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[–]LommyGreenhands -29ポイント-28ポイント  (68子コメント)

As many awesome things as you guys continue to constantly do, I find myself regularly confused when Friday's patch still hasn't hit on Sunday afternoon. With all of the things you guys are awesome at, and all of the awesome team members you have, don't you think you could work a little harder on your timeframes? I don't even mean push it out faster, I mean just stop telling us it will be done multiple days before it is.

I'm sure my post comes off as whiny and demanding. I would probably see it that way, but I feel like this has happened enough times to where even you guys would be like "You know, maybe we should start giving ourselves a few extra days instead of scheduling patches incredibly far in advance only for it to be nowhere close when the deadline hits?"

Edit: The circlejerk downvoting in this subreddit is crazy guys. Take a step back and realize how dumb you have to be to try and silence logic geared at improving the community.

[–]Dregoran 17ポイント18ポイント  (67子コメント)

They stated long ago they would probably never hit a deadline on time. ETA's are just that and people need to stop taking them as fact. Early access has been around long enough for people to know that game development rarely works out as planned time frame wise. When has a game ever been released on time, any patch in any game ever been released on time. Hell half the time WoW, a very well established game has their patches delayed still and they aren't early access.