(cache) Star Citizen founder accused of abusive working conditions, misuse of funding and deception in new report

Star Citizen founder accused of abusive working conditions, misuse of funding and deception in new report


If you’re at all invested in the crowdfunding mega-game Star Citizen, the last few hours must have been incredibly confusing and, more likely, infuriating. Last night The Escapist published a lengthy three page report about the development of the space-sim – a report which had numerous anonymous sources making incredibly bold claims about Founder Chris Roberts, the working environment at Cloud Imperium Games and how backer funding was being grossly misused.

The report – which takes accounts of various former and current employees at the studio – makes some remarkably big statements about the state of affairs at CIG. Reports of racial discrimination in hiring, as well as an environment where developers are scared to question decisions made by Chris Roberts. In the same line, Robert’s wife is brought up – with claims that she frequently verbally abuses employees in public company emails.

“She would write emails with so much profanity. She would call people stupid, retard, faggot. Accuse men of not having balls. And she was incredibly hostile to other female employees,” CS4 stated. “Sandi is very jealous. She has to be the queen bee at the company. Whenever I was around her, I felt like I was in the presence of a cobra who, at that moment, might not have been inclined to strike but was completely willing to. You don’t get on her bad side,” CS3 added. “There were two things you were told, when you were hired. One, you don’t talk about [Roberts and Gardiner] being married, to anyone. Ever. And two, you don’t make Sandi mad.”

Worse still, the report goes in to detail how the $90 million in crowd sourced funding (from over 1 million backers) has almost been depleted. One source claims that funds have been burnt on personal items for Roberts and his wife, including extravagant holidays, cars and trips for film and TV auditions. Another claims that a lot of the promises made by Roberts and CIG simply cannot be met with the staff on hand, and that the studio is “making commercials, not a game”. The frankly ridiculous prices for digital goods that the game is offering (goods that employees claim will never be completed) is used as an example of how CIG is trying to keep their head above water at the expense of backers.

“Personally, I felt like the company was understaffed for what they were trying to do,” CS3 stated. “Building these spaceships – every ship is equivalent of a game level. They’re supposed to be something where you can examine the entire outside, and then go inside and walk around the entire inside. And that’s a huge amount of work. And they had just a handful of people working on this.”

“The firings are both saving and costing money,” CS6 said. “The money is running out and they’re cutting wherever they can – but they’re cutting people, not frills. Chris Roberts wants a certain game – practically a movie – and doesn’t want to compromise on anything but staff. “He’s letting go people (sic) necessary to complete the game, but then wants to hire a professional linguist to create three brand new alien languages. He’s making this entire project impossible,” CS3 added.


All of these claims (and more) were originally published without comment from Roberts himself, with the Escapist claiming that the founder of CIG had yet to respond to their email requests. In a reply that went public just a few hours later, Roberts slammed what he referred to as an attention-seeking attack on Star Citizen. Roberts states that a response was drafted to The Escapist on time, to which the publication retorted that it had not been sent to all the addresses copied into the original email. Hence, the article published without any of Roberts’ statements.

Roberts, in a lengthy response of his own, didn’t mince words. He made parallels between The Escapist piece and comments made by notorious Star Citizen pundit Derek Smart. Smart, if you recall, is known for getting his backing refunded and rights to the Star Citizen forums revoked after embarking on what Roberts refers to as a vendetta against him and Star Citizen. Roberts claims that the wording and stance of The Escapist piece clearly mirrors idea of Smart, after which he launches into an attack on the credibility of author Lizzy Finnegan.

He began by detailing a Twitter account going by the name of Bandit:

“Bandit” is an anonymous account that was created on August 11th of this year and is almost exclusively used to aggressively attack and harass folks seen as enemies to Gamer Gate – the usual targets are all there, as are the usual proponents being retweeted.

And then proceeded to suggest that Lizzy was either closely connected to this account, or in fact behind it entirely. The account, it seems, is also no friend of Roberts and Star Citizen.

