全 44 件のコメント

[–]DrManhattan16Public Masticator 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So i'm in intro to microecon in college, and we've got our first test today. It won't be difficult, and i had the entire textbook read about 2 weeks prior to the test.

I also found a minor case of bad history in my econ textbook. In a chapter discussing the short/long term elasticity(how much the demand for a good changes as proce changes) of products along with government policy. The book uses the 70's oil embargo as an example. As the book points out, OPEC's short term revenue went up, since demand for oil when the embargo went into effect was mostly static, since it would be difficult to change oil consumption right away. In the long term, people would start using less oil by getting fuel-efficient cars, moving closer to work, etc. I believe the Germans and Japanese used this opportunity to increase sales of their compact, fuel-efficient cars in America. Thus, in the long term, OPEC loses out on revenue.

The problem the book makes is motive. It claims that OPEC reduced production and placed embargoes on the US and Netherlands for profit. This isn't correct. In reality, OPEC, primarily led by the Saudis, agreed to cut production by cutting production by 5%/month until Israel withdrew from Arab territories. The Saudis agreed to a 10%/month cut, along with the embargoes. It was intended to get the West, mostly the US, to pressure Israel to withdraw its forces from places like the Golan Heights and Sinai(I think). It almost might have worked, except for two things. First, Israel turned the tide against the Arabs despite being surprised by the attack which started on Yom Kippur, defeating them against world expectations(not surprising, given that Israel had US training and support). Second, and this is where the book gets it right, the unity of OPEC fell apart. The Saudis started increasing production to recapture lost revenue, to the protest of other OPEC nations. There was a secondary reason for this as well. The Saudis were willing to lower the world price of oil in exchange for a quid pro pro with the US to pressure Israel to withdraw from Arab lands.

What's interesting about the embargo is how it reflects a temporary shift in Saudi foreign policy. The Saudis in general had a policy of not mixing oil and politics. In fact, at Khartoum in August 1967, the conservative oil-producing states like Saudi Arabia agreed to provide money to "frontline" states like Egypt and Syria with one caveat: they wouldn't be required to cripple oil production or exports to the West. Perhaps the Arabs didn't think it was crippling to cut oil production in the amount they did. I believe the Saudis were willing to cut production because even though Nasser was dead, no one would think of the Saudis as the leaders of Arab Nationalism. I think they wanted to make gesture to win some legitimacy with the movement. Do you guys know more?

Sources: i'm drawing heavily from Mansfield's The Arabs, and a little on Yergin's The Prize

[–]viralmysteriesThe SS didn't even give me a waffle 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Got into my college's Speech and Debate team, which is always fun. I'm finding it hard to balance schoolwork, social life, personal time and sleep, but I guess that's normal. There are simply not enough hours in a day.

[–]The740Waylon Jennings is not a primary source 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I had a weird dream that I was shadowbanned from every place that I post. Considering that seemingly nothing I've said in the past two weeks has a response to it, maybe I'm not too far off the mark...

[–]georgeguy007High Chartist Chancellor (was elected tho, like Hitler) 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]georgeguy007High Chartist Chancellor (was elected tho, like Hitler) 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)


I am a resident board gamer here in bad history and I am going to lay down some knowledge on what games you should buy for a rainy saturday night. Buckle down cause these aren't your monopolies or your risks.


-Resistance: Avalon (5-10 players, 40-60min)

--One of the best party games. All of you sit down, and get a secret team assignment. a minority of you are evil, and everyone else is good. but who the fuck is who???? Yell, accuse, and read your friends as you go on a witch hunt of epic porpotions.

-One Night Ultimate Werewolf (4-10 players, 15 min)

--Everybody is a secrete role, helping their secret team. But when the sun has risen, are you even sure what team your on after this eventful night? ONUW is a timed role deduction game, where you are trying to solve a puzzle of what the hell happened last night before everyone else. If you are too slow to connect the dots, somebody may throw you under the bus. Lie, Lie, and lie some more to find the truth, and kill the werewolves before the end of the day.


