flames: New chapter is out | 111 | [View] |
131785238 | Anonymous | Will this ever get a proper ending or new anime? Also post more Archangel Michael. Who best waifu | 0 | [View] |
131781057 | Anonymous | Two more days guys! | 8 | [View] |
131781094 | Anonymous | Anymore A-RISE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-RaAV_dlOg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qh... | 7 | [View] |
131784252 | Anonymous | Don't mind if I do. | 4 | [View] |
131780550 | Anonymous | They aren't that cute. They aren't funny. This show is a perfect example of what bland and... | 14 | [View] |
131783173 | Anonymous | This looks like the first Gundam show in 20 years that I'll be able to enjoy. Finally no more f... | 11 | [View] |
131759972 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu/Husbando Drawthread #6: Take it easy. Last thread: >>131741560 | 574 | [View] |
131773771 | Anonymous | [Mori] Onsen Yousei Hakone-chan - 01 [E0C49139].mkv the memes begin anew | 81 | [View] |
131748999 | Anonymous | You're the supreme commander /a/, how do we defeat a Heavy Object with present military technol... | 582 | [View] |
131731497 | Anonymous | 3x3 thread liked/seen | 465 | [View] |
131739870 | Anonymous | K - Return of Kigns: What the fuck happened with the previous thread? No fujos allowed. | 364 | [View] |
131776592 | Anonymous | Gundam: I hope there aren't people who think this fucker is a genuine bro They aren... | 11 | [View] |
131783684 | Anonymous | Why is this season so bad? | 5 | [View] |
131771873 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: See everyone gets together in the end. | 543 | [View] |
131766933 | Anonymous | One Punch-Man: Episode 01 HQ in 4/5 hours | 573 | [View] |
131780873 | Anonymous | Iron-Blooded Orphans: Fuckin hippies | 8 | [View] |
131770337 | Anonymous | Who's the netorarest /a/? | 44 | [View] |
131779628 | Anonymous | Does anyone else feel like this is one of the worst seasons we've had in years? | 15 | [View] |
131779946 | Anonymous | a-aany news about a part 2? There is still hope...right? | 4 | [View] |
131764800 | Anonymous | Pan de Peace: So cute girls eating bread is getting an anime. Are you ready for another maste... | 74 | [View] |
131699494 | Anonymous | Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls: TIME FOR UZUKI TO LEAD THE CHARGE | 496 | [View] |
131778746 | Anonymous | Is there any manga about great dads? | 4 | [View] |
131782959 | Anonymous | I feel like I missed something or is this supposed to be something we, the reader, don't know y... | 0 | [View] |
131781149 | ayy | >starts to watch anime >first 10 seconds of the... | 19 | [View] |
131762265 | Anonymous | /a/ AOTS SUMMER 2015: /a/ AOTS SUMMER 2015 http://strawpoll.me/5644364/ 1. NON NON BIYORI S2 ... | 101 | [View] |
131754427 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Still waiting for spoilers. | 574 | [View] |
131781408 | Anonymous | Precure thread: Precure thread | 1 | [View] |
131741112 | Anonymous | Haikyuu thread: haikyuu thread - please love sports /a/nime edition | 511 | [View] |
131781545 | Anonymous | Do any anime exist, where a harem is seen from the Mc best friends pov? Like if clannad focused on s... | 5 | [View] |
131781775 | Anonymous | >hokuto no ken ichigo aji what the fuck? | 3 | [View] |
131737263 | Anonymous | World trigger- thats a lot of fish edition: Well best girl won Osamu in this last episode. Un... | 514 | [View] |
131782008 | Anonymous | So, in the end, I find myself were quite amazed by how weird this OVA is. It isn't that bad as ... | 1 | [View] |
131775813 | Anonymous | Honestly, I prefer anime where a shounen lead defeats them bitches in actual combat (and not act lik... | 18 | [View] |
131781978 | Anonymous | Nothing better than bunnygirls. | 0 | [View] |
131781290 | Anonymous | >there are people on /a/ right now that hate giant robot anime Why? Do... | 2 | [View] |
131781688 | Anonymous | What is it about mobile suitsu battles that entertains you? | 0 | [View] |
131777347 | Anonymous | overlord: best bros edition | 7 | [View] |
131779481 | Anonymous | To Heart 1 & 2: Does anyone remember this harem classic from decade ago anymore? I hardly... | 5 | [View] |
131780976 | Anonymous | How does /a/ feel about Fushigi Yuugi? | 5 | [View] |
131768738 | Anonymous | Do you accept Fujoshi as our new overlords? | 511 | [View] |
131775070 | Anonymous | >Her nickname is 'How much?' So she's into Enjo Kosai? | 36 | [View] |
131770990 | Anonymous | >mfw just realizing the meaning behind the lyrics of Head-Chala Why di... | 64 | [View] |
131760039 | Anonymous | OFFICIAL DENGEKI BUNKO FALL 2015 FESTIVAL THREAD #3: AW2, Alderamin, and SAO movie announced.... | 500 | [View] |
131725699 | Anonymous | ITT we post screenshots and others try to guess what show it is | 270 | [View] |
131772237 | Anonymous | How come very few anime girls have their period? | 49 | [View] |
131769805 | Anonymous | Muv-Luv Kickstarter: Muv-Luv is now the most successful VN kickstarter ever (with 30 days lef... | 42 | [View] |
131779140 | Anonymous | who names their kid unko? | 4 | [View] |
131778018 | Anonymous | Baby Steps: I fucking d'aawwed so fucking hard, then I clutched by chest. Wish this sort... | 4 | [View] |
131780953 | Anonymous | Was this ending for real? I mean, for fucking real? Panty and Stocking had more plausible reveal in ... | 0 | [View] |
131772529 | Anonymous | >Watch the two seasons of Lost Canvas >Start wi... | 24 | [View] |
131780681 | Anonymous | Have you worshiped your savior Satsuki-sama recently? | 0 | [View] |
131753038 | Anonymous | What did /a/ think of Initial D? | 104 | [View] |
131776124 | Anonymous | How big a luck rank is needed to avoid being pierced by Gáe Bolg? | 21 | [View] |
131780062 | Anonymous | Why aren't you a sakuga fan? http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/2015-09-30/the-joy-of... | 0 | [View] |
131773849 | Anonymous | SEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 17 | [View] |
131778552 | Anonymous | NANI NANI KOKO DOKI DOKI: Finish it you whores | 2 | [View] |
131762118 | Anonymous | No thread? Here, let me fix that issue. | 26 | [View] |
131779800 | Anonymous | Scanlation Thread: What are you working on? What do you need help with? What are you being a ... | 0 | [View] |
131779568 | GearSekando | follows sagas of One Piece | 1 | [View] |
131777638 | Anonymous | Why is there no anime about the European theatre in WWII? Is it something Japan is reluctant to make... | 27 | [View] |
131779463 | Anonymous | Kaiser Reinhard? More like Cumster Rockhard | 0 | [View] |
131777540 | Comet Lucifer Thread | Am I watching Laputa? | 1 | [View] |
131767764 | Anonymous | Bespectacled beauties thread. | 11 | [View] |
131770996 | Anonymous | what the fuck is up with the animation in kagewani it looks like they just stop motion filmed some c... | 20 | [View] |
131777229 | Anonymous | One Piece Saboady Archipelago: How high were they? | 3 | [View] |
131778634 | Anonymous | ITT cucks: Post the biggest cucks. | 4 | [View] |
131778468 | Anonymous | Highschool DxD: Did nothing wrong | 1 | [View] |
131779164 | Anonymous | Things that make you drop an anime >opening ends ... | 0 | [View] |
131773703 | Anonymous | Kuro: Fuck you bitch! Stop trying to take Kuro away from Coco. | 21 | [View] |
131777042 | Anonymous | Anime reimagenes (ruins) western culture thead GO! | 8 | [View] |
131770087 | Anonymous | Occultic;Nine: Manga adaptation of Occultic;Nine light novels starts October 7. Original nove... | 11 | [View] |
131775306 | Anonymous | why | 18 | [View] |
131775335 | Anonymous | Is decensored stuff better? | 2 | [View] |
131752765 | Anonymous | Have you ever watched a shitty anime just because of a cute girl? | 104 | [View] |
131768130 | Anonymous | >It has been 2 years since Kyoukai no Kanata Shit. Where has the time ... | 22 | [View] |
131774975 | Anonymous | Holy shit is there a big bitch this season? | 9 | [View] |
131758397 | Anonymous | Accel World S2 announced: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/131/1131952/ | 560 | [View] |
131773533 | Anonymous | Top 3 Kyoani girls: 1. Kousaka Reina 2. Akiyama Mio 3. Tainaka Ritsu What do you think? | 12 | [View] |
131713658 | Anonymous | Dungeon Meshi: Chapter 13 is released. | 509 | [View] |
131778316 | Anonymous | It's here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcpVSbmphSQ | 1 | [View] |
131775632 | Anonymous | Crossover thread: Post Crossovers | 8 | [View] |
131775716 | Anonymous | How much did the Cola Cola Company pay them? | 7 | [View] |
131776607 | Anonymous | >Always though anime was dumb and perverted >Al... | 9 | [View] |
131766488 | Anonymous | So, if you are fucking the umarun and it suddenly turns into hamster shrinking herself to 1/5 of her... | 33 | [View] |
131775751 | Anonymous | Anyone else sick of seeing her and wish she would die? | 6 | [View] |
131755709 | Anonymous | Haganai thread | 86 | [View] |
131773673 | Anonymous | Bad gundam vs Good gundam.: MC gets into the Gundam by accident = GOOD GUNDAM MS Gundam 0079 ... | 18 | [View] |
131769372 | Anonymous | ITT: animes worth the 1080p.: Picture related. INB4 someone posts Card Captor Sakura, no diff... | 51 | [View] |
131775583 | Anonymous | Good morning /a/! What are you planning on watching today? | 11 | [View] |
131775360 | Anonymous | It's been 4 years /a/ When will we get our S2? >tfw no fem Takeda Shinge... | 6 | [View] |
131775334 | Anonymous | You can smiiiile agaaaiin... | 1 | [View] |
131769701 | Anonymous | Where does he hide this amazing stash? | 9 | [View] |
131770902 | Anonymous | Is Noucome a fun anime? | 24 | [View] |
131740846 | Anonymous | Did GATE get any better? I got bored half way through and gave up | 126 | [View] |
131770669 | Anonymous | How would you explain why you like Berserk to someone who's never heard of it? | 13 | [View] |
131776725 | Anonymous | How does /a/ feel about .hack//SIGN or any of the vidya/animation that followed it? I just watched t... | 4 | [View] |
131775557 | Anonymous | What did you all think of C.G. of Sidonia S2? I thought the space scenes were well done. | 2 | [View] |
131768876 | Anonymous | Strike Witches: Would you make love to a witch /a/? If so, who? | 66 | [View] |
131708072 | Anonymous | Precure thread: Precure thread | 518 | [View] |
131775653 | chinskipomidor | senjougahara no kimyou no bouken | 7 | [View] |
131776096 | Anonymous | >Crest & Banner of the Stars I >it's a... | 0 | [View] |
131705810 | Anonymous | It's time. | 537 | [View] |
131775624 | Anonymous | Kageyama thread? Every song of his is godlike. I guess Endoh is cool too, but nothing beats him, exc... | 0 | [View] |
131775428 | Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry icon folder | Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry icon folder | 0 | [View] |
131719107 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: Since the previous threads has enough spoilers to understand what is going on i... | 501 | [View] |
131771889 | Anonymous | DeDeDe in poverty.jpg | 8 | [View] |
131775208 | Anonymous | Drawfag Thread 1599 second rarfag's files until thread 1589: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 1 | [View] |
131773408 | Anonymous | This whole 'trap' thing is a joke right? Those are cleary womanly curves | 14 | [View] |
131774644 | Anonymous | Robot on the Road: >Hayashibara Megumi >... | 3 | [View] |
131768226 | Anonymous | What in the fuck. | 14 | [View] |
131761618 | Anonymous | Ano Natsu de Matteru: Some faggot posted about this show a day or so ago making it sound like... | 28 | [View] |
131772147 | M3OW !!8Z/HmcSKOOT | Dead Dead Demon's c25 (v3 END) | 34 | [View] |
131773735 | Anonymous | >this world is shit, so i will destroy it and create a non-shit world!... | 4 | [View] |
131763023 | Anonymous | Who's you're waifu this season? | 21 | [View] |
131774773 | Anonymous | Little Witch Academia: New video: https://youtu.be/JUVaeqAWnQI | 0 | [View] |
131763791 | Anonymous | Is she or is she not the softest? | 36 | [View] |
131772411 | Anonymous | Drawings - Magazine x Tankobon: The schedule of a mangaka is very hard, right? Time is short ... | 1 | [View] |
131774600 | Anonymous | S2? | 0 | [View] |
131774596 | Anonymous | Does this Gaijin bitch have no shame? She's visiting glorious Nippon for the first time and dre... | 0 | [View] |
131768696 | Anonymous | >watching a long-running anime weekly I hope /a/ doesn't really d... | 5 | [View] |
131730269 | Anonymous | Symphogear: Time to smack some hos. | 517 | [View] |
131768046 | Anonymous | Why is there no anime/manga loli sexier than Kate? | 11 | [View] |
131772831 | Anonymous | Overlord Thread: Re-Estize is fucked | 2 | [View] |
131769730 | Anonymous | Is she all time best tsundere? | 41 | [View] |
131771926 | Anonymous | who wins ? | 3 | [View] |
131774135 | Anonymous | God Tier anime OST: Post your favourites Will anime have this level of quality ever again in ... | 1 | [View] |
131765849 | Anonymous | first 25 episodes are epic, rest is ok at best. Anyone agree? | 28 | [View] |
131751382 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan: Can't wait to see episode 3 and everyone losing their minds. ... | 516 | [View] |
131758053 | Anonymous | Alderamin anime announced: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/131/1131943/ | 57 | [View] |
131773317 | Anonymous | Shirobako: So I started watched this yesterday. Am I being healed now? | 5 | [View] |
131769597 | Anonymous | What is with Togashi's fascination with trannies? | 17 | [View] |
131773295 | Anonymous | Wings of Honneamise is the best anime Gainax has made. It's a shame they only made pleb shit af... | 3 | [View] |
131751446 | Anonymous | >Opens up stating that Euler's identity is the most beautiful formula in... | 103 | [View] |
131773389 | Anonymous | Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! thread. | 2 | [View] |
131772104 | Anonymous | I just finished Gintama and have a question. I was very much looking forward to seeing Gintoki vs Ka... | 8 | [View] |
131766004 | Anonymous | Toaru Majutsu no Index: Dengeki Bunko Editor: >http://www.animenewsnet... | 51 | [View] |
131711895 | Anonymous | The usual, make someone want to read a manga with one page. | 202 | [View] |
131766702 | Anonymous | Shirou is a character who doesn't grow or mature. | 11 | [View] |
131768138 | Anonymous | If my favorite anime never get S2 is it me, /a/, or Japan that have shit taste? | 6 | [View] |
131767329 | Anonymous | G-Tekketsu Thread: Why is he so cute. | 37 | [View] |
131767525 | Anonymous | Why do boys make the best girls? | 10 | [View] |
131768607 | Anonymous | So much for the apex off mankind | 12 | [View] |
131762259 | Anonymous | So, apparently no Index S3. What now? | 66 | [View] |
131767935 | Anonymous | >ITT: Villains who got away with everything | 7 | [View] |
131771049 | Anonymous | Hey. | 13 | [View] |
131769620 | Anonymous | so, what are the chances zou is gonna have information about the VC? 99 % or 100 %? | 5 | [View] |
131754851 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Spoilers aren't out btw. | 55 | [View] |
131765674 | Anonymous | Amazon shipped early. | 12 | [View] |
131765898 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Why is he a manlet? | 569 | [View] |
131758105 | Anonymous | What's you're opinion on dubs? Do you love them, hate them, or favor some dubs over others... | 351 | [View] |
131761303 | Anonymous | Kyojin Chuugakkou: Sasha a best. | 16 | [View] |
131765297 | Anonymous | Do you like Houkis? | 9 | [View] |
131770509 | Anonymous | >Decide to marathon Tsuritama yesterday, watching for the first time ... | 2 | [View] |
131770612 | Anonymous | bought a lot LN: really expecting new bookwalker ripping tool out がんばってください(ง •̀ω•́)ง | 1 | [View] |
131765588 | Anonymous | Magi Thread: Morgiana is cute! | 10 | [View] |
131770231 | Anonymous | Saint Seiya: Next Dimension: Where can I read the rest of the chapters? I heard there are 68 ... | 0 | [View] |
131770200 | Anonymous | Happy birthday Madoka! | 1 | [View] |
131756989 | Anonymous | Damn. | 27 | [View] |
131764912 | Anonymous | This series is still great. I'm really worried they're going to run out of budget. | 11 | [View] |
131769524 | Anonymous | Is she voicing anyone this season or has her family tree stopped? | 3 | [View] |
131769087 | Anonymous | What emotion is this face trying to convey? | 5 | [View] |
131767363 | Anonymous | Finally done reading the manga. How come I'm not mad? Tell me /a/ did you pretend to be mad? I ... | 13 | [View] |
131766166 | Anonymous | When Will there be a Female boxing anime? T_T | 7 | [View] |
131769009 | Anonymous | Gosh anon, why are you such a loser? | 5 | [View] |
131768446 | Anonymous | Kill all pettanko. | 5 | [View] |
131767434 | Anonymous | KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP! | 9 | [View] |
131765596 | Anonymous | BRADIO is back with another Godly Opening: Peeping Life TV Season 1?? OP https://www.youtube... | 7 | [View] |
131769033 | Anonymous | has there ever been a more retarded anime scene than those fucking dolphins? Also this is NOT a FSN ... | 1 | [View] |
131764355 | Anonymous | Why aren't you hyped yet? https://youtu.be/EslzWsBSGHI | 32 | [View] |
131697759 | Anonymous | The reincarnation anime wave will come eventually: Everyone who likes to read LNs or WNs can ... | 504 | [View] |
131747164 | Anonymous | Utawarerumono: False Mask: First ep has been subbed. 9 years later and we finally get our sea... | 529 | [View] |
131752720 | Anonymous | Overlord: New chapter Dank maymays Enri and gobbos | 538 | [View] |
131769043 | Anonymous | Why does this manga make me feel bad about the douchebags? | 0 | [View] |
131769014 | Anonymous | Sing Thread: I don't remeber seeing '/a/ sings' threads for a long time. Don't make... | 1 | [View] |
131768270 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of Toriko? | 10 | [View] |
131763493 | Anonymous | OP Of the season is already out in full: https://youtu.be/pjgHF4wur6c | 10 | [View] |
131766703 | Anonymous | Horizon: Why was S2 more confusing than S1? | 12 | [View] |
131762589 | Anonymous | Natural hair color ranking: Blonde > Black > Brown > Red | 15 | [View] |
131767390 | Anonymous | Why didn't 8man choose the best girl? | 17 | [View] |
131768442 | Anonymous | This haircut is fucking stupid. | 1 | [View] |
131767171 | Anonymous | Why is she so perfect? | 8 | [View] |
131689798 | Anonymous | Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1247: Cornucopia of Resources / Guide (read Guide before asking qu... | 539 | [View] |
131767912 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that this is best boy of all time | 1 | [View] |
131735689 | Anonymous | Why did it never get a second season? | 178 | [View] |
131767181 | Anonymous | autism? | 26 | [View] |
131768145 | Anonymous | >[HorribleSubs] Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen - 01 [1080p].mkv | 0 | [View] |
131766125 | Anonymous | Why are Last Exile pilot suits so sexy? Also Σπαρκλεσ ανδ Βυββλεσ thread. | 3 | [View] |
131764559 | Anonymous | K Return of Kings: Be honest, the first few minutes were actually pretty damn cool. Shame ab... | 19 | [View] |
131765702 | Anonymous | What's the biggest Omega to Alpha development in anime/manga? | 3 | [View] |
131756647 | Anonymous | Why is she so perfect bros? | 32 | [View] |
131756303 | Anonymous | Exactly how rich is Karens family? I mean this bitch lives in an entire apartment complex. Also why ... | 29 | [View] |
131758783 | Anonymous | SWORD ART ONLINE MOVIE CONFIRMED http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/131/1131955/ | 44 | [View] |
131712515 | Anonymous | Have you accepted the fact that Togashi will never finish Hunter x Hunter? I haven't | 498 | [View] |
131760446 | Anonymous | That empty feeling when a series you really loved ended and now you're staring at a backlog of ... | 20 | [View] |
131764736 | Anonymous | Eva anniversary memo board. | 7 | [View] |
131766281 | Anonymous | I watched the film again and I was wondering what people think about it? Visually I loved the film. ... | 2 | [View] |
131748917 | No NTR no life | Tokyo Ghoul: Chapter 47, never? | 274 | [View] |
131764643 | Anonymous | How does /a/ keep track of H OVA releases? They're not organized into neat, tidy little charts ... | 8 | [View] |
131766132 | Anonymous | Why is Etherious Natsu Dragneel the best shonen character ever made ? Look at the design.. Mashima i... | 5 | [View] |
131747466 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: Wanted: Monster Girls! Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12Beast and related Mo... | 521 | [View] |
131741277 | Anonymous | One Piece: Reminder that the move Luffy uses to defeat Kaidou will be 'Gomu Gomu no nakama' a... | 546 | [View] |
131764287 | Anonymous | Kawakami Thread (Horizon, Owari no Chronicle, City Series, Gekitotsu no Hexennacht...): https... | 4 | [View] |
131767104 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv9GQVEQIY0 | 0 | [View] |
131727563 | Anonymous | Kantai Collection: Image limit reached, time for new KanColle thread and praise Akebono | 519 | [View] |
131733428 | Anonymous | Fall Anime Season: >Most people aren't watching Young Black Jack,... | 253 | [View] |
131760994 | Anonymous | Kagewani: Is the tattoo some kind of curse? | 5 | [View] |
131751320 | Anonymous | Which Inou would you Battle? | 28 | [View] |
131748444 | Anonymous | Did you like Heavy Object /a/? | 133 | [View] |
131766776 | Anonymous | >anime ending with graduation | 0 | [View] |
131763576 | Anonymous | Does anyone else self-insert into Misaka? She's fucking cool. I wish I was her. | 5 | [View] |
131759472 | Anonymous | ARIA | 28 | [View] |
131766700 | Anonymous | Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Just realized that the movie was released this week. Any spoilers fro... | 0 | [View] |
131765235 | Anonymous | ALFREDO! | 13 | [View] |
131762193 | Anonymous | Hey guys. I just can't remember this old anime that i watched when i was younger. Please forgiv... | 13 | [View] |
131765860 | Anonymous | ITT: God-Tier Movies | 6 | [View] |
131750302 | Anonymous | What did /a/ think about [C]? Q is a QT. | 84 | [View] |
131759397 | Anonymous | Is Serena the hottest Pokemon girl yet?: Just think how lewd Pokemon girls could be if there ... | 14 | [View] |
131738656 | Anonymous | Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia: Previous thread: >>131662636 FA Release (Bato... | 197 | [View] |
131763683 | Anonymous | have you guys read a manga called Netoraserare the story about a fking pussy wants his wife fucked ... | 18 | [View] |
131755798 | Anonymous | Rokka no Yuusha: No idea if there was a thread but new Rokka chapter is translated | 14 | [View] |
131758143 | Anonymous | What went wrong? | 15 | [View] |
131758617 | Anonymous | Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron Blodded Orphans: The ride begins in a few hours nothing will stop i... | 624 | [View] |
131765393 | Anonymous | >tfw you will never make enough money to have a display set of Jotaro, DIO, J... | 2 | [View] |
131765922 | Anonymous | For all the tropes anime and manga use I'm surprised I've never seen a house party episode... | 0 | [View] |
131755051 | Anonymous | Discuss | 21 | [View] |
131762857 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Good stuff in the OP/ED. Too bad the episode was mostly recap. Shit quality ... | 538 | [View] |
131736583 | Anonymous | Drawfag Thread 1599 second rarfag's files until thread 1589: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 163 | [View] |
131765586 | Anonymous | >FREEquel Really, Koyani? | 0 | [View] |
131764931 | Anonymous | One-Punch Man will save anime and hopefully Japan itself. Get hyped. | 6 | [View] |
131765511 | Anonymous | DAL: We all wanna know how Kurumi will be sealed but I wanna know about their past. Who the f... | 0 | [View] |
131748361 | Anonymous | sylphynford thread | 110 | [View] |
131750297 | Anonymous | Don't call it a grave, it's the... actually... yeah, just call it a grave. | 158 | [View] |
131763613 | Anonymous | Nisekoi 188: Nisekoi 188 Are we actuallying seeing progress now? After Marika gets rescued Ra... | 2 | [View] |
131765192 | Anonymous | So at first I didn't understood why people had this thing going with waifus and shit. ... | 3 | [View] |
131763543 | Anonymous | Would Shirou Emiya win against Voldemort? if so which Shirou? Fate/, UBW, HF? MoS? What about Kirits... | 11 | [View] |
131757306 | Anonymous | It may have had QUALITY issues. The BD release may have failed to uncensor it. It may have only had ... | 10 | [View] |
131726390 | Anonymous | >no weird edits or major censorship like the One Piece dub ... | 164 | [View] |
131757969 | Anonymous | ITT: We post anime with better dubs than subs. | 11 | [View] |
131749847 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that despite Anna being a crazy made for sex slav, Fuwa still a best | 72 | [View] |
131746811 | Anonymous | OWWWWWWWW | 81 | [View] |
131761263 | Anonymous | Why is Usagi so perfect? | 6 | [View] |
131760236 | Anonymous | WTF is going on? this show is way too deep for me | 7 | [View] |
131763554 | Anonymous | Find a flaw Protip: You can't | 3 | [View] |
131758285 | Anonymous | Kill la Kill: Kill la Kill is starting again tonight on Toonami. Probably the only time I... | 40 | [View] |
131763275 | Anonymous | Literally Indistinguishable Fantasy Battle Harems: All that's left is Taimadou Gakuen. | 1 | [View] |
131764122 | Anonymous | Overlord WN: Does anyone know where to find overlord WN's? everyone got taken down since... | 0 | [View] |
131759195 | Anonymous | Sword Art Online Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCuz4Rd8xKc GET READY FOR MORE S... | 17 | [View] |
131758643 | Anonymous | Concrete Revolutio: 7 hours before episode 1 airs properly. Waiting for FUNishit sub L... | 16 | [View] |
131763143 | Anonymous | Why didn't anyone tell me it would hurt this much? | 3 | [View] |
131747199 | Anonymous | Owarimonogatari: Would you like to spend time alone with Ougi in a Shaft class, /a/? | 544 | [View] |
131754293 | Anonymous | What if someone legally changes their name? | 123 | [View] |
131719290 | Anonymous | Post your this. | 197 | [View] |
131744239 | Anonymous | Sub or dub? | 48 | [View] |
131739902 | Anonymous | Characters you like that no one else does? | 93 | [View] |
131756832 | Anonymous | Waha thread | 10 | [View] |
131759069 | Anonymous | I can't stop loving her, /a/ | 11 | [View] |
131761413 | Anonymous | Yosuga No Sora: Which route was the best? | 9 | [View] |
131749010 | Anonymous | Riko is for ________. | 16 | [View] |
131756974 | Anonymous | NTHT is a better anime than Evangelion. | 15 | [View] |
131761407 | Anonymous | Hinagiku will win Saimoe. | 7 | [View] |
131719770 | Anonymous | Yahari Oregairu: What if 8man confessed to Tobe instead of Ebina? | 141 | [View] |
131754838 | Anonymous | Could fat Buu have taken perfect Cell? | 18 | [View] |
131742472 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: New OP soon. | 728 | [View] |
131759111 | Anonymous | any news about the manga? Is it still on hiatus? Is there any hope? I don't like Triage X. | 5 | [View] |
131743574 | Anonymous | Which of these two had a higher IQ? | 73 | [View] |
131761254 | Anonymous | So /a/, it's Sunday, have you prayed to your Lord and Savior yet? | 0 | [View] |
131750973 | Anonymous | It's October 3 and I see no FMA thread. For shame, /a/. | 13 | [View] |
131758213 | Anonymous | That sure was a strong kick. | 3 | [View] |
131760911 | Anonymous | Kekkai Sensen: The final episode should be out subtitled in a matter of hours so let's g... | 0 | [View] |
131760175 | Anonymous | ITT characters who probably smell bad Pic related because >French | 5 | [View] |
131758521 | Anonymous | so okay: I watched this show and was expecting great things, GREAT THINGS, you hear? after hearing a... | 6 | [View] |
131757866 | Anonymous | I finally got around to watching this. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Now, I want to make it clear. I've w... | 23 | [View] |
131760573 | Anonymous | >it's a garterbelt episode | 1 | [View] |
131755442 | Anonymous | This author sure likes to drag out things in Break Blade. | 16 | [View] |
131758288 | Anonymous | Chiru Anime: It's not gonna happen ever :( | 4 | [View] |
131760286 | Anonymous | . | 0 | [View] |
131735803 | Yui Claus !xmas.SFFqg | I will post this every day until Christmas! 83 days! | 102 | [View] |
131756223 | Anonymous | If you can rewrite any anime, what anime would it be and why? | 7 | [View] |
131758922 | Anonymous | What: What the fuck is this shit, /a/? Ebina-chan is best girl | 8 | [View] |
131759929 | Anonymous | Kawaharaverse Thread: SAO movie announced: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/131/113... | 1 | [View] |
131759478 | Anonymous | Post lewd anime girls in lewd poses and a jpop/idol song by a female vocalist(s). You can't den... | 6 | [View] |
131741560 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu/Husbando Drawthread #5: Weekend Waifu/Husbando Drawthread #5 Previous thread: ... | 522 | [View] |
131758160 | Anonymous | are you ready? | 2 | [View] |
131743081 | Anonymous | Gentlemen, how can we kill the accelerator? | 96 | [View] |
131757326 | Anonymous | >dad walks in | 8 | [View] |
131684312 | Anonymous | I change for me, I always Make sure to look at myself. I don't give it up, I always Talk with ... | 510 | [View] |
131724595 | Anonymous | S2? | 183 | [View] |
131754312 | Anonymous | OFFICIAL DENGEKI BUNKO FALL 2015 FESTIVAL #2: Last thread hit bump limit. >>131725509 | 650 | [View] |
131758817 | Anonymous | Why is he so perfect bros? | 1 | [View] |
131757313 | Anonymous | >... | 22 | [View] |
131757970 | Anonymous | I've watched TV: 400, OVA: 282, Movies: 112, Spcl.: 66, Eps: 10,650 Amount of Anime. Should I ... | 7 | [View] |
131756873 | Anonymous | Who is the biggest Mary Sue in anime? | 7 | [View] |
131758692 | Anonymous | What was that anime with the hot flatchested demon that wasn't a demon in cyberspace with a ban... | 2 | [View] |
131745912 | Anonymous | Why is the freeza arc so overrated? | 52 | [View] |
131754757 | Anonymous | ITT: Characters who are taller than you | 7 | [View] |
131750326 | Anonymous | tell me /a/, is 1080p bluray anime just placebo shit? | 30 | [View] |
131756396 | Anonymous | ITT people who did nothing wrong | 10 | [View] |
131758342 | Anonymous | How do I support manga/anime that isn't licensed for america, but I 'pirate' it by re... | 1 | [View] |
131752475 | Anonymous | Tamako Love Story is garbage. The entire movie is one long, awkward confession. It drags in absolute... | 11 | [View] |
131749815 | Anonymous | What anime did you cry the most watching? pic related | 14 | [View] |
131735528 | Anonymous | I thought Prison School was a pretty tedious read, and even with the quicker pace of the anime, the ... | 268 | [View] |
131757338 | Anonymous | Rokka no Yuusha: Volume 4, chapter 6 has been translated. Well fuck, the 7th flower is Fre... | 1 | [View] |