If you look at the Twitter history of Liz and “Bandit” they frequently retweet each other’s tweets and generally reinforce each other’s views / opinions. I don’t know Liz’s personal life (nor do I care to) but based on the picture of her in “Bandit’s” tweet it is not a stretch to assume there is either a close relationship between Liz and “Bandit” or they are potentially one and the same.”

This would explain her approach to the article, which was to pretty much take everything that Derek Smart claimed and report it without allowing us any opportunity to properly respond.

Eventually getting to direct responses about the allegations in The Escapist piece, Roberts denied all allegations ranging from abusive working conditions to misuse of backer funds. He closed by inviting staff from The Escapist to visit CIG studio personally, so that they could see for themselves the progress the game was making, as well as speak to currently employees.

If you guys are willing to do a proper piece then I’m happy to engage. You’re invited to visit all of our four studios, meet the developers making the game and see how we’re building one of the most ambitious PC games first hand. I’ll put my 261, their passion and energy against the complaints of a few disgruntled ex-employees any day.


Following this, fans of Star Citizen began digging around to see if there wasn’t more to the story. What many eventually found was rather alarming. It seems that many of Finnegan’s sources to her piece had been quoted verbatim from a website know as Glassdoor. The website allows unverified employees to post accounts of their work experience, with numerous new accounts suddenly posting about CIG in close proximity to each other just last week. It’s suspicious to say the least, but Finnegan responded by claiming that all of her sources went through the publication’s legal department before publishing. Which doesn’t exactly explain why quotes have seemingly been lifted from Glassdoor itself.

What’s occurring here right now though is a confusing mess of “he said, she said” – with both sides claiming one side of an increasingly confusing story surrounding Star Citizen. What’s clear is that The Escapist spoke to former (and, as they claim, current) employees from CIG, who made bold claims that Roberts himself quickly refuted.

There is, sadly, only one way of knowing which side is telling the truth, and it’s going to require waiting. Putting all of Star Citizen’s previous issues aside (the sense of feature creep, constant delays to modules and ridiculous digital pricing), it seems that Roberts and CIG have only one thing left to do. Star Citizen will eventually be released, and it’s then that fans will ultimately decide if the crowdfunded mega-game has been a farce all this time, or a game that lives up to everything it is continually promising to be.

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Home » General News » Star Citizen founder accused of abusive working conditions, misuse of funding and deception in new report

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  • Hammersteyn

    Konami bought shares?

    • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

      Konami can afford to buy THINGS?!

      • Pariah

        Well, the only way they get to destroy things is if they own them first. Just saying.

        • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

          This is so correct that I giggled a little. Like there isn’t even a bone in my body that can disagree. Or imagine a scenario in which I could disagree.

          • Dutch Matrix

            MAybe you’d disagree out of principal if he donated to the NSPCA…

          • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

            Nah he is a grown ass man. He can do what he likes!

          • Dutch Matrix

            You called him an ass man? (It sounded more malicious in my mind.)

      • Hammersteyn

        Their pachinko machines are selling well

  • Hammersteyn

    Called it before, calling it again. Not happy though

  • Alien Emperor Trevor

    I read all this crap last night. My reaction was a mix of…

    • UltimateNinjaPandaDudeGuy

      Yeah at this point I am just waiting to see what happens. =/ Don’t have that much faith in it anymore, but waiting is the only option really.

  • Hammersteyn

    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married
    Sandi and Chris are married

    I think I mentioned it enough to make her mad

    • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

      I read this and even BELIEVED that I was married to Sandi! And I felt TERROR! And I just happen to be a Chris. NOT THAT CHRIS!

      • Hammersteyn


      • Dutch Matrix

        Donate to the NSPCA! That will alleviate any terror you may have!
        #TrollingNow 😛

  • Pariah

    Always said this game was likely to tank.

    • Magnus Tranum

      And yet it isn’t, at least not thus far. Did you read the article?

      • Pariah

        Oh I read it. Doesn’t change a thing about what I’ve been saying for over a year already. Too much scope, there’s no way this is going to succeed in meeting fan expectations, even IF it gets released. Any employee issues don’t even enter into that debate.