  • Cosmic Encounter (4-5 player, 1-2h)

-- ONE OF THE BEST GAMES I have played and owned. At the beginning of the game, each player gets an alien and its corresponding game breaking power. Of course, the game comes with 50 aliens straight out of the box, so be prepared to never have the exact 2 games again (expansions also come with 20-30 each). For the next 1-2 hours, bargain, fight, trick, and steal your way to victory. Do you plan on winning alone, or bringing your friend with you on the journey? Or maybe play buddy with him until you choose to rip the victory from his betrayed heart. Cosmic Encounter is a game of deception, backstabber, and alliances that are quickly forgotten.

  • Escape: Curse of the Temple (3-5, 15 min)

-- An indian johns game. You and your friends must escape from a temple (wow ikr?) before the counter hits zero. And by counter, I mean the soundtrack playing in the background, cause theres NO TURNS IN THIS GAME HOLY HELL ROLL THOSE DICE COME-ON WE ONLY GOT 10 MINUTES TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND WE NEED YOU TO HELP LIFT THIS CURSE OFF OF US SO WE CAN ROLL OUR DICE PLEASE MOTHER HAVE MERCY CAUSE THERES ONLY 2 MINUTES LEFT. In ECotT, all players take their 'turns' at the same time, by rolling dice and exploring the temple. Don't split up, or you may be taken by the curse and unable to roll the majority of your dice

.....And thats all I have to write about. I own about 15 other games in addition to these 4, and I would recommend all of them. If you need any recommendations or wish to learn more, ask a question or describe your group number and goals (yelling game/thinking game/fast/long/betrayal?) and I can probably find you a game. Oh and as always if you wish to know even more check out /r/boardgames

[–]TurnshroudPANCAKES ARE THE SKIN OF THOR! 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, yesterday, I managed to finish a take home Master's level test at 3am. The lesson is, make sure Word doesn't decide to crash on you/not do a good job autosaving and to not procrastinate. Not sure how well I did, but we'll see.

That said, I need to find research topics.

[–]buy_a_pork_bunThe Buro of Polits 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Boy I really need to sleep more. On the other hand, I do have a sudden inexplicable craving for potatoes, of the fried variety. Welp.

In other news I got a chance to dispute my paper during offoce hours. Which I will gladly do. Even if an 85 isn't a terrible score.

[–]henman 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Applying to study abroad programs! I was originally thinking Jordan, but now I'm considering applying to a program in Israel as well. I have to decide soon though.

Also may be getting a car from a relative, but I need to figure out what to do with it while I'm abroad.

[–]georgeguy007High Chartist Chancellor (was elected tho, like Hitler) 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Tests tests testst ests testss tests stest stresstest stess stest. Can't mess up these tests in college. blah.

On a lighter note, got modded here! woohoo! Its been fun getting the hang of the mod tools and talking with the other mods. Everything seems pretty good so far. I also haven't removed a post/comment though, cause the other mods are fucking fast at doing it. I always feel late to the battle hahaha

[–]A_Crazy_CanadianEU4 is a Academic Source 3ポイント4ポイント  (9子コメント)

For NCSC (Model UN) I get to be a British agent during the cold war!

This will be fun.

[–]DirishNicias gambled with Sicilians when Death was on the line. 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

Go for a bumbling Mr. Bean character. No one every suspects those.

[–]A_Crazy_CanadianEU4 is a Academic Source 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

I may, a buddy of mine pulled it off at chomun to great success. He managed to Even get FIU's head delegate blained for his crimes on day 2.

[–]hussard_de_la_mortUS Census Burrito Agent 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Lol which committee was this in

[–]A_Crazy_CanadianEU4 is a Academic Source 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Soviet nuke committee last year. He got honorable for it.

[–]hussard_de_la_mortUS Census Burrito Agent 3ポイント4ポイント  (4子コメント)

Try to be like Hugh Grant in the Man from Uncle. Just reveal yourself two thirds of the way through and just be snarky to everyone.

[–]A_Crazy_CanadianEU4 is a Academic Source 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

Never seen but now I have a semi academic reason to watch British spy films. Also, I may want to defect to the ussr.