131757798 | Anonymous | Celty, we're all here today because we love you...but you have a problem. You're too cute.... | 0 | [View] |
131754540 | Anonymous | Dragon Ball Super: Is this image official ? Is this after a time-skip that will happen after ... | 25 | [View] |
131755344 | Anonymous | prison school is good | 2 | [View] |
131737806 | Anonymous | How does Tama-chan-senpai make you feel deep down inside? | 49 | [View] |
131757756 | Anonymous | ITT we post screenshots/pages out of context. | 0 | [View] |
131745783 | Anonymous | To Love Ru darkness: Where were you when Nemesis got her ass handed to her by Gid? | 40 | [View] |
131757631 | Anonymous | I-I want to hold her, /a/. Fuck, now I can't furiously masturbate to Shindol's works an... | 0 | [View] |
131757613 | Anonymous | Ghost in the Shell: I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON IN THIS SHOW AM I JUST DUMB | 1 | [View] |
131750892 | Anonymous | >THORA grain | 8 | [View] |
131753858 | Anonymous | Any theories about the 13th gold saint ? | 5 | [View] |
131713797 | Anonymous | Meitantei/Detective Conan: Leave the waifu war shit at the door. We've got a mystery to ... | 67 | [View] |
131749000 | Anonymous | > be me > kill Krillin ... | 28 | [View] |
131756810 | Anonymous | >main character in position to kill main enemy ... | 1 | [View] |
131757223 | Anonymous | Who has best character theme and why is it Sylphynford? | 1 | [View] |
131751253 | Anonymous | One Punch Man: Now that the dust has settled. Does it live up to the manga? | 11 | [View] |
131744569 | Anonymous | >pantyhose | 94 | [View] |
131745552 | Anonymous | ITO THREAD: HEY /a/, READ ME I'M A JUNJI ITO THREAD DON'T YOU BELIEVE IN JUNJI ITO ... | 155 | [View] |
131755639 | Anonymous | >there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who have not watched the tatami gal... | 7 | [View] |
131756930 | Anonymous | Best jojo stand and why?: D4C of course. >Broken ability ... | 0 | [View] |
131755715 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime that involves cellphones. I'll start. | 15 | [View] |
131741905 | Anonymous | Are you all ready for the next part of Owari no Smug? | 56 | [View] |
131756557 | Anonymous | >Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei >His name isn't ... | 3 | [View] |
131755842 | Anonymous | So, why did they come up with the whole 'Amelia has an allergic reaction to contact with men' thing ... | 2 | [View] |
131754898 | Anonymous | Eureka 7 Dance Party! LIVE FROM TOKYO! -(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch... | 11 | [View] |
131731875 | Anonymous | How do you feel about characters of the loli character archetype in anime and/or manga? | 111 | [View] |
131747458 | Anonymous | Now that Kizu is basically confirmed, what's is our next 'Kizu'? | 29 | [View] |
131756512 | Anonymous | The courage to act on your incestuous and pedophilic urges. | 0 | [View] |
131755916 | Anonymous | Why does Asuka become strangle? | 7 | [View] |
131754471 | Anonymous | Parasyte: Parasyte is on tonight on Toonami. I'm not sure what part of me feels more sic... | 12 | [View] |
131750897 | Anonymous | Do you like skintight bodysuit anime/manga?: Do you like skintight bodysuit anime/manga? | 9 | [View] |
131731868 | Anonymous | Sad panda thread: http://exhentai.org/g/849216/e489fcc8f9/ http://exhentai.org/g/747937... | 535 | [View] |
131748495 | Anonymous | Let's all wish Evangelion a happy 20th anniversary! | 14 | [View] |
131749960 | Anonymous | Clannad AS is a deconstruction of the melodrama genre. | 12 | [View] |
131745879 | Anonymous | Is Greek God Gon-san canonically the strongest fighter? Other than Cell, of course. | 29 | [View] |
131754245 | Anonymous | JoJo: Why the fuck should i not drop this stupid episode this fucking instance? Episode 9... | 21 | [View] |
131743594 | Anonymous | So I'm like three episodes in and I'm already convinced this is basically Autism: the Anim... | 57 | [View] |
131749796 | Anonymous | /yys/: I still have hope. http://yaraon-blog.com/archives/70758 | 6 | [View] |
131753055 | Anonymous | This is a 12 year old in Japan | 26 | [View] |
131754286 | Anonymous | ITT: yfw you finish watching an anime and don't know what to do with your life | 6 | [View] |
131749697 | Anonymous | this thread again | 9 | [View] |
131749354 | Anonymous | How come no one ever dies in this manga anymore? | 17 | [View] |
131740606 | Anonymous | Would you put your brain in a robot body /a/?: also GitS thread. Marathon'd season 1 of ... | 35 | [View] |
131744732 | Anonymous | is it worth watching? | 42 | [View] |
131749920 | Anonymous | What does Hikky love? | 24 | [View] |
131754136 | Anonymous | So I just fucking watched this and holy shit? Why hadn't I ever before? It's fucking amazi... | 3 | [View] |
131753910 | Anonymous | Is there any reference on full metal alchemist of October 3? Question because tell this bitch that I... | 5 | [View] |
131753175 | Anonymous | Today we discuss this. | 3 | [View] |
131750722 | Anonymous | who thinks this anime should end: i love conan but I wish it would end already | 12 | [View] |
131725509 | Anonymous | OFFICIAL DENGEKI BUNKO FALL 2015 FESTIVAL THREAD: Today's the day my fellow /a/nons. T-8... | 522 | [View] |
131708889 | Anonymous | How would the 4th Grail War go if Kayneth summoned him instead of Diarmuid? | 277 | [View] |
131749834 | Anonymous | JOHJ | 13 | [View] |
131751697 | Anonymous | manga: What are your favorite mangas mine are Berserk Tokyo ghoul Rosario vampire Heavens... | 7 | [View] |
131744534 | Anonymous | WHY DOES HE WEAR THE APRON | 45 | [View] |
131741760 | Anonymous | GT vs Super: Battle of the shits. Which is better: GT or Super? | 117 | [View] |
131750079 | Anonymous | Gentleman, how do we fix Vinland Saga? | 12 | [View] |
131738158 | Anonymous | Bleach: Shunsui's Bankai incoming? | 57 | [View] |
131753458 | Anonymous | >HorribleSubs] Shingeki! Kyojin Chuugakkou - 01 [720p].mkv | 0 | [View] |
131752155 | Anonymous | How ready are you? | 3 | [View] |
131732948 | Anonymous | What is the appeal of this girl supposed to be? | 557 | [View] |
131747538 | Anonymous | Any of you love Misaka Mikoto? | 22 | [View] |
131752992 | Anonymous | Would you put up with her shit? And be honest; don't give one of those 'lel I'd fug her br... | 4 | [View] |
131680989 | Anonymous | Noragami Aragoto: [HorribleSubs] Noragami Aragoto - 01 [1080p].mkv Anyone besides me watching... | 320 | [View] |
131750292 | Anonymous | tomo chan: chapter 165 | 10 | [View] |
131743673 | Anonymous | Why aren't their more tomgirl protagonists? | 18 | [View] |
131718119 | Anonymous | Aquarion Logos: [HorribleSubs] Aquarion Logos - 14 [720p].mkv | 83 | [View] |
131751486 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking anything. buyfag.moe The basketballs arrived | 4 | [View] |
131739786 | Anonymous | Kawakami Thread: Weekend Kawakami Thread? Just finished the latest chapter, found here: http:... | 32 | [View] |
131742219 | Anonymous | Hi /a/, here's a challenge. Can you recognize this Original Character? | 35 | [View] |
131752629 | Anonymous | Why is she the best? | 0 | [View] |
131737365 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Spoilers soon. | 530 | [View] |
131752462 | Anonymous | ITT: Races or people in anime that truly deserved there fate. | 1 | [View] |
131751004 | Anonymous | Why is Ebina such a fat pig slut? | 2 | [View] |
131743538 | Anonymous | So? | 19 | [View] |
131745713 | Anonymous | Under appreciated best girls | 32 | [View] |
131742036 | Anonymous | Why is there so much slapping in Gundam? | 27 | [View] |
131741698 | Anonymous | https://yurination.wordpress.com/2015/10/03/revolutionary-girl-utena-sega-saturn-game-engl... | 27 | [View] |
131739388 | Anonymous | Overlord Thread: Goblin NTR doujin when? | 592 | [View] |
131748885 | Anonymous | Character deaths that made you rethink life: Post 'em | 8 | [View] |
131751064 | Anonymous | How many times did you laugh, /a/? | 1 | [View] |
131748116 | Anonymous | Just finished the first episode of Umaru. I have a pretty high tolerance for shitty anime, but this ... | 32 | [View] |
131748622 | Anonymous | As much as I like Fate/Stay Night's story, I really think that Gen Urobuchi should finish what ... | 12 | [View] |
131749947 | Anonymous | Did Hiroyuki purposefully fuck the captcha system to make us buy more passes? What's you... | 16 | [View] |
131733657 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan: Hulu rip is out | 541 | [View] |
131748844 | Anonymous | Why does she like sniffing underwear? That's disgusting | 4 | [View] |
131745625 | Anonymous | Vocaroo thread: i'll start http://vocaroo.com/i/s0jHv9mdWLFI | 12 | [View] |
131744905 | Anonymous | I don't understand why people like this franchise. It's boring and the characters have the... | 24 | [View] |
131750367 | Anonymous | Kill la Kill Anniversary: Two years old today. It was so much crazy, dumb fun. I'm rew... | 10 | [View] |
131746754 | Anonymous | Kizumonogatari PV: > got Meme back > dep... | 9 | [View] |
131750046 | Anonymous | Was she autistic too? | 4 | [View] |
131749892 | Anonymous | Why doesn't Mikan realize that incest is immoral? | 3 | [View] |
131749355 | Anonymous | Is this the biggest of the season? Of the year? Decade? I love dogs and I love things told from the ... | 6 | [View] |
131750481 | Anonymous | One Piece Fag < KING YUJIRO | 0 | [View] |
131741115 | Anonymous | Will there ever be another anime as deep as monogatari? | 16 | [View] |
131690568 | Anonymous | Who's exicted for season 2? | 520 | [View] |
131738995 | Anonymous | Why so little shounens ends when they should have and they drag on forever? FMA is called one of the... | 30 | [View] |
131743237 | Anonymous | Just a reminder that Liru loves and appreciates you. | 51 | [View] |
131748405 | Anonymous | gosh anon | 4 | [View] |
131739876 | Anonymous | Could any anime character beat him? | 6 | [View] |
131746711 | Anonymous | Can we talk about how Kenshrio is a blatant ripoff of Jonathan Joestar. | 60 | [View] |
131739431 | Anonymous | why have a harem when you can have a fusion | 32 | [View] |
131736727 | Anonymous | Gyaru-Ko anime when | 38 | [View] |
131739352 | Anonymous | Claire found a new role. | 50 | [View] |
131749564 | Anonymous | Wtf | 0 | [View] |
131748490 | Anonymous | This was shit, wasn't it? What ya'll niggas think? | 6 | [View] |
131746778 | Anonymous | Who was best girl in the show?: Almost everyone was ok | 4 | [View] |
131742118 | Anonymous | taishou yakyuu musume: KOUME! ITS 8:00, WAKE UP! October 3rd bitches Baseball girls thread | 15 | [View] |
131745631 | Anonymous | Is there anything he can't do? | 2 | [View] |
131749104 | Anonymous | http://vocaroo.com/i/s063T1T7g5rs | 4 | [View] |
131711982 | Buyfag Thread | Read the guide: Buyfag.moe | 532 | [View] |
131741555 | Anonymous | SZS: 282 days to go | 34 | [View] |
131748455 | Anonymous | >Christmas episode >Subplot about lonely career... | 2 | [View] |
131745407 | Anonymous | Anyone even read this? I think I'm the only one. I think it follows the standard love story. I ... | 10 | [View] |
131748938 | Anonymous | I fixed your Shiki. | 1 | [View] |
131748838 | Anonymous | Prison School: Did Mari and Kate really fuck? | 2 | [View] |
131747247 | Anonymous | What happened to him? | 9 | [View] |
131748421 | Anonymous | ITT: Shit tier animu. Alois did nothing wrong edition. | 0 | [View] |
131748372 | Anonymous | It's all according to keikaku Thank you HS | 0 | [View] |
131745780 | Anonymous | Is she schizophrenic? | 4 | [View] |
131739142 | Anonymous | >studio creates subpar show >throws in time tra... | 37 | [View] |
131641642 | swiss Momo | /ak/ thread: time for Upotte and GuP raws - edition | 455 | [View] |
131743639 | Anonymous | I'm going to marry Crab. | 19 | [View] |
131741469 | Anonymous | Is he going to fuck that semen demon? I can't stand Madarame suffering | 27 | [View] |
131747961 | Anonymous | Does this shit get any better? The entire setup relies entirely on gooks being unable to count to th... | 1 | [View] |
131724285 | Anonymous | October 4 /a/ where's the Hype: There is literally nothing worth shit except for this at... | 88 | [View] |
131729085 | Anonymous | I started reading Jojo and I'm on Part 4. Josuke is really GREAT. So who is best Jojo, /a/? I t... | 555 | [View] |
131744878 | Anonymous | I just came up with a great idea for a series, a show presented as a reality show but it's an a... | 6 | [View] |
131747631 | Anonymous | >you will never be known as the King of Cucks Why even live?! | 1 | [View] |
131740611 | Anonymous | >OP by ClariS | 28 | [View] |
131747583 | Anonymous | Time to decide! (JoJo): http://strawpoll.me/5638352 | 0 | [View] |
131747543 | Anonymous | >Character becomes more morally ambiguous and starts manipulating his/her fri... | 0 | [View] |
131747448 | Anonymous | This is a reminder that Mihawk is the objectively greatest swordsman in the world. Only butthurt idi... | 1 | [View] |
131747059 | Anonymous | How did Inferno Cop become a police officer in the first place? | 5 | [View] |
131743440 | Anonymous | Railgun Ch. 79: New chapter is out. | 34 | [View] |
131747200 | Anonymous | WTF. So now ssj is strong as a god? | 2 | [View] |
131743833 | Anonymous | 3/10 | 17 | [View] |
131743600 | Anonymous | Ne ne junon boy, it's Saturday! | 13 | [View] |
131745620 | Anonymous | What are your thoughts on fujo character's in romance anime? | 5 | [View] |
131720366 | Anonymous | Kizumonogatari: http://kizumonogatari-movie.com/ Kizu officially announced. Also Hitagi ... | 508 | [View] |
131743507 | Anonymous | Seiyuu thread: Do any of you pick up a show if a seiyuu you like is in it? | 7 | [View] |
131746928 | Anonymous | reminder | 0 | [View] |
131746165 | Anonymous | Lance N' Masques: >white knighthood ... | 5 | [View] |
131744185 | Anonymous | ITT: best songs: Haaarroooo, harrooo harooo, boko re ru se naka wo, shitei masu ka | 3 | [View] |
131745179 | Anonymous | Still the best boss battle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7DRjgJFFQY | 1 | [View] |
131745749 | Anonymous | They ripped off transformers | 9 | [View] |
131744296 | Anonymous | ARIA + YKK | 31 | [View] |
131716813 | Anonymous | Lol this monster musume. Author never went to school.: Bird girl has tits. But tits is someth... | 543 | [View] |
131739394 | Anonymous | How was this shit okay? | 43 | [View] |
131690796 | Anonymous | Valkyrie Drive: How flat is too flat? | 560 | [View] |
131743799 | Anonymous | English dub when? | 9 | [View] |
131728972 | Anonymous | K-ON thread. | 189 | [View] |
131743105 | Anonymous | Has PA Works revealed their next project for their 15th anniversary? | 8 | [View] |
131745929 | Anonymous | Who takes it? | 1 | [View] |
131744367 | Anonymous | /a/ consider the follwoing: Don't you wonder what the last thought an anime character ha... | 6 | [View] |
131741719 | Anonymous | Hestia > Chaika > shit > Umaru | 43 | [View] |
131738187 | Anonymous | Vampire loli thread: Who is your favourite vampire loli in anime/manga | 48 | [View] |
131737862 | Anonymous | so was she autistic? | 57 | [View] |
131741341 | Anonymous | You forgot, I know you did. | 11 | [View] |
131745589 | Anonymous | So I just finished Ore monogatari and it was really enjoyable, I liked it a lot There's just o... | 0 | [View] |
131740579 | Anonymous | What's the difference between the regular Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist *Brotherh... | 8 | [View] |
131745458 | Anonymous | This was amazing/a/: The ending was pretty fucking good and it ended with a may continue so S... | 2 | [View] |
131712651 | Anonymous | Tokyo Ghoul:re: Waiting for more spoilers for Chapter 47 edition. More spoilers never. | 515 | [View] |
131741860 | Anonymous | So Perfect | 5 | [View] |
131675646 | Anonymous | Ushio to Tora: What happens when you mix 90s shonen and eyeball tentacles? Tora and ... | 264 | [View] |
131689765 | Anonymous | Kaiji: Season 3 when? | 266 | [View] |
131736741 | Anonymous | Vandread 15th Anniversary Thread: She was definitely the best girl, right? | 21 | [View] |
131744820 | Anonymous | Post girls you would bully. | 6 | [View] |
131736334 | Anonymous | Seacats: Remember when you were trolled by that one guy saying that Ufotable posted a picture... | 35 | [View] |
131739793 | Anonymous | ITT girls that you don't actually like but would still fuck like there is no tomorrow. | 15 | [View] |
131744052 | Anonymous | KAGEWANI: No thread for AOTS? It's even got Sugita in it. | 11 | [View] |
131689486 | Anonymous | SASUGA AINZ-SAMA https://twitter.com/Madhouse_News/status/649765113793146880 https://www.youtub... | 426 | [View] |
131741606 | Anonymous | Official /a/ Spooky Anime Thread: With fall here and Halloween coming up I thought we could a... | 12 | [View] |
131740421 | Anonymous | I dare you fags to post a better English opening than this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2S... | 25 | [View] |
131744540 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of Ro-Kyu-Bu!?: Lolis are popular among /a/ right? Is this a 10/10 for yo... | 1 | [View] |
131741192 | Anonymous | Why does so much shit get immediately picked up for simulcast by Funi and Crunchyroll, while good se... | 28 | [View] |
131736774 | Anonymous | OWARIMONOGATARI: Episode 1 was fucking perfect, sasuga SHAFT. This day was literally gloriou... | 619 | [View] |
131697900 | Anonymous | Utawarerumono ~Itsuwari no Kamen~: So this is airing in couple of hours. I've always wa... | 538 | [View] |
131718612 | Anonymous | One Piece: We'll get to Wano someday | 504 | [View] |
131732149 | strawfag !1gBXWWISqk | Anime of the Season - Summer 2015: So before the starting the new winter anime season. We sho... | 27 | [View] |
131741568 | Anonymous | What is with all the highschool kids with magic super powers fighting anime this season? Are any of ... | 6 | [View] |
131739907 | Anonymous | Puella Magi Homura Tamura?: Does anyone have this shit? I've been looking on and off for... | 4 | [View] |
131733535 | Anonymous | I love you /a/! | 58 | [View] |
131734963 | Anonymous | Whose gonna turn out worse? | 40 | [View] |
131742413 | Anonymous | Things that would never happen in you're favorite series? | 2 | [View] |
131743029 | Anonymous | Holy fuck Basilisk is fucking awesome. | 5 | [View] |
131683638 | Anonymous | Which ojou would you sample? Will shomin sample anime be good? Airs next week. Is anyone subbing it? | 418 | [View] |
131743260 | Anonymous | I am Buchou! We are Ogyaku-san. Eiso Simasen. I love sushi. | 0 | [View] |
131732000 | Anonymous | You have 10 seconds to put an anime image on your new coffee mug. What do you put up? | 57 | [View] |
131741637 | Anonymous | Are there any anime/mangas where the girl is bullied by the guy she loves? That's my fetish... | 4 | [View] |
131740048 | Anonymous | K: You told me it's a gay anime. | 18 | [View] |
131696669 | Anonymous | How about a webm thread for some weekend fun? | 186 | [View] |
131742358 | Anonymous | And that's gotta hurt | 2 | [View] |
131742797 | Anonymous | Does /a/ like school | 0 | [View] |
131707897 | Anonymous | You've gotten a NASDAQ-affecting amount of drug money. What anime that doesn't exist would... | 227 | [View] |
131741789 | Anonymous | If he edges, then cums, and then uses regrowth on himself, would he receive all the pleasure from th... | 5 | [View] |
131740235 | You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh | SSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! | 6 | [View] |
131680841 | Anonymous | About to watch this for the first time in my life. Gonna marathon it. What should I expect? | 506 | [View] |
131737636 | Anonymous | Gakusen Toshi Asterisk: This scene is nice. | 8 | [View] |
131719328 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Give it to the world. And everyone's futures. | 510 | [View] |
131729479 | Anonymous | >Tfw Lupin will never sneak in your bedroom and give you jewels Godly ... | 12 | [View] |
131741770 | Manga/Anime that made you cry the hardest.. | Manga: Strongest Man Kurosawa Anime: Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 | 0 | [View] |
131741682 | Anonymous | Why didn't Ougi just use the original 1-3 classroom? | 1 | [View] |
131741236 | Anonymous | I just finished watching this and Azalyn a cute. | 1 | [View] |
131740480 | Anonymous | Whose Sword would you Online? | 3 | [View] |
131741208 | TeamCinas | Draygon Bailz: Super Saiyan God is much more powerful than any other anime character out ther... | 1 | [View] |
131736364 | Anonymous | Just finished this. Season 2 never, r-right? | 15 | [View] |
131741180 | Anonymous | What would /a/ think of the Rebuilds getting a Misato end? | 1 | [View] |
131733182 | Anonymous | Obscure Anime Thread > Anime you like that nobody else does, or heard of.... | 28 | [View] |
131723707 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #4: Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #4 Take it ea... | 529 | [View] |
131740939 | Anonymous | I swear to god, if I don't get a s3 tonight JUST | 1 | [View] |
131741100 | Anonymous | Post opposite characters voiced by the same person It blows my mind that they have the same voice | 0 | [View] |
131740381 | Anonymous | Horror Anime: Has an anime ever scared you, /a/? Can good horror anime be made, or is it outs... | 5 | [View] |
131740567 | Anonymous | Which season was best? | 2 | [View] |
131740738 | Anonymous | DBZ Super Shit: We could have had a mini story arc on Goku's parents. How they grew up a... | 2 | [View] |
131740001 | Anonymous | is he gay? | 2 | [View] |
131739673 | Anonymous | ITT: OTPs | 6 | [View] |
131739806 | Anonymous | You wouldn't a sheep | 10 | [View] |
131739997 | Anonymous | lol. is this show fuckin serious | 1 | [View] |
131738655 | Anonymous | Is clamp kill? They haven't put out a new work in quite a while. I found myself watching xxxHol... | 2 | [View] |
131740783 | Anonymous | > same anime is coming out three times > the re... | 0 | [View] |
131737801 | Anonymous | Tomboys: post em | 11 | [View] |
131740539 | Anonymous | HOW CAN ONE MAN BE SO BASED? | 0 | [View] |
131727926 | Anonymous | Nanatsu no Taizai: Chapter 143 spoiler thread 'Scream of the Holy Maiden' Surrounded by t... | 37 | [View] |
131726242 | Anonymous | So does anyone plan on subbing this or did all of it's fans die? | 25 | [View] |
131736803 | Anonymous | Raildex: Sorry for opening a thread but I cannot find any info in the archive, there was supp... | 7 | [View] |
131740360 | Anonymous | Highschool DxD: Every day until she comes back | 1 | [View] |
131737598 | Anonymous | Wait, can someone explain what the fuck was that epilogue in the castle to someone who never played ... | 8 | [View] |
131730381 | Anonymous | God tier Opening/Ending thread: Let's start with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw... | 34 | [View] |
131719938 | Anonymous | Little Witch Academia Japanese LE Blu-ray: So Trigger is selling Limited Edition Blu-ray... | 48 | [View] |
131723609 | Anonymous | Chaika? | 39 | [View] |
131740068 | Anonymous | K? MORE LIKE GAY, AM I RIGHT? | 0 | [View] |
131740046 | Anonymous | Is there a uglier MC? | 0 | [View] |
131738520 | Anonymous | >watching TWOGK for the first time fuck me I am lonely | 3 | [View] |
131740024 | Anonymous | 20 years have passed Happy Birthday Eva. | 0 | [View] |
131738871 | Anonymous | SNK / Shingeki No Kyojin: Chuugakkou a cute ! | 9 | [View] |
131739888 | Anonymous | Post the most famous scene from your favorite animes | 2 | [View] |
131732979 | Anonymous | Influence Map - Shonen Manga: Every time a series is successful it is natural it begins to in... | 55 | [View] |
131739948 | Anonymous | Black Clover 32: Why are the color pages so goddamn shit? | 0 | [View] |
131736280 | Anonymous | Now that the set has dustled, can we admit that anime hit is peak in the 80s and has only gone downh... | 7 | [View] |
131733645 | Anonymous | Get in the car, onii-chan. | 35 | [View] |
131739832 | Anonymous | Desu yo | 0 | [View] |
131732683 | Anonymous | This is a Japanese physicist. | 33 | [View] |
131734064 | Anonymous | Are you guys as excited as I am about the new NNB episode on Monday? ; ; | 14 | [View] |
131718902 | Anonymous | Battle Harems: Why do they all have the same font? Why is there always a red-haired girl? How... | 100 | [View] |
131739280 | Anonymous | ITT: Manga/Novels That Deserve Anime Adaptations: Talk about manga and/or light novels that y... | 3 | [View] |
131716210 | Anonymous | Why is she so perfect? | 61 | [View] |
131736289 | Anonymous | About 3 more months until the 5th anniversary of Madoka Magica. Feels like it was just yesterday I h... | 5 | [View] |
131736275 | Anonymous | >Decided to pick this show up because of Fatalpulse ... | 28 | [View] |
131737625 | Anonymous | Holy shit Mari is so best girl is not even funny | 11 | [View] |
131709248 | Anonymous | Are there many series where the US president becomes a Japanese schoolgirl? | 57 | [View] |
131739269 | Fafner in the Azure | THE TASTE OF FREEDOM | 0 | [View] |
131737445 | Anonymous | Stop fucking watching shows i don't like you fat fucks. | 17 | [View] |
131737155 | Anonymous | Is Dakuten Monkey Eichiro Oda? | 6 | [View] |
131736361 | Anonymous | Now this shit is just trying too hard. | 16 | [View] |
131720084 | Anonymous | I miss Robotics;Notes. | 40 | [View] |
131738998 | Anonymous | Serial Experiments Lain: First time I've ever seen this series. I feel like I need to li... | 1 | [View] |
131738852 | Anonymous | 'Why dont you just try smiling?' Immediately hooked | 0 | [View] |
131716287 | Anonymous | Overlord: Overlord Thread Why does nobody like Solution? >Most intelli... | 510 | [View] |
131735027 | Anonymous | Elves are for _________ | 16 | [View] |
131737924 | Anonymous | I've seen this show get some hate on this board. A buddy recommended it to me and I've got... | 12 | [View] |
131738507 | That One Guy | Anyone wanna be my waifu?: Title | 3 | [View] |
131660570 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri: S3 in four days. Seems like at TYO they love the Brat. Sakurako's going to st... | 512 | [View] |
131738219 | Anonymous | more Houki | 4 | [View] |
131737530 | Anonymous | Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: Who was the best part of the most recent chapter? http://kissmanga.... | 1 | [View] |
131738494 | Anonymous | So, Orochimaru is now a trap? | 1 | [View] |
131734066 | Anonymous | Moribito: Just finished this. My initial disappointment was that it didn't develop into ... | 12 | [View] |
131736509 | Anonymous | What went right? | 4 | [View] |
131733570 | Anonymous | Overlord: The time has come and so have I!!! The ride never end! | 14 | [View] |
131738234 | Anonymous | Is Next Dimension any good? I know Kurumada's likely to die before it's finished, but I... | 0 | [View] |
131738171 | TAIL | claim your fate/waifu | 0 | [View] |
131662636 | Anonymous | Boku no Hero Academia: Bakugou apologists will defend this. | 510 | [View] |
131735233 | Anonymous | Owari no Seraph: Chapter 38 >http://www.mangaumaru.com/archives/5... | 2 | [View] |
131713414 | swiss Momo | people wanted raws for Smokin' Parade chapter 2, right? Well, here you go | 92 | [View] |
131734280 | Anonymous | Pretentious shit of Fall 2015: Can't wait for all the DEEPfags to put it in their 3x3s h... | 12 | [View] |
131737918 | Anonymous | What is wrong with this person? | 1 | [View] |
131737149 | Anonymous | The great debate. Nylons or bare legs? | 4 | [View] |
131735770 | Anonymous | So mad it took me three weeks to come back and finish the series. | 2 | [View] |
131737772 | Anonymous | Working!!! Lord of the Takanashi: How hyped are you? How do you feel about best girl getting... | 0 | [View] |
131712317 | Anonymous | What anime will you be watching this season? | 95 | [View] |
131727712 | Anonymous | So I just finished Oreimo. I watched the first season for no reason, and my thoughts on it are, ... | 30 | [View] |
131737532 | Anonymous | Do mangas exist where the MC actually hits on a dragon, fully aware it is one? I wanna read some man... | 0 | [View] |
131730155 | Anonymous | Id care of a snail. | 23 | [View] |
131730893 | Anonymous | What the hell happened? | 37 | [View] |
131736766 | Anonymous | Just finished watching all of Nisekoi. What now? | 4 | [View] |
131737103 | Anonymous | Homu: Who nomi nere? | 1 | [View] |
131705998 | Anonymous | HAIKYUU 2ND SEASON HYPE THREAD: less than 12 hours until our babby crows are back | 518 | [View] |
131737083 | Anonymous | How soon will Munakata lose it? How badly will this season traumatize Anna? What song is the Rie sho... | 70 | [View] |
131737069 | Anonymous | Must admit Bishamon is 'God'-tier waifu material. I'm on the verge of dropping my waifu through... | 0 | [View] |
131737065 | Anonymous | What would you do in this situation? | 0 | [View] |
131728761 | Anonymous | Was he edgy enough? | 26 | [View] |
131714922 | HimekoTachibana !IuIUmPOLLY | Nisekoi Chapter 188: Would you marry Marika? | 104 | [View] |
131732471 | Anonymous | Kekkai Sensen: Fuck up of the century? | 7 | [View] |
131736822 | Anonymous | Post funny manga pages/panels | 0 | [View] |
131729781 | Anonymous | Shingeki no kyojin thread | 603 | [View] |
131729631 | Anonymous | everyday until you like it | 23 | [View] |
131732332 | Anonymous | How hard? | 11 | [View] |
131731493 | Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 22 | [View] |
131725702 | Anonymous | OWARIMONOGATARI ep1: It's here faggots, is finally here! | 533 | [View] |
131734510 | Anonymous | And... Mommy was... was... | 15 | [View] |
131707613 | Anonymous | Why dont harems/romance anime do the omnibus format that Amagami had going? It was pretty good and 2... | 168 | [View] |
131650625 | Anonymous | Drawfag Thread 1598 second rarfag's files until thread 1589: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 508 | [View] |
131735225 | Anonymous | Did she eat like 20 tangerines here? | 10 | [View] |
131736272 | Anonymous | What do you guys think of Middle Manager Tonegawa so far? | 1 | [View] |
131723636 | Anonymous | Kyochuu Rettou Chapter 1 English Translation: Come and get it. I'll be dumping the entir... | 82 | [View] |
131736270 | Shinji Smash | Tumbling Down: For all you Boku no Shinji fans out there. PS. Woop woop. PSS. Asuka is still ... | 0 | [View] |
131734436 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that you should always skip the first episode of this show. | 7 | [View] |
131734414 | Anonymous | Okay? | 18 | [View] |
131727881 | Anonymous | Is this the greatest anime of all time? | 31 | [View] |
131736028 | Anonymous | But incest is immoral. | 1 | [View] |
131735208 | Anonymous | >you will never pick up girls in a dungeon | 5 | [View] |
131720848 | Anonymous | Who is best girl?: Well /a/ | 37 | [View] |
131732261 | Anonymous | What are your thoughts on Translator Notes in anime? I've been watching Pani Poni Dash and the... | 11 | [View] |
131735731 | Anonymous | youtube mashup: http://vmashup.com/mvYeOazp can we have one of these threads? | 0 | [View] |