        • Domaldel

          And what exactly do you think that fan expectations are?
          This is a game with an expected price tag of about 60 USD.
          I’ve spent more then 500.
          Do I expect to get my money a worth?
          Of course not.
          Do I expect a great game compared to other 60 dollar games out there?
          But in the end it’s still a 60 dollar game and I’ll get tired of it and move on some day.
          But at least I’ve helped create it and allowed me and others to enjoy it.

        • Magnus Tranum

          Of course it doesn’t change what you have been saying. Many people say many strange things.
          As for it meeting fan expectation, depends. But it surely won’t be quite up the the highest of hypes. Though I am certain it will be at the very least pretty good.

  • Brady miaau

    “There is, sadly, only one way of knowing which side is telling the truth, and it’s going to require waiting”

    Not entirely. Mr Roberts invited them to tour the studios (four? why?) and speak to the remaining 260 odd staff. So, why not let them do that?

    I still think the game is doomed, but at the same time distrust this article as using unverified sources. Would a company where this type of thing is rife really be able to keep it quiet this long? I do not think so. Sending e-mails to staff, verbally abusing them as a regular thing? Really?

    “WE WERE MAKING COMMERCIALS. WE WEREN’T MAKING A GAME. ” That I buy, totally. the rest? Prove it.

    • Pariah


      Just saying.

      • Brady miaau

        That I buy, totally. the rest? Prove it.

        • Pariah

          I get this feeling there’s an echo somewhere on this thread.

          • Brady miaau

            yeah, me too!

            I wonder about the verbal abuse e-mails, if so many, how not one gets out?

          • Pariah

            Fear of finding another job? No idea man, but if you see some of the shocking working environments in this country – and how even though there are laws to protect and prevent them, they don’t get reported or nothing happens – then I get the feeling that it happens everywhere around the world.

          • Brady miaau

            Perhaps, yes. But I think there is more to this story and I wish some journalist would actually visit the studios and talk to people there

          • Pariah

            That I can agree on whole-heartedly. Some proper investigation is necessary. But I can’t discount the fact that it could be true nor the fact that it could be rubbish.

          • Domaldel

            No, the US is not in the forefront in that area, nowhere close.
            Large parts of Europe has way better conditions.
            Still I doubt that’s the issue here…

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            No actual emails substantiating the hearsay just means there’s a conspiracy!

          • HairyEwok

            I read conspiracy then followed it by putting on my tin foil hat.

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            Good man!

  • HairyEwok

    Told you heads will roll.

  • Michael Matusowsky

    Alessandro I don’t know if you’ll read this but I found this while browsing reddit:


    All the comments were posted on GlassDoor a week before the Escapist article. I think you should maybe add this to your article (or have a new one stating these findings)? Anonymous source credited as comments on GlassDoor? Really lol…

    • Pariah

      Quoted from the article above, written by Sandy.

      “What many eventually found was rather alarming. It seems that many of Finnegan’s sources to her piece had been quoted verbatim from a website know as Glassdoor.”

      • http://www.twitter.com/WobblyOnion Geoffrey Tim

        That reddit bit is even linked.

        • Michael Matusowsky

          I need to learn to read these verbose tl;dr articles lol

  • 40 Insane Frogs

    I hate to say it, but when I was still Lazygamer’s greatest supervillain, Banana Jim (before I became rehabilitated and turned into a Frog), I once remarked on Twitter that I think Star Citizen will be exposed as the greatest crowdfunding con to have ever been. I still stand by my words!

    • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

      Wait… we had supervillains?

      And we don’t anymore?

      That’s right. It’s because I’m Batpanda.

      • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

        I still legitimately run around in DotA and whisper “I’m Batman” after every kill with Nightstalker in my best Bale Bat impression.

        It’s the greatest feeling in the world. Unless you’re the Batpanda. Then it’s the second greatest feeling in the world.

