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[–]Anivia_Support -6ポイント-5ポイント  (91子コメント)

We should respect trans (and all) people for who they are,

No no no here it is. This, right here, this is the cultural marxism. This is the whitewashing. This is the PC bullshit. Should.

The difference between an authoritarian regime and a cultural marxist hell is this:

In an authoritarian regime, like, say Nazi Germany, you do what you're told because "that's what you have to do." For instance, "go visit your grandmother." If you ask why, the answer is "because I fucking told you to and I'll beat your ass raw if you dont."

In the cultural marxist hell, it's not "go visit your grandmother." It's "you SHOULD go visit your grandmother because it's the right thing to do and people who are good want to go visit their grandmothers."

In either case, it's not about the grandmother, or anything like that. It's the imperative. But in the second case you get a societally enforced imperative, whereas the first is just the imperative of a direct order, which still allows you the safety of your own thoughts.

This entire society is ruined by delusional children in college, or children who never truly left college, who really do believe they are acting out of righteousness.

[–]adavey29 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is there any society that has ever existed that didn't use social pressure to reinforce certain moral precepts? This isn't new, or cultural marxism, it's culture period.

[–]Gishin 9ポイント10ポイント  (8子コメント)

The fuck am I reading? All of human civilization has been ruled by what people should and shouldn't do.

[–]FadingEcho 3ポイント4ポイント  (7子コメント)

Exactly. Hate crimes laws (again) are as good of an example as dry county laws in the U.S..

When people realize their intolerance is no different from other types of intolerance, the sooner we can quit fighting each other over what amounts to nonsense and focus on real issues.

[–]Gishin 0ポイント1ポイント  (6子コメント)

I'm not following what you mean by hate crimes and dry laws. Is that part of another conversation?

[–]FadingEcho 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

No. It flies along-side both statements. "Should" is subjective based on, among other things, morality. People create law based on "should and should not." You are right, human civilization is based on should and should not, but morality has worked its way in there based on influence.

Hate crimes laws, re: hate murder > run-of-the-mill murder, is not just. It's arbitrary based on someone else' moral position which is no different than "You should not drink on Sunday, so I will pass laws making it so."

[–]Gishin -3ポイント-2ポイント  (4子コメント)

Ah. You misunderstand hate crime laws. A hate crime is a greater crime than murder empirically. If I murder you because of a personal reason, that's between you and me. I'm a dangerous person and should be locked up in case I do it again to someone else that crosses me, but by and large it was pretty much just between you and me.

But if I commit a hate crime, it's not about you and me. It's not just between us. I'm killing you, but I'm sending a message to everyone else like you that they're a target as well, just because of who they happen to be. Murder is murder, but a hate crime is terrorism.

[–]FadingEcho -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

What? What if I murder you because I'm a fucking psychopath? Do I not paint others as targets? Is murder because you are gay scarier than murder because I'm John Wayne Gacy and I'm a homosexual pedophile?

This level of delusion is scary.

So the DC freeway sniper was shooting people and it should have just been between him and the victims?

[–]Gishin -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

It was just an example, stop putting words in my mouth. I wouldnt call spree killers perpetrators of hate crimes, but if they instill terror in their general population then they definitely should be treated accordingly. People get enhanced charges all the time depending on the nature of the crime. If I kicked you in the balls, isnt that worse than if i kicked you in the knee? Is sticking your fingers in someone's vagina without welcome worse than sticking your finger in someone's mouth? Killing someone to instill fear in a population is more heinous than killing someone just because you felt like it. If that makes me delusional than fuck it, I don't want your myopic worldview.

[–]FadingEcho -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Separating people by who they fuck or their color perpetuates the fact that they are different color or are homosexual. I did not put any words in your mouth. Your murder example was horrendous.

Kicking anyone anywhere is not your place no matter how bad it hurts. Given the fact that everyone but straight white males belong to a victim group protected by progressives, every fucking thing can be looked at the through the progressive lens of intolerance.