131729561 | Anonymous | Monogatari Thread: Is senjougahara more of a yandere or a tsundere? What do you say /a/? Als... | 26 | [View] |
131731148 | Anonymous | How come in sports anime there are never riots during matches/competitions? | 8 | [View] |
131735573 | Anonymous | Why did no one tell me this was Homeworld: the Anime? | 1 | [View] |
131731879 | Anonymous | How do you deal with your favourite girl losing? Pic unrelated | 8 | [View] |
131734935 | Anonymous | What are you favorite anime films? No movies please. | 8 | [View] |
131735524 | Anonymous | Hello /a/, what do you think of the anime adaptation? | 0 | [View] |
131715628 | Anonymous | En En no Shoboutai: Next chapter when? | 57 | [View] |
131716646 | Anonymous | With all of Japan's perversion and fetishtistic all-ages manga, how has there never been one en... | 47 | [View] |
131684336 | Anonymous | i cant stop watching bleach help me: kenpachi is life, kenpachi i love | 190 | [View] |
131726862 | Anonymous | Can we start a nazi girl thread? | 19 | [View] |
131723570 | Anonymous | Any harems this season with an alpha MC? | 11 | [View] |
131734947 | Anonymous | Why did the room appear on the 1st floor if the original 1-3 classroom was on the fifth floor? | 0 | [View] |
131732154 | Anonymous | Will this guy remain stubbornly oblivious to love until the series' end? I need to know if it... | 3 | [View] |
131731828 | Anonymous | Is this ever getting translated? | 3 | [View] |
131729837 | Anonymous | How can one girl be so best? If she doesn't win the nagibowl I'll an hero. | 7 | [View] |
131713079 | Anonymous | The Updated Powerlevel Chart October 2015: Refer to the next post for those uninformed about ... | 165 | [View] |
131708775 | Anonymous | How do you feel about pronounced small breasts? (meaning not flat) | 119 | [View] |
131696777 | Anonymous | Best plot this season? | 510 | [View] |
131734335 | Anonymous | UQ Holder ch 96 spoilers: http://anime.astronerdboy.com/2015/10/uq-holder-chapter-96-spo... | 1 | [View] |
131728038 | Anonymous | boring as shit. | 8 | [View] |
131733829 | Anonymous | Moshi Moshi | 1 | [View] |
131734220 | Anonymous | Kizuthreading until the world ends: So, I thought all loliNobu did was play deaf and dumb bef... | 1 | [View] |
131731032 | Anonymous | You are the main director of the Sword Art Online series. What would you make better about the show ... | 32 | [View] |
131719884 | Anonymous | The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan: I haven't seen any sales threads lately, how is D... | 34 | [View] |
131734031 | Anonymous | Shugo Chara: Yo guys! Would you watch my show again if it had a straight english dub? ...be ... | 0 | [View] |
131728448 | Anonymous | Scarlett Bloom thread | 7 | [View] |
131732341 | Anonymous | Which is your favorite magic high school series? (And why?) | 7 | [View] |
131728756 | Anonymous | Is there any other sports manga that as accurately portrays the obstacles and means of methodically ... | 9 | [View] |
131733946 | Anonymous | Brace yourself /a/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cui5SsmfGMk | 0 | [View] |
131730428 | Anonymous | I got a question for you guys Is the Ghost in the Shell manga any good? How does it compare to the m... | 9 | [View] |
131733343 | Anonymous | Durarara thread. | 2 | [View] |
131708625 | Anonymous | What's the fastest you ever dropped something? 1 Minute into Lance n' Masques here. | 138 | [View] |
131716613 | Anonymous | >awkward situation in anime >immediately feel c... | 51 | [View] |
131725976 | Anonymous | Girls that should never be sexualized: I'll start | 78 | [View] |
131733194 | Anonymous | What was his problem, anyway? | 1 | [View] |
131730888 | Anonymous | Is Fuu Jesus? | 5 | [View] |
131731863 | Anonymous | Every October 3rd until 2017. | 1 | [View] |
131727055 | Anonymous | What's up with Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei chapters 35 to 80 ? | 2 | [View] |
131730459 | Greatest Love Story Ever !TOLDvnXlro | Reminder. | 6 | [View] |
131707585 | Anonymous | Do you like girls who have really developed and hot bodies but are shy and very innocent when it com... | 200 | [View] |
131731745 | Anonymous | Lala is still the best TLR girl. | 5 | [View] |
131731048 | Anonymous | Would you Cross Ange? | 2 | [View] |
131729257 | Anonymous | Would you a mighty silverback? | 2 | [View] |
131697431 | Anonymous | Kekkai Sensen: One day until last episode. Is /a/ excited? | 543 | [View] |
131724379 | Anonymous | What are your thoughts on InuYasha? | 35 | [View] |
131729729 | Anonymous | What did she mean by this? | 5 | [View] |
131727360 | Anonymous | KLK is two years old today. Hopefully the next Trigger original will bring as much hype as it... | 19 | [View] |
131732263 | Anonymous | Owarimonogatari Episode 1 discussion with spoilers: Kizu discussion >... | 4 | [View] |
131730392 | Anonymous | I'm about to marathon both seasons of Yuri Yuri. I tried to ignore it when the first season cam... | 10 | [View] |
131721665 | Anonymous | KIZU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRdtWrE9bF8 PV and thank you KoG for pulling a som... | 28 | [View] |
131721268 | Anonymous | Was Atem straight? | 11 | [View] |
131730174 | Anonymous | Onore.... | 5 | [View] |
131712178 | Anonymous | Just for how long must we suffer? | 536 | [View] |
131731272 | Anonymous | JOJO THREAD!!!!: Anything Jojo related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BsSQ-gZ4E8 | 1 | [View] |
131730672 | Anonymous | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 1 | [View] |
131730638 | Anonymous | It's almost Saturday night which means watching anime and eating garbage in peace knowing that ... | 2 | [View] |
131703578 | Anonymous | Fairy Tail: >That new OP So its like Naruto and Sasuke, but mor... | 50 | [View] |
131725937 | Anonymous | How haram is my harem? | 4 | [View] |
131727478 | Anonymous | Animator Expo: What were your top 10 or 5 expo shorts, /a/? 10: The Dragon Dentist ME!ME!ME! ... | 3 | [View] |
131728464 | Anonymous | She should've stayed this way | 16 | [View] |
131726990 | Anonymous | Why is it that it seem that fans of Asuka are absolutely insane for Asuka? | 10 | [View] |
131632886 | gintoki | Are you guys ready for Young Black Jack? | 505 | [View] |
131726014 | MOGRA | ANISON MATRIX!! - アニソンマトリクス - 2nd Thread: 1st Saturday of the Month IT's TIME /a/, MOGRA... | 924 | [View] |
131724522 | Anonymous | GOIN FAST MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE | 8 | [View] |
131704446 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan: Almost there for the first episode, which type of anon are you goi... | 557 | [View] |
131710532 | Anonymous | Gakusen Toshi Asterisk: 1 hour 45 mins before episode 1 start. >The Ac... | 537 | [View] |
131723293 | Anonymous | Is Harima alpha... or a cuck's blasted beta? | 11 | [View] |
131728465 | Anonymous | Origami Tobiichi Thread: Why is she so amazing? | 7 | [View] |
131705691 | Anonymous | So clearly this is best yugi-girl right? | 98 | [View] |
131728823 | Anonymous | OPM ANIME IN 24 HOURS: Even ONE is afraid. | 6 | [View] |
131726727 | Anonymous | Digimon: Xros Wars ruined Lilithmon. | 2 | [View] |
131729632 | Anonymous | Whenever this will get animated, I'll be there for fucking sure | 0 | [View] |
131722157 | Anonymous | Why the fuck does no one ever start Durarara threads ? | 23 | [View] |
131723285 | Anonymous | >Be a Jojo fan >Knows Joseph is a Weird Al fan... | 10 | [View] |
131715841 | Anonymous | Scanlation Thread: What are you working on? What do you need help with? What are you being a ... | 53 | [View] |
131719315 | Anonymous | How are you supposed to watch this without fapping? | 32 | [View] |
131727557 | Anonymous | >tfw Canada didn't get Evangelion >tfw Can... | 2 | [View] |
131725440 | Anonymous | Looks pretty good man | 5 | [View] |
131726073 | Anonymous | So once again this whole Anime was a prologue to a even better story that won't get a adaptatio... | 7 | [View] |
131729006 | Don't Cry | Anime Death: Sad deaths in anime :( SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... | 2 | [View] |
131728928 | Anonymous | I was dandy before Space Dandy was dandy. | 0 | [View] |
131728589 | Anonymous | Do you guys actually like Prison School, or is that just some elaborate practical joke? I'm try... | 4 | [View] |
131716103 | Anonymous | Concrete Revolutio Episode 1: It's up. http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=740132... | 37 | [View] |
131718049 | Anonymous | One of the best of this year's summer season. | 56 | [View] |
131726749 | Anonymous | Miss Monochrome: Miss Monochrome Thread So are Miss Monochrome songs sung by Yui Horie with a... | 5 | [View] |
131728289 | Anonymous | >kinnikuman isn't ugly under the mask smh | 2 | [View] |
131727512 | Anonymous | Assuming a protagonist has to have an advantage at the outset of a story that they later lean into t... | 1 | [View] |
131719727 | Anonymous | If you had to choose one, who'd it be? | 116 | [View] |
131723188 | Anonymous | haganai thread! Yozora is best girl! | 5 | [View] |
131713008 | Anonymous | Why is this allowed? | 35 | [View] |
131720920 | Anonymous | KIZUMONOGATARI CONFIRMED: Kizumonogatari part 1 to be released on the 8th of January, 2016. W... | 22 | [View] |
131727724 | Anonymous | >foreign character appears >acts like a outgoi... | 1 | [View] |
131696030 | Anonymous | Frid/a/y Night Osu!: It's Friday lets play some osu! Password is rage as always | 98 | [View] |
131716045 | Anonymous | I stopped following Index after Railgun aired. Did anyone besides frog doctor ever find out about hi... | 11 | [View] |
131717159 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin/Snk: Spoilers and Chuugakkou soon. October 4th—Chuugakkou anime October 6t... | 655 | [View] |
131697428 | Anonymous | Jojo Thread: Villain Fetish Edition | 544 | [View] |
131727364 | Anonymous | i want to hold her hand | 0 | [View] |
131713178 | Anonymous | >Precure under the new title of 'Glitter Force' in american dub release... | 47 | [View] |
131727276 | Anonymous | Is there seriously no MAL entry yet for the Owari no Seraph recap episode that just came out today? ... | 2 | [View] |
131723144 | Anonymous | Itoshi no Muco: AOTY AOTY Best idol dog edition | 9 | [View] |
131724642 | Anonymous | The breasts talked! | 3 | [View] |
131725197 | Anonymous | Would you be a good dad, anon? | 1 | [View] |
131726478 | Anonymous | Heavy Object Ep 1: Thoughts? | 4 | [View] |
131716350 | Anonymous | Ajin: So i was interested in reading this but after finding out that the original author ditc... | 14 | [View] |
131724716 | Anonymous | artist's of /a/: hey /a/ help me draw some boobs on this picture im having trouble, if p... | 5 | [View] |
131726631 | Anonymous | So now that 'Kizu Never' isn't a meme anymore, pic related is the next meme to be put out of it... | 0 | [View] |
131726031 | Anonymous | Well, here you go. | 5 | [View] |
131720407 | Anonymous | KIZUMONOGATARI: KIZUMONOGATARI | 629 | [View] |
131726268 | Anonymous | Only good characters in their respective series | 1 | [View] |
131722616 | Anonymous | This is a jet pilot. | 10 | [View] |
131713054 | Anonymous | Kindaichi Case Files R S2 26: >[HorribleSubs] Kindaichi Case Files R S... | 18 | [View] |
131725494 | Anonymous | Anime webm thread | 2 | [View] |
131725352 | Anonymous | Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Best episode Best girl Shiori a shit | 3 | [View] |
131725806 | Anonymous | >You will never find the secret entrance to Slut City Feels bad man | 0 | [View] |
131698423 | Anonymous | Steins;Gate Zero: The alternate designs look so much better than the main ones. | 97 | [View] |
131725104 | Anonymous | Haaaro, haaaroo haaarooo, boko re ru se naka wo shitei masu ka | 1 | [View] |
131724110 | Anonymous | Does the popularity of anime prove that people just to fuck teenagers the most? | 5 | [View] |
131725276 | Anonymous | Selamat Pagi! | 4 | [View] |
131724649 | Anonymous | >Salami's face GAY AS FUCK | 2 | [View] |
131699210 | Anonymous | Kantai Collection: Delicious Kaga tears, cry more. | 520 | [View] |
131722929 | Anonymous | Nanatsu no Taizai: Why are there no NnT threads? It's the best ongoing manga without any... | 3 | [View] |
131712494 | Anonymous | Let's all stop for a moment and say something about this perfection. Hotarun is love. | 90 | [View] |
131719526 | Anonymous | CHARACTERS YOU WANT TO PUNCH IN THE FUCKING FACE | 5 | [View] |
131722997 | Anonymous | Guys, 'Captain Jack' is a codename for Wapol He is under governmental protection because of h... | 1 | [View] |
131715741 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime ruined by their excessive fanservice. | 16 | [View] |
131724678 | Anonymous | Anyone have the s-CRY-ed OST? | 0 | [View] |
131718243 | Anonymous | How is this type of character called? | 21 | [View] |
131722964 | Anonymous | UQ Holder Chapter 96 SPOILER: >Touta’s shout ... | 9 | [View] |
131714826 | Anonymous | What if I told you the director of Glasslip created a masterpiece? | 23 | [View] |
131724340 | Anonymous | SEMENAIDE, KESANAIDE, MAKENAIDE | 0 | [View] |
131628114 | Anonymous | SYD: More scanlations, and vague hopes of OVA subs. | 507 | [View] |
131723790 | Anonymous | Silly kid, skirts are for girls. | 2 | [View] |
131665316 | Anonymous | Fremy Fryday: Based Aoi Yuuki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mCvnNP6sqs https://ww... | 224 | [View] |
131723828 | Anonymous | Should I give up on this from ever continuing? Is Hiromu ded? | 0 | [View] |
131703219 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #3: Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #3 Remember t... | 638 | [View] |
131721158 | Anonymous | Are you hype? | 6 | [View] |
131721281 | Anonymous | Let's have a Seacats/Higurashi thread. Today is 07th Expansion's Party in Akihabara. | 9 | [View] |
131720441 | Anonymous | KIZU CONFIRMED | 9 | [View] |
131722037 | Anonymous | Hi | 2 | [View] |
131717555 | Anonymous | thoughts on this semen demon? whats your interpretation in this anime | 6 | [View] |
131723197 | Anonymous | What shows are worth checking out this season besides one punch man? Post your top 3 recommendation... | 3 | [View] |
131723074 | Anonymous | >Kaiba boy | 1 | [View] |
131722995 | Anonymous | Evangelion TV is 20 years old. Where's the thread? | 3 | [View] |
131722890 | Anonymous | Why haven't there been mikos lately? | 0 | [View] |
131720343 | Anonymous | Alright f/a/ggots, time to get a waifu thread going. Post your top 10, I wanna see how good your tas... | 4 | [View] |
131722798 | Anonymous | Arslan Senki: So what was better in the end? OVA or TV? | 3 | [View] |
131716236 | MOGRA | ANISON MATRIX!! - アニソンマトリクス: 1st Saturday of the Month IT's TIME /a/, MOGRA SATURDAY!! G... | 788 | [View] |
131720835 | Anonymous | KIZU ACTUALLY CONFIRMED Not a joke, it's happening for real. | 2 | [View] |
131717587 | Anonymous | So yeah. Both Rakudai and Asterisk have now aired. Picking up both? Dropping both? Prefer one to the... | 13 | [View] |
131719437 | Anonymous | ITT: We post Best One Piece lady. The above can also be interpreted as... >IT... | 9 | [View] |
131719442 | Anonymous | GOAT best boy prove me wrong | 1 | [View] |
131698443 | Anonymous | Is she literally the best Kyoani girl ever? | 211 | [View] |
131714336 | Anonymous | ITT: Annoying character voices: pic related | 15 | [View] |
131717955 | Anonymous | Why is Nisemonogatari so fucking trash compared to Bakemonogatari? | 19 | [View] |
131721889 | Wammu is Best Bara | -Epitome of perfect human form. -Loyal and honorable -Would and did die for his comrades -Gorgeous ... | 1 | [View] |
131720716 | Anonymous | How hype are you? kizumonogatari-movie.com | 1 | [View] |
131719293 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of kameko dx? | 1 | [View] |
131706960 | Anonymous | Ace Attorney Thread: Season 1 Episode 1 First Turnabout Episode 2-4: Turnabout Sisters Episod... | 34 | [View] |
131719852 | Anonymous | Who do you want to drink with? >You will never lift weights with Misono... | 1 | [View] |
131710473 | Anonymous | New Legend of the Galactic Heroes manga spoilers | 41 | [View] |
131720865 | Anonymous | Galient's OP is probably the best English I've ever heard from a Japanese singer. I honest... | 2 | [View] |
131715116 | Anonymous | Hibike! Euphonium: Are they yuri or not? Cause all the art I've seen seems to think so | 38 | [View] |
131686333 | Anonymous | Snake thread. | 208 | [View] |
131714960 | Anonymous | Tsusmugi Kotokubi thread? Tsusmugi Kotokubi thread. | 26 | [View] |
131721386 | Anonymous | ITT good instrumental OP's and ED's inb4 Cowboy Bebop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta8... | 2 | [View] |
131713952 | Anonymous | Who is your favorite active anime director, /a/? | 18 | [View] |
131716661 | Anonymous | Why are there so many fan arts of her? | 7 | [View] |
131708237 | Anonymous | Kizumonogatari part 1 tekketsuhen - January 2016: http://www.humax-cinema.co.jp/cinema/i... | 156 | [View] |
131673250 | Anonymous | 1st episode Hacka Doll: OP: https://youtu.be/wlk4RZLjBTg | 426 | [View] |
131720957 | Anonymous | Cyber City Oedo 808: Just finished watching this. Why haven't I heard anybody, not even ... | 1 | [View] |
131710520 | Anonymous | Smug: It is time. Post your smug. | 72 | [View] |
131717563 | Anonymous | >[HorribleSubs] Miss Monochrome S3 - 01 [720p].mkv I'm okay with ... | 25 | [View] |
131698770 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: MON beach edition! Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12Beast and related Monste... | 521 | [View] |
131674233 | Anonymous | It is now Oct 3rd in Japan. Come wish Madoka a happy birthday! | 337 | [View] |
131712754 | owarimonogatari | Holy shit, a few hours | 20 | [View] |
131718799 | Anonymous | The lack of dramatic/serious anime with conflicts this season is depressing. | 35 | [View] |
131717853 | Anonymous | Owarimonogatari: Monogatari Livestream in 2 minutes. Usual places. Kizu announcement in 1 hou... | 11 | [View] |
131713993 | Anonymous | Owarimono & Kizu: Making a thread as the anime will air soon and finally the Kizu info wi... | 809 | [View] |
131681504 | JJ | NoWaYu / YuYuYu / WaSuYu: Latest chapter of the LN: http://www.mediafire.com/view/n52gwn... | 155 | [View] |
131719600 | Anonymous | Did she ever find love? | 1 | [View] |
131719943 | Anonymous | What if CCO had conquered Japan? | 0 | [View] |
131715721 | Anonymous | 20 years later, and she's still the best. | 5 | [View] |
131717287 | Anonymous | Animes that worst girl won: pic related | 9 | [View] |
131719415 | Anonymous | Gakusen Toshi Asterisk: Claudia a cute edition | 2 | [View] |
131719358 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Episode 77: 破壊の美学 - Hakai no Bigaku (The Beauty of Destruction) The Friendsh... | 0 | [View] |
131708872 | Anonymous | Why did he kill himself? | 25 | [View] |
131702709 | Anonymous | Tomo-chan: New page! | 83 | [View] |
131637283 | Anonymous | Gakkou Gurashi: Why /a/? Why did it turn to shit? Why did they have to turn something dark an... | 269 | [View] |
131715862 | Anonymous | Are brown lolis the sluttiest anime character type? Not that I mind. | 19 | [View] |
131711674 | Anonymous | Find a flaw. | 41 | [View] |
131712379 | Anonymous | What's the first thing you think of when you see this? | 21 | [View] |
131699746 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: What is the best shoujo out there and why is it Arc-V? | 539 | [View] |
131714388 | Anonymous | Is this guy a jobber ? 'cause he is jobbin' right ? :^) | 4 | [View] |
131713789 | Anonymous | >Finally get around to watch this because /a/ won't shut the fuck up abo... | 38 | [View] |
131715527 | Anonymous | Itoshi no Muco: Why? | 9 | [View] |
131717625 | Anonymous | Daily Dose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqT0iFZifgw | 2 | [View] |
131716496 | Anonymous | Will we get a S4, /a/? | 3 | [View] |
131716977 | Anonymous | Ran a cute. | 2 | [View] |
131693563 | Anonymous | One Piece: >600+ episodes >Not one good... | 511 | [View] |
131709785 | Anonymous | TAG DER DEUTSCHEN EINHEIT!: TAG DER DEUTSCHEN EINHEIT! POSTET DEUTSCHE! it's the day ... | 213 | [View] |
131662548 | Anonymous | SadPanda: Sadpanda Thread. New things. http://exhentai.org/g/859141/16a7e94d10/ http://... | 499 | [View] |
131715106 | Anonymous | Mekaku City Actors: Season 2 when? | 7 | [View] |
131716450 | Anonymous | What is the point of upscaled 1080p? | 4 | [View] |
131717500 | Anonymous | First show of the season I haven't deleted after 5 minutes. Please tell me there are more decen... | 0 | [View] |
131704694 | Anonymous | [HorribleSubs] K - Return of Kings - 01 [720p].mkv: What the fuck is this disgusting looking ... | 36 | [View] |
131717318 | Anonymous | Kill yourself, /a/. | 0 | [View] |
131717219 | Anonymous | Emi Isuzu: Say an aggettive for describe Emi Isuzu! | 0 | [View] |
131712031 | Anonymous | Crime and Punishment: What do you think of the manga adaptation of Crime and Punishment (Tsum... | 16 | [View] |
131670169 | Anonymous | Trigger saves anime: Are you ready for Trigger to save anime once more? Post hopes http://www... | 227 | [View] |
131710282 | Anonymous | Fate/EMIYA: Lets discuss archer's timeline, holy grail war, post holy grail war life and... | 49 | [View] |
131717088 | Igorephony | She's watching you: 24/7 she will always be there being with you and loving you | 0 | [View] |
131703158 | Anonymous | To Love Ru darkness: Where were you when Nemesis went from one of the best girls to fuck. To ... | 90 | [View] |
131710915 | Anonymous | >show has a dumb english tagline Why do they do this? | 40 | [View] |
131688194 | Henry the Lonely Soul !!lRiIiOL2UVd | 3x3 Thread: How about a 3x3 thread to quench those lonely souls? | 261 | [View] |
131705300 | Anonymous | How would you try to join them? | 34 | [View] |
131700586 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: PICK. YOUR. POISON. Some tips for animeonlyfags: >It was... | 582 | [View] |
131716741 | Anonymous | this show was lit i just wished that they had chilled a bit more. | 0 | [View] |
131713301 | Anonymous | KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP! | 8 | [View] |
131684689 | Anonymous | Defend Valvarave and it's overall plot the best you can | 91 | [View] |
131714315 | Anonymous | Boku Girl: Are there any news about chapter 80 of Boku girl? | 3 | [View] |
131713428 | Anonymous | household affairs: New chapter of ntr gook shit http://yomanga.co/series/Household-Affa... | 13 | [View] |
131714283 | Anonymous | When exactly nyantype and megami gone straight porn?: It always was about service promotional... | 10 | [View] |
131677186 | Anonymous | Overlord won. Umaru lost. What a shitty season: well there were 2 times this season that /... | 333 | [View] |
131711940 | Anonymous | http://www.nippon-animation.co.jp/news/information/3329/ >No.1 favorite ... | 16 | [View] |
131704796 | Anonymous | See this, what do? | 41 | [View] |
131679750 | Anonymous | Symphogear GX: Livestream thread. Episode 14 in mere 26 minutes. | 521 | [View] |
131714442 | Anonymous | Could Nisio save mahou shoujo? | 2 | [View] |
131689609 | Anonymous | SNK / Shingeki No Kyojin: >tfw I went to see the english sub of the li... | 505 | [View] |
131700285 | Anonymous | Why do you hate Ikuhara? | 60 | [View] |
131712866 | Anonymous | MD Geist.: What is /A/'s opinion on M.D. Geist? I for one enjoyed it. | 24 | [View] |
131715349 | Anonymous | Wouldn't it be great if a cute loli like Kate grew up to be sexy? | 2 | [View] |
131699817 | Anonymous | Give Renchon a smile. | 37 | [View] |
131712215 | Anonymous | https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=15&v=BbZDSjo0drY This looks pretty legit, to be honest. Hop... | 8 | [View] |
131710749 | Anonymous | Is Lance N' Masques good enough for /a/? | 23 | [View] |
131712772 | Anonymous | Ok /a/, you have some explaining to do. | 4 | [View] |
131715193 | Anonymous | Slayers: Slayers thread? Slayers thread. Bluray box of OVA's and Movies sooon. https://w... | 1 | [View] |
131690453 | Anonymous | So basically, he only won because he was a P2Wfag. | 530 | [View] |
131715166 | Anonymous | ITT: Good tsundere characters | 0 | [View] |
131700806 | Anonymous | Alucard vs Kiss Shot vs Arcueid: Who would win in a fight to the death between these 3 immort... | 77 | [View] |
131715030 | Anonymous | >Mahou Shoujo: check >Shapeshifting shota: chec... | 8 | [View] |
131712810 | Anonymous | Next movie when? They can't let it end when the movie ends with that kind of conversation. Righ... | 1 | [View] |
131712820 | Anonymous | Ever since there's anime adaptations of light novels, I've been really into them. I was th... | 2 | [View] |
131711138 | Anonymous | Do you like blondes? | 24 | [View] |
131708137 | Anonymous | >rifled muskets For fuck's sake Japan. | 32 | [View] |
131711348 | Anonymous | Does anyone here buy there Anime? | 22 | [View] |
131712785 | Anonymous | Kizumonogatari announcement in less than 12 hours: http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ ... | 9 | [View] |
131713168 | Anonymous | Dragon Ball Super: Doesn't suck general Thoughts? https://otakukart.com/otakublog/ani... | 4 | [View] |
131714642 | Anonymous | Watching the opening scene of No Regrets made me wish that this show wasn't about Titans. I wou... | 0 | [View] |
131713521 | Anonymous | Working!!: It's Saturday and no Working!! Thread? | 8 | [View] |
131713881 | Anonymous | What would you like to see Marcille eat in the next chapters? Also why does she have a French-soundi... | 6 | [View] |
131712048 | Anonymous | Doujins when? | 3 | [View] |
131676755 | Anonymous | Pin-pon narashite: pin-ponpon taiken shiyou! ;_; | 76 | [View] |
131711206 | Anonymous | >nano desu >de gozaru Does she ever shut... | 35 | [View] |
131690729 | Anonymous | Wait, Pegasus is an American? | 93 | [View] |
131706844 | Anonymous | http://virtualpiano.net/ can we do one of these again? post songs pls | 18 | [View] |
131708908 | Anonymous | What are Konata and pals doing now? | 31 | [View] |
131712992 | Anonymous | ALFREDO! | 3 | [View] |
131714080 | Anonymous | Why are there no good Vagabond scans past vol.27? What a travesty | 0 | [View] |
131708354 | Anonymous | 2 more days. | 41 | [View] |
131710190 | Anonymous | Name better Bleach character. Pro tip: you can't | 5 | [View] |
131713458 | Anonymous | How many times did Asuna get raped?: How many times did Asuna get raped? | 6 | [View] |
131713127 | Anonymous | >Shinigami is his/her nickname | 4 | [View] |
131713794 | Anonymous | To Love-ru: Lala is still the best TLR. | 1 | [View] |
131710160 | Anonymous | Strike Witches: You may dance with only one of them. | 23 | [View] |
131652562 | Anonymous | 20 Years of Evangelion: Only 3 days left. Can't believe it's almost here. What abou... | 500 | [View] |
131703887 | Anonymous | Why are so many romances afraid of getting the characters together and/or having an on-screen kiss? | 61 | [View] |
131689563 | Anonymous | Hey a, So i just finished this show.: So Gilgamesh is OP throughout the entire series yet thi... | 276 | [View] |
131712280 | Anonymous | 3 MORE DAYS!!!: >ctrl+f >no yuri yuri s... | 4 | [View] |
131712095 | Anonymous | Why did the anime make Kirito a guy? | 10 | [View] |
131707131 | Anonymous | LOL | 5 | [View] |
131708725 | Anonymous | Tribe Cool Crew: A few weeks ago I asked about the OST. Today I am giving it to you. Danceroi... | 4 | [View] |
131705417 | Anonymous | Key theme songs: Let's get this shit started. Little Busters > Tori no Uta > Last ... | 10 | [View] |
131709847 | Anonymous | So when actually is it? | 4 | [View] |
131694016 | Anonymous | SZS: 283 days to go | 46 | [View] |
131711178 | Anonymous | You guys have all felt that you had a gaping hole in your heart after you've finished something... | 3 | [View] |
131690345 | Anonymous | Post ITT: Series you regret picking up | 85 | [View] |
131696242 | Anonymous | Assassination Classroom 158 spoilers: Angry tomboy. http://www.mangamint.com/assassinati... | 32 | [View] |
131712128 | Anonymous | Rune Soldier Louie Chapter 4 Translated: Chapter 4 link: https://www.reddit.com/r/LightNovel... | 0 | [View] |
131710484 | Anonymous | Pretty good start for season 2 also, >That OP | 18 | [View] |
131711944 | Anonymous | Is Kagerou Daze a ripoff of Full Metal Alchemist? | 1 | [View] |
131695647 | Anonymous | >kyoani didn't adapt this scene why do we like them again? | 47 | [View] |
131711938 | Anonymous | Hehehe, Kohaku-san laughs with a frightening smile. | 0 | [View] |
131711170 | Anonymous | I somehow was unsure if i would like it but damn. That animation and art direction, the character de... | 3 | [View] |
131705901 | Anonymous | Would you a Satsuki or a Ryuko? | 58 | [View] |
131708240 | Anonymous | Do you think Pokemon girls make great waifu's?: Man I'd love to see all the girls f... | 6 | [View] |
131711265 | Anonymous | ITT: Manga's that are okay/only you read. Dragons Rioting | 8 | [View] |
131676167 | Anonymous | Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS: Are we hype yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35YT5GOHSd... | 444 | [View] |
131710889 | Anonymous | I picked this up at an auction... picture doesn't really do it justice. It's printed on ca... | 10 | [View] |
131711421 | Anonymous | Why is this anime so famous? I'm trying to watch the 1980 version and it's boring and isn... | 6 | [View] |
131706189 | Anonymous | What was the first anime you watched and was it dubbed? | 30 | [View] |
131710068 | Anonymous | >kid on his bike stuck in 'traffic' on railroad tracks ... | 42 | [View] |
131692866 | Anonymous | Have you ever rated a SoL anime a 10/10? | 211 | [View] |
131679100 | Anonymous | Discuss | 105 | [View] |
131653798 | Anonymous | >Kizu has been announced for not dead and we're not having a thread up 2... | 523 | [View] |
131709585 | Anonymous | Why does everyone like this dumbass? In the end everyone betrayed him or fucked over him in some way... | 2 | [View] |
131708862 | Anonymous | Gakusen Toshi Asterisk: Airing in a few hours. Who is the best girl? | 3 | [View] |
131711110 | Anonymous | ITT: #1 Cream of the Crop: Why can't modern day anime stand up to this masterpiece? | 1 | [View] |
131709792 | Anonymous | One Piece: The Navy are supposed to be the 'good guys' and yet how exactly do they plan to fi... | 3 | [View] |
131697809 | Anonymous | All about IGPX: You know what I really like about IGPX? It's not just a show about racin... | 38 | [View] |
131683948 | Anonymous | paa tto paa tto hareyaka ni sakasemasho hana no you ni | 133 | [View] |
131707876 | Anonymous | If Reinhard von Lohengramm from Legend of the Galactic Heroes lived, would he have decayed into R... | 9 | [View] |
131704263 | Anonymous | So every show this Fall is going to suck major balls? Im literally expecting nothing except Yuru Yur... | 55 | [View] |
131708857 | Anonymous | ARIA | 42 | [View] |
131706981 | Anonymous | Dagashi Kashi: Chapter 24 is out, let's celebrate. | 3 | [View] |
