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[–]Naugrith 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd wager a student can learn more about humanity, history, and the world, by studying 6 weeks of the holocaust rather than 1 week each of 6 different genocides.

Well, theoretically, with an excellent teacher, its possible. However, most high school classrooms will struggle to teach much more than Nazi's are evil, and Jews were tragic victims. Its a 'comfortable' genocide to teach (if that's possible with any genocide), since the villains are clear, they were obviously wrong and their organisation and ideals no longer exist in any meaningful sense. Its hard to show the fact that the holocaust wasn't carried out by distant foreign monsters, but ordinary people like you an me. I think learning about genocides and war crimes carried out by your own country teaches us far more about humanity and is far harder to pigeonhole away. If US schools spent as much time teaching about the Trail of Tears as the Holocaust, they would learn far more about humanity, history and the world. And UK schools should teach much more about the dark side of the Empire such as the genocide of Tasmania where almost the entire population of Aboriginals was wiped out.