Your reasoning is adolescent level at best.

[–]Gishin 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

everyone but straight white males belong to a victim group protected by progressives

Skin color, sexuality, and gender identity are protected groups you fuckwit. But I'm the one who has adolescent reasoning.

[–]SippingOnSunshine 11ポイント12ポイント  (3子コメント)

Are you serious? "society is ruined" because you should treat someone with respect? All they're asking is to be treated like other people, call them by the name they want. Having to use "her" instead of "him" isn't going to kill you. Surely it can't that hard to respect something as basic as to use pronouns someone prefers?

[–]HoratioReddacted 37ポイント38ポイント  (14子コメント)

so........ you're argument is you should not have to respect anyone if you don't want to and it's totally okay for people to degrade and marginalize an entire group of people because it's "marxist" to hold an attitude that you should treat everyone with respect?

You would have us ruled by an entire society who never learned "the golden rule" in kindergarten...

I mean hold on here, what the fuck, you said the statment "We should respect trans (and all) people for who they are" is PC whitewashing bullshit?

No one is trying to control you or change the way you think by telling you should treat all people with respect, they are trying to help you not be an asshole or a sociopath and the answer to how to do that really, truly is that simple, treat everyone with respect. Do you want to not be treated with respect?

[–]codeByNumber 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Exactly...the dude is off his rocker. The sad thing is, pointing that out only fortifies his position and feeds his delusions.

[–]Anivia_Support -4ポイント-3ポイント  (10子コメント)

so........ you're argument is you should not have to respect anyone if you don't want to


and it's totally okay for people to degrade and marginalize an entire group of people because it's "marxist" to hold an attitude that you should treat everyone with respect?

I'm gonna need a citation on that one. I never said that. Look carefully at the language here: I'm not saying it's okay to degrade and marginalize people. I'm saying its not okay for other people to enforce their own cultural standards on you. If I choose to believe something different from you that doesn't make me a bad person. You can believe whatever you want to believe.

I mean hold on here, what the fuck, you said the statment "We should respect trans (and all) people for who they are" is PC whitewashing bullshit?

Yes. You should re-read my comment and think critically about my analogy.

No one is trying to control you or change the way you think by telling you should treat all people with respect

That's literally the definition of what's being done by telling me what I should do.

they are trying to help you not be an asshole or a sociopath

Beliefs don't inherently make anyone an asshole or a sociopath, especially if they aren't expressed. How would you know that someone was a racist if they never said a racist thing? Secondarily, I frankly don't care if you think I'm an asshole, because I don't care about you.

Do you want to not be treated with respect?

I treat others with respect, and I do hope others treat me with respect as well. The two are not equated. If you wish to show respect for me, then respect the fact that I have my own beliefs, and that those beliefs might be different from yours. I certainly respect your beliefs.

[–]aleatoric 11ポイント12ポイント  (4子コメント)

I'm reading your posts, and I gotta ask... what the hell are you talking about? A society has one social "should" and all of a sudden it's some kind of Cultural Marxism?

All societies are built on shoulds and should nots. You shouldn't kill from someone. You shouldn't steal from someone. You shouldn't treat someone (including transgendered people) like shit.. These are basic tenets of most civilizations, or at least I thought they were. I didn't think I was living in a some kind of dystopia all because of an assumption that we should treat people with respect. If it is, then I wanna live in that dystopia because it sounds pretty reasonable.

Surely there is a line to be crossed where such cultural "shoulds" become excessive and harmful to the population-- and where that line is resides in a grey area that I don't think anyone could agree on. In this particular argument (respect to transgendered people), I think it resides in the "that's reasonable" side of the fence. And to think this or most other "shoulds" of decency will lead to "shoulds" of an authoritative government... Well, I think we call that one a slippery slope.