131710031 | Anonymous | Whispering: Why is it that most 'whispering' in anime is just talking that other characters d... | 1 | [View] |
131685678 | Yui Claus !xmas.SFFqg | I will post this every day until Christmas! 84 days! | 122 | [View] |
131709992 | Anonymous | This anime changed my life | 6 | [View] |
131710204 | Anonymous | It's that time of the season again. Answer the question. | 7 | [View] |
131709878 | Anonymous | I just watched all three Rebuilds for the first time, back-to-back-to-back. Why was 3.33 so much bet... | 1 | [View] |
131706041 | Anonymous | Nadia ending: Why would you fuck your daughteru? | 10 | [View] |
131710168 | Anonymous | Concrete Revolutio 1st episode leaked on nyaa :0 | 1 | [View] |
131710076 | Anonymous | It's Caturday | 0 | [View] |
131709916 | Anonymous | What is the meaning of this expression? | 1 | [View] |
131678243 | Anonymous | Just finished this show. Who was best girl? It's hard to choose. I thought I'd hate Megumi... | 278 | [View] |
131697316 | Anonymous | ITO THREAD: HEY /a/, READ ME I'M A JUNJI ITO THREAD DON'T YOU BELIEVE IN JUNJI ITO ... | 321 | [View] |
131703999 | Anonymous | Are we about to relive the golden age of anime soon? | 29 | [View] |
131688739 | Anonymous | Huge Sword Thread: Can we have an oversized sword thread? I'm craving some Xbox huge swo... | 131 | [View] |
131704637 | Anonymous | Medaka box: Just finished re-reading Medaka Box, aside from the plot making little sense in s... | 32 | [View] |
131694796 | Anonymous | Incest is the purest form of love. | 121 | [View] |
131685703 | Anonymous | Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 47 Spoiler Discussion Thread: Waiting for spoilers Also any prediction... | 528 | [View] |
131709147 | Anonymous | To me the most nefarious, and yet comical aspect of wageslave logic is their irrational reasons for ... | 4 | [View] |
131709197 | Anonymous | What's the studio responsible for the animation in this? I could have sworn I've seen anot... | 0 | [View] |
131708337 | Anonymous | Did anyone see this? Was this done in CG??? | 2 | [View] |
131699508 | Anonymous | Find a flaw | 84 | [View] |
131703055 | Anonymous | >hire nigger >act surprised when he tries to ra... | 14 | [View] |
131685797 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide: Buyfag.moe | 519 | [View] |
131695727 | Anonymous | Anime hair thread: What's your favorite anime hair? | 54 | [View] |
131707527 | Anonymous | Break Blade c76: first new scanlated chapter since february. only 3 chapters behind raws (lat... | 7 | [View] |
131707300 | Anonymous | Reminder that if your TM waifu isn't one of these 4: she's a secondary and just a c... | 6 | [View] |
131708668 | Anonymous | anyone subbing the original script? | 1 | [View] |
131707764 | Anonymous | Chaika? | 15 | [View] |
131707421 | Anonymous | Minamoto-kun Monogatari 184 (raw): Greetings, gentlemen! Let's see what everybody's... | 9 | [View] |
131706777 | Anonymous | Death Parade: So I just finished this shit. It was just as underwhelmingly 'meh' as I thought... | 4 | [View] |
131677157 | Anonymous | This airs today, right? | 193 | [View] |
131703523 | Anonymous | Why did Nasu peak so early in his career? Do you think he knows that he'll never write this wel... | 10 | [View] |
131707945 | Anonymous | How come nobody subs Chibi Maruko-chan? | 1 | [View] |
131695542 | Anonymous | Overlord Thread: Handsome man edition | 33 | [View] |
131708259 | Anonymous | ITT: GAR | 0 | [View] |
131708021 | Anonymous | >>131674649 >>131674942 It bothered me that i didnt realize my thread didn't die im... | 3 | [View] |
131680881 | Anonymous | >Only four galaxies >Dimensional holes can be S... | 240 | [View] |
131706970 | Anonymous | it basically starts with you (jin) your fiance (mika), and two of your best friend (norifumi and aoi... | 17 | [View] |
131584658 | Anonymous | Saki: Tanoshii: Spoilers are out. | 529 | [View] |
131701734 | Anonymous | Would you allow a Puchima to eat you? | 13 | [View] |
131700184 | Anonymous | AKEMI HOMURA, YOUR HEAD BELONGS TO ME! | 9 | [View] |
131706847 | Anonymous | What's going to be the greatest love story of 2016? | 12 | [View] |
131701817 | Anonymous | Surely one day all anime fans will be able to understand each other and appreciate that we all have ... | 12 | [View] |
131702153 | Anonymous | So this is what happens when someone with a huge boner for Miyazaki and Takahata , but not half the ... | 22 | [View] |
131707750 | Anonymous | It's almost halloween. What is the scariest most kowaii anime, /a/? | 1 | [View] |
131701867 | Anonymous | This is a reminder that Best Girl never wins | 19 | [View] |
131691791 | Anonymous | Which was the bigger disappointment of the season, /a/? http://strawpoll.me/5637346 | 34 | [View] |
131707215 | Anonymous | I love you /a/! | 5 | [View] |
131698297 | Anonymous | Tesagure! Bukatsumono: Anon's atarashii board: | 23 | [View] |
131707203 | Anonymous | NOUCOME OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Leqk8__x6m8 0:54 - 1:56 I checked the ost a... | 2 | [View] |
131704159 | Anonymous | GATE would be 200x better if the fantasy side had an army like this. | 15 | [View] |
131669348 | Anonymous | ITT: Memes you don't see as often nowadays. I'll start. | 513 | [View] |
131704914 | Agent 007 | I'm Married to an Alien...: Greetings /a/, from /x/. I had this typed out once before bu... | 10 | [View] |
131703630 | Anonymous | ITT softness | 7 | [View] |
131705177 | Anonymous | ITT: people who did literally nothing wrong | 14 | [View] |
131703845 | Anonymous | Why do you people care so much about who gets it with who on your chinese cartoons? Last season ends... | 7 | [View] |
131672942 | Anonymous | Lance N Masques: When a horse kicks to tell you he's in charge, you've got a seriou... | 173 | [View] |
131707091 | Anonymous | Draw thread: Show me what you're capable of. The pic is my very first attempt at drawing... | 1 | [View] |
131702270 | Anonymous | Why do the twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors sound so much stronger than the Servants? | 8 | [View] |
131666411 | Anonymous | Watamoat: Watamote chapter 86 is out! | 204 | [View] |
131705903 | Anonymous | >Write an anime plot Seiyuu x animator romance, love conquers class di... | 6 | [View] |
131700235 | Anonymous | Hey /a/, what did you think of the first episode of Kagewani? I'm intrigued by the animation st... | 11 | [View] |
131698516 | Anonymous | >we will NEVER smile again | 19 | [View] |
131672217 | Anonymous | Prison School 192: Summoning Korean Bro. http://www.mangaumaru.com/archives/526287 | 434 | [View] |
131704937 | Anonymous | Why do you do this Japan ;_; | 6 | [View] |
131703303 | Anonymous | How do you pronounce Yandere? Is it Yawn-Deary Or Yawn-deh-reh | 29 | [View] |
131702032 | Anonymous | >MC is in a preliminary tournament >Friends fin... | 10 | [View] |
131706645 | Anonymous | For no reason at all....: Be honest, would you watch my show again if I had a new straight en... | 0 | [View] |
131705028 | Anonymous | Happy 2nd Anniversary Nagi no Asukara! | 4 | [View] |
131701777 | Anonymous | ITT: Shit manga and manga artists/authors that /a/ will try to convince you are good because casuals... | 4 | [View] |
131705939 | Anonymous | My friends, it has often been said that I like war. | 0 | [View] |
131683175 | Anonymous | Precure Thread: Precure Thread | 147 | [View] |
131701306 | Anonymous | ...Well, someone here knows. | 3 | [View] |
131703814 | Anonymous | BTFO T F O | 2 | [View] |
131703778 | Anonymous | Celty thread because she deserves it. | 3 | [View] |
131702693 | Anonymous | Literal omnipotents>Demonbane>Lambdadelta>Yukari Yakumo>>BATTLER>>GioGio... | 9 | [View] |
131705141 | Anonymous | don't forget /a/ | 0 | [View] |
131697583 | Anonymous | Despair thread: Anime/manga that seemed like maximum healing material until the laste couple ... | 11 | [View] |
131697936 | Itoshi no Muco | What is your excuse for not watching AOTY? | 34 | [View] |
131704449 | Anonymous | Why is she least popular Pizza Cats girl? | 1 | [View] |
131694418 | Anonymous | Kirie walked around the outside of the school building. 'Why haven't I touched her yet?' she th... | 19 | [View] |
131695681 | Anonymous | Origami: I was wondering if there were any other manga/anime that focus on origami/ have a ch... | 13 | [View] |
131696747 | Anonymous | Dengeki Bunko Fall Festival 2015: 1 more day to go. Most likely candidates to get anime: Mao... | 44 | [View] |
131701097 | Anonymous | I'm going to marry Snail. | 8 | [View] |
131701176 | Anonymous | I want to jam with Ritsu-chan. | 3 | [View] |
131703315 | Anonymous | TFW | 2 | [View] |
131703666 | Anonymous | Nostalgia Thread: It's Friday night, let's have a nostalgia thread. Post old shit. ... | 1 | [View] |
131698641 | Anonymous | Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the pinnacle of anime | 12 | [View] |
131698626 | Anonymous | /a/ my hamster broke Can you fix it? | 15 | [View] |
131703207 | Anonymous | >I believe in Madoka | 2 | [View] |
131701247 | Anonymous | Itoshi no Muco: I enjoyed the first episode of this Japanese animated television program. I d... | 3 | [View] |
131700923 | BinaryHeap | why anime never based on avg looking girls? | 4 | [View] |
131700099 | Anonymous | Sorry for being such a slowpoke but I just watched Ghost in the Shell and I'm curious to why Ma... | 2 | [View] |
131699928 | Anonymous | Let's get a thread about lost or impossible hard to find anime or manga going. To start us off,... | 7 | [View] |
131702008 | Anonymous | Single eyed character is weird | 8 | [View] |
131683973 | ultimateking | Onepunch Man chapter 80: Very little text so it didn't take long. | 92 | [View] |
131636034 | Anonymous | Yahari Oregairu: Now with actual things to discuss. Volume 11 translations completed Chapter ... | 514 | [View] |
131703324 | lewdfag | SCENARIO TIME F/A/GS! you can have sex with THREE characters from any one of these anime BUT, ONE OF... | 9 | [View] |
131703300 | Anonymous | Fullmetal Alchemist: Guess what it finally is in Eastern Standard Time?! Yes, that's rig... | 1 | [View] |
131688344 | Translator-Fag !!onPFmgid3WB | Hi /a/, it's me, Translator-Fag. I hope your week went great! Here's a new chapter of Immo... | 60 | [View] |
131703282 | Anonymous | Irori Exhaust: Which of you weeaboos can tell me about the traditional japanese hearth used f... | 0 | [View] |
131687640 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #2: Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #2 Remember t... | 539 | [View] |
131703232 | Anonymous | >Opening by Granrodeo | 0 | [View] |
131702407 | Anonymous | I feel like I've been the victim of a cruel joke. | 5 | [View] |
131703156 | Anonymous | Digital effects rule the night. But their quality is dwindling. | 0 | [View] |
131564481 | Anonymous | Detective Conan: So, did you watch Sunflowers of Inferno? (Movie 19) The Korean version is ou... | 383 | [View] |
131702658 | Anonymous | I feel like I just got trolled...: In preparation for the coming season, I just watched the ... | 14 | [View] |
131703043 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: Why is this show Heavy Garbage, it basically shows us a warfare where a bunch o... | 0 | [View] |
131699369 | Anonymous | you say: watch show Seriel Experiments Lain So I watch it and guess what, it fucking WASN'T WAT... | 21 | [View] |
131702525 | Anonymous | What is a manimefag?: This /a/, wtf is a manimefag? | 12 | [View] |
131691044 | Anonymous | I don't get it. | 25 | [View] |
131702668 | Anonymous | ITT Anime with wasted setting potential | 4 | [View] |
131702911 | Anonymous | hey /a/ which cream lemon was your favorite? mine is the one where the girl masturbates in front of ... | 0 | [View] |
131702859 | YuruYuri | Post best girl. | 0 | [View] |
131702753 | Anonymous | why is smug so attractive | 0 | [View] |
131702467 | Anonymous | tabino-robokara http://animatorexpo.com/robotontheroad/ | 1 | [View] |
131694522 | Anonymous | Himouto! Umaru-chan: >>131648402 is on life support. Mango 7 and OVA bundle in 17 days. | 35 | [View] |
131700067 | Anonymous | So did this dude purge non-whites from the Galactic Federation? Just what did he mean when he said t... | 6 | [View] |
131690214 | Anonymous | Thank the otaku pandering scumbags, who are also know as yurifaggots and moefaggots who killed this ... | 249 | [View] |
131669358 | Anonymous | Why was he so based? | 549 | [View] |
131701245 | Anonymous | Is it bad that i can recognize an anime by its op/ed song even if ive never seen it? God tier anime... | 2 | [View] |
131701206 | Anonymous | Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: louder and faster does not make it better | 0 | [View] |
131698734 | Anonymous | This is a reminder that Mihawk is the objectively greatest swordsman in the world. Only butthurt idi... | 3 | [View] |
131697607 | Anonymous | Damn I miss the Friday Gate threads | 12 | [View] |
131699156 | Anonymous | What are some good manga about war? | 10 | [View] |
131700545 | Anonymous | What does this expression indicate? | 0 | [View] |
131697097 | Anonymous | ITT: Forced animation | 63 | [View] |
131699286 | Anonymous | 10/10 episodes | 9 | [View] |
131693252 | Anonymous | >There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who believe that they can save ever... | 85 | [View] |
131698578 | Anonymous | Let me explain to you guys why Fate/Zero is the most mature anime of our time, and that alone makes ... | 5 | [View] |
131690430 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: Seems like /a/ is really into the OBJECTS right now, and I bet everyone is goin... | 516 | [View] |
131696923 | Anonymous | Whats /a/ verdict on key as animation studio and their anime products? | 24 | [View] |
131698676 | Anonymous | >>131693544 Is advertising allowed here now? Did Hirohito change something? | 18 | [View] |
131699721 | Anonymous | How would Momonga and his guild fare in Royal Road? | 0 | [View] |
131698919 | Anonymous | Why is Kokoro-chan such a sexy bitch? | 7 | [View] |
131672575 | Anonymous | Trope you hate: >it can't be damaged by conventional weapons... | 125 | [View] |
131677361 | Anonymous | Shokugeki no Soma: >tfw Erina won | 591 | [View] |
131627756 | Anonymous | Ninja Slayer: How hyped are you for today's episode? | 287 | [View] |
131686417 | Anonymous | Quick! Your childhood friend barges into your room and tells you to get on your knees. What do you d... | 69 | [View] |
131698721 | Anonymous | Ai Yori Aoshi: What's /a/'s opinion on Ai Yori Aoshi? I just finished episode 1 and... | 7 | [View] |
131678738 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Muh Ruri. | 514 | [View] |
131697843 | Anonymous | Quick post anime characters named Akari | 15 | [View] |
131697589 | Anonymous | WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE JUST TURN INTO A CAR? | 4 | [View] |
131698751 | Anonymous | Himouto! Umaru-chan: Umaru, Ebina or Kirie? Lets solve this once and for all. | 2 | [View] |
131689854 | Anonymous | Robot On The Road discussion thread? http://animatorexpo.com/robotontheroad/ Sorry for being la... | 42 | [View] |
131696267 | Anonymous | What do you think of High School DxD? (Story for me 10/10) | 8 | [View] |
131696278 | Anonymous | K thread: So does /a/ like it? | 37 | [View] |
131692727 | Anonymous | The senshi are now all loli. How much better is Sailor Moon now? | 12 | [View] |
131548866 | Anonymous | /yys/ - Yuyushiki: Tuesday means time for a Yuyu thread | 524 | [View] |
131699127 | Anonymous | >Reading a Takotsuboya doujin | 0 | [View] |
131693764 | Anonymous | No anime will ever top this. | 18 | [View] |
131668129 | Anonymous | Gotta catch 'em all | 69 | [View] |
131671198 | Anonymous | Has anime given you any fetishes? I gained a leg/pantyhose fetish. | 162 | [View] |
131680726 | Anonymous | One Piece: Monet is alive and suffering. | 523 | [View] |
131697314 | anonymous | To love ru Darkness manga differences or changes Jump SQ -> volume 3 | 3 | [View] |
131695893 | Anonymous | What exactly makes Misaka so popular? | 22 | [View] |
131687367 | Anonymous | Kingdom: Why so little love for this long running 'historical' manga ? You have everything in... | 88 | [View] |
131688699 | Anonymous | >times Shinji rescued Rei 1 >times Shinji rescu... | 34 | [View] |
131671274 | Anonymous | People rag on Shinji but this edgy bitch is 100 times more whiny and annoying. No one would like her... | 291 | [View] |
131696066 | Anonymous | Does anyone have that GIF with them holding the sign at the end that says 'You're a faggot'? Al... | 3 | [View] |
131697460 | Anonymous | Slowpoke here, why is my genshiken filled with fujoshit now? | 4 | [View] |
131683508 | Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 86 | [View] |
131689672 | Anonymous | remember me /a/? | 54 | [View] |
131695134 | Anonymous | Would you a Tomoko? | 10 | [View] |
131662415 | Anonymous | I want more. My life will never be this cozy. | 149 | [View] |
131694931 | Anonymous | Am I the only one here that really wants another season of Abrenbo Rikishi Matsutaro? | 10 | [View] |
131695560 | Anonymous | >/a/ suddenly hates NTR now What happened? | 3 | [View] |
131696132 | Anonymous | >The philosophical point of view at Streamline was, 'what would the original ... | 1 | [View] |
131625307 | Anonymous | Make your own anime plot: You know the drill /a/nons. Hard mode: no Keit-ai variants Impossib... | 358 | [View] |
131667089 | Anonymous | Gentlemen, how do we defeat the Punch Man? | 187 | [View] |
131690108 | Anonymous | Rose of Versailles Thread: It's time. | 25 | [View] |
131677439 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: >you will never go on a party with your favorit... | 576 | [View] |
131689603 | Anonymous | who do you think masturbated the most out of all of them? | 24 | [View] |
131696078 | Anonymous | Highschool of The Dead: hey /a/ what are your thoughts on HOTD and should they make a season ... | 6 | [View] |
131696792 | Anonymous | Does anyone here collect screenshots of particular things? I don't really remember why I starte... | 15 | [View] |
131695987 | Anonymous | K: So, I've never watched any other installment of the K series and since return of king... | 4 | [View] |
131689840 | Anonymous | Birdy on the front page! | 13 | [View] |
131692555 | Anonymous | Shinsekai Yori: When does this get good? I'm 3 eps in and of the hundreds of shows I... | 23 | [View] |
131673676 | Anonymous | The new Win10 Edition looks great. | 163 | [View] |
131696632 | Anonymous | >It's a spunky-boy comic-relief side character | 0 | [View] |
131696240 | Anonymous | Harem thread Post n Rate | 1 | [View] |
131695453 | Anonymous | Lupin the Third: So what? This chick is just Fujiko if she was drunk all the time and did it ... | 7 | [View] |
131695939 | Anonymous | Roka is the bestest | 5 | [View] |
131666145 | Kantai Collection. | Kantai Collection. KanColle. 艦隊これくしょん - 艦これ - Ships and Shit: Kantai Collection. Also Chapter... | 518 | [View] |
131693884 | Anonymous | If this anime can show a nice closeup shot of a girl's ass on TV uncensored, then why can'... | 12 | [View] |
131694707 | Anonymous | Why is this allowed? | 9 | [View] |
131693661 | Anonymous | Just a heads up, there's subs for the Yona OVA now. >[REIKA]_Akatsuki_no... | 3 | [View] |
131696145 | Anonymous | >gangsta was so shit it literally killed manglobe | 2 | [View] |
131661698 | Anonymous | The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Tonight's the Night. | 511 | [View] |
131687014 | Anonymous | SEASON 2 NEVER EVER THREAD | 36 | [View] |
131695423 | Anonymous | Gaze into the crystal ball and find what lies in the mists of the future. Tell me, /a/non, what do y... | 1 | [View] |
131683689 | Anonymous | It's funny how mediocre the anime was, but the manga just kept getting better and better as the... | 51 | [View] |
131695410 | Anonymous | whats the best bleach movie and why | 0 | [View] |
131693825 | Anonymous | What the fuck is this, pedophiles wet dream - the show? | 13 | [View] |
131682962 | Anonymous | >Episode #13 — 04 October 2015 >Super Saiyan Go... | 83 | [View] |
131690669 | Anonymous | Hero Academia VS OPM: Which one is the better contemporary hero shonen Manga? Serious questio... | 47 | [View] |
131695274 | Anonymous | Battle through the heavens: >you will never have a harem of all the gi... | 0 | [View] |
131693546 | Anonymous | How did this fare in the second half? I thought the first half was great, but dropped it because I w... | 5 | [View] |
131693522 | Anonymous | So, who has got the guaranteed S2? As I see it right now, I only know three for sure got it in the b... | 4 | [View] |
131694888 | Anonymous | Well? | 1 | [View] |
131676368 | Anonymous | ITT: Terrible fanart of your favorite chinese cartoon | 57 | [View] |
131695106 | Anonymous | Kumagawa Box Thread Fridays Fights: Its obvious who will be the winner FT is so screwed | 0 | [View] |
131684916 | ultimateking | ONE Translation thread: last part of mob psycho chapter 89 is done. | 26 | [View] |
131694594 | Anonymous | Future card buddyfight: Anyone else seen this? | 3 | [View] |
131669431 | Anonymous | Jojo Thread: >Original character confirmed for EoH. Now all we... | 565 | [View] |
131684137 | Anonymous | Kekkai Sensen: Final episode tomorrow. What's his name guys? Whoever gets it righ... | 51 | [View] |
131656759 | Anonymous | Would you bully a Nico? | 374 | [View] |
131692649 | Anonymous | And so it came to pass that Manglobe was dead. Which studio will follow them? | 13 | [View] |
131694853 | Anonymous | is this weekly? monthly? | 0 | [View] |
131694548 | Anonymous | Busty black haired bitches are the best. | 2 | [View] |
131694777 | Anonymous | Heya /a/ I wanted to ask you about a manga I read when I was a younger and if any of you fine people... | 2 | [View] |
131688840 | Anonymous | Is Fate/Stay series worth watching anos? Give me reasons why or why not | 9 | [View] |
131693391 | Anonymous | 3x3 Thread: All right /a/, let's see those 3x3s. | 2 | [View] |
131694600 | Kyon | A little mix: 'Sup /a/? What happens when you mix Cowboy Bebop and Haruhi Suzumiya? Thi... | 0 | [View] |
131685915 | Anonymous | I want to marry Dagashiya | 54 | [View] |
131648402 | Anonymous | Bump limit soon. >>131618808 OVA in 19 days. Please join us and make the thread a success agai... | 504 | [View] |
131690184 | Anonymous | >he hasn't watched KLK | 5 | [View] |
131693568 | Anonymous | All Steins;Gate girls are beautiful in their own way, but come on now, Kurisu is irrefutably best... | 5 | [View] |
131675277 | Anonymous | Science time motherfuckers | 60 | [View] |
131688452 | Anonymous | Rushed Endings: itt rushed endings: | 15 | [View] |
131692464 | Anonymous | Asterisk vs Taimadou vs Rakudai: THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE | 26 | [View] |
131694303 | Tvrz | what is this | 0 | [View] |
131694292 | Anonymous | http://youtu.be/2DifDh6En8o >inside sasuke/outside naruto/a night chakra flow... | 0 | [View] |
131682392 | Anonymous | What are some nice, comfy background tracks? The monogatari series has plenty great ones. https://ww... | 34 | [View] |
131694038 | Anonymous | Anyone else watch this yet? Is it redeemable or is it going to be total shit like this first episode... | 3 | [View] |
131689239 | Anonymous | What kind of Creditspage does /a/ like?: So I would like to know what a good creditpage looks... | 23 | [View] |
131692733 | Anonymous | Why is he so perfect guys? | 2 | [View] |
131688188 | Anonymous | Just finished Guilty Crown and I have a question: what was the point of killing Hare, the only likab... | 52 | [View] |
131692956 | Anonymous | >Tfw, no matter what series you read/watch, your headcannon ending will alway... | 2 | [View] |
131689599 | Anonymous | Platinum End: Did he died? | 2 | [View] |
131674635 | Anonymous | K: Return of Kings: No thread? Episode 1 airs in less than 2 hours | 511 | [View] |
131689973 | Anonymous | Episode 13 >Super Saiyan God Son Goku and Beerus’ super-fierce fight gets mor... | 4 | [View] |
131691156 | Anonymous | Left or right? | 19 | [View] |
131693288 | Anonymous | Poka poka | 2 | [View] |
131690474 | Anonymous | /charts/: post charts you like. r8 and h8 other charts | 15 | [View] |
131683010 | Anonymous | This little runt is manlier than 98% of SoL/Harem/Romance MC's | 20 | [View] |
131686302 | Anonymous | >end of the episode >OP starts playing | 21 | [View] |
131661468 | Anonymous | Why are traps so popular? | 514 | [View] |
131677020 | Anonymous | Why is he so perfect? | 25 | [View] |
131666693 | Anonymous | Haikyuu thread: Best boys coming back this fall tomorrow, is /a/ hyped? | 208 | [View] |
131688888 | Anonymous | Which Aikatsu would you? Also, endings 1-7 have been good, but I wonder how ending 8 will turn out. | 12 | [View] |
131671246 | Anonymous | Kagewani: Anyone else watching this? Airs in ~one and a half hours | 38 | [View] |
131692096 | Anonymous | Ore ga Ojou-sama Gakkou ni 'Shomin Sample' Toshite: Only 4 more days until Oreo Joe has to fi... | 0 | [View] |
131692039 | Anonymous | >Hey anon why don't you know Chinese yet? You've been watching all ... | 0 | [View] |
131691274 | Anonymous | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 3 | [View] |
131659588 | Anonymous | Why didn't he get Shinigami eyes and start wrecking fools? | 114 | [View] |
131690733 | Anonymous | What are some other examples of plagiarism in anime and manga? | 4 | [View] |
131689739 | Anonymous | Are Junji Ito books worth buying? Remember I've seen only some work 'with holes' from him. Titl... | 5 | [View] |
131684128 | Anonymous | Yo /a/, why is Lupin the 3rd's art style more fun to look at then other animes? | 12 | [View] |
131679425 | Anonymous | Only 2 more months until its time to rewatch toradora again | 22 | [View] |
131690781 | Anonymous | You will never have a huge funeral with friends,allies,and strangers alike. | 1 | [View] |
131689570 | Anonymous | Ignoring Seisouhen, Kenshin was too weakened for his battles and practicing the Hiten Mitsurugi with... | 1 | [View] |
131661180 | Anonymous | >[Commie] Tsukimonogatari [BD 1080p AAC] Who /actuallywaited/ here? ... | 161 | [View] |
131665002 | Anonymous | Are you excited for KyoAni's new show? http://phantom-world.com/ | 77 | [View] |
131682428 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: First episode was awesome, nice pacing and nothing rushed at least for now. The... | 566 | [View] |
131657197 | Anonymous | Tomochan: 163 raw | 178 | [View] |
131681911 | Anonymous | Which is your favorite swordwoman character? | 22 | [View] |
131681189 | Anonymous | This fucking show. This show is so fucking good. I am enjoying every episode. Shiki thread? Shiki th... | 58 | [View] |
131687468 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of the works of Yōji Kuri? | 1 | [View] |
131687498 | Anonymous | How much value do you put into visual direction? | 13 | [View] |
131687536 | Anonymous | Holy shit this show is absolutely fucking based. Why didn't you people tell me? | 10 | [View] |
131662984 | Anonymous | Why can't christmas cakes act their fucking age? Don't they realise how pathetic they are ... | 100 | [View] |
131686764 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that you should always skip the first episode of this show. | 18 | [View] |
131686739 | Anonymous | What the fuck is this shit | 6 | [View] |
131689522 | Anonymous | Where are the BD rips? | 1 | [View] |
131688964 | Anonymous | What the fuck is this movie /a/? | 11 | [View] |
131683334 | Anonymous | Okay /a/ let's settle this once and for all. No lies between us. These animes are true shit. No... | 17 | [View] |
131689086 | Anonymous | HAZUKASHII SERIFU KINSHI | 6 | [View] |
131689408 | Anonymous | What is this face trying to convey? | 0 | [View] |
131689277 | Anonymous | so is the live action drama any good /a/? i'm planning to watch it before this aired | 0 | [View] |
131686432 | Anonymous | Kingdom: What did /a/ think of it? Also, season 3 when? | 9 | [View] |
131687700 | Anonymous | It is a good series. | 4 | [View] |
131688067 | Anonymous | I think I fell in love with Yuuko. How should I deal with this, /a/? | 9 | [View] |
131688582 | Anonymous | Why is the best girl always under appreciated? Pic related | 1 | [View] |
131688794 | Anonymous | Does any manga exist like Rose Hip Rose? Where hot chicks shoot shit up? I'm quite new to manga... | 2 | [View] |
131683020 | Anonymous | First episode of Fafner Exodus Season 2 aired. The fun stops here. | 29 | [View] |
131687869 | Anonymous | Heavy Object: So instead of getting and index 3 we got hit by a heavy Object leaving us dead ... | 4 | [View] |
131688649 | Anonymous | What are your thoughts on 4th wall humor in chinese cartoons? inb4 >vlc screencap was taken in 20... | 0 | [View] |
131684186 | Anonymous | Are they the Rei and Asuka, of today's day and age? | 19 | [View] |
131668022 | Anonymous | Snk/Shingeki no Kyojin thread: Chapter this week, spoilers soon | 583 | [View] |
131681768 | Anonymous | tips for long anime watching sessions? im watching on a desktop so i cant watch while in bed | 17 | [View] |
131684605 | Anonymous | thoughts /a/? To me it felt like an NIS/Compile heart game, but as an anime. I'm not sure if th... | 7 | [View] |
131654754 | Anonymous | Valkyrie Drive: Will Valkyrie Drive save yuri? | 515 | [View] |
131686724 | Anonymous | Marry one, fuck one, befriend one, ignore one. The Kyos come as package because no one actually w... | 8 | [View] |
131669207 | Anonymous | Shinmai Maou no Testament: Who is best girl and why is it Kurumi? Excellent taste in panties.... | 65 | [View] |
131686911 | Anonymous | Could Urobutchi have saved this show? | 4 | [View] |
131687983 | Heavy Object the anime about your mother | Sorry, I didn't catch that what did you say his name was? | 0 | [View] |
131685805 | Anonymous | HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's the best and truest reveal of an ultimate power source I've ever s... | 17 | [View] |
131681637 | Anonymous | Does umaru physically transform into a toddler? Because they all dont recognize her when in komaru f... | 14 | [View] |
131684885 | Anonymous | Dragon Ball Super: So if the world forgot about Majin Buu, then how do they know the world wa... | 6 | [View] |
131673925 | Anonymous | Good Luck Girl: You hum, you lose | 46 | [View] |
131680608 | Anonymous | Why does the dog always die? | 24 | [View] |
131681098 | Anonymous | This is fucking bizarre | 9 | [View] |
131668262 | Anonymous | Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #1: Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #1 Remember t... | 523 | [View] |
131674355 | Anonymous | How do you feel about anime that contains spoilers in the openings? I don't want to see the bad... | 50 | [View] |
131687212 | Anonymous | Hacka Doll: Where were you when Trigger saved anime yet again? | 3 | [View] |
131645803 | Anonymous | Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1246: Cornucopia of Resources / Guide (read Guide before asking qu... | 521 | [View] |
