The Mancunion

Britain's biggest student newspaper

Update: Yiannopoulos also banned from censorship event

After barring Julie Bindel from a debate on censorship planned for mid-October, the Students’ Union have now told Milo Yiannopoulos that he is also prohibited from attending

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Following the decision to prohibit Julie Bindel from speaking at an event hosted by the University of Manchester Free Speech and Secular Society, the Students’ Union Executive Team have now moved to ban men’s rights activist Milo Yiannapoulos, who was originally scheduled to debate alongside her.

Bindel and Yianapoulos were both booked to speak at a debate entitled “From liberation to censorship: Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?” to take place on the 15th of October.

In their initial statement the Students’ Union Executive Team rejected Bindel on the grounds that her appearance would be “potentially in breach of [the] safe space policy.”

Yiannopoulos was, however, initially permitted to attend, albeit under the conditions the event had increased security levels and was ticketed.

In a comment on the Manchester Students’ Union Facebook page to this original decision Yiannopoulos wrote, “I’m astonished that I wasn’t outright banned as well. I’ll have to up my game!”

Women’s Officer Jess Lishak posted an extended explanation in a blog post—since removed due to developments in this situation—to her official Facebook page. In this she described Bindel as a “famous transphobe,” and Yiannopoulos as a “professional misogynist.”

Since this, however, the Union has said that they have been made aware of new information and evidence regarding Yiannopoulos and have amended their original statement after seeking legal advice.

In an update to their original announcement, the Union stated: “Further to our previous decision to ban Julie Bindel from speaking on campus, we are extending this decision to Milo Yiannopoulos.

“We have been made aware of various comments lambasting rape survivors and trans* people, and as such we are concerned for the safety of our students on the topic of this event. He is a rape apologist and has repeatedly used derogatory and debasing ableist language when describing members of the trans* community.

“This undermines the principles of liberation enshrined in the Students’ Union, as outlined in the Safe Space policy. We believe these views could incite hatred against both trans* people and women who have experienced sexual violence. As we believe it is probable these views would be aired in this discussion should he be allowed to speak on campus, we have no choice but to ban him.

“As we made clear to the society, this means that this event with the proposed speakers will not be going ahead under the banner of the Students’ Union, with our support or using our resources.”

Yiannopoulos posted an article to his own blog last year titled “Transgenderism is a psychiatric disorder: Its sufferers need therapy, not surgery”.

The Free Speech and Secular Society is yet to officially respond to this development, but they promised in yesterday’s statement that they will postpone the event and “will not go ahead… until some of the conditions imposed upon us have been lifted.”

Julie Bindel also tweeted, directly to the Union: “I am going to fight you in this. You are the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Talks are ongoing between the Executive and the Free Speech and Secular Society about this situation.

Responding to the news, Yiannapoulos told The Mancunion: “I’m a provocateur and it’s always going to be easy for uptight, censorious types to misrepresent my tweets, jokes and column-writing as ‘hateful.’

“And I know how badly I get under the skin of authoritarian finger-waggers, so I’m not surprised to have been banned. But I’m shocked that Julie Bindel is still getting this eleven years after a column she has apologised for many times.

“I make no apologies for questioning bullshit rape statistics and setting out my views on better treatment pathways for transgender patients. That I do so in strong and occasionally waspish language is irrelevant.

“Indeed, the whole point of the debate was to consider whether feminism has a problem with unfettered speech. I think now we know.”

  • JennyS

    The general consensus is that, when you are in a hole and everybody is laughing at you, you should stop digging.

  • Adolfo Dias

    Just close that Student’s Union or at least fire everyone in charge. This is pathetic.

  • Anglerfish

    “Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?”
    – So… yes?

    • robertsonjames

      The concept of a “safe space” in which people are going to be protected from hearing anything that might shake their beliefs, pressure them to re-think their basic assumptions or even, perish the thought, make them feel uncomfortable, is an abomination in a free society.

      But in a university it is also a repudiation of such an institution’s very reason for being: a university is meant to be in the mind-opening business, not mind-closing. Frankly, if it isn’t prepared to do this, indeed actively connives at the opposite, then it forfeits the right to be taken seriously as a credible place of learning.

      • Poeticlargess

        I’d call them fascists but when has a fascist every claimed to provide safety at the cost a some of our freedoms?