[–]HoratioReddacted -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

I do hope others treat me with respect as well

is EXACTLY the same thing as you should treat everyone with respect just said differently

you have invalidated you own thesis lol

[–]Panaphobe 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

Not quite. "I do hope other treat me with respect as well" is much more equivalent to "you should treat me (not everyone) with respect". Apparently /u/Anivia_Support is OK with this 'cultural Marxism' only if it benefits them more than others.

[–]Anivia_Support -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nah, I hope it, but I don't expect it, and if others don't respect me I'll respond in kind.

I give people exactly what they deserve.

[–]tengu38 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Being given automatic and equal respect and standing in the eyes of the law, and expecting the personal respect of every individual in society to simply be given to you by default are two different things.

The law gives equal respect to civil rights activists as well as nazi sympathizers. To expect that all individuals in society should respect a nazi sympathizer as they would a civil rights activist is absurd.

so........ you're argument is you should not have to respect anyone if you don't want to.

Precisely. You have no automatic entitlement to an individual's respect. Respect is earned and sometimes given. Not taken automatically by default.

No one is trying to control you or change the way you think by telling you should treat all people with respect, they are trying to help you not be an asshole or a sociopath.

Tell that to the #BlackLivesMatter activists that shut Bernie Sanders out of his own rally and then called the entire crowd racist simply because they're white. Progressives are absolutely trying to control people and change the way they think by hurling accusations of bigotry, misogyny, sociopathy, etc. to anyone who disagrees with their bandwagon.

[–]reverendz -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

A year ago Bruce Jenner was a joke on the Kardashians circus shit show. Now, Caitlyn Jenner is a brave hero and god help you if you say anything but that. Nobody should have to respect that person just because she transitioned from a he. I don't automatically respect anyone. What have they done to be worthy of my respect?

Equality under the law and the right to be left alone to live a life is all anyone gets. They don't get my respect just by being. There's a lot of assholes in this world and changing your sex doesn't make you any less of one.

[–]Left_Step 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I disagree with your stance on what saying "should" implies. You should return your library books, you should wait your turn in line, you should refrain from killing people. How is a phrase that implies "we all ought do this" mean "we all have to do this" to you?

[–]Leemage 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're free to be an asshole to people and I'm free to call you out on your assholery. Not really sure what's so scary and Marxist about that.

[–]Robiticjockey 11ポイント12ポイント  (49子コメント)

Ruined because we should respect people's gender identity as we learn to better understand the subject? I'd view this as progress.

[–]Anivia_Support 7ポイント8ポイント  (48子コメント)

You used that word again. should. You're trying to enforce your beliefs on other people. It's aggressive.

I don't have to respect your gender identity if I don't want to. You don't have to respect mine.

I'd view progress as people of any race, gender identity or otherwise, not taking offense to what people say about them.

Trying to enforce your own cultural standards on other people is stifling to the human condition. It's not your decision to make.

[–]Robiticjockey 14ポイント15ポイント  (37子コメント)

I feel like the arguments for why I should respect someone's gender decision have been made very well. When people make good arguments to the contrary I will reconsider. "Should" is chosen based on the best reading of available evidence.

[–]Anivia_Support 1ポイント2ポイント  (36子コメント)

You can respect whomever you want and that's totally up to you to decide. No one's telling you not to.

What I'm saying is that if you try to enforce these same beliefs on other people you're being a bully. That's what the recent episode of South Park is about.

It's not my job to adhere to your beliefs, and its not your place to tell me what to believe.

[–]workraken 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you went a bit hyperbolic on the notion of the word "should". Simple use of the word doesn't necessarily mean someone is imposing their beliefs on another, it's more of a declaration of behavior they'd like to see. The other party can then choose to submit to this or not at their own leisure. This in itself is simply a very basic level social contract, and there isn't necessarily anything wrong with that.

The problem is that simply choosing not to submit has started becoming labelled as intolerance. Simply holding a different view from the group is being antagonized. While it's true that in many cases the individual's logic is flawed, it's of course downright insane for the group to start encroaching upon the minority simply because it's a different kind of unprotected minority.