131686578 | Anonymous | Who knew Cobra would be more fun than Cowboy Bebop? >Crystal Boy. ... | 5 | [View] |
131682026 | Anonymous | Charlotte OST: How can such a terrible anime have such a great soundtrack, /a/? Pic related. | 18 | [View] |
131683907 | Anonymous | That one anime or manga: What was that one anime/manga that you loved the shit out of, but ju... | 35 | [View] |
131671616 | Anonymous | >there will never, ever be something this good again | 31 | [View] |
131671989 | Anonymous | Overlord: BUY THE BDs YOU LOWER LIFE FORMS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTgNyNMLsmc | 560 | [View] |
131686858 | Anonymous | Would you watch a show about ling? >Title: >Lin... | 0 | [View] |
131685540 | Anonymous | So this is somewhat old but it was something I found again after reading part of it a few years ago.... | 2 | [View] |
131671632 | Anonymous | One Punch-Man | 133 | [View] |
131662750 | Anonymous | I'm still fucking mad. | 53 | [View] |
131679477 | Anonymous | become meguca | 15 | [View] |
131684337 | Anonymous | New Steins;Gate 0 Trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTmZTOTM8JE Also Steins;Hype Thread | 3 | [View] |
131686211 | Anonymous | The crossover of crossovers, OPM punches into 199X!!: >Saitama saves b... | 0 | [View] |
131685838 | Anonymous | Why does Turn A Gundam have so much male sexploitation? | 3 | [View] |
131685958 | Anonymous | da | 3 | [View] |
131676018 | Anonymous | Miss Monochrome '3': >no new OP/ED WORST SEASON | 31 | [View] |
131671176 | Anonymous | Is UBW's success deserved? | 29 | [View] |
131668659 | Anonymous | Animator Expo Robot on the Road: >new animator expo by Okiura ... | 225 | [View] |
131678652 | Anonymous | Love Hina thread: What is your opinion on this classic mango/animu? | 28 | [View] |
131682853 | Anonymous | Going to watch these on this Fall season >JK Meshi! ... | 13 | [View] |
131685432 | Anonymous | I wanted Kurosawa to stay an edgy manchild, not grow out of it and end up with the worst bully of hi... | 1 | [View] |
131682397 | Anonymous | Still on the boat? | 4 | [View] |
131684147 | Anonymous | What did you think of the anime? Wilbell best girl. | 5 | [View] |
131670610 | Anonymous | TLR Thread: Don't know if this was already posted, but there we go anyway. Chapter 60 ra... | 70 | [View] |
131683131 | Anonymous | I want more. | 4 | [View] |
131681228 | Anonymous | GJ-BU: This is a show about bullying right? | 22 | [View] |
131683766 | Anonymous | What did /a/ think of this masterpiece? | 14 | [View] |
131681975 | Anonymous | fmk? | 9 | [View] |
131681106 | Anonymous | This is, by far, the stupidest thing i have read in my life. Not only the MC is a total wish fufilme... | 9 | [View] |
131678461 | Anonymous | Who else is looking forward to Garo Guren no Tsuki? | 22 | [View] |
131680375 | Anonymous | Why hasn't there been a Fatal Frame anime? Hell, for that matter, why hasn't there been an... | 22 | [View] |
131676422 | Anonymous | The Arslan Senki OST is out. | 8 | [View] |
131671854 | Anonymous | I miss this | 18 | [View] |
131666202 | Anonymous | She's in a warplane. What could she possibly be scared of? | 102 | [View] |
131675840 | Anonymous | reminder that there's only one non-shit eva waifu | 19 | [View] |
131680442 | Anonymous | Why is Renge so lewd? | 7 | [View] |
131684164 | Anonymous | >The main butler gets mad pussy I thought this was for Fujos? | 0 | [View] |
131683128 | Anonymous | Godlike anime OST thread let's go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDlL9IPet8E | 2 | [View] |
131668886 | Anonymous | Would you kashi her dagashi? | 41 | [View] |
131683656 | Anonymous | anyone else reading edgyme no ippo? | 2 | [View] |
131680898 | Anonymous | >open door >see this what do? | 8 | [View] |
131580297 | Anonymous | Lupin III Anime Opening JPN.Ver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvaosZlQqrY | 507 | [View] |
131673236 | Anonymous | So tell me /a/, is this the best KameHameHa? | 14 | [View] |
131677876 | Anonymous | . | 14 | [View] |
131672977 | Anonymous | Big fat cat tats | 29 | [View] |
131683002 | Anonymous | Found this on China's HunanTV, it's called Infinity Nado. Was wondering if it's an an... | 1 | [View] |
131676307 | Anonymous | into the trash it goes. | 7 | [View] |
131672710 | Anonymous | She has the potential to be the saving grace of this shitpile despite literally everyone hating her ... | 10 | [View] |
131676746 | Anonymous | CHOCO BANANA | 15 | [View] |
131648982 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking anything: buyfag.moe | 539 | [View] |
131667719 | Anonymous | What have you watched this past week that is not a currently airing show? | 178 | [View] |
131676648 | Anonymous | Reminder that Asuka is the Mari of the original series. | 9 | [View] |
131675474 | Anonymous | Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama: So, is anyone subbing this or what? | 19 | [View] |
131673368 | Anonymous | God damn Prisma Illya is good. Is Nasu embarrassed that the best part of his series is a spin off? | 43 | [View] |
131673154 | Anonymous | GOOD MORNING UMARU | 37 | [View] |
131678812 | Anonymous | ITT: characters that deserved what they got. | 12 | [View] |
131682683 | Anonymous | Just stared watching this again last time I saw this was when I about 10 years old, so either this i... | 1 | [View] |
131661159 | Anonymous | ITT: Girls who'd beat the living shit out of you in a fist fight. | 78 | [View] |
131665632 | Anonymous | Freezing NTR: How do you feel about Kazuya's parents being NTRed by a pandora with super... | 58 | [View] |
131667678 | Anonymous | One Piece: Art Edition | 558 | [View] |
131671317 | Anonymous | Vegeta. | 39 | [View] |
131657647 | Anonymous | Heavy Object tomorrow: It's not Index or Railgun but I guess it will do. | 520 | [View] |
131679310 | Anonymous | best girl thread | 3 | [View] |
131643577 | Anonymous | Bleach: Bleach them white, ZANGETSU. | 319 | [View] |
131669447 | Anonymous | >That Anime everyone hates that you like | 50 | [View] |
131681498 | Anonymous | I'm going to marry Rin Tohsaka! | 5 | [View] |
131676107 | Anonymous | Skrub question: where do the plots of the Tokyo Ghoul anime and manga diverge? | 74 | [View] |
131674860 | Anonymous | Anybody watched the glorious piece of shit Attack On Titan movie last night properly on the b... | 15 | [View] |
131679488 | Anonymous | how come theres only one good anime per season? Spring was Hibike Euphonium, Summer was Umaru, and F... | 11 | [View] |
131676950 | Anonymous | One Piece is 25% recap of the last episode, 30% image slide with music, 30% standstill image with on... | 7 | [View] |
131673079 | Anonymous | Do you guys like Moomin? It's probably the most comfy anime ever made. | 51 | [View] |
131681985 | Anonymous | Is this the best anime about NotVampires ever made? Really, the ride was fun and the ambientation ju... | 1 | [View] |
131674875 | Anonymous | Left or right? | 11 | [View] |
131665465 | Anonymous | My parents taught me that I could do anything I wanted and I have always believed it to be true. Add... | 88 | [View] |
131668194 | Anonymous | kyoAni harem anime: >white long hairdo >... | 19 | [View] |
131679170 | Anonymous | 70's / 80's anime thread What defines this era for you /a/? | 9 | [View] |
131677213 | Anonymous | Code Geass: So based | 3 | [View] |
131677281 | Anonymous | Would Conan be able to solve the Kira case instead of L? | 7 | [View] |
131628092 | Anonymous | Rokka no Yuusha: Happy Hans Thursday Happy birthday, /a/ | 286 | [View] |
131658039 | Anonymous | I can't endure this anymore, this fucking anime is killing me softly, 6 episodes in and I want ... | 39 | [View] |
131606140 | Anonymous | Precure Thread: i'm going to marry Minamin in the precure thread | 511 | [View] |
131665258 | Anonymous | Is this the only good adaptation of anything manga/LN related so far? | 112 | [View] |
131650751 | Anonymous | Why do you hate her? | 103 | [View] |
131668453 | Anonymous | http://animatorexpo.com/robotontheroad/ | 24 | [View] |
131680710 | Anonymous | Hey /a/, how do I get to the digital world? Fucking done with this one, just wanna chill with some d... | 1 | [View] |
131611806 | Anonymous | shimoneta: /a/non-kun, have you forgotten about me already? | 438 | [View] |
131526211 | Anonymous | What should imouto call her brother? | 504 | [View] |
131676588 | Anonymous | was he really sorry? also why did Orochimaru get away with everything? | 26 | [View] |
131633466 | Anonymous | Highschool DxD: Every day until she comes back | 293 | [View] |
131634719 | Anonymous | Raildex: OTP. I just started Index II and holy fuck, Index has finally become useful (along w... | 415 | [View] |
131599304 | Anonymous | Duelling Shows about Magic Highschools: Three shows this season about magical highschool hare... | 431 | [View] |
131651198 | Anonymous | Loli thread: Loli thread. We all know Gochiusa and Yuru Yuri are coming up, but what else are... | 296 | [View] |
131644045 | Anonymous | This VA is amazing. She's a newbie yet her Carol performance was just too good. Much better tha... | 545 | [View] |
131646358 | Anonymous | Muv-Luv Kickstarter: Vita+Android stretch goal reached. Currently at $506,557 with 3,095 and ... | 169 | [View] |
131676861 | Anonymous | >that moment when you realize there is no place on earth as magical as a japa... | 5 | [View] |
131676102 | Anonymous | >I'll have the cola with ice umaru style please Why haven't ... | 7 | [View] |
131678588 | Anonymous | This bitch ruined Psycho Pass 2: Fuck her and everything about her. Finished the show and she... | 4 | [View] |
131668239 | Anonymous | yo | 21 | [View] |
131678625 | Anonymous | No more PIn PON this week: >no more PIN PON friends ... | 1 | [View] |
131668712 | Anonymous | Houki best girl. | 88 | [View] |
131661473 | Anonymous | REWRITE: Is your body ready for this? >8-bit ... | 189 | [View] |
131666037 | Anonymous | >Oniisan NTRs Hayate with A-Tan >Hayate & N... | 26 | [View] |
131659817 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: You know the drill. | 513 | [View] |
131674416 | Green eyes | Blue exorcist | 2 | [View] |
131676488 | Anonymous | OnePunch-Man: New Murata chapter you fucking anime newfags shitlords, I know you're in h... | 16 | [View] |
131662862 | Anonymous | You now realise that Madoka has tons of narrative issues and outright plotholes that its fanbase eit... | 142 | [View] |
131652978 | Anonymous | Best anime couple? | 174 | [View] |
131669555 | Anonymous | Hai to Gensou no Grimgal big announcement coming October 16 http://blog.over-lap.co.jp/?p=10416... | 15 | [View] |
131676886 | Anonymous | Akame Ga Kill 63: havent seen a thread for it yet | 3 | [View] |
131675598 | Anonymous | Ushio to Tora: Best girl edition Also new OP visuals and new ED song. | 4 | [View] |
131665286 | Anonymous | Before and After: character | 36 | [View] |
131671455 | Anonymous | >yfw yuri shippers ruin another perfectly good KyoAni series | 8 | [View] |
131654472 | Anonymous | Cyclops/Monoeye Thread: Since its the first day of the month, time for a thread devoted entir... | 125 | [View] |
131672222 | Anonymous | He's back: Desty Nova is back. Who else is hype? Is anyone still reading the manga?... | 24 | [View] |
131659081 | Anonymous | Shomin Sample: Which ojou would you, /a/? | 95 | [View] |
131672181 | Anonymous | So anon, what's gonna happen in this seaosn after that just happened with the robot? In during ... | 10 | [View] |
131671778 | Anonymous | Friday Maji de | 30 | [View] |
131661023 | Anonymous | How does he get away with this? There is porn that's less censored. | 96 | [View] |
131578240 | Anonymous | Invaders of Rokujouma: yurika on the last page! | 514 | [View] |
131666428 | Anonymous | Concrete Revolutio: http://concreterevolutio.com/news/?p=203 Episode 1 will be streamed ... | 55 | [View] |
131667828 | Anonymous | So is Evangelion more about interpersonal relations or about escapism? | 43 | [View] |
131674962 | Anonymous | >taking exam for world history >question about ... | 6 | [View] |
131675059 | Anonymous | Digmon thread?: Can the franchise be saved from its own poor choices and toxic fanbase? Why a... | 1 | [View] |
131658541 | Anonymous | >Spend 70$ on Amazon >Wait around a month for s... | 207 | [View] |
131662154 | Anonymous | What exactly, is 'Moonlight Sleepin'?' Is it a euphemism for something? | 34 | [View] |
131659725 | Anonymous | Fate Route adaptation when?: Why does Fate Route seem the neglected child of Nasu? Both UBW a... | 75 | [View] |
131654003 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: Featuring more Bike Cop Harem! Backbeard is best girl, followed by ... | 525 | [View] |
131665855 | Anonymous | >most hyped anime of the summer >it was complet... | 43 | [View] |
131622690 | Anonymous | >no Prison School thread For shame. Predictions for next chapter? Come... | 452 | [View] |
131667191 | Anonymous | >watching Hyouka for the first time >it's ... | 140 | [View] |
131674747 | Anonymous | >tfw anaru seksu | 0 | [View] |
131671851 | Anonymous | Platinum End: >Fallen Angels cucked Jaimini's Box Kek get ... | 20 | [View] |
131674476 | Anonymous | pretentious guide to save your time this season: Reminder to avoid shows with the following r... | 0 | [View] |
131563727 | Anonymous | One Page Thread | 332 | [View] |
131667384 | Anonymous | Smile status [x] Protected ;_; | 42 | [View] |
131662229 | Anonymous | Shokugeki no Souma 137: Vol 15 extra chapters http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4075886868 trans... | 529 | [View] |
131654587 | Anonymous | If you didn't like the ending to Usagi Drop you are a closet normalfag. It IS objectively the g... | 51 | [View] |
131669261 | Anonymous | >Switching between CG and animation every 3 seconds How much of this s... | 16 | [View] |
131660899 | KILL la KILL | Is a season 2 imminent? | 19 | [View] |
131669633 | Anonymous | are you excited for platinum end? | 27 | [View] |
131667592 | Anonymous | Hello /a/ I need all your Chibi Kaga's because I like them. Other Chibi Kancolle's are fin... | 9 | [View] |
131662377 | Anonymous | ごきげんよう | 21 | [View] |
131668564 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri: San Hai! next week. Get in here fellas. | 6 | [View] |
131672997 | Anonymous | Hacka Doll The Animation: >no thread for Trigger's anime of the c... | 2 | [View] |
131663331 | Anonymous | What's this girl's name again? | 42 | [View] |
131670305 | Anonymous | KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP! | 17 | [View] |
131668012 | Anonymous | Is he the edgiest character ever written? | 18 | [View] |
131671118 | Anonymous | Why doesn't anyone talk about the Kantai anime? | 5 | [View] |
131672957 | Anonymous | 36 years and she is still the best tsundere anime has to offer. What gives? | 1 | [View] |
131669432 | Anonymous | Chikan Otoko: Since we're revving up the old memes again, how do you think MM is doing t... | 5 | [View] |
131666905 | Anonymous | >Gets your virginity >Turns into that huge alie... | 10 | [View] |
131668076 | Anonymous | Shirou's ass | 22 | [View] |
131668832 | Anonymous | Finally something like Exercise with Hinako | 26 | [View] |
131611221 | Bear !QTOwxh9tvE | Wednesday evening 3x3 thread! No shitposters or bad 3x3s allowed. | 344 | [View] |
131671381 | Anonymous | Do anime women fart? | 1 | [View] |
131672262 | Anonymous | Anime with god-tier technique and realisation (video/audio) but everything else is shit. I start. | 2 | [View] |
131672167 | Anonymous | What exactly is so wrong with holding hands? | 6 | [View] |
131671350 | Anonymous | ITT objectively best girls from series you've never read/watched. I'll start. | 13 | [View] |
131668910 | Anonymous | (一般コミック・雑誌) [アフタヌーン] [弐瓶勉] シドニアの騎士 第078話(完) [2015-11].zip http://futabanolog.net/thread/729745 | 4 | [View] |
131583435 | Anonymous | YuYuYu/WaSuYu/NoWaYu: Chapter 3 of Nogi Wakaba is a Hero: http://pastebin.com/jfpw4aHL | 514 | [View] |
131663816 | Anonymous | What's the sexiest weapon? | 16 | [View] |
131671950 | Anonymous | subs fucking when? | 2 | [View] |
131671860 | Anonymous | NARUTO: NARUTO BEST SHIT | 1 | [View] |
131669913 | Anonymous | why is this fucking allowed | 2 | [View] |
131665334 | Anonymous | TSF thread? | 30 | [View] |
131664171 | Anonymous | Tsugumomo c80-82 (alpha ver.): Tsugumomo magazine chapters 80-82, alpha version special for /... | 162 | [View] |
131648916 | Anonymous | Lance N' Masques: Well then, I watched this with no expectations and it seems very promi... | 514 | [View] |
131645502 | Anonymous | >new chapter never EVER | 124 | [View] |
131671545 | Anonymous | Assassination Classroom: Aww yeah all hands on deck. It's time to ship. Valentine's... | 0 | [View] |
131668807 | Anonymous | Boku Girl 80 Chingchong: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4077503440 Nerdy young Fujiwara is cut... | 1 | [View] |
131642883 | Anonymous | Overlord Thread: Papa Bones will not die so soon! | 533 | [View] |
131666201 | Anonymous | ARIA | 52 | [View] |
131668922 | Anonymous | Valvrave: Who did Haruto love more? Shoko or L-11? | 6 | [View] |
131619943 | Anonymous | Whats wrong with this child? | 261 | [View] |
131623211 | Anonymous | >Ryuko >Ryuuko How do you spell it, /a/? | 271 | [View] |
131668906 | Anonymous | So, what is the name of the flower they saw that day? | 5 | [View] |
131667571 | Anonymous | Can we get a custom mascot thread? Chiho from The devil is a part timer! | 3 | [View] |
131669711 | Anonymous | Akagi: Fukumoto is a true master of pacing. How many chapters can it take for the initial han... | 0 | [View] |
131601093 | Anonymous | Waifu Wednesday: You're waifu is the cutest! Do your best to make her as happy as she ca... | 390 | [View] |
131658727 | Anonymous | MAKE YOUR WISH | 78 | [View] |
131664130 | Anonymous | Umaru on the front page! | 28 | [View] |
131669370 | Anonymous | Cute boys doing cute things: It's a travesty that this doesn't happen all that ofte... | 9 | [View] |
131669185 | Anonymous | who is the cutest NagiAsu? | 2 | [View] |
131663043 | Anonymous | Aiwass vs Wallachia vs Beatrice: Who would win in this triple threat fight to the death? | 28 | [View] |
131667986 | Anonymous | Why is he so perfect? | 3 | [View] |
131635426 | Anonymous | 4chan, birthday? Chaika, no invite! 4chan, Rude! | 70 | [View] |
131668882 | Anonymous | ready for season 2? | 1 | [View] |
131666585 | Anonymous | Asshat | 1 | [View] |
131667523 | Anonymous | How do we defeat the One Eyed Grim Reaper? | 14 | [View] |
131650469 | Anonymous | All you need is kill: Is the manga good or should i just read the novel instead? | 36 | [View] |
131668025 | Akari Akaza | Akari~n!: はい!ゆるゆり,始まるよ! | 8 | [View] |
131658401 | Anonymous | >she sees your dick | 74 | [View] |
131655378 | Anonymous | Instant Bullet 18: Happy birthday, /a/. Here's a new chapter of ib as a present. | 78 | [View] |
131661902 | Anonymous | Sousuke is the best KyoAni protagonist! 3 more weeks until KyoAni saves anime again | 88 | [View] |
131667442 | You Know Me | ITT: OPs that completely misrepresent their show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjjTMN... | 9 | [View] |
131667127 | Anonymous | Nisio Isin's new novel. | 14 | [View] |
131668267 | Anonymous | Amagami SS: Chubby love | 0 | [View] |
131616845 | Anonymous | JoJo: JoJo thread because none other were up. When is Gappy going to cruise in his Lambo with... | 506 | [View] |
131667528 | Anonymous | What is she doing? | 18 | [View] |
131655175 | Anonymous | My waifu can kill your waifu | 86 | [View] |
131659117 | Anonymous | Will she ever recover and how? | 126 | [View] |
131667231 | Anonymous | What's with the weird haircut? | 10 | [View] |
131594139 | Anonymous | 80s and 90s Girls part 2: Image limit reached in the last thread. Post anime girls from the 8... | 314 | [View] |
131666221 | Anonymous | So now that Manglobe has gone under, are there any other studios we should be worried about? | 18 | [View] |
131659044 | Anonymous | Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid: So what happened with Vivid? I thought it was supposed to ... | 32 | [View] |
131654122 | Anonymous | no, no you're not | 117 | [View] |
131666681 | Anonymous | This shit was fucking super. Matsumoto is the shit. | 3 | [View] |
131663691 | Anonymous | What image made you first realize you were a lolicon? | 7 | [View] |
131653915 | Anonymous | so how long til the MOE bubble and enter a new era of sci fi and hip hop? | 85 | [View] |
131665319 | Anonymous | Besides Arslan and Estelle, I don't think I've ever before been more unsure of who ends up... | 3 | [View] |
131665440 | Anonymous | decline of series: ITT:Pinpoint the exact moment a series went to shit | 3 | [View] |
131656271 | Anonymous | One Piece thread: what if the Elephant is a Minkman? | 588 | [View] |
131666499 | Anonymous | I want a hat too! | 0 | [View] |
131665844 | Anonymous | KyoAni's new LN shit: Did KyoAni just hit a new low? http://www.kyotoanimation.co.jp/boo... | 5 | [View] |
131666299 | Anonymous | Doujins when? | 0 | [View] |
131663496 | Anonymous | Akane is so damn plain. Why Kougami?: Are people really calling her cute? She is the plainest... | 15 | [View] |
131655977 | Anonymous | Is this show any good? | 26 | [View] |
131656277 | Anonymous | Fall Anime 2015: What is /a/ watching this fall season? http://anichart.net/fall | 81 | [View] |
131651934 | Anonymous | >That Anime everyone hates that you like | 100 | [View] |
131663937 | Anonymous | Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko!: New page! | 3 | [View] |
131666084 | Anonymous | Original Theme song vs Localize Theme song.: Yamato-Star Blazers JPN Original https://www.you... | 0 | [View] |
131658663 | Anonymous | Is Google doing this on purpose? Everything else has a paragraph of info. | 69 | [View] |
131665325 | Anonymous | >romance mcs will never be this good again | 6 | [View] |
131659590 | Anonymous | Don't die 4chan Hamster | 24 | [View] |
131651554 | Anonymous | Oh my gracious lord, what the fuck was that? holy shit Gon | 22 | [View] |
131663731 | Anonymous | Who Homu here? Who Crab here? | 1 | [View] |
131665835 | Anonymous | S2 fucking never ;_; | 0 | [View] |
131649763 | Anonymous | Who is the most beta male protagonist ever in any anime? | 104 | [View] |
131662580 | Anonymous | Why do we hate her? | 3 | [View] |
131665521 | Anonymous | Scenes that made you tear: Binks' Sake made me remember how all my friends left everywhe... | 0 | [View] |
131649067 | Anonymous | Would you a Tomoko? | 42 | [View] |
131665427 | lewdfag | uncensored monsume: ~nipples is love | 0 | [View] |
131664648 | Anonymous | So this drill will pierce through what, again? | 9 | [View] |
131631634 | Anonymous | Do you remember us /a/ It's been ages still the memories are fresh | 112 | [View] |
131665150 | Anonymous | I just read all of this and I have to say this is the worst ending I have ever read fuck this manga.... | 4 | [View] |
131661583 | Anonymous | Tanjoubi | 8 | [View] |
131648337 | Anonymous | It is a good series. | 79 | [View] |
131665066 | Anonymous | anything good starting this weekend? | 0 | [View] |
131665044 | Anonymous | http://phantom-world.com/ Myriad Colors Phantom World site updated. No new information but there’s a... | 0 | [View] |
131652379 | Anonymous | >'you must stop eating!' cried Ayano, as Sakurako ate another | 94 | [View] |
131656351 | Anonymous | Edgy moments: ITT: Edgy anime/manga moments | 16 | [View] |
131630703 | Anonymous | World Trigger 117 China Scans: http://www.ishuhui.com/archives/374714 The series is back... | 165 | [View] |
131655486 | Anonymous | Madoka thread: Who madoka here? | 15 | [View] |
131661704 | Anonymous | >[Commie] Koufuku Graffiti [BD 720p AAC] >[Comm... | 15 | [View] |
131636881 | Anonymous | Panty and Stocking 5th Anniversary: It's been 5 years since Panty and Stocking premiere ... | 187 | [View] |
131659941 | Anonymous | Is Watashi the most based anime protag? >has a drunk honey licking his face a... | 11 | [View] |
131664254 | Anonymous | Is there any legit scary anime for this season? | 2 | [View] |
131664540 | Anonymous | But the truth is when I found out about this assignment I jumped at the chance to come back. Because... | 0 | [View] |
131664360 | Anonymous | >terrible cooking gets censored | 0 | [View] |
131630537 | Anonymous | Kantai Collection- KanColle: I'd party if I were you. | 531 | [View] |
131627343 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday, 4chan! Here's to another year. | 542 | [View] |
131664282 | Anonymous | Best chara, you know i'm right | 0 | [View] |
131642272 | Anonymous | Household Affairs: So what kind of bs is chicken boy going to do to get out of this one? | 133 | [View] |
131657905 | Anonymous | Genshiken: The original was so good. Fucking traps ruin everything. | 6 | [View] |
131660691 | Anonymous | ITT worst girls | 27 | [View] |
131657732 | Anonymous | Just watched episode 1 of School Days and I'm already baffled at how retarded the MC is. He mee... | 75 | [View] |
131626922 | Anonymous | New Trigger Anime will announce this October 10: This October 10 Trigger will announce new an... | 425 | [View] |
131663352 | Anonymous | QUALITY/Stupid shit in anime thread: What kind of running track has right corners? | 1 | [View] |
131659534 | Anonymous | Assassination Claasroom 158 spoilers: Valentine's Day confirmed. http://mangakansou.com/... | 14 | [View] |
131659349 | Anonymous | So /a/ which god do you pray to before you go to sleep at night? | 38 | [View] |
131663275 | Anonymous | Scanlation Thread: Also: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UEnyEWk9DZlnYiehPHlGeZ7... | 1 | [View] |
131662976 | Anonymous | After Luffy, is he the worst protagonist of any series? | 5 | [View] |
131655639 | Anonymous | Flat thread: Flat thread | 27 | [View] |
131632902 | Anonymous | what does albedo smell like? The animu mentions her smells several times. I must know | 507 | [View] |
131662848 | Anonymous | Any objections? | 1 | [View] |
131660345 | Anonymous | So after what happened at Manglobe yesterday, should we be concerned for Trigger's future? | 19 | [View] |
131659234 | Anonymous | Movie/Sequel/OVA/Spinoff when? | 2 | [View] |
131599486 | Anonymous | When I was a young girl, my mother took me into the city to see an idol group She said, 'Girl, when ... | 518 | [View] |
131662622 | Anonymous | Boku No Pico Academia: Raws are out, translation when? | 0 | [View] |
131654328 | Anonymous | differences Shounen JUMP SQ -> VOL 1 | 49 | [View] |
131655759 | Dragon Ball Canon | So, with Dragon Ball Minus confirming that Goku was sent to Earth in Saiyan armor, does that make th... | 21 | [View] |
131651082 | Anonymous | Shokugeki no Souma: Discuss new spoilers. Previous thread: >>131625464 | 526 | [View] |
131649685 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Waiting for spoilers. | 299 | [View] |
131658211 | Anonymous | Nisekoi 188 Spoilers: I think they are going to kill off Marika in a cute way | 8 | [View] |
131659865 | Anonymous | >Great animation >Great characters ... | 11 | [View] |
131652439 | Anonymous | Charlotte: Finally got around to watching the final episode of Charlotte, and damn, although ... | 49 | [View] |
131646378 | Anonymous | What are your thoughts on Mamoru Oshii and his movies? | 38 | [View] |
131659020 | Anonymous | Can we get an OST thread anons? Only the best. https://youtu.be/Vd6Jl5UUCVg Dat Lotus Juice | 2 | [View] |
131659418 | Anonymous | Amagami: Finally finished this series. Why is Nanasaki best girl? | 6 | [View] |
131659004 | Anonymous | Now that Manglobe is dead, anime remake when? | 3 | [View] |
131661103 | Anonymous | this show looks neat especially with that lethal amount of smug | 0 | [View] |
131660664 | Anonymous | is this an evangelion reference? | 1 | [View] |
131660831 | Anonymous | >Character is a time controlling, Reality warping Kung Fu ninja loli with a '... | 5 | [View] |
131660391 | Anonymous | Best dbz character cell shitposters leave | 3 | [View] |
131658837 | Anonymous | Attack on titan season 2 teaser!: http://a.pomf.hummingbird.moe/vzipsg.webm | 1 | [View] |
131659194 | Anonymous | I miss them, /a/ | 5 | [View] |
131631348 | Anonymous | Did the Battle Network anime ever have any questionable episodes akin to what, say, Yugioh and Digim... | 86 | [View] |
131659890 | Anonymous | Happy birthd/a/y!: Happy birthday! | 2 | [View] |
131656577 | Anonymous | I can't sleep /a/... sing me a song | 14 | [View] |
131659561 | Anonymous | Why does she wear the hamster? | 15 | [View] |
131660201 | Anonymous | late night beel thread | 2 | [View] |
131660079 | Anonymous | What if in Love Live! S3... all the girls find a boyfriend.: And the guys are the kind you ca... | 2 | [View] |
131658724 | Anonymous | So let me get this straight. This show is basically an anime adaptation of Anonymous shitposting? | 6 | [View] |
131656457 | Anonymous | Would Teresa be a good fuck? | 7 | [View] |
131658509 | Anonymous | WHERE THE FUCK IS UQ HOLDER CHAPTER | 3 | [View] |
131649804 | Anonymous | ITT: We sing. | 178 | [View] |
131652489 | Anonymous | HyperDimension Neptuna: NepNep! | 28 | [View] |
131659307 | Anonymous | How did Byakuran not just destroy that last faggot? Even with the extraordinary powercreep, he shoul... | 0 | [View] |
131637523 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Which is your favorite? | 513 | [View] |
131658283 | Anonymous | why | 6 | [View] |
131655872 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime That Were Made to Piss You Off: I HATE misunderstandings! And then some asshole wr... | 9 | [View] |
131651263 | Anonymous | Why the hell hasn't this ever gotten animated? | 57 | [View] |
131653546 | Anonymous | No game no life Season 2?: No news of it is out yet as far as i know, hell if i know, last i ... | 30 | [View] |
131651881 | Anonymous | SZS: 284 days to go | 54 | [View] |
131656366 | Anonymous | /a/ do NOT actually watch anime at all - This was good: Being here for some years, and this m... | 41 | [View] |
131651908 | Anonymous | itt: worst animu of the season http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/07/13/overlord-episode-1-review | 27 | [View] |
131656291 | Anonymous | Kyoudai hodo Chikaku Tooi Mono wa Nai: Why does interesting mangas has to be cancelled? =( My... | 2 | [View] |
131658735 | Anonymous | just me or /a/ mostly manchildren age >24? i mean all these eva/90s/80s animu threads like theyre... | 0 | [View] |
131653468 | Anonymous | Would you serve Lady Satsuki, /a/? Also, best girl thread. | 23 | [View] |
131658690 | Anonymous | Is Homura wrong? Why?? | 0 | [View] |
131657900 | Anonymous | With the success of FullMetal Alchemist, why do you think Square Enix didn't make a big FullMet... | 5 | [View] |
131639900 | Anonymous | The fuck is this show?: Why is there hype for this show? It looks so fucking boring, but near... | 83 | [View] |
131658243 | Anonymous | Post pictures of the K-On's feet pls | 8 | [View] |
131656979 | Anonymous | ITT: Manga or anime adaptations that are better than the original.: Even the author of the bo... | 7 | [View] |