[–]hussard_de_la_mortUS Census Burrito Agent 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

The story is pretty standard, but the movie looks fantastic. And why the hell would you want to do that?

[–]A_Crazy_CanadianEU4 is a Academic Source 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's fun to betray everyone and watch all that they achieve fall apart. Some people just want the west to burn.

[–]estrtshfflBURR SUCKS HAMILTON LIVES 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I currently work in an Americorps program, serving in an elementary school. We deal mostly with Math/ELA, but as a history major, I had a thought about teaching history to children - at least as far as narrative is concerned.

Given the age of children and assuming that they're completely unfamiliar with this history at all - what kind of responsibility do you have in terms of communicating the darker aspects of history? Is there a point where "covering the basics," instead of expanding on the uglier events/narratives, qualifies as whitewashing?

I think looking at history through the Howard Zinn-type lens is important, but in a way I also think that's only able to introduced once you learn the basics of history. Just a few thoughts.

In other news, I finally finished all 1,200 pages of Robert Caro's The Power Broker, then I moved onto the next book on the pile - David McCullough's The Great Bridge. I was too far into it before making the connection that I was reading yet another book about a goddamn bridge, making it ~1,700 pages of straight bridges.

Any recommendations on good NYC history books besides Five Points, Gotham, and Savage City? Maybe something on machine politics? Or any period, really.

[–]hussard_de_la_mort"sandwich in my right, .45 in my other hand" 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've always thought that A People's History is a bad textbook, but a great learning tool, since it lets you easily set up competing narratives based on the same basic facts. From there, it's simple to have a class discussion about bias and interpretation.

[–]sunnymentoaddictStalin, Joseph: History Channel Consultant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh I know a great book! though it isn't on NYC. Ever read American Pharaoh by Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Taylor. It is a biography on the late Richard Daley and the empire he built in Chicago.

[–]WearyTunesAll part of the Air Nomad conspiracy. 10ポイント11ポイント  (1子コメント)

Realized that I had cited the "US Census Burrito" on a paper I was about to turn in.

That's about how things have been for me lately.

[–]hussard_de_la_mortUS Census Burrito Agent 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I might have to steal that for my flair.

[–]sunnymentoaddictStalin, Joseph: History Channel Consultant 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

South Carolina is for lack of better words: underwater- excluding Clemson, they are essentially their own state. Thankfully my place didn't receive any serious water damage, and my power/internet didn't go out either. But because of the floods, South Carolina is in the news. Considering what my state has previously been in the news for, I assume this is a sign of progress.

Inother news, I seriously need a pill that will give me all there needs to know about the spanish language.

[–]buy_a_pork_bunThe Buro of Polits 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The flood shall mark a clean beginning for SC!!

[–]taylororo 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

/u/taylororo hot takes!!!

I like newspeak. "Double-plus good" is a useful phrase. I’m also generally pro-changing language to suit you.

George Carlin's stand up is not that good (er, it's ungood).

A.I. is Spielberg classic.

The last episode of Breaking Bad missed the point of the series.


[–]pathein_matheinBadhistory: Not SRS, but #1 with SRS. 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The last episode of Breaking Bad missed the point of the series.

Go on.

[–]sunnymentoaddictStalin, Joseph: History Channel Consultant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I loved A.I all the way up to the ending: when Haley Osmont is underwater for 1000 years, and then gets his mother. That whole ending felt like a sudden mode change and unnecessary.

[–]_sekhmet_Lady of Slaughter and She Who Reviews Chairs 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

I finally got to take my make up tests, and with the delay on the government shut down I've been able to actually go to class! now my only serious issues are about not having enough money for anything, which I can find a way to deal with. I also got a rice cooker.

Als, my cat has started trying to sleep in my bed with me, but he keeps falling out of it, or sleeping in the worst spots, like right between my legs. Here are more pictures, because I don't have a Facebook page to share these on:



[–]sunnymentoaddictStalin, Joseph: History Channel Consultant 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Eventually that bed will become his, and you will sleep on the floor.

Also, how big is your is rice cooker?