        • Pariah

          Sometimes I get this urge to pick up the phone and dial a psychiatric ward when I read about the shit you do.

          It’s 50/50 as for whether or not it’s for me or you though.

          • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

            You just don’t know how to get the most out of your mental disorders.

            *Edit: QUIRKS! I meant quirks! Not mental disorders! I’m fine! I promise!

            I’m Batman…..

          • Pariah


          • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

      • 40 Insane Frogs

        Nananannananananaan BATPANDA!!!

  • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

    “He closed by inviting staff from The Escapist to visit CIG studio personally, so that they could see for themselves the progress the game was making, as well as speak to currently employees.”

    I am reminded of that movie that we don’t talk about for fear we get hacked that is about a talk show host and a plump producer going to an AWESOME and FRIENDLY country MALICIOUSLY targeted by the USA. In that film when they first arrive in this positively AWESOME place they see first hand just how AWESOME it is to be there.

    I wonder what value a guided tour really provides, is where I’m going with this. 😀

    • Dutch Matrix

      Yup. Like I am going to tell a reporter my boss is an asshat when he’s standing right next to me.

      • Pariah

        Yeah you would, don’t lie. 😀

        • Dutch Matrix

          Nah. I work for a cool boss. If there are fights to be had, we slog it out and get it over and done with.

          • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

            Well I wasn’t far off. Knew there would be something about his face in your response. But you just slog him in the face. 😀

          • Pariah


          • SargonTheRebornBatpanda


            We here at Lazygamer do not judge dude. We do not judge. We’re with you, Dutch. Whatever you want to do is your own business.

          • Dutch Matrix

            Oh the other manager is this pretty girl I call Miss Dynamite. I would snog her in an instant! If I was, you know, single and more attractive than I am now.

          • Pariah

            Bet you’re just hoping she doesn’t read this now. (Or does). XD

          • Dutch Matrix

            Oh she knows already! 😛

          • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

            I’m just surprised we haven’t figured out who this mystery Miss Dynamite is yet on Lagz. Only reason he’d say it here!

        • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

          100% he would. And then he’d donate the dogs pee to his boss’s (‘s or just ‘ when it’s a double s) face. BOOM!

  • The Sten

    – The boss demands hard work from employees and sets high standards/goals to work towards.
    – Ex employees didnt get along with the boss
    – Bosses wife is a bitch

    Sounds like any decent company to me….

  • Gdom

    Glassdoor is not even a remotely credible “source”. I saw several posts dripping with the same rhetoric and writing style as Derek Smart and his troll Manzes. Lizzy might as well have quoted Wikipedia. And if she DID, then she better have listed it as her source instead of claiming it as something legitimate. None of the sources can also be verified or contacted, as Glassdoor does not allow that.

    In short, her “article” is a hit piece, with no journalistic integrity.

  • http://www.facebook.com/panthisza Allykhat

    Lol… They’ll decide only once the games releases? If the game never releases and ends up tanking…. Nobody is getting their money back.

  • Richard Ogden

    Here are the apparent anonymous sources she said “reached out” to her. You will find plenty of the rest on Dereks smarts blog.


  • Tufao

    Wait and see is what the people who involve themselves in a Long Con wants.

    As long as he are been paid to deliver nothing but stories, through subscription and new ship sales of concepts in outrageous prices, they should not have the benefit of the doubt.

    Specially after lying so many times to the public, mislead, etc. The damage only will be worst for all involved if people just wait to see. Clearly they have something serious to hide. And that’s why they tried to deflect the attention to Illuminatti/Derek Smart/GG/Goons/jcrg99/consoles/evil publisher conspiracy. It’s the speech of the corrupted politician that is coming out from the mouth of Chris Roberts and co.

    While Derek Smart or any other statements never were catch as lies, CR was catch in lies already, many times, or making statements that shown that he simply ignore laws and statements of Federals regarding crowdfunding, as well as his actions constantly speaks louder than his speech of hero. So, all that just corroborates with the “rumors” of those who actually have been pointing them (not forgetting that most of them are facts).