131648133 | Anonymous | it's 12 episodes (ONE COUR): https://twitter.com/WTK/status/649667903877353472 Spanish Sim... | 117 | [View] |
131657443 | Anonymous | Why are Jojofags the worst fanbase in anime? | 5 | [View] |
131655589 | Anonymous | Bleach: Some stupid little bleach pictures | 2 | [View] |
131658006 | Anonymous | Tell me about Chihaya, why does she where the hat? | 4 | [View] |
131653149 | Anonymous | Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan: Are you guys prepared to see this delicious redhead in action and ... | 109 | [View] |
131656534 | Anonymous | what was his angle? | 12 | [View] |
131655262 | Anonymous | What's your favorite Mexican opening? Mine is Kenichi OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cp... | 11 | [View] |
131657846 | Anonymous | What was that one mango with the shota sailors called? Also Yuru Yuri since I didn't see one in... | 4 | [View] |
131657280 | Anonymous | >2+ years in between chapters Why is this legal? | 1 | [View] |
131657780 | Anonymous | oh shit | 0 | [View] |
131654482 | Anonymous | Gakusen toshi Asterisk (The Academy City on the water): Just 2 more days until another generi... | 23 | [View] |
131655390 | Anonymous | Panty and Stocking thread: This show is 5 years old now, do you think it we'll ever that... | 4 | [View] |
131654077 | Anonymous | This time of the year again. | 8 | [View] |
131656917 | Anonymous | Why isn't she a kid at the start of SAC? | 6 | [View] |
131657186 | Anonymous | Congratulations! | 0 | [View] |
131595382 | Anonymous | Prisma Illya: I'd pound their mochi, if you know what I mean. | 538 | [View] |
131647142 | Anonymous | Danchigai: Because we can never have enough diabetes and incest innuendo. | 30 | [View] |
131635113 | Anonymous | ITT things you learned from anime >There are 'Wife Carrying' races in Finland... | 176 | [View] |
131652595 | Anonymous | What the fuck did I just watch | 10 | [View] |
131653046 | Anonymous | Diabolik Lovers, More Blood: So is this a sequel to a good series? | 4 | [View] |
131656142 | Anonymous | GUNNM Last Order 11: He's back! | 1 | [View] |
131656512 | Anonymous | So, what was the story behind this? It got hyped as a supposed leak of a kyoani storyboard for a Bak... | 0 | [View] |
131654437 | Anonymous | Well? | 3 | [View] |
131654784 | Anonymous | Why couldn't the manga have ended last chapter? | 3 | [View] |
131652290 | Anonymous | Slut that deserve love? | 27 | [View] |
131655547 | Anonymous | So i just marathoned this today and yesterday. Considering reading the vns. Can I just read from whe... | 4 | [View] |
131656075 | Anonymous | Are you ready for Silver Link to save the battle harem genre? | 1 | [View] |
131655876 | Anonymous | It's time. | 5 | [View] |
131656063 | Anonymous | Why does Junichi give and make love to all the girls besides Miya? She just wants some of her Nii-Ni... | 0 | [View] |
131640912 | Anonymous | Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Daily reminder of science | 122 | [View] |
131649129 | Anonymous | So with the recent news about studios dying. Some anon mention that Kyoani treats their staff human.... | 162 | [View] |
131655242 | Anonymous | Hinata thread?: I just watched The Last: Naruto the Movie. I think i'm in love with Hin... | 14 | [View] |
131638373 | Anonymous | Symphogear: Boy, this sure was a really good 12 episode series. | 552 | [View] |
131638701 | Anonymous | One Piece | 537 | [View] |
131655723 | Anonymous | What did you think of the new opening /a/? | 13 | [View] |
131654376 | Anonymous | What was the worst selling TV anime in the last 10 years? I want to know what the biggest flop was. | 27 | [View] |
131655707 | Anonymous | Happy birthday /a/ | 7 | [View] |
131653242 | Anonymous | THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS: Everything's gonna be alright. | 12 | [View] |
131654170 | Anonymous | Why isn't there any violent angry male tsunderes besides Rumiko characters? | 5 | [View] |
131633145 | Anonymous | >walking tank If you ask me, it's got to be a joke. Not only is m... | 206 | [View] |
131653094 | Anonymous | Tokyo Ghoul + Re: Speculation Thread: Discuss. | 10 | [View] |
131654868 | Anonymous | is Kamisama Kiss good | 2 | [View] |
131654548 | Anonymous | who is she? I can't help think she's very suspicious. Am I the only one who thinks so? | 5 | [View] |
131653206 | Anonymous | Goodnight. | 1 | [View] |
131655229 | Anonymous | Now that it's over, will we ever see them again? Is this a till next time or is it over? | 0 | [View] |
131651163 | Anonymous | Why is this allowed? Manlets BTFO | 4 | [View] |
131653589 | Anonymous | High Score Girl: Anime when? It was announced but then all that shit went down. | 2 | [View] |
131639096 | Anonymous | ITT: Maximum childhood nostalgia anime | 29 | [View] |
131653650 | Anonymous | How is Soul Eater? I usually don't watch sounen at all, and it seems this show lies far outside... | 9 | [View] |
131653385 | Anonymous | Fafner Exodus 2nd cour: Less than a day to go. Will you be there? | 5 | [View] |
131650076 | Anonymous | Why do we hate him? | 31 | [View] |
131604139 | Anonymous | Who is your favorite Love Live? | 505 | [View] |
131650550 | Anonymous | Shomin sample soon: I like the fanservice in the promo art so far but god the faces look pret... | 32 | [View] |
131633397 | Anonymous | ITT: post autistic girls | 69 | [View] |
131653744 | Anonymous | D. Gray-man: Did he fucking make himself into an Akuma? How the hell does the Millenium Earl ... | 4 | [View] |
131650271 | Anonymous | So, this started as the edgiest of shit and ended up really fucking good. Kind of surprised no one t... | 12 | [View] |
131637404 | Anonymous | Why are titty monsters so useless? | 60 | [View] |
131643779 | Anonymous | >Less than a day left Have you watched the movie yet? | 21 | [View] |
131644605 | Yui Claus !xmas.SFFqg | I will post this every day until Christmas! 85 days! | 49 | [View] |
131654274 | Anonymous | Gintama thread: Who is your favorite Gintama character /a/? | 2 | [View] |
131651701 | Anonymous | Nanatsu no Taizai: Did they fuck? | 9 | [View] |
131647658 | Anonymous | >(T/N: 'baka'='idiot', in this case, 'you idiot!' to be precise.) | 23 | [View] |
131636013 | Anonymous | What's your favorite hairstyle? | 158 | [View] |
131636848 | Anonymous | Is rape ever funny in anime? | 67 | [View] |
131652594 | Anonymous | >Watching an Anime every week instead of Marathoning Talk about shit t... | 11 | [View] |
131653040 | Anonymous | There can't possibly be any other OST that gets you more hot blooded, can there? https://www.yo... | 2 | [View] |
131653164 | Anonymous | why is misato so much more based than all the others | 5 | [View] |
131653930 | Anonymous | What is this『 POSE 』conveying? | 0 | [View] |
131649781 | Anonymous | prime marriage material: for tender loving and handholding post them | 18 | [View] |
131634629 | Anonymous | October 1st. 4chan's 12th birthday. 25th anniversary of the German reunification Coincidence? U... | 125 | [View] |
131650727 | Anonymous | is Dorohedoro the best manga ever or what | 7 | [View] |
131635152 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: Hitomi Sensei, Bird Cafe,12Beast and related Monster Manga are also we... | 516 | [View] |
131653677 | Anonymous | For a porn, this is rather, how do you say, deep. | 0 | [View] |
131653680 | Anonymous | So what chapter is this again? | 0 | [View] |
131650407 | Anonymous | What was the last manga you last read /a/nons, pic related. | 17 | [View] |
131643600 | Anonymous | Pick one | 45 | [View] |
131645914 | Anonymous | Platinum End | 18 | [View] |
131650504 | Anonymous | So what does /a/ think of Nobunaga the Fool | 5 | [View] |
131648316 | Anonymous | >season has barely even started >OPOTS already ... | 33 | [View] |
131653113 | Anonymous | This is a reminder that Mihawk is the objectively greatest swordsman in the world. Only butthurt idi... | 1 | [View] |
131650851 | Ninja Slayer ep25 | Should have expected this... At least there were some new scenes to it... | 3 | [View] |
131627916 | Anonymous | Toriko 341: http://bato.to/read/_/347200/toriko_ch341_by_hi-wa-mata-noboru | 114 | [View] |
131647799 | Anonymous | Where do you keep your manga? /a/? | 47 | [View] |
131651310 | Anonymous | So we can all agree that mecha as a genre is shit, right? It's pretty much just autistic power ... | 5 | [View] |
131651805 | Anonymous | ITTY BITTY SAPPHIRE | 10 | [View] |
131650580 | Anonymous | What is he listening to, /a/? | 7 | [View] |
131639042 | Anonymous | Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia 61 thread: Do not dispair! For the raws are here... | 517 | [View] |
131652155 | Anonymous | Daily Loli thread: Post some lolis. | 3 | [View] |
131652740 | Anonymous | >Using the term 'manime' unironically | 3 | [View] |
131637467 | Anonymous | Subete ga F ni Naru: The opening is great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymp9EztvUf8 | 83 | [View] |
131650857 | Anonymous | Is there going to be a season 2 of shimoneta? I really liked the series and would really like there ... | 3 | [View] |
131651174 | Anonymous | HARROO HAAAAROO HAARRRO!! The new ending song for Dragon Ball Super is so good. Anyone else agree? ... | 7 | [View] |
131650817 | Anonymous | ITT: We Fix Evangelion 3.0 | 7 | [View] |
131632378 | Anonymous | Its time | 95 | [View] |
131647479 | Anonymous | Can Sagara Sousuke beat Uchiha Madara? Seriously though, why is he such a great character? | 5 | [View] |
131651943 | Anonymous | Black Butler: Fudge yes. Ciel and Sebastian as a couple... your opinion? | 1 | [View] |
131649603 | Anonymous | Why do we hate her? | 13 | [View] |
131611498 | Anonymous | DIGIMON: So I just finished Hunters. You think the finale is gonna be referenced in Tri? I th... | 78 | [View] |
131647158 | Anonymous | How do you think the new adaptation will turn out /a/? | 12 | [View] |
131651632 | isac | just posting kotonoha with birthday hat please ignore | 3 | [View] |
131651279 | Anonymous | Bikini Thread: Why are Japanese School Swimsuits the sexiest Swim wear out there? | 10 | [View] |
131647410 | Anonymous | ITT: We post 10/10 character designs | 20 | [View] |
131651428 | Anonymous | Seshiji o Pin!: Make sure you listen to the song while reading for maximum enjoyment and imme... | 0 | [View] |
131651426 | Anonymous | Ore ga Ojou-sama Gakkou ni 'Shomin Sample' Toshite: Only 5 more days until Oreo Joe graces us... | 0 | [View] |
131651258 | Anonymous | lolis? | 3 | [View] |
131651381 | Anonymous | ITT: The protagonist(s) of the last anime you watched are going to give you a top knot, how fucked a... | 0 | [View] |
131648978 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking anything. buyfag.moe | 4 | [View] |
131650955 | Anonymous | Pedo, watashi no pedo! Awwwww!!! | 3 | [View] |
131648297 | Anonymous | Why do we hate 1990s Anime /a/? Yeah sure new Anime is better but that decade had some good stuff. | 11 | [View] |
131649020 | Anonymous | Why is Whis serving Beerus if he's so much stronger? | 12 | [View] |
131646193 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think of Terra Formars? | 16 | [View] |
131642651 | Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 45 | [View] |
131647606 | Anonymous | Are Sakura and Shirou the best couple in Fate? | 15 | [View] |
131648940 | Anonymous | Yo homu, is that my briefcase? | 2 | [View] |
131629592 | Anonymous | Mahou Shoujo: What's your favorite mahou shoujo? | 81 | [View] |
131650501 | Anonymous | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 1 | [View] |
131646327 | Anonymous | ITT: We outpleb each other's top 10 list. I'll go first. 1. Legend of the Galactic Heroes ... | 22 | [View] |
131597187 | Anonymous | Drawfag Thread 1597 second rarfag's files until thread 1589: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 531 | [View] |
131642530 | Anonymous | Can best girl Stocking have a party hat too? | 20 | [View] |
131646913 | Anonymous | Kekkai Sensen: Two more days. | 18 | [View] |
131643594 | Anonymous | Anyone here like Deadman Wonderland? Manga > Anime | 13 | [View] |
131647569 | Anonymous | ITT: 'Cute' speech tics that are actually annoying as fuck >character ends se... | 13 | [View] |
131648429 | Anonymous | Anyone here ever heard of this? | 27 | [View] |
131649909 | Anonymous | Is Yami Yugi a yummy cutie | 3 | [View] |
131649787 | Anonymous | Sakuranbo Syndrome: Did not expect a threesome. Anyone else reading? I'm prepping for de... | 2 | [View] |
131648973 | Anonymous | >it's an Ami episode | 1 | [View] |
131645221 | Anonymous | So anon, how many days have you spent watching anime? 155 here. Do you regret it? | 56 | [View] |
131647586 | Anonymous | >She's my...She's my! What did he mean by this? | 6 | [View] |
131646103 | Anonymous | Perfect Blue R Rated Cut?: I've loved this film for years but only just learned there wa... | 11 | [View] |
131644677 | Anonymous | So, we all agree that Dragon Ball Super EP 1-12 sucked shit? >Adds nothing ne... | 41 | [View] |
131649311 | Anonymous | Why don't people like Japans finest truck? | 4 | [View] |
131621827 | Anonymous | Give me one good reason why you haven't watched Hyouge Mono you plebs. | 55 | [View] |
131625464 | Anonymous | Shokugeki no Souma 137: >Erina's dream ... | 520 | [View] |
131646873 | Anonymous | >get drunk >get sad ... | 3 | [View] |
131596652 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri: Chinatsu best butt edition. | 446 | [View] |
131638894 | Anonymous | Dengeki Bunko Fall Festival 2015: Only a little over 2 days left. What are you hoping will be... | 31 | [View] |
131646721 | Anonymous | POTEMAYO ON THE FRONT PAGE | 4 | [View] |
131636871 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Chapter will be out this week. Spoilers soon. | 570 | [View] |
131649174 | Anonymous | >tfw you work on your Anime backlog during a new season and then when the Ani... | 0 | [View] |
131639911 | Anonymous | Who is best DanMachi and why is it Loki? | 19 | [View] |
131649135 | Anonymous | Well first episode and it's already lewd as fuck. Spoilered so I don't destroy /a/'s ... | 0 | [View] |
131649126 | Anonymous | nigga: just finished the show a few minutes ago... shit, this shit's brilliant.. | 0 | [View] |
131622321 | Anonymous | Japanese cold strikes again. samfree (composer behind Katanagatari ED 2, stella-rium, LukaLuka Night... | 82 | [View] |
131648054 | Anonymous | Akame ga Kill: So did everyone drop this? Is it because of the Akame x Leone ship tease? I t... | 14 | [View] |
131648722 | Anonymous | Godo is a really great character | 1 | [View] |
131637514 | Anonymous | What was his name again? ;_;7 | 31 | [View] |
131640430 | Lambdadelta | Lamdadelta: Lambdadelta | 21 | [View] |
131583648 | Anonymous | The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Barefoot girl | 307 | [View] |
131640295 | Anonymous | YOU COMPLETE MY FATE | 56 | [View] |
131638463 | Anonymous | most hyped anime this season? | 35 | [View] |
131639158 | Anonymous | >full on fucking NTR DROPPED WHY DID THEY DO THIS WHY WOULD ANYONE DO ... | 32 | [View] |
131618808 | Anonymous | UMARU WANTS A PARTY HAT | 511 | [View] |
131620824 | Tarage !!4BTLAEjXDRE | Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 94: Because it's Wednesday somewhere. | 142 | [View] |
131639215 | Anonymous | Can you hear it? | 33 | [View] |
131646060 | Anonymous | Is the horse in the harem? | 8 | [View] |
131648112 | PHG !!WPtNxxXTYXX | I need you zutto sagashiteta | 0 | [View] |
131624423 | Anonymous | KIZU HYPE: http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ YOU HAD BETTER NOT BE RUSING US AGAIN SH... | 589 | [View] |
131649523 | Anonymous | >Hashirama - First Kage >Hashirama's littl... | 3 | [View] |
131630289 | Anonymous | Post your country's dubbed OP/ED here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_qCdtVxTIo | 92 | [View] |
131636729 | Anonymous | Why is the holy grail war so unbalanced /a/? Is it even possible to win wtih an assassin, a caster o... | 76 | [View] |
131643163 | Anonymous | Which one is better? | 15 | [View] |
131647680 | Anonymous | Why is she so perfect? | 0 | [View] |
131643887 | Anonymous | Would you a fat piggu? >inb4 she is a cow not a pig she can be both | 6 | [View] |
131618865 | Anonymous | Finally. | 586 | [View] |
131646020 | Anonymous | ... | 4 | [View] |
131642742 | Anonymous | Finished watching season 2. I really hope things get better for Hachi. I want to see him really happ... | 12 | [View] |
131643965 | Anonymous | ITT: We post characters with a party hat. | 12 | [View] |
131636452 | Anonymous | Lance N' Masques: Start air soon, are you ready for the lolis? | 520 | [View] |
131635173 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday 4chan from the 3 main characters of Yuru Yuri! I'm not rehashing an old joke.... | 38 | [View] |
131644631 | Anonymous | describe any animu/mango in the shittiest way possible and try to guess it > ... | 3 | [View] |
131645902 | Anonymous | Is Tsubasa chronicle really that necessary to read if you want to enjoy XXXholic. I started reading ... | 2 | [View] |
131639230 | Anonymous | I am going to marry Takao-chan on 4chan's birthday! | 33 | [View] |
131644328 | Anonymous | i have 20000 yen to waste on bookwalker by october 8th what do i buy | 2 | [View] |
131646442 | Anonymous | So, is it an actually good adaptation? Because so far it reads quite easy. | 2 | [View] |
131590240 | Anonymous | Sad Panda Thread: Sad Panda Thread Jacob taking users money and banning them edition thread t... | 558 | [View] |
131645952 | Anonymous | http://kottke.org/15/09/the-epic-of-gilgamesh-grows-by-20-lines Enkidu a shit | 0 | [View] |
131609550 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking anything. buyfag.moe | 527 | [View] |
131645329 | Anonymous | PunchLine Thread: I'm late, I know. But let me get some opinions on the animation and st... | 2 | [View] |
131645302 | Anonymous | Is Nico retarded? | 2 | [View] |
131644101 | Anonymous | SWINGING DISASTER BLASTER | 2 | [View] |
131644552 | Anonymous | Key Animation: Let's get technical, anons. Who is your favorite key animator? | 8 | [View] |
131636842 | Anonymous | >Project Itoh 'starts' today >Nothing on /a/... | 25 | [View] |
131638805 | Anonymous | CLANNAD FUKO | 13 | [View] |
131645101 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: Snek birthday edition. | 5 | [View] |
131645560 | Anonymous | what anime character has the most patrician musical tastes? | 0 | [View] |
131645066 | ITT we describe anime we haven't seen | Father tries to cure his homosexual autistic son by making him fight in a giant mech and live with t... | 2 | [View] |
131644987 | Anonymous | MAZINGER Z: Go back to Childhood with this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfShj... | 2 | [View] |
131645082 | Anonymous | You hear it you lose. Nostalgia edition ASHITA WA DOCCHI DA? | 0 | [View] |
131634929 | Anonymous | Would you let Gohan fight Cell? | 25 | [View] |
131642766 | oi Oi | Hey /a/ What is that food from an iconic anime that you wish you could have or you allready had? I... | 12 | [View] |
131644594 | Anonymous | More Powerfull Intro of DRAGON BALL SUPER. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHf... | 1 | [View] |
131627887 | Anonymous | >shipping in pokemon | 148 | [View] |
131632690 | Anonymous | >The characters say the names of their techniques while doing them | 50 | [View] |
131641400 | Anonymous | Was it popular?: Well, that ended with the clearest setup for season 2, however, is there any... | 11 | [View] |
131644442 | Anonymous | Is a full, 26 or more episode anime of Touhou even possible anymore at this point? | 1 | [View] |
131641740 | Anonymous | Punpun: So why couldn't Punpun cum inside Aiko? | 1 | [View] |
131637553 | Anonymous | Can someone give me an in dept reasoning as to why they like Rei Ayanami so much? I ain't even ... | 25 | [View] |
131629754 | Ottoman !hsa875Cw42 | Naruto 432: Scream more for bunny mommy Overall episode was good 'what if-' scenerio j... | 543 | [View] |
131632217 | Anonymous | Pigs! Hmph. | 18 | [View] |
131641957 | noko | noko: Gothic Blade Revolution. Produced by KyoAni. It's about gothic girls battling eac... | 11 | [View] |
131627751 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime ruined by their excessive fanservice. | 109 | [View] |
131632111 | Anonymous | TWGOK thread Also (for me) Chihiro > Kanon > the rest | 17 | [View] |
131640883 | Anonymous | Dragonball without filler: sup /a/ Anyone know where I can find a filler-less edit of the ori... | 7 | [View] |
131643900 | Anonymous | Name a plot device worse than Nen. | 1 | [View] |
131629620 | Anonymous | Kyoukai no Kanata: She just comes back? at the end? and the fuck is shit they dropped ... | 16 | [View] |
131642704 | Anonymous | Where did it go wrong /a/ ? Why do good mangas turn bad so fucking fast It took it's only good ... | 7 | [View] |
131641988 | Anonymous | CAN ANYONE HELP ME GO TO HELL HAY MOO? | 2 | [View] |
131638543 | Anonymous | One Piece: >The Florian Triangle's mist was created by Zou sprink... | 620 | [View] |
131643287 | Anonymous | Definitely the best Dragon Ball story in recent years. Super is such a rehash compared to this. | 0 | [View] |
131639993 | Anonymous | ITT: most autistic characters | 16 | [View] |
131642737 | Greatest Love Story Ever !TOLDvnXlro | Reminder. | 4 | [View] |
131642011 | Anonymous | Season two never ;__; | 2 | [View] |
131641279 | Anonymous | High School Rape (Dragon Ball): How was it? Very funny if you ask me. http://exhentai.org/g/1... | 1 | [View] |
131639452 | Anonymous | Chroniko died when her memories were removed? Everybody had their memories erased in the end and the... | 3 | [View] |
131609348 | Anonymous | >'I don't like Sakura.' Explain how this is possible. | 521 | [View] |
131624902 | Anonymous | >12 years >12 volumes Time for a celebra... | 334 | [View] |
131605185 | Anonymous | Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1245: Cornucopia of Resources / Guide (read Guide before asking qu... | 522 | [View] |
131639972 | Anonymous | You may dance with one of them. | 4 | [View] |
131621969 | Anonymous | BLEACH: Almost time. | 511 | [View] |
131641230 | Anonymous | Aldnaoh Zero: Inaho single handedly managed to ruin this show | 10 | [View] |
131635201 | Anonymous | Product Placement in Anime: With Manglobe going under and the general financial strains being... | 12 | [View] |
131633942 | Anonymous | Why does she talk in such a weird way? | 19 | [View] |
131636139 | Anonymous | what does it mean to be an idoru? | 8 | [View] |
131641926 | Anonymous | Would you have her as a servant? | 1 | [View] |
131558382 | Anonymous | Girls und Panzer: Who is your favorite girl? All of them You favorite panzer? All o... | 506 | [View] |
131641369 | Anonymous | Why is she so retarded, fucking christ. | 6 | [View] |
131641596 | Anonymous | D.Gray-Man: Last chapter was pretty gay again but whatever. How soon until we get another cha... | 1 | [View] |
131631272 | Anonymous | Daily Sales Rankings: Looks like Oricon has been reporting back what they fucked up: BD総合デイリー... | 33 | [View] |
131638380 | Anonymous | ANNIE ARE YOU OK? | 7 | [View] |
131641017 | Anonymous | If Fate Hollow Atraxia gets an anime who should direct it and how should it be organized? Would a se... | 3 | [View] |
131634464 | Anonymous | Tanjoubi | 27 | [View] |
131641323 | Anonymous | What anime/manga re-imagine western culture without just being badly reasearched or just making fun ... | 0 | [View] |
131619566 | Anonymous | does /a/ buy anime? | 148 | [View] |
131639308 | Anonymous | Your words may make sense, but my sense of justice tells me not to listen! | 2 | [View] |
131641190 | Anonymous | Akari~n! | 0 | [View] |
131633698 | Anonymous | Aquarion Logos: Kokone's ass on the front page! | 15 | [View] |
131640090 | Anonymous | Tell me her name and none of you will get hurt unlike her | 7 | [View] |
131640311 | Anonymous | GIGGA...... | 4 | [View] |
131639480 | Anonymous | First Episode Lance N' Masques: OP: https://youtu.be/U6JudpSbo7s ED: https://youtu.be/NU... | 6 | [View] |
131640637 | Anonymous | Worth buying? | 0 | [View] |
131640629 | Anonymous | >Worst Squidward Tentacles rip off ever. | 0 | [View] |
131640008 | Anonymous | Give me one good reason why you haven't watched you plebs. | 9 | [View] |
131623450 | Anonymous | Aren't male yandere's simply the cutest? | 46 | [View] |
131640263 | Anonymous | Why is she such an asshole? | 2 | [View] |
131639792 | Anonymous | I just watched Yu-Gi-Oh for the first time in 11 years. What the fuck happened? | 1 | [View] |
131635760 | Anonymous | Ready for the train wreck of the year, /a/? | 11 | [View] |
131639917 | Anonymous | ITTY BITTY | 1 | [View] |
131635394 | Anonymous | So literally everything this guy does is watched by tens of thousands of spectators. That has to be ... | 5 | [View] |
131631842 | Anonymous | Does annon prefer a lady or loli? | 59 | [View] |
131639647 | Anonymous | ITT: Post cocksluts | 2 | [View] |
131638656 | Anonymous | Yin is for cuddling | 2 | [View] |
131628061 | Anonymous | Is Gintama good? | 26 | [View] |
131637590 | Anonymous | What did she mean by 'strawberry milk'? | 2 | [View] |
131639227 | Anonymous | how do i turn off the hats? | 1 | [View] |
131639089 | Anonymous | Boku no Hero Academia: http://www.ishuhui.com/archives/374717 We eagerly await your arri... | 0 | [View] |
131627990 | Anonymous | Straight to the point, how lovely. | 64 | [View] |
131633129 | Anonymous | Light Novel thread. Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka finally getting book release. http://kadokawabooks.jp/prod... | 4 | [View] |
131638136 | Anonymous | Animal sounds: The dog goes,'Daddy' | 10 | [View] |
131613682 | Anonymous | Tomo-chan 162: It's like pottery. | 100 | [View] |
131637963 | Anonymous | Why is the worst girl in every series always the one who seems to be cute and innocent at first but ... | 9 | [View] |
131628219 | Anonymous | Kuro | 18 | [View] |
131638354 | Anonymous | Nisekoi 188: >If I were to die tomorrow ... | 8 | [View] |
131609013 | Anonymous | Everyday life with monster girl thread.: So is Draco the closest we are gonna get to a true w... | 535 | [View] |
131633036 | Anonymous | Kuro: http://tonarinoyj.jp/manga/kuro/ REMOVE KURO HOLY FUCKING SHIT | 13 | [View] |
131636371 | Anonymous | Who is your favourite mecha antagonist /a/ | 3 | [View] |
131632298 | Anonymous | I just... want you to be by my side, that's all. | 8 | [View] |
131615095 | Anonymous | my penis is chair | 566 | [View] |
131636578 | Anonymous | hey /a/ its 4chan 12th birthday how do you celebrate it? | 12 | [View] |
131554705 | Anonymous | Muv Luv | 546 | [View] |
131636668 | Anonymous | That time of year again: GIGA DRILL BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER | 1 | [View] |
131637475 | Anonymous | Snk/Shingeki no Kyojin: Snk thread, comment. Spoilers soon | 3 | [View] |
131637431 | Anonymous | >i wonder if it's enough | 0 | [View] |
131635663 | Anonymous | become meguca | 3 | [View] |
131637159 | Anonymous | Yu Yu Hakusho BD's: So who's got the best encodes for the BD release? I've bee... | 2 | [View] |
131630500 | Anonymous | [ONE PIECE] elephant edition: So what is actually going on on this color page, can someone de... | 630 | [View] |
131626571 | Anonymous | Happy birthday 4chan! I love you all with all my heart! | 35 | [View] |
131617635 | Anonymous | Boku no Hero Academia: Spoilers in 5 minutes. Have some best girl while you wait. | 578 | [View] |
131630636 | Anonymous | Bastard!!: I'm around 100 chapters into this shit and I still have no fucking idea what... | 14 | [View] |
131620600 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Ruri~ | 526 | [View] |
131626553 | Gintama | Have the anime only fags all left? I thought this would cause a bigger commotion. | 19 | [View] |
131636489 | Anonymous | To Love-Ru is love, To Love-Ru is life. | 2 | [View] |
131626909 | Anonymous | Shit just got motherfucking real | 65 | [View] |
131624070 | Anonymous | so /a/, which story does it better? | 32 | [View] |
131551702 | Anonymous | Valkyrie Drive:Mermaid anime: Breastlord will save anime, won't he? First time I saw det... | 552 | [View] |
131630130 | Anonymous | Glasslip: This is the perfect SOL. | 40 | [View] |
131618444 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday!: So /a/, what are you going to do to celebrate? | 82 | [View] |
131634482 | Anonymous | Owarimonogatari Haikyuu!! Second Season Yuru Yuri SanHai! Teekyuu 6 One Punch Man Gochuumon wa Usagi... | 2 | [View] |
131616810 | Anonymous | IT'S COMING. IT IS FINALLY COMING. http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ | 124 | [View] |
131622682 | Anonymous | it's that time again:: ITT write a shitty harem synopsis i'll start. Yotaro Hanafus... | 28 | [View] |
131634926 | Anonymous | Name a stupider plot device than Nen... Hard mode: No Shonen | 9 | [View] |
131631552 | Anonymous | Is this good | 20 | [View] |
131629982 | Anonymous | Rozen Maiden: It's birthday time, that means Suiseiseki and her desu'ing! | 11 | [View] |
131632497 | Anonymous | what does this face even mean is there an anime face dictionary? all animes use the same facial expr... | 12 | [View] |
131635916 | Anonymous | Okey.. | 0 | [View] |
131628751 | Anonymous | >Manglobe (マングローブ), the anime studio behind such hits as Samurai Champloo, Th... | 70 | [View] |
131624531 | Anonymous | Impossiburu mode: write something better than Keit-Ai | 34 | [View] |
131635790 | Anonymous | What is the best release for re-watching Aria these days? Is DF really the best one out there? | 0 | [View] |
131622169 | Anonymous | Explain this image. | 26 | [View] |
131634474 | Anonymous | Is The Order a Rabbit?: 9 More days until new season. Is the mango worth reading? | 4 | [View] |
131635526 | Anonymous | ITT: Series that you should have dropped but you're still up to date with | 0 | [View] |
131627710 | Anonymous | ITT : best girls who won. | 13 | [View] |
131631602 | Anonymous | >Senpai, I just wanted to say, ..... >FUCK YOUR... | 3 | [View] |
131635287 | Anonymous | Monster Girl thread. First for snake. | 0 | [View] |
131631194 | Anonymous | Do you read/watch To Love Ru for the plot? | 22 | [View] |
131635128 | Anonymous | Scanlation Thread: What are you working on? What do you wish got picked up? What do you need ... | 0 | [View] |
131623803 | Anonymous | Which is better dbz or dbz kai? | 14 | [View] |
131631301 | Anonymous | >this is the only moment we ever get to see Anne with straight hair Wh... | 9 | [View] |
131633155 | Anonymous | WSJ #45: One Piece (Cover and Lead Color Page) 1. Boku no Hero Academia 2. Assassination Clas... | 26 | [View] |
131626221 | Anonymous | Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade Bluu-Ray: Who here got the care package from Trig... | 33 | [View] |
131634410 | Anonymous | ITT: girls who did nothing wrong | 6 | [View] |
131634680 | Anonymous | Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki: Chapter 54 is out. | 18 | [View] |