Personally, I think this has a lot to do with who holds the burden of offense. People act like they don't choose to be offended, when that doesn't really seem like the case. Some people seem to strive to be offended. Rather than placing the burden of offense on the speaker, I think it should be on the listener. When it's on the speaker, people can fabricate intentions and meanings without ever stopping to ask for clarification. In the example of transgender people, using the wrong people is considered some egregious offense. Even though the transitioning people themselves can fuck the pronouns up, even though it could be a simple mistake, and even though the existence of time muddies pronouns (Bruce Jenner definitely competed in the Olympics, not Caitlyn, as a male at that). When the burden is on the listener, they actually have to prove hostile usage in the speaker.

[–]Robiticjockey 12ポイント13ポイント  (27子コメント)

We have to disagree on that last point. I'm glad we are no longer a formally segregated society, and that racism is viewed culturally as a bad and unacceptable thing.

[–]scrantonic1ty 0ポイント1ポイント  (26子コメント)

We have to disagree on that last point.

So you do believe that it his job to adhere to your beliefs, and that it is your place to tell him what to believe?

[–]Robiticjockey 7ポイント8ポイント  (11子コメント)

I believe it is everyone's job to understand and justify their beliefs. So yes, I think I'm justified in believing that someone shouldn't assume people of certain races are lazy or dumb.

[–]cornball1111 -1ポイント0ポイント  (10子コメント)

I think the point is that after understanding and justifying your own belief you make the leap and start saying that other people should hold that same belief based on your understanding and justification.

[–]Robiticjockey 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

If they disagree, they're welcome to explain why. Until hearing a better or reasonable explanation, why should I assume they are good views?

Edit: I've yet to see a good justification for racism and segregation. Is it wrong that I think people shouldn't harbor those beliefs?

[–]l0ve2h8urbs 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

He has the right to do that, you have the right to disagree with him doing that. Difference is apparently there's enough people that agree that certain beliefs qualify as taboo that our culture has shifted against it as a whole. "Should" isn't the problem here, the problem is actually "do the ends justify the means"? some say yes and others are saying no. Neither is right or wrong as they're both opinions.

[–]Gishin 3ポイント4ポイント  (7子コメント)

It is a necessary function of society to have "shoulds" and "should nots".

[–]scrantonic1ty -4ポイント-3ポイント  (6子コメント)

Who decides what they are, and whose place is it to enforce them?

[–]Gishin 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

On a small scale, it's communally decided and enforced. Social upbringing and social interaction naturally drifts towards harmony lest the community tears itself apart. It is enforced through social pressure. It tends to be fluid and what is socially acceptable or not can change over periods of time. Some things aren't clear cut and people can debate and fight over certain issues, but usually with enough time a consensus is eventually reached. When it gets larger, as best as we have been able to manage is a democratic republic to represent our interests and they decide, based on the society's input, the shoulds and should nots on a more strict basis. This is then codified into something called "laws" and enforced by police.

[–]j3utton 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We do, as a society, with reason and logic backed up by empirical evidence.

[–]j3utton 3ポイント4ポイント  (5子コメント)

Beliefs need to be backed up by reason or fact. We as a society expand and extend our beliefs and knowledge through empirical evidence and discovery.

An individual is free to believe whatever they want, but as a society, it's our responsibility to encourage individuals to correct beliefs we understand to be wrong.

He can believe unicorns are real... we should explain they aren't.

He can believe the world is flat and the center of the universe... we should explain it isn't and educate him on astronomy.

He can hate gay people... we should explain to him that gay people are not a cause for concern.

If he has evidence to support his view over the a more generally accepted view, he is encouraged to present it and add to the discussion. However, absent additional evidence that refutes a generally accepted and supported position, the accepted position should be favored over the unsupported one.

[–]scrantonic1ty 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

What if he doesn't care to change anyone's views, but simply would like to be left alone with his?

