
Star Citizen loses at least six more staff to departures and firings

star citizen (19)

It’ll be a busy couple of days for the Human Resources department at Cloud Imperium, as at least six more members of staff have departed, quit or been fired from the Star Citizen project.

There’s rumour aplenty surrounding the circumstances of these people leaving the various Star Citizen studios, but let’s start with some good old verifiable information.

Associate Marketing Producer Alyssa Delhotal and Community Manager James Pugh are no longer with Cloud Imperium. This is confirmed by Pugh and Delhotal’s respective LinkedIn profiles (you need an account at the site to be able to read them, but the confirmation is there).

It is alleged, in information leaked to (who else) Derek Smart that both were fired. While I can’t confirm that, both seem to have received very surprising news on the same day as updating their LinkedIn employment information.

There are further confirmed departures. Senior 3D artist Paul Forgy has left (alleged to have quit on the spot by Smart). Senior Gameplay Programmer Tom Davis and DevOps Engineer Jeffrey Parker have left Cloud Imperium Austin.

Lead Character Artist David Jennison also departed Cloud Imperium Austin, in August.

It is Jennison who is most often named as the person behind the anonymous letter cited in Derek Smart’s recent “Long Con” blog post about Star Citizen; a letter which describes multiple instances of project mismanagement as the reason for the author’s departure from the company. Said letter is no longer linked on Smart’s post (by request, he says, of Jennison), but can still be fairly easily located online.

Smart’s ‘TwitLonger’ post from 24 September draws a direct link between the leaking of that letter and today’s (now confirmed) spate of departures and possible firings. How accurate some of those background circumstances are can’t be confirmed, but it’s worth noting that he listed a number of company departures before they were public knowledge.

The only mentioned departure I haven’t yet seen fully confirmed is that of Producer Lisa Ohanian, who is said to be going to work for Sony.

Other, much more speculative claims, from “sources” that the company is burning through money at an unsustainable rate are beyond my abilities to verify. But the Star Citizen project certainly appears to be burning through staff at a rate of knots.

The next big public demonstration of what the game-in-progress has to offer will come at CitizenCon, on 10 October.

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  • Jack Pott

    Is it finally beginning to unravel?

    Apart from the two people being fired for alleged leaking it’s quite worrying, especially the burn rate of funding.

    • Jon Jones.

      I can’t claim to know what is really going on, but depending on what day of the week it is Smart seems to either the money is almost gone or that Chris is doing nothing but sitting in his lair counting it all. Whatever the truth, the drama continues.Would probably make a good film one day.

      • http://www.zombo.com/ Daigoji

        Lisa Ohanian is leaving, confirmed on recent ATV by Ben.

    • Neoblade

      Its Derek Smart bullshit.
      This is the answer from Ben Lesnick.

      Hey guys,

      I can confirm that James is not with us anymore, but
      that’s all we can say. I know that this seems like great, entertaining
      drama for observers, but the truth is we’re dealing with actual humans’
      lives. I had a great time working with James and he (and anyone else who
      leaves the company, past, present or future) deserves respect and
      privacy and a fair shot at doing more great work in the future instead
      of folks’ speculating wildly without cause.

      • Bel Rick

        What a meaningless post by an obvious fraud of a man totally unwilling to divulge any information to his backers.

        • Raptor Jesus


        • James Brand

          Are you a backer ? and even if you are staff appointments or dismissals are non of your business, CIG does not require our authority or permission to hire of fire somebody.

          Try going to Sony and telling them that because you bought a PS4 they are required to tell you who is hired,who id fired and all the juicy details like what their favorite color is……..

          Watch how they laugh at your moronic ass not that anybody would want to go anywhere near somebody who gets their butthole rimmed by Derek Smart

  • Landon Donavan

    maybe mr. smart should concentrate on his own games which are terrible

    • James Brand

      +42 his Line of Defense started development in 2009 with a release date of 2011/12 and here we are 2015 its in “Early Access” mostly fails to get past the menu looks like some SNES title, spends most of the time crashing back to the desktop or not geting past the menu.

      Even now that its free nobody downloads it and the handful that do are probably his “staff” makes me laugh when this guy says he has made $200 Million from his Career even more laughable is he actually believes he ‘s in a position to offer advice to Chris Roberts lol

      If I recall in the time it took Derek smart to “release” Battlecruiser 3000AD Chris Roberts released 5/6 games that were well reviewed and rated sold incredibly well and actually worked and at least 4 of them were Wing Commander and its sequels lol

      I think we and both any sane person can agree Derek Smart is a joke, no wonder he’s mad at Chris the success of Star Citizen is making him look like the failure he is

      Also looks like the escapist just got a fire lit up under their ass:

  • James Brand

    Shit just got real fellas Escapist and Derek smart are totally utterly fucked


    wouldn’t be surprised if Escapist magazine start backpeddling faster than a reverse ninja in the world 100m Bicycle race finals