131631845 | Anonymous | Witch Craft Works: Does this hat look good on me, Takamiya-kun? | 1 | [View] |
131619035 | Anonymous | I want to take her home and adopt her. | 61 | [View] |
131634310 | Anonymous | Is Seikon no Qwaser the most borderline borderline-hentai ever to exist? I watched a couple clips fr... | 1 | [View] |
131629729 | Anonymous | It's KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP! | 8 | [View] |
131617012 | Anonymous | >Kills NTRing couples >See his wife NTR him... | 110 | [View] |
131620987 | Anonymous | Dagashi | 48 | [View] |
131624702 | Anonymous | Team A vs Team B: Which team wins in a fight to the death? | 52 | [View] |
131595629 | Anonymous | Symphogear GX: How are the sales so far? also, best gaijin | 520 | [View] |
131634102 | Anonymous | mousou chuu~! | 0 | [View] |
131633259 | Anonymous | Yandere Feminazi joins Moe Hamed's LGBT harem: Are the good catholics of /a/ daijoubu wi... | 4 | [View] |
131628583 | Anonymous | Onepunch-Man Chp. 82.5: Are there any translations out yet? | 28 | [View] |
131631866 | Anonymous | I don't know about you, /a/, but is it just me or the selection of pinups on Megami and Nyantyp... | 5 | [View] |
131621949 | Anonymous | how come this board completely forgot about watamote? now threads only appear when a new chapter is ... | 32 | [View] |
131633366 | Anonymous | WHY CAN'T SHE BE REAL GOD DAMING | 0 | [View] |
131600308 | Anonymous | Loli waifu thread. Post that one loli who is most special to you, and what you love most about her. | 101 | [View] |
131632258 | Anonymous | Death Note Warner Bros. movie: This is your new Light Yagami. http://variety.com/2015/film/ne... | 3 | [View] |
131631869 | Anonymous | Post your waifu/husbando Me on the left | 4 | [View] |
131627209 | Anonymous | Subete ga F ni Naru: the Perfect Insider: OP and ED released. Who's hyped for AOTS? With... | 44 | [View] |
131619825 | Anonymous | You told me this was shit. Why am I enjoying it so much? | 27 | [View] |
131626117 | Anonymous | Eeeeeeh... heeheeheehee.... heeheehee | 20 | [View] |
131620403 | Anonymous | 350 MILLION YEN http://www.tdb.co.jp/tosan/syosai/4093.html http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/new... | 536 | [View] |
131625174 | Anonymous | Why do western people call japanese cartoons 'anime' but call french cartoons 'cartoo... | 61 | [View] |
131632629 | Anonymous | Umaru needs more bread! | 0 | [View] |
131630011 | Anonymous | Mirai Millennium - ETA NEVER: I-If Kizu is getting a release date. Does that mean this still ... | 5 | [View] |
131632151 | Anonymous | Holy fuck, this is really good. | 1 | [View] |
131604792 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin - SnK thread. It's already october, chapter 74 soon! | 613 | [View] |
131631747 | Anonymous | This show is great and more people need to know about it. | 2 | [View] |
131623861 | Anonymous | Pokemon Anime: Does Dawn wear panties? | 37 | [View] |
131626328 | Anonymous | Would you semen her demon? | 8 | [View] |
131623068 | Anonymous | Ufotable's lost treasure: Are we finally going to get it next month, /a/? https://www.yo... | 18 | [View] |
131631754 | Anonymous | >Another example is the debate over how to put the Japanese word 先輩 (senpai) ... | 2 | [View] |
131625362 | Anonymous | THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT | 13 | [View] |
131627884 | Anonymous | What do you think of elves? | 37 | [View] |
131628954 | Anonymous | Let's be honest nisekoi's harem is shit tier | 21 | [View] |
131631632 | Anonymous | monster musume: Quick. Post sexy monster girls. Show/mango discussions welcome too | 2 | [View] |
131626599 | Anonymous | Why haven't you experienced the grandest tale Japan has ever produced? | 17 | [View] |
131631295 | Anonymous | A kuroneko is fine too | 2 | [View] |
131624947 | Anonymous | FUCK YES Take that, you cunt. | 7 | [View] |
131627431 | Anonymous | Ana Satsujin: Just read the latest two chapters and the ride isn't over yet. Going to p... | 28 | [View] |
131628945 | Anonymous | Hat over hat over cat | 8 | [View] |
131629884 | Anonymous | WEG Thread.: WEG Thread? WEG Thread. | 8 | [View] |
131629482 | Anonymous | who is the best pokegirl? my vote goes to shauna because she isn't a slut like the other 2 | 4 | [View] |
131621586 | Anonymous | Happy Birthd/a/y! | 7 | [View] |
131628931 | Anonymous | So, can any LN reader answer this question that has been buggin me since forever. Did they actually ... | 7 | [View] |
131626051 | Anonymous | One Piece = best manga?: When will this manga slow down again? Currently it makes every other... | 613 | [View] |
131627537 | Anonymous | >>Tfw no party hat | 4 | [View] |
131624024 | Anonymous | ARIA | 40 | [View] |
131628659 | Anonymous | Mom of the year | 11 | [View] |
131625088 | Anonymous | character design: Which do you like better? | 13 | [View] |
131627142 | Anonymous | Live Stream: Pokemon XY new episode: https://streamup.com/sherming5555 Some idol show is curr... | 9 | [View] |
131627728 | Anonymous | . | 6 | [View] |
131612905 | Anonymous | So why do Nips love the green man so much? I don't have him or anything but he hasn't been... | 67 | [View] |
131624247 | Anonymous | She's 12 years old, brought back from the edge of a senselessly brutal, horrific death with the... | 14 | [View] |
131624913 | Anonymous | OST thread: What OST are you waiting for anons? Gate Aquarion Logos Arslan Senki (& M... | 2 | [View] |
131627240 | Anonymous | >you are truly HIS son | 2 | [View] |
131627532 | Anonymous | /a/, what did You like most about Nichijou? Is it in Your opinion among the greatest SOL's out ... | 22 | [View] |
131626153 | Anonymous | Hey, darling... Do you like my new hat? | 4 | [View] |
131626338 | Anonymous | Tanjoubi | 7 | [View] |
131584291 | Anonymous | You ready for the anti-harem /a/? | 242 | [View] |
131629895 | Anonymous | Kill la Kill Ep 1 Song Sauce: Help me /a/ Can't find that epic song that plays during Ep... | 4 | [View] |
131624711 | Anonymous | I just found my waifu today | 11 | [View] |
131626691 | Anonymous | Why do we hate her again? | 7 | [View] |
131620838 | Anonymous | How about a pre-2000s thread? What are you watching? Oh, and this my interest some of you. http://ww... | 9 | [View] |
131625195 | Anonymous | JUST GOT back from watching attack on titan live action: The bad Eren has a weaker motivatio... | 6 | [View] |
131629085 | Anonymous | MIUUUUUNA Also October 3 Nagi no Asukara Anniversary | 10 | [View] |
131627630 | Anonymous | What went wrong? | 14 | [View] |
131628491 | a Tumblr fag | I need a photo of Sayaka Miki as an Arab. | 2 | [View] |
131626616 | Anonymous | Ergo Proxy & Texhnolyze: What do you think of these two shows /a/ and which of the two do... | 39 | [View] |
131628115 | Anonymous | Today is October 1st, so winter uniform time is approaching. Time to vote best anime high school uni... | 7 | [View] |
131627652 | Anonymous | Dragonball Super: Why is it so fucking bad? >bad story telling ... | 4 | [View] |
131625078 | Anonymous | Shiori Experience: Anyone reading this? >Shiori was once a guitarist i... | 13 | [View] |
131628996 | Anonymous | >The reason no one ever notices that the heroes and the pizza deliverers are ... | 4 | [View] |
131601789 | Anonymous | Now that Overlord has ended. Let's rate these from best to worst: >.hack... | 164 | [View] |
131624738 | Anonymous | Its time for bed, /a/ | 5 | [View] |
131624792 | Anonymous | So I just finished this. What is /a/'s opinion on it? I personally liked it other than the fact... | 5 | [View] |
131628900 | Anonymous | Gaze into the crystal ball and find what lies in the mists of the future. Tell me, /a/non, what do y... | 0 | [View] |
131590868 | Anonymous | >first year since HxH's publication with literally no chapters Ho... | 247 | [View] |
131587626 | Anonymous | Kantai Collection: Translation soon | 502 | [View] |
131616714 | Anonymous | Is your body, ready, a/? | 31 | [View] |
131625605 | Anonymous | I didnt understand her appeal and everyone sudden love for her after pic related. Anyone explain? | 12 | [View] |
131623201 | Anonymous | Is there anything similar to Nana To Kaoru that I would like? | 15 | [View] |
131628524 | Anonymous | GIGA... DORIRRU... '__________' | 1 | [View] |
131622790 | Anonymous | strike witches: So I don't get it, about one or two years ago they said the next anime s... | 10 | [View] |
131627456 | Anonymous | Kansha! | 6 | [View] |
131626495 | Anonymous | Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom: So he becomes an edgelord after the first half. I was warn... | 5 | [View] |
131518792 | Anonymous | SYD: More translations and scanlations incoming | 506 | [View] |
131614513 | Anonymous | What's going on here? | 91 | [View] |
131621105 | Anonymous | Anon-kun... | 9 | [View] |
131626087 | Anonymous | Real talk. Are all 4 of the fucks gay? | 6 | [View] |
131620945 | Anonymous | Virtual Piano: ITT we play anime related tunes with the piano and post the keys for others to... | 18 | [View] |
131609042 | Anonymous | Let's all come together and love Lain. | 41 | [View] |
131625863 | Anonymous | Sup /a/, I have a question about the Monogatari series. I really enjoyed Bakemonogatari. Shit was gr... | 1 | [View] |
131625831 | Anonymous | Soopa sayajin pa-ti goddo >select images of cupcakes for lord beerus-sama... | 0 | [View] |
131622671 | Bear !QTOwxh9tvE | The Rewrite anime won't be as bad as the Grisaia one, right? Right? | 4 | [View] |
131624598 | Anonymous | It starts. | 10 | [View] |
131621890 | Anonymous | >episode one >he's legally not allowed to ... | 23 | [View] |
131612712 | Anonymous | MANGLOBEIME IS DEAD http://otakomu.jp/archives/304799.html http://www.manglobe.net/ | 161 | [View] |
131600252 | Anonymous | /a/'s top 10 most anticipated fall anime: The poll results are in. 1. One-Punch Man 2. N... | 158 | [View] |
131622149 | Anonymous | One Piece Thread: 'Zou doesn't make sense! It's Zoo! Kaido = Animal = Zoo! Fucking ... | 617 | [View] |
131624578 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday /a/!: I would just like to say JIBUN WO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v... | 4 | [View] |
131624150 | Anonymous | How is the anime? | 5 | [View] |
131625083 | Anonymous | Bleach: Is the anime going to come back??? i havent kept up with manga and im really curious ... | 5 | [View] |
131615632 | Anonymous | Everyone get in here. | 448 | [View] |
131624995 | Anonymous | What a bullshit ending. | 2 | [View] |
131623401 | Anonymous | h/a/ppy birthday!: get in here faggots | 5 | [View] |
131614622 | Anonymous | The Ultimate Fighter.: Name a character stronger than Gid Lucion Deviluke. ... | 36 | [View] |
131621960 | Anonymous | this show was supposed to make me laugh /a/ why am i crying? | 4 | [View] |
131609103 | Anonymous | Monster Musume: Maybe I'm biased because of various reasons, but Suu's album really... | 61 | [View] |
131620790 | Anonymous | Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki: How the hell do I stop being sad after watching this movie? | 18 | [View] |
131624853 | !2Code3TV3M | what are you rewatching at this hour /a/? | 0 | [View] |
131624715 | Anonymous | Which season tends to have the best shows overall? Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter? | 1 | [View] |
131599260 | Yui Claus !xmas.SFFqg | I will post this every day until Christmas! 86 days! | 80 | [View] |
131552197 | Anonymous | Kumiko is the best Kyoani protagonist! tfw no Hibike Tuesdays anymore.;_; | 331 | [View] |
131624655 | Anonymous | It's finally happening /a/, Kizunow! This is the stuff hopes and dreams are made of | 0 | [View] |
131617449 | Anonymous | Listen guys, it's great that we're celebrating 4chan's birthday and all... ...but do ... | 62 | [View] |
131597762 | Anonymous | Berserk Thread: No Berserk Thread??? >Latest Chapter: http://vi... | 99 | [View] |
131624532 | Anonymous | What's the most badass anime intro? This is the only one that I can think of... https://www.you... | 1 | [View] |
131617154 | Anonymous | Yeah. Happy birthday. | 13 | [View] |
131624318 | Anonymous | How does she clothes on inside the medicuboid? | 0 | [View] |
131623665 | Anonymous | Just finished rewatching this for the first time in years. God damn, I forgot how much I loved it. D... | 5 | [View] |
131624183 | Anonymous | http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-10-01/manglobe-anime-studio-files-for-bankruptcy... | 5 | [View] |
131624166 | Anonymous | Mangroves bankruptcy filing. Total liabilities 300 000 000 50 million yen or more. Articles of Japan... | 1 | [View] |
131621174 | Anonymous | Is this a good animu? | 9 | [View] |
131621308 | Anonymous | >The Bone Collector: starring Kawakami Momoyo | 2 | [View] |
131620587 | Anonymous | So, we know that Overlord is dead for good, right? | 8 | [View] |
131624021 | Anonymous | | 3 | [View] |
131621913 | Anonymous | >tfw new moot only cares about western cartoons >>>/co/762731... | 325 | [View] |
131623763 | Anonymous | ITS HAPPENING | 2 | [View] |
131623529 | Anonymous | So /a/ what is the best anime you've watched and why do you feel it is? Genuinely curious on wh... | 15 | [View] |
131620484 | Anonymous | I heard that /a/ is a scary place. Is it true? | 8 | [View] |
131622184 | Anonymous | Are there any other anime that trick you into thinking it's good then do a complete 180 and fuc... | 34 | [View] |
131598421 | Anonymous | Shokugeki no Souma: spoiler's when | 527 | [View] |
131623520 | Anonymous | Woah! Dancing in the shadow! | 0 | [View] |
131623416 | Anonymous | how good is sentai filmworks dub? | 1 | [View] |
131622677 | Anonymous | Which girl do you have the most pics saved despite having never seen her anime/source material? | 9 | [View] |
131622892 | Anonymous | EVA 20th Anniversary: >Evangelion Marks 20th Anniversary by Rerunning ... | 4 | [View] |
131592042 | Anonymous | What went wrong? | 118 | [View] |
131622277 | Anonymous | Would you a mother earth? | 3 | [View] |
131622571 | Anonymous | Look how cute Lain is with her little hat on. | 2 | [View] |
131619676 | Anonymous | ITT: Animes that were enhanced by the english dub. I'll start with Cromartie High School. https... | 11 | [View] |
131622710 | Anonymous | Anime/Manga Edited Videos: Post all of your edited videos relating to Anime/Manga here! | 1 | [View] |
131620861 | Anonymous | What the fuck did I just watch? | 10 | [View] |
131619459 | Anonymous | I liked 2006 Fate/Stay Night. I enjoyed it far more than the new UFO adaptation. | 4 | [View] |
131619506 | Anonymous | Did you liked it? | 2 | [View] |
131622249 | Anonymous | Post your top 5 God tier anime und manga: Post your top 5 god tier anime series, anime film, ... | 2 | [View] |
131619776 | Anonymous | Tanjoubi | 10 | [View] |
131619983 | Anonymous | Since Chaika is just a clone, when's her birthday? | 8 | [View] |
131622429 | Anonymous | I buy sausage. | 0 | [View] |
131619698 | Anonymous | Nisekoi: Don't mind her. She just wanted a hat. | 4 | [View] |
131610737 | Anonymous | Sayaka Thread | 77 | [View] |
131622143 | Anonymous | #OP 802 WORST FATHER EVER EDITION | 1 | [View] |
131603093 | Anonymous | Tsugumomo 80-82 Live TL: It's another Tsugumomo thread! Today's dump is chapters 80... | 485 | [View] |
131618892 | Anonymous | >watching anime before its bluray release with uncensored scenes | 2 | [View] |
131619246 | Anonymous | What are some good manga that involve war and melee combat? You know, things like Vagabond or Vinlan... | 4 | [View] |
131616948 | Anonymous | >trying to force some dumb hat meme Jesus christ Hiro is a fucking fag... | 13 | [View] |
131600812 | Anonymous | How do you feel about Nanoha (the character)? | 84 | [View] |
131615433 | Anonymous | One Piece: Chapter Anticipation Thread: One piece anticipation: fuck spoilers I already know ... | 607 | [View] |
131621699 | Anonymous | best hat | 0 | [View] |
131621676 | Happy Birthday | Tanjoubi omedetou: Happy 12 th Birthday 4chan | 0 | [View] |
131621129 | Anonymous | Fuck yeah | 5 | [View] |
131616633 | Anonymous | I picked this up expecting a generic harem romcom with a violent tsundere, and I get a wise-ass MC w... | 45 | [View] |
131618186 | Anonymous | what went wrong | 14 | [View] |
131589341 | Anonymous | ITT: Overrated magical girl shows | 425 | [View] |
131621005 | Anonymous | It's his birthday too. | 1 | [View] |
131616581 | Anonymous | Did she ever celebrate her birthday? | 9 | [View] |
131615956 | Anonymous | It's time. | 596 | [View] |
131620935 | Anonymous | What would be the history for a MGS anime and what studio would animate it? | 1 | [View] |
131620674 | Anonymous | We love chidori! | 2 | [View] |
131617149 | TimeTravel_0 !!9Mlg9E3288C | Is it on straight? Celebration must be for Kizu announcement. | 8 | [View] |
131614358 | Anonymous | ??? | 10 | [View] |
131620972 | Anonymous | More kuro | 0 | [View] |
131617047 | Anonymous | happy birthday fags, we've wasted our lives for another year | 12 | [View] |
131619057 | Anonymous | >C'mon anon, aren't you heading to the birthday party? | 2 | [View] |
131620898 | Anonymous | It begins. | 0 | [View] |
131613715 | Anonymous | Does /a/ hate all dubs? There are some decent ones out there, particularly Kai. Early Funi wasn... | 22 | [View] |
131611796 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime related things that made you so angry you dug your nails so far deep in your skin you cou... | 269 | [View] |
131600880 | Anonymous | So, we all agree on this. | 151 | [View] |
131620486 | Anonymous | BACKGROUND MUSIC WHERE?: >Have party hats ... | 1 | [View] |
131619388 | Anonymous | Snake thread.: Post Snek. | 18 | [View] |
131619268 | Anonymous | FUNKY PARTY | 13 | [View] |
131620474 | Anonymous | Can Doom guy take on the a marine from War Hammer? | 2 | [View] |
131616923 | Anonymous | Congratulations! | 16 | [View] |
131620478 | Anonymous | h-hey guys do you like my hat? | 2 | [View] |
131620452 | Anonymous | Hey /a/, I've been looking for a short single chapter manga that involved two girls bird-watchi... | 0 | [View] |
131620401 | Anonymous | Happy birthday.: Another year guys. | 0 | [View] |
131617051 | Anonymous | D-does the hat look well, Ricchan? | 3 | [View] |
131617504 | Anonymous | WHAT'S WITH ALL THESE FUCKING HATS? | 11 | [View] |
131620061 | Anonymous | Aldnoah Zero: Who do those legs belong to? Who are on those cupcakes? | 0 | [View] |
131618129 | Anonymous | Capeshit: Why is Japanese capeshit so good? Keyman. Boku no Hero. Birdmen. Tiger and Bunny. Z... | 8 | [View] |
131619866 | Anonymous | Memories of parties past thread | 1 | [View] |
131598821 | Anonymous | Yu-gi-oh! Arc - V: Have you had your citrus today? | 516 | [View] |
131619442 | Anonymous | Inferno Cop: What the fuck am I watching, and why is it so fantastic? | 5 | [View] |
131616045 | Anonymous | When did you start browsing /a/? Late 2008 here. | 829 | [View] |
131613213 | Anonymous | What do you think about incest? | 73 | [View] |
131614508 | Anonymous | | 7 | [View] |
131618651 | Anonymous | Sieg Kaiser Reinhardo | 6 | [View] |
131565682 | Anonymous | Have you ever cried to an anime? If so, which one and why? | 419 | [View] |
131619272 | Anonymous | Happy birthday 4chan!: What is there to say? IT'S PARTY TIME!!! | 1 | [View] |
131616447 | Anonymous | Happy birthday /a/! | 18 | [View] |
131619051 | Anonymous | Jun Maeda Appreciation Zone: The man is a legend. He changed the world not once, but twice. | 1 | [View] |
131619371 | Anonymous | Juicy Birthday /a/ | 0 | [View] |
131617990 | Anonymous | Anime was a mistake: You're all trash! Habby B-Day faggots | 4 | [View] |
131609936 | Anonymous | WEG Thread: Post em | 95 | [View] |
131618650 | Anonymous | Remember, you are here for ever | 3 | [View] |
131605739 | Anonymous | Anime openings: Post lyrics of an opening song of an anime, just the part you like the most a... | 133 | [View] |
131617252 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday ya guys | 1 | [View] |
131618908 | Anonymous | hello im here for the door giveaway | 0 | [View] |
131616338 | Anonymous | >FUNimation terminating their relationship with Scott Freeman under awful cir... | 10 | [View] |
131615120 | Anonymous | I stopped watching TTGL after Kamina died. What am I really missing out on /a/? | 23 | [View] |
131618811 | Anonymous | Do lesbians like hats? | 0 | [View] |
131617733 | Anonymous | Happy birthday 4chan. Hopefully we'll get the next book this year. | 1 | [View] |
131614767 | Anonymous | The characters' appearances have changed, yes. But what changes will have to be made plot-wise? | 13 | [View] |
131618402 | Anonymous | praise meguca | 0 | [View] |
131616276 | Anonymous | >Yotsuba is now 12 years old >she is no longer ... | 5 | [View] |
131617923 | Anonymous | whats exactly wrong with buying japanese animation? i like to support the industry. if everyone here... | 5 | [View] |
131617824 | Anonymous | Amagami SS: Senpai is Lovely | 2 | [View] |
131618220 | Anonymous | happy birthday anime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFyQ3SaDXKo | 0 | [View] |
131618203 | Anonymous | Happy birthday, you disgusting niggers. | 1 | [View] |
131617314 | Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk | Can we have a Sheryl thread to celebrate 4chan? | 5 | [View] |
131618045 | Anonymous | Happy birthday! | 0 | [View] |
131616200 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday guise | 22 | [View] |
131617989 | Anonymous | So /a/ and the rest of 4chan do you like these paper hats that Konan made for you? | 0 | [View] |
131605131 | Anonymous | Slayers: Anyone up for a good old fashioned Slayers thread? | 16 | [View] |
131617786 | Anonymous | ¿ƚʜǫiɿ ɘɿɒʜƨ ɒ ƚɘǫ llɒ ɘw | 1 | [View] |
131616958 | Anonymous | check out my hat /a/ | 4 | [View] |
131610475 | Anonymous | What's /a/'s opinion on oppai lolis? Oppai loli thread? | 38 | [View] |
131616814 | Anonymous | What the fuck did I just watch? | 5 | [View] |
131615357 | Anonymous | >S1 never | 5 | [View] |
131612514 | Anonymous | Where 'Ecchi' meets 'Edgy'? | 65 | [View] |
131615983 | Anonymous | I-it's no time to celebrate. We need to get back to rehearsing, Yui-senpai. | 5 | [View] |
131617360 | joshvlogs | mychannel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC67YW7bv4ZNWFJ-zk-LNJ0A | 1 | [View] |
131617544 | Anonymous | why does he give him his pants?? >Eden of the East | 0 | [View] |
131611317 | Anonymous | Fate series: Can anyone give me a guide for getting into the Fate series? Like where to start... | 73 | [View] |
131617418 | Anonymous | Next chapter when? | 1 | [View] |
131617483 | Anonymous | Do Goddess even have birthdays considering they dont age and are immortal? | 1 | [View] |
131617277 | Anonymous | Happy birthday! | 1 | [View] |
131616436 | Anonymous | GIGA DORIRU BUREEEEEEEEEEE KA | 6 | [View] |
131617180 | Anonymous | Its the end | 0 | [View] |
131616971 | Anonymous | Happy birthday! | 3 | [View] |
131617053 | !xD98DeKkaI | dekkai hat | 0 | [View] |
131602544 | Anonymous | Plotholes thread: If plotholes you have in mind from some anime, tell us, so we answers each ... | 72 | [View] |
131616997 | Anonymous | JIBUN WOOOOOOOO | 0 | [View] |
131616288 | Anonymous | Umareru thread: Would you similar or different as pic related if you were given a chance to g... | 2 | [View] |
131598011 | Anonymous | Where were you when /co/ got blown the fuck out? | 534 | [View] |
131615689 | Anonymous | GUNNM/Battle Angel Alita: Just started reading it. Seems Gr8, should I continue to the 2nd se... | 4 | [View] |
131616804 | Anonymous | Bokugirl thread | 1 | [View] |
131616625 | Anonymous | But I thought 4chan's anniversary was late October, not early | 2 | [View] |
131613869 | Anonymous | Haven't been checking for updates in a while, how long ago was OPM updated? | 5 | [View] |
131616420 | Anonymous | Get in this thread now | 3 | [View] |
131616657 | Anonymous | Happy birthday, /a/! | 0 | [View] |
131616673 | Anonymous | Tsukihime anime had a great OST and was pretty enjoyable to watch, even after I read the VN. Why do ... | 0 | [View] |
131615787 | Anonymous | >party hats | 5 | [View] |
131616615 | Anonymous | *tips party hat* | 0 | [View] |
131616613 | Anonymous | Question about /a/: What are the hats for? Also, excuse me for being a newfag Pic not related... | 1 | [View] |
131616445 | Anonymous | how do I get rid of the party hat? | 2 | [View] |
131605193 | Anonymous | It was really progressive of Tomino to make a lesbian protagonist in a mecha show. | 78 | [View] |
131615573 | Anonymous | Is sarcasm good grounds for waifuing a girl? | 3 | [View] |
131616340 | Anonymous | HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY /a/: going back to lurking now | 1 | [View] |
131616312 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday, friends! Here's to a lovely year of fun ahead of us. -한국 | 2 | [View] |
131607377 | Anonymous | One Piece: Man, is that it, Oda? No talk with Zoro? No talking to Law about Doflamingo? No Sk... | 514 | [View] |
131608562 | Anonymous | Gunbuster was better than Evangelion. | 74 | [View] |
131616300 | Anonymous | Remember, you're here forever. | 1 | [View] |
131616375 | Anonymous | Have you worshiped your Kami-sama today? | 0 | [View] |
131606976 | Anonymous | SZS: 285 days to go | 91 | [View] |
131616094 | Anonymous | Happy Birthday! | 4 | [View] |
131609090 | Anonymous | >tights with shorts dick status: muh | 13 | [View] |
131616161 | Anonymous | HAPPY BIRTHDAY 4CHAN: HAPPY BIRTHDAY /a/ HERES TO 8 MORE! | 2 | [View] |
131616228 | Anonymous | Happy birthday [a/! | 1 | [View] |
131616040 | Anonymous | Every year. | 3 | [View] |
131616101 | Anonymous | HAPPY BIRTHDAY!: How are you guys doing /a/? What are you watching on our 12th birthday? | 2 | [View] |
131609663 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before doing anything. buyfag.moe | 22 | [View] |
131612605 | Anonymous | So /a/, next season is around the corner, personally I think it seems really weak compared to Spring... | 14 | [View] |
131615871 | Anonymous | SHIT: GOD DAMNIT HIROKI, ITS TOO DAMN EARLY TO PARTY | 2 | [View] |
131615312 | Anonymous | my waifu this badly drawn | 2 | [View] |
131616148 | Anonymous | Let's party, /a/! | 0 | [View] |
131616133 | Anonymous | >another year here | 0 | [View] |
131616112 | Anonymous | Yuri Bears: Lulu kashikoi! | 0 | [View] |
131609728 | Anonymous | can't frill the drills | 60 | [View] |
131615916 | Anonymous | >Hats I'm glad this is still here. | 1 | [View] |
131616063 | Anonymous | M14 a cute! | 0 | [View] |
131615943 | Anonymous | Why is Yuno so cute? | 1 | [View] |
131615800 | Anonymous | Happy birthday, 4chan! Raildex thread? | 3 | [View] |
131610868 | Anonymous | How decent will Rewrite be? | 57 | [View] |
131613787 | Anonymous | >no hint still toward another season or movie The dream is dead, isn... | 10 | [View] |
131615842 | Anonymous | >H-hey anon, wanna party with me? | 2 | [View] |
131614398 | Anonymous | Its time | 12 | [View] |
131615817 | Anonymous | Is it that time again? | 2 | [View] |
131613070 | Anonymous | Sub or dub? | 9 | [View] |
131611932 | Anonymous | HIDEAKI ANNO: So was he a virgin while making eva? Cause it definitely shows | 11 | [View] |
131615861 | Anonymous | VIKING PASTRIES: >If you've been hungry for another anime the lik... | 0 | [View] |
131615875 | Anonymous | I miss them already, /a/ | 0 | [View] |
131615858 | Anonymous | I'm pretty down with NTR but this is disgusting and pathetic. It shouldn't even have been ... | 0 | [View] |
131612232 | Anonymous | Needless: what went right? | 34 | [View] |
131600429 | Anonymous | BE MY FRIEND | 140 | [View] |
131594755 | Anonymous | 1001: It's Megane day in Japan. Post megane, brothers. | 134 | [View] |
131609565 | Anonymous | Rokka Thread: How does /a/ feel about nips liking based Tgurneu | 9 | [View] |
131612255 | Anonymous | These should have been different people: On balance, I think Umaru and Komaru should have bee... | 30 | [View] |
131612779 | Anonymous | >naturals election pottery | 2 | [View] |
131612677 | Anonymous | Girls who have already won | 12 | [View] |
131608637 | Anonymous | Denpa onna to seishun otoko: What did you think of it? | 52 | [View] |
131611469 | Anonymous | prison school thread | 7 | [View] |
131614520 | Anonymous | Dicks you'd suck | 7 | [View] |
131575241 | Anonymous | ITT: Times the best girl won | 432 | [View] |
131615067 | Anonymous | JUST | 2 | [View] |
131609895 | Anonymous | How will Hayate no Gotoku end: Finale is coming in a year or 2 Who will win the Hayateb Owl? | 5 | [View] |
131607082 | Anonymous | Benio. | 46 | [View] |
131611762 | Anonymous | Who's the best girl of Yuri Yuri? | 15 | [View] |
131612278 | Anonymous | Why is Sailor Moon the thematically and psychologically deepest, best directed, most entertaining an... | 2 | [View] |
131614660 | Anonymous | ITT we talk about how Gurren Lagann isn't just some adrenaline fueled action mech, and is actua... | 4 | [View] |
131611592 | Anonymous | Do people hate Umaru because she's an accurate little sister character? | 14 | [View] |
131584130 | AccelΔX !VjT9qlL.J. | Gate 49: Fear the Manchild Emperor for he will bring desolation, depravity, and destruction t... | 116 | [View] |
131596868 | Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 50 | [View] |
131609225 | Anonymous | CODE GEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS: I finally got around to watching R1 of Code Geass. It was p... | 34 | [View] |
131614334 | Anonymous | Do /a/ like cats? http://pasted.co/0ec170a5 It's happeninghttp://www.kizumonogatari-... | 7 | [View] |
131574980 | Anonymous | Boku no Hero Academia: Anime incoming. It's on the Jump Festa Poster for 2016. Get ready... | 297 | [View] |
131561529 | Anonymous | Jojo thread. Best Jojo edition. http://pastebin.com/CJPJP2Hi | 515 | [View] |
131614031 | Anonymous | What has your waifu/husbando done for you? Why are they so great to you? | 1 | [View] |
131604959 | Anonymous | Tsumugu: >Badass design >Badass introduc... | 34 | [View] |
131600912 | Anonymous | post yfw you realize that Shokugeki no Soma is the greatest battle shonen of all time | 41 | [View] |
131606657 | Anonymous | Let's be honest /a/ Why do you hate this show? I thought it was cute and funny. What's wro... | 59 | [View] |
131614237 | Anonymous | WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ARCHIVE.MOE | 2 | [View] |
131594216 | Anonymous | ITT: Top tier Shounen | 85 | [View] |
131614182 | Anonymous | I'm enjoying this Anime Am I gay now? | 2 | [View] |
131610624 | Anonymous | So I just saw this... | 6 | [View] |
131609313 | Anonymous | How does this picture make you feel /a/? | 18 | [View] |
131613307 | Anonymous | Best film of 2015? | 5 | [View] |
131611374 | Anonymous | One punch man is going to save anime: prove me wrong you can't | 4 | [View] |
131609779 | Anonymous | Durarara!! Thread? | 4 | [View] |
131605664 | Yukihime Birthday | Happy Birthday Yukihime 30/09 | 19 | [View] |
131607445 | Anonymous | Why do you guys hate this show, I liked it. Had a pretty decent story and even though the twist was ... | 23 | [View] |