[–]j3utton 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

Then no harm no foul. Him having views contrary to those that are socially accepted or law isn't the problem. It's when he acts on those views and does damage to society that it becomes a problem. The severity of the problem is equivalent to the amount of harm done.

Someone being a offended he used the wrong pronoun isn't something to lose any sleep over, he may get called a 'bigot' for it.

If he were to say, deny people the right to marry by illegally withholding marriage certificates from them based on his beliefs... then a stronger response might be required.

[–]Killgraft 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's a free country; you can say whatever you want to say. It also means people can disagree with you and talk about how they feel other people should act. You are also free to completely disregard their opinions or tell em to fuck off. That's not cultural marxism; that's just having a conversation.

[–]HoratioReddacted 4ポイント5ポイント  (4子コメント)

Right, but if you don't treat someone with basic dignity and a bit of human to human respect based on things outside of their control like their race, gender or sexual orientation.... you're an asshole. I'm sorry! I'm liberal so I'm all about PC, I shall correct:

You're a shitty bigot.

You're still right, you don't have to accept anyone, you don't have to respect anyone, you can make racial slurs and homophobic jokes and yell "hey...MAN!" at Caitlyn Jenner all day but understand that those behaviors have a consequence, you will seem like an asshole and will be treated as such. And no, that doesn't mean anyone is being aggressive or taking away some freedom it is the natural consequence of choosing to not respect others. I fully support your right to choose that but understand the consequences of such a decision are yours and yours alone. In other words I can't tell you what to believe and you can't tell me my beliefs are wrong and I believ you are a huge asshole. This is shitty for you as most of society would now agree with me which I guess is what you're complaining about, its not that we've become super PC it's that attitudes about minorties, sexual, racial religious, etc have changed a lot and some people's views , which used to be mainstream, no longer are. You don't have to accept that, but it doesn't make it less true and it would be easier for you if you did, but I'm not saying what you should or shouldn't do.

[–]Anivia_Support -4ポイント-3ポイント  (3子コメント)

you don't have to accept anyone, you don't have to respect anyone, you can make racial slurs and homophobic jokes and yell "hey...MAN!" at Caitlyn Jenner all day but understand that those behaviors have a consequence, you will seem like an asshole and will be treated as such.

See, here's your fundamental failure:

You equate this part:

you don't have to accept anyone, you don't have to respect anyone,

With this part:

ou can make racial slurs and homophobic jokes and yell "hey...MAN!" at Caitlyn Jenner all day

But the two aren't equal. Acceptance or respect of someone is a belief held internally. To make racial slurs and homophobic jokes is an outwardly hostile aggressive action. To hold beliefs and to take actions are completely separate. We're talking about the imperative of thought.

[–]NespreSilver 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think it's easy to equate the two because for a long time not respecting someone's race/sexuality/gender did go hand-in-hand with outward aggressions. Or, if not actual verbal or physical slings, then the support of laws and mores that directly hurt people.

[–]HoratioReddacted 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

So if you don't respect trans people how would you interact with one?

[–]Anivia_Support 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know why you're making assumptions about what my beliefs are regarding transgender people. I haven't even made a single statement about anything to do with transgender people. I have been talking about cultural marxism.

If you want to speak specifically about transgender people, my personal belief is "I don't give a shit what you choose to do with your body unless you are hurting other people." My uncle is transgender, and I love him very much.

[–]Sir_Abraham_Nixon 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I gotta tell you, you've really opened my eyes here and I thank you for that. I'm guilty of doing this all the time and I had no idea the profound implications of saying "should". It really is aggressive and it's so prevalent that it's easy not to notice.

[–]Hazozat 12ポイント13ポイント  (7子コメント)

You're basically a raving reverse SJW. "Your use of the word should is oppressing me!" It's hilarious.

[–]the_naysayer 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I thought it was funny as well.

[–]Anivia_Support 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

I'm not being oppressed. I'm just saying I don't give a shit about what you think I should believe.

