全 2 件のコメント

[–]nachofHistory is written by a guy named Victor 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I am interested in thoughts. How are you feeling about BadHistory? What makes you stay (or, conversely, has you leaving)? What would you like to see? What do you not like to see? How would you fix the things that you feel are broken?

Feeling smug about knowing better than lost causers is a nice feeling, but ultimately empty. And it gets repetitive.

What I really like, what I came here for and what made me stay here, is the really well thought posts that teach me stuff I honestly didn't know, either because I fell prey to the popular misconceptions or because I just didn't know anything about the topic. The best example I can find is that one series about the myths surrounding the European conquest of the Americas.

I also really enjoy the existence (although I rarely read them) of the ultra pedantic posts about how the chair that appeared in the background in that one short scenein a show that didn't even claim to be historically accurate was from a different decade.