131613789 | Anonymous | Why do people prefer subs over dubs? Personally, I hate having to read subtitles at the bottom of th... | 52 | [View] |
131604136 | Anonymous | Untranslated Story Time - Tokyo Shutter Girl - KIRIKI Kenichi: Hey there. Dumping an untransl... | 246 | [View] |
131607763 | Anonymous | Why didn't Kyubey try to make her the Green Ranger? Is it because she wasn't a lesbian? | 15 | [View] |
131610061 | Anonymous | Why aren't you holding her /a/? | 15 | [View] |
131610250 | Anonymous | Am I stupid for not understanding what Ghost in the Shell is about? I watched the movie and some of ... | 14 | [View] |
131610573 | Anonymous | Dome Kano: new chapter out http://bato.to/read/_/347118/domestic-na-kanojo_v7_ch66_by_no... | 9 | [View] |
131609873 | Anonymous | >We did it, Asuka. We reached... End of Evangelion. Why is this allowe... | 46 | [View] |
131595240 | Anonymous | Draw your favourite anime/manga characters in MS Paint: I'll start, here's mine. | 54 | [View] |
131580760 | Anonymous | Gintama: New episode less than 1 hour. New OP maybe soon | 199 | [View] |
131608245 | Anonymous | >Nemesis fighting Deviluke >Momoservice ... | 24 | [View] |
131595319 | Anonymous | Twintails volume 10 cover: Does this mean that we are getting more Solar? | 70 | [View] |
131598952 | Anonymous | Trigger is going to announce their new original anime in October at the Trigger Animation Expo. | 177 | [View] |
131607731 | Anonymous | The Greatest Love Story of All Space and Time | 6 | [View] |
131607289 | Anonymous | >Wake up >See this What do? | 32 | [View] |
131612847 | Anonymous | ITT: weak nip bodies | 1 | [View] |
131595425 | Anonymous | Gakkou Gurashi: I scanned and uploaded chapter 38 raw: https://mega.nz/#!IMQ1HAZa!NAUsDQlE... | 55 | [View] |
131612737 | Anonymous | Shimoneta BD: Is Vol. 2 not online yet? How long should it take? | 0 | [View] |
131610343 | Anonymous | >almost zero girls in anime wear suspenders | 17 | [View] |
131609945 | Anonymous | Battle Programmer Shirase was better than Evangelion | 18 | [View] |
131612361 | Anonymous | ONNA NO TEKI!!!!!!!!!!! TENNOUJI KOTAROU!!!!!!!!!!! | 0 | [View] |
131611684 | Anonymous | Season 3 When? | 2 | [View] |
131611110 | Anonymous | Just finished H-hold me pls | 4 | [View] |
131609517 | Anonymous | Old anime thread Also will there ever be good torrents of legend of the galactic heroes? | 7 | [View] |
131610512 | Anonymous | Is autism a moe character trait? | 12 | [View] |
131607859 | Anonymous | This is the best ending/credits song in anime. It's not even a debate. https://www.youtube.com/... | 12 | [View] |
131609209 | Anonymous | >Was there every week for Cross Ange since it first aired ... | 5 | [View] |
131611417 | Anonymous | what went wrong? | 0 | [View] |
131611008 | Anonymous | Is it over hyped /a/?: Why is it good, it is your burden of proof by making the positive clai... | 11 | [View] |
131609472 | Anonymous | Guess who the next movie's about? | 3 | [View] |
131608423 | Anonymous | KA KA | 10 | [View] |
131599483 | Anonymous | Did you take out the trash today /a/ ? Mine was overflowing with absolute shit. | 59 | [View] |
131610913 | Anonymous | Blue Seed is objectively superior to Evangelion | 6 | [View] |
131610536 | Anonymous | >implying Stella won't be the lewdest girl of the fall season | 2 | [View] |
131609528 | Anonymous | Demon or Knight? | 8 | [View] |
131591899 | Anonymous | KIZU CONFIRMED http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ Official website | 532 | [View] |
131604485 | Anonymous | Let's have a Violin OST thread, only the best of the best, piano should not apply Starting with... | 8 | [View] |
131607080 | Anonymous | Everyone keeps talking about how Josuke is Araki's favorite/self-instert. Meanwhile, DIO com... | 18 | [View] |
131599295 | Anonymous | If Albedo is the strongest then why didn't she fight Shalltear? | 615 | [View] |
131610612 | Anonymous | What the fuck I just watch. | 0 | [View] |
131610043 | Anonymous | The best streaming site I now of, animegaki.com, is shutting down at the end of the week. Where shou... | 10 | [View] |
131610098 | Anonymous | Rei is kinda cute | 2 | [View] |
131609345 | Anonymous | In case you haven't watched this already and are one of those faggots that likes to stream anim... | 2 | [View] |
131595722 | Anonymous | Underwaterrayromano: Are you ready for more Underwaterrayromano? | 77 | [View] |
131578433 | Anonymous | ITT: Explain the plot to a popular anime that you have never seen. | 392 | [View] |
131608775 | Anonymous | ITT: REAL NIGGA MC's | 22 | [View] |
131606301 | Anonymous | >desu | 16 | [View] |
131610308 | Anonymous | So I just finished reading Claymore... So Teresa is Clare's awakened being? But for some reason... | 0 | [View] |
131609932 | Anonymous | If you had the chance to be a character in any anime, who would it be, which one , and why? | 2 | [View] |
131610224 | Anonymous | Elves in anime: How can we make something like this possible? And most importantly, can we ha... | 0 | [View] |
131594187 | Anonymous | Let's do this shit. | 70 | [View] |
131594658 | Anonymous | Owari no Seraph: Smug has to pay for Yuu's rashness | 48 | [View] |
131609967 | Anonymous | Most autistic but funny anime thread? >pic related | 2 | [View] |
131592510 | Anonymous | Post lovable ugly people. | 171 | [View] |
131604290 | Anonymous | Prison school is the best anime ive ever seen in a while, its actually hilarious, like actually laug... | 5 | [View] |
131593911 | Anonymous | ITT: Side characters who steal the entire show | 97 | [View] |
131606551 | Anonymous | >Is named Clementine >Is not clement | 12 | [View] |
131607853 | Anonymous | What's she holding /a/? | 26 | [View] |
131609626 | Anonymous | Kaiji: This ugly son of a bitch is wasting money on third world shits and basically he´s fuck... | 1 | [View] |
131609588 | Anonymous | There's something about 1990s Anime I really like that makes me go watch and discover new ones.... | 0 | [View] |
131608030 | Anonymous | Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria: When does it get good? | 4 | [View] |
131607374 | Anonymous | why the fuck is Border, a military organization, staffed almost entirely by children? | 1 | [View] |
131609096 | Anonymous | Hurr Dur i am gonna save people who have powers by taking away there powers. Not like most of them a... | 4 | [View] |
131605702 | Anonymous | How the hell did UTW translate 'Nantoka nigenasai' as 'I recommend you run'?! And this release is ev... | 47 | [View] |
131597433 | AnonyHunt | Show me the most badass anime character ever | 55 | [View] |
131608849 | Anonymous | where were you when Gakkou Garashi became a battle shounen? | 5 | [View] |
131609011 | Anonymous | Mobile Suit Snoredam: Fucking hell, this is one of the most boring anime I've ever tried... | 0 | [View] |
131605556 | Anonymous | >you will never have a stacked blonde finnish/mongol/nippon doctor waifu... | 8 | [View] |
131608952 | Anonymous | This is a reminder that Mihawk is the objectively greatest swordsman in the world. Only butthurt idi... | 0 | [View] |
131608911 | Anonymous | I hate when this happens. | 1 | [View] |
131608836 | Anonymous | Good good I needed a manga where I have no idea what is going on and where it is going ever since ga... | 0 | [View] |
131608758 | Anonymous | Love Live School Idol Movie What do you think about the movie? | 0 | [View] |
131608658 | Anonymous | Kumagawa Box Thread: So....he is like MOOT right? | 4 | [View] |
131606917 | Anonymous | >Good English dubs don't exist explain this, /a/ https://www.yout... | 5 | [View] |
131608696 | Anonymous | What are some anime in which there is a relationship between a girl and an older boy? | 0 | [View] |
131608666 | Anonymous | We'll never get anyone translating this again, will we? | 0 | [View] |
131597969 | Anonymous | Season End: Now that the season is over, let's review it. Best Show Worst Show Best Boy ... | 152 | [View] |
131605584 | Anonymous | Haikyu: So this shit any good? Liked Kuroko. | 32 | [View] |
131607511 | Anonymous | Why is this allowed? | 6 | [View] |
131607746 | Anonymous | English Corpse Party 2 Dead Patient: http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=739336 This i... | 2 | [View] |
131608492 | Anonymous | Is this an accurate depiction of Code Geass | 0 | [View] |
131608486 | Anonymous | Detective conan thread: >Be sure to say hello whenever you see us!... | 0 | [View] |
131608414 | Anonymous | My little monster S2: Why didn't it get one ;_; it's the only romance show with act... | 0 | [View] |
131588290 | Anonymous | Did they ̶f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶ kiss yet? | 258 | [View] |
131604962 | Anonymous | Am I supposed to hate this Anime or what because it's pretty good Not even a Fujo Not even a fe... | 6 | [View] |
131593017 | Anonymous | You wouldn't a Mikan | 62 | [View] |
131603650 | Anonymous | Demonbane is not top of the power level charts. Myuugi and Eve are. | 10 | [View] |
131600653 | Anonymous | Daily reminder that you should always skip the first episode of this show. | 16 | [View] |
131607735 | Anonymous | Psycho-Pass: The Movie: So i just finished watching this It was incredible lame, it was like ... | 0 | [View] |
131606826 | Anonymous | From this to ecchi harem - A part of me died today: Ignorance is a bliss. Today I learned tha... | 14 | [View] |
131607104 | Anonymous | Have the authors of SoL harem/romance LNs ever been in a relationship? The way characters act and re... | 7 | [View] |
131594476 | Anonymous | One Piece: Spoiler Anticipation thread What reveal about the worst character in all of One Pi... | 512 | [View] |
131607589 | Anonymous | Manglobe Watch Thread: >Summary: Manglobe bankrupt??? ... | 0 | [View] |
131574000 | Anonymous | >tfw no more Umaru | 194 | [View] |
131563942 | Anonymous | Elves in anime: I don't fucking care, I tried it enough tiimes to just re confirm again ... | 505 | [View] |
131606274 | Anonymous | Will Bleach ever come back? be gentle on me | 2 | [View] |
131604917 | Anonymous | Awoo~ | 10 | [View] |
131579585 | Anonymous | Buyfag Thread: Read the guide before asking anything. buyfag.moe | 561 | [View] |
131607381 | Anonymous | >Be around 5 years old >Dad was a big geek... | 0 | [View] |
131605400 | Anonymous | What would you do with a pet loli? | 13 | [View] |
131566507 | Anonymous | Sesuji wo Pin!: It deserves more love. | 157 | [View] |
131580739 | Anonymous | Phoenix Wright anime VAs: Since an anime got confirmed for shits n giggles lets think up poss... | 82 | [View] |
131593390 | Anonymous | Who's the most broken man in anime ? | 77 | [View] |
131571067 | Anonymous | Soundscan sales report: BD/DVD 8,935 Kurobas 3 v6 (Oricon: 6,677) >8,4... | 284 | [View] |
131588015 | Anonymous | Why is NTR so unpopular? Is it because of the idea of cheating or is their no market for it? | 526 | [View] |
131607095 | Anonymous | pudding: Ha lol | 0 | [View] |
131606844 | Anonymous | Dragon Ball Super Retcon: So these two now actually reach 100% maximum power, correct? In Bat... | 1 | [View] |
131607077 | Anonymous | Why she so hot? | 0 | [View] |
131605580 | Anonymous | Not wearing a bra with that outfit, how shameless Himeragi. | 10 | [View] |
131606868 | Anonymous | Who remembers? | 0 | [View] |
131598495 | Anonymous | Oregairu: Is this true? Please let it not be Hikki doesn't deserve this. | 56 | [View] |
131602721 | Anonymous | What's a 'Mary Sue' character /a/? | 30 | [View] |
131597049 | Anonymous | Kizu countdown thread. | 63 | [View] |
131593039 | Anonymous | Teekyuu: Less than a week till we get the SIXTH (6th!) season of Teekyuu. Not second, not thi... | 47 | [View] |
131605815 | Anonymous | >That one Anime you love that /a/ hates What's her name? | 3 | [View] |
131606559 | Anonymous | My DICK! | 1 | [View] |
131601026 | Anonymous | What was the breast show of the season? | 39 | [View] |
131579960 | Anonymous | Christopher Nolan possibly adapting Evangelion: thoughts? https://archive.moe/tv/thread/61339... | 504 | [View] |
131601510 | Anonymous | So uh, how do I watch this exactly? | 61 | [View] |
131605834 | Anonymous | Things are happening pretty hard in AKB49 I'm fairly interested in how this all turns out. | 5 | [View] |
131592137 | Anonymous | Monster Musume Thread: 'I love the sexy slither of a lady snake.' - Barry White Hitomi Sensei... | 626 | [View] |
131605891 | Anonymous | RASENGAN!!! | 4 | [View] |
131602421 | Anonymous | What are some cool /a/ related patches that haven't been done before or are really hard to find... | 13 | [View] |
131605710 | Anonymous | >subs translating 'Kouhai' but not 'Senpai' Why though? | 2 | [View] |
131606184 | Anonymous | Am I supposed to hate this Anime or what because it's pretty good | 0 | [View] |
131600152 | Anonymous | Aria: Is [gg] going to return and sub the new season? Nobody is going to watch this unironica... | 8 | [View] |
131605103 | Anonymous | who would win? | 1 | [View] |
131603236 | Anonymous | >people didn't think naruto x sakura was the best ship | 7 | [View] |
131602088 | Anonymous | Season 2 never. | 14 | [View] |
131595980 | Anonymous | ikoku meiro no croisée: I'm currently watching this, what did /a/ think of it? | 19 | [View] |
131600959 | Anonymous | So this is pretty much the best ED of the year so far right? | 33 | [View] |
131603127 | Anonymous | Does Grumpy dead-san have good taste? don't mind the circles, i use this as my backlog and I... | 17 | [View] |
131604901 | Anonymous | I'm going to post this everyday until you like it. | 3 | [View] |
131566104 | Anonymous | >Final episode is the name of the series | 251 | [View] |
131603413 | Anonymous | did they just | 7 | [View] |
131600045 | Anonymous | Can I watch the Patlabor movies with having watched the anime or OVAs? | 12 | [View] |
131603396 | Anonymous | >Still no anime with overprotective and jealous mom who trying to keep away g... | 9 | [View] |
131604643 | Anonymous | Do only perverts watch anime? | 8 | [View] |
131602390 | Anonymous | >The memories inherited by his brother's DNA allow him to control quantu... | 12 | [View] |
131602881 | Anonymous | Why are clueless girls the best? | 4 | [View] |
131604420 | Anonymous | What is your opinion of pochi kuro? | 3 | [View] |
131600464 | Anonymous | Exactly why did everyone hate the new Yatterman? It's good as fuck. Why? | 32 | [View] |
131604188 | Anonymous | Characters that never get porn. >tfw can't even find a single doujin... | 3 | [View] |
131582295 | Anonymous | RIP manglobe https://twitter.com/FR3AK50FC0CK/status/649150024211824640 http://www.manglobe.net... | 525 | [View] |
131599504 | Anonymous | OST Thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcvTRlaZ-u0 | 18 | [View] |
131597176 | Anonymous | Lance N' Masques: So, what do we know about this besides it being fantasy battle LN? Fir... | 24 | [View] |
131576195 | Anonymous | Rokka no Yuusha: http://ponycan.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Rokka-Collectors-Edition-... | 124 | [View] |
131604619 | Anonymous | Tomorrow new Op and Ed /a/: What do you want to see? | 3 | [View] |
131596989 | Anonymous | Bleach anticipation thread: Are you ready for the new Captain Commander's rise to power ... | 12 | [View] |
131598943 | Anonymous | >he doesnt think nichijou is the superior KyoAni anime what's it ... | 10 | [View] |
131602353 | Anonymous | Oh for fuck's sake. | 1 | [View] |
131603266 | Anonymous | Would you? | 25 | [View] |
131563314 | Anonymous | ITT: God-tier dub voices | 317 | [View] |
131600306 | Anonymous | Still mad | 5 | [View] |
131599229 | Anonymous | Why did Hellsing Ultimate look so great? | 6 | [View] |
131599664 | Anonymous | Why do the hottest character designs usually get the fewest doujins? | 12 | [View] |
131604308 | Anonymous | So, which one did you guys get? | 0 | [View] |
131604149 | Anonymous | When does it gets good?: I'am currently in ep 6 and even through i like the characters a... | 0 | [View] |
131601092 | Anonymous | >draw a boy >call him the heroine | 12 | [View] |
131593836 | Anonymous | >reading the fan-translations as they come out. ... | 34 | [View] |
131603320 | Anonymous | Overlord commercial: I subbed the blu-ray 'pure-pure pleiades' style commercial. I am sure i ... | 7 | [View] |
131590197 | Anonymous | What does /a/ think about air gear | 52 | [View] |
131602732 | Anonymous | Who will save us from Funimation this fall? http://fansubdb.com/wiki/Autumn_2015 This season th... | 1 | [View] |
131601411 | Anonymous | Can we have a QUALITY thread?: It has been awhile. | 76 | [View] |
131600544 | Anonymous | What do you prefer, Yaoi or Yuri? | 22 | [View] |
131602883 | Anonymous | Are you ready for Rewrite? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yegE5ai9abQ | 7 | [View] |
131593989 | Anonymous | First main visual for the gifting anime is out. This isn't the Aqua that I know and love. Hopef... | 30 | [View] |
131546614 | Anonymous | Precure Thread: Precure is ded | 504 | [View] |
131570297 | Anonymous | Shingeki no Kyojin 74: Chapter will be out this week. What does everything think will happe... | 584 | [View] |
131598581 | Anonymous | Why would the Japanese celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? Aren't they pagans? | 75 | [View] |
131603312 | Anonymous | Why are fight scenes in manga better than ones done in western comics? | 0 | [View] |
131599402 | Anonymous | When are anime encodes going to switch to H.265? | 35 | [View] |
131591805 | Anonymous | Charlotte: >At work >No Charlotte thread... | 61 | [View] |
131599970 | Anonymous | Name a better ED than Lithium Flower. Protip: you can't | 21 | [View] |
131602873 | Anonymous | Why do people limit what shows the watch because the art style isn't pleasing to them? | 6 | [View] |
131594159 | Anonymous | Who's your waifu and why is it Eila? | 17 | [View] |
131580946 | Anonymous | Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1244: Cornucopia of Resources / Guide (read Guide before asking qu... | 546 | [View] |
131602754 | Anonymous | What is the point of waifu wars in eva when the mc is in love with a non human guy? | 2 | [View] |
131545747 | Anonymous | Sore ga Seiyuu #13 Thread: Last episode. It's been a fun ride. Let the last 6 hour wait ... | 519 | [View] |
131595930 | Anonymous | And the winner of the Cutie of the Year Award goes to~ | 26 | [View] |
131600237 | Anonymous | Kizumonogatari: http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ | 6 | [View] |
131602169 | Anonymous | Ubel Blatt: >inb4 nigger stream Anyone else still reading this... | 0 | [View] |
131597280 | Anonymous | Just started Watching this. Hits right in the feels, but it's only okay. What do you guys think... | 16 | [View] |
131587337 | Anonymous | Hollywood Death Note is a-go.: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2015/09/29/warner-b... | 65 | [View] |
131602006 | Anonymous | Why did Misaki lose all of her character after falling in love? Okay Usui is hot and all but she had... | 1 | [View] |
131600853 | Anonymous | Finished reading the manga series Mysterious Girlfriend X and I honestly really enjoyed it. Watched ... | 4 | [View] |
131595687 | Anonymous | If Evas are alive does it mean that they fart? | 25 | [View] |
131554483 | Anonymous | Are you guys ready for silver link to save anime next week with shomin sample? | 521 | [View] |
131597102 | Anonymous | Best episode of the season? | 11 | [View] |
131594095 | Anonymous | Wait, did he just fucking rape her? | 43 | [View] |
131598505 | Anonymous | Hibike! Euphonium: S2 when? | 10 | [View] |
131601258 | Anonymous | Non Non Biyori: S2 > S1 | 2 | [View] |
131595201 | Anonymous | Kyousougiga: Why was it so undervalued, /a/? | 21 | [View] |
131598701 | Anonymous | I'm an audiophile and am wondering what bit rate that HorribleSubs's 1080p videos tend to ... | 19 | [View] |
131591596 | Anonymous | DFC characters with cow tits and vice versa | 34 | [View] |
131595095 | Anonymous | Kill la Kill: >ctrl + f 'Kill la Kill' >... | 10 | [View] |
131600750 | Anonymous | possibly the most annoying motherfucker i have ever seen, i hope he dies the most painful death, wha... | 0 | [View] |
131594120 | Anonymous | This anime was fucking stupid | 21 | [View] |
131596015 | Anonymous | What did /a/ think of this masterpiece? | 45 | [View] |
131593837 | Anonymous | Jitsu wa Watashi wa: Korean scans for chapter 130 have been released. This week we get anothe... | 50 | [View] |
131576747 | Anonymous | Who is the biggest anime slut? | 135 | [View] |
131599623 | Anonymous | Kajo is a miracle of the universe | 2 | [View] |
131591355 | Anonymous | Jesus christ, just fuck already. | 54 | [View] |
131596131 | Anonymous | >Imperial Scans picked up Nigga Formars Get rekt xPearse, still sad to... | 22 | [View] |
131598105 | Anonymous | So what was the point of this guy? Was he just there to be a foil to the doctor (which made nothing ... | 5 | [View] |
131599533 | Anonymous | How gay is Arlsan? | 4 | [View] |
131594420 | Anonymous | SHE LOOK LIKE A FUCKING FROG HOW DID THEY FUCKED UP THAT BAD ?? | 36 | [View] |
131599421 | Anonymous | Shit OP thread Can you beat this | 3 | [View] |
131598307 | Anonymous | ITT: overrated shit | 17 | [View] |
131564902 | Anonymous | Season 2 when? | 544 | [View] |
131599274 | Anonymous | Is this worth getting angry at or is it something to pity? Is this what NTR does to a person or was ... | 1 | [View] |
131585520 | Anonymous | What do you consider to be the most overrated anime of this summer season, /a/? | 79 | [View] |
131593821 | Anonymous | Are there any series where the MC is surrounded by beautiful girls, but which isn't a harem? | 42 | [View] |
131596847 | Anonymous | Aw shit, a new Taimanin Asagi coming out. | 13 | [View] |
131599036 | Anonymous | So why is Type-Moon the franchise with so many waifu potentials? What's their secret? Why oth... | 4 | [View] |
131598638 | Anonymous | naruto vs dragon ball: hey what do you like the most naruto or dragon ball z | 7 | [View] |
131598981 | Anonymous | Who is ready to be disappointed http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ | 5 | [View] |
131597273 | Anonymous | How do you feel about betrayal in anime or manga? | 6 | [View] |
131591503 | Anonymous | Kaiji S1 was so good, why did they ruin S2 by having a fucking pachinko machine take up 20 episodes?... | 43 | [View] |
131596508 | Anonymous | Tell me, /a/, are they gonna smash, and if so, will she survive? | 9 | [View] |
131595641 | Anonymous | When /a/ will admit that UBW is AOTD? This tsundere parade is getting silly already. | 23 | [View] |
131576974 | Anonymous | Who else is enjoying the shit out of this? | 52 | [View] |
131598626 | Anonymous | can this be a thing please? | 3 | [View] |
131584899 | Anonymous | ITT: Anime ruined by shameless fanservice | 106 | [View] |
131577872 | Anonymous | Are you ready for the massive shit posting and waifu wars on /a/ during the airing of owarimonogatar... | 348 | [View] |
131502315 | Anonymous | Non Non Biyori: Are you ready for yet another beautiful episode? Oh. I forgot. It's alre... | 405 | [View] |
131592239 | Anonymous | >That show you like >The one that you know has ... | 13 | [View] |
131593715 | Anonymous | 2011~2015 year dreamt in 1970 | 82 | [View] |
131589919 | Anonymous | Who's the purest little girl and why is it Rin? | 17 | [View] |
131583858 | Anonymous | Usagi Drop thread.: S2 when. | 77 | [View] |
131557508 | Anonymous | Is Kaoru procreation propagada? | 223 | [View] |
131598299 | Popo !59.2//u/7M | ITT: shows literally everyone watched Asura Cryin' >Haruka Tomatsu... | 0 | [View] |
131597284 | Anonymous | Hello there! Would you like to make a contract with me? | 5 | [View] |
131596083 | Anonymous | Akagami no Shirayukihime: Will there be a second season? | 8 | [View] |
131597735 | Anonymous | PAPIWAAAHAPPY | 2 | [View] |
131593001 | Anonymous | Why was this so shit?: How come Japan does military shows so badly. I can't think of a s... | 56 | [View] |
131557795 | Anonymous | What's the greatest love story ever told? | 193 | [View] |
131586610 | Anonymous | Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: The ruriest of Ruris Dare think otherwise and you will be crushed between he... | 555 | [View] |
131597790 | Anonymous | Hinata's got a hot stomach! | 1 | [View] |
131594435 | Anonymous | ITT: MCs that could have been the second coming of Lelouch | 31 | [View] |
131597699 | Anonymous | Ore ga Ojou-sama Gakkou ni 'Shomin Sample' Toshite: 6 more days until Oreo Joe graces us with... | 0 | [View] |
131591000 | Anonymous | So is he dead? | 16 | [View] |
131596702 | Anonymous | DanMachi OST Part 2: Released today. Should include the Minotaur fight and Goliath fight, plu... | 4 | [View] |
131595571 | Anonymous | power levels thread: Discus | 4 | [View] |
131592085 | Anonymous | Umareru Kachi no Nakatta Jibun ga Anna no Tame ni Dekiru Ikutsuka no Koto 18: At least now we... | 8 | [View] |
131530572 | Anonymous | Tomo-chan: hot off the presses | 163 | [View] |
131597150 | Anonymous | This was the weirdest harem anime I watched | 2 | [View] |
131579766 | Anonymous | You guys are much too hard on S2 of Darker Than Black. | 151 | [View] |
131597298 | Anonymous | i want to hold tadokoro and tell her everything will be daijobu. and then maybe we can hold hands... | 1 | [View] |
131596260 | Anonymous | Who would've thought Urobuchi could be so cute? | 2 | [View] |
131552581 | Anonymous | Drawfag Thread 1596 second rarfag's files until thread 1589: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m... | 505 | [View] |
131589498 | Anonymous | >OP is better than the entire show | 37 | [View] |
131589796 | Anonymous | What's your opinion on Working'!!!? | 17 | [View] |
131593206 | Anonymous | SEASON 2 WHEN: HOLY FUCK I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER THAN A WEEK EDITION | 18 | [View] |
131595246 | Anonymous | Is this, dare I say it, going to be one of the worst seasons we've had in years? | 13 | [View] |
131596708 | Anonymous | Rozen Maiden: Best Dolls | 0 | [View] |
131596688 | Anonymous | This could have immortalized him. He could have ascended to the realm of martyr, dying for what he b... | 1 | [View] |
131595878 | Anonymous | Did I miss the thread for this shit? What are /a/'s thoughts on THE GOD CREW? | 6 | [View] |
131588757 | Anonymous | You just had someone walk in catching you watching an ecchi scene. How to explain? | 60 | [View] |
131593807 | Anonymous | Why would they add a character who hates CGDCT in CGDCT? She keeps talkin' shit about my girls,... | 6 | [View] |
131586897 | Anonymous | >you will never be abducted by an ojou-sama for hot secks | 27 | [View] |
131589671 | Anonymous | Oreimo best girl? | 21 | [View] |
131589998 | Anonymous | >first OPM is taken off batoto >now the scanlat... | 39 | [View] |
131589366 | Anonymous | ITT: We list good shounen series | 34 | [View] |
131592329 | Anonymous | Shinobu Thread: You always mocked me for believing we'd watch Kizu in our lifetime. You... | 6 | [View] |
131591298 | Anonymous | Kizumonogatari countdown: http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/ It's happening | 611 | [View] |
131555233 | Anonymous | The last two animes you watched get a crossover, how is it? | 298 | [View] |
131595545 | Anonymous | ITT anime only you watched. Asura Crying was just one of great shows in the mid 2000's | 2 | [View] |
131591197 | Anonymous | 2 decades has passed Is there a more sexier character than pic related? | 18 | [View] |
131586008 | Anonymous | Now that the dust has finally settled and THK is under a 7 days ban Can we finally agree that Claire... | 50 | [View] |
131591654 | Anonymous | My bucket of overrated trash seems to be overflowing. Can you help me out? | 22 | [View] |
131558603 | Anonymous | Why is Maki best Idol? | 169 | [View] |
131594223 | Anonymous | >Not yet. It's too soon for us to date yet. But maybe in the future.... | 4 | [View] |
131566308 | Anonymous | Is there a such thing as a good tsundere? | 239 | [View] |
131495705 | Anonymous | WIXOSS: Anon! Anon! Battoru! Tama battoru! | 549 | [View] |
131594967 | Anonymous | ITT: Your husbando. | 2 | [View] |
131594910 | Anonymous | This is pretty good why did people hate it? Holy shit man I'm crying. | 0 | [View] |
131594661 | Anonymous | ITT: Best and most beautiful girls only. | 5 | [View] |
131544934 | Anonymous | Yuru Yuri: Last thread is dead. Nachuyachumi +2 subs are out, you can find it in your local d... | 513 | [View] |
131594770 | Noko !!BIRaira3WcI | WEG Thread | 0 | [View] |
131588174 | Anonymous | Sidonia no Kishi/Knights of Sidonia: WHAT THE FUCK | 13 | [View] |
131582406 | Anonymous | >/a/ told me it wasn't generic moe >It... | 148 | [View] |
131517918 | Anonymous | Saekano: Come get your blessings. | 441 | [View] |
131585183 | Anonymous | One Piece: Is Monet more a Yuki-Onna or a Harpy? | 541 | [View] |
131594368 | Anonymous | Have you fallen in love with the queen yet? | 1 | [View] |
131577175 | Anonymous | Hey /a/, would it make sense to watch every Sailor Moon episode? Just so you know that would around ... | 18 | [View] |
131584076 | Anonymous | 10/10 crying scene. | 21 | [View] |
131594236 | Anonymous | How come no other arcs came ? The newer films focused on the golden age arc like the anime. Surely ... | 1 | [View] |
131583732 | Anonymous | What is /a/'s opinion on Another? | 52 | [View] |
131591121 | Anonymous | Is this the closest to a real highschool anime? A disney channel movie rip off. Why do people think ... | 20 | [View] |
131594128 | Anonymous | Bleach thread: Chapter tomorrow ? | 0 | [View] |
131587397 | Anonymous | >if you kill him, you'll be just as bad as him! | 32 | [View] |
131579958 | Anonymous | Hayate no Gotoku: The Final Arc is Here: Brace yourselves, Hata is rushing to the end after 1... | 81 | [View] |
131581026 | Anonymous | What'd /a/ think of Kyousougiga? | 40 | [View] |
131586611 | Anonymous | Come on /a/ we are halfway there. https://readyfor.jp/projects/evangelion | 9 | [View] |
131593805 | Anonymous | ITT: Desired anime characters with suitable 「 Stands 」 | 0 | [View] |
131588929 | Anonymous | Light/Web Novel Thread: What's on /a/'s reading list? I just started reading the Ro... | 12 | [View] |
131593220 | Anonymous | So what happened to him? | 3 | [View] |
131586447 | Anonymous | >2015 >peole still believing this wasn't w... | 22 | [View] |
131592634 | Anonymous | Combat Continent II: Anyone else read this shit? | 2 | [View] |
131593367 | Anonymous | One of my friends (who has never watched anime before) just messaged me and asked if I had seen Atta... | 1 | [View] |
131566451 | Anonymous | Lupin the Third: The japanese opening is out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvaosZlQqr... | 105 | [View] |
131593166 | Anonymous | What's your excuse for not watching Those Who Hunt Elves yet? I thought you liked comedy? | 2 | [View] |
131590627 | Anonymous | I love this show. It's just so cute. I seem to like lots of shojo/josei stuff and think I prefe... | 29 | [View] |