[–]audacian 5ポイント6ポイント  (3子コメント)

Then why are you concerned about people saying how you should be? People can say whatever they want, can't they? If you choose not to act a certain way, that's on you, and people are similarly free to not give a shit what you think and think you're a jerk, for example.

[–]Anivia_Support -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Actions and beliefs are separate. I don't care if you think I'm a jerk.

[–]Gishin 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Why not? I don't want to be a jerk, and would like to know if someone thinks I'm being a jerk so I can reflect on that. You need an outside perception in order to truly evaluate the kind of person you are.

[–]Anivia_Support -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know exactly who I am, and I don't care what kind of person you think I am. I don't concern myself with your opinion because your opinion is not valuable to me.

[–]Flowah 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

You used that word again. should. You're trying to enforce your beliefs on other people. It's aggressive.


Fucking call me when we legislate feelings and words. Until then, we're doing the exact same thing as you are. Expressing the way we think and how we think others should think. We're not "enforcing" it any more than you're enforcing your bullshit standard by telling us what it is.

Do people beat you up if you don't "comply?" Do you go to prison? Do you get sued?

Then shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.

Trying to enforce your own cultural standards on other people is stifling to the human condition. It's not your decision to make.

You don't quite understand what the fuck cultural standards are, do you? It is nothing if not a standard created and perpetuated and changed by the aggregate of human society. It is made and influenced by those who seek to do so.

[–]Anivia_Support -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

First let me start by saying you seem like an extremely rational and sane individual.

we're doing the exact same thing as you are.

Who is we, and what is it that you're doing?

your bullshit standard

What? You mean the part where people telling me what to think is wrong?

Do people beat you up if you don't "comply?" Do you go to prison? Do you get sued?

I don't know what you're referring to, and I also don't know why you're so angry.

Then shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.

I'd make you look foolish for such a petty comment, but you do a better job of it to yourself than I ever could.

If you decide you have something coherent to say I'd be happy to entertain it.

[–]quietthomas 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Your grand mother example is lifted straight from Zizek, who is himself a Stalinist (the mode he was trying to describe in contrast to neo-liberal post modernism... nothing to do with Marxism, he was actually saying that the first one was Stalinist/Marxist and the second one was neo-liberal post modernism).


Sorry dude, community standards have always existed (and they include little boys loving their Grandmothers).

And sorry dude, The Frankfurt School ended in the 1970s when rival ideas from The Birmingham School took over. Their main difference was that the Frankfurt School believed consumers of culture were passive sponges sucking up hegemonic messages. Where as The Birmingham School (who ultimately won influence) argued that the Cultural consumer class and Cultural producer class were becoming one thing (basically predicting things like YouTube). This (quite unMarxist class mixing viewpoint) led the way for post modernism... so there's been 35 years of non-Frankfurt School influence in Cultural Studies. Complaining about "Cultural Marxism" today is the equivalent of a banker complaining about Stagflation or Reaganomics... it's well out of date.

Ultimately Technology is giving everyone a voice (not "Frankfurt School Marxism") - there are no Marxists coming for your free speech in the middle of the night.

P.S Also, the west was never interested in adopting Soviet Marxism - not because the west had "Strong traditional Christian values" (as "it's all Cultural Marxism" types advocate) but because unlike Russia - The West already had a fully functioning democratic system (and that sort of thing is quite good for preventing revolutions).

[TL:DR] "Cultural Marxism" lost influence in the 70s

[–]Viat0r 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

THANK YOU. I was about to call out the Zizek misinterpretation, glad I checked first.

[–]miasmic 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

But in the second case you get a societally enforced imperative, whereas the first is just the imperative of a direct order, which still allows you the safety of your own thoughts.

That explains a lot of times I've felt frustrated but didn't really understand why.

[–]Death_by_carfire 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yep. Universities are totalitarian, ivy-covered mini-North Koreas, right?

Cultural Marxism is still a conspiracy theory.

[–]dakotax6 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes... Nazi Germany was a bastion of free thought... Night of the long knives no real... You're a fucking idiot.