    • Gaz Instone

      For those unaware of this fool, he goes by many usernames:


      A person who’s quite happy to harass individuals via email – despicable individual

      • Tufao

        For those who does not know me (which does not really matter probably), but well… since you want to assassinate my character, for the reason to defend your Queen Bee and Roberts (instead Star Citizen) here’s the true, Mr. Harasser:


        You all gonna see how the Sandi’s behavior/attitude matches with the testimonies shared to The Escapist, by former and current employees, as well as several other sources in the past, including not been anon, like that artist who left company earlier 2014, as far as I remember: Elijah, who spoke very similar things, or Michael Morlan.

        And the tries to claim that she is competent because she made a plan of selling ships overpriced who matches with the wishes of 1% of the community is pretty much ridiculous, and was actually due the side effects of this nonsense plan, that this project and company has been his image burned from years now, through media and backers noticing that they have no interest to release, but just add fluff and more fluff, while cash a lot more money that they would, if releasing and stopping to sell those ships for a few whales to buy, while keep pretending that “all the backers are ok and happy”.

        • Gaz Instone

          Not interested in what you’ve managed to forge together. I wouldn’t trust anything from an online bully/serial harasser.

          The truth is what everyone knows, you like to harass.

          • Tufao

            ” I wouldn’t trust anything from an online bully/serial harasser”
            That’s what you are and do, and you prove that in your own “Enciclopedia Drama” show, or jumping to attack me on sight, without any merit or meaningful insight about the points that were raised.
            It’s funny how you people can’t look to yourselves. It’s embarrassing.

          • Gaz Instone

            There is plenty of evidence and plenty of people who know you too well and your tactics – your history will forever tar you 😉

          • Tufao


          • Gaz Instone

            Yes the ones you spout are meaningless 😉

          • Gaz Instone

            Afraid we both know that you’re the one embarrassing yourself and that you have some unresolved issue in your head 😉

        • CleanInternet

          Bullshit. Their anonymous soure is Glassdoor a site on which you can write whatever you want on anybody, anonymously of course.

          I worked many year for US companies. Employee would have been sue long time ago if it was true.

          Also TOS was not changed silently but have to be approved when connecting. Nothing really silent. DS said to release his game in 2012… end of 2015 it still in beta with 1 player per day. An MMO available since 2014.

          DS is mad about CR. He say CIG have 8$ remaining. They have more than 20M$

    • CleanInternet

      Quoting Tufao/Manze/jcrg99 on another thread: “So I raise the question. Is it really good for the crowdfunding business that SC succeeds? I think that its not. I don’t want it to fail, but,
      considering their consumer practices, I Am ALL so they succeed, but pay a
      strong fine in the process, so lessons be learned” Unquote

      So they fail, they hurt crowfunding, they succeed they hurt crowfunding + if they succeed, fine them…(on charge of backers as you know) I think you never went so far in hypocrisy.

      An by the way, just with one single ship (not even a ship but a concept ship) they raised 700K$…
      despite the campaign of DS and his friend Lyze… despite 4 months of uninterrupted spam of fear campaign and we know why he does that.

      Lyze and DS are connected. Article is a copy-cut of DS blog. DS is the master of fog and never delivered a finished game in 20 years. He first talked about, FTC (and even Fed) but nothing nada, class actions? Nothing, law-suit? noise to scare people… let the troll cry on his blog and twitter.

      A few want SC to fail.. many want it to succeed, I have no doubt we will get SC.

  • Tufao
    • Gaz Instone

      For those unaware of this fool, he goes by many usernames:


      A person who’s quite happy to harass individuals via email – despicable individual..

  • Tufao
    • Gaz Instone

      For those unaware of this fool, he goes by many usernames:


      A person who’s quite happy to harass individuals via email – despicable individual

    • CleanInternet

      Tufao/Manze/jcrg99 :
      I have screenshot and copy of all DS blog. The Escapist did cut-paste Derek blog rambling speach against CR.