Petition to counter the #MasculinitySoFragile crap with #FeminismSoFragile. I feel it could be very telling
#FeminismSoFragile that you have to drag other women down and harrass them for not agreeing with you
#FeminismSoFragile you decide that Egalitarianism is evil because its not your brand of equality
#FeminismSoFragile that you actively try to prevent male rape/abuse victims getting help/recognition
Feel free to chime in if you so wish, I think its a good idea
the irony is feminism is a different concept to masculinity this is just another reactionary lashing out because people are making fun of you and you can’t handle it
I’m sure you think it would be honey bun. Even if were a man. Which I’m not ^_^ And as crazy as it may seem, two concepts do not have to be the exact mirror of each other to be valid for criticism. And feminism most certainly is not immune from criticism. Mind blown! takashi0, am I right or what?
As for your use of the word “irony”.
the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.““Don’t go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"synonyms:sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism"that note of irony in her voice”
a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.plural noun: ironies“the irony is that I thought he could help me"synonyms:paradox, incongruity, incongruousness"the irony of the situation”
a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.noun: dramatic irony
You wanna know what’s funny?
rae’s a perfect example of the second definition there.
“this is just another reactionary lashing out because people are making fun of you and you can’t handle it“
You mean like the way you people flip your goddamn shit at the drop of a hat by claiming that jokes made about pumpkin spice lattes and bathbombs is “LITERALLY MISOGYNY!11!”?
You mean how you fuckers STILL haven’t caught onto the fact that “Meninism” never was and never will be an actual movement, because it’s a satire against YOU and your actions?
Like how you are so insanely threatened by MRAs or just men in general that you have to fuck over their right to so much as SPEAK by sending bomb and death threats and pulling fire alarms to disrupt meetings?
How you have to hijack every possible social justice movement, browbeat everyone into kissing your asses, and then taking all the credit despite doing absolutely nothing to help anyone but yourselves while corrupting said movements from the inside and causing infighting?
(See: “Transmisogyny” and how you’ve successfully split up the trans community because you somehow managed to convince others that one half of what is arguably one of the most marginalized groups in modern society somehow benefits from “male privilege” and consists of “gender traitors”. that is of course when you’re not insisting that the other half aren’t “men trying to invade women’s spaces).
The way you constantly either take credit for or erase the accomplishments of feminists in past generations (newsflash: the wage gap was outlawed in 1963 due to JFK passing the Equal pay act. The only reason women aren’t making as much as men these days is due to their own choices and not taking higher paying positions.)
The way that you outright erase male victims of rape and celebrate/cover up female rapists?
And then insist that MEN are the ones in charge of the “rape culture” that even the world’s most foremost authority on Rape says is a load of glorified hysteria?
And yet Masculinity is supposed to be the fragile mindset here?
Don’t make me fuckin’ laugh.
If feminists were anymore insanely fragile you people wouldn’t be able to even move without risking falling over and shattering like glass.