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Reblogged from manfredvonshadowrealm  312 notes




















Fucking rapist cis piece of shit male. Why would he fucking go and do this? Men are so entitled and then when consequences actually happen because of their shit they still act all mighty

Real life trolling done right.

This is trolling par excellance


Did he rape anyone?No?Then he’s not a rapist.

There’s different definitions of rape though. You wouldn’t know, but to some people different levels of trauma can be considered “rape”

Unless they had sex without their consent – THEY WERE NOT RAPED.You say there are different definitions – no, there aren’t.  Being made uncomfortable by being shown something or told something IS NOT RAPE. You shit on real victims of rape when you trivialize it like this.The man at the protest is not a rapist.

Whatever floats your goat, but the issue here is that females have been pressed by men creating the definition of rape. So kindly, leave this post alone k thnx bai

Oh, bullshit.  Feminists have been successful in getting the definition of rape changed to make it impossible to charge women with rape.Women can be rapists.  No rational person can dispute this.It’s time you grew up and faced reality, child.

I know women can rape but men can too so sftu

Lol >has a dick>shows it=rapist

And feminists wonder why we question whether alleged rapes, especially by feminists, are true or not…

This shit is funny as fuck but what he did is still illegal. It’s not rape but it is public indecency.

And what of slut walk ? Hmm ?

Unless I’m wrong I’ve never approved of those and quite frankly I find them stupid and highly hypocritical due to no one being arrested for public indecency. All I’m saying is if you’re gonna get pissed at this dude who clearly has no regrets then get pissed at him for the right reason.

This man is a living legend.

Oh of course. But also a criminal.

Not really, if sluts walks are ok then so is this.

Yes really. And slut walks aren’t okay.

Well nobody got arrested for slut walking.

“Slut walks” often took place in locations that being topless was legal.





















Fucking rapist cis piece of shit male. Why would he fucking go and do this? Men are so entitled and then when consequences actually happen because of their shit they still act all mighty

Real life trolling done right.

This is trolling par excellance


Did he rape anyone?


Then he’s not a rapist.

There’s different definitions of rape though. You wouldn’t know, but to some people different levels of trauma can be considered “rape”

Unless they had sex without their consent – THEY WERE NOT RAPED.

You say there are different definitions – no, there aren’t.  Being made uncomfortable by being shown something or told something IS NOT RAPE

You shit on real victims of rape when you trivialize it like this.

The man at the protest is not a rapist.

Whatever floats your goat, but the issue here is that females have been pressed by men creating the definition of rape. So kindly, leave this post alone k thnx bai

Oh, bullshit.  Feminists have been successful in getting the definition of rape changed to make it impossible to charge women with rape.

Women can be rapists.  No rational person can dispute this.

It’s time you grew up and faced reality, child.

I know women can rape but men can too so sftu

>has a dick
>shows it=rapist

And feminists wonder why we question whether alleged rapes, especially by feminists, are true or not…

This shit is funny as fuck but what he did is still illegal. It’s not rape but it is public indecency.

And what of slut walk ? Hmm ?

Unless I’m wrong I’ve never approved of those and quite frankly I find them stupid and highly hypocritical due to no one being arrested for public indecency. All I’m saying is if you’re gonna get pissed at this dude who clearly has no regrets then get pissed at him for the right reason.

This man is a living legend.

Oh of course. But also a criminal.

Not really, if sluts walks are ok then so is this.

Yes really. And slut walks aren’t okay.

Well nobody got arrested for slut walking.

“Slut walks” often took place in locations that being topless was legal.

  1. youtube--stuff reblogged this from crush-the-matriarchy
  2. seventyandcountingdown reblogged this from feminist-incarnate and added:
    “Your argument makes sense, so I will tell you to go away… Men are oppressing women by defining rape, so go away logical...
  3. angryblackteen-vevo reblogged this from feminist-incarnate
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  5. johnofgames reblogged this from dicksmcghee and added:
    You do mean, Dovakin, right?
  6. fandomly-insane reblogged this from princeofcolors
  7. stbastardatheist reblogged this from this-is-cthulhu-privilege and added:
    Holy shit. People are still tittering on about one man’s reversal of Femen on the feminist community? Seriously. Such...
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  10. isthisblognametaken reblogged this from this-is-cthulhu-privilege and added:
    You guys all know feminists will walk around Walmart naked, right? Right.
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  20. victoryfire88 reblogged this from jimfear138 and added:
    Yea but sometimes it’s not just them being topless.. Some go stark ass naked including their vagina and asses showing...
  21. pro-hatred-warlock reblogged this from feminist-incarnate and added:
    50 Karat gold.
  22. bigbosswithoutborders reblogged this from venomchills and added:
    //What a martyr for mankind.
  23. monsieur-whatshisface reblogged this from jimfear138
  24. feminist-incarnate reblogged this from jimfear138 and added:
    Yeah but dick showing isn’t
  25. rhinosaurusrex4321 reblogged this from feminist-incarnate and added:
    “Fucking rapist cis piece of shit male” you say in a language invented by cis males. On a website made by a cis male. On...
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