  • Arnold F Williams

    No one is accusing the University of Manchester of teaching its students to listen, engage, or argue with propositions that might come their way. That would be teaching them to be independent of those who feed them opinions.

  • Artful

    This is absolutely hilarious.

    Banning people from attending a debate on censorship. My sides, I can’t take it, it’s priceless. You leftist loonies just make it up as you go along. If it feels right, it must be right! Thanks for a good chuckle.

    • ckanderson

      Right having their hyper conservatives, left having hyper liberals. Even leftists think these people are batshit crazy.

  • Maniate

    “From liberation to censorship: Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?”

    Umm.. yes. Definitely yes.

  • PleaseKillMe

    Men’s Rights Activist? You guy’s should learn more about Milo before describing him the way typical media slouches do.

  • Marshal

    We believe these views could incite hatred against both trans* people and women who have experienced sexual violence.

    Pretending unicorns exist will only seem compelling as long as listeners don’t have the real world experience to understand it’s ridiculous.

  • Just Me

    “From liberation to censorship: Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?”

    I believe we now have the answer to that question.

  • Ricardo Suarez

    “censorship event” indeed.

    Further proof that universities are where free speech is least welcomed in 2015.

  • Reasonable_Democrat

    “Yiannopoulos has been approached for comment since the announcement but is yet to respond.” How did you try and reach him? The dude replies to EVERYTHING! ;)

  • John Cobalt

    Correction: Milo is not a MRA, he does not advocate for male rights.

    • Ricardo Suarez

      +1 Milo never claimed to be a men’s rights activist.

      Brush up on your research Jenny and Charlie.

  • LanceSmith

    Bahahhahha…..what a way to clearly and bluntly answer the underlying question: “Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?”

    And to add insult to injury, it was even going to be hosted by the University of Manchester FREE SPEECH and Secular Society!

    Pure entertainment. These sorts of moves make me weep for the next generation (oh do I sound like my parents now!)…. Apparently this next generation is composed of a population of cry babies!

  • LC

    The free speech and secular society has not been approached, to my knowledge.
    You’re most welcome to get in touch.

    – The President of the Free Speech and Secular Society

  • Meittimies

    So they just basically handed the victory of the debate for those who were against feminists censoring free speech. And all of that even before the debate started. Good going Manchester University, I’m sure your graduates will survive in the real world once they realise it doesnt have safe spaces with coloring books.

  • The Prez

    You people are beyond parody

  • ThePar

    Milo: Next time title your speech “The Importance of My Little Pony in Eliminating Gender Disparity.”
    Then get on stage and rant about the 9 out of 10 rape myth.

  • m0r1arty

    Manchester Uni, progressively proving how low humanity can go whilst holding it’s chin above the water!

  • mythago

    Laughing here in Canada. These retard fems are comedy gold. We have a nasty infestation here also.

  • Pres. Weakling K Hissyfit

    feminists are cowards

  • endian

    Lol@theidiots.mancheste, liberals? hater of free speech can’t be liberal, maybe fascists or communists.

  • Amaryllis

    Everyone even modestly sane has already said this, but LOL. The idea of two people, apparently on opposing sides even, being banned from a debate on free speech vs. censorship seems like such a perfect set up to a stereotypical old timey British joke that I expect Yakety Sax to start playing at any moment.

    These are the people that are going to inherit the world. Get ready.

  • Poeticlargess

    “Indeed, the whole point of the debate was to consider whether feminism has a problem with unfettered speech. I think now we know.” Indeed, this could not have gone any better for the cause of free speech. I say we start replicating this around the global where the same conditions exist, i.e. everywhere.

  • AQuaintPeacock

    We have been made aware of various comments lambasting rape survivors
    and trans* people, and as such we are concerned for the safety of our
    students on the topic of this event. He is a rape apologist and has
    repeatedly used derogatory and debasing ableist language when describing
    members of the trans* community.

    This quote isn’t satire. You’re not on tumblr. Let that sink in…

  • Brian

    They should rename it the Free Speech and Irony Society

    • LC

      The Free Speech and Secular Society has tried hard to get this event approved throughout the last weeks and it’s doing what we can to hold it. We’re opposed to this illiberal ban. FSS ≠ Student Union.