[–]_sekhmet_Lady of Slaughter and She Who Reviews Chairs 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

i will fight my cat every adorable step of the way, lol.

It's not very big, only 6 cups I think. I should have gotten the larger one, but I'm the only one using it so it being small isnt a big deal. It make the perfect rice too! I had no idea my rice was subpar until I got it.

[–]sulendil/r/history is literally the Hundred Flowers Campaign 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

For a primary US site, I swear this site has more Malaysian than I first thought. I already saw a few posts on PCMR that have the origins from my country (either by posting pictures hosted by lowyat.net, our local tech site/forum, or posting FB screen shoots that use SMS-style malay to converse), and many Malaysians suddenly pops out to complain about everything that is wrong with our country right now greet each others lol.

So how is everyone's day?

[–]arminius_sawMOD ABOOBS 6ポイント7ポイント  (9子コメント)

So having lurked a couple meta threads from this past week I feel a little bit responsible for the ensuing panic. I made my original announcement short because I didn't want to be a source of drama, but it seems like I caused more trouble than I meant to because I didn't explain myself fully. So I just wanted to clarify a bit.

First of all, 90% of the reason I quit the mod team was because I'm not active any more. I thought it was less than that, but seeing all the responses to my retirement announcement reminded me that I was getting a very narrow view of the community as a whole. The fact is, when you don't participate in a sub you mod, the only glimpse you get of it is through the modmail. And who's in the modmail? Assholes are in the modmail. It's like judging a house by its septic tank. So I only saw the worst of how people were acting in this sub and it coloured my view of the whole place. I have a suspicion that /u/Georgy_K_Zhukov had a similar experience.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are still problems with this sub and there are still problem users. But in order to deal with that you need moderators that are part of the community, which I no longer am. When I was active here, there wasn't a lot of separation between the moderation team and the members of the community. Actual, legitimate mod warnings (as opposed to joke greentexting) to regular posters were basically reminders that "Hey, we don't do that here." These days I feel like I have a much more formal relationship with the members here when I put on my mod cap, because I've stopped interacting with regulars without my mod cap. And that's not what this sub needs. BH needs mods like the six(!) new people that have been added, because they're still active in the sub and have a balanced view of what's going on and what's happening. So my resignation still stands.

Of course, just because I'm not active now doesn't mean I won't be active in the future, and maybe someday I'll feel qualified to join the mod team again. But that's going to be a ways away, because I am just insanely busy with real life right now. I'm glad that I was able to at least cause a shakeup when I left, and I'll see all of you on the other side.

[–]DirishNicias gambled with Sicilians when Death was on the line. 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I feel a little bit responsible for the ensuing panic.

We take that as a full public confession, please report to the nearest tribunal for sentencing, comrade.

BH needs mods like the six(!) new people that have been added,

I know, we're literally fighting to be the first one to get into the mod queue whenever something pops up. It's like a shark feeding frenzy in there. :D

because they're still active in the sub and have a balanced view of what's going on and what's happening.

Give it a month and I'll hate you all.

[–]WearyTunesAll part of the Air Nomad conspiracy. 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

And that's not what this sub needs. BH needs mods like the six(!) new people that have been added


[–]Georgy_K_ZhukovLend Lease? We don't need no stinking 'Lend Lease'! 3ポイント4ポイント  (6子コメント)

Something like that :p

[–]arminius_saw<-- Who invited this asshole, anyway? 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

ur mom

[–]WearyTunesAll part of the Air Nomad conspiracy.[M] 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

Woah guys, keep it civil.

[–]arminius_saw<-- Who invited this asshole, anyway? 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)




[–]WearyTunesAll part of the Air Nomad conspiracy. 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

[–]sunnymentoaddictStalin, Joseph: History Channel Consultant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Worse, they will be unable to buy Girl Scout Cookies in 43 states.

I'm going to need a citation.

[–]DirishNicias gambled with Sicilians when Death was on the line. 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Reported for R4. That's a paddling!

[–]40kfreak"that guy" 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trying to find reliable sources about tactics in conflict between central and west african irregulars since the cold war has been fucking impossible