全 15 件のコメント

[–]kalerkraut 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you are right, they sort of self quarantined. They are so much like a cult, they are really only dangerous to themselves because anyone with half a brain cell thinks they are utterly ridiculous.

Well no, that's not really true, they are dangerous because they are rapists and pedos and do actually pose a threat to unsuspecting people who they lie to in real life. Ugh I hadn't thought about that really. These guys exist in real life. Kinda want to go vomit now...

[–]theomegaconstant 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

TRP can be pretty clever in how they present themselves. Note how (comparatively) moderate their sidebar is, despite the absurdly toxic contents of the sub.

The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.

It all sounds very harmless, if a bit puerile.

It's also possible (and this is my cynicism talking) that TRP might generate enough money to buy itself a stay of execution until things get too hot to ignore.

[–]flamingcanineSecretly a Ferengi[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

TRP isn't even that big, and has a tendancy to brigade when mentioned, so I doubt it's that.

[–]theomegaconstant 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

They might buy a lot of Reddit gold, though. I have no idea, mind you, but when something unpleasant is allowed to persist, I always assume that it's because it's making someone money. It's a line of thought that has seldom failed me.

[–]strongalfalfa 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

FPH was banned not quarantined.

[–]flamingcanineSecretly a Ferengi[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

My mistake.

[–]Collectcallfromanan -4ポイント-3ポイント  (8子コメント)

I think for the same reasons that subs like RBN and CreepyPMs did not get quarantined.

I think there is a measure of what they are doing that is simply unpopular and it can be difficult to measure it against what's actually hateful.

I don't like TRP but I also don't really like the other two subs at times. Toxicity does not necessarily = hate.

TRP is mostly "fiction" being portrayed as reality and I think most people understand that.

[–]EsailijaMisandry Enthusiast 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yea "hating" some creep for their horrible actions is totally comparable to hating an entire gender and advocating rape against them.

[–]theomegaconstant 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

What in the world are you talking about?

[–]Collectcallfromanan -2ポイント-1ポイント  (5子コメント)

Which part?

[–]theomegaconstant 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

Christ, where to begin? The part where TRP isn't a hate group? The "other two subs" you mentioned on Reddit, which has, like, thousands of them? TRP being portrayed as "fiction," and most people understanding that?

It was all pretty inexplicable. It's possible you have a unique perspective I haven't considered, but from my vantage, you seem to have no idea what TRP is about and why people dislike it so much.

[–]Collectcallfromanan -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Sorry, I wasn't trying to start a fight. Here's my take on reddit. Reddit is five parts if you boil it down: 1) News items, 2) Internet oddities, 3) people who know each other, 4) Pseudo self help and 5) bullshit/fiction.

News items are a low percentage and stretch across multiple subs, followed by internet oddities and then comes the bullshit/fiction, which is commingled with the pseudo self help items and the people who know each other.

I would say less than 2% of the stories that aren't oddities or news are based in reality. Primarily because there are so many stories.

I mentioned those two subs because I read there and I can spot the bullshit from a mile away. CreepyPMs is historically a feminist place as opposition to the Red Pill and RBN is juxtaposed against the Alientated Parent sites on the internet.

Here's how I boil that down in terms of what I believe/don't believe on reddit and the internet at large. There are three sides to every single story, ever. Side A, Side B and the truth-ish version. When you read in any of these places, you are only reading 1 of 3, therefore it is historically a fictional version of events if you aren't reading the other side and you haven't fleshed out the third side.

I don't consider my perspective to be "unique". I just consider it to be how I complete my judgement of things. I will hunt down the other two sides on something that interests me genuinely and I will ignore the things that seem to be r/thathappened and most of what I read in those three subs I mentioned is very r/thathappened for me. I would always welcome confirmation, but it's unlikely you can ever get that on reddit without much drama and misunderstandings.

In response to the second take, I am not saying they are equals. I am saying they are opposing forces of each other. This sub, even in opposition to hate speech is actually more of an actuary or balancing scale in comparison. It could potentially function as the third side in many situations.

[–]EsailijaMisandry Enthusiast 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Why cannot you make your bullshit point in one or two sentences? Why does it always have to be some long manifesto that goes on and on?

[–]Collectcallfromanan -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why do you criticize me for having an opinion that suggests neutrality instead of assumptions?

Is there a particular reason you stand "against hate speech" by being hateful and confused? Or is bullshit and long manifesto as descriptions of my responses meant to foster further conversation and exploration of topics? Complicated points of view sometimes require multiple sentences to insure that people with narrow minds can grasp what is being said.

Self-loathing is a terrible thing to waste. Many people in the world channel it into something productive and wonderful.

[–]theomegaconstant 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I... kind of get where you're coming from. But I'm not sure how relevant it is to TRP, and why TBP exists in response to it.

TRP is undeniably full of bullshit. Their "field reports" of their sexual conquests being an obvious instance, and their logic-free, anecdote-based "truths" being another. But the problem with TRP is that is creates and fosters a culture of misogyny and white Nationalism that influences any number of confused kids surfing the Internet looking for answers. So while it's great that you and I can see it as the bullshit that it is, many people can't. TRP (and other places like it) attempt to normalize and even celebrate thoughts and actions that can have dark real-world consequences. TBP is rife with collected stories about TRP/MRP's trail of abused lovers, broken marriages, and worse.

I can assure you of one thing: unless the Manosphere is the greatest mass troll job in the history of our species, plenty of people do not see it as "fiction." And Reddit has to decide where they want to stand on this issue, and declare whether or not toxic masculinity is acceptable under their guidelines.